Agency with Benefits - Chapter 10 - TheLunaPriestess (2024)

Chapter Text

As Changbin exited the van, you welcomed the peace that followed. Turning on one of the fluorescent overhead lights; you retrieved your mirror from your bag. With a sense of relief, you found that Changbin had spared your chest from any permanent damage, but your neck told a different story. Fortunately, the club would be dimly lit, and your hair provided some cover.

Taking a moment to compose yourself, you steeled your resolve before exiting the van. As you stepped outside, you caught sight of Changbin, and Chris engaged in what appeared to be a heated discussion with the van driver, their voices raised in animated conversation, which quickly died down when you appeared.

"Jesus, Y/N!" IN exclaimed as you stepped down from the van, drawing the attention of the rest of the boys towards you.

"Oh, this old thing?" you joked, making light of your appearance, although you had taken the tag off earlier when changing. A lingering smell of alcohol wafted amongst the group, indicating they enjoyed a few drinks on the way to the venue. You had also brought something to drink in your bag, but you were a bit preoccupied to indulge. You nodded to Theo, who had agreed to accompany you all along with a few of the group's bodyguards to ensure your safety. However, they had already booked a private booth for you all to be comfortable in.

Seungmin seized the opportunity to take your arm as you entered behind the bodyguards. Fortunately, a side entrance was reserved for VIPs, and no one had tipped off the press about their presence, making the entrance much smoother for all of you.

Once inside, it didn’t take long for bottles to be ordered to the table, and soon enough, some of the boys were up and dancing. You had promised yourself that you wouldn’t drink much. After all, it was your first day on the job, which was supposed to be a small celebration. There was work waiting for you tomorrow. But as the night wore on, one drink turned into two, then three, and before you knew it, Minho was ordering another bottle.

While you weren't drunk, it was evident that you were much looser than an average woman would be around Stray Kids, especially after meeting them just one day ago.

“I’m going to the bathroom!” you yelled to Seungmin over the pulsating music. You sat next to him throughout the evening, sharing occasional conversations and laughs. Felix, IN, and Hyunjin were still on the dancefloor, their energy infectious. Han and Minho, inseparable as ever, seemed caught up in their world of whispered conversations and stolen glances, reaffirming the PR rules about not being filmed together for too long. Meanwhile, Chan and Binnie were engrossed in a discussion that frequently involved glances in your direction.

You tried not to dwell on their attention too much and simply focused on enjoying the evening. With a nod to Seungmin, you made your way through the bustling crowd towards the bathroom, eager for a moment of peace amidst the lively atmosphere of the club.

The bright lights in the bathroom cast a flattering glow on your face, a testament to the skilled hands of the makeup artist who had worked their magic earlier that day. As you stared at your reflection in the mirror, you couldn’t help but marvel at how much you had been through emotionally. Despite the whirlwind of events, you felt surprisingly steady, albeit slightly tipsy, from the drinks.

Placing your hand on the cold ceramic sink for support, you met your gaze in the mirror with amusem*nt and determination. “We are not going to give ourselves a concussion again tonight,” you declared to your reflection, punctuating your words with a pointed finger. Giving yourself a pep talk to behave seemed like a good idea, especially if the company you were with would behave too.

As you laughed at your antics, a thought crossed: How did you end up almost kissing Chris and Changbin on the same day? It was a question that left you momentarily bewildered. Still, you brushed it aside, deciding to focus on enjoying the rest of the evening and swiftly exiting the bathroom back into the bustle of the club.

Arriving at the table, you wave happily at the three men still there from when you left. As you moved back around to take your seat, Seungmin reached out, grabbed your wrist, and pulled you down onto his lap.

“Hey you,” Seungmin's voice came close to your ear, cutting through the speaker's blaring drum and bass music overhead. His lips brushed against your earlobe as he spoke, his hand resting gently on your lower back. “I missed you,” he confessed with a sweet smile, his warm breath sending a shiver down your spine.

