The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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arninurioiw uniut taOreo i Social and Personal Autumn Store Hours: 9 A to Mt Including Saturddys SULLTVAT i That eature Each 1 t' Mirrors and letropolltM of and Mr eliminated 6na' througioat Uta The Polo Matches Proved the Universal there are 60 ways SHO ashion of ORBES WALLACE Moxie Dealers: Moxieland Sept 15 4 am "to from son Eton some and building between si GOUNCILTO DECIDE ABOUT CAB STANDS UR narrow fur collars narrow 7 fur cuffs narrow fur edges to define tunhhnes The ammis READING ANTHRA There are scores of ways to serve Star and all' delightful because of that exquisite What flavor At your dealers If you do not get prompt attention advise us stay in Washington Philadelphia andNew lork in bright colors often appliqued as the only trimming on the frock drain tn every accepted nerc wrelection OB SALE MARVINS SEtaSieTtL The householder fort asset 'Promt "CarluloCoit i just received HynLLn Kelton Hazen Invitations are in the mails for the wedding of Miss Ruth Kelton daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Kelton of Westernview street and Dr Bryant Hazen of Lopgmeadow The wedding will take place on Saturday evening October 11 at 730 at aith Congrega tional church Rev Dr Claude Allen McKay will officiate' Entertainment for Leaders Mrs William Shuart of Maple street entertained at a luncheon at the Colony club on a recent after noon in honor of Mrs Jane Detter Rippin of New York city national head of the Girl Scout organization and Mrs James Storrow of Bos ton chairman of the home depart ment of the Eastern States exposi tion PARENTS ANNOUNCE SECRET MARRIAGE i ARMOUiriKB COMPANY REDERICK LAKE Local Manager 152 Lyman St Tel River 1722 Springfield Art Linen Shop 338 Bridge St Near Dwight' St cocoa the smart sljade for all and many tantones varied by blues and greens A majority in black (Dresses Seeosd leer) things oii ebruary 14 A musfca! evening will be arranged for ebru ary 24 and on March 28 the club wit hold a rummage sale for the benefit of the scholarship fund The annual meeting will be April 18 Members will prepare early in the season for an elaborate pageant on May 12 and the club year will close with a field day oi June 13 Maynard 8M State CO A to Ir OLD COMPA lehigh: Mrs" Brigham at Convention Mrs red Brigham of Bowdoin street left last night for Worcester to attend the meeting of the platform committee of which she is a member preceding the Republican convention there tomorrow Mr and Mrs Culver of Clif ford street have just returned from New York city where Mr Culver has been attending a convention of rail road men Miss Bertha McConkejX formerly resistant superintendent of schools in Springfield will leave today forMiami la where she will open her private school the Biscayne Bay Miss Dorothy Parkman will accompany her 376 MAIN duration Phone your Moxie Jobber to submit an Order at once for your signature The 'w a Social dance 't were Misses Lillian A Decided lare at the Wrist Gives These Gloves Their Autumn Smartness $350 This glace kid glove pt very fine quality comes in black and white beaver and mode or brown and mode Koss and Misses Elvina and Ectorire Belheurneur Mt and Mrs Arthur Vic tory chaperoned Tuesday night the Wide Awake club will give a theater party at Court Square theater In honor of the club leader Miss Margaret Dearstyne On the night of October 7 the dustrial department will hold the first banquet of the season at the A Miss Beals club president will preside BUSINESS WOMEN HAV BIG SEASON PLANNED Sketched rom "Stock Black satin with red in its collar at the wrist and a border at the hem and fur banding $3500 Chamoisuede Gloves $100 With smart novelty cuffs and in the very correct shades beaver mode covert and cocoa these gloves offer an unusual amount of style and satisfactory wear at 4 their low price (Gloves Mala loor) Bazar and Guest Night Among eatures of 1924 25 Season A bazar guest night' with speaker High School of Commerce night Christinas party musical evenings and a field day are among the attractive events announced by the Springfield Business and Professional Women club in their year book which has just been published