Agency with Benefits - TheLunaPriestess (2024)

Chapter 1: The Concert

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After what felt like an eternity, you finally found yourself outside the venue, the place you had eagerly anticipated for months. The daily countdown on your lock screen was a constant reminder of the approaching event, making the wait even more thrilling. Checking your phone, you grinned.

Five minutes until the gates opened.

"Hey, slow down!" Your friend's voice called from behind, breaking your stride. You turned with a smile and beckoned her to catch up. The excitement was contagious, and you couldn't help but share it with her.

"Sorry. I'm sorry!" You retort, chuckling at her anxious running, trying to catch up with you while eagerly looking around to ensure no one was staring in her direction.

"I can't believe you made me drive five hours just to run off without me." A swift, soft shove to your shoulder made it clear that she wasn't angry. Shrugging it off, you grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards the entry barriers.

"I haven't waited this long not to get barricade..." You said, hurriedly presenting your tickets to the unenthused-looking ticketman at the gates. "...If we hurry, we're still in with a chance!" You shrilled excitedly, choosing to ignore the defeated look given in response. Your best friend had no interest in Kpop, nor did she understand anything about the people you were seeing, but she could tell that you were happy, which made her happy. She wasn't going to let you go to this event alone. Plus, in her eyes, this was the perfect opportunity for her to get more embarrassing photos to show the masses on your birthday.

Finally, through the gates and into the massive arena, your grip still firmly around her wrist to make sure she doesn't get away, you push your way through the already amassing crowd towards the front of the stage. You knew that getting to the venue earlier would give you the best chance, and you were right, but the push-through was still getting more difficult by the second.

"Perfect!" Your free hand finally felt the cool metal of the barricade before you. "I can't believe we made it." You laughed to yourself, freeing your friend from the now clammy grasp of your hand. While she looked at her surroundings, confused, you could tell that she was excited to experience whatever was about to happen.

You had spent the last five months trying to educate her on everything. Members' names, album titles, song titles, and even tried to teach her some basic Korean so she could feel even a little involved. You adorned her with her very own Skzoo before leaving the hotel and made her pick out her favourite member to keep an eye on throughout the performance.

As you chatted with the excited folks pushing their way into the arena, the surrounding lights gradually dimmed, amplifying the screams of anticipation. Suddenly, the stage erupted with a dazzling display of lights, and the thumping beat of the backing track reverberated through the air.

It was only a short time into the concert that you realised there was a very high chance that you were losing your voice. You didn't care at all, to be honest. For every song that started blasting, you kept turning to your friend, shaking her shoulders, screaming, "This is my favourite song!" and being met with enthusiastic nods. For someone who knew nothing about Stray Kids or Kpop, she seemed to be having the time of her life, dancing along to track after track and even pointing out some of the songs she recognised.

Casting your eyes over the eight sweaty and energetic men running around the stage, it was still surreal that you were there after all this waiting time. But, as soon as it felt like it was starting, the end was nearing. Whines of disappointment filled the area when Bangchan finally hit the audience with his "... Unfortunately" line. Everyone knew what that meant, and after the last song finished and everyone said their goodbyes, people started to pile out of the venue. As exhausting as it was to be there, you honestly didn't want to leave, and just as you were one of the first people in, you found yourself being one of the last ones out.

As you and your friend stepped out of the stuffy building, you both laughed in unison, the fresh evening air hitting your faces. The excitement of the night still pulsed through your veins. You saw the large arena building towering above you, its imposing structure illuminated by the glow of streetlights. "What do you say we hit up a bar?" you suggested as you strolled along the side of the building, the night sky above you twinkling with stars.
Your friend looked at you with a hint of surprise and scepticism. "A bar?" they said, raising an eyebrow inquisitively. "You know you're not exactly a regular drinker, right? I mean, you usually only have a drink on special occasions..."

You made a compelling argument to her, insisting that this event was exceptional. "This is a special occasion," you said, hoping to persuade her. After some persuasion, she finally agreed, and both of you quickly turned to Google Maps to search for bars in an unfamiliar city.

As you walked down the path, she glanced at her phone and pointed ahead, saying, "There's supposed to be a good one down the road." You turned your head in anticipation, following the direction of her finger towards the bar. The path was made of uneven concrete, with cracks and bumps that made walking difficult. Despite this, you hurried along, eager to reach your destination.

Chapter 2: The Incident

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"Slowly does it…" Your friend had her arm interlocked with yours, trying to keep you on your feet as she guided you out of the bar "... I knew drinking wasn't a good idea; you're such a lightweight," she chuckled as you suddenly found some strength in your feet to hold yourself on the spot. Looking her dead in the eyes, you spent a moment examining her features before taking your index finger and poking her between the eyebrows, almost sending yourself tumbling backwards again before regaining your composure.

"No… You're drunk!" You refuted an argument that wasn't even presented. "I need some water. I think I saw a shop down that way" You look around, confused at your current location, before pointing to a dark walkway.

Your friend was concerned as you stumbled down the street, your hand raised towards the walkway in the distance. She gently tried to guide you towards the hotel, but you seemed fixated on whatever had caught your attention. Her phone battery was almost dead, but she pulled it out anyway to try and get her bearings. "Let's get back to the hotel," she said, hoping to snap you out of your daze. You looked up, your gaze drifting past her head as if searching for something.

Despite being drunk, you weren't entirely out of it, and your friend could see the confusion in your eyes. Worried, she turned to see what had captured your attention. Suddenly, you tapped her shoulder, pulling her back to reality.

"Tag! You're it!" You laughed manically before sprinting across the quiet road and down the dark walkway. The game was short-lived, though, when a massive thud followed by a loud 'ouch' came out of the darkness. Directly after this, another much deeper voice emerged that she was not expecting to hear.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

You slowly groaned, trying to open your eyes but only seeing darkness. "I don't know… is it supposed to be dark, or are my eyes closed?" you muttered, disoriented. Suddenly, you heard the sound of heavy footsteps running towards you. They were coming from the direction where you had made your escape from your friend.

As she approached you, your friend's voice broke through the haze of disorientation. "Jesus, are you okay?" she yelled, her tone laced with concern and a hint of amusem*nt. As you attempted to pull yourself up, you noticed a strong hand reaching out to help you. However, the hand didn't belong to your best friend - it was far too rough and masculine. The realisation dawned on you as you looked up and saw a stranger staring down at you with an expression of confusion and concern.

"I'm.. I'm okay I think. Just a bit dizzy." You took the help of the person getting you off the floor.

"That was quite an impressive attempt at a game of tag." The male voice spoke up again. It took you a moment to realise that you didn't just imagine it the first time. Now that you had regained some composure, the puzzle pieces didn't take long to fit together. Deep voice. Australian accent. Around the arena somewhere. There is no way.

A bright flash from a phone torch is shined on your head by what you hope to God is not Felix and that you're just hallucinating and drunk. It blinds you, and part of you could not be more thrilled.

The Australian man responds to the situation with concern. "Yeah, that's quite the bump…" he remarks. He directs his attention away from you and finally turns off the light shining in your eyes. As your eyes adjust, he focuses on your friend and asks, "Have you got a way of getting her to an emergency room?"

Looking around at the dark roads, she realised that her phone battery, which was already struggling, had now died. "Hey, y/n, where's your phone?" she asks. You reach into your pocket with trepidation, aware that you landed on that side of your body, and carefully extract shards of glass with your hands.

"You mean this pile of glass?" You couldn't help but laugh a little at the situation. You were not entirely wanting to believe what was going on. It was clear, however, that your friend had figured it out.

"We really appreciate your help. I think I can manage from here. We should be able to find a taxi around here somewhere." Your friend's eyes scanned the peaceful and deserted streets. She approached you and took hold of your arm just as something in your mind clicked, and you began to understand what was happening. Despite your slightly inebriated state, you could sense genuine concern etched on Felix's face as he reached out to stop your friend.

"Just… just wait a second. Let me see if we can help." He quickly jogged with much more decorum than you did towards a few waiting cars down the street. Your friend approached you slowly, gently grabbed you by the shoulder, and leaned into your ear.

"Whatever you do y/n… Don't freak out.”

Chapter 3: The Car

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In the distance, you could hear muffled sounds of people arguing. The voices were raised, and the tone was tense. It was difficult to distinguish what they were saying, but the voice that had spoken up for you earlier was involved in the dispute, and time seemed to drag on as you waited for the commotion to subside. Eventually, the man returned to you, his pace gentle and unhurried. As you looked up at him, your senses slowly returned, and you realised the gravity of your situation.

"Follow me. We'll drop you off at the nearest emergency room. There's one on the way back to our hotel, which is…" he paused, thinking back to the conversation he'd just had at the car, "... an undisclosed location because you are strangers and I can't tell you that information." He seemed to nod at himself, proud that he had managed to keep that under wraps for the time being.

"It seems like too much," your friend said as she looked at the man. Despite his deep voice not matching his pixie-like features, she felt comfortable around him. "Right, y/n? We can figure it out from here."

You wanted to respond, but you couldn't. It was either due to the bang to your head, the alcohol in your system, or the realisation that the man standing in front of you was Lee Felix. You didn't even try to form a sentence. Instead, you reacted instinctively and pinched your left forearm with your right hand, hoping to wake yourself up or snap out of the trance you found yourself in.

"Ow, f*ck!" You exclaimed under your breath. The first words you had spoken since falling over. You heard your best friend sigh in disappointment from behind you, and a look of disbelief fell over Felix's face.

"Is she like this normally? She doesn't seem normal," Felix motioned for you to follow him to the waiting car. "It wouldn't be right for me to leave you in the middle of the road. Let us just drop you off so at least I know you're safe and not on the streets with a concussion." He gave a reassuring smile as you followed him down to the three large black SUVs waiting outside the arena you had just been in. "There's the crew in the first one, a few members in the second one, and then you guys can get in here with me, Seungmin, Changbin, and Bangchan." Felix was trying his hardest to make the situation seem lighter than it was. He had spotted the Skzoo attached to your bag the moment you fell, and it was clear you were STAY, but a part of him knew, despite the risks, that he couldn't just leave you in the street.

He opened the sliding door of the SUV, which was blacked out. Inside were hooded men, all wearing face masks, presumably hiding their identities. You were grateful you had taught your friend basic Korean because when she touched your back and pushed you forward into a bow, you instinctively greeted the men with respect and a gentle hello in Korean. This gesture eased the tension around you, and Felix then guided you to the back of the vehicle.

The dimly lit interior of the vehicle was filled with an atmosphere of exhaustion and weariness. Amid it all, a man's voice broke the silence, his words blunt and to the point. "Phones," he muttered, his hand stretching out towards me in a gesture of request. I couldn't tell if he was angry or simply drained from a long day, but his tone conveyed a sense of frustration and annoyance.

Felix's voice was tinged with frustration as he addressed the man, "Bin, one phone is dead, and the other is smashed to pieces. Why do you think I'm doing this for them?" As you sat in the dark car, straining to see the passengers, you could have sworn that you caught a glimpse of what you thought was an eye roll from Bin. The man turned around to face his seatmate and began speaking in rapid-fire Korean, the words flowing so quickly that you couldn't even pretend to understand what they were saying.

As you found yourself in an unexpected and surreal situation, you took a moment to gather your thoughts and assess the surroundings. It seemed that Changbin was eyeing your broken phone, Bangchan was sitting next to him, and Felix was sitting in front of you. However, you couldn't help but notice that Seungmin, who you expected to be sitting somewhere nearby, was nowhere to be found. As you scanned the area, you realised that the door to the SUV remained open, indicating that he must still be outside somewhere.

"Seungmin-ah!" Bangchan's voice boomed from the van, indicating it was time to leave. In no time, Seungmin appeared at the van door and climbed in. He paused when he saw you and your friend sitting behind Felix but refrained from asking questions. Seungmin quietly greeted you before taking his seat.

As the engine roared to life, the thick silence inside the car was almost palpable. The air was tense, and everyone was acutely aware of it. The quietness of the ride back from the concert was unusual, and it was clear that the passengers were not accustomed to it. After a few moments of awkward silence, Felix broke the ice and spoke up, his voice cutting through the stillness inside the vehicle.

Felix introduced you to the three members of his group. He pointed at each of them and said, "This is Bangchan, Changbin, and Seungmin." As you acknowledged them, you noticed that the two older men appeared cautious and distant while Seungmin was more open and welcoming.

