Enter a world of glitz and glory with the spectacular Moulin Rouge! The Musical - Official London Theatre (2024)

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Enter a world of glitz and glory with the spectacular Moulin Rouge! The Musical - Official London Theatre (2)


    Language: English Enter a world of glitz and glory with the spectacular Moulin Rouge! The Musical - Official London Theatre (3)

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Enter a world of glitz and glory with the spectacular Moulin Rouge! The Musical - Official London Theatre (12)

Enter a world of glitz and glory with the spectacular Moulin Rouge! The Musical - Official London Theatre (13)

Secure prime seats, complimentary champagne and enjoy an exclusive on-stage photo opportunity


The Experience

On 18 September enter a world of splendour and romance, of eye-popping excess, of glitz, grandeur and glory! A world where bohemians and aristocrats rub elbows and revel in electrifying enchantment. You can watch along in style, raise your glass as you sip complimentary pre-show and interval fizz, before settling down in prime Band A seating as you witness Satine and Christian's exceptional performances of truth, beauty, freedom – and above all love. Plus receive a complimentary programme and enjoy an exclusive pre-show opportunity to take photos on the impressive set. Exclusively for Mastercard cardholders.


Experiencing the spectacular as you snap extraordinary selfies with your besties on the stage ofMoulin Rouge! The Musical.

The highlights

  • WatchMoulin Rouge! The Musicalat Piccadilly Theatre from Band A seats
  • Sip champagne or soft drinks preshow and at the interval
  • Delight in an exclusive opportunity to take photos on stage before the show
  • Revel in the show's throwback vibe, award-winning orchestrations, and electrifying atmosphere
  • Receive a complimentary programme


  • Priceless experiences are reserved for Mastercard cardholders
  • Experience takes place on 18 September 2024 starting at 7:30 p.m. BST
  • Experience must be booked by 11:59 p.m. BST on 6 September 2024 or before all tickets are sold, whichever is first
  • Price listed is for 1 person
  • Cardholders may purchase a maximum of 8 tickets each
  • Cardholders should contactpriceless@soltukt.co.ukwith any access requirements before booking, and we will do our best to accommodate
  • Cardholders will be redirected to the See Tickets website to make payment and finalise their booking
  • The See Tickets Privacy Policy can be foundhere
  • The See Tickets Terms and Conditions can be foundhere
  • By clicking "Book here", you agree to all our Terms of Use
  • Terms & Conditions

Fine Print

  • This experience is non-refundable upon purchase, unless otherwise noted

`; $overlay.find('.js-punchout_dynamic_content').html(pinHtml); } else { $close_btn.find('.title-container').removeClass('downloadlink').html('

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Please add credit card to your account before proceeding.").show(); } else if (data.result === -3){ $overlay.find('.js-error').html("Please add first name and last name to your account before proceeding.").show(); } else { $overlay.find('.js-error').html("Error. Please try again later.").show(); } }); } function user_activation_punchout_btn_clicked(btn, onLoad = 0) { if (onLoad) { var $trigger_btn = $('.punchout_user_activation_btn'); } else { var $trigger_btn = $(btn); if (! validatePunchout($trigger_btn)) { return false; } // VP-28048 for registration / login if (! g_loggedInManually) { signupDialog(1,false, {}); return false; } } // disable .punchout_user_activation_btn and show loading gif $trigger_btn.find('.title').hide(); $trigger_btn.addClass('loading'); $trigger_btn.addClass('disabled'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: "/product/mtrUserActivation", data: { productId: 195214, onLoad: onLoad }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function ( data ) { if (data.result === 1) { $trigger_btn.find('.title').text("Added to card"); $(".punchout_btn").removeClass('disabled'); if (g_is_mobile) { $(".punchout_btn").show(); $trigger_btn.hide(); } } else { if (data.result == 0 && data.msg) { $(".punchout_user_activation_error").html(data.msg); $(".punchout_user_activation_error").show(); } else if (data.showExclusivityCheck !== undefined && data.showExclusivityCheck === 1) { show_ifonly_overlay(".eligibility_overlay"); $(".eligibility_overlay .eligibility-error").text(data.msg); } else if (data.result === 3) { // VP-28088 not found in /offers, allow them to click 'add to card' } $trigger_btn.removeClass('disabled'); } // remove punchout_user_activation_btn loading $trigger_btn.removeClass('loading'); $trigger_btn.find('.title').show(); }); } function user_activation_on_page_load() { user_activation_punchout_btn_clicked('', 1); } $(function(){ add_ifonly_overlay_click_handlers('.punchout_overlay' ); //add_ifonly_overlay_handlers('.punchout_overlay', '.buyBox .punchout_btn', punchout_overlay_trigger_btn_clicked); //not used since buy box is loaded by javascript });

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'); if ($.trim(selector) !== '') { var id = 'error_div_' + selector.replace('#', '').replace('.', '').replace(' ', ''); $error.attr('id', id); } $input.parent().append($error); } $error.html(msg).show(); $input.attr('aria-invalid', true).attr('aria-describedby', $error.attr('id')); if (! aria_live_shown) { aria_live_shown = true; $error.attr('aria-live', 'polite'); $input.focus(); } } } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.result === 3) { // Email is already being used, please Log In /* $("#nav .js-login").click(); // added #nav to log pageview once for desktop and mobile $("#login-email").val(email).show(); $("#login-pass").focus(); $("#login_error").html(data.msg).show(); resetRecaptcha('signup'); */ alertEx('email already used'); $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } /* else if (false && data.result === 14) { // for countreis like germany, needs email verification // directly go to next step if (signup_collectCardOnSignUp) { var postData = {action : 'submitSignupCCForm_save_card', payUrl:data.payUrl}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } else { signup_goto_next_step(); } //var message = "Please verify your email."; //alertEx(message); //$(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } */ else if (data.result > 0) { //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('signup_form'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); if (data.requiresEmailVerification == 1) { $('.done_header_div').addClass('email_verification').removeClass('no_email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text ').html("Thank You"); } else { $('.done_header_div').addClass('no_email_verification').removeClass('email_verification'); $('.signup_stepicon_done .signup_stepicon_text').html("Done"); } $('.ifonly_pop_close_img').click(function(e){ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } location.href = redirectUrl; }); signup_form_submitted(data); } else { if (data.error_code == 'sess_exp') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } else if (data.msg) { alert(data.msg); } else { alert('register error'); } } }).fail( function(xhr, textStatus, error) { if (g_thisHost === 'www') { location.reload(); } else if (g_thisHost==='dev' || g_thisHost==='test') { alert_error("Error in _streamlined_signup_form register
status:" + textStatus + "
error:" + error + "

