Your World With Neil Cavuto : FOXNEWSW : May 15, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PDT : Free Borrow & Streaming : Internet Archive (2024)

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shore, they drop the gates. we all hit the water. and a lot of us just almost drowned before we jumped off that boat. but we made it and made it to shore. >> martha: and it was an honor to meet them. they are living treasures of american history, and open with the final journey of the greatest generation" is available now on fox nation so i really hope that you will go in there and watch this series, it is extraordinary. we have the pacific and europe available to you now. just wonderful story. that is "the story" for wednesday, great happy with us, as always, "the story" goes on tomorrow, see you back here at 3:00. stay tuned for "your world" which starts right about now. ♪ ♪

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♪ ♪ >> neil: yeah, the heat is on right now, and we are not just talking wall street, more on that and a second because it is looking like president joe biden former president donald trump will indeed be facing off, both in jute know my agreeing to two debates, the first or 27th, and while there is still a ton of details to be hammered out, this much we do know, robert f. kennedy jr. is upset he has bee. how will the shakeout? welcome from everybody peek i'm neil cavuto. let's find out from the white house how they are reacting because they initiated all of this. peter doocy is there. hey, peter. >> a big couple of hours here, neil. president biden laid out terms for these debates that were favorable to his side and president trump accepted, so for now there is not going to be any audiences for the two agreed-upon debates, but trump had some requests of his own. he did hugh hewitt's radio show and he said, i think we should go to ours, yeah, i think we should go two, and a stand-up podium is important. if he wants to sit down, he

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wants to do thing, a debate should be standing up. so by cutting out the commission on present shall debates, the major parties are cutting out rfk jr., he is furious, accusing biden and trump of colg against him and he says by excluding me from the stage, president biden and trump seek to avoid discussion of their eight years of mutual failure, including deficits, wars, lockdowns, chronic disease, and inflation. the biden team is also insisting microphones must be cut to prevent anybody from speaking out of turn, and they insist that this is not tied to recent poor polling. >> should we see this sudden offer from the president to debate as a signal that you guys realize you need to change the subject after some really bad polling? >> you know, we had a back and forth on polling yesterday. he is laser focused on making sure we do everything that we

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can to give people, americans, a little bit of breathing room. >> donald trump had challenged joe biden to a debate anywhere, anytime. the two seem to be trying to call each other's bluffs but now there is going to be at least one debate, a month before donald trump even accepts the republican nomination at the convention, which is, until today, something that hadn't happened. neil? >> neil: i'm curious, even though cnn is handling it, will it be broadcast on all networks? >> that's a good question for them. the abc debate that is scheduled in the fall, they are saying that they are going to make it available to simulcast. >> neil: all right, we'll watch closely. peter, thank you very much. peter doocy and all of that. if you're looking forward to this rematch, remember this. >> i'm not here to call out his lies. everybody knows he is a liar. >> you are the liar. >> i want to make sure -- >> last junior class --

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why couldn't you answer that question? >> the question is -- >> radical left -- >> will you shut up, man? the fact is this man doesn't know what he's talking about. >> don't ever use the word smart with me. don't ever use that word. >> come give me a break. >> neil: all right, that went well. look forward to more of the same or will it be a little different? let's go to bill. will it happen? >> i think it will. part of the reason is peter's question alluded to, biden is losing right now, he is losing the battleground states, so i think the president and his team decided, okay, we can't be called a chicken for the next 5-6 months, and we've got to debate trump, so i do think it's going to happen, but as you say come a lot of details that got to iron out. >> neil: the biggest detail is whether it's going to be available for a broad broadcast audience, in other words, if cnn is handling it, it's available to everybody to simulcast, what do you think? >> i don't know, abcs move does put some pressure on cnn, there is no doubt about it.

