What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (2024)

Posted By: BC Tax Insights Team

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What happens if you haven’t filed taxes in years? How many years can you go without filing taxes? Sometimes, life happens, and you can’t pay your taxes on time or collect all the information you need before the filing deadline. Whatever your reason for not filing, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) takes not filing quite seriously.

Fortunately, if you are behind on taxes, you can get back in good standing. You can work with a tax professional who can investigate which tax returns need to be filed and help you collect the information you need, research your account, and file your returns.

Haven’t Filed Your Taxes in Years?

Table of Contents

  • What Are The Consequences of Failing to File Your Taxes?
  • Is There A Time Limit On Tax Collection?
  • What Paperwork And Documents Do You Need To Gather?
  • What If You Are Unable To Pay The Full Amount Of Taxes Owed?
  • 6 Tips for Filing Back Tax Returns
  • Contact Tax Professionals
  • Access Tax Relief Services From BC Tax

What Are the Consequences of Failing to File Your Taxes?

Two outcomes can negatively affect you if you are subject to filing and fail to complete it.

Increased Costs

One of the primary reasons timely filing is essential is to safeguard your financial well-being. The IRS canassess several types of penalties, and if you don’t file and pay on time, you’ll likely receive a failure to file penalty and a failure to pay penalty. These figures include 5% of the unpaid tax amount monthly for each month of a late return — up to a total of 25% of your tax liability.

The IRS also adds interest to the outstanding amount — both taxes due and any penalties assessed — that corresponds to the current prevailing rates. This rate has climbed over the past several years as benchmark rates rose andnow stands at 8%for the first two quarters of 2024. Interest accrues on outstanding unpaid interest as well, so these costs can quickly mount.

There is no penalty for failure to file if the IRS owes you a refund. However, if you haven’t filed taxes in three years to claim those refunds, you may lose the chance to do so. You can read more about the statute of limitations in our tips section below.

Potential Criminal Charges

Unfortunately, those who do not file a tax return on time may also be charged with a crime. Penalties can include significant fines and even prison time.

Luckily, the government has a limited amount of time in which it can file a criminal charge against you for tax evasion. If the IRS chooses to pursue charges, this must be done within six years after the date the tax return was due. Additionally, a non-filer who voluntarily files their missing tax return is not likely to be charged.

Anyone can unintentionally fall behind on paying taxes. Suffering a serious illness or a death in the family could result in a person forgetting to pay their taxes on time. Once a non-filer has gone a few years without filing, they may find it tempting to continue neglecting the task. However, if non-filers have not filed taxes in several years, this could leave them exposed to steeper penalties and time in prison.

What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (1)

Is There a Time Limit on Tax Collection?

So, how many years can you go without filing taxes? Having old, unfiled tax returns may lead you to believe that the state tax agency or the IRS has forgotten about you, and you are off the hook. However, the truth is that you can still be on the hook for taxes you owe 10 years down the road.

The IRS actually has no time limit on tax collection nor on charging penalties or interest for every year you did not file your taxes. After you file your taxes, however, there is a time limit of 10 years in which the IRS can collect the money you owe. State agencies have their own rules and often have more time than the IRS in which to collect taxes.

What Paperwork and Documents Do You Need to Gather?

The first step of filing your taxes is gathering paperwork and documents. For every year that you did not file a tax return, you should gather your W-2s or 1099 forms. If you cannot find these documents, you can reach out to your employer to request a copy of this income information. Ensure you have receipts on hand if you intend to claim certain credits and deductions.

Additionally, you can request tax documents from the IRS by filing Form 4506-T, also referred to as the Request for Transcript of Tax Return. Rather than duplicate copies, the IRS will send you transcripts that contain the important information from your previous W-2s and Forms 1099 and 1098.

What If You Are Unable to Pay the Full Amount of Taxes Owed?