Seungmin greeted you with enthusiasm, "Nice to meet you!" However, his eyes quickly locked on the large bump on your head, which was hard to ignore. Seungmin jokingly asked, "Did Felix Hyung beat you up?" and gave Felix a light push on the shoulder. The situation was becoming more surreal by the second, and it was clear that you couldn't avoid answering the question.

With a smile, you let out a sigh and shook your head. Despite the dryness in your throat that made it difficult to speak, you managed to voice your thoughts. "No, I just reminded myself why I don't drink," you said, feeling a pang of pain in your head. You reached up to touch the area that was throbbing, the discomfort increasing as the alcohol slowly left your system.

Your friend and Felix quickly reacted when they saw you touch your head. "Don't touch it," they both said in unison, with Felix gently catching a glimpse at the driver's cab's navigation system. "We don't want it getting infected. We'll be there soon, and you can get it checked over."

Seungmin also looked at the navigation system with confusion. "Dude, isn't the drive to the Hilton way longer than that?" he mused. "We're staying there for the next few weeks; I could have sworn-" But before he could finish his sentence, Changbin reached out and motioned for him to be quiet.

"Yah! Seungmin!" Changbin's voice was annoyed at the exposure of their schedule. "You just announced our schedule and location to two fans in the back of the van! I knew this was a bad idea." He muttered something to Chan, and as soon as the atmosphere had just changed to more relaxed, it switched with enough whiplash back to the tense one of before.

Bangchan picked up his phone, urgently speaking in Korean to someone on the other end. Meanwhile, Felix kept trying to intervene and soothe the situation. You turned to your friend with a look of concern on your face before speaking up.

"I mean, I didn't want to intrude. You can just let us out here and we will be on our way and pretend none of this happened." But your attempt at mediation went completely unnoticed amidst the chaotic atmosphere in the van.

The SUV did a swift 360, and you held onto your seat dearly. Locking eyes with Seungmin, he shoots you an apologetic look.

“You’re not going to the emergency room tonight…” Felix says apologetically before turning back to the very intense Korean conversation happening between Bangchan and Changbin.

Chapter 4: The Hilton

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Even if you've seen a group at a concert and been keeping up with their social media, you need more preparation for the intensity of their presence. This realisation hits you hard as the van accelerates, seemingly defying local road laws. A cacophony of unfamiliar languages fills the air, emanating from phone speakers, fellow passengers, and the driver. It's as if your parasocial friends have unexpectedly whisked you away, leaving you feeling utterly powerless.

As the chaos around you intensifies, you attempt to interject and calm the situation. "You know," you say firmly, your voice cutting through the noise. "If this is about your whereabouts or anything of that nature, you don't have to worry. We can keep a secret." You motion towards yourself and your friend, hoping to convey your sincerity. Despite the painful throbbing in your head and the lingering effects of alcohol, you try your best to maintain a serious demeanour.

"Oh, we can trust you?" Changbin retorts, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, why didn't you just say that? Let's turn this whole thing around, and while I'm at it, I'll give you every member's private number so you can just call us and chat whenever you like." He turns away; his gaze is fixed on the passing scenery. A sigh of relief escapes his lips as the hotel doors come into view, and staff in all black await your arrival.

As Chan and Changbin stepped out of the SUV, Chan shot a frustrated look at his friend and whispered, "Dude, she's still recovering from the bump on her head, give her a break." Felix and your friend slowly helped you out of the vehicle and guided you towards the hotel entrance. As you approached them, a staff member directed you to a meeting room where medical staff awaited your arrival. The room was brightly lit with fluorescent overhead lights, the intensity of which only added to your ever-growing headache. All you could think about was the water you desperately wanted half an hour ago.

Following a thorough checkup by the medical team, which you found a bit too rigorous for your liking, you were informed that you could leave, but only if you agreed to rest for at least 48 hours. You turned towards your best friend, feeling utterly stunned by the intense night you had just experienced and eager to hail a taxi back to the hotel. Meeting your favourite band members had always been your dream, but you never imagined it would happen in such an unexpected, almost fanfiction-like way.

You emerge from the meeting room, clutching your trusty water bottle, still reeling from the blow you sustained earlier. Thankfully, the bandage on your head has stemmed the flow of blood that was previously cascading down your face. The medic had allowed you to glimpse your reflection momentarily, and you were taken aback by the sorry sight that stared back at you. Blood and mascara had mingled together, creating a gruesome sight, and your foundation was caked with gravel marks from the impact of your fall.

As you step into the grand foyer, you can't help but marvel at its extravagance. The walls are decorated with intricate gold and cream details, and the area is overflowing with blooming flowers that match the décor perfectly. Your gaze is drawn to a cluster of eight men huddled at the bottom of the grand staircase, engaging in hushed conversation. Suddenly, you notice Felix's eyes snap in your direction as he becomes the first to acknowledge your entrance.

"Hey, y/n!" he called out as he approached you. You were surprised that you didn't freak out when you first saw him in this light. You tried to push the cringe-inducing thought of your first meeting out of your mind. As Felix called out, the rest of the group slowly turned to look at both of you. The situation was quite overwhelming. The other seven men were dressed in tracksuits and looked tired. Most of them smiled. However, two notable people didn't.

You smiled at Felix and said, "Thank you for everything, and I'm sorry for everything," gesturing towards yourself and the room to give him a general understanding of the situation. A small laugh escaped Felix's lips as you quickly turned on your heels to avoid further questions.

You spin back around, startled by the sudden interruption of Changbin's monotone voice. "Hold on," he says, his expression unreadable. "Management requires your attention. They need you to sign some important papers."

Hyunjin intervened, reaching out to grab Binnie's shoulder, and spoke up calmly and gently. "Don't be so harsh on them. Felix had good intentions and was only trying to do something kind for them. I believe anyone in his position would have done the same for you."

Minho chimed in, adding his two cents to the conversation. "It's not fair to blame Felix for Seungmin's loose lips," he remarked, his tone tinged with amusem*nt.

Seungmin glanced over at IN, a hint of annoyance on his face. "If only someone hadn't taken four hours to get themselves sorted after the show," he muttered, his eyes rolling at the thinly veiled accusation.

"I think you'll find I was busy trying to find Han and Minho who couldn’t find their phones. I spent at least 3 of those hours trying to sort those two out", IN retorted.

"Well, that wasn't exactly why Minho and I took so long." Han retorted before Minhos hand sealed his mouth shut. Your eyes widen in disbelief.

"Okay, enough. We're all tired," Bangchan stepped in, ending the argument. "Let's just have you and your friend sign these documents so we can go to bed and forget that any of this happened." You have never agreed to anything sooner in your life. A staff member showed you a table where two forms were laid out for you and your friend to sign.


Damn. It is not the NDA you were expecting to receive after a concert, but here you are, and at this point, you just want to be out of there and back in your own, much lower-standard hotel. A pen is quickly handed to you by another member of the seemingly endless staff, and you sign it without reading through the document.

After receiving an NDA from the group of eight men, you force a smile and turn away, feeling a mix of disappointment and frustration. As you approach the reception desk to order a taxi back to your hotel, you can't help but replay the night's events. The concert you had been eagerly anticipating for weeks had turned out to be a huge letdown, and the insensitive comment from Changbin had just added insult to injury. You try to push the negative thoughts aside and hope that when you wake up, it will all have been a crazy, vivid dream, and the disappointing concert will be just a distant memory.

Chapter 5: The Fallout

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The day after the previous night's events, you wake up with a throbbing headache that reminds you of the embarrassing episode in front of Felix. You cringe at the thought of Changbin's rudeness, Bangchan's insistence on getting you NDAs to sign, and the cryptic conversation between Han and Lee Know. You take a deep breath and try to shake off the unpleasant memories. You tell yourself that yesterday was yesterday, and today is a new day. Convincing yourself that you only went to a concert, had a drink with your friend, and then retired to your hotel room to sleep. Nothing else happened. You glance over to your friend's bed, but she's not there. Instead, you find a note on her pillow.

"Gone to get coffee - water in the fridge - xoxo."

You feel lucky that your friend is still around after the embarrassment you caused her last night. You savour the silence in your room and reach for your phone, only to find it in pieces. Reluctantly, you leave bed and head to the mini-fridge to get the water your friend left for you. She's leaving today to return to her hometown, but you're fortunate enough to live only half an hour away since you moved here for work.

"Hey, I'm back!" your friend announces as she enters the room, interrupting your train of thought. You wave at her while sipping water, hoping to start the day afresh. "There was a package for you at the reception. Did you order something this morning?" she asks, handing you the box.

"Oh, it's probably the gloves I ordered for my outfit last night." you say, shaking the box gently, which feels heavier than expected.

"If it's new laces for your shoes, they might have saved you from the debacle last night," she jokes, and you grimace but ignore it.

You open the package, wondering why gloves weigh so much. However, when you pull back the tissue paper inside, you stop short, stunned. "It's a phone?"

"A phone?" your friend echoes incredulously.

"A phone," you confirm, still in disbelief, as you slowly extract the device from the box.

To your surprise, there's a note attached to it.

"I'm sorry for how we all acted yesterday. Consider this an apology - BC."

You stare at the note in confusion. BC? Bangchan? Apologising? You need help understanding how he tracked you down at your hotel. Did the receptionist give away your information? You can't help but feel uneasy about the potential breach of confidentiality. But then again, he is Bangchan, so anything is possible.

You pass the note to your friend, hoping she can understand it. "I think he's apologising," she says uncertainly. You can feel the weight of her gaze on you as she waits for your response.

"Wasn't I the asshole yesterday?" you ask in sincerity.

She shakes her head. "You were drunk, not an asshole. If anyone was being an asshole, it was Bin and Chan. There was no need for them to be so rude to us." Your friend places the note on the bed and watches as you power on your phone, hoping to distract yourself from the situation.

You grab the SIM card from your old, shattered phone and slot it into the new one. The phone lights up, and you breathe a sigh of relief. At least one thing is going right today.

As you said goodbye to your friend outside the hotel, you couldn't help but envy her. She had a long drive ahead, but at least she was heading home. On the other hand, you were returning to your new apartment on the outskirts of town - a lonely half-hour taxi ride away from the hustle and bustle of the central city.

As you settled into the backseat of the taxi, your mind began to wander. You thought back to the previous night when you had been driven out of the city for at least half an hour to get to the Hilton. You were still getting used to your new surroundings, and it felt strange to be so far away from everything you knew.

Your thoughts were interrupted by a familiar chime from your phone. It was your business partner, Claire. She apologised for the short notice but explained that she had fallen ill and couldn't attend a client lunch. She asked if you could fill in for her, and you reluctantly agreed.

You arrived back at your apartment just long enough to change into your emergency work meeting outfit before jumping into another car sent by Claire. As you rode to the lunch, you couldn't help but feel grateful for your job - it had its challenges, but it also afforded you many opportunities to meet interesting people and explore new places. And, of course, there was always the promise of overtime pay to sweeten the deal.

As you embark on the journey to an unknown location, you put on makeup to look your best. You carefully applied mascara on your lashes, put some red lipstick on your freshly exfoliated lips, and wore your favourite black lacquer heels that perfectly complemented your outfit. You always referred to it as the 'Deal Closer' look, as it had a charm irresistible to the right clientele. Though you had no clue who you would meet, you were confident you would make a great impression.

As you gazed out the window, the scenery seemed oddly familiar, and you couldn't shake the feeling of deja vu. The trees and the paths looked identical to some you had seen before. Your phone beeped as you were lost in thought, indicating a new message. It was Claire, and she had finally sent you the client file, but not without a touch of her flirtatious humour. Knowing her, you could bet that the client was a man. She had a habit of treating business meetings like dating sites.

You opened the message, and your heart sank as you read the location of the meeting - The Hilton.


As you tentatively enter the familiar gold and cream foyer, you realise that the flowers have changed. You approach the front desk and are surprised to see one of the women from the previous night. You couldn't help but wonder if she should still be at work at this hour. You hoped the eight men you had met the previous night had gone out and wouldn't be in the building. You can't afford any distractions when trying to close a business deal.

The woman at the front desk greets you loudly, calling out your name, and you quickly hush her, hoping to avoid any unwanted attention. You introduce yourself and let her know you're here for a business lunch on Claire's behalf. The woman nods and checks her system, confirming that your client is already waiting for you in the meeting room. She offers drinks, and you eagerly nod, feeling like you could murder a coffee.

You quickly grab your phone to let Claire know you have arrived and you'll be getting things underway shortly. However, before you can even text, you feel someone's gaze fixated on you from the top of the stairs. You count down from three before looking up, and as you expected, it's Bangchan. He shoots you a look, a mix of confusion, friendliness, and something you couldn't reasonably interpret. He winks once in your direction and walks away across the top of the stairs and into one of the corridors.

