The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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7 An'CHTPEMrAT 4 II 1273 INDIAN ORCHARD two My husband said Excursion to GOING A Trave! by Train fe" what I call 0 ow this is a IX COLLISION read ood CITY NEWS NOTES ith no Itcs gievct' bahedj nor1 a' T'ins Hied to the night Silaa I "9 1 v' A rc JO the ague ftprtngrteid Hartford Meriden 5P Transatlantic telephone service now links America with 21 foreign coun 'tries pts ttl: 55 pm 10:50 11:30 81:58 4:15 5:40 Round Trip 'Limited number of ticket! on tale at ticket officer noo 1U 3 Philadelphia Washington pm pm pm piK pilAi nix Unless Year is CONVENTION MAY ASSEMBLE HERE last wau Savings Institution Policies Now Obtainable Here at ive Cents Establishment ALBERT VINCENT EELS SURE MANY VOTES CONGREGATIONALISTS TO ATTEND MEETING ment They learned of it entirety fe i of mouth recommendation The amazing success of muscle Tone is due to the fact that it plies needed medication by means of inunction It neutralizes accumulat ed toxins absorbs them and relieves congested tissues Pain goes Joints become limber Yet you take no vio lent drugs to upset the stomachs Nothing is taken internally muscles tone is applied directly to the part affected Yet it is not a liniment a nor a counter irritant St irritate a skin so' bland and cool and soothing is it It 'Would seem that all old theories of ending rheumatism pains ars saw jnade obsolete We urge only that you make this 2est muscletone is now obtainable at any drug stere Buy it today Use one half the bottle and if you are not amazed return the remain ing half to the druggist and he will refund oney The price 'OO is $54897 and the total folders cashed is $31609 mer venue of 427 had LIE INSURANCE AGENCY AT BANK 150 DELEGATES ATTEND SESSIONS Connecticut Valley Metnbers to Go to All New England Regional Conference heading Congregationalisti from 4he Connecticut churches will at tend the second ali Kew England re gional taxjetleif 'Congregationalists at irs': nd South Congregational churches at New Britain Ct the 26th 27ih and 28th The conference will be held unde? the auspices of the New England regional committee of the commission on missions and the meetings will be featured by addresses by leaders in the mission fields and re turned missionaries There will be special meetings for men women nd young people Among those from the Connecticut Delivered fresh tjtvta? tiaiiy to yotif grocery The mysterious manner in which a crate of chickens traveled troni the back of a truck on Dwight street to the bedroom Archie Bage on Sharon street will probably be divulged in district court this morning The chickens property of Barnett Engelson of 1162 Dwight street disappeared from his truck while he was buy ing at a ata nd A pathf feathers leading to Sharon trees brought Mr Engelson and two officers to house These they discovered the fowl Page was astonished at the presence of the crate on his bed room floor The otlicers Sergt John A Swift and Patrolman Daniel I amgr though that the court would enjoy such my aery story and arrested Page oai of larceny and drunken ness will be arraigned in district court seda? Ham a Cox i treasurer Rooneys flnancia? Mary 'ul verhouse tary ltor Mis a Ann rmpr and: Airs Samuel rancis Miss Helen Rooney trustee Eugene Lynch John Nolan and Miss Agnes Brouillette organist Miss Helen Conroy banner bearer Miss Bessie Bannon The newly elected officers will be field distrief Mrs Henry Kane Mr ranklin Knotts Airs Bean Mrs HillerMrs Leslie Mrs Tinker Airs Jonathan Cartmill Miss Adelude lack Miss Kim ball pier worker East boston Mrs Underhill and Airs faw days according to Du pree vice president Eczema in Pimples Caused Great Disfigurement Cuticura Heals to urn into Mam side KUiUlW and detoured because a new 1 fl 1 If Cl fl inn $iK itxiuii it $5sedy had! lowed i'f roasing the nt i rc iii Lfi a rrosa Heof track when down on Yiit the left year of swung it sround six inch curb and The 3 installed at a meeting to be heltDat Springfield about November 1 This meeting will be a' iolnt instalatlon and initiation meeting at which a class of 30 new mempera win oe iniuauw nigh? 30 Sheehan i aid i ha noon udins with ierma IV jhen ne ffic etanaio i mot 3 Crate of Chickens Mystery Occupant Of Bedroom 3182: 'ID 1340 2B 1228 2 1243 3G 1005 1071 valley who will attend are: Rev and Mrs Robinson and Miss Dorothy Miller from Grace church Holyoke Miss Hattie Teachont of Second Con gregational church at Holyoke Dr and Airs Elliott Brown of irst church Holyoke: Mrs Barclay Simmons of irst church Chicopee Mrs Wood of irst Congregational church tliis city: Airs Harry Gay of aith Congregational church Rev and Airs Walter Aiken of Mittineague Mrs 'AVood of Westfield Mrs Edward Payson Berry wife of the pastor of Memorial church! Airs Mary Reed of Hope church and Aliss Alary A Saw yer of Holyoke Lv Lv Haven Lv Bridgeport Due WBhiladelpliia Duo Washington Jlim'KNIXM LvX sJMtngfoK a10Philadelphis at the ini Seiiool havings Report Tlie report of ths school savings for the month ending September 30 and released late: last night shows that 29 new accounts' have been made that Word is Received at Cham ber That City is avorably Considered The National Wholesale ossoviation convention may come to Springfield