If you are unable to pay the full amount you owe, you may be able to make a payment plan with the IRS. This is also known as an installment agreement. When you make a payment plan with the IRS, you agree to pay the amount of taxes you owe in an established, extended time frame. If you believe you could pay the full amount of your taxes owed within the time frame, you may want to consider requesting a payment plan.

  • Offer in Compromise: An Offer in Compromise may be right for you if you owe a significant amount of tax, have minimal income and assets or can’t afford a long-term repayment plan. When you agree to an Offer in Compromise, you will pay less than the tax you currently owe to settle your debt.
  • Non-collectible status: You may also be able to get your tax debt declared non-collectible if the amount you owe is particularly burdensome and you have a hardship that makes it impossible to pay the taxes you owe.

At BC Tax, we have been able to help negotiate successful installment agreements for taxpayers across the nation. If you believe your tax liability was calculated incorrectly or you need help with paying your owed taxes, we can help you find a tax solution that is right for you.

We have helped our clients obtain affordable repayment plans to stop collection actions and save tens of thousands on back taxes. We have also helped our clients substantially reduce the amount of tax debt owed through Offers in Compromise.

What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (2)

6 Tips for Filing Back Tax Returns

The following six tips can help you get back in good standing with the IRS if you have unfiled tax returns.

1. File as Soon as Possible

You will want to file your tax return as soon as possible. You could miss crucial deadlines if you delay taking action.

Sometimes, the IRS prepares a tax return when an individual hasn’t filed a return in years. This is known as a substitute return, and the IRS uses this to assess tax and start collection activities. A substitute return doesn’t have credits or deductions, which means the IRS’s calculation of your tax could be much higher than what you really owe.

The agency also assesses its penalties and interest on the calculation it determines through substitute returns. Fees quickly accrue the longer they remain outstanding and can add as much as 47.5% of the tax liability to your overall amount due. The sooner you file, the more you can avoid paying unnecessary costs.

2.Review the Deadlinesfor Letters You May Receive

If you haven’t filed a tax return in a few years, the IRS will pull your tax documents from those years and use them to calculate your tax. They will then mail you a letter known as an assessment letter that details how much tax you owe.

When this situation occurs, you can either file an original tax return or petition the Tax Court within 90 days after the date of the notice of deficiency. If you do not respond to the letter in a timely manner, you will receive a second letter known as the Statutory Notice of Deficiency.

  • Assessment letter: Upon getting a letter in the mail, you may find that the IRS prepared a substitute tax return for you. In this letter, the IRS proposes to assess your tax based on the information the IRS has. This information typically consists of tax documents on file, such as W-2 forms and 1099 forms. In this letter, the IRS summarizes the sources of income that they used to calculate your tax.
  • Statutory Notice of Deficiency: This 90-day letter will be mailed to notify you that the IRS is prepared to start collecting unpaid tax, interest and penalties. The letter will advise you on your right to dispute this assessment in Tax Court, and you may file either an original tax return or a Consent to Assessment and Collection, which is to agree that the IRS’s calculations are correct.

3. Collect All Your Documentation

If you are in this situation, gather the following documentation:

  • Letters or notices from the IRS
  • The last return you filed
  • Business expenses and income if you are self-employed
  • Tax documents, such as W-2s, interest income, 1099s and mortgage interest statements

If you cannot find some of your tax documents, you may be able to obtain them from the IRS. If you need to collect information on your expenses, you may find these numbers on receipts and bank statements. You’ll need to retain and possibly present these as evidence to support anytax deductions or credits you claimto reduce your liability.

4. Claim Refunds Within 3 Years

As mentioned above, there is a statute of limitations for claiming money back from the IRS.

If you believe you may have a refund, then you will need to file your tax return within three years of the original filing deadline. If you file your tax return after this three-year deadline, your refund will expire. Outside of this three-year limit, the IRS cannot issue a refund to you, apply the refund to your outstanding balancing or apply the refund to a future estimated payment.