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this is good for the country, neil. we need debates, even though the first debate was a fiasco, and i think it led to trump's defeat because he was a little out of control in that debate. this is important, to exchange debates and to see one on one. however, this is also an end run around rfk jr., as well. >> neil: yeah, i wanted to ask about that. because as soon as he heard about this, he said the others were polluting against him, that they are trying to exclude me from their debate because they i wouldn't win. what did you make of that? >> he's got a very good point. member, the commission rules are if you get 15% in the polls, and you earn enough ballots to feasibly win, so you can add up to 270 electoral votes, u qualify. okay, this one, you take it out of the commission's hands, that you are just -- then it is just one on one, so you are basically shelving, and it just proves we are in a two-party system, whether you like it or not come

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at rfk jr. obviously does not like that. >> neil: cnn's own polling standards i believe were 15%. if cnn were held to the standards they might be compelled to invite him. then again, that would probably trigger one or both of the other candidates showing less interest, depending on who thinks, you know, rfk jr. hurts them. what do you think? >> rfk jr. is not going to go quietly and i could see him showing up at the debate, even if he's not invited. i do not think either side wants rfk jr. i think that's part of whether you call it collusion or whether you just say hey, listen, it's a two-party system and you've got to win back the republican or democratic nomination, this is what it is, but as rfk jr. and others say, it's like, listen, we deserve another choice, but i don't think you are going to see rfk jr. in this debate. >> neil: because expectations are so low for the president come i don't know if that is fair or not, he has less of a hurdle to climb, but that's in the eye of the beholder, i guess, so what do you think? >> i do think expectations have

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gotten lower for the president, and the president, because he is the president, it's basically if you hold the title, you get to set the parameters, any type of rematch, like a heavyweight championship boxing match, so trump has said he would debate, and even though he doesn't, i'm sure, like that it is cnn and mainstream media doing the debate, he's got to accept it. i do think we are going to have these debates, and of course they're going to be very feisty. >> neil: you talk about feisty, there is no student -- i'm sorry, there is no audience, period, outside of cameramen and the moderator or moderators, there will be two in the case of cnn, i'm just wondering how that changes the dynamics. >> yeah, that's going to be interesting to watch, and certainly we know that trump likes going after the media, he likes going after cnn, well, all media, to some degree. i do think that is going to be part of his script going after the media. but again, he's got to tone it

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down compared to that first debate. he cannot have a repeat of that or he is going to dip in the polls just like he did last time. >> neil: all right, let me ask you a little bit about this because the republican convention is in milwaukee in july. so not too much after this debate, the democrats, in august, so i'm just wondering, if either has a poor performance or was deemed to have a poor performance, how does it affect them going into their respective conventions? this is, as you said, the earliest on record as far as debates are concerned. >> conventions, neil, usually you get a bounce or at least you expect some type of bounce, so this is going to really mix it up a little bit. conventions are not as important as they used to be, but at the same time you are going to want to bounce from the debate and then another bounce from a convention. and listen, whether it is biden or trump does very well in the first debate, do they stick to their promise to do the second debate? or means to be seen. >> neil: i've been thinking of that. thank you very much. bob, always good talking to you.

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>> thanks, neil appeared to be one in, i have a hat trick to tell you about. that's a sports analogy. the corner of wall and brought. the s&p 500 and the nasdaq. continuing as the dial gets within 72 points now of 40,000, the administration, of course, has a devil of a time bragging about the market performance under its watch. very little to do with joe biden come over for that matter, donald trump, and everything to do with optimism here, that rate cuts might be back in the picture. stable inflation report, april consumer inflation report, that would be us, folks, rose less than expected in the latest month, year over year rising less than expected. once again fueled the possibility that things are tame enough that the federal reserve certainly doesn't have to entertain any more rate hikes and might in fact entertain some great cooks. one big brokerage firm in new york is still expected in three rate cuts this year, i

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think that's a little bit generous but for the time being enough to propel a big deal of buying and a slow down in retail sales. wall street world, my friends, i know this often seems confusing, good news can be greeted as bad news, bad news or slower news regarding spending or not spending, that is good if it means inflation is less of a worry. stocks can move up, interest rates can come down, the world is perfect. for today. turn shipping to your advantage. keep those expectations with reliable ground shipping. thanks brandon. with usps ground advantage®. ♪

