HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM … · the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (2024)

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (1)



NRS 125

Concepts of nursing practice II


Spring 2020

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (2)

NRS125 Course Outline

Course Number: NRS125 Course Title: Concepts of Nursing Practice II Credits: 8 Hours: 3 hours/week theory; 3 hours/week lab; 12 hours/week clinical Pre-requisite: NRS 111, NRS 112, BIO 104 Catalog Description Builds on the first semester courses to further refine the concepts of nursing practice with application to the care of diverse clients with uncomplicated acute and chronic conditions across the lifespan. Application of knowledge and skill occurs in the nursing laboratories and a variety of clinical settings. Course Coordinator Angelique (Angel) Simmonds Ed. D(c), MSN, RN, C-EFM Course Faculty Crystal Adams, MSN, RN, AGCNS-BC Expectations We as faculty are here to help you have success in not just this course, but all your nursing school endeavors. If you want success, you will need to work for it. It is imperative that you understand you must be committed to doing all you can to succeed. We will be here to guide you, advise you, and encourage you; but it does start with you. Our expectations for students include: • You will come to class prepared, having completed the assignments listed in this course outline • You will conduct yourself in a professional manner in all situations • You will adhere to all components engrained within the academic integrity standards set forth by this institution • You will maintain open communication with your course faculty regarding questions, concerns, or any issues you feel will impede your ability to have success in this course Required Materials

• Adams, M.L., Holland, L.N. & Urban, C.Q. (2020) Pharmacology for Nurses A Pathophysiologic Approach. (6th ed.) Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc. (ISBN 13: -978-0-13-521833-4)

• Callahan, B. (2019). Clinical Nursing Skills: A Concept-Based Approach to Learning, Volume Three. (3nd. Ed.) New York: Pearson Education, Inc. (ISBN 978-0-13-461683-4)

• D’Amico, D. & Barbarito, C. (2020). Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing. (4rd Edition.) Upper Saddle RiverL Pearson Education, Inc. (ISBN 978-0-13-486817-2).

• DocuCare Learner License from Laerdal. To place your order with a credit card please visit the • Laerdal web site at Click on ‘Products &

Pricing’ from the menu bar. Choose the Docucare learner license that will last the length of your program. This should have been purchased in NRS 112. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout. A limited number of licenses are available in the college bookstore.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (3)

• MyNursingLab: Electronic resource bundle from Pearson that includes supplemental study materials and additional electronic textbooks. Sold in college bookstore as a bundle with concept textbooks, pharmacology text and health assessment text. May be purchased separately for higher cost.

• North Carolina Concept-Based Learning Editorial Board. (2019). Nursing: A Concept-Based Approach to • Learning, Volumes One & Two. (3rd ed.) Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education Inc. (Volume One: ISBN13:978-0-

13-461680-3); Volume Two: (ISBN-13: 978-0-13-461681-0) • Silvestri, L.A, (2016) Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination. (7th ed.) St. Louis,

MI. Elsevier Saunders. (ISBN-13: 9781455727551). • 3 X 5 Index Cards • Simple calculator – cell phones are not permitted to be used as calculators during exams. • Stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, penlight, and wrist watch with a second hand • Regular access to a computer with internet access and ability to generate Microsoft Word document or Adobe

Acrobat pdf file. Recommended Materials

• American Psychological Association. (2010) Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. (6th ed.). American Psychological Association: Washington D.C.

• Doenges, M.E., Moorhouse, M.F., Murr, A.C. (2014) Nursing Care Plans: Guidelines for Individualizing Patient Care Across the Life Span. (9th ed.) Philadelphia: FA Davis. (ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-3041-3).

• Nugent, P.M., & Vitale, B.A. (2016) Test Success: Test Taking Techniques for Beginning Nursing Students. (7th ed.) Philadelphia: FA Davis. (ISBN 13: 978-0-8036-4418-2)

• Nugent, P.M., Vitale, B.A. (2015). Fundamentals Success. (4th ed.) Philadelphia: F.A. Davis. (ISBN 13: 9780-8036-4414-4)

• Pickar, G.D., Abernethy, A.P. (2013) Dosage Calculations. (9th ed.) Clifton Park: Thompson Delmar Learning (ISBN10: 1-4390-5847-4; eBook: ISBN13: 978-1-4390-5847-3).

• Vallerand, A.H. & Sanoski, C.A. (2016) Davis’s Drug Guide Nurses. (15th ed.) Philadelphia: FA Davis. (ISBN13: 978-0-8036-5705-2).

• Venes, D. (2012) Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary. (22nd. ed.) Philadelphia, FA Davis. (ISBN-13: 978-0-8036-2977-6).

