The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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4 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY THURSDAY JANUARY 19 1922 WORCESTER COUNTY of bureau ranklin County News BUSINESS NEWS ATHOL GRAIN EXPORTS GREENE PILLSBURY SCHEME OERED WEST SPRINGIELD Torvestnd Bigwood in Mr BARRE WOOL AUCTION'S Anniversary man GERMAN CROP REPORT crop should to the CONWAY MIDWESTERN ROAD GETS LOAN SHELBURNE ALLS Inter Rib BRATTLEBORO ORANGE BANKRUPTCY PETITION' store MUSTARD PLASTER schedule hrrwfKio TURNERS ALLS ORMER RESIDENT DIES The Waldorf Way SUNDERLAND college MSKiSI By DODGE And cIm And BROTHERS folk? thousand AV HATE LY An ama WENDELL and Quality and Hyland Mfg Co THOMPSONVILLE materials skilfully prepared ex 1IAKY DRY GOODS closed 520: Mat 510 AND SHEEP METALS has WA plan as worked the valuation of Carrie mort recently in South trip will the hundred each day the sturdy Baldwin red and green ekinr of juicy flavor bom after Presf Its at to The SOth annual levee and dance at Petersham will he ield riday night tomoi he held Thurs friends Charles Orange several arce force the was of Dr where years select tion is rlfo as to who the third will be and bond brokers financial its manner Webster L' Hunt Webster 1 Houghton Who Barre Smith day who mar The report for 414 marriages Wendell the grange by Mr and Community club the Bridge street CATTLE HOGS BETTER THAN ore Crive oint is none often was ex was rec condition of con Sunday under the direction ot Pelliter A whist party held Shrove Tuesday Mrs George Morgan beaded The committee in Mrs Irving' Bat Morran and Nirs clubThe In There will Wa're you idorf apple pic made of win oc aerv next Spring when lose hardy apples them have done duty TO PROBE INANCIAL CONDITION BROKERS New York moderate but ra es will be pre scnted by nf the dramatic committee of the Brattleboro Wom club at Odd ellows Temple ri day night Protection were installed to miity Warden Ida K'nntv Adams at Red hall Jan IS Notices are the session the Saturday the 21st and has secured They the Tenney were members years she lived with the family in Orange She left 18S0 and went to Marlboro with Mrs Marcia Whipple ollowing the death with a sup Oliyi former address Whately posted for nights of Wednesday the 25th and the final session the 2Sth from 12 neon until 10 in the evening to register voters for town election in ebruary A community dance will ne held at the hall tomorrow night Mr and Mrs Raymond Dickinson entertained the Neighborhocd Wnist club at their home tonight finrlq a he buy all the in it and leaves Washington dance with a I ORa RS HR CHICAGO REIGHT BUREAU This office extends an unex celled PERSONA! SERVICE in all lines of insurance Then rome with their narked full of mellow sunshine and th? tang of Autumn nights tn New Eng land orchards now Av these Baldwins mg them until ill th? other millions of their delicious the publi inquiry the manner various will ne Lamson Goodnow Manufacturing company started their plant Monday morning after being closed fop two weeks for the annual inventory Other shops in town are working on a short time start a membership campaign Monday morning moose was shot by County and Game Warden Mul at Jacksonville yesterday after HINCKLEY WILL ENTER 0 CAUCUS HERE Chl am Jan bevf steers lambs closing fat lambs ewe top shearers That Springfield is soon the lead of such cities as and Buffalo Yt in the of an equitable and method of assessing property is indi pas the Turners alls Jan 18 The annual supper and roll call was held at the Congregational church last night and the following officers were elected: Treasurer Magoon clerk Millersuperintendent of Sunday schools rancis oster assistant Rev II Vincent superintendent of cradle roll Mrs Ellis The executive officers of the ladiea' of St last night decided to elim inate the annual supper held at Shrovetide and will present two plays Shrove Dr Wwill be cers: President president A to follow Cambridge instalation standardized S9000 Bar provision in bank Pn 17000 mostly steady wits Tues Jay's average vith some early 10 to 15c Norway Recognizes Obregon Mexico City Jan IS Norway recognized the Obregon government of Mexico it is stated in advices re ceiv'd here from th Mexican charge' at Christiania Santiago Chile Jan IS There a sharp decline today in Chilean change The American dollar quoted at 11 nesos 50 centavos a ord premium The reasons advanced for the decline are speculation a pau city in exports and a demand for for eign drafts ch in March and July POLICE TAKE CALLAHAN ON LIQUOR CHARGE SKATES SNOW SHOVELS Duval I Inncgan Wedding Ora Duval daughter of Mr Mrs Henry Duval of 14 Pleasant street and Thomas innegan son of Mr and Mrs John innegan of Athol were married this morning at St church The single ring cere mony was performed by Rev Leonard They were attended Miss Virginia Pauli of Worcester