Few events are more stressful than opening your mailbox and finding a tax collection letter. The last thing you want to do in this situation is ignore the letters you receive from the IRS. If you receive a letter in which the IRS threatens enforcement actions like wage garnishment or asset seizure, now is the time to contact a tax professional.

5. Request Penalty Abatement

Penalty abatement is the process of requesting and receiving forgiveness of specific penalties the IRS assesses. Any taxpayer can request penalty abatement, and those who’ve generally filed and paid on time can request first-time abatement for the first year of payment or filing they missed.

Eligibility circ*mstances for all abatement requests vary and include the reasons for failure to file or pay and your previous track record as a taxpayer. To request it, you or your tax professional will:

  • Specify the penalty you want the agency to abate.
  • Explain the circ*mstances beyond your control that prevented you from timely filing and payment, such as an emergency hospitalization.
  • Submit any evidence that supports your case.

The IRS will consider the facts and issue a determination. If the agency rules in your favor, they’ll reduce your balance by the penalty amount plus any interest assessed against it.

6. Explore and Understand Your Payment Agreement Options

As we detailed earlier in this post, payment agreement options exist for those unable to pay their entire balance due immediately. These include installment agreements, short-term extensions and an Offer in Compromise. Consider answering the following questions to identify the best option for your situation:

  • What amount can you afford to pay monthly toward the debt?
  • How will penalties and interest impact your debt as you make payments?
  • What is the status of any outstanding IRS liens or garnishments during repayment?

Finally, you may want to contact a tax professional who can help you through the process of filing your tax return as soon as possible. You can authorize a tax professional to call the IRS on your behalf to get transcripts and information. You can also authorize a tax professional to handle the entire process with the IRS on your behalf.

Additionally, you and your tax professional may be able to request a stay on enforced tax collection activity. Your tax professional can then follow up with the IRS to ensure the return is accepted. To receive the highest-quality tax-related services, consider working with an enrolled tax agent.

Reach Out to Us

What Is an Enrolled Tax Agent?

What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (3)

Enrolled agent status is the highest credential with the IRS. An enrolled agent can represent taxpayers with approval from the IRS, and working with an enrolled agent will be a powerful resource for you.

Our enrolled agents at BC Tax can help you:

  • Stop collection efforts.
  • Fight liens and penalties.
  • Resolve back taxes.
  • Win penalty abatement.
  • File accurate and updated returns.
  • Negotiate an offer in compromise.
  • Appeal enforced collection actions.
  • Help you avoid asset seizure and wage garnishment.
  • Review previous returns and resubmit if there are inaccuracies.

What Questions Should You Ask a Tax Professional?

When you choose to work with a tax professional, there may be a few questions you want to ask, such as:

  • What licenses do you have?
  • What is the price for your services?
  • How many years can you file back taxes?
  • How many unfiled tax returns do I need to file?
  • Should I hand-deliver or mail in my tax returns?
  • Do you have a project plan for my tax situation?
  • What is your preferred method of communication?
  • How will I receive a refund if I am owed one from the IRS?
  • Who will I be working with from start to finish on my tax situation?

Why Should You Work With an Enrolled Agent at BC Tax?

An enrolled agent must pass a three-part exam. This exam evaluates the agent’s ability to understand individual and business tax returns. An alternative way to qualify for the status of an enrolled agent is by working directly for the IRS. Regardless, an enrolled agent needs to stick to strict ethical standards and meet requirements for ongoing continuing education.

The benefits of choosing BC Tax for our tax debt services include:

  • Comprehensive knowledge: Partnering with BC Tax also allows you to avoid challenges in communication. We never outsource to a third party who doesn’t understand the IRS. Though we are a Denver-area business, we thoroughly understand how all state and federal taxes work.
  • Expert guidance: A tax professional at BC Tax can resolve issues and answer your questions. If you have unfiled returns, you likely have questions about your tax situation, and an experienced tax professional can provide you with the answers you need.
  • Flexible hours: When you work with one of our enrolled agents, you won’t have to worry about time zones. You can communicate with your enrolled agent when it’s most convenient for you.
  • Face-to-face interaction: We also understand how helpful it can be to meet with your enrolled agent and tax relief team in person. If you prefer to meet with us in person, you can visit our offices by scheduling an appointment to speak with our team.