Course Information & Web Resources:

• Nursing Program website – (Nursing Program Handbook, program policies, course outlines)

• Mercer Online (Blackboard) – (Course shell containing lecture handouts, course gradebook, other course learning resources)

• Evolve-HESI – (for case studies & practice exams) • NCLEX-RN Detailed Test Plan –

Mercer County Community College Institutional Learning Goals IL1 Written and oral communication in English: Students will communicate effectively in both speech and writing. IL2 Mathematics: Students will use appropriate mathematical and statistical concepts and operations to interpret data and to solve problems. IL3 Science: Students will use the scientific methods of inquiry, through the acquisition of scientific knowledge. IL4 Technology: Students will use computer systems or other appropriate forms of technology to achieve educational and personal goals. IL5 Social Science: Students will use social science theories and concepts to analyze human behavior and social and political institutions and to act as responsible citizens. IL6 Humanities: Students will analyze works in the fields of art, music, or theater; literature; philosophy and/or religious studies; and/or will gain competence in the use of a foreign language. IL7 History: Students will understand historical events and movements in World, Western, non-Western or American societies and assess their subsequent significant.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (4)

IL8 Diversity and Global Perspective: Students will understand the important of a global perspective and culturally diverse peoples. IL9 Ethical Reasoning and Action: Students will understand ethical issues and situations. IL10 Information Literacy: Students will recognize when information is needed and have the knowledge and skills to locate, evaluate and effectively use the information for college level work. IL11 Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Students will use critical thinking and problem solving skills to distinguish among inferences, opinions and facts. Nursing Education Program Student Learning Outcomes

1. Provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care in a variety of healthcare settings to diverse patient populations across the lifespan.

2. Engage in clinical reasoning to make patient-centered care decisions. 3. Participate in quality improvement processes to improve patient care. 4. Collaborate with members of the interprofessional team, the patient, and the patient’s support persons. 5. Use information management (informatics) principles, techniques, and systems, and patient care technology to

communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making. 6. Assimilate leadership, management, legal, and ethical guidelines in practice as a Registered Nurse.

Course Student Learning Outcomes This course is a continuation of the fundamental concepts of nursing practice and application of those concepts with a focus on wellness and the care of patients experiencing uncomplicated acute and chronic conditions. Application of knowledge and skills occurs in the nursing laboratories and a variety of clinical settings.

1. Apply nursing concepts to provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse acutely ill adult patients and the reproducing family. Institutional Learning Goals 1,2,3,5,8,10,11; Program Goal 1

2. Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make patient-centered care decisions. Institutional Learning Goals

1,2,3,4,9,10,11; Program Goal 2

3. Relate quality improvement processes to improve patient care. Institutional Learning Goals 1,2,4,10,11; Program Goal 3

4. Contribute to the collaborative relationship with members of the interprofessional team, the patient, and the

patient’s support persons. Institutional Learning Goals 1,5,8,11; Program Goal 4

5. Describe information management (informatics) principles, techniques, and systems, and patient care technologies that are used to communicate, manage knowledge, mitigate error, and support decision-making. Institutional Learning Goals 4,10,11; Program Goal 5

6. Demonstrate the use of leadership, management, legal, and ethical guidelines when caring for diverse acutely ill

adult patients and the reproducing family. Institutional Learning Goals 1,5,9, 11; Program Goal 6 Academic Integrity Mercer County Community College is committed to Academic Integrity – the honest, fair and continuing pursuit of knowledge, free from fraud or deception. This implies that students are expected to be responsible for their own work, and that faculty and academic support services staff members will take reasonable precautions to prevent the opportunity for academic dishonesty. Please refer to the full Academic Integrity policy in the MCCC Student Handbook and OMB Policy 210.

Credible reports of academic dishonesty will result in course failure and possible program dismissal.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (5)

Nursing Program Handbook Each nursing student will receive a copy of the Nursing Program Handbook at the start of the program. The handbook is updated each academic year and the most current version is available to all students on the nursing program website Students are responsible to review the most current semester’s handbook each semester and comply with the nursing program policies and procedures as written. ADA Statement Mercer County Community College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in all activities, programs and services. If you have a documented differing ability or think that you may have a differing ability that is protected under the ADA and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact the Center for Inclusion, Transition, and Accessibility at 609-570-3422 or LB218 for information regarding support services. Attendance Please review the Nursing Education Program Attendance Policy on the nursing program website or the Nursing Education Program Handbook. Students are expected to attend all lecture, college laboratory, and clinical laboratory sessions. If you cannot avoid an absence, contact your instructor prior to the activity to be missed. Students who are unable to be present for a scheduled exam must contact the instructor prior to the exam. No Call, No Show to any exam results in a zero for that exam. Prolonged absences due to illness, injury, or bereavement for an immediate family member should be reported to the Nursing Office. Per the Nursing Education Attendance Policy, two points will be deducted from the overall course grade for every unexcused absence from any educational session. Two episodes of unexcused lateness will be treated as an unexcused absence; points will be deducted from the final course grade accordingly. Each request for an excused absence will be considered separately, on its own merit. Any combination of more than two absences in theory, lab, or clinical may result in inability to meet course objectives and course failure. Theory Classroom theory sessions are based on learning objectives from the course outline. Textbook readings are assigned based on weekly learning objectives listed in the course outline and should be completed prior to the class session. Online student resources for the Pearson Concept textbook can be accessed at Classroom experience will involve critical thinking interactive learning activities which will require reading the assigned readings prior to class. A presentation of theory concepts will be given at the beginning of the class followed by classroom learning activities. Cell phones must be shut off during class sessions unless otherwise instructed by the Professor. Recording any class session is at the discretion of the instructor. Permission to tape should be obtained prior to the beginning of class. Team Assignments There will be multiple assignments in class which will require students to work in teams to complete a graded assignment. All members of a team are required to contribute equally to the project. Students are strongly encouraged to consider outlining work responsibilities and problem-solving solutions prior to the start of the project. Involving the instructor in solving team issues should be considered the last resort. College Lab This weekly lab is designed to help the student gain proficiency in nursing skills in a controlled environment utilizing videos, interactive computer learning, hands on demonstration and clinical simulation. The student will be expected to practice basic nursing skills to gain proficiency and perform a return demonstration in front of the instructor. Students must successfully perform a return demonstration on all critical skills in order to pass the lab portion of the course. If a student is absent from a college laboratory, it is the responsibility of that student to make arrangements to attend open lab hours for practice of any missed skill. Student must obtain referral form from instructor and bring the form with them to the open lab time. Form must be signed and submitted to the course coordinator within two weeks of