You take a moment to look around, trying to find who Bangchan had just winked at, wondering if it was you. You feel a tinge of curiosity and confusion but quickly shake it off, reminding yourself to focus on the task.

As you try to maintain your composure and confidence, you approach the glass meeting room adjacent to the hotel foyer. Upon entering, you greet the older gentleman and introduce yourself before offering him a drink, which he refuses. You sense he's using it as a power move, but you remain focused on presenting hard facts and sealing the business deal.

However, your phone starts buzzing less than five minutes into your presentation. Assuming it's just Claire checking in, you ignore it and continue. But the buzzing persists, interrupting your flow, and the gentleman asks if you need to attend to the matter. You apologise and quickly excuse yourself to check your phone.

New text: ‘I know you saw me- BC’

New text:‘Y/N: I think Chris is looking for you- LF.’

New text:‘You can’t just move your phone and ignore me- BC.’

New text:‘The meeting room is made of glass, y/n- BC.’

New text:‘Who’s number is this, and why is it on my phone? - KS.’

You stare at your phone in disbelief. What the hell was happening?

Chapter 6: Getting Closer

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If just six months ago, someone had asked you whether you'd love getting a personal text from your favourite K-pop band, you would have jumped at the opportunity and asked them how it could be made possible and who they knew that could make it happen. However, now, at this very moment, if someone were to ask you the same question, you'd hurl your phone to the ground to smash it all over again.

A flurry of questions raced through your mind. How did they get your number? Why are they interrupting you during a meeting? Why is Chan trying to find you? Is blocking a K-pop idol who gifted you a brand-new phone impolite?

Before you could even ponder the answers to these questions, an arm reached out from around the corner, pulling you into a small corridor off the side of the foyer. You felt your back collide with the brick wall, but the grabber's other hand prevented your head from receiving the full impact.

"Let's not get you another concussion," whispered the familiar voice. You could feel their warm breath on your face. "You can open your eyes. I don't bite. I just don't appreciate being ignored," he added.

You steeled yourself and slowly opened your eyes to find Chris standing inches away. Intimidated, you tried to avert your gaze from his face, but he followed your movements step by step, trying to maintain direct eye contact. It was almost like a game to him. "Why are you here?" he inquired.

You raised a shaky hand and pointed in the direction from where you were pulled. "Business meeting," you responded, feeling trapped and unable to form another coherent thought.

"Why are you ignoring me? And Felix? And... well, Seungmin didn't try," he shifted his gaze back to meet yours.

"Business meeting..." You repeated, your voice shaking and your finger pointing in the same direction. You berated yourself mentally. You needed to ask him a question. Ask him how he got your number. Ask him why he was standing so close to your face. Ask him to release you!

"What perfume are you wearing? You smell amazing," he said in a hushed tone as he leaned closer.

"Business meeting...wait...what?" You mentally kicked yourself, earning the first laugh you’d heard out of his mouth. He took the opportunity to back away and create some space between you. While the space was appreciated, disappointment filled the voided space between you both.

“The medical team told you to rest for 48 hours,” Bangchan looked down at the watch on his wrist. “It’s been less than twelve hours, and you’re already back in the place you got checked out in, and you’re working”, he tutted. Your eyes darted to the floor and back towards the meeting room from which you had been rudely ripped.

You spoke up, feeling a bit flustered. "Well, I don't live in the city, so I had to check out of the hotel. Claire is sick, and I need the overtime money. Thank you for the phone, but I'm curious - how did you manage to get my hotel name and number? And, come to think of it, how did you know I was here? Also, I signed your NDA, so you can't just demand that I leave my meeting. I understand the importance of confidentiality, but I have commitments too. And just for the record, my perfume is Gucci." As you finished speaking, Chan stepped back, seeming shocked by all the information you had just shared. However, he nodded reassuringly, indicating that he understood your concerns.

"Ah, Gucci," he responded, paying little attention to the other details you had given him. "It suits you," he remarked before walking away, making you uneasy. "Don't be mistaken; I'll come to get you after your meeting. It seems like we have much to talk about," he said with a gentle smile before disappearing around the corner. You couldn't help but wonder if he was ever really there or if this was all just a part of the same ongoing dream.

After Chris left, you took a few moments to gather your composure. You checked your appearance in the compact mirror you always carry in your bag, noting the redness that started showing through your foundation. You couldn't help but wonder when you had become so flustered and why your emotions were visibly manifesting on your skin.

Shaking off your nerves, you took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down before returning to the meeting. You apologised to the man in the room, explaining that you had received an urgent phone call you couldn't ignore. You could sense his scepticism, but you began the presentation again from where you had left off, determined to make a good impression despite the rocky start.

“I truly am so happy to bring you on board,” you said to the man as you exited the meeting room where you had just had lunch. Despite the rude interruption and oddly paced presentation, you convinced him you were the right company to join. “I’ll let Claire know, and she’ll send you all the onboarding material.” Shaking his hand, you walked with him towards the entrance of the Hilton to show him to the company car that would be taking him home. He thanked you before leaving, and you grabbed your phone to tell Claire the excellent news.

Checking your surroundings for any wondering Stray Kids, you quickly ran to the reception desk; it looked like Helen had finally been released home. “Can you order me a cab?” You asked the lady at the reception desk.

“Name?” she smiled as she started dialling some numbers.

“y/n.” You smiled as you pulled your phone out again to see if Claire had read the good news. The phone was slammed back down into the receiver.

“Sorry, I’m not authorised to do that. Please take a seat. Someone will be coming for you shortly.” You sighed, exasperated.

“Christopher,” you muttered under your breath.

A new voice interrupted your thoughts as you settled into the reception area. It was Hyunjin. He seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. "Not quite, princess," he said with a smile, "You seem to have caused quite the stir. Chan wants to see you upstairs." You looked at him, a bit surprised, as he took a moment to appreciate your appearance. "You look amazing!" he exclaimed, sounding genuinely impressed. Then, he walked over to you, offering his arm to escort you upstairs.

Hyunjin's warm smile was a welcome sight as you walked towards him. Amongst the people you had recently met, he stood out as one of the few who treated you with genuine care and respect. You greeted him with a smile and linked arms, feeling comforted in his presence. It was surreal to think that your life had become so intertwined with these eight men over a weekend. But for now, you pushed those thoughts aside and decided to go with the flow, embracing the strange and unexpected turn of events that had brought you together.

As you ascended the stairs, he struck up a casual conversation, "Good meeting?" he asked, perhaps attempting to break the ice. You were surprised by the normalcy of the interaction but answered him in the same way you would have responded to anyone else. As the two of you approached the designated room, you realised that you had just had a completely ordinary conversation for the first time in the past day. You felt a sense of relief wash over you as if a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.

Hyunjin placed his key card on the door and paused before he was about to open the door, turning to you. “Remember, Chris can be a little overbearing, but it's his strange little way of showing that he cares.” He patted you on the back before opening the door and walking in, letting you follow behind.

“Y/n is here!” He announced as he slowly moved out of the way, revealing the entire group in the room together.

Chan and Binnie were seated at a wooden table next to a stunningly large window that revealed a panoramic view of the city. Chris was holding his phone, and the two had earphones plugged in, listening to something that seemed to engulf them. Their heads bobbed in perfect unison, moving to the rhythm of the music that only they could hear.

Hyunjin went to where Felix was lounging on the comfortable sofa, engrossed in his Nintendo Switch game on the hotel room TV. As he approached, Felix offered him a controller, and with a warm smile and a friendly wave towards you, he unpaused the game, ready to continue their gaming session.

Han and Minho sat together at a desk tucked away in the corner of the room, their eyes glued to the laptop screen. They were engrossed in whatever they were looking at, occasionally bursting into laughter. They tried to draw the attention of others in the room towards what they saw but soon gave up as nobody seemed interested.

IN and Seungmin were sitting on the bed, immersed in their phones and seemingly oblivious to their surroundings. They barely looked up when you entered, simply nodding in greeting, much like Felix did. Seungmin's face was contorted into a dramatic expression of apology, which he mouthed without speaking before returning to his phone. Despite their lack of attention, you couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort and familiarity in their presence.

Chapter 7: A Proposition

Chapter Text

Standing in the hotel room, you pause to take in your surroundings. Despite the decent decor and the soft light from the lamps, you feel a sense of awkwardness creeping in. Why were you here? Why had these men invited you, only to completely ignore your presence? You wonder if this is some sort of initiation ritual or perhaps a cruel joke at your expense. You feel torn between two options: on the one hand, you could take a deep breath and join Felix and Hyunjin on the sofa, hoping that they will make you feel less out of place. On the other hand, you could turn around and leave, pretending that you never even entered this room, and return to your unremarkable, Stray Kids-free life.

As you stood there, the eerie silence of the room made you feel uneasy. You took a deep breath and contemplated your options. After a moment of hesitation, you decided to leave and turned towards the door. However, a sudden noise caught your attention before you could even step. It was the sound of a phone being dropped onto the wooden table by the window, causing you to quickly turn your head towards the two men sitting in that direction.

“Take a seat.” Changbins's voice was directed at you, and Chan used his hands to motion to the seat from which they had both stood. You couldn’t help but notice that Bangchan's face was softer than the first time you met him last night, and somehow, that brought a little bit of comfort in the situation. So Felix, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and Chan seemed to be on your side. You were undecided on the rest.

As you sat on the chair, you couldn't help but feel intimidated by the eight men who had been performing on stage the previous night, now surrounding you. Their expressions and body language were complex to decipher, but it was evident that the room was divided. You found it challenging to maintain eye contact, so you resorted to glaring at the floor. The atmosphere was tense, and it felt like you were in a school office, waiting to be reprimanded for skipping class or cheating on an exam. The silence was finally broken by Chris, who sat next to you.

“What do you do for work, y/n?” he asked casually. It seemed like a trick question, as the way he said it indicated he already knew. Clearing your throat, you directed your attention to Chan, hoping that focusing on one of the men would make this easier to handle.

“I run an agency firm with my business partner. We represent people from various backgrounds and find them opportunities to present themselves in different situations. TV, radio, audiences. That kind of thing.” Your response was calculated, and the businesswoman in you came out in full presentation mode. The smile that came over Chan's face was reassuring.

"Despite experiencing a bump to the head, attending a concert, and going through a slightly traumatic evening, you managed to show up for a business meeting that you had no prior knowledge of. You were able to impress your potential business partner and close a successful deal with them. Not to mention, while you were in the middle of the meeting, you were suddenly dragged out of the room and thrown off.” He smiled at the end of his sentence, knowing he had caused you to get flustered.

“I guess you were right,” Minho’s voice piped up first in Chan's direction.

“That’s some dedication” IN spoke up from behind them.

As you turned to Chris for some much-needed clarification on the strange situation, you felt his hand gently rest on your thigh. The contact sent shivers down your spine and caused your body to break out in a delicious heat. You couldn't shake the feeling that something was off - the atmosphere was tense, the men were whispering, and you couldn't quite make sense of the conversation. You asked yourself why you were even in this business meeting with these men. And more importantly, what on earth was happening?

Chris spent the next few moments explaining the situation to you. How the staff had to run checks on your name after signing the NDA, finding your business and your success rate, and the pure coincidence of you turning up at the hotel today for the meeting.

“... So when our PR agency backed out today, I saw you in the foyer. It was almost like fate!” He finished explaining, his hand still firmly on your thigh. Seungmin appeared out of nowhere with yet another document. How many documents did these men keep on them?

“Sorry,” you paused momentarily, grabbing the document from Seungmin and taking Chan's hand off your thigh. “Are you asking me to represent you guys while you’re in the country?” You start flicking through the document that had been handed to you. Sections were detailed on appearances, talking points, clothing regulations, music, and fans. It was well put together, but it had a lot of information to take in.

“We were hoping you would consider it,” Han announced from beside Minho as you continued to flick through the document they presented you. The juxtaposition from fan to business partner was crazy, but you knew you had the resources to make this work for them.

“When would you need me to start?” You ask the room, eyes still scanning over documents.

“Well, this evening. We have a radio appearance that needs advising. We would, of course, pay you for your time, and you'd be put up in the hotel. Travel and food are covered. Whatever you need.” Chan explains, eyes burning into your face, searching for a reaction as you continue scanning the document. “Plus, it's not like you need to sign the NDA”, He jokes, and you roll your eyes in response.