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>> neil: all right, the markets continue to hit records right now. there might be all these protests, some of them dying down, there might be concerned about the war going on in the middle east right now and the war that could worsen sooner rather than later, instability in washington, he still-unsettled presidential race, all of that is out there but so is the buying and a lot of it by reports today that show at least inflation at our level, a consumer level, the retail level, was relatively tame in the latest month, and retail sales are starting to slow down, some interpret that as a sign we could have this proverbial soft landing and we will get those rate cuts. too soon to say for sure but larry glaser is watching it closely. what do you think? >> just as the consumer is trying to get beyond this inflationary backdrop, we've had the last few years, we finally

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get a report where we can catch our breath but it comes on the heels of a lot of really inflationary reports. and neil, one of my big concerns, not so much where we are today, but where we are going and we know, we have been hearing more and more out of washington as the political rhetoric eats up about this idea about tariffs, right? this idea that it is a tax that the u.s. consumer might be paying, an increase in cost, so we can't get beyond these costs. we are going to have additional costs coming down the pike and who pays those additional costs, neil? you and i do, right? on steel come on aluminum, electric vehicles, medical supplies. so those are the things we have to contend with in a political silly season. we'll take a victory on wall street. we'll take 401(k)s coming in at record highs, that's great for the consumer but the consumer has a lot of other concerns that they are trying to and filling their grocery bill and filling their car and paying their insurance and paying their rent are all those issues, and they know those costs are a lot higher than they were a couple of years ago. >> neil: do you think the

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presidential contest is factoring into this? donald trump takes a mouthful of what the market is doing right now, his premise was it is looking forward to him returning and that is what is driving it. it seems a little preposterous to me, but your thoughts? >> you know, look, a tariff come in this case, is a tax dressed up in political clothing, and it's supposed to be patriotic but at the end of the day, raising taxes or raising costs on working families is not a very patriotic idea. of course there are benefits but if you look at the history of trade wars, which is what these things can lead to come it's not a great one. it led to the civil war. it led to the great depression. so i think we have to be very careful not to go down that slippery slope. free-market capitalism is the opposite of tariffs and trade wars, so you have to pick your poison and a side, do you want to support the best and brightest companies, do you want to export technology and be the growth engine and the shining beacon? or do we want to have protectionism to protect our industries and we have to be very careful how we navigate that to keep our economy

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competitive. >> neil: that doesn't even remotely answer my question. i'm kidding you, larry. >> [laughs] >> neil: donald trump is taking credit for this run up. should he? >> look, i think everybody is worried. the anxiety level around the election is going to start to build as we get closer to election day. businesses don't like tax uncertainty. we don't know what the tax code is going to look like after the election. we don't know if the tax cuts are going to get extended. i think all of those are fac factors. >> neil: anything to do with ed? in other words, are we -- closer to the election, is it really the fed, interest rates? >> it's not the president. it is definitely not the president and definitely not the fed. it is all businesses that go to work every day, they put their pants on, they navigate all of these challenges coming down in washington. watching him spending so much money and small businesses have to find a way to deal with regulation and tax hikes and all of these issues and they do it because the american consumer is very resilient. but don't take the american consumer for granted with tax hikes right now. >> neil: so it could be

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northern lights. it could be the aurora borealis. it could be any one of those, but maybe not politics -- >> it's not washington, i'll tell you that, definitely not washington beards beer always good talking to you, larry glaser on all of that. we mention some of the blocks long development out there. growing tensions between president biden and benjamin netanyahu and we are seeing the proof right now and what has been budgeted in arms to israel. gillian turner has more on that. jillian? >> hi meal. the state department and other administration officials have been criticizing israel's conduct in gaza, at least in part blaming them for the deaths of thousands of palestinian civilians. now we are learning the white house and the entire administration is pushing a major weapons package worth about a billion dollars for israel. we are going to try to unpack the contradictions in that, as you mentioned, coming up next. . some things should stand the test of time.