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (6)

missed college lab session. Open lab information, including time and location, to be posted on blackboard/nursing website. Dosage Calculation Math Requirement The dosage calculation exam will be administered during week one and week 2. All students are expected to take the exam in the Academic Testing Center by the assigned date. Students should bring a simple calculator. The use of a cell phone as a calculator is NOT allowed. The exam will be timed. The expectation for this exam is 90% or better. If the student does not achieve the 90% on the first attempt, remediation session must be completed by the student and a new test will be taken. Students will not be allowed to pass medications during the clinical experience until the dosage calculation exam requirement has been met. If the student is unable to pass medications after the second attempt of the dosage calculation exam, an ‘UNMET’ grade will be issued for that competency, which will result in a clinical failure and subsequent course failure. Clinical Lab The clinical laboratory provides students with the opportunity to provide care to patients in the clinical setting in order to meet course goals. Preparation for clinical lab will focus on weekly objectives listed in the course outline. Clinical lab consists of 12 hours per week performed at the assigned clinical facility. Weekly clinical assignment information will be handled by the clinical instructor. In general, during the clinical lab, you will be expected to: Pre and Post Conferences:

1. Be able to state the patient's diagnosis including organs involved; explain (briefly) signs and symptoms of the disease using correct terminology.

2. Identify and explain how the patient's condition exemplifies an alteration to the concept being studied that week using the disease process, nursing order and use of pharmacological agents.

3. Identify developmental tasks appropriate to the patient's age and the implications for nursing care. 4. Formulate a preliminary plan of nursing care based on the altered concept and utilizing the nursing process. 5. Discuss assigned medications in relation to patient care outcomes. 6. Review and evaluate the care given and the patient's response to care plan. 7. Discuss revisions that should be made in your plan to improve care. 8. Discuss application of clinical objectives to your patient.

Clinical Experience:

1. Receive report on assigned patient, review medical record. 2. Assess your assigned patient. 3. Revise your preliminary plan as needed utilizing data obtained in report, from the medical record, and your

assessment of the patient. 4. Implement the nursing plan by caring for your patient demonstrating proficiency in nursing skills and seeking

guidance from your instructor as needed. 5. Record nursing documentation and report off to nursing staff appropriately.

All patient information received during clinical lab is to remain confidential at all times. No photocopying of patient information is allowed. Students will not be allowed to visit the unit for patient information at times other than their assigned clinical day. Clinical Documentation - DocuCare All nursing students will be documenting their clinical experiences in DocuCare and students are expected to purchase a DocuCare learner license. Student license access to DocuCare EHR virtual simulation software will be available for purchase on using the instructions below. Limited licenses are also available in the college bookstore. To purchase course access online you will need to register for an account on the Laerdal website.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (7)

1. Visit 2. Click on ‘Products & Pricing’ from the menu bar 3. Choose the DocuCare product and ‘Add to Cart’ 4. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout *Once you create your account, please take note of your Customer Number and Password for future purchases. The student access code is nontransferable and can only be used during the access period depending on the module selected. To access your course material after you purchase, follow the steps detailed in your order confirmation email. Observation Experience: Students may have the opportunity to rotate through the preoperative, operative, Post Anesthesia Care Unit (PACU), postoperative unit, and outpatient maternity offices and clinics for experience following a patient from start to finish experiencing the operative experience, and care and management of pregnancy. The objectives of the experience correlate to the NCLEX test plan of what is expected for the student to know about the perioperative experience and outpatient management of the maternity client. Each student is expected to complete and submit the acknowledgement of OR/PACU, Maternity observation form within one week of completion. Failure to do so will result in an unexcused clinical absence. Objectives, assignment, who to report to, how to prepare, what to wear, time schedule, hospital and/ or office or clinic to report to will all be under the NRS 125 Mercer Online (Black board) Course folder: OR/PACU, Maternity OBSERVATION EXPERIENCE. Evolve Case Studies Case studies are assigned as a tool to aid in learning specific content. These case studies are included in the Weekly Class Preparation and should be included as learning activities to support the content covered for the week. Each case study must be completed by the assigned deadline or the grade will be recorded as zero. Each case study presents a scenario that introduces the client and then a series of small sets of questions. At the end of the case study, a summary screen shows all of the rationales for each question. The case studies can be accessed via the Evolve website at under the link “case studies with practice tests.” All students will need an Evolve login and password, as well as a course ID number to access the Evolve materials. HESI Tech Support is available at 1-800-401-9962. Students may re-take the case study as many times as they like up to the due date. The individual case study grade will be based on the average of the case study attempts. HESI case studies are worth 5% of the course grade. The final overall grade for the case studies is calculated by taking the average score of all case studies assigned in the course outline. HESI Exams: HESI exam(s) are web-based exams, scheduled periodically throughout the nursing education program. Prior to taking the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can be accessed on the Evolve website under “case studies and practice tests”. Students should bring earbuds or headphones to the exam. Your conversion score will be based on your HESI score and will be posted to Blackboard. There is no rounding of the conversion score. Students will be required to complete all the assigned remediation for each HESI exam in the course by the assigned deadline to be eligible to sit for the final exam. In addition, students who complete all remediation by the date assigned will have 5 additional points added to their conversion score. The maximum score a student can achieve with remediation is 100 points. HESI exams will count for 10% of the final course grade.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (8)