and the bride's brother Dorita Duval A re ception and wedding breakfast were candy and cigars will be Hampden county products Among the speakers slated to bo hoard are Roller I Keene II London Jan IS At the wool auc tion sales today 12747 bales were of fered There was a full attendance of buyers and competition agtin was ani mated for all classes of wool at cent rates A fair amount of greasy merinos was taken for America the past 25 a private or for a number of It was known as Eastman school and trus Col red go into bureau duties and activiti' represents and In the and The whether any wVdort Ho buy chord and 1 barrel" ago ins rood orchard nde A apples (he rest We carry a big line of all the best And prices to suit you a little better Inanirv though llv'r? wafi no chu" fnr cmnelnted tted ak no fn the early fall they are th juicv Gravcastci) Al quality the kind of anple you will find sliced and tucked away under the flaky crubt of a Waldorf Apple Pie SWEDISH BANK SUSPENDS PAYMENTS Homsr oot Co Inc Center of City 139 State Established 1831 I METAL WE HAVE IT The money will be note of 1 and will run Sunderland Jan IS The com munity supper will be held tomorrow night at the chapel The progrm will be furnished by a quintet from Massachusetts Agricultural and local talent The play Hoodoo" given here will be repeated Deerfield riday night Mrs Edwin A Collins ill in ar ren hospital Miss Grace itts music committee floral committee fund Sun Rev The society old irst Uni Philadelphia Jan IS ITancis Walsh was today appointed temporary receiver for the Simon Schaeffer com pany Inc stock ascertain its and to investigate ducting Town Report Edward Harrison town clerk cf Greenfield has completed the moit of vital statistics for the venr 1921 The report shows Births 4k rip cos 208 deaths 20S 1920 showed: Births Snow shoeing Trips Brattleboro Jan IS The comrnu nity service snowshoeing trip to the top of Wantastiquet mountain last night was led by Austin George The beginners ski class will meet Sat urday afternoon at 2 on the Bradley estate with red II Harris Couplk ace Serious Charge Abel Chartier and Airs Bessie Du rand were arrestee this morning by Sheriff ranl boro from with waived examination before Judge Stowe and were bound over for trial in Windham covnty court bail being fixed at $500 each Mrs Char tier wife of one of the defendants has brought a for separate maintenance The matter of tempo rary alimony be beard before Judge Harrie Cuase Saturday morn ing The corporation of toe Vermont unse Twitchell $197 Jan IS The officers of were installed last night Mrs Spaulding of Athol er is the Streeter of son of Mr of Orange Orange have received letters from Bartolomei a well known fruit dealer who is spending months in Italy Mr Bartolomei was born in this country and this is his first trip to the native land of his parents He writes that he had a pleasant voyilge and is finding Italy very interesting He is located at present in the small town of Bagni di Lucca Monti di Villa Jonas Sawin left Orange this morning for St Petersburg la to spend the rest of the winter Mrs Anna who is well known in Orange where she formerly lived has been visiting friends in town Mrs Reed will sail from New York on ebruary 14 for her trip abroad Rev Richards pastor of the local Unitarian church and Mrs Richards left Orange yesterday for St Petersburg la to spend the rest of the winter Rev Mr Richards has found it necessary tn go there be cause ot nis neaith a temporary pastcrate there plan to return to Orange in Spring Club to Give Conway Jan 18 The will present a three act Betty Wales Girls and Mr Kidd the town hall riday night be dancing after the play and special music between the acts No seats will be reserved The following have parts: Hassell Hazel Aiden Doris Boice Eleanor Darling Julia Howland Dorothy Offhauser Lilliai Alden Marjorie Stearns Harriett Hassell Gladys Arial and Dorothy Jenkins elected Walter Other officers elected jonn Martin Martig Owns This Wild Bull! Jan IS Trial Justi eJohn was unable to decide yester was the' owner of a bull when David Gurtnitz of North Brook field was brought before him by Rob ert Dyson of Worcester agent of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Edward Cole of South Barre testified in court that a bull formerly owned by him was sold at a public auction last June at the farm owned by Almond Thresher for 842 Gurtnitz failed to pay for the bull and also to come and take it with him Since the auction the bull has not been claimed and wandered at large After It had destroyed property Deputy Sheriff Daniel II Rice was notified and he later noti fied Mr Dyson Mr Dyson gave or ders to have the bull shot It was killed yesterday Afterit is settled in civil court who the owner of the bull Is the party will be summoned before Trial Justice Smith to answer to a charge of cruelty to animals These officers and trustees