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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion”

Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion

K.R. Subramanian† D.P. Bashor‡ M.T. Miller† J.A. Foster†

†Department of Computer Science‡Department of Biology

The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte NC 28223


Modern imaging and simulation techniques have enhanced system-level understanding of neural function. In thisarticle, we present an application of interactive visualization to understanding neuronal dynamics causing locomo-tion of a single hip joint, based on pattern generator output of the spinal cord. Our earlier work visualized cell-levelresponses of multiple neuronal populations. However, the spatial relationships were abstract, making communica-tion with colleagues difficult. We propose two approaches to overcome this: (1) building a 3D anatomical modelof the spinal cord with neurons distributed inside, animated by the simulation and (2) adding limb movementspredicted by neuronal activity. The new system was tested using a cat walking central pattern generator drivinga pair of opposed spinal motoneuron pools. Output of opposing motoneuron pools was combined into a singlemetric, called Net Neural Drive, which generated angular limb movement in proportion to its magnitude. Netneural drive constitutes a new description of limb movement control. The combination of spatial and temporalinformation in the visualizations elegantly conveys the neural activity of the output elements (motoneurons), aswell as the resulting movement. The new system encompasses five biological levels of organization from ionchannels to observed behavior. The system is easily scalable, and provides an efficient interactive platform forrapid hypothesis testing.


Our understanding of neural functions at the system level have been greatly advanced by modern imaging andsimulation techniques.14 An understanding of how the nervous system produces movement requires the spatialresolution of functional MR imaging and the temporal resolution of EEG. Simulation can be used to satisfy thesecompeting demands, and when combined with interactive visualization tools, provides an efficient platform forhypotheses testing and rapid experimentation.

Our current software system, NVIZ 14 permits the creation of physiologically realistic and spatially organizedneural models composed of multiple interacting populations. Each population is spatially organized as a 2Dmatrix of neurons, and dynamic height fields are used to visualize various system variables as a function of time.Simulation, visualization and statistical analysis are all integrated within NVIZ. We have found that visualizationsin NV IZ are abstract, as they lack realistic spatial information. This makes communication with colleaguesdifficult. In addition, we made no attempt to display the movement resulting from the neuronal activity. In thiswork, we focus on overcoming both of these deficiencies, by (1) constructing a realistic spinal cord model frompublished drawings,15 and locating populations of neurons within the cord at their known locations, and (2)adding limb movements as part of the visualization. We illustrate the application of our system to a single jointwalking application.

Author contact information: Dept. of Computer Science, College of Information Technology, The University ofN. Carolina at Charlotte, Charlotte, NC 28223. Email: {krs,bashor,mtmiller,jafoster}

SPIE Conference on Visualization Data Analysis 2004 1 San Jose, CA., Jan 2004

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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion”

Figure 1. Neuron Activity in a 22 Population Spinal Circuit.∗


The building blocks for movement are those circuits that are closest to the motoneurons that activate skeletalmuscles. While the neural circuitry driving the motoneurons is complex, it is widely recognized that basic reflexesare reconfigured during specific behaviors, such as walking.12

The variety of behaviors the system may produce, coupled with the interneuronal complexity of the spinalcord makes it difficult to conceptualize the relationship between circuit and dynamics. Both theoretical andexperimental studies6, 8 suggest that movement is not represented in a simple way in the activity of neurons.Therefore, to understand how the nervous system produces behavior, we must take a population approach. Thepopulation view leads us in the direction of seeing how individual neurons interact to form collective units offunction. Simulation helps us understand how the spinal cord produces movement by bridging the gap betweenneurophysiological data collected one cell at a time and the population view, which shows how individual neuronsinteract to form collective units.

We created a general purpose neural population simulator, now integrated into NVIZ, an outgrowth of ourearlier work.14 Briefly, the simulation environment is optimized for creating interacting populations consisting oflarge numbers of neurons.1 Cell, synapse and connection algorithms are part of this simulator. A two compartmentmodel with a number of ionic currents forms the basis of the cell algorithm.3, 11 Details of the synaptic andconnection algorithms can be found in the work of Bashor.1 A sample visualization from our previous system isillustrated in Figure 1 ∗. Here we see 15 cell populations and 7 fiber (sensory, or other, input) populations. Each