vSim: vSim for Nursing is simulation software that students will use throughout the program. All students are expected to purchase vSim® for Nursing Medical Surgical. Student license access to vSim® for Nursing online, virtual simulation software will be available for purchase on using the instructions below. Limited licenses are also available in the college bookstore. To purchase course access online you will need to register for an account on the Laerdal website. 1. Visit 2. Select the Medical-Surgical module. 3. Click on ‘Products & Pricing’ from the menu bar 4. Choose the vSim student license and ‘Add to Cart’ 5. Review your order and click Proceed to Checkout 6. Enter Promo Code which will be given at the beginning of the semester to be used at Checkout *Once you create your account, please take note of your Customer Number and Password for future purchases. The student access code is nontransferable and can only be used during the 2-year access period. To access your course material after you purchase, follow the steps detailed in your order confirmation email. vSim patient scenarios are worth 5% of the final course grade. Each vSim patient scenario has four components: pre-simulation quiz, simulation, post-simulation quiz, and guided-reflection questions. Students must complete all components to receive credit for the patient scenario. The responses to the guided-reflection questions must be substantive and include one reference, formatted in American Psychological Association (APA) style. Students who did not complete the guided reflection questions will receive a zero for the patient scenario. The due date for the scenarios can be found on blackboard by clicking on the course calendar. The final overall grade for the vSim patient scenarios are weighted as follows: Patient #1: 33% Patient #2: 33% Patient #3: 34% Testing Procedure: All course theory exams will be given during the first hour of lecture. Exams are typically fifty questions and students are given approximately 75 minutes to complete the exam. If a student arrives late to an exam, there will be no extra time allowed to complete the exam. Once a student has completed the exam, any late students will no longer be allowed admission to the classroom to sit for the exam and will receive a zero (0) as a grade. Students who are unable to be present for a scheduled exam must contact the instructor prior to the exam. No call, no show to any exam will result in a zero for that exam. In the case where a student misses an exam, an alternate exam may be administered at the discretion of the instructor. The student must notify the instructor in advance of the scheduled test of a student’s inability to take an exam as scheduled. Additionally, it is the student’s responsibility to inform the instructor if they are too ill to take the exam prior to the exam. All students must acknowledge on the exam cover sheet that they are physical and mentally able to take the exam. Once the exam has been submitted for grading, students may not request a make-up exam. Seating during the exam is at the discretion of the instructor or exam proctor. Only pencils, erasers, calculator, the answer sheet, and the test booklet will be allowed at the student’s seat during the exam. Questions will not be answered during the exam. Theory exams are scored on Scantron forms. The Scantron sheet stands as the final grade. Please refer to nursing program testing policy in the Nursing Program Handbook for further information. Exam Review

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (9)

Group exam reviews will be conducted by the course faculty. Individual exam reviews will be at the discretion of the course coordinators. There will be no cell phones or smartwatches allowed during the review. Students who scored a 78% or less will be given priority for individual exam review. Please refer to the student handbook for additional information regarding the nursing program’s test review policy. Student Success Students who score less than 80% on a nursing exam will be required to meet with the health profession’s success coach or other designated MCCC team member to develop or revise a personalized success plan. In addition, nursing program faculty or staff may require students to attend open skills lab, tutoring, meet with the health professions success coach, attend a workshop or other activities to assist the student to be successful. Nursing program tutoring includes peer and faculty tutoring offerings. Theory Grade

Assessment Percentage of Grade

Exam 1 10%

Exam 2 10%

Exam 3 10%

Exam 4 10%

Exam 5 10%

Final Cumulative Exam 30%

Maternity HESI Exam 5%

Medical-Surgical 2.5%

Pediatric HESI Exams 2.5%

HESI Case Studies 5%

vSIM Patient Scenarios 5%

Total 100% Clinical/Lab Grade Clinical and lab are scored on a pass/fail basis. Students are expected to achieve a satisfactory rating in 6/10 clinical domains and a proficient rating in 2/10 clinical domains at the end of the medical-surgical clinical rotation. Failure to meet this requirement will result in students unable to progress to the maternity clinical rotation which will result in course failure. Any student who has a deficiency at the end of either the medical-surgical or maternity clinical rotations will not receive a passing clinical grade thereby failing the course. As outlined below, students are expected to achieve an 80% or better as a final college laboratory as part of the requirements to successfully pass NRS 125.