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>> neil: all right, $1 billion, that is the arms package the white house is ready to release to israel in detail but it is mission a whole bunch of things, and that is what is causing a bit of an international uproar. gillian turner has more. gillian? >> hi, neil. it was just a week ago the state department warned it was reasonable to assess that the idf was committing human rights abuses in gaza and that israel was breaking international law appeared fast forward a week to today and we are learning more w the biden administration is pushing forward this massive billion dollar weapons package to israel. now take a look at this in recent days. the state department talking about this issue, has really, you know, addressed the shipmenn

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to pause a shipment to gaza and kill civilians. >> it is legitimate for the unite states to be concerned about certain security assets of hours in an urban and dense setting. it's as simple as that. >> the white house, though, with both policy concerns and political concerns in mind, is now trying to straddle the fence and appease both sides. >> the united states has sent a massive amount of military assistance to israel to defend itself. we are continuing to send military assistance and we will ensure that israel receives the full amount provided in the supplement. >> republican leaders, including house speaker himself, are panning the president's approach. listen. >> the irony is what joe biden is doing for political purpose is to try to appease the pro-hamas, you know, people in his car party, the pro-palestinian. he is doing real harm to the cause and the protection of

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innocent life. >> secretary blinken in ukraine just recently delivered one of his strongest rebukes of israel since october 7th, he said the u.s. wants israeli forces to "get out of gaza," so now the house is pushing ahead with a g.o.p. bill that would force the biden administration to release any holds it has or plans to have on israeli weapons shipments. democrats on capitol hill divided over this issue. the white house is not divided. they say obviously they strongly oppose the bill. neil? >> neil: gillian, thank you for all of that. gillian turner at the state department. david freeman now with us, former u.s. ambassador to israel. you and i chatted about this a couple of times. one thing that makes it stand out, i know prior administrations have also done this kind of thing, not to this degree, but in private. it wasn't blasted to the world in real time. this was and continues to be. what do you think of that? >> yeah, and it wasn't at a time

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where israel was fighting an existential battle against this type of a barbaric enemy. you know, neil, this one billion-dollar package is not in the least bit curative of the abandonment by biden of israel last week. i mean, this is a proposed sale, right? this is a sale that goes through congress and when everything is put together and shipped on a boat, it gets to israel in about two years, right, that's what we are talking about, something that will get to israel in a couple of years. what biden was held week was shipments of ammunition that we are ready to go. israel needed them right away, their bombs needed to destroy tunnels and these precision guided kits that take dumb bombs and make them smarter and help israel to fight the war and more precisely, more surgically, actually avoid the loss of civilian life. so there is no comparison. this may be a throwaway. it was leaked by the state

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department yesterday. if anybody went on the record, and no one was willing to go on the record, and was asked the question, how will this affect the war and they answered honestly, they would say it won't. because it won't get there in time. >> neil: and who is to say this isn't the start of something more involved and more weapons that will be taken back as a way of forcing israel's hands to just end the war, period? >> oh, absolutely. i think this is just the first step. actually this is the second step. the first step was the continuous visiting by blinken, sullivan, austin, sitting in the war cabinet week after week after week, micromanaging israel's war. i mean, it started off wrong, from the beginning. none of these guys, with all due respect to them, may be less taustin has a military experience, i assume he does, but none have fought in gaza, wh is the most difficult, hamas has the greatest home-court advantage in the world in terms of ground warfare with all of their tunnels, so for them to come in and tell israel what to