“This evening is a crazy turnaround,” You mutter. “I’d need to go through your background documents and schedule plans; I’d need to speak to stylists and presenters…”

“But is it doable?” Changbins voice spoke for the first time since you entered the room. You were too overwhelmed to acknowledge the annoyance in his voice.

“With the right team and documentation, it's tight, but it’s doable, " you replied, reassuring yourself of the situation.

“Amazing! I knew you were the right person to ask.” Felix’s cheery tone made you smile. “We’ve got you a room down the hall; all the documents you need are there. There are some staff members on hand, too, to help manage the workload. Follow me, I’ll show you down there and get you settled in.” His hand is outstretched to you for you to take.

As soon as you agreed, things started moving quickly. Felix led you down the hall to a separate hotel room. It was more petite but just as beautiful. As you entered, you noticed an abundance of shopping bags on the bed, tea and coffee adorned on the chestnut brown desk in the corner that overlooked the city, and a pile of documents to go through.

“Chris thought it would only be fair to order you in some clothes as you won’t have a chance to go home and grab anything. I hope it’s all okay with you. If there are any issues, just call one of the staff, and they can help you.” You stopped, stunned, as Felix left the room, softly closing the door behind him. Like the previous night, you pinched your arm to ensure you were awake.

Ouch. Yeah, you’re awake.

These weren't just little labels. Some clothes here would cost you at least three months of your wage. You knew you didn’t have time to obsess over this; there was work to do. You dived into one of the bags and found a comfortable pair of sweats that fit perfectly; you knew better than to ask how they knew your size. Throwing your hair up into a mess on the top of your head and putting your glasses on, you made your way over to the desk to get started. The first document on the table was about the radio show.


6 pm!? You check the watch on your wrist. You have 4 hours to turn this around and understand everything. You flipped your phone face down on the desk, opened the document's first page and got to work.

Chapter 8: Time Check

Chapter Text

Pacing the room with your iPad in one hand, a document in the other, and your once cutely messy hair now in the worst state it has ever been, you repeat the key phrases in your head.

No cameras on Minho and Han together for more than three seconds. Hyunjin and Felix must always have one of their brands on display. Chris must always be stood on one end of the group. Translators must always be on hand to help translate. Felix and Chris cannot act as translators in real-time.

Time check. 2 hours until wardrobe and makeup arrive. f*ck.

A welcome knocking comes to the door, giving you a second to pause as it slowly creeps open. “Coffee?” Chris’ quiet voice fills the space once filled with your footsteps. The takeaway cup in his hand looked like it had been gifted to you by the gods.

“Please.” You smile softly, turning your head back to the task at hand. Chris lingered. You looked up again in his direction with a concerned look. “Is something wrong? Do I need to amend something?” You quickly place your iPad on top of the documents in your other hand and grab the pen from behind your ear,

“No, no. Nothing like that.” He clarified, allowing you a sigh of relief. “I’m just sorry, I guess? All the quiet suspicion must have been concerning, and then you’re thrown into this room with a lot of work.” His gaze fell over to the pile of documents on the hotel room desk.

“You think this is a lot?” You chuckled. “ That is a lot!” You nod toward the bed full of bags waiting for you at your entrance before returning to the iPad. “While I have you here…” your questioning tone pipes Chris’ interest. “Is there a reason I can’t allow…” You read directly from the document to ensure you get it right: “... A camera near waist level around Minho at any time ?” Chris's laugh made you realise this was probably a lower-level rule to follow.

“Lee Know has a habit of touching asses. It's best to ensure we keep it off-camera in professional settings.” Chris places the coffee on your desk before retreating to the door. “Thank you for this, y/n. It’s a lot to take on in such a short time.” You smiled softly in his direction as he left the room. One of the staff followed him in soon after with another stack of paper, and you roll your eyes. Loud pinging from your phone indicated another call- Hair and makeup are getting here earlier. You’ve never been more thrilled. Before the member of staff in the room leaves, you ask them to round up the boys to be ready for hair and makeup to arrive in half an hour before turning back to your documents.

“No, you’re not hearing me…” your voice grew louder on the phone to the production team at the radio station. “... I’m telling you we need side door access. I’m not having them walk through the front door. Are you mad!?” The room door slowly opened, revealing Changbin at the door with a woman standing behind him. Oh god. You still can’t tell if this man even likes you. “Listen to me when I tell you, if we end up coming through that front door, I will be making it my professional mission to destroy your name in the industry. Do you hear me? No , you started raising your voice at me first. Make it happen.” You slam your phone down onto the desk before sighing out a muffled scream into your hands before turning around to greet Changbin properly.

“Hi, Changbin, sorry about that. Some production crews just don’t like to listen.” You give a shy smile, and you could have sworn you saw a glint of pride flash across his face. He led the quiet lady into the room.

“Y/N, this is your hair and makeup artist. She’ll be sorting you out for tonight.” You looked at him, confused and down at the tracksuit you were wearing.

“Hair and makeup? Why? I’m not going on the radio appearance,” You ask while looking at your watch. You don’t have time for hair and makeup.

“No, but you’ll be walking with staff, and photographers will be everywhere.” He explains, “Just let us do this for you?” He pushes, and you nod reluctantly. A smile finally graces his face, and he points at the wardrobe. “One of our wardrobe staff picked you out something to wear; it's in there. We’ll see you in an hour or so.” He exchanged some words in Korean with the lady who was setting up her makeup station, and the conversation ended with a light laugh before he left. You grab your iPad and go to her chair to work while you get your hair and makeup done for the evening.

Really? This is what they chose for you to wear? It’s not quite to your work taste, but the idea of a little black dress with a blazer was still appealing. You pull it out of the grand wardrobe and lay it out on the space that's cleared on the bed before shutting the wardrobe and turning to the mirror. The hair and makeup artist was excellent at what she did. Your makeup looked flawless, and she noticed the red lip you had on previously and reapplied a deeper red for you, which looked much better than the one you had on. You’ll have to make a mental note to ask her about that brand at some point.

You get changed into the dress, purposely removing the tag and not looking at it, knowing the price would make you uncomfortable if you saw it. Turning to the mirror to smooth yourself and put the blazer on, you hardly recognised yourself. Working in PR for Stray Kids was on your inspiration board, but you never believed it could be an option. Breathing through the shock, you spot a little Gucci bag from earlier on the bed. Opening it up, you see your perfume. Chris remembered. Your mind wonders back to that confrontation; it seemed a little intimate. The heat in your body started to rise before a knock on the door quickly snapped you out of it.

“Ms Y/N, we need you at the cars in 10.” A staff member's voice called through the door, and you called back a confirmation. Quickly spritzing yourself in perfume, you grabbed your bag your iPad, and slipped your heels on before hurrying to the door. It swung open to three staff members waiting for you. One gentleman had a bag of documents, one was much taller and more prominent, and the third was a younger woman with a pen and paper.

“Ms Y/N, we’ll be your staff today” The younger lady smiled, although you were pretty taken aback. “I’m Billie; I’ll be your assistant” Her smile stayed wide before pointing at the more prominent man. “This is Theo; he’ll be your bodyguard for the trip,” Theo held a hand out for you to shake, which, through your dazed confusion, you gladly accepted. “And this is William. He’s like a mini-me; he has anything additional we may need for the trip.” William gave a gentle nod, which you reciprocated.

“You're going to be riding with the rest of management…” Billie explained as you all started making your way down the hallway. You nodded as she pulled a document out to show you. “This is the journey mapped out for the trip to the station” You looked at the paper as you found yourself at the top of the stairs to go down to the cars. Looking up from the document for a moment to find your footing on the stairs, you lock eyes with the eight men standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting. The looks in their eyes could be mistaken for awe if it wasn’t for the fact that they were international superstars and you were merely a temporary PR service for them.

Making your way to the bottom of the grand steps of the Hilton, the eight men made their way over to greet you.

“Y/N… wow ”, Felix muttered, signalling you to do a little spin on the spot, which you obliged too happily. Praise came from all angles, and you thanked and greeted them before looking at your watch.

“Cars!” You instructed, “We’re going to be late otherwise… let's go!” you clapped a few times, signalling them to get a move on. Chris held back with you slightly, leaning in like he had mere hours before.

“You’re right… Gucci smells good on you.” With a wink, he made his way out to the cars. You felt the familiar heat rush to your cheeks as he walked away.

“Ms Y/N?” Billie's voice snapped you out of the blissful void you found yourself in. “We need to go too…” You fanned your face and nodded as you headed out to the cars.

Chapter 9: Suspense

Chapter Text

“…and I think that’s all we have time for today, folks.” The presenter’s voice rang over the radio speakers, signalling the end of the segment. You turned to Billie with a sigh of relief and a smile. “Thank you to Stray Kids for joining us here today. Keep your ears open because we’ll be playing some of their top hits next!”

“Ms. Y/N,” Billie’s voice pulled you back into the room, “we’ll head out to the front to do the media photo opportunities next. I’ll have Theo check the area with the other bodyguards before we head out. Then the boys will follow shortly after.” You nodded at Billie and glanced at your schedule as she left the observation booth, leaving you alone for the first time in what felt like ages. Glancing at your watch, you were surprised it was already 8 PM.

“Something wrong?” Chris’s voice comes low and unexpectedly behind you; you hadn't even heard him enter the room. Before you can turn to face him, his hands are already on your waist, grounding you with their firm yet gentle grip. “You look so good in that dress. Probably one of the best choices we made out of that little haul.” His words are smooth, laced with a hint of admiration that sends a thrill through you. Frozen in place, you can only manage a soft mumble of agreement, your mind struggling to catch up with the rush of sensations. He chuckles lightly at your reaction, clearly amused by the effect he has on you. As he moves closer, the warmth of his body radiates against your back. He leans in, his breath hot against your skin, and breathes deeply, savouring the lingering trace of your perfume at the crook of your neck.

“You know,” he murmurs, his voice low and warm against your exposed skin. “I’ve been waiting to do this since the moment we met.” His lips brushed the sweet spot between your neck and shoulder, leaving a soft, lingering kiss that made your heart race. The sensation was intoxicating, and you felt a surge of gratitude for the one-sided glass that shielded you from the view of the seven other men in the studio. As his hands tightened their grip on your hips, you couldn’t help but let your eyes roll back in sheer bliss.

You let your head roll back onto his chest, savouring the firm warmth as his relentless assault on your neck continued. The sensation of his lips and teeth grazing your skin sent shivers down your spine, making your breath hitch with anticipation. You knew you would need the name of that makeup artist later, confident that the fervent passion of his kisses was leaving its mark. Slowly, you tilted your head, your lips seeking his. The world seemed to pause, everything narrowing to the space between you two. Just as you were about to capture his lips in a kiss…

“Ms Y/N, are you in there?” Billie's voice echoed into the room, interrupting the charged moment. “Theo has marked everything clear for us. I need your eyes.” A whine of frustration escaped your lips as Chris pulled away just before you could kiss him.

“Coming!” You called out, trying to steady your voice to sound as normal as possible. Reluctantly, you moved away from Chris, using your hair to cover the spot on your neck where his lips had claimed you.

“Not yet, you're not,” he whispered with a smirk, his eyes gleaming with mischief as you left him in the room to meet Billie.

“Are you okay…” Billie asked, her eyes narrowing in concern as she noticed your flustered expression despite your efforts to appear composed.

“Fine, I’m fine!” you replied, the defensiveness in your voice betraying your inner turmoil. Fortunately, she took the hint and dropped the subject, refocusing on the task.

“So, anyway, there are some media and STAY outside for the boys to do an appearance. No questions will be asked.” You nodded, absorbing her updates while grabbing your iPad from William to check the schedule.

“Wait, wait… What's this?” You pointed at a newly added event on the calendar for 10 PM. “Who approved a night out? We have appearances tomorrow!” Your tone grew sharper with frustration as you scanned the room for the boys’ manager.

“I think the manager knew you were going to be annoyed… He’s gone back to the hotel already,” William spoke up, his voice timid and hesitant. His nervousness made you feel a pang of guilt for your harsh reaction.

“Don’t think you’re getting out of this so easily…” Felix interjected, his voice playful yet insistent as he emerged from behind Theo's towering figure. He had come back inside to escort you out for the media appearances. “It’s your first day working with us. It's only fair that you party with us too.” He brought his hands together pleadingly, his eyes sparkling with playfulness.

“I don’t know…” you mumbled, your gaze drifting to Chris, who lingered in the background, his presence comforting and distracting. “I haven’t got anything to wear, and I haven’t got time to change.” You gestured around the room, emphasising your point. “And I have so much work to do when I get back to the makeshift office,” you explained hesitantly, the weight of your responsibilities pressing down on you.