next year Word has been received by Secre tary Adrian Potter of the Conven tion bureau of the Springfield Cham ber of Commerce that the convention closing txiay at rench Lick Ind is considering the' invitation of Spring field favorably Tho convention will make tlie decision today Secretary Potter said that he had tried to direct the convention here in an invitation extended a year or two ago He said that he had heard noth ing since and that he looks forward to the prospect of their convening here next year Mr Potter said that A Altieri pres ident of the Massachusetts Pharma ceutical association had returned from the convention of the National Retail association nt Minneapolis: recently He stated he had helped to locate many of the conventions here and had probably influenced the wholesalers to consider Springfield Mr Altieri is propritfor of the South End Pharmacy Work Among Negroes De scribed al Opening cf Women's Home Missionary Convention About 150 delegates yesterday at tended the opening sessions of the an nual two day meeting of the Women's Horne Missionary society of the New England Methodist conference at Trin ity Alethodist Episcopal church At last meeting Mrs Alanley Allbrlght secretary of young people's work for the Alassacliusetts Congre gational Conference and Missionary society described the Work among Negro schools in the South She gave a picturesque and appealing account of the attempt of the Negroes to ob tain an education for their children A feature of the evening session was a half hour carillon program by Mrs Edward Snyder Jr Rev Dr red Winslow Adams led in worship and Airs Adams was the soloist The afternoon meeting was devoted to addresses and reports Miss rances Barber told of the work the confer ence is doing at the Roxbury home for Negroes and of the nursery schools where Negro working mothers can leave their children She also de scribed the sewing classes for women and the clubs Mrs A Nies wife of the dis trict superintendent led in the devo tional exercises Airs George A ox chairman nt the local committee of arrangements welcomed the delegates and Airs Clifford Lovell president made the response Airs Lovell also presided at the session Mrs Robert Allen gave the report of the recording secretary and Mrs Lockwood reported on the attendance Mrs A Harrison described the service for the young people Mrs Don Leon ard told how supplies are distributed and Airs S'A Phinney of the work in interesting juniors in missionary s'crw ice The treasurer Airs I Sanborn reported a successful financial year Officers will be elected this noon At the session morning mere will be brief addresses by Mrs A Reynders president of the Spring 'Ilir Irt Kiliif if'jjy IPhrfttfx street the Afenorial ho pit ni ivh ut a ted iJ tell I'f a nil romublle at and Woi ihhigtoa otfeet 9ne which cuSlinte eio nag him in the road 1 bv two men snd Ar ar stem where a fh hi iv first aid treat him taken the JortnikeB nUr' McKenon The Springfield ive Cents savings bank has announced the establish ment of an agency for Alassacliusetts savings bank life insurance the first of its kind in the city Through this plan which has been in existence In the state for about 10 years the pub lic may obtain life insurance policies in amounts up to $1000 per person from each of the 12 issuing banks in the state All banks issuing these policies are under state supervision and the in surance lias all of the security ad vantage of a savings bunk Although the maximum amount for any individ ual single bank is $1000 poli cies of as small as $250 are Issued for adults while infant policies pro viding for coverage of $10 and up are also obtainable The cost of this form of insurance is said to bo from 25 to 30 per cent lower than that of other plans the premiums being largely taken care of by the interest on the monthly deposits and the earnings of the accufnula ted payments Linder the present arrangement whereby there are only 12 issuing banks in the state the most insur ance any one individual can obtain is $12000 The local nistitution will not be one of the policy issuing banks but will serve as agent for tlie 12 banks In the state that are A considerable drop from total of registered voters was revealed last night when the registrars of vot ers closed their doors after the final special session for registration prior to tlu? municipal primary This total is 55292 which is approximate ly 4(00 less than last year's total of registered voters Registration was light throughout the day yesterday as it has been dur ing the entire period immediately pre ceding tills final session The total for the day up to 5 in the afternoon was 40 men and 25 women The spe cial evening session brought out 46 more men and 29 women making a total for tlie day of 110 Tlie regisi ration total up to August 8 when the special sessions started was 54827 Since that date 465 names have been added to the lists bringing the final figure to 55292 With such amount of The Sum school with an enrolment collections amounting QUALITY SHOWS UT AT A GLANCE In fine grained even texlure in the smooth tender crust golden brown in color Of course have to taste it to test the flavor but one bite reveals the quality there Job ziieg Maes MUSCLETOXB hao wiuchr good tat fiuiMt were red blotches on my face and my skin was peeling Later eczema broke out in pimples and caused great disfigurement Aly skin was very itchy and burned great deal causing mo to scratch Tlie trouble lasted about two months i night I read an advertisem*nt for Cuticura Soap and Ointment and sent for a free sample WI i the sample was finished I purchased Kipn and after using four cakes of Cuticura Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was (Signed) Miss Vioict Landry 121 Howard Ave New Ce lford Mssr J5'? 