of the Barre Savings bank were elected yes terday afternoon: President Charles ollansby first vice president John Bartholomew second vice president Charles A Gleason of Springfield: clerk Harding Jenkins trustees Charles Atwood Austin Adams John arth'Somew Charles ollanby Gee ge Har wood Harding Jenkins George Rice Alexander Williams Henry Pierce John Smith Clvde II cwnn rank Holman Robert GWilliams Brt Hanco*ck all of Barre Charles A Gleason of Springfield and JI Hanfl of Rutland said which much easier According out by the assessors each piece of property will be based upon the construction of each building Charts would be prepared for each piece of property showing the loca tions of bufimngs and giving detaPs of its construction number 'of rooms and other features A map of the city I would also be prepared showing the i ratio of values for different sections of the city The instalation of a similar plan In Buffalo increased the tnx'able list from $8820100 to $143333740 Mr Sander son stated and cut the tax rate from c4 to 678 A result would undoubtedly be brought about here he said Moreover he added the plan would eleminate much of the dissatisfaction which results from the present uncertain methods of voluat ing property Berlin Jan IS The official report issued today gives the follow ing production figures for 1921: Rye and wheat 9939(117 tons barley 193091)5 tons oats 5004983 tons potatoes 201513S0 tons Of this pro duction the share is 2500000 twns but only 0 per cent has been delivered the report says the meeting last evening McElroy chairman Charles Sesver William Culver James James Avey William Snape Wilfud Ryder and Benjamin Simpson art on the eomnnttejin charge of Mens Sunday to be held January 29 Several candidates will be given the of degree at the meeting of Surora council Legree ot Pocahontas the meeting of the council row night A whist party win in Red hall Main street day ebruary 2 VAN City Mgr and Mgr of Store PAWIY Mgr CARO Mgr CVOWTHER Mgr PELLETIER Mgr CHILEAN EXCHANGE DECLINES or the benefit of the "White bon at Ayer the local Wom Christian Temperance union will hold a food sale at the on riday afternoon at 3 ancy and useful articles will also be on sale Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Dora Gebeau recently of this town but now jf Greenfield' to Mr Singly of Greenfield The ceremony took place at Green field and was performed by Rev Meehan The couple were attended by Miss Anna LaBelle cousin of the Lride and Clarence Gebeau brother of the bride Immediately after the ceremony a wedding breakfast was served at the home of the bride's sis ter Miss Lora Gebeau of Shelburne street Greenfield After a short wedding trip Mr and Mrs Singly will live in Greenfield John Gerry has been fn Hartford Sedan 50tb Sedan lodge of Harugari will cole brate the ()th anniversary ot its stitution Saturday and Sunday 28th and 29th at the Herman hall on Pierce street The observ ance opens Saturday night with a dance Sunday morning a special an niversary meeting for members only will be held followed by an open meeting A banquet will be served at 530 mt and will be followed bv a concert at 8 by the Oscar Ctol berg Concert company of New York A card party for the benefit of the ranklin County public hospital will be held in the parlors at the Mansion house Saturday afternoon from 3 to 5 Woodrow Wilson oundation Al towns in ranklin county which are without local chairman for the Woodrow Wilson foundation cam paign should send names of contribu tors with the contributions to the Woodrow Wilson treasurer William Aiken of Greenfield James Kennedy of the board of selectmen and William Blake Allen town treasurer are in Boston today to appear before a legislative com mittee on the petition of the town for legislative approval of the action of the town meeting last year in ap propriating 100 000 for the erection of a new high school Th hostesses at the tea of the Sec ond Congregational church at the par ish house this afternoon were Mrs Philii Mrs Elliott Drury and Mrs Crittenden The officers of the Sons of Veteran were installed tonight at Grand Army hall The officers of the New England Order of bv of North SHOW INCREASE Wellman of Brattle at Chartier's farm two miles South Londonderry charged a statutory offense They The Waldorf 'no rule extends even to pie app'es If you stop and think see why it pays The best apples Keen ton Brest But a good cook knows a substitute for the real thing! If any one traditional Waldorf standard of excellence is maintained more faithfully than the others it is our uncompromising refusal to use food substitutes "Waldorf System Incorporated never uses substitutes for milk and cream for fresh tested eggs for own fruit ip pies jellies and marmalades or for anything else milk and eggs are used in Waldorf cooking even though milk powder and egg powder are acknowledged to be pure wholesome more