∗Color images can be found under∼krs/research.html

SPIE Conference on Visualization Data Analysis 2004 2 San Jose, CA., Jan 2004

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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion”

square represents a 10×10 population matrix of neurons. Three system variables for cells are shown as height fieldswhose texture varies as a function of time, E (membrane potential, middle height field), TH (threshold, upperheight field) and S (spike, lowest height field). When E equals or exceeds TH for any cell, the correspondingneuron fires (S = 1). Six of the seven fiber populations are on the left side of the visualization window; theseventh is in the upper right. Fibers are either “off” or “on” at each time step, so a single height field was usedto represent them. The display is a very efficient representation of data, showing three variables for each of 1500cells and 700 fibers at each time step. The current system permits neural circuits to be specified from a datafile, and allows the simulation to be performed and recorded into a data structure over the specified interval. Thevisualization system provides VCR style controls to view the neuronal activity. A number of statistical operationscan be performed on the simulation data.

While this environment is useful for rapid experimentation and hypotheses testing, the visualizations themselvesare too abstract and are missing several important components:

1. The neurons lack spatial context with respect to the spinal cord.

2. Movement output as a result of the neuronal activity is not displayed.

In this work, we have constructed an anatomical model of a cat spinal cord based on published data, and haveplaced two populations of neurons within the cord at known locations, to illustrate rhythmic walking. We haveused a simulation of the locomotor pattern generator (Figure 5) to animate the cells in the model, to visualizecellular activity. Furthermore, we developed a new representation of movement from this cellular activity, namely,the difference between the flexor and extensor halves of the circuit, called Net Neural Drive (Eq. 1-3). Net neuraldrive animates the hip joint, as an additional visual cue to the phase of activity being viewed.

We are aware of only one other dynamic spatio-temporal visualization of spinal motor activity, the recentelegant work of Yakovenko et al.16 In that work, locations of 27 populations of hindlimb motoneurons weredigitized from the same data set used here (36 sections of Figure 28 in15). Activity of cells during locomotion wasanimated using an extensive library of electromyographic recordings (muscle activation patterns) they generatedfrom the literature of normal cat locomotion. Thus, cells in their visualization were animated from “output data”of cats walking on a treadmill, rather than from a model of the pattern generator, as in the present case. A singlestep (i.e., flexion-extension cycle) was divided into 100 piecewise-constant segments, each corresponding to about7 ms of real time. Their visualization generated two main findings, (1) greater extensor activity than flexor, areasonable result, given that there are a greater total number of extensor motoneurons than flexor motoneurons,and (2) the visualization of a front-to-back wave of neural activity in flexion and extension of a single step wasnot necessarily expected, since some motoneuron pools are distributed throughout the entire visualized region.

The visualization of a specific three-dimensional anatomy as implemented here is not a feature of either GEN-ESIS4 or NEURON9 simulators, although both of those systems include two and three-dimensional representationof cells and networks.

Our implementation of the anatomical spinal cord differed from Yakovenko et al. in the following ways: (1)we used the 36 outlines with zero thickness to create a 3D structure with splines, (2) we only visualized a pairof populations acting at the hip joint, and placed cells randomly within bounding boxes in the spinal cord model,based on the reported location of the population. (3) Our animation of motoneuronal activity was based on ahypothesized central pattern generator, with a time resolution of one millisecond.

Our primary goal was to simulate dynamic interactions among spinal populations generating locomotor move-ment, and the present work adds the ability to display the spatial as well as temporal aspects of neural activity.


Cat Spinal Cord Model Construction

The cat spinal cord reconstruction was derived by digitizing the drawings of spinal grey matter from Figure 28of Vanderhorst and Holstege.15 There are a total of 36 half-slices. Figure 2 (left frame) shows slice 16. Mirror

SPIE Conference on Visualization Data Analysis 2004 3 San Jose, CA., Jan 2004

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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion”

Figure 2. Cat Spinal Cord Reconstruction. (left) Original slice 16 from.15 (right) Modeling tools used to combinea mirror reflection of original slice, to form a “complete” slice.

images of these half-slices were then appended to the original slices to form full slices, as seen in the right frameof Figure 2. Using the AC3D5 modeling tool, these “full” image slices were imported as 2D textures and theiroutlines extracted. Polyline segments were used as the initial representation; each outline had 80 line segments.