25 nfrent 23 and SCc Tafcsm ld Semsk ensli ree ILLS ittsfield Grocer Owes Has 12650 AsMh Boston 'De 5 a bank ruptcy petition was filed in the court here yesterday by Richard Ellis of 521 South Pittsfield a grocer Ho owes $6709 and has $2650 assets He name 50 unsecured creditors 1SABELLANS ELECT OICERS Agnes Iioniielly Chosen Regent at Magna Circle Meeting IJie annua! meeting if Magna circle Daughters of Isabella was held at the Knights of Columbus rooms Tuesday night and the rouowin elected xs officers: Regent Ames Donnellys vlce regen John Keegan chancellor Mrs Wil Nee custodian Aliss Margaret (ueraiaine secre8aryo Miss recording aecre Mis Catherine ogurtyf mon Aliss Row? Donnelly guides Uettir gs and Airs George guards Miss Marion McGann scribe Airs 1027 3C 3 1444 1202: IB 1041 I 1407 5D 6C 6 1830: 7A 1517: 7D 1419 SB 1395 8C 1158 There will be reports from Airs Thompson of Boston Airs Emery of Cambridge Mrs Bat ting of Lynn Airs VV Culver of this city and Airs H( II Baine of Worcester Airs Balmer will speak on the wonders accomplished by prayer In sue aiternoon Alary Roe' dressed in costume wilA dev scribe work for Amerieart fno dian embodying first nand infe rmaej tion gathered by herself hes trtnilo ed travels (At REPORTS HIS CAMP ENTERED AND ROBBED i Culver of 30 Churchill street reported the police yesterday that hi ramt at West Stafford Ct had been entered and robbed some time during the past week He estimated that ttpiiroxiniately Slitf words goods were tolen Th Ust stoiere goads includeiS' a radio a Bosch speaker a Bage Cutvis two shot 22 caliber rifle a Winchester caliber rifle end two flash hgbLSo Snf't jUroatfS tastv always 1 pure 1 always A 1'hts hour vs shut Stockman lily ownei of the atito received cut on the sido of hood which required Htitchcn to close but the three other occupants of his cw 'vrre uninjured rederick Bready ul Littleton street this city was the Ariver the ear and the other vcupauts sue ar acre girls The flr'o'tly was tin nnn from Chicopee to this city In charge Alotorruais TV Traham of 59 Waverly tret this city and ConducW Murdock of 2851 Main tree0 Vafolman rank Ka vene ef police in vestigated Th ufutnuM'te SciKi I 'reeto i to ExcbAUKts in concrete ifrirkpf iMunre I the car oowir trolly tr ko an then way ne had nearly he he troll fiim Khe the automobile nushed it over the fenockerl It onto the hydrant automobile snapped the hydrant off and lodged directly on top of it The car went for some distance after hit ting the automobile before stopping Dr treated Belden and then Belden and the other mem bers of the party were taken to their homes in passing automobiles Sunday October 6 LEAVES SAlTJRDA GIOBER 1 were Miss Mrsj a a THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN' SPRINGIELD MASS: THURSDAY OCTOBE I at Malm ani? HolyoSe streets trolreaa WiAhmw Unune oa of (Jruuketiness drunkere fils machine Trashed side a trolly on Main street McKenoio drove out: of Holyoke street rnd la attempting street raw ills Hg Meet inc Post Asts she inclement we: moo ting of the Colored iv Nurse Gains 7 Hist? in 2 Weeks witft Yeast and iron Councilmanic Candidate in Ward 7 Expresses Hope for ighting Chance Albert Vincent a candidate for Republican nomination for council man from ward tilted yesterday that assurances of support are being made to him by persons in many dif ferent parts of tlie world Realizing he does not have the ad vantage which goes with a candidate for re election Vincent declared he was making every effort to demon strate to the voters in his ward his business ability by running an effi cient campaign He said he had prac tii illy decided on a campaign mana ger and that meeting would prob ably bo held today by several of Ins 'stonuch supporters and an organiza tion set up to handle the details of the whirlwind campaign which he promises for the next two weeks be fore th? primaries Vincent stated he Rad secured the figures showing the result of the nomination battle two years ago when five candidates entered the field for the two councilmanic berths After analyzing these he feels more opti mistic than ever that ho has a fight ing chance jo win one of the two seats vacant this year He pointed out that in spite of the fact that one of his opponents this year had many contact with voters in the ward through the posi tion of precinct warden he only poll ed 609 out of 2546 votes cast in the municipal primar two years ago Vin cent also drexv attention to the fact that the same opponent ran well be hind the third man in this year con test Reference to the figures of the prim ary which Vincent mentioned dis closes that A Olin the lead ing winner in that race polled 675 votes James Bigelow drew 609 votes With only' three candidates in the field this year it appears Bigelow wiU need to orrat