Returning his smile, you swatted him gently on the shoulder and leaned closer to his ear to respond. “I missed you too,” you laughed softly, feeling his other hand gently on your thigh. As Seungmin reached to flip your hair behind your shoulder, his touch brushed against the marks left earlier in the day, which were now darkening over time.

Leaning back to murmur into your ear, Seungmin's tone took on a darker, more lustful edge that caught you off guard. “Looks like someone's been busy already,” he teased mockingly, his voice dripping with playful accusation. “After I was nice enough to greet you when you first appeared in that car, you couldn’t even hold out for me first, huh?” His grip on your leg grew tighter, and you could feel a sense of urgency in his movement. He pulled you closer, releasing his grip ever so slightly to play with the hem of your dress, searching in your eyes for permission to move further. The gentle nod and the liquid courage from earlier encouraged you both.

As Seungmin's hand trailed further up your thigh, seeking out the spots that elicited your most sensitive reactions, your body instinctively leaned into his chest. His touch was skilful, coaxing soft pants and quiet moans from your lips as he continued his mission to pleasure you without drawing attention from the crowded room around you.

Despite your efforts to remain discreet, the intimate exchange did not go unnoticed by the two men sitting opposite you. Their gazes lingered on the scene unfolding before them, their expressions a mix of curiosity and intrigue, silently observing the clandestine interaction between you and Seungmin. It wasn’t long before Chris stepped in, walking over to the both of you.

“Minnie, in such a public place?” Chris's teasing remark was met with a glare from Seungmin, who seemed less amused by the interruption. Sensing the tension, Chris's expression softened as he addressed you directly. “Come with us, y/n,” he said, his voice firm yet comforting as he took you by the wrist and gently pulled you off Seungmin's lap.

Feeling confused and compliant, you followed obediently as Chris led you through the club, with Changbin following closely behind. The three of you made your way into a private room at the back, away from the prying eyes of the crowd.

The second the doors shut, you could feel the energy in the room change. It’s as if all the evening teasings had been orchestrated to lead to this moment. As you enter the room, it's clear it wasn’t made for this sort of encounter, but the door had a lock, and there was room to walk amongst the multitude of alcoholic stock that belonged to the club.

“Such a good girl, listening to us when we ask you to follow us,” Chris purred softly, his words laced with approval and reassurance. His gentle touch brushed a strand of stray hair behind your ear, a tender gesture that elicited a sense of comfort amidst the uncertainty of the situation.

Meanwhile, Changbin moved swiftly to secure the room's privacy, twisting the lock into place with a decisive click. With the outside world effectively shut out, you were enveloped in a bubble of intimacy, the air thick with anticipation and unspoken desires.

“Seeing you with Seungmin like that… you rushed our plans a little tonight, bunny,” Changbin cooed, his tone blending reassurance and lust. His words hung in the air, stirring excitement and nervousness within you. It was clear that both he and Chris had some unfinished business with you tonight, and they intended to see it through.

“You’ve worked so hard today and done so well. Let us take care of you now,” Chan teased, his voice gentle as he drew closer to you, his presence comforting yet electrifying. With their words lingering in the air, you could feel your heart racing in anticipation.

Without hesitation, Chris’ lips were on yours, his hand moving up to lace into the hair at the nape of your neck, hungry to taste you after such a long wait. Changbins' body pressed up behind you, and the warmth of being trapped between them made you want to melt. You could feel Changbins hard length hitting your ass, and you leaned into him further, determined to tease just a little bit.

Changbin’s breath hitched at your movement, and he took the opportunity to sink to his knees gracefully; Chris assisted you in pulling your dress over your head. The urgency and need in the air were palpable, enough to make your legs weak. But what followed was even more overwhelming: the sudden onset of worship from both men as soon as your dress had come off.