convenient and much cheaper That is because Waldorf System Incorporated adheres as closely as possible to home cooking methods And because of the vast size of Waldorf operations the Waldorf System is able to apply those home cooking methods with scientific precision uniformity and economy which would be unattainable in the kitchen of the average home You may be sure when you go to a Waldorf Lunch that everything on the bill of fare has been made of fine fresh Kingsbury of llinckhy Mrs Dwight of Holyoke and Mrs Dwight Hawley of Agawam Tbo campaign committee comprises a force of nearly 401) of which 300 tiro expected to attend HolyoKe lias own organization and will gather the Nonotnck hotel Monday night start its drive enlres mostly 9 5'L the man who does the for apples apples by tn? or He gav? up lhe old idea lone Every all eoes visit he DINNER TO START COUNTY LEAGUE DRIVE As the opening gun in the cam paign for new members the Hampden County Improvement league will serve a real Hampden county dinner with everything on the tables grown In Hampden county at the Hotel Kimball tomorrow night Even the elected these officers Harry rank Harry one of activity and The following officers were Clerk Wing treasur Iocal Manager Takes Bride at Alrterni Greenfield Jdn 18 Miss Maude Richard Callahan a cleric in a cafe at 170 Bridge street owned by John Kelley was arrested last I nigh) by members of the vice squad on charges of keeping and selling liquor He was bailed the sum of8500 for appearance district court this morning John Kelly his em ployer putting up the bail Officers Carleton ielding and Brennan made the arrest Speaker for ebruary Meeting Thompsonville Jan IS The gov erning loard of the Board of trade announced last night that Compen sation Commissioner George Chandler secretary of the Connecti cut Chamber of commerce will ad dress the members at the meeting ebruary 1 The annual reunion and banquet of the organization will be held after the Lenten season prob ably during the week of April 16 Annual Meeting of Congregational Church The annual meeting of the irst Congregational church will be held at the Enfield church Thursday After noon ana 'Tiignt sessions per will be held Rev Means of Hartford Ct a tor ol the church will night session London Jan IS The and Skaares Savings bank sund Norway one of the lergest in stitutions in that country has sus pended payments says a Copenhagen I dispatch to the Exchange Telegraph i ne oaiiK nan a lounuuiiun fund of BOflOOOO kroner Williams Motor Sales Co 64 76 Howard St Wai 2882 A Brainard Tel Walnut 51 52 1515 241 Main St Springfield Mass The Orange association will meet at the room town hail at 130 Tuesday afternoon to elect officers and discuss fertilizers and prices Announcement is made of the en gagement of Miss Grace Streeter 'thol district nurse and James Bigwood of Worcester Miss Street daughter of Airs mma Athol and Mr Bigwood is and Mrs George Looks Like Dozen to a Hep Washington Jan IS The state Commerce commission today au thorized a government loan of $25 (00000 to the Chicago Milwaukee St Paul railroad used to refund a one year similar amount due March held by the government It for five years president of the club of White church Other officers are: Vice president Charles Carpenter sec retary Raymond Loteland treasurer Alfred Adams Rev Ambler Garnett of Northampton was the speaker at John New York Jan IS Copper steady electro lytic spot and nearby 1 later 14 Tin steady spot siul nearby $32 futures 322" Iron study iir ccs unclmnseil Lend stead' rot Vine quiet East st Tzu' delhery spot $4750480 Antimony spot $4otg Greene daughter of Herbert Greene of Alstead and George Pillsbury manager of the local of the Goodnow system were mar ried today at noon at the home of th bride in Alstead by Rev Owen tardv of the Third Congregational church The double ring service was used Th oridemaid was Miss Edna Greene a sister of the bride and the best nan was Warren Greene of Keene a brother of the bride The bride wore a platinum gray crepe nangansett gown with a fuchsia picture hat and carried bride roses The nd of honor wore brown satin and georgette with a hat of gold cloth ol'owing the ceremony there was a reception after which they eft on a wedding trip to New York Philadelphia and upon their return ill live in Greenfield The bride is a graduate of tre Keene (N II) high school and of th Snringfield School of Commerce ind hns been employed by the XV Good now system as a bookkeeper in their store at Keene II school Mrs Eastman also as a member of the Orange committee for a number of Relieves Headache A little Musterole rubbed on head and temples will usually away headache A clean white ment made with oil of mustard terole is a natural remedy with of the evil after effects so caused by nat xrmstArole vour drug 35 and" (5c jars and tubes hospital size $3 MONEY AND BUSINESS (Continued ront Twelfth