“We can organise an outfit change to meet you at the club or in the car,” Billie announced, her tone assertive yet accommodating. You took a moment to appreciate her assertiveness, finding it endearing despite the circ*mstances. There was a subtle, yet unmistakable, sound of what seemed to be a swift kick to the leg from Billie to William as he piped up next.

“I can prepare the paperwork for you to write the report tomorrow,” he offered gently.

“See! No excuse!” Seungmin chimed in, adding to the chorus of pleas.

“Fine, Fine! Let's get these media appearances done, and then I will decide depending on how well it goes,” you relented, rolling your eyes in resignation. Despite your internal hesitations, it was clear there was no escaping their persuasive efforts.

Exiting with Theo leading the way into the media crowd, you launched into your PR spiel, delivering it with practised ease. Stepping back, you allowed the boys to take centre stage, greeting the excited crowd with smiles and waves.

Was it shocking to find yourself in the van on the way to the club? Not really. Was it surprising that Billie had arranged for your outfit to be waiting in the car for you to change? Again, not really. What was shocking, however, was that she had decided to organise for you to share a vehicle with Changbin to the club and expect you to change in that exact vehicle. There, indeed, wasn’t much choice. You had to change. Awkward glances were exchanged between you and Changbin.

“I-” You both started simultaneously, the tension palpable in the confined space of the van, before breaking into gentle laughter at the situation's awkwardness. “You go first,” you offered, smiling as you observed his softening features, unsure if it was a response to you or simply excitement for the night ahead.

“I was going to say…” Changbin began, clearing his throat to ease the tension in the air. “I’ll just look the other way… I promise I won't peek.” With a reassuring smile, he shifted to a seat further away, granting you extra space for privacy. “It’s not like that dress leaves much to the imagination, though,” he added with a playful quirk on his lips.

He wasn’t wrong. The silver dress's low-drop neckline was stunning but left little to hide. You couldn’t help but recall Chris’ earlier comment about the dress, suspecting his hand in its selection. With a nod in Changbin's direction, you rose from your seat and went to the back of the moving van to change.

Successfully manoeuvring the dress over your body in the swaying vehicle, you smoothed the fabric down your frame, the hem reaching no longer than mid-thigh. Your shoulders, neck, and cleavage were on full display, and you couldn’t shake the feeling of self-consciousness. Part of you prayed that the club would be dimly lit enough to conceal your exposure.

Once comfortable in the outfit, you made your way back down the van toward Changbin, offering a playful “Ta-da” to lighten the mood. But as you caught his gaze, something in his eyes seemed to shift. It might have been the flicker of the passing streetlights or his expression, but there was a hunger in how he looked at you in that dress that sent a shiver down your spine.

Before you could comprehend what was happening, the van driver's thunderous shout in a language you couldn’t understand shattered the air, followed by the abrupt slam of the brakes. The sudden motion sent you lurching forward from where you had been standing. Changbin’s arm shot out in a split second, his firm grip catching you just in time to prevent a fall. Instinctively, he pulled you closer, drawing you onto his lap, your legs straddling his as your faces came inches apart.

As you steadied yourself, your hair cascaded behind you, exposing the marks that Chris had left earlier, now on full display. Changbin’s gaze immediately fixated on the faint imprints, his eyes darkening with curiosity and something else entirely. Locked in this intimate proximity, the tension between you crackled in the air, thick and palpable.

In the stillness of the van, the world seemed to narrow down to the magnetic pull between you. Slowly, Changbin’s hand hovered over the marks on your neck, his touch feather-light against your skin. “Is that truly the best he could do?” he chuckled softly, his other hand sliding around your waist to draw you closer, the warmth of his body enveloping you.

The disbelief swirled within you as Changbin’s lips began to trail gently over the exposed skin at the neckline of your dress. His movements were tentative yet purposeful, each kiss igniting a flurry of sensations that sent a shiver down your spine. His arm remained securely wrapped around your waist, anchoring you to him as his assault on your skin grew more emotional, more hungry.

You couldn’t help but jump slightly at the sudden rumble of the van starting back up beneath your feet, the sound breaking the intimate bubble between you and Changbin. His soft and melodic laughter vibrated against your skin as he pulled back slightly, his movements now more controlled and deliberate.

Awareness dawned on him that your chest was on display, vulnerable to the scrutiny of any lurking photographers. He adjusted his approach, his touches becoming more restrained, his kisses gentler. He was determined to shield your marked skin from prying eyes, ensuring that the intimate moment remained between you.

“You look breathtaking,” Changbin whispered into your ear, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine before he shifted his attention to the untouched side of your neck. His energy surged with a newfound intensity, his kisses more fervent as if he were coaxing a moan from your lips, which you willingly surrendered, grateful for the cover of the car’s rumbling engine.

Placing your hand under his chin to pull his lips up to meet yours, you feel the car come to a hard stop and multiple knocks assaulting the door to the van.

“We should go…” Changbin whispers, his lips inches from yours, and you nod reluctantly as he effortlessly lifts you up and out of his lap.

Chapter 10: Release


I wish I could say I'm sorry, but I'm not

Chapter Text

As Changbin exited the van, you welcomed the peace that followed. Turning on one of the fluorescent overhead lights; you retrieved your mirror from your bag. With a sense of relief, you found that Changbin had spared your chest from any permanent damage, but your neck told a different story. Fortunately, the club would be dimly lit, and your hair provided some cover.

Taking a moment to compose yourself, you steeled your resolve before exiting the van. As you stepped outside, you caught sight of Changbin, and Chris engaged in what appeared to be a heated discussion with the van driver, their voices raised in animated conversation, which quickly died down when you appeared.

"Jesus, Y/N!" IN exclaimed as you stepped down from the van, drawing the attention of the rest of the boys towards you.

"Oh, this old thing?" you joked, making light of your appearance, although you had taken the tag off earlier when changing. A lingering smell of alcohol wafted amongst the group, indicating they enjoyed a few drinks on the way to the venue. You had also brought something to drink in your bag, but you were a bit preoccupied to indulge. You nodded to Theo, who had agreed to accompany you all along with a few of the group's bodyguards to ensure your safety. However, they had already booked a private booth for you all to be comfortable in.

Seungmin seized the opportunity to take your arm as you entered behind the bodyguards. Fortunately, a side entrance was reserved for VIPs, and no one had tipped off the press about their presence, making the entrance much smoother for all of you.

Once inside, it didn’t take long for bottles to be ordered to the table, and soon enough, some of the boys were up and dancing. You had promised yourself that you wouldn’t drink much. After all, it was your first day on the job, which was supposed to be a small celebration. There was work waiting for you tomorrow. But as the night wore on, one drink turned into two, then three, and before you knew it, Minho was ordering another bottle.

While you weren't drunk, it was evident that you were much looser than an average woman would be around Stray Kids, especially after meeting them just one day ago.

“I’m going to the bathroom!” you yelled to Seungmin over the pulsating music. You sat next to him throughout the evening, sharing occasional conversations and laughs. Felix, IN, and Hyunjin were still on the dancefloor, their energy infectious. Han and Minho, inseparable as ever, seemed caught up in their world of whispered conversations and stolen glances, reaffirming the PR rules about not being filmed together for too long. Meanwhile, Chan and Binnie were engrossed in a discussion that frequently involved glances in your direction.

You tried not to dwell on their attention too much and simply focused on enjoying the evening. With a nod to Seungmin, you made your way through the bustling crowd towards the bathroom, eager for a moment of peace amidst the lively atmosphere of the club.

The bright lights in the bathroom cast a flattering glow on your face, a testament to the skilled hands of the makeup artist who had worked their magic earlier that day. As you stared at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn’t help but marvel at how much you had been through emotionally. Despite the whirlwind of events, you felt surprisingly steady, albeit slightly tipsy, from the drinks.

Placing your hand on the cold ceramic sink for support, you met your gaze in the mirror with amusem*nt and determination. “We are not going to give ourselves a concussion again tonight,” you declared to your reflection, punctuating your words with a pointed finger. Giving yourself a pep talk to behave seemed like a good idea, especially if the company you were with would behave too.

As you laughed at your antics, a thought crossed: How did you end up almost kissing Chris and Changbin on the same day? It was a question that left you momentarily bewildered. Still, you brushed it aside, deciding to focus on enjoying the rest of the evening and swiftly exiting the bathroom back into the bustle of the club.

Arriving at the table, you wave happily at the three men still there from when you left. As you moved back around to take your seat, Seungmin reached out, grabbed your wrist, and pulled you down onto his lap.

“Hey you,” Seungmin's voice came close to your ear, cutting through the speaker's blaring drum and bass music overhead. His lips brushed against your earlobe as he spoke, his hand resting gently on your lower back. “I missed you,” he confessed with a sweet smile, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine.

Returning his smile, you swatted him gently on the shoulder and leaned closer to his ear to respond. “I missed you too,” you laughed softly, feeling his other hand gently on your thigh. As Seungmin reached to flip your hair behind your shoulder, his touch brushed against the marks left earlier in the day, which were now darkening over time.

Leaning back to murmur into your ear, Seungmin's tone took on a darker, more lustful edge that caught you off guard. “Looks like someone's been busy already,” he teased mockingly, his voice dripping with playful accusation. “After I was nice enough to greet you when you first appeared in that car, you couldn’t even hold out for me first, huh?” His grip on your leg grew tighter, and you could feel a sense of urgency in his movement. He pulled you closer, releasing his grip ever so slightly to play with the hem of your dress, searching in your eyes for permission to move further. The gentle nod and the liquid courage from earlier encouraged you both.

As Seungmin's hand trailed further up your thigh, seeking out the spots that elicited your most sensitive reactions, your body instinctively leaned into his chest. His touch was skilful, coaxing soft pants and quiet moans from your lips as he continued his mission to pleasure you without drawing attention from the crowded room around you.

Despite your efforts to remain discreet, the intimate exchange did not go unnoticed by the two men sitting opposite you. Their gazes lingered on the scene unfolding before them, their expressions a mix of curiosity and intrigue, silently observing the clandestine interaction between you and Seungmin. It wasn’t long before Chris stepped in, walking over to the both of you.

“Minnie, in such a public place?” Chris's teasing remark was met with a glare from Seungmin, who seemed less amused by the interruption. Sensing the tension, Chris's expression softened as he addressed you directly. “Come with us, y/n,” he said, his voice firm yet comforting as he took you by the wrist and gently pulled you off Seungmin's lap.

Feeling confused and compliant, you followed obediently as Chris led you through the club, with Changbin following closely behind. The three of you made your way into a private room at the back, away from the prying eyes of the crowd.

The second the doors shut, you could feel the energy in the room change. It’s as if all the evening teasings had been orchestrated to lead to this moment. As you enter the room, it's clear it wasn’t made for this sort of encounter, but the door had a lock, and there was room to walk amongst the multitude of alcoholic stock that belonged to the club.

“Such a good girl, listening to us when we ask you to follow us,” Chris purred softly, his words laced with approval and reassurance. His gentle touch brushed a strand of stray hair behind your ear, a tender gesture that elicited a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty of the situation.

Meanwhile, Changbin moved swiftly to secure the room's privacy, twisting the lock into place with a decisive click. With the outside world effectively shut out, you were enveloped in a bubble of intimacy, the air thick with anticipation and unspoken desires.

“Seeing you with Seungmin like that… you rushed our plans a little tonight, bunny,” Changbin cooed, his tone blending reassurance and lust. His words hung in the air, stirring excitement and nervousness within you. It was clear that both he and Chris had some unfinished business with you tonight, and they intended to see it through.

“You’ve worked so hard today and done so well. Let us take care of you now,” Chan teased, his voice gentle as he drew closer to you, his presence comforting yet electrifying. With their words lingering in the air, you could feel your heart racing in anticipation.

Without hesitation, Chris’ lips were on yours, his hand moving up to lace into the hair at the nape of your neck, hungry to taste you after such a long wait. Changbins' body pressed up behind you, and the warmth of being trapped between them made you want to melt. You could feel Changbins hard length hitting your ass, and you leaned into him further, determined to tease just a little bit.

Changbin’s breath hitched at your movement, and he took the opportunity to sink to his knees gracefully; Chris assisted you in pulling your dress over your head. The urgency and need in the air were palpable, enough to make your legs weak. But what followed was even more overwhelming: the sudden onset of worship from both men as soon as your dress had come off.