Activity Percentage of Grade

Successful completion of all assigned skills 50% Completion of course introduction quiz with a score of 90% or better


Patient Safety Project with a score of 80% or better 35%

Total 100%

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (10)

Determination of Grade To receive a grade in NRS 125, the following criteria must be satisfied:

(A) The final summative evaluation on the Clinical Laboratory Performance Evaluation during the medical-surgical clinical rotation must be at a satisfactory for eight (8) clinical domains and proficient in two (2) clinical domains and a minimum of satisfactory on all clinical domains during the maternity clinical evaluation.

(B) College laboratory grade of 80% or better. (C) Passing grade of 90% or better on the Dosage Calculation exam. (D) Completion of all required vSIM patient scenarios. (E) Completion of assigned HESI exam(s). (F) Completion of all theory exams. (G) Completion of comprehensive final exam.

A final grade of "C+" (77% - 79.99%) or better in each nursing course is necessary to progress to the next nursing course and to graduate. No grades will be rounded. The Student is responsible for maintaining a record of his/her own grades as they are achieved. Final grade should be viewed in Blackboard NOT the Blackboard application. If all criteria for the determination of a grade for the course have been successfully met, a grade will be assigned as follows:

A 93% - 100%

A- 90% - 92.99%

B+ 87% - 89.99%

B 83% - 86.99%

B- 80% - 82.99%

C+ 77% - 79.99%

C 70% - 76.99%

D 60% - 69.99%

F 0% - 59.99%

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (11)

Weekly Course Outline

Week - Theory Class Date Focus Concepts Assessment

1 – January 21, 2020 Oxygenation

HESI case studies: • COPD w/ pneumonia • Congenital Heart Defects

2 – January 28, 2020 Perfusion/Intracranial

Regulation HESI case studies:

• Deep Vein Thrombosis • Brain Attack (Stroke)

3 – February 4, 2020 Cognition/Sensory

Perception Exam #1 HESI case study:

• Neurocognitive disorder due to Alzheimer’s

4 – February 11, 2020 Cellular Regulation/Immunity

5 – February 18, 2020 Digestion/Elimination HESI case study: • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

vSIM patient: Stan Checketts 6 – February 25, 2020 Perioperative/Mobility Exam #2

HESI case study: • Perioperative Care

vSIM patient: Marilyn Hughes 7 – March 3, 2020 Infection/Inflammation

HESI case study: Inflammatory Bowel Disease Medical-Surgical HESI Exam

8 – March 10, 2020

Metabolism Exam #3 HESI case study:

• Peripheral Vascular Disease w/ Amputation vSIM patient: Skyler Hansen

Spring Break 3/16-3/22

9 – March 24, 2020 Antepartum Pediatric HESI Exam HESI case study:

• Ectopic Pregnancy

10 –March 31, 2020 Intrapartum

11 – April 7, 2020 Postpartum/Newborn Care

HESI case studies: • Healthy Newborn

Postpartum 12 – April 14, 2020 High-Risk Pregnancy Exam #4

HESI case studies: • Gestational Diabetes • Preeclampsia

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (12)

13 – April 21, 2020 High-Risk Newborn HESI case study: • Premature Infant

Maternity HESI Exam

14 – April 28, 2020

Reproduction Exam #5

See Course Calendar/Blackboard for exact due dates for all assessment methods Weekly course outline, test and assignment dates are subject to change at instructor’s discretion.

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (13)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 1 Concept: OXYGENATION

Exemplars Altered Physiology Gas exchange Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) /Bronchiolitis

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Pneumonia Acid base Anemia - Acute blood loss - Nutritional

CLO1: Apply the concept of oxygenation as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client with an alteration in oxygenation. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients with an alteration in oxygenation. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with an alteration in oxygenation. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with alterations in oxygenation. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with an alteration in oxygenation.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Oxygenation: Pgs. 1021-1043 RSV: Pgs. 1096-1101 COPD: Pgs. 1070-1081 Pneumonia: Pgs. 622-636 Acid-Base: Pgs. 3-29 Anemia: Pgs. 68-80 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 25: Pgs. 347-350 • Chapter 40: Pgs. 616-632 • Chapter 35: Pgs. 512-514, 514-

516 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 16: Lungs and Thorax

(Pgs. 295-328) Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

Required equipment for each lab/clinical: stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, pen light, student manual, and skills textbook. Lab Activities • Focused respiratory assessment • Tracheostomy care & suctioning • Oral Suctioning • Incentive Spirometry • Peak flow Clinical Activities • Physical assessment including a

focused respiratory assessment of the client who has an alteration in oxygenation

• ABG analysis • Engaging in clinical reasoning

activities • Collaborative care

o Medication administration via inhalation

o Respiratory therapist regarding care for the client with an alteration in oxygenation

• SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (14)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 2 Concepts: PERFUSION &

INTRACRANIAL REGULATION Exemplars Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) Coronary artery disease (CAD) Congenital heart defects Stroke

CLO1: Apply the concepts of perfusion and intracranial regulation as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client with an alteration in perfusion and intracranial regulation. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients with an alteration in perfusion and intracranial regulation. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with an alteration in perfusion and intracranial regulation. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with alterations in perfusion and intracranial regulation. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with an alteration in perfusion and intracranial regulation.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Perfusion: Pgs. 1109-1155 DVT: Pgs. 1211-1222 CAD: Pgs. 1183-1211 Heart Defects: Pgs. 1163-1183 Intracranial Regulation: Pgs. 727-751 Stroke: Pgs. 1325-1340 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 31: Pgs. 431-446 • Chapter 23: Pgs. 306-316 • Chapter 28: Pgs. 387-400 • Chapter 15: Pgs. 176-177, 181-182 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 18: Cardiovascular System