Trainmen's Auxiliary Banquet The new officers and about 70 mem bers of Mayflower lodge auxiliary to the Brotherhood af Railroad Train men attended tl annual banquet and dance at Clinton Hall hotel last night Mrs George Morgan presi dent was given a beaded handbag Dancing followed charge consisted of cheller Mrs George A Genoa The Bridge street will hold a dance at school Tuesday The new rugs and some of the new furniture1 for the social room al the Mittineague Y'oung Chris tian association has arrived and th1 rest is expected soon The staff of the Mercury the month ly paper of the high school will give a dance on ebruary 21 The receipts will be used for furthering the inter ests of the paper The Tatham Delphian society will meet tomorrow afternoon at 230 at tne home of Mrs John Lysaght of Ohio avenue ish noon The dates of the next Valley fair are Tuesday and Wednesday Septem ber 26 and i 7 The Brattleboro rifle club at Its meeting last night elected these offi cam vice Knight: secrotary Charles rink: treasurer Harry Wilbur executive officer Raymond Adams A far dinner was given honor of Drew Mutter last night the Vermont Wheel clubrooms Metter who has boon manager Woolworth Co has been transferred Involuntary Bankruptcy New York Jan 18 An involun tary petition in bankruptcy was filed in federal court today against Childs Joseph exporters by three creditors with claims totaling $283060 Injunctio1 Suit Dismissed New York Jan IS The United States circuit court of appeals in adecision handed down today affirmed tiie action of the federal district court in dismissing the injunction suit brought by Clarence Venner against the Southern Pacific company and its directors and the Pacific Oil company and its directors Board Lays Plan for Stan dardized Method Before inance Committee Calls for Survey of Ci tv a 18 Today brought only a tnpss in for nchanas sold wnl) ine count ier will be reviser moderately in a few Press fronds nulrkened for spot deliv Raw silk was unsettled Burlaps and knit goods quiet Men's wear openings are expected week New improved Sedan and Coupe on display at our showrooms this week against Warren Barrett Clalus Liabilities of S960C and Assets of Orange Jan IS Warren rett of Orange grocery and dealer has filed a petition ruptcy in United States court at Bos ton with liabilities of $9600 and about $91)00 in assets About $7000 of Barrett's claims are secured most of them being held by Orange parties os follows: Orange Savings bank $3560 Abbot's Grocery company of Orange $500 on indorsed notes: rank rench of Orange $900 mortgage on real estate Grr Weymouth real estate of Orange $8o0 apd rench of Orange real estate gage $832 There are about a score of cured claims as rimnln ramnanv of Reston A Kimball company of Orange $14a: Worcester Specialty company of Worcester $145 Lucy Abercrombie of Greenfield $179 and Green Ben nett of Holyoke $163 The petitioner has tor assets: $G500 In real estate $1000 in stock and $500 in flobts due on open accounts Bashlin aucets save pense of installing sepat ate stop co*cks You canpack the Bashlin aucet oy removing Bonnet post without shutting off the Three trial given on any of the Bashlin products 153 Dwight Street Tel River 112 10 000 bet ter grades fully ers slow mostly weak weicJit 1302 pound: bulk of steers G7 V2 765 she stock steady lower: milk rat sne sturK 33(rhu stoekers and feeders closing higher bulk ves'ers Dear Mother Once you thought that I Devoured too much Apple You made us three or lour each week Now that's mv business so to speak I can hear Dad say you "My or "I snum One We cook for in the Waldorf ay How many pies do you think we bake? Just apple pies like the ones you make? Each month with this problem the Waldorf STapplos And uvs three hundred thou sand apples I non nno ns pounds valued at December 1920 Jan 1R Tn accor Sonate resolution of December 15 1921 the interstate commerce commission today ordered an investigation into the organiza tion management and control of the UNITARIAN SOCIETY MEETS Chooses Officers and Vots to Unite With Old irst Unitarian Body Athol Jan IS Reports read at the annual meeting of the Unitarian so ciety lost night showed that the past year has been growth elected er Newton collector A El lis executive committee A Tyler Swift Wing A Ellis Hill Hill George Lord I' Lord Pierce Longley Deane Miller ay A Newton New ton and ay committee on religious services A Tyler Longley Hill benevolent com mittee Miss Grace itts Mrs Quinlan music committee woman's alliance floral committee Unity club trustees of Hardin Swift A Ellis Win day school committee Young and teachers voted to unite with the tarian society and call the same the irst Unitarian church This mat ter will have to come before a parish meeting later Over One Hundred Mill on More Bushels of Corn Ship ped in 1921 Than in the rrcceding Year Washington creases 1921 as ing an per cent nounced