Officers for the vear are: President Mrs Ida Blakeslee vice president Miss Grace Noyes: recording secretary Miss Mildred A rench corresponding secretary Mrs Ruth Waite' Shaw: treasurer Miss Elizabeth Hezlitt The club will hold a birthday party on the 27th when a delightful pro gram will" be offered All meetings unless otherwise announced are at the Women's club on Spring street Dr Jessie Law will give current events on the evening of October 4 and on October 25 Miss Dorothy Chilson will be the guest at a High School of Commerce night Novem ber 4 the members will meet for a noon luncheon at which there will be a speaker The next big event will be Novem ber 22 when a bazar will be held in the clubhouse for the benefit of the scholarship fund Guest night will be observed on December 9 when therewill be an out of town speaker The date of the annual Christmas party is December 20 On January 6 following a business meeting some popular i ks will be reviewed and on January 20 there will be another noonday luncheon with speaker A business meeting with Valentine party will be the order of laUttMais nual conferenes city and' planning boards he few! In WV cester October wu rwcelveu M' Mnv CP srel frtm ytPR Oix yesterday iTh cftywH pmhably be represented at the con 1 1 a ri to $198 V5 A favor I a 15 inch condCit to be known a the Gunn brook drain A hearing on the proposed reloca tion of the street railway tracks at the Berkshire avenue bridge will be held Another hearing will be that on gasoline and garage licenses It is expected that the so callSd men's which the filling station proprietors are reported to have entered into for the purpose of maintaining may cause this matter to be sent into com mittee No order affecting the operation of interstate busses between this city and others hag been placed on the IzCLLVllUct 1 No Traffic Jams Caused No traffic jams were caused yester day by the new pass around the of ficer system ordered by the poiicc commission Thursday The public usually followed the signal without quibble The officers themselves for got at times and ordered machines in front of them The change is pri marily for safety purposes Hats With Pom Poms n't a rook LhlS iNUSt V7cck drawn from every part of the imart world ahowfeda decided preference for this close fitting small hat with a pom pom i eatured at 095 In unbound felt or plush or velvet bound felt it makes its appearance often in the deep reds often in brown tones And now it comes to the fashion store where for today it will have a featured selling at an important price (MUliry Secoud leur) Visitors Cordially Invited to 'Look Over Our Line of Choice Imported and Domestic Stamped Goods Imported Tapestries Hand Embroidered Italian Linens Silk Underwear and Hosiery Toilet Goods ALLS ART NEEDLEWORK SHOP Women's Specialties 20 Vernon St 8100 $169 avorable Reports Will Be Received on Plans to Es tablish Street Gas Petitions The order fixing definite stands for taxicabs will be before the city ccunci' Monday night following the favorable report of the rules ofthe road com mittee of the aidermen A list of proposed stands will be appended The Lyman street widening plan was definitely killed by the publie works board in a meeting yesterday avorable reports' will be read on the petition tor estaonsning line on Oakland street Orange and Allen streets able report is to fllOT for ACTIVITIES GET4JNDERWAY industrial department of the A opened its winter season of events Thursday night with a given by the Loyal club The was furnished by Walling orchestra Among those pies cind RENEW VOWS ON SILVER WEDDING Mr and Mrs Joseph LeGros cf 22S Mill streetcelebrated the 25th anni versary of their marriage with a nup tlal high in St Joseph's church yesterday morning a family dinner party In the afternoon and a large reception which was an event of the evening Mr and Mrs LeGros had with them for the day several out of town guests including Mrs LaBame and Mrs red Beloin of Bridgeport C't and Mrs Herbert of New Haven Ct The mass which took place at o'clock was celebrated by Rev Hor midas Remy Mr and Mrs LeQros will leave today for a second wedding trip over the same territory they visited 25 years ago on theiiy honeymoon Mr and Mrs LeGros Were married in