(Pgs. 355-390) • Chapter 24: Neurological System

(Pgs. 578-617) Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused cardiac assessment • Focused neurological assessment • Orthostatic blood pressure Clinical Activities: • Physical assessment including a

focused cardiac and neurological assessment of the client with an alteration in perfusion and intracranial regulation

• Glasgow coma scale assessment • Application of sequential

compression devices and/or anti-embolism stockings

• Engaging in clinical reasoning activities

• Collaborative care o Medication administration

for DVT prophylaxis or Treatment

• SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (15)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 3 Concepts: COGNITION &

SENSORY PERCEPTION Exemplars Dementia Peripheral vascular disease Peripheral neuropathy Retinal detachment Cataracts Macular degeneration

CLO1: Apply the concepts of cognition and sensory perception as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client with an alteration in cognition and sensory perception. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients with an alteration in cognition and sensory perception. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with an alteration in cognition and sensory perception. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with alterations in cognition and sensory perception. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with an alteration in cognition and sensory perception.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Cognition: Pgs. 1705-1729 Dementia: Pgs. 1714-1715, 1731-1739 Sensory Perception: Pgs. 1381-1404 PVD: Pgs. 1293-1298 Peripheral Neuropathy: Pgs. 1434-1440 Retinal Detachment: Pgs. 1428-1432 Cataracts: Pgs. 1413-1426 Macular Degeneration: Pgs. 1413-1426 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 20: Pgs. 266, 270-272 • Chapter 17: Page 214-215 • Chapter 15: Pgs. 173-174 • Chapter 33: Page 479

Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 14: Eye (Pgs. 231-260) • Chapter 19: Peripheral Vascular

System (Pgs. 392-417) Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused peripheral vascular


Clinical Activities: • Physical assessment including a

focused peripheral vascular assessment

• Engaging in clinical reasoning activities

• Collaborative care o Case manager/social

worker regarding placement of a client in an assisted living or LTC facility

• SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (16)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 4 Concepts: CELLULAR

REGULATION & IMMUNITY Exemplars Cancer -Skin -Prostate -Colo-rectal Anemia -Hemolytic -Aplastic Hypersensitivity

CLO1: Apply the concepts of cellular regulation and immunity as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client with an alteration in cellular regulation and immunity. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients with an alteration in cellular regulation and immunity. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with an alteration in cellular regulation and immunity. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with alterations in cellular regulation and immunity. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with an alteration in cellular regulation and immunity.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Cellular Regulation: Pgs. 31-45 Cancer: Pgs. 46-68 Skin: Pgs. 133-143 Prostate: Pgs. 117-124 Colo-Rectal: Pgs. 89-95 Anemia: Pgs. 69-80 Immunity: Pgs. 465-486 Hypersensitivity: Pgs. 510-525 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 32: Pgs. 452-459, 460-466 • Chapter 29: Page 413 • Chapter 38: Pgs. 574-583 Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Continuous bladder irrigation • Ostomy/drainage system care • Administration of an enema

Clinical Activities: • Physical assessment including care

of the client with an ostomy • Engaging in clinical reasoning

activities • Collaborative care

o Lab/Radiology regarding testing for the client with an alteration in cellular regulation

o Respiratory therapist regarding care for the client with an alteration in immunity

SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (17)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 5 Concepts: DIGESTION &

ELIMINATION Exemplars Viral Hepatitis Malabsorption Pyloric Stenosis Intussusception Bladder retention Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

CLO1: Apply the concepts of digestion and elimination as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client with an alteration in digestion and elimination. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients with an alteration digestion and elimination. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with an alteration in digestion and elimination. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with alterations in digestion and elimination. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with an alteration in digestion and elimination.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Digestion: Pgs. 217--236 Viral Hepatitis: Pgs. 244-253 Malabsorption Syndrome: Pgs. 253-261 Elimination: Pgs. 275-303 Bladder Retention: Pgs. 317-324 BPH: Pgs. 303-312 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 37: Pgs. 567-571 • Chapter 41: Pgs. 638-639 • Chapter 42: Pgs. 650-664 • Chapter 43: Pgs. 680-683 • Chapter 47: Pgs. 759-763 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 19: Abdomen (Pgs. 419-

444) • Chapter 21 & 22: Urinary Systems

(Pgs. 446-513 stop at female reproductive system)

Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused abdominal/GU assessment • Insertion of a nasogastric tube • Insertion of a urinary catheter Clinical Activities: • Physical assessment included a

focused abdominal/GU assessment • Catheter care on the client with an

indwelling urinary catheter • Engaging in clinical reasoning

activities • Collaborative care

o Medication administration for the client with an alteration in digestion

• SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (18)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 6 Concepts: PERIOPERATIVE &

MOBILITY Exemplars Perioperative, Intraoperative, and Postoperative Herniated Disc Fractures/Hip Fractures Osteoarthritis/Joint Replacement Hip Dysplasia

CLO1: Apply the perioperative concept and the concept of mobility as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client in the perioperative environment or a client with an alteration in mobility. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients in the perioperative environment or a client with an alteration in mobility. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client in the perioperative environment or a client with an alteration in mobility. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client in the perioperative environment or a client with an alteration in mobility. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client in the perioperative environment or a client with an alteration in mobility.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Perioperative: Pgs. 1347-1377 Mobility: Pgs. 879-902 Herniated Disc: Pgs. 903-908 Fractures/Hip Fractures: Pgs. 914-935 Osteoarthritis/Joint Replacement: Pgs. 945-953 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 18: Pgs. 223-243 • Chapter 19: Pgs. 256-257 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 23: Musculoskeletal (Pgs.

