The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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MONEY and BUSINESS DAYSINLJK 70 13 uG 06 Nearby SOMEgS 6 deci Hartford Securities 6'8 Boston Stock Market i LUDLOW Low 3 3 hotels andfurnialb 295 DILLMAN 26 Grain and Provisions 5 18 923 15 IS 30 New York Produce Market ioy f7 250 10 24 J7 160 var com 93 8 10 83 2 ire Pvevtion Week 5 ENT 22 IS Spot 130 Boston Produce Market Cattle Hogs and Sheep 10! plea Hna and gold SUED INSURANCE NEWSPRINT TO COST 870 London inancial Markets NORTHIELD 142 5802 48 152 6 8 8 8 595 530 1 13 10 8 10 6 12 33 6 Mich 152 156 102 50 8t 100 800 1100 40 10 2100 1 5 9 3 94 104 08 100 106 103 50 UK) 67 108 28 Clark com 108 8 12 10 101 100 ahares 3 13 101 100 1502 1447 1392 1217 38 198 188 160 110 100 138 40 39 10 35 2000 4600 100 Aetna Cas Sur Aetna Life Ct General Life irst Reinsurance Co Hartford Steam Boiler Travelers 50 1705 L228 91 630 10 7 82410 113 116 r7 62 78 105 25 10k 4 17 114 168 36 36 195 50 323 20 1505ab 1450b 1405 1220 135 230 sia 6 6 4 6 Close 149 154 113 115b 56 595 520 93 83 75c qu 83 qu $L75 qu $250 50c qu $125 qu 50c qu 8001 290405 4061316 3 13 16115014 26 1681516 Sales 140 329 54 110 65 10 48 1227 1 7 16 (hi 60 102 95 96 100 96 99 260 85 87 20 58 02 38 10 29 313 30 400 70 530 44 272 16 148 15 460 120 102 94 135 204 534 82 91 95 99 9S 97 85 92 100 14 18 7 16 78 and fastest tn inter service Delightful 1 Vivid sight seeing ties en rottte 15 n2b 1447b 1401b 1235b 91 96 99 98 97 85 92 100 75 15 13 12 101 100 Total I11KI1CI i wr Hiiotations on previous reports 2000 200 10 100 400 1000 2000 400 7000 1000 400 6000 11700 1000 300 400 5ooo 200 200 100 1000 10 3 IKK) 1200 600 200 100 300 300 3000 200 3106 100 3800 23 100 100 100 400 26 110 140 1 06 1 50 32 114 39 315 180 24 103 20 4 15 37 39 6230 43 2 142 14 76 7 82 90 iua In their campaign for of the export and iin differcntlals which dis favor of these ports England New York and 3 10 RAILROAD LOSES 16YEAR IGHT 94 Vr 95 so' iu'i 57 62 91 90 i 9974 98 97 85 i 92 65 92 19 46 rhie office extends an unex celled PERSONAL SERVICE in all lines of insurance Cone Sherwood If A HrilnirA 8beral Tel Walnut 51 52 1515 244 Main St Springfield Masa New York Oct The Interna tional Paper company announced to day that effective January 1M925 and continuing throughout the year the firice of standard roll newsprint to its rtntract customers In the United States would be $70 a tRi 0 mill can cotton the article eludes 39 316 117 70 735 1010 230 95 95 102 94 95 8684 55 78 103 125 98 96 102 105 80 86 103 102 108 96 102 99 105 106 107 98 102 100 100 56 1 7 16067803 641 36 26 1 3 6 7801280405 4061316 3 13 16115013 25 1 681416 114 39 315 117 70 77 7 82 890 610 2 10 12 16 10 '10 8 20 1O 12 75 44 10 25 28 A Wonderful Month! Guest here delight In Octo ber brilliant days cool nights and vivid beauty of field and foliage Golf on estate aur roundlng house a special fea ture Other aporta Good food Service and appoint ment Many like to winter i here 'Phone Northfield 44 or write for Illustrated booklet AMBKRT MOODY Mgr RANK KELLOGG Asst Mgr I East NertMeM Mass London Oct Consols for money 57 De Beers 1134 Rand Mines 2 bar silver 16d per ounce money 2 5 per cent Discount rates short bills 3 9 183 pel cent three months bills 3 11 163 per cent Oport 156 156 INNISH MUNICIPAL BONDS OERED TODAY Nev York Oct Public offering will be made by a local banking syn dicate tomorrow of a combine $7 000000 offering of 30 year sinking fund 6 per cent external gold bonds of 28 municipalities of inland Thei price is 91 and interest to yield over 723 per cent The Issue consists of two series one of $3900000 covering 27 associated municipalities and the other of $3100 000 covering the city of Helsingfors More than half of the proceeds will be used for the funding of outstanding short term indebtedness and the rest