When you choose to work with one of our enrolled agents, you can rest assured that you are receiving insightful support on your tax situation. When you need the training and expertise of an enrolled agent, we can put our experts on your case. Our agents are available at any time of the year to help you with your greatest tax-related concerns.

What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (4)

Access Tax Relief Services From BC Tax

Do you have tax issues or impending tax problems? You don’t have to face the process alone. If you are facing tax debt and enforced tax collection, turn to BC Tax for help. We offer tax relief and tax resolution services to businesses and individuals in Colorado and across the country.

Whether you are trying to remove an existing tax lien or you have unfiled taxes, our Enrolled Agents can evaluate your situation and offer guidance on the best way to move forward. After your tax problems are resolved, you can utilize our tax planning and preparation services. If you want to learn more about our tax relief services, contact us at BC Tax today for a no-obligation consultation.

What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (5)

Posted By: BC Tax Insights Team

Authored by the BC Tax Insights Team, this article reflects the collective expertise and experience of our seasoned tax professionals. The Insights Team at BC Tax comprises specialists with a deep understanding of various tax scenarios and solutions. With a focus on providing informative, accurate, and practical insights, our goal is to guide readers through the complexities of taxation and financial planning. Every piece is crafted with the intent to help individuals and businesses navigate the ever-evolving world of taxes, ensuring clarity and confidence in decision-making.

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What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (8)James Melton

17:22 18 Apr 24

I worked with BC Tax to resolve several years of unfiled taxes. They were professional, human, and also effective - once engaged the IRS did not... contact me any further. Everything is resolved and up to date, now, and that is such a reliefread more

What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (9)Tom Earnest

22:16 06 Feb 24

The best choice to solve IRS issues at a reasonable fee We received many solicitations about our tax issue. BC tax, LLC was professional and... diligent in every respect. Our issue was about and unexpected recapture of depreciation on a capital gain sale we made. I was not in a cash position to pay the entire tax when due. IRS imposed a substantial penalty for not paying the tax when due. BC Tax was able to negotiate with IRS to remove the penalty. My personal attempts to deal with IRS were frustrating and with out success. Colleen's help solved our issue quickly and in the manner we had discussed. We are very appreciative of her efforts.read more

What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (10)Flint C. Botz-Davis

22:59 12 Dec 23

This man is by far the best person that I have had the honor to talk with and do business with he’s laid back and doesn’t hide anything the man is a... serious straight shooter his name is Dan and he definitely the man . He has helped me more than those people who lied to me and took my money ( 6k) and said oh we will do this and didn’t do it , so when you call ask for Dan he will do everything in his power to move heaven and hell to get you taken care of .read more

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What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years (2024)


What Should You Do If You Haven't Filed Taxes In Years? ›

If you haven't filed your federal income tax return for this year or for previous years, you should file your return as soon as possible regardless of your reason for not filing the required return. If you need help, check our website.

What should you do if you haven't filed taxes in years? ›

The following six tips can help you get back in good standing with the IRS if you have unfiled tax returns.
  1. File as Soon as Possible. ...
  2. Review the Deadlines for Letters You May Receive. ...
  3. Collect All Your Documentation. ...
  4. Claim Refunds Within 3 Years. ...
  5. Request Penalty Abatement. ...
  6. Explore and Understand Your Payment Agreement Options.

What do I do if I didn't make enough to file taxes? ›

Even if your income is below the amount that requires you to file, you can still file a return to claim a refundable tax credit or get a tax refund. Use the IRS online interview tool to find out if you need to file a tax return.