528-576) • Chapter 9: Pain (Pgs. 113-125) Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused musculoskeletal

assessment • Use of assistive devices: Crutches • Sterile dressing change • Surgical drains

Clinical Activities: • Physical assessment including a

focused musculoskeletal assessment

• Engaging in clinical reasoning activities

• Collaborative care o Case manager/social

worker regarding placement of the client with an alteration in mobility

• SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (19)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 7 Concepts: INFECTION &

INFLAMMATION Exemplars Urinary Tract Infection/Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infection Conjunctivitis Cellulitis Otitis Media Pneumonia Cholecystitis Appendicitis Inflammatory Bowel disease Gastritis Bronchitis

CLO1: Apply the concepts of infection and inflammation as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client with an alteration in infection and inflammation. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients with an alteration in infection and inflammation. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with an alteration in infection and inflammation. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with alterations in infection and inflammation. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with an alteration in infection and inflammation.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Infection: Pgs. 555-594 UTI/CAUTI: Pgs. 655-666 Conjunctivitis: Pgs. 600-606 Cellulitis: Pgs. 594-600 Otitis Media: Pgs. 612-621 Inflammation: Pgs. 669-681 Cholecystitis: Pgs. 687-693 Appendicitis: Pgs. 681-687 IBD: Pgs. 695-707 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 35: Pgs. 506-516, 518-528 • Chapter 50: Pgs. 819-821 • Chapter 32: Pgs. 620-627 • Chapter 42: Pgs. 654-660 • Chapter 18: Pgs. 234-235 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Appendix B: Standards for

Infection Control Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Intravenous medication


Clinical Activities: • Physical assessment • Engaging in clinical reasoning

activities • Collaborative care

o Medication via the intravenous route

SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (20)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 8 Concept: METABOLISM

Exemplars Type 1 Type 2 Juvenile

CLO1: Apply the concept metabolism as it relates to the role of the registered professional nurse. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client with an alteration in metabolism. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients with an alteration in metabolism. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with an alteration in metabolism. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with alterations in metabolism. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with an alteration in metabolism.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: Metabolism: Pgs. 785-807 Diabetes: Pgs. 807-844 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 45: Pgs. 712-728 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 28: The Complete Health

Assessment (Pgs. 725-737) Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Mixing medications in one syringe • Simulation Clinical

o Engaging in clinical reasoning activities

o Physical assessment o Medication administration o SBAR hand-off

Clinical Activities:

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (21)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 9 Concept: Reproduction and

ANTEPARTUM Exemplars Antepartum care Antepartum testing Fetal growth and development Physical and psychological adaptions in pregnancy Dangers/discomforts of pregnancy Adolescent Pregnancy Nutrition Teratogens

CLO1: Apply nursing concepts to provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients and the reproducing family. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client in their antepartum period. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients in the antepartum phase of pregnancy. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with antepartum alteration. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with antepartum alterations. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with antepartum alterations.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: 2nd edition Pgs. 1046-1047, 1552-1560, 2011-2041, 2051-2077, 2082-2112 3rd Edition G-1(glossary), 1151-1152, 1694-1696, 2170-2224, 2226-2228, 2237-2268 Skills: 587-597 (Skill 14.1-14.6) Saunders(7th) edition: • Pgs. 291-295, 299-310 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 22: (Pgs. 623-628) • Chapter 26: (819-830, 852)

Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • OB assessment • GTPAL Clinical Activities: • Simulation

o Engaging in clinical reasoning activities

o Assessment o SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (22)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 10 Concept: INTRAPARTUM

Exemplars Intrapartum Fetal heart rate monitoring Labor and delivery Immediate Postpartum Care Birth Related Procedures Caesarean Birth Induction of Labor

CLO1: Apply nursing concepts to provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients and the reproducing family. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client in their intrapartum period. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients during the intrapartum phase of pregnancy. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with intrapartum alteration. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with intrapartum alterations. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with intrapartum alterations.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: 2nd Edition Pgs. 2112-2170 3rd Edition 2270-2294, 2295-2329 Skills: 598-612 (Skill 14.7-14.15) Saunders(7th) edition: • Pgs.332-343, 393, 395-397 Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 26: 853-856, 858-861

Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused assessment • Fetal monitoring Clinical Activities: • Simulation

o Engaging in clinical reasoning activities

o Assessment o SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (23)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 11 Concepts:

POSTPARTUM/NEWBORN CARE Exemplars Transition of newborn to extra-uterine life Newborn care/ Post-partum assessment and care Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) Newborn Circulation Apgar Score Reflexes, Alert and sleep states Gestational Age assessment Parent-Newborn attachment Newborn safety Metabolic screening Cord blood banking