pa riment gated 129 O(X)OlM) bushels S93()(1O(MW) compared with 18()()()(i()i company bushels worth 82'i(X)O()(H) in 1920 Throe factors entered into the tre mendous increase in corn exports commerce officials explained Europe has been buying grain from this country instead of Argentina corn has been needed for distilling purposes and also in northern Europe for hog feed in line with the increased fats production program of the coun tries there Wheat Exports Exports of wheat for 1921 aggre gated 2()g)0 000 bushels valued at S43300O06O compared with 218000 609 bushels worth $5971)00000 in 1920 Exports of corn during December aggregated 10000060 bushels valu'd at OOOOOO as against SOOOODO bushels valued at $3 000 000 in De cemter 1920 while wheat exports for the month aggregated 10000000 bush els valued at $13000000 compare iwith 26000000 bushels worth $62 000000 in December a year ago lour exports for the past year amounted to 17000000 barrels wortn SI 880)0000 as against 20060000 bar rels valued at $224 000 000 while fo: December the total was 1000000 bar rels worth $'1000000 compared witl 951000 barrels valued at $10000009 In December 1920 Exports of rice during 1921 aggre gated 600000 000 pounds valued at S21000060 compared with 393000000 pounds worth $37000 000 in 1920 while during December rice exports accre gated 36000 000 pounds worth $1 000 061 compared with 53000000 pounds worth $3000000 in December 1920 More Cotton Leaves Country Cotton exports for 1921 totaled 6474000 bales of 3 339000000 pounds valued at R53LOOOOOO as compared with 6159 000 bales cf 31 78000OfY pounds worth SI 1090 000 during 1920 or December the total was 64000 hales of 327000000 pounds val ued at $62000000 as compared with 7S9 OOO bales of 41IOO0O00 pounds worth 892000000 in December 1920 Exports of cott'inseed oil during 1921 aggregated 253 000 000 pounds valued nt 824000 000 compared with 185000000 ppnnds valued at 835000 000 during 1920 while for December the total was 12000 000 pounds worth ir hi ini during Jan 18 Orange Home Again After Service in Germany After a service of three years in Germany Private Martin rancis Le leche is home again in the Unitid States He is now stationed at I orr Totten and will remain in the service for three months previous to discharge His parents Mr and Mrs John Leleche of 10 Cai al street and nis brothers Walter Lavrenqe nnd the wife will go to New York to see him riday Private Le letche nas beei driving for his colonel and is still on that job over here Another Charge Acalnst Heenan A charge of lewd and lascivious be haviour was preferred agtiinst Leon Heennn in district court this morn ing Heenan already had the charge of indecent exposure placed against him with a hearing to be given Sat urday His bonds are fixed at $1000 Names Specials to Serve at Dwiglit Mayor Joseph Grise today ap pointed 12 specials for the Dwight Manufacturing company They are: Ernest Dauplaise of 17 Perkins street John Jette of 115 Center street Ed ward Demers 140 ront street Dinie' Lynch of 6 Midway Andrew McCly mon of 159 Exchange street Stanley Trzeiaka of 3 Lawrence street Will iam Wegrzynlak of (1 Orchard street Mathias St George of 7 Kendall street Edward Sawyer of 112 West street rank Brunele of 5 Hooper road Wal ter Miller of S6 Dwight street Jonn Mitchel of 40 Marble avenue Arrow Social Club Elects Officers The Arrow Social club at its' re cent annual meeting elected John Twarog president and Walter Pas 3ar nracinont IVC pi ill' were as follnws: Treasurer Tupaj recording secretary financial secretary The club will run its an nual dance ebruary 28 the last day before Lent in Polish National home hall orchestra will furnish music Marriage Intentions Marriage intentions have een' filed at the office of the city clerk Jv Stt phen Letkewieh 32 of 22 Sheridan street and Katie lydonia zu ot Springfield Papers on the southern states were read this afternoon at the meeting of the club by Emily 99 ood and Nellie Bostwick After being absent six weeks on account of illness Miss Ella Lough man has returned to her dpties in the water department office James Taylor of Cabot street en gine house went to Boston today to attend the annua meeting of the Massachusetts association Mr Taylor Is a director of the asso ciation William West has been elected higher close lights weak others steady hod over moderate top $R75 early very few over HoO bulk pigs slow 10 to 15c lower: desirable grades mostly 25frjs5O row tai Receipts 18000: fat strong to 10c li'gher other steady top $1310 bulk 1250013: fat 750 feeder lambs 115001225 1250 some held higher savings bank at a mw iing this noon dent president tees Grav Estev eric Adams rank Hunt Ma tin Austin John Ryder Henry II Brown and Pratt treasurer rederic Adams board of Jnvest ment Harry 99reh5rter rank ont Martin Austin rederic A8 ams Pratt auditors rank (pint Martin Austin Hnugh i on The Brattleboro