“You look even better without your clothes on”, Chris groans as he takes in your form. The two men's eyes roamed your exposed skin with hunger and reverence; their touches were gentle yet possessive as they explored every curve and contour. Changbin's hands trailed along your thighs, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake, while Chris's fingers danced over your bare back, sending shivers down your spine.

In that moment, you felt desired and cherished, caught in the intoxicating embrace of their adoration. The mixture of sensations left you breathless and your body trembling.

“I’ve been dying to taste this puss* since I saw you this morning” Changbin’s voice was raspy from beneath you, and you couldn’t help but moan just at the words he was speaking; he hadn’t even touched you yet.

“I’ll get her laid down, Bin. Poor girl has been on her feet all day,” Chris interjected, taking charge as he fashioned a makeshift bed out of old boxes and blankets they had lying around in the store room. With gentle hands, he guided you to sit, ensuring your comfort as he arranged the makeshift bedding.

Moving behind you, Chris reached for the hair tie on his wrist, his touch tender as he gathered your hair into a high ponytail. He pulled your hair up, revealing the intricate artwork that adorned your neck and shoulders from the earlier encounters with both men. Changbin took the opportunity to remove your underwear while slowly tying your hair.

“Open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you. Thats it, just a little wider.” Changbins breath caught in his throat, turning to face the older man. “Hyung, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so perfect.” He keened greedily and then turned up to meet your eyes, searching for your consent to move forward, which you gave without a second thought.

Without hesitation, Binnie shifted forward, still on his knees before you. He began gently kissing up the insides of your thighs, finding all the sensitive areas Seungmin had found earlier eliciting moans from you that you tried to suppress by throwing a hand over your mouth. This was quickly stopped by Chris, who took your hand away from your face and held it above your head.

“No one is going to hear you in here other than us”, he reassured you, “Dont be shy beautiful, I love the way you moan our names.” His words, alongside Binnie’s persistence to move closer to your core, brought out a guttural moan from you, which both men smiled at in response. You were so caught up in the sensations coming from Binnie’s hands and mouth that you hadn’t even realised that Chris had undressed himself as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

“God, you’re so wet already and I’ve hardly touched you”, Changbins choked voice excitedly spoke from underneath you. His strong hands moved to run a finger through your folds, causing your body to arch off the makeshift bed and into his touch. “And so needy!” he continued. You could feel him getting closer; his warm breath was welcomed around your centre. Without another breath, his tongue was on you, exploring everywhere and lapping at you like he’d not drunk in a week. His nose hits your sweet spot, causing you to buck yourself up into his face, searching for more friction. Looking over to your side, you see Chris standing there, pumping himself at the filthy sight in front of him and eager to get involved.

“Now, be a good girl and take my co*ck in your mouth, yeah?” Chris speaks so sweetly yet with a slightly demanding quality to his voice. You happily oblige, fighting the pleasure from Changbin on his knees below you and propping yourself up on your elbows, opening your mouth to let Chris use your mouth. “f*ck”, he murmured as you took him in without hesitation and let him use your throat as he saw fit. “Look at you, such a messy girl for me.” Chris groans as he starts f*cking back into your throat.

Seeing the scene before him spurs Changbin on, determined to make you come undone before Chris does. “C’mon, let me hear you”, He teased as his hand found your cl*t, methodically rubbing in circles, helping you chase your high. His eagerness and skilled fingers push you over the edge forcing Chris’ dick out of your mouth so you can voice the screams that Changin was pulling from you, and you find yourself coming all over Changbins face, not that he’s complaining. He keeps persisting until you’ve ridden out your high before pulling away.

“Look at you…” Changbin finally stands, his face covered in your juices. He leans over your body, kissing you feverishly while undressing his bottom half. “I need you now, and then you’re all Chan’s, okay love?” You nod, not wanting it to end but too breathless to respond verbally. Without another thought, you can feel Binnie’s co*ck at your entrance, and you take a moment to prop yourself up to watch him insert himself. He’s thick, and he sees your eyes widen in shock.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll be gentle”, he winks, and you throw yourself back into the boxes, greeted by Chris’ hand on your nipples to help ease Changbin in without too much pain. He gently takes one between his finger and thumb, the other into his mouth. The stretch was delicious, and you could see the restraint on his face stopping him from just f*cking you on the spot.

“So tight…Taking me so well, beautiful.” He moaned as he finally found himself buried in you up to the hilt. Giving you a moment to adjust to him, he slowly began moving, his pace picking up quickly, the friction and stimulation on your nipples causing screams to leave your throat. “Don’t think I’m gonna last long” His breathy voice strained in concentration. “You’re doing so well, bunny.”

“puss* is taking me so good; you feel so good,” he speaks between breaths. Your lips are now too preoccupied with Chris’ lips to be able to respond. Your moans are muted by being swallowed by him while he devours you. You can feel your release building again, clearly being felt by Changbin, too, because his thrusts become more erratic, the pressure from your walls pushing him to his release. Forcing himself out of you, he quickly pumps himself over your stomach, covering you in his release.

“My turn now, baby; Binnie got you all ready for me.” He moved away from your lips and around to the front of your body. Grabbing your legs and placing them over his arms, “Don’t hold back on me” He winked before wasting no time slipping right into where Binnie had left. Chris wasn’t as thick, but he was longer, and his sudden entrance hit you in a place Changbin hadn’t, causing the most p*rnographic moan to leave your lips, which only spurred him on.

“Done so well for us all day”, He growled between thrusts, his pace slowing and quickening with each sign your body gave him. “Not just good at your job; look at you now. All ours. Taking us so well, baby.” His grip on your waist tightened, pulling you precisely to the spot he needed you to be. “Been fantasising about this all day” " he mewed, quickening his pace. It was clear he wasn’t going to last much longer either, chasing his high as he relentlessly pounded you into the boxes.

“Gonna finish inside of you, yeah? Fill you up? Make you into a mother as well?” Your entire body is alight from overstimulation and pleasure. All you can muster are yes’s and please’s in response to everything he said. Begging him to fill you up until you can’t walk. Your moans and the sounds coming from between you both pushed Chris to the edge, and he came inside you, painting your walls and forcing your third org*sm of the night out of you. He took a moment before pulling out, kissing you gently on your lips. Changbin, who had been watching the whole scene unfold, joined you both and gently kissed your collarbones and cheeks.

“Are you feeling okay?” Changbin asked, your breathing slowly returning to normal. You could only muster a nod as you came down from your high. Their worship of your body continued with soft caresses and gentle touches, which still elicited shivers from your body.

“Let's get you cleaned up and back to the hotel, yeah?” Chris smiled, standing up before scooping you into his arms and grabbing a water bottle off the stock room shelves. “You feeling okay?” he asked again, pushing for a verbal response this time, as Changbin grabbed some of the spare tissue to clean up the mess on your stomach that he had made earlier. You nodded, your feet hitting the floor slightly unsteady and opening the water to sip.

“I’m good… better than good” You laughed, grabbing your dress, pulling it over your head, and trying to regain some of your composure. You can hear Binnie talking to someone at the back of the room.

“There’s a car pulling up to the side door”, He piped up. “We’ll take you back to the hotel; you must be exhausted.” Changbins arm slid around your waist as Chris took a moment to check your makeup before exiting. While your lipstick had stayed put, the f*cked out expression on your face wasn’t going anywhere.

The boys escorted you to the car through the club bass, signalling Theo to enter the front with the driver. When you were finally settled and strapped between the two men, it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, resting your head on Chan's chest.

Chapter 11: The Aftermath

Chapter Text

Blinding lights shot through the hotel room window, piercing the early morning haze. As you lay there, cocooned in the soft, luxurious duvet, the events of last night played vividly in your mind. The warm embrace of Chris and Binnie still lingered on your skin, their presence a comforting memory that made your heart flutter.

The duvet's high thread count caresses your skin, making you feel like a fairy tale princess wrapped in elegance and warmth. The room was filled with a serene stillness, the world outside waking slowly with the gentle chirping of birds. It was a welcome melody, a peaceful prelude to the day ahead.

But the tranquillity was abruptly shattered as the alarm on your phone blared, cutting through the calm like a jarring reminder of reality. With a sigh, you reached out to silence it, savouring the last few moments of warmth and memory before the day demanded your attention.

You found yourself reaching for your iPad to check the day's schedule. A TV appearance this morning, a photoshoot this afternoon—it would be a long one. As you scrolled through the appointments, a sudden realisation hit you like a ton of bricks: you would have to face the group of boys again today.

"Oh god…" you muttered to yourself, panic rising. Had they all talked about it? And Seungmin!? How could you forget about him? The memories of last night were hazy and fragmented. Did you drink that much? Surely not. Yet, the sinking feeling in your stomach suggested otherwise.

Panic gripped you tighter. Last night had been a whirlwind, but now it seemed like the most unprofessional thing you'd ever done in your career. The thought of facing them today was unbearable. There was no way you'd keep your job after this.

"sh*t," you whispered, dread pooling in your gut. The iPad screen blurred as you tried to focus, wondering how you'd navigate through the day—or if you'd even have a job to navigate at all. A welcome knock came to the door.

“Ms. Y/N, breakfast is set out in the next-door suite.” Billie’s voice said, reassuring you that at least your staff had been retained for the morning. You managed a quick “Thank you” before reluctantly pulling yourself out of bed.

Standing in front of the mirror, you braced yourself for the worst. To your surprise, the marks on your body weren’t as awful as you had feared. With a sense of cautious relief, you stepped into the shower, letting the warm water cascade over you, washing away the remnants of last night. The steam filled the bathroom, creating a cocoon of calm as you tried to collect your thoughts and prepare for the day ahead.

The hot water helped to clear your mind, each droplet a soothing balm to your frazzled nerves. As you lathered shampoo into your hair, you replayed the events of last night, trying to piece together the fragments. The laughter, drinks, and warmth of Chris and Binnie's embrace mixed with the dread of facing the consequences today.

You finished your shower, and the clarity of the morning routine provided a small comfort. Wrapping yourself in a plush towel, you felt more like yourself, ready to tackle whatever awaited you. As you dressed, the familiar sounds of the bustling hotel seeped through the walls, grounding you in the present.

Stepping out of the bathroom, you took a deep breath, ready to face the day, whatever it might bring.

Gently knocking on the suite door, you pushed it open, hoping and praying it was empty so you could eat your breakfast in peace. Unfortunately, you were greeted by eight pairs of eyes, all turning to you as you entered. Your heart raced, and it was hard to gauge their emotions—though that might have been your anxiety clouding your perception.

“Good morning,” you said, striving to sound level-headed. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” Really? You mentally kicked yourself. Small talk about the weather? Real discreet. Seungmin, Chris, and Binnie exchanged tiny, smug smiles barely contained on their lips.

“Good morning!” Felix's cheerful voice broke the unspoken tension. “Come get some breakfast.”

You nodded, scanning the room for a spare seat. Naturally, the only available one was between Chris and Binnie. f*ck.

With a deep breath, you walked over and settled into the seat, feeling the heat of their presence on either side of you. The aroma of fresh coffee and warm pastries filled the air, starkly contrasting the cold dread knotting in your stomach. Chris leaned in slightly, his voice teasingly low, “Sleep well?”

Binnie chuckled softly, adding, “Yeah, you seemed pretty comfortable last night.”

Your cheeks burned as you forced a smile, focusing on the food before you. “Thanks for breakfast,” you mumbled, hoping to steer the conversation away from last night’s events.

Sensing your discomfort, Felix launched a story about his latest cooking adventure, giving you a momentary reprieve. You appreciated the distraction, even as the weight of Chris and Binnie's gazes lingered.

As you picked at your croissant, you couldn’t help but wonder how you would survive the rest of the day. The tightrope walk of maintaining professionalism while dealing with the aftermath of last night was going to be a daunting challenge.

After the very uncomfortable breakfast, you realised with some relief that you were not about to lose your job. The energy towards you wasn’t as hostile as you had feared. Everyone had been sharing stories about their antics at the club last night around the breakfast table, and you quietly excused yourself to prepare for the upcoming schedules.

Grabbing Billie and William on your way back to your room, you all sat down and went through the day's events. This morning's TV appearance was in order; the presenter would ask questions that needed looking over and clearance. The photoshoot this afternoon was pretty much put together, but there was an issue with Felix and Hyunjin’s stylist that would require your attention later that morning while the boys were in the studio.

“Your stylist will be here any moment,” Billie said, checking her watch.

“Again?” you protested. “I’m not even going to be on TV!” you groaned.

“It’s an instruction from the boys' manager. Nothing we can do,” she shrugged back at you.