CLO1: Apply nursing concepts to provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients and the reproducing family and newborns. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the client in their postpartum period the newborn. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients during the postpartum phase of pregnancy and the newborn client. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the client with postpartum alteration and newborn with alterations. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the client with postpartum and newborn alterations. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the client with postpartum and newborn alterations.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: 2nd Edition Pgs. 274-275, 1024-1028, 1428, 1437-1439, 1494, 1816-1830, 2168, 2171-2247 3rd Edition 2325, 2329-2353, 2353-2369, 2370-2408 Skills: 613-632 (Skill 14.16-14.27) Saunders(7th) edition: • Pgs. 356-361, 364-367, 372-379,

397-399, 431-432, 472

Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 26: (828- 833, 866)

Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused assessment • APGAR scoring Clinical Activities: • Simulation

o Engaging in clinical reasoning activities

o Assessment o SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (24)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 12 Concept: HIGH-RISK

PREGNANCY Exemplars High risk pregnancy Pregnancy Induced Hypertensive Disorders Gestational Diabetes Rh Isoimmunization Pre-term Labor TORCH Disease Adolescent pregnancy Pregnancy over 35 Anemia’s in pregnancy Alterations in pregnancy Fetal Distress

CLO1: Apply nursing concepts to provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients and the reproducing family. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for a high-risk client. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for the high-risk pregnant client. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the high-risk client. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the high-risk client. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the high-risk client.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: 2nd Edition Pgs. 489, 1139, 1166, 1204-1210, 2041-2052, 2056, 2061, 2077-2082, 2100, 2103, 2136-2143, B-64, 2202 3rd Edition 1226-1227, 1263-1269, 2224-2225, 2228-2249, 2255-2260, Appendix B-72, 2294-2295, 597, 611-612 Saunders(7th) edition: • Pgs. 314-327, 346-351, 393-395,


Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 25: 782-784, 786-793 • Chapter 26: 864

Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused assessment Clinical Activities: • Engaging in clinical reasoning

activities • Assessment • SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (25)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 13 Concept: HIGH-RISK

NEWBORN Exemplars High Risk Newborn RDS Pre-term Birth Post-term Birth Birth Injury ROP Meconium Aspiration Cold Stress Sepsis Hypoglycemia Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAD) TTN SIDs Congenital Anomalies Omphalocele Gastroschisis HIV

CLO1: Apply nursing concepts to provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients and the reproducing family. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions when caring for the high-risk newborn. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for the high-risk newborn client. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach to the care of the high-risk newborn. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding the high-risk newborn. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines of the high-risk newborn.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: 2nd Edition Pgs. 444, 522-527, 1024-1027, 1084, 1423, 1441, 1552-1554, 1768, 2046, 2204-2210, 2248-2261 3rd Edition 1102-1104, 1695, 1808, 2368-2370, 2395-2396, 2409-2422, 2725-2726,626-627 Saunders(7th) edition:

• Pgs. 319-320, 380-388, 394-395, 431-432, 440-444, 449, 494-495, 504-505, 511-514, 520-522

Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing:

• Chapter 12: 242 • Chapter 19: 515 • Chapter 26: 844

Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused assessment Clinical Activities:

• Engaging in clinical reasoning

activities • Assessment • SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM …· the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (26)

Week Concept and Exemplars Weekly Objective Class Preparation Activities Lab and Clinical Activities 14 Concept: REPRODUCTION

Exemplars Family planning, contraception Genetic testing IVF, infertility Special needs of the pregnant adolescent Complimentary/ alternative therapies Partner abuse Perinatal loss

CLO1: Apply nursing concepts to provide safe, quality, evidence-based, patient-centered nursing care to diverse patients and the reproducing family. CLO2: Demonstrate clinical reasoning to make client-centered care decisions regarding the concept of reproduction. CLO3: Relate quality improvement processes when caring for clients in different phases of reproduction. CLO4: Demonstrate a team-based approach regarding reproduction. CLO5: Describe information management principles that support decision making regarding reproduction. CLO6: Apply leadership strategies when addressing legal and ethical care guidelines regarding reproduction.

Concept Based Approach to Learning: Vols. 1 & 2: 2nd Edition Pgs. 1372-1394, 1767-1773, 1957-1959, 1964-1975, 1604, 1768-1773, 2041-2043, 2074, 2091, 2097-2098, 2139, 2168-2169, 2186, 2188 3rd Edition 1411, 1473-1505, 1776-1781, 2123-2135, 1884-1891, 1899-1900 Saunders(7th) edition:

• Pgs. 295, 658, 367 Pharmacology for Nurses: • Chapter 45: Pgs. 694-707, 709,


Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing: • Chapter 26: 840, 844

Please review blackboard resources (PowerPoint(s), video link(s), ticket to class), case studies, My Nursing Lab

All required equipment Lab Activities: • Focused assessment Clinical Activities: • Engaging in clinical reasoning

activities • Assessment • SBAR hand-off

HEALTH PROFESSIONS Division NURSING Education PROGRAM … · the HESI exam, students are required to complete the practice tests with a score of at least 80%. The practice tests can - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Author: Francesca Jacobs Ret

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Author information

Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

Address: Apt. 141 1406 Mitch Summit, New Teganshire, UT 82655-0699

Phone: +2296092334654

Job: Technology Architect

Hobby: Snowboarding, Scouting, Foreign language learning, Dowsing, Baton twirling, Sculpting, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.