" + xhr.responseText); } else { confirmEx("Please refresh and try again." + ' ' + "If you continue to receive this error please contact priceless\u2122 concierge." + '

It will automatically refresh the page in LIVE.
(' + textStatus + ' - ' + xhr.statusText + ')', 'User Signup Error', function(){location.reload();}, function(){loadingAnimation("hide");}, "Refresh", "Close"); console.log(xhr); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); }); return false; } // data: data returned form register ajax call function signup_form_submitted(data){ console.log('signup form submitted successfully'); // adobe tracking 1.10 var adobeTracking = {ctaName: 'Sign up - Completed'}; if (g_withMcCompleteRegistrationForm) { adobeTracking['ctaName'] = 'Sign up Completed – Long Form'; } if (data.cardTypeName) { adobeTracking['cardType'] = data.cardTypeName; } adobeSatelliteTracking('Forms', adobeTracking); // Need to make callback since we NOW have emailAddress and userId // emailAddress and userId are needed for BlueShift if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.emailAddress && data.userId) { trackingSignupConfirmation(data.emailAddress, data.userId); } if (addGuestProductToCart()) return false; // if need to add a guest product (main.js) /* if (g_sourceId === 0 && g_register_result.result === 1) { // display thank you when it's new user g_signup_timer = 5000; // need more time to read message if (g_register_result.loginExistingUser) { g_signup_timer = 0; } else { var showEmailCrm = false; if (showEmailCrm && $('#pricelessProgram').prop('checked')) { g_signup_timer = 60 * 60 * 1000; // one hour show_ifonly_overlay('.email_crm_overlay'); $('.email_crm_overlay').attr('continu_signup_process', '1'); } else{ showThankYouPopIfNecessary(); } } } */ var redirectUrl = $("#redirectURL").val().trim(); var url_regex = /^(http|https)/; if (url_regex.test(String(redirectUrl).toLowerCase())) { redirectUrl = ''; // do not allow redirect to other site } /* g_signup_timer = 5000; if (g_register_result!==null && ! empty(g_register_result.terms)) { showMemberTermsAndPrivacyDialog(redirectUrl, g_register_result.terms, g_register_result.termsTranslatedText); return false; } else if (redirectUrl !== '' && redirectUrl !== '#') { setTimeout(function() { location.href = redirectUrl; }, g_signup_timer); } else { setTimeout(function() { location.reload(); }, g_signup_timer); } */ } function signup_syncCCIframeSize() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action : 'syncCCIframeSize'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); } } function resetCCform() { if ($('#signup_cc_iframe').length > 0) { var postData = {action: 'resetCCform'}; $('#signup_cc_iframe')[0].contentWindow.postMessage(JSON.stringify(postData), '*'); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } } function resetSignupForm() { g_signup_cc_saved = false; $('#redesignedSignupForm .error_div').hide(); $('#redesignedSignupForm input:not([type=hidden]), #redesignedSignupForm select').val(''); $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.signup_form_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); $('.mc_priceless_check').prop('checked', false); } function resetStepIcon() { $('.signup_stepicon').removeClass('done').removeClass('current'); } // ************** listen to message from the iframe ************************ if (typeof(signup_redesign_js_loaded)=='undefined') { signup_redesign_js_loaded = true; window.addEventListener("message", function(e){ if (e.origin !== 'https://pay.priceless.com') return; try { var data = jQuery.parseJSON(e.data); } catch(err) { return; } if (data.action === 'signup_cc_saved') { console.log('signup_cc_saved received'); g_signup_cc_saved = true; //signup_goto_next_step(); var j = get_next_step_index_by_step_id('verify_card'); $('.signup_stepicon_index_'+ (j-1)).addClass('done'); signup_goto_step(j); } else if (data.action === 'signup_cc_save_called') { if (! g_signup_cc_saved) { $('.signup_cc_submit_btn').removeClass('disabled'); } $(".signup_form_submit_btn").removeClass('disabled'); } else if (data.action === 'alert_session_timeout') { alertEx("Session expired. Page will be refreshed."); window.setTimeout(function() { location.href = g_is_mobile ? '/m' : '/'; }, 5000); } // event handlers else if (data.action === 'resize_signup_cc_iframe') { if (data.height) { var $target = $('#signup_cc_iframe'); if(data.target !== undefined && $.trim(data.target) !== '' && $.trim(data.target) !== '.' && $.trim(data.target) !== '#'){ $target = $(data.target); } //$target.attr('style', 'min-height: ' + data.height + 'px; max-height: ' + data.height + 'px;'); $target.css('min-height', data.height ); $target.css('height', data.height ); $target.css('max-height', 'none'); } } }); }

Enter a world of glitz and glory with the spectacular Moulin Rouge! The Musical - Official London Theatre (2024)
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Article information

Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Views: 6014

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.