community service will Jan IS Heavy In in exports of grain during compared with 1920 inelud afvance of more than 700 in corn shipments was an today by the commerce dc Exports of corn aggre valued at A China Egg a Dollar a Edwin Leonard and the city finance committee yesterday afternoon by the board of assessors The plan entails a complete survey of every piece of real estate in the city but will bring about a saving more than equal to its tfost according to Chairman 9VH liam Sanderson The plan of the assessors is the re sult of more than three years study nn lici tin i' nnlitci 4 CUV If jzci IllVIUUUlft tl U4J XC1I11 Of selectmen It is believed that the bridge and Buffalo to examine thaDemocratic committee will run oneSChernes in those cities The planman besides these two and specula has been outlined to the planning board and to the city real estate board and has received the hearty approval of both bodies The real estate board has promised to co operate in every way in the work of revaluating the property of Jhe city the assessors said which make the work meat jKirk trimmings iSyjc raw lewf lanUJ3c rendered eaf l'P ie pure lard llc Vuntry dressed boss Itoars heavy hugs the carcass 160 to 250 12c lh 75 tu 130 lbs pigs 20 to 40 2527c Dressed poultry Eastern fowls Urge 34 35c medium 2i30c roasting chickens 35J4 40c: western dry packed In boxes turkeys choice yoimg 50e fair to good 3)4O old 40r Hasting chickens large medium 2Sc brolle fowls large 33 medium small 2022c: roosters 21 (g22c Live poultry owl 30tff32c spring roosters Meat Beef fancy sides 121130 fan hinds 16fol7r fancy fores 9(5 loc medium sides veal eastern 12(i24c western 12 14c: mutton 10(fttl2c 12lbc Jambs spring fall and winter 21Q1 24c ruit Baldwin $1504 bn and $150b50 bbl greenings $437 flher kinds $4(tz7 box varieties $27r4: cranberries 110(3 15 box grapes foreign Malagas $1215 hot house 65((i7'e lb grapefruit lorida $355 box lemons 54257 box oranges lorida S3 (J? 5 50 (YUforria $550'6'7 box: tangerines $34 half bnx pineapples $11 crt straw berries 605C5c qt Vegetables Be1 ns $27 3 bskt: beets $1 257 150 bn: cabbage bbl carrots $125 il50 bu mu! I flower $1502 crt cucumbers'o 1 $13(ftl4 bs No 2 crt peppers crt spinach $130l'5 bu $225(275 bbl lettuce bx: mush rooms bskt: onions $7750 bag: parsnips $123150 bu squash 3'ilc lb: tomatoes hothnrse 'b repacks 50 crt tvT lins bag potatoes Green iu UDtain $2402tJ0 sweets 1 75 2 bsk 88 Lunch Rooms 27 Cities I DM IN 1 ITfdrfcnt GEO 9 OVNG Division Manager SPRINGIELD LOCATIONS TATHAM STIRPED BY POOR MAIL SERVICE Springfield Jan 18 Due to the fact that no mail delivery has been made in the Tatham district for more than a week the central post office plan that was discussed last i spring was revived today The carrier i for this district ias been ill it is said i and no substitute had been provided for the route The mail is delivered to Tatham by a rural carrier from the Springfield post affice It was said at the Springfield post office that the service would be restored today The citizens of the Tatham district wish to have a central post office which they believe would furnish a solution of the difficulty At present the mail comes into the town from three sources Mittineague Spring field and Chicopee NEW Y0KK PRODUCE MARKET Now To Jan Bnttor nnscttled rri cints £217 rroaninry higher than extras creamery extras CJ2 score) ugs firm oints 1S37fi fresh gathered extra firsts XtnffW fiesh gathered firsts 5fi773Sc: nesrbv and nearby western hennery whites firsts to extras 42 ISc nearby and nearby western hennery hromw extras 43 n) 44c: hcnrbv browns and mixed eo'ors to extras 3742c refrigerator firsts oPotatoes steady Maine 140 lbs $42 5 4 55 Slate ISO lbs Ce'bbsees (nit and irchanirod Spot firm: No 2 rod ni hard $1 23 No 1 Manitoba $1 30 and No mixed dnnmi $11214 1 track New Wk to arrive Snot firm: No 2 ye 2 nl itc (171k and No 2 mixed WMc I Now Ve rk ail rail Spot steady: No 2 white 46Ac Cnttonsrd oil firm prune crudo ST prime iimmor $S0: March 75 May S99 and July $3 4 all bI The market for rnfTee futures was ery nufet aain today with fluctuations narrow nnd 1r rector The opening was imchpnwwl to notnts higher nn sniftered covering and the market held fairly steady during the day on firmer Into from Bln with March ad vancing tn R45 and at that love! war nominally throe points lower nt the close with other months nne to five higher Sales were estimated nt about 0O) bags Ta nun ry 835: March 845 Mav R32: 8 24: Sep eir her 824 Ocrobr 823: De 821 Spot coffee dull nnd nominally unchanged at fl to for Rin 7 The raw snynr market was firmer today and prices Yiero higher There wore satos of 630nn bags of CubRS to pprators ror Tanrarv obru a ahipmert at IN) Cuba equal tn about cos4 and freight price of 2 1 32c or 364 for centrifugal: 19 OUfl bags to operators for a Conndlnn refiner at the same price and nt the clnre it was rmnored that