In order to construct a smooth model, Kochanek-Bartels interpolating splines10 were used to resample thepolylines, as well as create additional slices between the original slices. In this manner the original model of 81×36voxels (first dimension forms a closed loop in 2D) was resampled to a size of 243× 360 voxels. The model is thenscaled to the known physical dimensions, roughly 3 mm wide, 2.24 mm high and 35.1 mm deep.

Figure 3 shows several views of the constructed cat spinal cord. The top left panel is a dorsal anatomic view(from the “back” of the animal), with the front of the lumbar enlargement toward the top of the panel. Thebottom panel is a view from above and to the right of the cord; front of the enlargement is to the right. It canbe seen that there are bumps in the longitudinal views, which are likely registration artifacts of the acquisitionprocess. The butterfly shaped cross-sectional view in the top right panel shows two neuron populations in theinterior.

In this work, we illustrate a single hip joint walking application.2 As an example for the anatomical visual-ization, we focus on two particular motoneuron populations, sartorius and semimembranosus. Sartorius neuronsextend from slice 4 through 12 (in red, Figure 4), and, when active, cause flexion of the hip. Semimembranosusneurons extend from slice 17 through 22 (in green, Figure 4), and when active, cause extension of the hip. Theapproximate spatial extents of these two populations were estimated from the work of Vanderhorst and Holstege.15

Two bounding boxes were created within the cord, and 100 small colored cubes, representing neurons, were placedrandomly within the box. Each neuron has two states, active or inactive. In the visualizations, the neurons areeither fully opaque (active) or transparent (inactive).

Spinal Cord Network Simulator

The simulation engine was developed from work described by Bashor.1 The present system is implemented inC++, and the only other material change from the work of Bashor1 is the addition of a more realistic neuronalalgorithm containing two compartments.11 Description of the two compartment algorithm and cell types in themodel is in manuscript.3

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Figure 3. 3D Spinal Cord Model. Example views of reconstructed cat spinal cord model andneurons (colored cubes) located within.

Figure 4. Locomotion Visualization Interface. (top) Anatomical model with two populations ofmotoneurons in place. (lower left) Smoothed curves of flexors(red) and extensors(green) active ateach ms of the simulation. (lower middle) In plane limb movement. (lower right) VCR controls thatpermit interactive analysis of simulation sequences.

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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion”

Joint Motion

The neural output from the simulator is used to illustrate the motion of a hip joint using a simple ball and stick(limb) display. To animate this, we keep track of the identity of the cells that spike at each time step (ms), foreach population.

Over an interval (say 100ms) the mean frequency of the active cells, Faf , Fae, was calculated for both flexorsand extensors; similarly, the number of active cells, Naf , Nae, for both flexors and extensors, was tabulated. Fromthis we compute an ActivityIndex(AI) for the flexor and extensor motoneuron populations, at each time intervalt,

AIf (t) = Faf (t).Naf (t) (1)AIe(t) = Fae(t).Nae(t) (2)

The Net Neural Drive NND is given by

NND(t) = AIe(t)−AIf (t) (3)

Net Neural Drive is a new way to specify joint position from neuronal signal. In this case, the joint positiondepends on the difference in output between the flexor and extensor motoneuron populations.

We then linearly map NND into a limb angle, ensuring that the starting and ending angles correspond tothe rhythmic cycle that is generated by the walking circuit (described below). Here again, the computed “raw”angles tend to be fairly noisy, and it is thus necessary to smooth them using a second moving window average.In a “real” musculoskeletal system, the muscle activation process and inertia of the limb act to convert the noisyneural output into a smooth motion. The smoothing we applied mimics these actions. In this work, the limbsegment simply rotates in a plane between minimum and maximum chosen angles, representing the maximumflexion and extension, respectively, of the cat hip joint in normal locomotion.


Our implementation is on Unix workstations (SGI/Linux). All visualizations were generated using the VisualizationToolkit13 and embedded within the FLTK graphical interface.7

Figure 4 illustrates the various components of our anatomical visualization system. The top panel is theanatomical spinal cord with the two populations of motoneurons in place. Lines labeled L5, L6, L7, and L8 pointto the approximate centers of the spinal roots having those names (Figure 2815); lines labeled Levels 20, 40, 60and 80 are “percentage” markers of the length of the lumbar enlargement of the cat spinal cord (Figure 2815).Note that the anatomical visualization extends to about 120% of the lumbar enlargement length. For purposesof this paper, the labels only serve as anatomical reference points. Motoneurons active at the sampled time stepare shown as bright cubes; inactive neurons are shown as muted (transparent) cubes.