everal hundred more votes than he received two years ago in order to avoid being un seated Vincent say lightreist ration party leaders are in clined to fear that voting will be light tliis year Unless more interest is manifested in the primary than has been sliown in the special sessions for registration the total of votes cast on the loth may be the smallest in re cent years The number of registered voters by precincts up to 5 yesterday afternoon follows: 1A 912: IB 1186 1C 984 IE 749 I 836: 896: 2C 1296 2D 1567 2 1811 3A 1172 3B 3D 1340 3E 1 573 1111 Illi 1216: 4A 4U 957 4D 1131 IE 54 1046 5B 922 I 5E 1652: 6A 973 6B fD 1504 6E 1054 1123 7B 1170 1 7E 1159: SA 1359 HYDRANT BROKEN WHEN TROLLY HITSAUTO IN CHICOPEE i 8 i ITT tastes like the kind you tised to hake has real substance you know youre eating something whei you eat this breads0 the sort thing that husbands are saying these days to who eetvc thenS Hathaway's Breadl Hathaway1 Bread Is £uch a satisfying loaL for iCs made from nourishing ingredients good rich milk highest grade blended flours the best yeast that cart be bought the finest shortening pure cane MigiU3 and refined crystal iilu And then of course we bake jt better thatt even you1 could for all your care in per fleetly regulated ovens 'at steady even tem perature just Jong enough eq bring out every bit of deliciousncss stored vay jrt those qtiaJ ity ingredien underdone are i jiurse at the hosnltal writes Miss Alartha Burns "and want to let you know that I am glai to recommend ou Ironizsd Yoast" gave me a good appetiser Jsot strong and gained pounds A weeks I could write alb day abaol hoy much good Ironized Yeast You would be surprised at tJv Strength gained in 3 or 4 People evervwhere are smareH the wonderful benefits of Teas? Alaay write they were doubt wliere Shey started But aftei taking it for 2 or 4 weeks fh'y gaiaed 5 to 15 pounds Ugly hvllaw fill ftllt Skinnv limbs become graoMfull rounded Bieme ished sklis reis and beautiful Only when T'easfe is Irontzed I more ffective tfor Iron is needad lo bring oiit the weight building and strengthening values of Pleas ant tablet in a handy bottle Never cause gas vg 1 loatSBS no Jarnie ful drugs So certain ana? iti awnaz Ing health benefits ot ironized Yeast that the small amount you pay fol the first bottle will be promptly re funded by youf own druggist or' tn manufacturer if you are not dsltgb tad tout to bflf rne of ML'BCLEo IT IW Woldes setiea fPONE 90 given 1 alireja feere fl o' Antoni ie() Party Leaders ear Light Vote in Primaries More Interest is Shown Total or This 55292 Do 70U honestty sto anti lasting relief from the paini of rheiio lumbago sciatica neuralo gia? Science has proven these trou bles needless A peat ay has been found to end muscular agony and distress so amazingly speedy that It seems almost miraculous Pain actucUy stops in 7 to 10 minutes and may forgotten Chronic cases and those jjnusually severe will of coursS require continued treatment for a wliile This would be only natural Yet often less titan a single bottle is enough for complete relief even in most "severe conditions of long Stajiding This new discovery is known stS1 a Jt (7s muscletone It was found by Dr Chapin a famous physician of New York Now almost a million people ffWS Gave used the muscletone treat Plco "Tour run express myself highly enough 1s appreciation of hat It hsr flow for me havs Seen with3 neunrt fo wi? Anecfl some fiiYie aYs a Afto er tbs hitf application palw In mv fnck anil ms lx rfcc? condition Also found your i ory rood for headache pllrd same inJ Amazed to ire wonderful ierll MUSt'TE TONE helped moffe than fcis "rery jrlsl £1 ev 0 041 Tnirnen yrn euia will novet Yav Vv mir ycr bare trTed 'avion A Ci 1 4' i'l 1 Voi irey worelo remnrkanie you nnd bottle 1 01 eirzoike a Southbridge Youth Slightly Hurt en HI? Ankle Elzea? Bonnette 16 nr 180 Me chanic street Southbridge was slight ly injured yesterday morning when the truck lie was driving wav in col lision with a ar driven fty elix Bourle 'aiji of 26 Huntington street Tlie accident which occurred at the littersection nt threw and avenue was the result rech of the drivers vhinkinff the ahe? was foing to stop Both him were damaged Bontietw sustained uis tin ankh He ku uttendei Greane ot larew tn cs it 1nteroectiol1 hrrtoK otrr Thousands of Gallons of Water Pours Into Street lEarly This Morning Before I St is Stopped 8 Thousands of gallon? of wi to waste in Chicopee early vliis wiorn whin Sprlrifcfleld louna trolly hit avi s'utomobile It MrCmnd pushed it for 30 feei and final I iyithrew it up over the curb and onto I a tflre hydrant breaking the hydrant I at the corner of And Ks I change streets ChicopeeTIib accident incurred Ijiornlng anA tnoye iliac passed before the hydrant 'OffJ Clarence Belden ot 23 street RHEUMATISM PAIN 7 10 'niinutes Registration of Voters 4000 Less Than Last Year 4 a 'f 14 Mustard JHiaar 1 I I fl ol a 4 I a 1 II IB WI 'Hl 1 4B a wa 9 a stiruvn fj it? i sic as erw'i i '1 ojuoie rag yV'" 11 45 pa kM j'' "SMil dicing tt he I 0 eg fl a fl 9 3 0 I a i i II I vl I A 0 1 1 a I a 1 RM 1 ft I I 'I iM MSfBWlwWWy C9 MjWL I 'he fu'nernl of Mm Gicn 55? ri Li 1 pf 2 iiH tri in Si) tYTIilU i ft rerere re 1 3 1929 i vB tj I 3 05 SMi 1 b' 0.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