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do, go a little bit here, don't go there, it's insane, and it has caused this war to go on and on and on, and all of that has done is increase the misery of the people who live there. sooner that hamas is destroyed, the sooner people can get back to life and the whole idea that you are here and now that they don't believe that israel can really defeat hamas is the worst insult i've heard yet. we destroyed the nazis. just because there were nazis and others floating around in argentina, but we defeated them. defeated isis. still running around. defeat hamas, there will still be terrorist but we can defeat hamas and this idea that they can't come and on top of that, to overlay the obligation to try to negotiate or release the hostages, why would hamas play ball under these circ*mstances? they are getting everything they want for free from the biden administration. >> neil: if that is indeed the case, may be israel wants to eradicate hamas or that is its goal and may be the clear message we are sending us we

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don't, we don't think it should be annihilated. >> well, you know, if that is our message then shame on us and woe to us because undoubtedly with the open border over the last couple of years, we've got people in this country who want to harm us, as well, if we are not able to show strength and unity and resolve to defeat radical islamic terrorism, it's not just israel that will pay the price, it will be america, as well. >> neil: isn't that the message, ambassador, that we are sending? >> it is. it is, unfortunately, and it is very disturbing and it is one i believe will change no later than november 5th. i would love it to change a lot sooner. >> neil: ambassador, always an honor to have you. david freeman, the former u.s. ambassador to israel. more than some story shifts in u.s. policies, these are substantial movements. also continuing to follow what was an assassination attempt on a slovakia prime minister, robert fico, ms occurred earlier

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today. he sustained life-threatening injuries, the latest we could call from the shooting. greg palkot has more. greg? >> neil, yes, it is being called an assassination attempt and it happened right in the heart of europe, populist prime minister robert fico shot in the stomach and seriously wounded in a government meeting a town about 85 miles from the capitol in bratislava. he was taken by ambulance and helicopter to a nearby hospital where he underwent surgery and had been at least fighting for his life. 71-year-old man was identified as a suspected shooter and seized by security. he had fired five shots with a gun reportedly legally owned. the country's interior minister said the shooting was politically motivated and decided upon after the reelection last year. the shooting of fico, who had been in and out of the p.m. job the last several decades, prompt and wide reaction. president biden calling the shooting horrific, praying for a swift recovery. russian president putin

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described the attack as monstrous. deputy secretary general said he was shocked and appalled. fico was a polarizing figure. his move to change the laws on media, justice, corruption, brought widespread protest. he is pro-russian, anti-american, critical of both nato and the european union. fico stopped military aid to ukraine and called on kyiv to give up territory to moscow, but now, neil, the latest word we are getting just a short while ago that deputy prime minister of slovakia speaking to the bbc said fico was no longer fighting for his life, that is, that he will survive. still, though, politics in europe just got a bit more dangerous. >> neil: great coverage, as always. greg palkot i met in london. in the meantime want to draw your attention to her vladimir putin arriving in china, meeting with xi jinping. the two leaders are supposed to discuss a variety of undertakings around the world. they both sort of readjusted themselves, of course, vladimir putin's oil riches have

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returned, his fortunes have changed. he is the undoubted ruler of russia for the term. china's leader, could be a different case right now. he has the upper hand and is a global powerhouse in and of himself. what comes of this meeting, anyone's guess. in the meantime, keeping an eye on how history could be repeating itself, we have seen all the protest and everyone comparing 1968 to what's going on today. harris faulkner should know. she's coming up then.

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♪ ♪ >> neil: you know, everyone is talking about these college protests that have been going on around the country and the world and saying, boy, this is 1968

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all over again. but harris faulkner begs to differ with that analogy. is not quite that black-and-white. you know her from "the falconer focus" and coanchor on "outnumbered," i don't know where she finds the time, halfway around the world, fox nation special come "footsteps of my father." you have a lot going on here. then is not now, you are saying. >> first of all, great to see you. we work in the same building and don't see each other pay thank you for having me. this is the official time i tell everybody why i went on a 22 hour trip from jfk, people saw the instagram and did not know why. so this is personal, and it was happening in 1968. myirst tour. the protest and you're talking about at the dnc convention, 1968. so my dad was over there fighting for this country while people over here fighting about it come about a war that had become unpopular. but he loved this country and he was assigned to go fight for democracy and a place that was being taken over by communism.

