ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) · 2019. 5. 1. · ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (2024)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (1)


Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007

March 5, 2019

Submitted by: MetTel

55 Water Street, 32nd Fl.

New York, NY 10041

Submitted to:General Services Administration

Office of Integrated

Technology Services

1800 F St., NW

Washington, DC 20405

Volume 6 Pricing Volume

Disclosure of Data Legend: This proposal includes data that shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed – in whole or in part – for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal. If, however, a contract is awarded to this offeror as a result of – or in connection with – the submission of this data, the Government shall have the right to duplicate, use, or disclose the data to the extent provided in the resulting contract. This restriction does not limit the Government’s right to use information contained in this data if it is obtained from another source without restriction. The data subject to this restriction is contained in all sheets of this submission. Freedom of Information Act Exclusion: This document contains trade secrets and commercial or financial information of the Company which is privileged or confidential within the meaning of the Freedom of Information Act 5 USC 552(b)(4). Accordingly, such data shall not be disclosed outside the Government and shall not be duplicated, used, or disclosed in whole or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate this proposal.

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (2)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 ii Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.


LIST OF EXHIBITS ........................................................................................................ III

INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Pricing Hubs (PHubs) [L.34.1(1)] ....................................................................... 9

1.1.1 Strategy for Assigning NSCs to PHubs [L.34.1(1)(a)] .................................. 9

1.1.2 Strategy for Adding NSCs to PHubs Post-Award [L.34.1(1)(b)] ................. 10

1.2 PCLs and POPs [L.34.1(2), B.4] ...................................................................... 10

1.2.1 Process for Associating NSCs to PCLs [L.34.1(2)(a)] ............................... 10

1.2.2 Process for Associating PCLs to POPs [L.34.1(2)(b)] ............................... 11

1.2.3 Process for Defining Services Associated with a POP [L.34.1(2)( c)] ........ 11

1.2.4 Process for Maintaining and Updating the B.4 Tables [L.34.1(2)(d)] ......... 11

1.3 Individual Case Basis (ICB) CLINs [L.34.1(3)] ................................................. 12

1.3.1 MetTel's Understanding of the use of ICB CLINs [L.34.1(3)(a)] ................. 13

1.3.2 MetTel's Approach to Pricing ICB CLINs [L.34.1(3)(b)] ............................. 13

1.4 Task Order Unique CLINs (TUCs) [L.34.1(4), B.1.2.15; J.4.1] ......................... 13

1.4.1 MetTel's Understanding of the use of TUCs [L.34.1(4)(a)] ........................ 14

1.4.2 MetTel's Approach to Determine When TUCs Best Satisfy Agency

Requirements [L.34.1(4)(b)] ...................................................................... 14

1.4.3 Maintaining the Information for TUCs for Combining CLINs [L.34.1(4)(c )] 15

1.5 MetTel's Geographic Coverage Strategy [L.34.1(5)] ........................................ 15

1.6 MetTel's Rationale for Mandatory Voice Service [L.34.1(6)] ............................ 18

1.7 Auto-Sold CLINs [L.34.1(7)] ............................................................................. 19

1.7.1 MetTel's Rationale for Auto-Sold CLINs in Table B. [L.34.1(7)(a)] 19

1.7.2 Process for Maintaining and Updating Auto-Sold Table [L.34.1(7)(b)] ....... 20

1.8 MNS Device Size Assignments [L.34.1(8)]....................................................... 20

1.9 Catalogs [L.34.1(9), B.1.3; F.2.1 (3), (4); J.4.2 ] ............................................... 21

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (3)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 iii Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