What happens if you skip years filing taxes? ›

It's illegal. The law requires you to file every year that you have a filing requirement. The government can hit you with civil and even criminal penalties for failing to file your return.

What if I haven't gotten my tax return in years? ›

If you never received your tax refund

If you were expecting a federal tax refund and did not receive it, check the IRS Where's My Refund page. You will need to enter your Social Security number, filing status, and the exact whole dollar amount of your refund.

Can I file this years tax return if I didn t file last years? ›

Can you file taxes from previous years? If you didn't file a federal income tax return for the last few years, you might wonder if you're still responsible for filing those late returns. The answer is “yes” in most cases.

What happens if you haven't filed taxes in 20 years? ›

If you haven't filed taxes for several years, the IRS may decide to settle your tax bill by setting up a levy on your wages or bank account. This can result in a garnishment of wages or other income. The IRS may also file a notice of a federal tax lien, which can impact your financial options in the future.

Can I get a tax refund with no income? ›

If you qualify for tax credits, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit or Additional Child Tax Credit, you can receive a refund even if your tax is $0. To claim the credits, you have to file your 1040 and other tax forms.

How many years can you file back taxes? ›

Even so, the IRS can go back more than six years in certain instances. Unfortunately, there is a limit on how far back you can file a tax return to claim tax refunds and tax credits. This IRS only allows you to claim refunds and tax credits within three years of the tax return's original due date.

Should I file taxes if I made no money? ›

So, if your income is less than the standard deduction, and you don't have other income to report, you won't need to file a tax return. An example of income that you would need to report, regardless of the amount , is self-employment income.

Does the IRS catch unreported income? ›

The IRS receives information from third parties, such as employers and financial institutions. Using an automated system, the Automated Underreporter (AUR) function compares the information reported by third parties to the information reported on your return to identify potential discrepancies.

Who qualifies for the IRS fresh start program? ›

General Initiative Eligibility

You should be current on all federal tax filings and owe no more than $50,000 in back taxes, interest and penalties combined. If you're a small business owner, you could be eligible for relief under the Fresh Start Initiative if you owe no more than $25,000 in payroll taxes.

Can I file two years of taxes at once? ›

Yes. You can file two years of tax returns, however, they must be completed separately. For example, you would have to input your 2020 tax forms in your 2020 tax return and your 2021 tax forms in your 2021 tax return.

What happens if I don't file taxes for 5 years? ›

If you don't file taxes for five years, you will forfeit all refunds that are more than three years old. You also put yourself at risk of the IRS assessing interest and penalties against you. Don't get stressed out and give up, however — it is possible to get caught up.

When should I be worried about not getting my tax return? ›

An incomplete return, an inaccurate return, an amended return, tax fraud, claiming tax credits, owing certain debts for which the government can take part or all of your refund, and sending your refund to the wrong bank due to an incorrect routing number are all reasons that a tax refund can be delayed.

What is the IRS 6 year rule? ›

6 years - If you don't report income that you should have reported, and it's more than 25% of the gross income shown on the return, or it's attributable to foreign financial assets and is more than $5,000, the time to assess tax is 6 years from the date you filed the return.

What can happen if I haven't filed taxes in 10 years? ›

You can incur failure-to-file penalties. Interest will be assessed on your balance. You may face liens, levies, garnishments, or other collection actions. You may struggle to get loans because many lenders want to see your tax return.

How many years back can you file taxes? ›

Even so, the IRS can go back more than six years in certain instances. Unfortunately, there is a limit on how far back you can file a tax return to claim tax refunds and tax credits. This IRS only allows you to claim refunds and tax credits within three years of the tax return's original due date.

Can you go 10 years without filing taxes? ›

Get a personal consultation.

Failing to file taxes for 10 years can have severe financial and legal consequences. The IRS imposes penalties for not filing, and interest accrues on any unpaid taxes, resulting in a larger tax liability over time.

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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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