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is this time late 1968, before the dnc convention? we are leading up to a dnc convention with a whole lot of protesting. no. because, back then, not only were they fighting against the vietnam war, but also, there were civil rights going on in the country. you know, whites and blacks, our citizens were divided, but they were united on one thing. they love this country. my father fought for this country at a time when our nation was struggling because he loved america, true patriot. >> neil: but he encountered racism. >> he did. but he called it the struggle of imperfection that a republic like only we could have. we would move on. our potential was the greatest of any nation on the planet because we had the u.s. constitution. he believed. and the people who were divided in the 1960s, it wasn't because they didn't love the country.

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some of the college campus protests, though, look a lot like they did back then. burning american flags. those are the similarities. like, what is it about that generation then and that generation now? but the death to america? death to israel? that is unique to this moment. and i think everything deserves to be in its place vehicle you will hear people say, oh, this is like when -- it's like slavery, it's like the holocaust, you'll hear that and that is always so offensive to me because everything deserves its moment in time, but if we are as great as my dad believed and i think we are, neil, as a nation, we learn and we move forward. i can't tell you why it's happening on college campuses the way that it is, but having talked with college students on both sides of the issue, like, the existential threat is against jews, jewish students, and jews in our country, and it comes from people who may not entirely embrace helping the palestinian. some of them align themselves more with hamas, which are terrorists.

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and when you talk to those young people, you realize they want a different america. some of them to hate this country. >> neil: this fox nation special, i let you describe it, you wanted to go back and see what it was like coming to see what your dad went through, maybe you can explain. >> you know what i wanted to do? i wanted to answer this question and i think you will appreciate this question: what do you say to a vietnam war veteran? no one knew what to say to my father. never proud of their uniform again because the nation have been divided over that war. and such horrible things happened during the war because war is hell, and at home. so i wanted to trace his footsteps because my dad was considered a hero in his very, very tiny hometown in texas. and he brought unity and communities, and it was amazing. people would listen to him. i used to call him the black walter cronkite, have this amazing voice, and he would talk about things, and people would come together and what he taught

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me was, if you are not willing to serve, then you must find a way to make life better. and i wonder what his days and nights would have been like in a place that saw so much loss of blood and treasure from america, so many deaths, and so many deaths of the vietnamese, who didn't want to be communist vehicle a south vietnamese wanted democracy, that's why we helped them. and what was it like to go to a place where we couldn't win? and what did that look like? >> neil: you retraced those steps. >> i went back to the battlefield. i was on the saigon river, and we are seeing some shots now. but we are looking at now, remember the iconic photo where the people were trying the last few in vietnam who could possibly get out, there were reprisals going on as the war ended and the communist folded in, they were killing people, they were doing -- and especially the journalists who were left behind. helicopter lands on that building. >> neil: remember that. >> and that is the building. but i wanted everybody to see just a little bit of a special, if we can.

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>> it's where american soldiers fought for vietnam to have democracy, more than 50 years ago. and where my father served as an army combat pilot. now i have my own mission. >> come my gosh! >> trekking to vietnam. >> my dad would have loved this. >> to see for myself. >> oh, mg. >> the places where dad earned his hard won wisdom. >> his name is here! >> join me for this adventure of a lifetime. >> we found a base where the enemy had built tunnels, the vietcong. underneath the base. and they were trying to figure out from how did these guys keep popping up out of the ground? so i went into one of these tunnels, and, you know, i'm not a particularly tiny woman, so my hips were wider than the hole to into the vietnamese fighters were so tiny, and they didn't ht of food. so we would have to send our

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soldiers into the ground to go after them. and, i mean, it was an impossible mission. and they ended up, you see me here, i am very claustrophobic, and plus, i am a foot taller than most of the people that this was built for. i mean, it was nerve-racking, and you'll hear me say, dad, i'm doing this for you. i wanted to understand because he was in charge of the skies and those flyers. at one point he had 1,000 planes on his watch. and i found out that he made major during his second tour. i never knew that. like, i knew that he was a lieutenant colonel peter go i knew once he was back home and i grew older that dad was respecte pentagon. >> neil: he never bragged about it ever? >> no, he didn't. he bragged about this country. and it broke his heart to know there were people who hated america. i think he would be heartbroken today. he died christmas morning, 2020 come in his sleep.