You sighed, slumping back into your chair. The memory of last night's embarrassment was still fresh, and the last thing you wanted was to sit through hair and makeup for a camera you wouldn't even be facing. However, protocol was protocol, and you had to comply.

As you waited for the stylist, you couldn't help but reflect on the breakfast conversation. Despite the initial awkwardness, it had been a relief to hear everyone laughing and joking about the previous night's escapades. They were willing to let bygones be bygones; maybe you could, too.

The knock on the door jolted you back to reality. The stylist breezed in, a whirlwind of energy and tools. “Good morning! Let’s get you ready for the day!” she chirped.

You forced a smile, settling into the chair. “Good morning,” you replied. You mentally ran through the schedule again as she worked, focusing on each task. The TV appearance questions, the photoshoot logistics, and the stylist issue with Felix and Hyunjin would be a busy day, but you felt a renewed sense of determination. You could handle this. You had to.

As the stylist finished up, you glanced at your reflection. Professional, polished, and ready to face whatever the day would throw at you. With a final nod to yourself, you thanked the stylist and headed out, Billie and William in tow.

“Third car down.” Billie pointed to your vehicle, where Theo was waiting outside, acknowledging your arrival with a nod. “You’re traveling with management; we’ll meet you at the studio. I’ve organized for a desk to be available on your arrival so you can go over the afternoon appearances in peace.”

You felt gratitude toward Billie for understanding your need for some alone time. You gave her an appreciative smile before clamouring into the car to greet the management team.

Settling into the backseat, you exchanged brief greetings with the management team, who were already immersed in their preparations for the day. The car hummed with quiet efficiency as it pulled away from the hotel, the cityscape blurring past the windows.

As the car navigated the bustling streets, you allowed yourself to breathe and collect your thoughts. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow on the leather seats. The murmured conversations of the management team served as calming background noise, letting you focus on the tasks ahead.

You opened your iPad and reviewed the questions for the TV appearance, ensuring everything was in order. Each question was a potential landmine, and you wanted to be prepared. As you scrolled through the list, you made mental notes on key points to highlight and possible answers to tricky queries.

“Over here!” The press had gathered outside the studio, their cameras flashing and voices calling for attention. You were suddenly thankful for the makeup artist’s work this morning; the polished look gave you an extra layer of confidence.

Theo acted as your shield, expertly guiding you through the throng of reporters and fans. The group of boys ahead of you had created a temporary barrier, and you weaved in behind them, trying to stay as inconspicuous as possible. Chris glanced over his shoulder, his eyes filled with concern, acutely aware that this was probably your first time facing a crowd this intense. You gave him a reassuring nod, signalling that you were okay, even though the blinding flashes made it hard to see.

Within minutes, you found yourself inside the studio building, the noise and chaos of the crowd left behind. Chris was the first to rush over to you, with Changbin following closely after.

“Are you okay?” they asked in unison, their voices laced with worry. They hadn’t anticipated the gathering crowd to be so overwhelming.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” you assured them, though your heart was still racing from the unexpected frenzy outside. “Thank you for checking.”

Seungmin and IN had taken their concerns to management, their voices carrying over as they scolded them for not having better crowd control measures. The studio staff looked apologetic, scrambling to address the oversight.

Chris placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. “We didn’t think it would be this bad. I’m sorry.” His touch set your body alight again, and you had to ground yourself quickly.

“It’s okay,” you replied, offering a small smile. “Just part of the job, right?”

Changbin nodded, his expression softening. “Still, we should’ve been better prepared. Next time, we’ll make sure it’s handled.”

Chapter 12: How Can I Help?


Once again- I am not sorry

Chapter Text

The appearance itself went off without a hitch. From Billie's little private office organised for you, you monitored the show’s progress and used the quiet space to tackle the significant stylist issue.

“You’re not listening to me,” you spoke assertively to the stylist's assistant on the phone. “If I don’t have the outfits for Felix and Hyunjin at that studio by 1 PM, it’s not just your job; you’ll be losing... Oh, do you think you can speak to me like that? Where’s your head stylist? Put them on the phone.”

A soft knock on the door snapped your attention back to the room. The door tentatively opened, revealing Hyunjin and Felix on the other side. You quickly ushered them in, and they closed the door behind them.

“You have them call me back within the hour, or we’ll have more than an issue,” you growled into the phone before abruptly hanging up. Turning your attention to the two men in the room, you offered a sheepish smile. “Sorry about that. I’m a completely different person when things don’t go my way at work,” you chuckled. “What can I do for you boys?” you asked, raising an eyebrow in their direction.

“That was…” Felix started, glancing at Hyunjin with wide eyes.

“f*cking hot,” Hyunjin finished, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

You blinked, taken aback by their bluntness, and then burst into laughter. “Well, I’m glad my meltdown was entertaining for someone,” you said, shaking your head. “Seriously though, what’s up?”

Felix rubbed the back of his neck, his initial surprise giving way to his usual cheerful demeanour. “We just wanted to check in and see if you needed anything from us for the shoot later. And also to say thanks for handling the outfit situation. We know it’s a lot.” They slowly made their way over to your desk, pausing on either side of you.

Your pulse quickened as Hyunjin's voice became sultry, his hand gently grazing your cheek. The cool touch of his rings sent a thrilling shiver down your spine, igniting a fire within you. “You work so hard for us…”

Oh god, not again. With Felix and Hyunjin joining the list, it made five out of the eight boys who had made advances towards you in the last 48 hours. Despite the overwhelming attention, some of you couldn't deny the intoxicating allure of their flirtations.

You found yourself leaning in, unable to resist the magnetic pull of Hyunjin's presence. His closeness sent waves of desire coursing through you, the lines between professionalism and temptation blurring in the heat of the moment. You hardly noticed Felix’s hand gently caressing your shoulder.

Your breath hitched as Felix echoed Hyunjin's sentiment, his hand tracing a tantalising path along your collarbones. The gentle touch sent a rush of heat coursing through you, and you found yourself leaning into his touch, craving more of his intoxicating warmth.

"Maybe we could help you relax a little?" Felix's suggestion hung in the air, his gaze locking with Hyunjin's, their silent communication sparking a fire of anticipation within you.

With a soft exhale, you closed your eyes, allowing yourself to surrender to the moment, to Felix's touch, without the weight of being watched. His fingers danced delicately over your skin, coaxing a sigh of pleasure from your lips. In this intimate bubble, with the world outside fading into obscurity, you allowed yourself to bask in the intoxicating allure of their presence.

Every touch and caress was a symphony of desire, and you found yourself lost in the heady rush of sensation. Despite the risks, despite the consequences, in this fleeting moment, you couldn't deny the allure of their touch, the yearning for more.

Hyunjins lips found the sweet spot behind your ear, leaving a trail of kisses and nips to the skin. Unlike the other three men you’d been intimate with, they were much more gentle, almost ethereal in how they handled your body. Worshipping each crevice and curve as they explored what made you tick. Felix’s hands started exploring the curvature of your breasts, light squeezes sending electricity through your body; you couldn’t help but moan in response to their touches.

“I’m trying so hard not to f*ck you sensless right now.” Felix’s low voice had found its way to your unoccupied ear while Hyunjin continued his mission of kisses across your collarbones.

“You smell good enough to eat, beautiful”, Hyunjin muttered against your skin. Your legs instinctively open in search of cold air against your increasingly hot centre. Felix’s hand quickly replaced the chilly air, his thumb pressing immediately on your cl*t before pulling away.

“Do that again… Please,” You begged him desperately. “f*ck, Please Felix.” Your begging earned a gentle chuckle from Huynjin, who was still exploring the skin he could expose without undressing you. Felix happily obliged, your hips lifting off the seat beneath you for more pressure. He gently pulled your underwear to the side, his fingers now tracing over the bare skin.

“Channie Hyung was right,” Felix turned to Hyunjin. “She is needy.” Your heart pounded as Felix's words sank in, the implication hitting you like a sledgehammer. Before you could even process his comment, Hyunjin's lips captured yours in a searing kiss, effectively silencing any protests that threatened to escape.

The sensation was electrifying, sending shockwaves of desire coursing through you. Despite the lingering unease at Felix's words, you couldn't deny the overwhelming pull of Hyunjin's touch and his lips' intoxicating taste.

As he pulled away momentarily, a mischievous glint danced in Hyunjin's eyes. "Quiet now, princess," he whispered, his voice sending shivers down your spine. "We wouldn’t want anyone hearing us in here. The door is still unlocked."

His words sent a thrill of excitement through you, the forbidden nature of their actions only adding to the illicit allure. With a wordless nod, you leaned in eagerly, surrendering to the heat of the moment as Hyunjin's lips found yours once more. Felix gave a little warning before inserting two fingers inside you; his hands were not the biggest of all the men you had met, but he was skilled with them. The curve he had managed to hit your soft spot without even trying.

You were grateful for Felix’s lips replacing Hyunjins when they did, catching the moans falling out of your mouth as he continued the skilled pumping of his hand, driving you wild. Hyunjin had taken it upon himself to take two fingers, cover them in your slick and start rubbing your cl*t for extra stimulation. The feeling of both men on your puss* was intoxicating and was quickly pushing you to the edge.

“Thats a good girl, come undone for us baby. Relax into it.” Felix’s words were enough to send you reeling and clenching around his fingers as both men helped you ride your high for as long as possible before the overstimulation kicked in.

“You look so beautiful when you come,” Hyunjin smiled, peppering small kisses all over your face as Felix looked for something to get you cleaned up with. “Enough emotion there to have me up painting this evening.” Your brain could not form a sentence until Felix bought you a glass of water, helping you take a sip.

"I... what just?" You struggled to find the words, your mind reeling with confusion and questions. What had Chan said? How did you end up in this position? Before you could vocalise anything, another knock on the door jolted you upright in your seat, instinctively trying to smooth your features into a semblance of composure.

“Ms. Y/N, the cars will be ready in 10. I also have the stylist on the phone. You asked them to call you back, but they couldn’t reach you?” Billie's voice cut through the haze of your thoughts, snapping you back to reality.

sh*t. The remainder of your responsibilities hit you, and you hastily composed yourself, trying to push aside the tumultuous emotions swirling inside you.

The two men on either side of you leaned in, kissing softly on either of your cheeks before heading for the door. Their actions sent a jolt of conflicting emotions coursing through you, leaving you reeling in their wake.

“Not all mirrors are one-way mirrors, Y/N,” Felix's parting words echoed in your mind as he winked, followed by Hyunjin's playful smile.


Chapter 13: A Dream or a Nightmare?

Chapter Text

Walking to the cars, you could sense the glares you were getting out of the windows from the boys. The realisation sunk in. Yesterday, when you thought you were shrouded by the cover of a one-sided mirror in the studio observation box, they all saw you with Chris. The thought was mortifying. Then Binnie in the van… then Seungmin in the club… Then, both Chris and Binnie in the supply closet. Now Felix and Hyunjin while in the office!?

The puzzle pieces fell into place, depicting indiscretion and vulnerability. Each encounter had been a slip-up, a moment of weakness and passion on your part that now seemed to hang over you like a dark cloud. Did they just think of you as an easy target? You were here because you were good at your job, right?

The weight of their potential scrutiny was suffocating, and you couldn't help but feel exposed even when covered by your clothing as if every secret desire and forbidden touch had been laid bare for all to see. As you reached the waiting cars, you forced yourself to keep your head high, plastering on a mask of confidence despite the turmoil within you.

Stepping into the car, you took the phone from Billie and began speaking to the stylist, though your tone had softened this time. You couldn't deny that the stolen moment with Felix and Hyunjin had taken the edge off for you. The situation was handled quickly afterwards; a few plans were implemented to get the required clothing items to the set you were all heading to. For f*ck's sake, you still had to hold up this facade all afternoon. Did they all know about each other? Chan and Binnie had seen you with Seungmin, and Seungmin had seen you walk off with them. But breakfast had been so relaxed after that. The thought made your head spin, conjuring stories you couldn't comprehend. You just had to make it to the venue and keep yourself locked away from everything and everyone—especially the three men you had already managed to keep at a distance.

“Billie, is there a secluded room at the venue?” you asked as calmly as possible.

“Yes, Ms. Y/N,” she responded, glancing at her notes.


Within seconds of arriving at the vast warehouse set, you ditched the car, abandoned your team, and sprinted straight for the secluded room Billie had pointed out on the floor plans. Heart pounding, you locked the door behind you with a deep sigh. Peace, at last.