this city and have lived here "all of their married life She was Miss Del phine Lalamme of Saginaw Mich and he is a native of Ogdenburg Their children Raymond LeGros and Mrs David orkey both of this city attended them at the ceremony Both are prominent in the parish activities of St Joseph's church Mr LeGros is engineer for the Springfield Waste company' a position he has filled for 15 years SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Rounds Wedding Next Saturday 'Among the late September weddings will be that of Miss Helen Rounds daughter of Mrs Emma Rounds of West Alvord street and George A Rayner son of Mr and Airs Rayner of Western view street which wi take place next Saturday eve ning at 730 in All Episcopal church Miss Rounds has chosen her sister Miss Alildred Rounds for maid of honor and another sister Mrs Chester Morse of Indiaftapolis and Miss Elizabeth Rayner sister of the bridegroom as' bridemaids Miss Jeanie Rayner cousin of the bride groom will be flower girl Thomas Hapgood of this city will serve Mr Rayner as best man and the ushers will be Robert Norcross Wallis Jr and Robert Chapman both of this city Mr and Mrs Rayner will enter tain at a rehearsal dinner riday evening in the home on XVestern view street for the bnaai party To Preside at Banquet Mr 71 Potvin Springfield street will leave today for Quebec where Tuesday Dr Potvin will preside at a banquet given by his 1 ormer classmates in honor of the newly consecreated bishop of Quebec Rt Rev Mgr A Langlois who is also a member of the class Mrs Crane Entertains Mrs Murray Crane of Dalton was hostess in her home at Sugar Hill yesterday afternoon for a large lunch eon Guests were present from New York Springfield and the Berkshlres Mrs Crane nas just reiuinw Groton where she placed her Bruce in Groton school May Meet Mussolini Dr Thomas A DeMarco of street who sailed for Europe effn' is in 'Romp at DresCBt Will probably meet Mussolini accord ing to news received by friends in this city Group Has Rummage Sale Group 8 of Emmanuel Congrega tional church held a food sale yester uffnrrr from 2 to 5 on the new church lot at the corner oi street and Sumner avenue Dr Helene Glick man of Sumner av enue has returned from athree motor trip along the Hudson river ahd in NewJersey William Meaney has returned to his hr me on Ringgold street after a A INE SELECTION IMPORTED ENGLISH BROADCLOTH SHIRTS in WhiteTan Gray $000 and Blue at WJ Woods Co uller Boildtaf S1LMS Meta taraat 75c Popular ictioa Our aaaortment includao moat of the popular autbora Many copies are like photo play editions 2 "STORES I STORBB 351 MUI sister Mrs Worthington of New York city Mr and Mrs Runnells of White street have returned from East Alburg Vt whereMrs Runnells Xhad Stone Wedding To Be Large Many guests from this city will at tend the Wedding next Saturday at Newtonville of Miss Charlotte Stone formerly of this city and daughter of former Mayor Everett Stone and Mrs Stone and Atty John Handy of Sumner avenue Among those who will attend from this city will be Mr and Mrs John Brand and aaughters Misses Eleanor and Judith of Pine street Mr and Mrs red Bemis and family of Sumner avenue Mr and Mrs Carl A Schillan der and children of Long Hill street Mr and Mrs Preston Miller of Magnolia terrace Mr and Mrs rank Hodgkins and children Richard and Betty of Longmeadow Mr arid Mrs Charles Bemis and family and Mrs Chapin Bemis of Belmont avenue 1 Music Club Meets A meeting of the' Music club was held at the home of Miss Hetty Cole man of Sumner avenue on Thursday night The evening was devoted pri marily to Johann Sebastian Bach Miss anny Zadik addressed the gath ering on History of and Miss rances Baevsky on the of After a discussion in which everyone participated gavotte major concerto in minor ana Air for String were played Three effective numbers were played by Miss Lillian Goldberg who is a junior member of the Tuesday Morning club accompanied by Mrs Bressagk They were the Gavotte Minuet and Giguette 1 New Specialty Shop At 338 Bridge St Important ashion Essential Is the price which proves $3500 thse ashion dresses not A heavy quality with a lustre which gleams in a fashion right way 'z' Rows and Tows crystal or bone dull or bright Mr and Mrs Hugh