1.9.1 Catalog Description [L.34.1(9)(a), M.5(2)] ................................................. 21

1.9.2 Acceptance of Catalogs [M.5] .................................................................... 21

1.9.3 Process to Set Up User Access [L.34.1(9)(b)] ........................................... 22

1.9.4 User Interface [L.34.1(9)(c)] ....................................................................... 22

1.9.5 Rationale for Grouping Discount Classes [L.34.1(9)(d)] ............................ 23

1.9.6 Rationale for the Discount Structure [L.34.1(9)(e), M.5(4)] ........................ 24

1.9.7 Approach to Validating OLPs [L.34.1(9)(f), M.5(3)] .................................... 24

1.10 Termination / Cancellation Liability [L.34.1.1] ................................................... 25

2 PRICING DATA ...................................................................................................... 25

2.1 Comments Regarding Price Changes from Discussions with GSA .................. 25

LIST OF EXHIBITS Exhibit 6-1. Features and Benefits of MetTel EIS Pricing Solution .................................. 1

Exhibit 6-2. Telecommunications Synergy ...................................................................... 3

Exhibit 6-3. Proposed Services in MetTel EIS Solution ................................................... 5

Exhibit 6-4. Global Network Reach.................................................................................. 6

Exhibit 6-5. Summary of MetTel EIS Solution Section L Compliance .............................. 6

Exhibit 6-6. Summary of MetTel EIS Solution Section H Compliance ............................. 7

Exhibit 6-7. MetTel Personnel Responsible for Maintaining and Updating B.4 Tables .. 12

Exhibit 6-8. Four Ways to Work with MetTel ................................................................. 16

Exhibit 6-9. MetTel EIS Geographic Coverage .............................................................. 17

Exhibit 6-10. MetTel MNS Device Size/Class Assignments .......................................... 20

Exhibit 6-11. Supported Web Browsers ......................................................................... 22

Exhibit 6-12. The MetTel EIS Portal Services and Functionality ................................... 23

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (4)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (5)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (6)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 3 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

MetTel’s reach provides access to the most advanced domestic coverage of

services available in the market today. As an end-to-end communications solutions

provider, we streamline the telecommunications service life cycle. Our solutions allow

us to move end-users across networks in a quick and transparent fashion, enabling a

unique risk mitigation strategy, critically important in these times of dynamic changes in

the industry and the the ever-escalating threats these networks sustain.

Exhibit 6-2. Telecommunications Synergy

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (7)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 4 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

In addition to our expansive portfolio of products and service offerings, we provide

our customers with a powerful Federal Business Support System. The MetTel EIS

Portal, known as Bruin to our current customers, enables customers to manage orders,

inventory, usage, billing, service, repairs, and much more from one simple, user-friendly

web interface. The MetTel EIS Portal replicates the features and functionality of

MetTel’s Bruin and has been enhanced to meet the specific needs and requirements of

the Government while performing on the EIS contract. TMCnet, a leading industry

publication, named MetTel’s Bruin as a 2016 Internet Telephony Product of the Year award winner. The 17th Annual Internet Telephony Product of the Year Award

recognizes and honors companies that have developed exceptional products and

services that have materially impacted the delivery of

IP-based communications services. The MetTel EIS

Portal also distinguishes itself from others with its

data analytics, enabling deep insight of an Agency’s

spend and funding against budget. The MetTel EIS

Portal is a key differentiator and is highlighted in

greater detail in the Management Volume, especially

the PMP, and throughout our proposal.

The MetTel EIS Portal. MetTel’s EIS Portal provides a secure, single source, with

full functional traceability for inventory, trouble management, performance

measurement, KPI and SLA management, and consolidation of telecommunications

expense management.

The MetTel platform and network reach will deliver all the EIS mandatory services

and selected optional services. Our architecture allows MetTel to deliver fully compliant

solutions to the Government worldwide. MetTel will meet all pricing standards and

requirements as identified in Section B of the RFP for all proposed services as long as

commercially available. In Exhibit 6-3, MetTel lists the proposed services in the EIS

solution. All services proposed by MetTel are grouped by Service area and listed by

RFP classification as mandatory or optional:

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (8)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 5 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

Exhibit 6-3. Proposed Services in MetTel EIS Solution

The list of equipment we have in the SRE catalog represents the most widely used

and relevant devices to satisfy EIS requirements. In addition to those in the SRE

catalog, there are thousands of devices in the market place, to which we also have

access. MetTel will add devices to the catalog as they become relevant to services

requested by an Agency.