“You look even better without your clothes on”, Chris groans as he takes in your form. The two men's eyes roamed your exposed skin with hunger and reverence; their touches were gentle yet possessive as they explored every curve and contour. Changbin's hands trailed along your thighs, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake, while Chris's fingers danced over your bare back, sending shivers down your spine.

In that moment, you felt desired and cherished, caught in the intoxicating embrace of their adoration. The mixture of sensations left you breathless and your body trembling.

“I’ve been dying to taste this puss* since I saw you this morning” Changbin’s voice was raspy from beneath you, and you couldn’t help but moan just at the words he was speaking; he hadn’t even touched you yet.

“I’ll get her laid down, Bin. Poor girl has been on her feet all day,” Chris interjected, taking charge as he fashioned a makeshift bed out of old boxes and blankets they had lying around in the store room. With gentle hands, he guided you to sit, ensuring your comfort as he arranged the makeshift bedding.

Moving behind you, Chris reached for the hair tie on his wrist, his touch tender as he gathered your hair into a high ponytail. He pulled your hair up, revealing the intricate artwork that adorned your neck and shoulders from the earlier encounters with both men. Changbin took the opportunity to remove your underwear while slowly tying your hair.

“Open your legs for me baby, I wanna see you. Thats it, just a little wider.” Changbins breath caught in his throat, turning to face the older man. “Hyung, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so perfect.” He keened greedily and then turned up to meet your eyes, searching for your consent to move forward, which you gave without a second thought.

Without hesitation, Binnie shifted forward, still on his knees before you. He began gently kissing up the insides of your thighs, finding all the sensitive areas Seungmin had found earlier eliciting moans from you that you tried to suppress by throwing a hand over your mouth. This was quickly stopped by Chris, who took your hand away from your face and held it above your head.

“No one is going to hear you in here other than us”, he reassured you, “Dont be shy beautiful, I love the way you moan our names.” His words, alongside Binnie’s persistence to move closer to your core, brought out a guttural moan from you, which both men smiled at in response. You were so caught up in the sensations coming from Binnie’s hands and mouth that you hadn’t even realised that Chris had undressed himself as he watched the scene unfold in front of him.

“God, you’re so wet already and I’ve hardly touched you”, Changbins choked voice excitedly spoke from underneath you. His strong hands moved to run a finger through your folds, causing your body to arch off the makeshift bed and into his touch. “And so needy!” he continued. You could feel him getting closer; his warm breath was welcomed around your centre. Without another breath, his tongue was on you, exploring everywhere and lapping at you like he’d not drunk in a week. His nose hits your sweet spot, causing you to buck yourself up into his face, searching for more friction. Looking over to your side, you see Chris standing there, pumping himself at the filthy sight in front of him and eager to get involved.

“Now, be a good girl and take my co*ck in your mouth, yeah?” Chris speaks so sweetly yet with a slightly demanding quality to his voice. You happily oblige, fighting the pleasure from Changbin on his knees below you and propping yourself up on your elbows, opening your mouth to let Chris use your mouth. “f*ck”, he murmured as you took him in without hesitation and let him use your throat as he saw fit. “Look at you, such a messy girl for me.” Chris groans as he starts f*cking back into your throat.

Seeing the scene before him spurs Changbin on, determined to make you come undone before Chris does. “C’mon, let me hear you”, He teased as his hand found your cl*t, methodically rubbing in circles, helping you chase your high. His eagerness and skilled fingers push you over the edge forcing Chris’ dick out of your mouth so you can voice the screams that Changin was pulling from you, and you find yourself coming all over Changbins face, not that he’s complaining. He keeps persisting until you’ve ridden out your high before pulling away.

“Look at you…” Changbin finally stands, his face covered in your juices. He leans over your body, kissing you feverishly while undressing his bottom half. “I need you now, and then you’re all Chan’s, okay love?” You nod, not wanting it to end but too breathless to respond verbally. Without another thought, you can feel Binnie’s co*ck at your entrance, and you take a moment to prop yourself up to watch him insert himself. He’s thick, and he sees your eyes widen in shock.