Who are the founding fathers of Springfield MA? ›

Historical Perspective

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Why is Springfield so famous? ›

It was the originator of the game of basketball, vulcanized rubber, and the Merriam-Webster dictionary. It was the hometown of the children's writer Theodor Geisel, a.k.a. Dr.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

The Erlen Group is a family-owned group of companies, with assets like the Springfield Underground, Cold Zone, the Frisco Building and Lime Light Development, a developer of industrial parks and warehouses in southwest Missouri, according to the company website.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Pros of living in Massachusetts

Living in Massachusetts provides a blend of historical charm and modern amenities, making it a great place to live. The state has a robust educational system and a thriving job market, offering ample opportunities for personal and professional growth.

Who owns MassLive? ›

MassLive is owned by Advance Local, a unit of Advance Publications, which also owns American City Business Journals, the parent company of the Boston Business Journal, as well as Condé Nast, The Republican newspaper in Springfield and other media and entertainment companies.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

Which president was from Springfield? ›

For nearly 23 years, Springfield was the center of Abraham Lincoln's life – his social, legal and political world. Historian Michael Nelson wrote: Lincoln thrived in Springfield: he lived there… longer by far than in any other place.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Was Springfield ever the capital of Massachusetts? ›

And the first governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Was Springfield ever the capital of Massachusetts? Not to my knowledge. It was named after a town in England and became a “city” after Smith and Wesson chose it to manufacture weapons there.

Why do they call Springfield Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

A panoramic view of Springfield, as seen in The Simpsons Movie (2007). According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

Why are so many towns named Springfield? ›

Most of these towns are named, directly or indirectly, for Springfield, Massachusetts, an important American manufacturing center during the nation's first century.

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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Author information

Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.