The MetTel Network architecture enables the choice of lowest cost access from

multiple underlying network backbones . We provide for

domestic and international network access using Ethernet, TDM, SONET/OCx, Copper,

Fiber, Cable and Wireless. The culmination of this architecture is a network that can

provide any commercially available service to any EIS location with cost effective

choices for agency’s mission needs. Exhibit 6-4 shows the global reach of the MetTel

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (9)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (10)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (11)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (12)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (13)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (14)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 11 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

1.2.2 Process for Associating PCLs to POPs [L.34.1(2)(b)]

1.2.3 Process for Defining Services Associated with a POP [L.34.1(2)( c)]

1.2.4 Process for Maintaining and Updating the B.4 Tables [L.34.1(2)(d)] Tables B.4.1.1 through B.4.1.11 provide the formats to list and identify domestic and

non-domestic Points of Presence (POPs), Physical Concentration Locations (PCLs),

Pricing Hubs (PHubs), Network Site Codes (NSCs) and their service relationships.

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (15)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 12 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

MetTel will keep these tables up to date as POPs, PCLs, PHubs, NSCs, as service

relationships are added, deleted, and changed.

MetTel will update the appropriate B.4 tables with MetTel or vendor adds, changes,

and deletions to POPs, PCLs, PHubs, NSCs, and service relationships as they occur.

MetTel understands that any order or invoice containing a building NSC

not found in Tables B.4.1.6 and B.4.1.7 will be placed in dispute.

Exhibit 6-7 shows MetTel’s personnel responsible for maintaining and updating B.4


Exhibit 6-7. MetTel Personnel Responsible for Maintaining and Updating B.4 Tables

1.3 Individual Case Basis (ICB) CLINs [L.34.1(3)] Sections 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 describe MetTel’s understanding of the use of ICB CLINs

(1.3.1) as well as MetTel’s approach to pricing ICB CLINs (1.3.2).

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (16)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 13 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

1.3.1 MetTel's Understanding of the use of ICB CLINs [L.34.1(3)(a)]

1.3.2 MetTel's Approach to Pricing ICB CLINs [L.34.1(3)(b)]

1.4 Task Order Unique CLINs (TUCs) [L.34.1(4), B.1.2.15; J.4.1] The following sections describe MetTel’s understanding of the use of TUCs (1.4.1),

MetTel’s approach to determine when TUCs best satisfy agency requirements (1.4.2),

as well as how MetTel will maintain the information for TUCs (1.4.3).

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (17)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (18)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 15 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

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1.4.3 Maintaining the Information for TUCs for Combining CLINs [L.34.1(4)(c )]

1.5 MetTel's Geographic Coverage Strategy [L.34.1(5)]

MetTel’s expansive reach and product depth is the result of our communications

market philosophy and successful business strategy. Since its inception in 1996, MetTel

has focused on interconnecting with the regional, national, and global carriers.

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (19)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 16 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

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. The collective coverage and product depth seamlessly

delivered by MetTel surpasses that of any single ILEC.

MetTel’s nimble design allows for

quick and simple additions of features across services.

We are able to develop unique

offerings that factor in cost, serviceability and scalability. Our accurate billing, complete

transparency into cost and utilization, and one-stop-shop environment provide a layer of

operational efficiency that help keep the support cost down, allowing agencies to focus

on core mission-critical objectives.

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (20)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 17 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

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ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (21)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 18 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

1.6 MetTel's Rationale for Mandatory Voice Service [L.34.1(6)]

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (22)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 19 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

1.7 Auto-Sold CLINs [L.34.1(7)] Sections 1.7.1 and 1.7.2 describe MetTel’s rationale for Auto-Sold CLINs as well as

how MetTel will maintain and update the Auto-Sold CLINs table (B.

1.7.1 MetTel's Rationale for Auto-Sold CLINs in Table B. [L.34.1(7)(a)] When an Agency orders services on the EIS contract, it may invoke CLINs not

specified on the SOCN. These additional CLINs are often necessary for the service to

function as specified, and are referred to as “auto-sold” CLINs on the EIS contract.