“Don’t worry baby, I’ll be gentle”, he winks, and you throw yourself back into the boxes, greeted by Chris’ hand on your nipples to help ease Changbin in without too much pain. He gently takes one between his finger and thumb, the other into his mouth. The stretch was delicious, and you could see the restraint on his face stopping him from just f*cking you on the spot.

“So tight…Taking me so well, beautiful.” He moaned as he finally found himself buried in you up to the hilt. Giving you a moment to adjust to him, he slowly began moving, his pace picking up quickly, the friction and stimulation on your nipples causing screams to leave your throat. “Don’t think I’m gonna last long” His breathy voice strained in concentration. “You’re doing so well, bunny.”

“puss* is taking me so good; you feel so good,” he speaks between breaths. Your lips are now too preoccupied with Chris’ lips to be able to respond. Your moans are muted by being swallowed by him while he devours you. You can feel your release building again, clearly being felt by Changbin, too, because his thrusts become more erratic, the pressure from your walls pushing him to his release. Forcing himself out of you, he quickly pumps himself over your stomach, covering you in his release.

“My turn now, baby; Binnie got you all ready for me.” He moved away from your lips and around to the front of your body. Grabbing your legs and placing them over his arms, “Don’t hold back on me” He winked before wasting no time slipping right into where Binnie had left. Chris wasn’t as thick, but he was longer, and his sudden entrance hit you in a place Changbin hadn’t, causing the most p*rnographic moan to leave your lips, which only spurred him on.

“Done so well for us all day”, He growled between thrusts, his pace slowing and quickening with each sign your body gave him. “Not just good at your job; look at you now. All ours. Taking us so well, baby.” His grip on your waist tightened, pulling you precisely to the spot he needed you to be. “Been fantasising about this all day” " he mewed, quickening his pace. It was clear he wasn’t going to last much longer either, chasing his high as he relentlessly pounded you into the boxes.

“Gonna finish inside of you, yeah? Fill you up? Make you into a mother as well?” Your entire body is alight from overstimulation and pleasure. All you can muster are yes’s and please’s in response to everything he said. Begging him to fill you up until you can’t walk. Your moans and the sounds coming from between you both pushed Chris to the edge, and he came inside you, painting your walls and forcing your third org*sm of the night out of you. He took a moment before pulling out, kissing you gently on your lips. Changbin, who had been watching the whole scene unfold, joined you both and gently kissed your collarbones and cheeks.

“Are you feeling okay?” Changbin asked, your breathing slowly returning to normal. You could only muster a nod as you came down from your high. Their worship of your body continued with soft caresses and gentle touches, which still elicited shivers from your body.

“Let's get you cleaned up and back to the hotel, yeah?” Chris smiled, standing up before scooping you into his arms and grabbing a water bottle off the stock room shelves. “You feeling okay?” he asked again, pushing for a verbal response this time, as Changbin grabbed some of the spare tissue to clean up the mess on your stomach that he had made earlier. You nodded, your feet hitting the floor slightly unsteady and opening the water to sip.

“I’m good… better than good” You laughed, grabbing your dress, pulling it over your head, and trying to regain some of your composure. You can hear Binnie talking to someone at the back of the room.

“There’s a car pulling up to the side door”, He piped up. “We’ll take you back to the hotel; you must be exhausted.” Changbins arm slid around your waist as Chris took a moment to check your makeup before exiting. While your lipstick had stayed put, the f*cked out expression on your face wasn’t going anywhere.

The boys escorted you to the car through the club bass, signalling Theo to enter the front with the driver. When you were finally settled and strapped between the two men, it wasn’t long before you fell asleep, resting your head on Chan's chest.

Agency with Benefits - Chapter 10 - TheLunaPriestess (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.