Robinson of Hazelwood avenue Longmeadow have as their week end guests Lieut Tucker Gibbs and Mrs Gibbs of New port I who will arrive today John Heddon of San rancisco aCl formerly of Hartford Ct is among th Interested visitors at the exposition and horse show this week He is the guest of Senator George Christopher and Mrs Christopher of Warehouse Point Mr and Mrs Eldon Hewey of State street have left for a two vacation at Niagara alls and New York On their return they will take up their new residence at Boston 'Miss Loretta Doyle of 14 Sher man street a teacher in' the publk schools recently returned from a trip through rance Italy Switzerland Belgium Holland England and Scot land The Holland House school under the direction of Miss Eva McCon key will reopen on Monday Misses Mary Beida and Betty Whal ley of Chicopee accompanied by Misses Dorothy Michel and Dorothy Papineau of this city left yesteraay tor isew xork cny wuere me spend the week end Mrs Arthur Cutting of Royca spurt 'Miss Lorna Worrall Recently (Became Bride of Paul Sey 4 bolt Kr and Mrs Worrall of Lin Zcoln perk Longmeadow yesterday "announced the marriage of theh daughter Lorna to Paul Seybolt son of Mr and Mrs SJ Seybolt of Hopkins place Longmeadow Theannouncement comes as a distinc surprise to a host of friends of the couple in this city and Longmeadow as well as to the families of Miss "Worrall and Mr Seybolt who only Thuisday were told of the secret marriage which was a recent event Miss Worrall is 1 7 and was grad uated from the Central High schoolln the class of where she was "held in high esteem by her teachersand classmates She was a popular member of the younger social set and took a prominent part in the school parties and other affairs She had recently been accepted as a member of the freshman class at Smith college and was preparing toenter there Her parents had also 'made elaborate plans for her con tinued study in music which she was obliged to give up two years ago be7 cause of ill health Mr Seybolt is 21 and a graduate ofCentral High school He attended Amherst college tor a year and isnow a senior at Boston University Law school Mr and Mrs Worrall sold their home in Long and with their family areleaving soon for Charlotte where Mr Worrall is associated withthe Standard Oil company ham Ham'What Am" to enjoy its avor OPENS TODAY Where we will carry at all times a complete line of high grade Linens ilet Laces Madeira and Mosaic Art Work Embroideries etc Lingerie to suit the most exquisite taste Handkerchiefs Scarfs etc Easley Nichols i weading or tecay win oe mat dl White Misg Marion Eji*zath Easley daugh ter of Mr and Mrs Charles rederick Easley of Dickinson street to Clar ence Tilson Nichols son of Mr and Mrs Walter Wiltofi Nichols of Ken yon street The wedding will take place at the Park Memorial Rev Pitt Beers pastor will of ficiate Wert Springfield I entertaining her been tor Oeveral weeiur caring Ipe nei a a a a la Xtoa tftoto ala to JO aa ftlta I LMIUCC UUllU MCtocao i i av Mrs Edward Kinney of Magnolia terrace has had as her guest Mrs Maslon of Pittsfield Early in the week Mrs Kinney entertained at a luncheon Autumn Silks at Unusually Low Prices Are CTeating'Spccial IntcTcsl In the abncs Section chiro ufpnt nn sale marked down 20 to 60 Saturday shoppers too will have an opportunity to take advantage the savings WHICH event ui uigo The Values Include $250 Alt Silk Canton Crepe at $795 Pom pom ancy Crepes at A $450 Printed Crepe 40 inches $198 Printed Georgette 40 inches $l'5O BiAck Satin 35 inch yard 1 $225 Knitted Bengaline Crepe (Silks Mala loor) PRIC $250 Ill S6J 4 re I i wn a rw i rniMii i I I am: Lin re OW rour I 1 1 Cf I tor miasm Eg 1 I sk v' 11 In Goort CoaeMsaymH Width 88 In Hight C4 iMkm Bspth A (M rtcee mfirTl 9 am 'tv I RIB Bl iv hrer y' If Str? 7 JL I 9' S' 7 A Itr Zl 1J III rrniimM I nT1 501M 9 naJn Ko vv 8k I' i toto a5 'On o'' WJ 1 Dresses vnrtor i re HH I re I rew 1 i I I I vx 111 4 XaVcsSJ I Display Special 'i.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Frankie Dare

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Author information

Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

Phone: +3769542039359

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.