MetTel will populate Table B. with any auto-sold CLINs that are needed in

addition to the related base CLIN. As new capabilities and features are added to the

contract that have auto-sold CLINs, MetTel will update Table B. accordingly.

MetTel understands that the purpose of the requirement for capturing auto-sold

CLINs on the contract is for MetTel to inform GSA and the agencies what is

automatically available, usable, and thus billable when a base CLIN is ordered.

The intent of the Auto-Sold CLIN table is to identify those CLINs that could show up

automatically on a bill as a result of some other CLIN being ordered. MetTel

understands that, for auto-sold relationships, the only required information is the CLINs

that are Auto-Sold with the base CLIN, not the quantity.

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (23)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 20 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

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MetTel understands that some agencies may require, in a task order, that certain

auto-sold CLINs be removed from this list. Table B. will be populated with a task

order number for each base CLIN to auto-sold CLIN relationship that is to be removed

for the specified task order. When more than one auto-sold CLIN is associated with a

base CLIN, MetTel will list each unique auto-sold CLIN to base CLIN pairing as a

separate row in Table B.

1.7.2 Process for Maintaining and Updating Auto-Sold Table [L.34.1(7)(b)] As new capabilities and features are added to the contract for the services that have

auto-sold CLINs, MetTel will use GSA Systems to update Table B. as needed.

MetTel understands that some agencies may require, in a task order, that certain

auto-sold CLINs be removed from this list. Table B. will be populated with a task

order number for each base CLIN to auto-sold CLIN relationship that is to be removed

for the specified task order. Additionally, MetTel understands that in a row where the

Task Order Number is “-1”, the auto-sold CLIN will apply to all task orders.

When more than one auto-sold CLIN relationship is associated with a base CLIN,

MetTel will list each unique auto-sold CLIN to base CLIN pairing as a separate row in

Table B.

1.8 MNS Device Size Assignments [L.34.1(8)] Exhibit 6-10 shows MetTel’s device size assignment in relation to Table B.

of the RFP.

Exhibit 6-10. MetTel MNS Device Size/Class Assignments

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (24)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (25)

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (26)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 23 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

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• Trouble Ticketing

• Inventory Management

• Billing and Payment Management

Within 30 days of a Notice To Proceed (NTP), we provide on our website a

comprehensive list of all offered Electronic and Information Technology (EIT) products

(supplies and services) that fully comply with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of

1973, as amended, and with the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance

Board’s Electronic and IT Accessibility Standards 36 CFR Part 1194.

1.9.5 Rationale for Grouping Discount Classes [L.34.1(9)(d)]

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (27)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 24 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

1.9.6 Rationale for the Discount Structure [L.34.1(9)(e), M.5(4)]

1.9.7 Approach to Validating OLPs [L.34.1(9)(f), M.5(3)]

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS)· 2019. 5. 1.· ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (28)

Contract Number: GS00Q17NSD3007 Modification Number: P00047

Effective Date: 03/05/2019

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions (EIS) Vol. 6 25 Submission number: ME00382.04a Electronic file name: MetTel_PriceVol_01.docx

Use or disclosure of data contained on this page is subject to the restrictions on the title page of this proposal.

MetTel understands that the government’s evaluation of the catalog submissions for

each proposed catalog will include verification that Official List Prices (OLPs) and that

the OLP trade names are accurate. MetTel validated price list and trade names with

each manufacturer for the purpose of submitting with this proposal.

1.10 Termination / Cancellation Liability [L.34.1.1] MetTel understands that Price Proposals and/or tariffs containing termination or

cancellation liabilities will not be submitted, unless specifically defined as a CLIN within

Section B.

2 PRICING DATA All Section B Price and Catalog Tables will be submitted via AcquServe in

Accordance with MetTel’s proposed services.

ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) · 2019. 5. 1. · ENTERPRISE INFRASTRUCTURE SOLUTIONS (EIS) Contract No. GS00Q17NSD3007 March 5, 2019 Submitted by: MetTel 55 Water Street, - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is Enterprise infrastructure Solutions EIS? ›

EIS is a comprehensive solution-based vehicle to address all aspects of federal agency IT, telecommunications, and infrastructure needs.

What does EIS stand for in a contract? ›

Enterprise Infrastructure Solutions, known as EIS, is the go-to contract for enterprise telecommunications and networking solutions.

How long is the EIS contract? ›

EIS is a multiple award Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity contract with a 15 year Period of Performance (5 year Base period and two 5 year option periods).

What is EIS infrastructure? ›

Enterprise infrastructure solutions (EIS) awarded

EIS is a comprehensive solution-based vehicle to address all aspects of federal agency IT telecommunications, and infrastructure requirements.

What is an example of EIS? ›


Typical examples would include: barrier coatings, very corrosion resistant materials, and very low impedance samples such as large supercapacitors (on the order of hundreds or thousands of Farads).

What does EIS stand for enterprise? ›

An Enterprise Information System (EIS) is any kind of information system which improves the functions of enterprise business processes by integration.

What is the 7 year limit for EIS? ›

This states investment must be received within the company's initial investing period, so within 7 years of the company's first commercial sale (or 10 years for knowledge intensive companies).

How does EIS work? ›

When you invest in an EIS fund, instead, you acquire shares in the underlying companies. As those are not typically listed, you cannot usually sell your shares on the stock market. You can only realise your investment when there is an exit, i.e. the company is sold, listed on a stock market or refinanced.

What does EIS tell you? ›

Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) offers kinetic and mechanistic data of various electrochemical systems and is widely used in corrosion studies, semiconductor science, energy conversion and storage technologies, chemical sensing and biosensing, noninvasive diagnostics, etc.

What is the timeframe for EIS? ›

Timeframes to distribute and publish the EIS notice

The submission period must not be less than 30 business days from the first business day after the EIS notice is published or, if the notice is advertised in a number of newspapers on different dates, when it last appears in a newspaper.

How long are government contracts awarded? ›

(e) Unless otherwise approved in accordance with agency procedures, the total of the basic and option periods shall not exceed 5 years in the case of services, and the total of the basic and option quantities shall not exceed the requirement for 5 years in the case of supplies.

How long are peace corp contracts? ›

Peace Corps assignments are typically 27 months (three months of training with two years of service). This is to allow Volunteers time to integrate and fully immerse themselves in the local culture.

What qualifies as an EIS company? ›

EIS for Companies

It must have fewer than 250 employees at the time of investment (or fewer than 500 for a 'knowledge intensive' company). It must have no more than £15m in gross assets at the time of the investment. It must not be quoted on a recognised stock exchange. It must not be controlled by another company.

What is an EIS contract? ›

The $50 billion EIS contract has been designed by the General Services Administration (GSA) to modernize and transform agency IT networks, giving federal agencies the performance capabilities and efficiencies of the latest private sector IT solutions.

What is an EIS used for? ›

An EIS outlines the status of the environment in the affected area, provides a baseline for understanding the potential consequences of the proposed project, identifies positive and negative effects for the environment, and offers alternative actions, including inaction, in relation to the proposed project.

What is ERP in EIS? ›

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) and Executive Information Systems (EIS) are powerful tools that help banks streamline their operations, improve decision-making, and enhance customer service.

What does EIS software stand for? ›

An executive information system (EIS), also known as an executive support system (ESS), is a type of management support system that facilitates and supports senior executive information and decision-making needs. It provides easy access to internal and external information relevant to organizational goals.

What does EIS mean architecture? ›

Enterprise information system architecture design is the pro-cess of defining and optimizing its structure (both software and hardware) to effectively support provided functionality.

What is enterprise infrastructure software? ›

Enterprise infrastructure software is a classification of programs that helps businesses perform basic tasks and support the workforce. Common examples of enterprise infrastructure software are database programs, email servers and security applications.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.