The lower left panel shows smoothed curves of the number of flexors and extensors active at each millisecondin the simulation. The smoothing (a 100 ms box filter, or moving average) produces a record equivalent to theelectrical activity recorded by standard methods from motor nerves near their muscle of termination in animalexperiments.

The lower middle panel is a ball and stick figure of the pelvis, hip joint and femur (thigh bone) of a cat,animated by the motoneuronal activity as described above. The lower right panel contains VCR-style controls toview and analyze the neural activity. All three views are updated by the the same clock, illustrated by the timestamp of the visualized step. The integration interval used in the simulator is one ms.

By providing spatial (3D view), temporal (dynamic graph view) and a physical output (ball and stick view) ofneural activity, the visualizations provide an effective means to communicate the neural output at multiple levels.The views are thus linked, as they are updated simultaneously, at the same time the VCR controls permit reviewand analysis of simulation sequences at a user-defined pace. The 3D view permits direct interaction (arbitrarypan, zoom and rotate).

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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion”

Figure 5. Walking Circuit for Hip Movement


Walking Circuit for Hip Movement.

The circuit diagram shown in Figure 5 is a candidate explanation for spinal control of the hip joint in walking.2

Each circle represents a population of 100 model spinal interneurons. Circles with interrupted outlines (on theright) are responsible for generating the extension (lowering, or stance) phase, while solid circles (on the left)produce the flexion (lifting, or swing) phase. Motoneuron populations are represented by rectangles; population1 represents the hip flexor motoneurons activating (in the “real” animal) sartorius muscle; while population 2represents the hip extensor motoneurons activating the semimembranosus muscle, a hip extensor. Populations13 and 14 contain excitatory pacemaker neurons which generate rhythmic bursts of activity followed by a silentperiod. Inhibitory neurons in populations 11 and 12 synchronize the circuit and create alternation between flexionand extension, i.e., prevent opposite phases from acting at the same time. Populations 9 and 10 distribute theoutput of the pacemaker populations to the motoneurons (1 and 2, respectively), and to inhibitory populations(5 and 6, respectively). Populations 5 and 6 provide direct inhibition to motoneurons during their off time, andare present to generate motoneuronal electrical responses seen in animal experiments.

Two inputs bring the circuit to “life”: one is a continuous excitatory drive to cells of populations 13 and 14,shown by a black box labeled “midbrain locomotor fibers”. Another input is a brief (25 ms) excitatory input tocells of population 14 at the beginning of the simulation, forcing the simulation to begin with extension, shownas a grey box labeled “start-up fibers”.

Example Simulation

Motoneuronal outputs were recorded in a representative simulation on the walking circuit of Figure 5. Thesimulation was run for 3000 ms. Figure 6 shows motoneuronal outputs at 4 different time steps, correspondingto a cycle of extension and flexion.

At time step 1539 (panel A, Figure 6), we see the peak of the extension phase. The graph view (lower left partof the panel) shows about 6 cells active per ms, the limb visualization (lower middle part of the panel) is in an

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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion”

























































































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extended (standing) position. The top part of the panel shows the anatomical location of active motoneurons atthis time in the simulation. Six cells in the extensor population are opaque. At time step 1789 (panel B), we seethe transition from extension to flexion. The graph view indicates that the output of the flexor population (redcurve) is increasing; the limb visualization shows the thigh elevated. Cells active at this time step are shown inthe upper part of the panel. One cell in the flexor population is opaque. At time step 2005 (panel C), maximumflexion (lifting) of the thigh has been reached. The graph view indicates the point of maximum activity of theflexor population, and the limb view indicates maximum flexion. Finally, time step 2267 (panel D) shows thetransition from flexion to extension. The graph view (lower left part of panel D) shows the number of extensormotoneurons (green curve) increasing.


We have presented new visualization tools for our spinal cord simulator; in particular, we have added an anatomicalrepresentation to the spinal cord and a physical representation of limb movement generated by neural activity.The new system encompasses five biological levels of organization: ion channels, neurons, spinal network, mus-culoskeletal activation, and observed behavior.