operators had raid 2 1 16o cost and freight for Cuba or 3 67 for Trading In raw sugar futures was loss active today and prices were easier owing to the appearance of a few Jann arv notices which caused near month linuld4 tinp wph final prices nne to seven points net lower March closed at 224: May at 245 nt 2 65 and September at 2 78 There was for nrned fumar pi quotations with 480 tn 400 Ther refund future nrd transcontinental freight The investigation will purposes for which the organized its the railroads influence it exercises eation of freight rate as between railroads i will also bring out bureau operation' in stifles competition railroads The investigation conducted through hearings 01 other wise as the commission may hereaf ter determine Candidate for Selectman iles Papers With Town Committee Chairman 99'est Springfield Jan IS rank cated by the plans laid before Mayor Hinckley candidate for selectman will run in the Republican caucus ebruary 3 for the Republican nomi nation tor selectman He has filed his papers with Stoughton chair man of the Republican town commit tee The Democratic caucus w'ill be held ebruary 7 John Hendron and John Riley will run in the Democratic caucus for nomination for the office held at the Duval home Tonight a re ception and dance party were fielo at tiie lodge rooms of Orange council Knights of Columbus Mrs inreean was born in Gardner where sh lived until coming ta Orange with her par ents three years ag She has be employeo at the Cjntainer Products company innegan is employed by the Rodney Hunt Machine com pany 1 hey lert tor a wedding to 99'orcester and return live at 14 Pleasant street for Mrs Mary Eastman Once Kept Private School in Orange Orange Jan IS Mary Eastman S8 died Saturday at the home Ellen Brown in Chester Pa she had lived for Mrs Eastman ran school in Orange years before 1880 rx I 1 served to fit girls and boys for the high served school years when the late Bridge and ri or 12 9Vhipple town in to live Smith two years later she went to Chester She leaves no nearer relatives than a cousin Airs Sumner Pitts of Athol Miss Ellen Smith of Orange is a dis tant relative The body was brought to Orange and the funeral was belli this afternoon at undertak ing rooms on Grove street Jtev drew Campbell officiating Burial in Central cemetery NT 7 ASS SSM Nt Sh i wi id me ur 1 YaVaV Ci ATA A A A A 1 rficG ip lie I 'v rp "'y 1 ''z 'w Uh cvxOA A CN Ct for the past few days with his wife who is there for treatment Mr and Mrs Charles Marcy and Mrs Deila Todd of Colrain loft last week for Cresent City and Miami la BALDWIN MAIN ST EDWARD I WALDOR LUNCH MAIN ST TIIOS IUNCH 1 251 MAIN ST SAMUEL LUNCH 4fi3 MAIN ST WALDOR LUNCH 489 MAIN ST EDWARD yVAyyV4Vvvvyv av.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is the significance of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield has several nicknames—"The City of Firsts", due to the many innovations developed there, such as the first American dictionary, the first American gas-powered automobile, and the first machining lathe for interchangeable parts; "The City of Homes", due to its Victorian residential architecture; and "Hoop ...

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

What is the ethnic breakdown of Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, the third largest city in Massachusetts, has 69,301 Latinos according to the 2015-2019 American Community Survey. They represent 45% of the city's population. Whites are the second largest ethno-racial group (31%), while Blacks (19%) and Asians (3%) are the other ethno-racial group with a sizable presence.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

Why is Springfield famous? ›

The lore and reputation of Abraham Lincoln has made Springfield a global destination because of the story of his life and the location in Springfield of his home and the Abraham Presidential Library and Museum.

Is the mayor of Springfield MO a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Republican Herald? ›

The Republican Herald is a daily newspaper serving Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The newspaper is owned by MediaNews Group, a subsidiary of Alden Global Capital.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

However, they are only one of many clients that have been housed in the Springfield Underground throughout its extensive history. The Underground is a private, family-owned business. John Griesemer is the third-generation of the Griesemer family to serve as CEO for Erlen Group, following his father and grandfather.

Who owns Republican American? ›

The Republican-American is a conservative-leaning, family-owned newspaper and is based in Waterbury, Connecticut established in 1990 through merger of two newspapers under the same ownership: Waterbury American and Waterbury Republican.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.