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>> neil: i'm sorry. >> thank you. and i think he would be heartbroken to see the hate because that, to me, is the difference between now and 1968 leading up to the democratic convention. and i am concerned about that. a lot of that hate right now is focused at the current president biden and genocide joe, as they are calling him. i hope people can remain peaceful. but the historian who was along for some of my journey with me, also a military veteran. his dad and my dad served about the same time in vietnam. he found my dad's -- you saw that sign, that hung outside one of the units he served, and lead, and he was the commander. i never knew that. so this is so much fun. thank you for letting me do this with you. >> neil: really looking forward to this. good stuff, young lady. >> god bless you, thank you. >> neil: he would be very, very proud. but harris, worked a tad harder, we'd all appreciate it. >> [laughs] okay, i'll work really hard right now. >> neil: this with the municipal bond market.

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>> fox nation, it drops in the morning. and you are always the first. i'm appreciative. >> neil: i'm really looking forward to it, harris. >> thank you. >> neil: i don't know how you find the time, but you do. you got to watch this, it's powerful, and for harris, it is personal peer >> a divine assignment, the lord gives me the energy. >> neil: there you go. not wast. but instead remade over and over... into the things that keep our food fresher, our families safer, and our planet cleaner. to help us get there, america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars to create innovative products and new recycling technologies for sustainable change. because when you push for smarter solutions, big things can happen.

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>> neil: all right, back on the stand tomorrow, michael cohen, it's the last court date this week, no court on friday. what are we in for? >> hey, neil. so court isn't happening today but there are more questions about michael cohen's testimony. on the stand yesterday cohen admitted to lying before congress in 2 2017 and again special counsel prosecutors the next year. today on capitol hill, a lawyer that he consulted with before reaching a plea deal with federal prosecutors says much of what cohen said yesterday was a live. here's bob costello on capitol hill today. >> i said, michael, the way this works is, if you have truthful information about donald trump, that's clearly what they are looking for, i can have all your

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legal problems solved by the end of the week. his response, i swear to god, bob, i don't have anything on donald trump. >> so cohen testified yesterday that he didn't tell costello the truth about trump because he didn't trust costello and he worried whatever he told him would get back to trump. cohen now claims to be ate directly participated in a scheme to pay adult film actress stormy daniels $130,000 to influence the 2016 election, but costello says cohen wanted to be trump's attorney general or white house chief of staff and he may have acted alone to gain favor, adding, "procuring this nda would be a way to ingratiate himself with donald trump and save embarrassment for melania because he knew donald trump was very concerned about not doing anything to embarrass melania." cohen is the prosecution's final witness. after he has done testifying, trump's lawyers are considering calling expert witness to the stand. del discussed the ground rules

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for possible questioning of that expert witness at 4:00 tomorrow but before that, neil, the trial will resume at 9:30 with the, cross-examination of michael: continuing and you can bet that they will be asking questions about what costello said today. we will send it back to you. >> neil: thank you very much. in the end it is not whether jurors like michael cohen, seems to be an unlikable fellow for one reason or another, but do they believe him? after this. ♪ ♪ good soil, and you get good results. look at that! the broccoli was fantastic. that broccoli! i think some of them were six, seven pounds. ( ♪ ♪ )

1:52 pm

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>> neil: all right, it could get heated when the defense continues cross-examining michael cohen tomorrow. they are after his credibility and continuing to dig in. mercedes carl, former defense attorney, how she thinks they are exceeding thus far. what do you think? >> you are exactly right, neil, and always wonderful to be on your show. we are talking about michael cohen's credibility. that is the absolute crux to the entire case because right now we have a he said, she said type of scenario. michael cohen has come out and said former president trump news said this was about his campaign, nothing to do with his family, nothing to do with melania, this is all about the campaign, he made certain assertions during his direct examination that there were certain statements that former president trump had made to him, includ would be disastrous to his campaign because women would hate the issue.but there and look at him and say, this is someone