The traditional view of movement at a joint is that there are opposing muscles crossing the joint on the frontand back which cause the limb segment to flex (decrease the angle between limb segments) or extend (increasethe angle between limb segments). The motoneurons are grouped into anatomical units which may be identifiedwith the flexor and extensor movements, as illustrated in Figures 4 and 6. Thus we may think of joint movementas depending on two neural control signals, one for flexion and one for extension. Downstream from the neuralcontrol signals are the force-producing muscle cells, and biomechanical linkages providing the lever arms throughwhich force is applied to bone. Net neural drive collapses all of these steps into a single metric, representingthe force generation vector. Then we assume a linear mapping of force to deviation of the limb segment from areference position. Here we chose to represent the neural output to the muscles as the net neural drive defined asthe number of motoneurons active over a time interval (say 100 ms) multiplied by their mean frequency of firingover that interval. The net neural drive in the context of this paper is all the biomechanical steps up to the pointwhere movement is actually generated.

The advantage of using the net neural drive algorithm to position the limb segment is that it is a computa-tionally simple and efficient way of estimating limb position from neural output. If biomechanical activation werethe main focus of our research, this method of estimating limb position would be too crude. Future work will addmore biomechanical realism to the NV IZ software system.

The visualization design reflects our motivation; the 3D spinal cord model and the neurons represented ascolored cubes provide spatial structure and context. The time varying graph view (graph grows as the sequenceis played) of the neuron activity provides more precise temporal information than was previously available online.The limb visualization gives a more physical (coarse) representation of the output of the neural circuit.

To the best of our knowledge, this interactive visualization system is the first to include anatomically realisticrepresentation of simulated neural activity in combination with movement representation. In the future, ourdevelopment path will be targeted towards adding more motoneuronal and interneuronal populations, as we studythe neural basis of movement at other joints of the leg.


Our thanks to the reviewers for their thoughtful comments. This work was supported in part by a grant from theUniversity of North Carolina at Charlotte.

REFERENCES1. D.P. Bashor. A large-scale model of some spinal reflex circuits. Biological Cybernetics, 78:147–157, 1998.

2. D.P. Bashor. One leg walking: A model of rhythm and pattern generation in cat lumbar spinal cord. Societyfor Neuroscience Abstracts, 26:747.5, 2000.

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K.R.Subramanian et al., “Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion” REFERENCES

3. D.P. Bashor. Hill-Kernell-Macgregor two-compartment neuron models for use in spinal network simulations,2003. In Preparation.

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SPIE Conference on Visualization Data Analysis 2004 10 San Jose, CA., Jan 2004

Visualizing the Spinal Neuronal Dynamics of Locomotion - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the locomotion of the spinal cord? ›

The spinal cord executes rhythmical and sequential activation of muscles in locomotion. The central pattern generator (CPG) provides the basic locomotor rhythm and synergies by integrating commands from various sources that serve to initiate or modulate its output to meet the requirements of the environment.

What is locomotion neuroscience? ›

Locomotion is a motor action, which is executed for the whole body or a part body to move from one place to another or from one position to another. From: Handbook of Behavioral Neuroscience, 2018.

What are the 4 types of spinal movement? ›

The movements possible at the spine include flexion, extension, lateral flexion and rotation. The combination of flexion, lateral flexion and hyperextension results in circumduction. Movement is not uniform throughout the spine: Most flexion occurs in the cervical and lumbar regions, but very limited in the thoracic.

What is the spinal engine model of locomotion? ›

The Spinal Engine theory posits that the human spine is the primary engine of locomotion, not just a supportive structure. It emphasizes the spine's oscillatory movements, particularly its ability to flex, extend, and rotate, as fundamental to walking and running.

What are the movements of the spinal cord? ›

The three movements in the spine are flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion.

What is the pathway of the spinal cord? ›

Ascending and descending spinal tracts are neural pathways within the spinal cord, which carry information up and down the spinal cord connecting the brain to the rest of the body. The ascending tracts include the dorsal column-medial lemniscus system, the spinothalamic system, and the spinocerebellar system.

What are the pattern generators for locomotion in the spinal cord? ›

Activity of extensor and flexor muscles in both legs must be coordinated to allow smooth locomotion without falling. These rhythmical movements are controlled at the level of the spinal cord by circuits called central pattern generators.

What does the spinal cord do in movement? ›

The three primary roles of the spinal cord are to send motor commands from the brain to the body, send sensory information from the body to the brain, and coordinate reflexes.

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