Exclusive Travel Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (2024)

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Exclusive Travel Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (6)

Exclusive Travel Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (7)

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  • Gesso Available online Stroll through one of NYC's most popular neighborhoods with a self-guided walking tour
  • McAfee, LLC New York, New York Receive 10% Rebate on all purchases at mcafee.com
  • Avis US New York, New York Enjoy 5% cashback on car rentals with Avis
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  • Green River Cruises Paris, France Embark on a private boat cruise along the Seine with breakfast US$504 for the group (approximate conversion)
  • Plan Pro Dubrovnik, Croatia Embark on a private Game of Thrones-themed tour of Dubrovnik US$769 (approximate conversion)

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Exclusive Travel Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (30)


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Mastercard and Priceless are registered trademarks, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated. ©2024 Mastercard


'); if ($.trim(selector) !== '') { var id = 'error_div_' + selector.replace('#', '').replace('.', '').replace(' ', ''); $error.attr('id', id); } $input.parent().append($error); } $error.html(msg).show(); $input.attr('aria-invalid', true).attr('aria-describedby', $error.attr('id')); if (! aria_live_shown) { aria_live_shown = true; $error.attr('aria-live', 'polite'); $input.focus(); } } } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.result === 3) { // Email is already being used, please Log In /* $("#nav .js-login").click(); // added #nav to log pageview once for desktop and mobile $("#login-email").val(email).show(); $("#login-pass").focus(); $("#login_error").html(data.msg).show(); resetRecaptcha('signup'); */ alertEx('email already used'); $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } /* else if (false && data.result === 14) { // for countreis like germany, needs email verification // directly go to next step if (signup_collectCardOnSignUp) { var postData = {action : 'submitSignupCCForm_save_card', payUrl:data.payUrl}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } else { signup_goto_next_step(); } //var message = "Please verify your email."; //alertEx(message); //$(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } */ else if (data.result > 0) { //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('signup_form'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); if (data.requiresEmailVerification == 1) { $('.done_header_div').addClass('email_verification').removeClass('no_email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text ').html("Thank You"); } else { $('.done_header_div').addClass('no_email_verification').removeClass('email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text').html("Done"); } $('.ifonly_pop_close_img').click(function(e){ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } location.href = redirectUrl; }); signup_form_submitted(data); } else { if (data.error_code == 'sess_exp') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } else if (data.msg) { alert(data.msg); } else { alert('register error'); } } }).fail( function(xhr, textStatus, error) { if (g_thisHost === 'www') { location.reload(); } else if (g_thisHost==='dev' || g_thisHost==='test') { alert_error("Error in _streamlined_signup_form register
status:" + textStatus + "
error:" + error + "

" + xhr.responseText); } else { confirmEx("Please refresh and try again." + ' ' + "If you continue to receive this error please contact priceless\u2122 concierge." + '

It will automatically refresh the page in LIVE.
(' + textStatus + ' - ' + xhr.statusText + ')', 'User Signup Error', function(){location.reload();}, function(){loadingAnimation("hide");}, "Refresh", "Close"); console.log(xhr); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); }); return false; } // data: data returned form register ajax call function signup_form_submitted(data){ console.log('signup form submitted successfully'); // adobe tracking 1.10 var adobeTracking = {ctaName: 'Sign up - Completed'}; if (g_withMcCompleteRegistrationForm) { adobeTracking['ctaName'] = 'Sign up Completed – Long Form'; } if (data.cardTypeName) { adobeTracking['cardType'] = data.cardTypeName; } adobeSatelliteTracking('Forms', adobeTracking); // Need to make callback since we NOW have emailAddress and userId // emailAddress and userId are needed for BlueShift if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.emailAddress && data.userId) { trackingSignupConfirmation(data.emailAddress, data.userId); } if (addGuestProductToCart()) return false; // if need to add a guest product (main.js) /* if (g_sourceId === 0 && g_register_result.result === 1) { // display thank you when it's new user g_signup_timer = 5000; // need more time to read message if (g_register_result.loginExistingUser) { g_signup_timer = 0; } else { var showEmailCrm = false; if (showEmailCrm && $('#pricelessProgram').prop('checked')) { g_signup_timer = 60 * 60 * 1000; // one hour show_ifonly_overlay('.email_crm_overlay'); $('.email_crm_overlay').attr('continu_signup_process', '1'); } else{ showThankYouPopIfNecessary(); } } } */ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } /* g_signup_timer = 5000; if (g_register_result!==null && ! empty(g_register_result.terms)) { showMemberTermsAndPrivacyDialog(redirectUrl, g_register_result.terms, g_register_result.termsTranslatedText); return false; } else if (redirectUrl !== '' && redirectUrl !== '#') { setTimeout(function() { location.href = redirectUrl; }, g_signup_timer); } else { setTimeout(function() { location.reload(); }, g_signup_timer); } */ } function signup_syncCCIframeSize() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action : 'syncCCIframeSize'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } } function resetCCform() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action: 'resetCCform'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } } function resetSignupForm() { g_signup_cc_saved = false; $('#redesignedSignupForm .error_div').hide(); $('#redesignedSignupForm input:not([type=hidden]), #redesignedSignupForm select').val(''); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.signup_form_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.mc_priceless_check').prop('checked', false); } function resetStepIcon() { $('.signup_stepicon').removeClass('done').removeClass('current'); } // ************** listen to message from the iframe ************************ if (typeof(signup_redesign_js_loaded)=='undefined') { signup_redesign_js_loaded = true; window.addEventListener("message", function(e){ if (e.origin !== 'https://pay.priceless.com') return; try { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(e.data); } catch(err) { return; } if (data.action === 'signup_cc_saved') { console.log('signup_cc_saved received'); g_signup_cc_saved = true; //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('verify_card'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); } else if (data.action === 'signup_cc_save_called') { if (! g_signup_cc_saved) { $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.action === 'alert_session_timeout') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } // event handlers else if (data.action === 'resize_signup_cc_iframe') { if (data.height) { var $target = $('#signup_cc_iframe'); if(data.target !== undefined && $.trim(data.target) !== '' && $.trim(data.target) !== '.' && $.trim(data.target) !== '#'){ $target = $(data.target); } //$target.attr('style', 'min-height: ' + data.height + 'px; max-height: ' + data.height + 'px;'); $target.css('min-height', data.height ); $target.css('height', data.height ); $target.css('max-height', 'none'); } } }); }