You took a moment to process the whirlwind of the past 48 hours. Just two days ago, you were at the concert, carefree and exhilarated. Now, you found yourself thrust into a job you hadn’t even told your business partner about, thanks to that bastard NDA. The thought gnawed at you, especially since you hadn’t caught up with your best friend, who had signed the same damned thing. You did the only thing you could think of, which was another pinch to the forearm. Ouch! Yup, you’re still awake.

You just had to survive another few hours. Then you could get back to the hotel, thank the team for the opportunity, and promptly leave for your average, uncomplicated flat on the outskirts of town where you owed nothing to anyone and weren’t running around and sleeping with international superstars.

That's what you wanted, right?



Normal and uncomplex.

You sat on the cold, hard floor in the corner of the room, knees drawn up to your chest. Your head rested against the wall; the cold concrete was a welcome relief to your overheating brain, running a million miles an hour. How could you be forced into a corner over such a massive opportunity? This could launch your career and provide stability for your company. Claire wouldn’t need to flirt with sleazy old men just to get clientele onto your books. Having Stray Kids attached to your brand image would be monumental! The potential was exhilarating, yet the secrecy and pressure were almost unbearable.

You could hear the distinct buzzing on your phone on the floor next to you, clearly texts, not calls. Who could it be? Chris checking in? Is Binnie trying to act sweet after telling you he couldn’t trust you just a day prior? Seaungmin and his hands? God those hands

Snapping out of it, you grabbed your phone off the floor; it was Billie. Hiding had seemed like a great idea until you remembered you were contractually obligated to do your job. Reluctantly, you got off the floor and steeled yourself. All you needed to do was hold your emotions in check for a few more hours, and then this whirlwind, a nightmare or a dream, would be over.

Well, that was a brilliant idea… until you saw their outfits. Jesus, how can eight men look like they just rolled off the cover of a magazine? Technically, they are about to be put directly on those magazine covers, but your point still stood. You made it your mission to avoid direct eye contact with them. Right now, the only safe people to approach were IN, Han, and Minho, and even they were off-limits to your brain.

Billie had shoved some papers in your hands, a welcome distraction, although you knew that you had read the first line of the document at least ten times, trying hard to digest the content of it. Something about press after the shoot? Something about brand interviews? Stupidly, you snuck another look at the men in front of the camera. Leather. Leather everywhere. No. Focus. Something about the press? Something about brands? Leather.

“Ms. Y/N?” Billie's voice rang through the tangled thoughts in your head, thoughts so wild not even an insane person would say them out loud. Had she asked a question? sh*t. You just wanted to be back in your cold, secluded room.

“Sorry,” you responded timidly. “Um…” You scanned over the documents quickly. “Yes to the first two points, refuse the questions about relationships, and ask them about leather—I mean lyrics! Ask them about lyrics.” Smooth as ever, you retreated from Billie and melted back into the shadows at the room's rear.

“Looking for some peace too?” A quiet yet familiar voice spoke out to you from the shadows. Ah, it was IN. You could handle IN. The youngest of the group, less intense, wanted to be a priest if he didn’t become an idol. You were safe here.

“It’s just a lot of…” You started.

“...leather?” He finished for you, and you stifled a laugh in response.

“Precisely,” you agreed as you leaned against the back wall with him, enjoying the moment of serenity.

“I’ve found this little spot around the back of the building. It’s secluded, quiet, and far away from the leather. Want to join me?” He asked sweetly; his relaxed demeanour puts you at ease. You happily obliged, following him around to the hidden spot behind the warehouse.

“And then Channie-hyung fell flat on the studio floor!” You both erupted into laughter, the sound echoing in the quiet surroundings of the hidden spot behind the warehouse.

“Surely, there’s no way he let Binnie get away with that!” You managed to calm your laughter, feeling surprisingly at ease with IN on the rustic picnic bench outside the studio. The gentle breeze stirred the air, carrying away the day's tension.

“No, he chased him out of the room. I don’t think they spoke for the rest of the session!” IN chuckled softly at the memory. Sitting next to you on the bench, he exuded a comforting presence that eased the knots of stress in your mind. “I wouldn’t blame you for running out of the warehouse…” His tone was more serious now. “You’ve experienced… a lot… these past couple of days.” The way he spoke was knowing, and it cemented the fact that the boys do talk about you.

“It’s been an experience, for sure…” You trailed off, your eyes flickering away from his and into the distant trees. “As for running, I’m not decided quite yet,” you confessed.

His hand reached for your chin, gently pulling your face back so your eyes could meet. The touch of his fingers, chilled by the outside breeze, sent a shiver down your spine, grounding you back into reality.

“We do appreciate everything you’ve done for us,” his voice was lower now, almost whispered, as he leaned closer to you. His eyes, dark with intensity, were fixed on your lips, drawing you into a moment suspended in time.

You nodded slowly, a slight hum acknowledging his words before you brought your lips to meet his. The touch ignited a flame that had been smouldering between you, the heat of it enveloping you both in its embrace.

Another moment of passion you would have to strike out later mentally, but at this moment, the comfort IN brought you and the undeniable chemistry between you both was too potent to ignore. The kisses became more urgent and intoxicating as if each one was a desperate plea for more.

Before you knew it, IN had you pressed up against the icy cold outside wall of the warehouse. The chill of the concrete contrasted sharply with the heat of your body, creating a sensation that electrified your senses and fueled the fire of desire between you.

Your underwear, already ruined from the escapades earlier in the day, had found themselves on a puddle on the floor, leaving the underneath of your dress wholly exposed. For the group's youngest member, he was by no means the weakest. He lifted your body off the ground with ease, pushing you back up against the wall, his lips not leaving you for a moment.

“You are so beautiful, y/n. I don’t know how I’ve held myself back this long.” He muttered against your swollen lips, a small trail of saliva connecting you both even in your separation. Your moans in response were enough to spur him on, knowing he didn’t have much time before he had to be back in front of the camera. He expertly removed one hand from your side, reaching down to free his throbbing dick from his stupidly tight leather trousers. Your eyes darted behind him, remembering briefly that you were outside.

“It’s just me and you,” He reassured you, sensing your sudden tension as your gaze fell back on him, instantly at ease. “We’ve not got long, babe; I need to get back in front of the camera.” You nodded vigorously, knowing you needed this as much as he did. With that, he lowered you down to meet him, slowly slipping inside of you with ease.

“God, please…” You prayed, the stretch around him feeling euphoric, sending your eyes closing in bliss.

“God has nothing to do with this; I want you screaming my name, not his,” IN chuckled, his breath warm against your ear as he gave you a moment to adjust to the new sensation before thrusting into you harshly once.

“f*ck, IN, please. Please just use me.” You pleaded, God's name now replaced with his. Groaning, you didn’t need to ask twice. Pounding into you relentlessly, one of his hands reached its way up to your neck, the multitude of rings on his hand leaving electric shocks as they traced the contours of your body.

Just one of his hands was enough to wrap around your throat; the sudden lack of oxygen alongside the relentless assault on your puss* was driving you to that sweet feeling of release again. His lips found yours again; that was all it took for you to come undone for the second time today.

“You’re so tight, y/n. f*ck, just like that. You look so beautiful with my hand wrapped around your throat like this. So small.” his movements were becoming more erratic, and you could tell he stayed true to his word about being quick. He quickly moved you off of him and back to the ground.

“On your knees...” He demanded. “Praying for a God when you’ve got me right here…” he scoffed. You happily obliged, knees on the gravel, mouth wide open, and tongue out.

“You look so good on your knees. Now swallow, we can’t have me ruining the brand's clothing, can we now?” He smirked mischievously as he worked himself in his hand, aiming directly at your mouth before shooting hot white ropes onto your waiting tongue.

Swallowing what was given to you, you both took a moment to breathe. IN, ever the gentleman, quickly helped you up off the floor and brushed your knees down before kissing you gently.

“Are you okay?” He asked, his voice laced with concern. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?” he questioned, his eyes searching yours for any sign of discomfort. You couldn’t help but giggle, resting your head on his shoulder as he sat beside you.

“I’m fine, Innie,” you reassured him, feeling warmth through you at his caring gesture. “It’s just funny how you can go from so dominant to so loving in 0.3 seconds,” you chuckled again as his hand came up to smooth your hair gently.

“Just think about what I said earlier. We all really appreciate everything you’ve done for us. Don’t be frightened. This could end up being a perfect working relationship,” he said softly, his words sinking in as you nodded, too blissed out to speak or even think on the matter. He kissed your temple softly as he rose from his seat.

“I’ll head in first, don’t worry, you look beautiful.” Blowing a small kiss as he went, you took a moment to soak up what was left of the golden hour sun before heading back to work, somehow less conflicted than before.

Chapter 14

Chapter Text

I hope you enjoy this little fiction I'm writing in preparation for my creative writing university course next year!

For mature audiences after chapter 10 :)

Agency with Benefits - TheLunaPriestess (2024)


What is the most expensive thing in Cookie Clicker? ›

In Cookie Clicker Classic

The time machine costs 123,456,789 cookies, and is the most expensive of all the items, at their base levels.

What is the maximum upgrade in Cookie Clicker? ›

Building Upgrades. There are 300 total building upgrades. Each building beyond Grandma has one grandma upgrade and two synergy upgrades. Each building has its own upgrades, and only the cursor upgrades are different from the others.

What are the 7 types of grandmas in Cookie Clicker? ›

Grandma Types
NameUnlock conditionBase price
Cosmic grandmas15 shipments and 1 grandma owned255 billion
Transmuted grandmas15 alchemy labs and 1 grandma owned3.75 trillion
Altered grandmas15 portals and 1 grandma owned50 trillion
Grandmas' grandmas15 time machines and 1 grandma owned700 trillion
14 more rows

How to get 1000000000000 cookies in Cookie Clicker? ›

Enter the "generate cookies" code.

Earn(number) into the console, making sure to replace number with the number of cookies that you want to generate. For example, if you want to generate virtually infinite cookies, you might type Game. Earn(999999999999999999999999999999) here.

What is the 12 Septillion thing in Cookie Clicker? ›

Introduction. The Idleverse is a building added in the alternate reality update. It is the eighteenth building in the game, costs 12 sextillion cookies and produces 8.3 trillion CpS by hijacking production from other idle universes.

What is the best cheat code in Cookie Clicker? ›

Beginner's Guide to Cheat Codes
Game.cookies = Infinity;Get an infinite number of cookies.
Game.cookies=;Set the total number of cookies to the desired amount
Game.cookiesPs=;Set cookies per second number
Game.Earn();Add the desired number of cookies to your current total
1 more row
Apr 8, 2024

How to get neverclick Cookie Clicker? ›

On Cookie Clicker, there is a shadow achievement you can get called "True Neverclick" which recognizes that you bake one million cookies while not clicking the big cookie once. If you plan on doing this legitimately, you'll need to click on Golden Cookies at the start of your run, as you cannot click the big cookie.

Who is number 1 in Cookie Clicker? ›

Cookie Clicker
Ranking #Steam Gamertag
46 more rows

How to trigger Grandmapocalypse? ›

The Grandmapocalypse starts once you've accumulated over 1,000,000 cookies. The screen becomes covered in a shaking, flashing, tiled background of grandmas. As you gain more cookies, the Grandmapocalypse becomes more intense, with more images of different grandmas of various sizes and intensity beginning to show up.

Is the Grandmapocalypse good? ›

The Grandmapocalypse turns some or all Golden Cookies into Wrath Cookies. Wrath Cookies have many negative effects, which are absent from Golden Cookies. However, effects like Elder Frenzy, which multiplies CpS by 666 for 6 seconds, is useful for Golden Cookie combos and can even be useful by itself.

How to end Grandmapocalypse? ›

As soon as the last upgrade gets purchased, youre able to use "Elder Pledge", which stops the Grandmapocalypse for half an hour. It can be extended up to an hour with heavenly upgrades. You could also use "Elder Covenant", which will permanently stop the Grandmapocalypse at a cost of 5% of your total CPS.

What costs 5.1 billion in cookie clickers? ›

The Shipment is the ninth building in the game, cost 5.1 billion cookies and produces 260,000 CpS by shipping in fresh cookies from the cookie planet.

What costs 75 billion in cookie clickers? ›

The alchemy lab is the tenth building in the game, costs 75 billion cookies and produces 1.6 million CpS by transmuting gold into cookies.

How do you get the most money on Cookie Clicker? ›

If you're stuck and far in the game, and don't want to ascend, here a good way to get money fast. If you have maxed out level farms, put golden clovers in every plot and switch to clay. make sure it's all in the same tick when you plant these. As these grow, your golden cookie frequency will increase by a lot.

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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.