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who is already a convicted perjurer. he has already acknowledged during direct examination with the prosecutor that he has lied, he has bullied individuals, but they have to sit there and determine whether this individual, who is by all accounts a convicted perjurer, telling the truth about former president trump. >> neil: i guess the truth depends on whether it is a misdemeanor truth or a felony truth. i'm not sure that the distinction, maybe you could help me, mercedes, because a misdemeanor is about falsifying business records, something the prosecution has already proven. now the next step to found a is proving that donald trump intended to violate election laws by unlawful means, and that is a big leap thus far. how do you grade this in that regard? >> that's a great point, and frankly, neil, you are talking, the defense is going to jump all over it. it cannot be a mixed motive. it cannot be he may have intended to help in the campaign

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and he was afraid that this was going to be an issue for his family. it has to be that his intentions were clear and his intentions were about the campaign. when you listen to the testimony coming through hope hicks, hope hicks said he was concerned about his family and he was concerned about melania and then when you look at what michael cohen said, of course he diametrically opposed as hope hicks and says this was all about the campaign. we have one of these types of scenarios where you have two witnesses saying two different things. but it has to be shown by the prosecutor that it was former president trump's intention to ensure that these payments to stormy daniels federal listed as legal expenses were done for his campaign. and so far, see half it might have to see how it goes in cross-examination tomorrow, it's crucial for the prosecution. they will have the opportunity to rehabilitate him to the extent that they need to during redirect. >> neil: so they are going to be done when they are done with him, the prosecution. what does the defense do?

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>> well, the defense, if i were the defense, i would say, i'm going to really argue that it is the prosecution failed to make their case. they have the burden of proof. don't have to put anybody on the stand. it would be to their benefit to keep it short and sweet, especially if you are going to point to the burden of proof the prosecution has in this case. if they put anyone -- by the way there are two lawyers on the jury, so they understand retainers, payments, agreements, contracts, legal expenses, payments to lawyers. they will understand all of that because any lawyer that has contractual relationships with clients where they get paid during a retainer would have a contract with where the money flows from. so if you need an expert to explain it to the way people on the jury about what these legal expenses may mean, that may be something they want to do,

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especially if they want to close that in closing arguments and say to the jury, ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we are talking about legal expenses. former president trump, this was identified as legal expenses, it was payment made to a lawyer, therefore it would be a legal expense. that would be an argument, perhaps they would think they need an expert to just solidify that particular part of the defense. >> neil: real quickly come i want to bring katie czajkowski into this. katie, as this stands right now, how would you score the prosecution's success or lack of it? >> i think it is all over but the shouting for the prosecution. i do not think they have established evidence on all of the elements of these offenses. even the misdemeanor offense, and i think that mercedes was just talking about the idea of whether this was legal expenses. again, the prosecution has presented no evidence that this was not legal expenses, let alone any evidence of the suppose it escalating felony effect, so certainly i think it was a really poor showing, and i

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would anticipate an acquittal in any other state but at least a hung jury here. >> neil: all right, that means donald trump is victorious. >> well, could be tried again, but prosecutors, they'd want to try again. >> neil: katie, quickly on that commitment to get nasty tomorrow, isn't it? >> well, i think it's a little almost over at this point. there is nothing michael cohen can do to establish those elements. the prosecution we need to throw up an accounting expert, this was improper documentation, and they are not going to do that so certainly the defense probably won't even have a case aside from maybe one expert and then the rest. >> neil: we shall see. katie, final word. mercedes, thank you both. 9:30 tomorrow, it continues. "the five" is now. ♪ ♪ >> jesse: hello, everybody. i'm jett

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