Exclusive Travel Experiences | Mastercard priceless™ (2024)


Is Mastercard priceless worth it? ›

Mastercard Priceless Cities is a wonderful under-the-radar program that offers unique programs, deals and gifts all over the globe. I especially like Priceless because it isn't bank-specific or card-specific; any Mastercard will do, even one with no annual fee or a debit card.

What is the Mastercard priceless program? ›

Priceless.com is available exclusively to Mastercard cardholders and provides access to unforgettable experiences and valuable everyday discounts in the cities where you live and travel.

Is priceless.com legit? ›

Yes, it is safe. Here's why: The Priceless website is the property of Mastercard (as mentioned at the bottom of the pages) and the connection is SSL secured, as you can see in the address bar of your browser: the web address starts with https:// and the browser displays the icon an uncut (intact) or green lock.

What is the Mastercard priceless story? ›

The Mastercard "Priceless" campaign is a marketing and advertising campaign launched by Mastercard, a global financial services company, in 1997. The campaign was created by the advertising agency McCann Erickson and was designed to promote the use of Mastercard as a payment option for consumers.

What is the credit card millionaires use? ›

Many millionaires use the American Express Centurion Card, J.P. Morgan Reserve Card, the Insignia Jewellery Card, and other high-end, invitation-only cards that provide extensive travel perks and personalised services.

What is the top level Mastercard? ›

World Elite™ Mastercard®

How does priceless work? ›

Priceless Experiences are exclusive, cardholder-only access to exceptional curated experiences. With over 1,000+ experiences, cardholders have an array of offerings to choose from in the world's most exciting destinations.

How do I use my Mastercard priceless specials? ›

Redeeming Your Offers

Select your chosen Offer for use on the Priceless Specials App. If you are in a restaurant or bar, inform your waiter that you have the Priceless Specials App before you ask for the bill. Present your mobile device with the chosen Offer to the server before the bill is presented.

What is the priceless Mastercard saying? ›

Priceless is an advertising campaign by Mastercard that started in 1997 and makes use of the slogan "There are some things money can't buy; for everything else, there's Mastercard". It has provided Mastercard with a constant and recognizable message. There are some things money can't buy.

Is priceless expensive or cheap? ›


How expensive is priceless? ›

The term “priceless” is often used loosely to describe something so valuable that its worth cannot be defined by a simple monetary value, or, in other words, it has an infinite price. However, this is very misleading; just because something is “priceless”, does not mean its value cannot be quantified.

How do you use priceless? ›

I believe it would be a priceless investment. We must preserve an extraordinary and priceless part of our heritage. We have established this priceless lead in this sphere, a lead worth several years. They are also a priceless asset to us in this country.

What is the Mastercard priceless special? ›

Mastercard priceless™ Specials are carefully sourced offers spanning across culinary, travel, shopping, entertainment, art and culture, our collections have been created for you to enjoy with family and friends making everyday moments special.

What are the allegations on Mastercard? ›

Details of the $5.5 Billion Settlement

The $5.5 billion settlement is a partial resolution of a protracted antitrust lawsuit against Visa and Mastercard. The case accused the credit card networks of overcharging merchants through excessive interchange fees, which are the costs merchants incur to accept card payments.

What is the Mastercard lawsuit? ›

The settlement partially resolved a long-running antitrust case in which the two credit card network giants were alleged to have overcharged merchants by exacting excessive interchange fees. Those so-called swipe fees are what a merchant pays to accept credit card or debit card payments from consumers.

Is it worth it to invest in Mastercard? ›

Mastercard has 12.53% upside potential, based on the analysts' average price target. Mastercard has a consensus rating of Strong Buy which is based on 21 buy ratings, 2 hold ratings and 0 sell ratings.

Is Mastercard currency conversion good? ›

Does it really matter? Does this mean that you should always use a MasterCard card when you're overseas? All else being equal (leaving aside card fees/rebates/benefits), MasterCard does generally provide the best exchange rates for the cardholder.

What is the best Mastercard to use? ›

NerdWallet's Best Mastercard Credit Cards of September 2024
  • Citi Double Cash® Card: Best for Simple cash back.
  • Chase Freedom Flex®: Best for Bonus category cash back.
  • Citi Custom Cash® Card: Best for Auto-adjusting bonus cash back.
  • BankAmericard® credit card: Best for 0% intro APR period.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Views: 6020

Rating: 5 / 5 (60 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

Phone: +5934435460663

Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.