largely for capital expenditures such as harbor improvements and exten sion and the construction of water works and electric light plants 88 95 95 73 8U 95 9 5 402 94 95 86 55 19 96 79 o3 165 112 103 5 9 TlMM) 1060 200 2000 3000 4000 53000 6000 1000 160 7800 30' 0 6000 5500 2000 200 1 CMtO 100 1100 3600 3000 3000 1000 1000 900 8000 1000 2000 600 100 1000 2200 2000 200 tK400 100 16000 1000 101 87 101 97 101 98 96 103 107 95 95 101 03 101 105 105 33 8 3 19 1 Company Am Smelt Ref do pref Atchinson Ry Cai Oregon Pow Central Po Lt nominion Teleg Hill Electrical Util pf ajardo Sugar do extra Tnt Comb Engine Int Nickel pf Eaurentide Po Ltd Pnnriar Morris Essex Ex RR $2 Mount State Po pf $175 qu Nat Carbon pt $2 qu Nat Stores 1st pf $15qu do 2d pf $U75 qu Nemburyport GiLt $150 qu Newp NAH RyGAE $125qu Passaic Del RR Ex $2 Produc Reun pf 8714c qu Stover Mfg A pf $175 qu Syracuse Bine NY $3 qii The Gen Development 25c qu Mex Invest pf 6 Miss rower do pf Missouri pf Nat Leather New Cornelia New Dornin Oil do pf KE fi Mills nf 1044 Pent 1 tt 22 North Butte jib way Old Colony Old Dornin Pacific Parifin Oil Park City Mln 4 ere Marquet 57 Prov Wor 130 Quincy 19 Sinclair Oil 15 Super Bos 1 fiwift Co 105 Swift Inter 27 Texas Co 40 Un Dr 1st pf 49 Un Shoe Mac 39 rn nf Smel pf 45 Utah Apex Ventura Oil4 Waldorf Walt pf Walworth Warren Bros do 1M pf Winonfc Nov 1 Dec 1 Dec 1 Oct 30 Nov 1 Oct 10 Oct 15 Nov 1 Oct 15 Nov 1 1 A Oct 81 Ndv 1 Oct 15 Nov 15 Nov 1 Oct 20 Nov 1 Nov 1 Dec 1 Oct 15 Nov 1 Nov 1 Nov 8 Nov 1 a in I 1 JVtv Union Oil of Cal $L80qu Oct 28 4 06 13 16 3 5 16 13 16 1115014 26 1681916 Bonds 1 rrs Vl i naiih cc i Com Tr Co New Brit CL iRiver BankThg Co irst National Bank Hart Aetna Nat Bank Hart Ct Trust Co Land Mortg A Title Co The Morris Bank Htfd New Britain Trust Co Park Street Trust Phoenix (ire) Ins Co Riverside Trust Co State Bank Tr Co Security Tr Co ire Insurance Aetna (ire) Ins div Automobile Ins Hart ire Ins Co xdiv Natl ire'lns Co div Phoenix (ire) Ins Co Rossia Insurance Div Payable $125 qu qu pf $175 qu of $175 qu Clev Buffalo Tran 55 19 10 4 17 606 109 112 55 CoJO 8 8 82 890 03 5802 5 13 55 19iC 43 2 142 2G 100 63 19 24 260 124 103 540 107 27 130 300 38 6 30 140 107 18 94 80 25 175 255 30 8 5 7 66 8 7 3 IB 25 2 10 108 35 62 1 1587 40 63 10 164 16 95 130: packer top 1385: city butcher 1400 bulk range lambe top 14W sheep 2ue higher bulk fat ewea fat wethers feeding lambo steady to strong early sales desirable feeders 13 some held higher fed clipped lambs ll23ffill85 Produce Market 97 102 95 100 4 9914' aaioas for Golf Equinox Houmimaebcster la bo VERMONT Open Throngkont Ortnbet Ideal Moatne at ManebeM! Owntd and epcraterf MRU GEOR4K VKVIK A MARTIN Managar 'jd KKBwKKW vwwm Sunshine City IxMatted between the Gul of 126 96 120 44 16014 9314 JS 25 35 43 14 96 22 71 84 31 4414 180 Panama PAcmclM A amM Me Ma I Weetwortb Kant at I field ar aar MrtboriM4 agent i 6 32 89 55 314 '20 IK 2 14 40 105 22K 174 50 91 19 7714 4 5774 130 7374 1574 IK 49 38 26 45 2 1 16 2 20 14 16 37 39 627430 Bonds Chicago Ort Cattle: Receipts 9000 practically all gradbs yearlings fairly active steady: most other grades fed steers and other classes dosing unevenly lower weighty fed steers off most largely 25c down many lots unsold late best yearlings J200 mixed steers and heifers upward to 1 1 i light beef heifers 1100 best handyweight bulls 1085 few heavies above JO 25 good to choice 1606 pound average at that figure bulk she stock comprising grass cows and heifers closing to 10 to 15c lower action dull vealers 50c lower bulk late around 11 00 western grass steers largely 650(725 mostly 10 to 15c off some going on feeder account at larger decline best weighty western steers to killers 850 Receipts 17000 mostly steady light lights and slaughter pigs dull 25 to 50c lower top 1150 bulk good and choice 160 to 225 pound average 10901140 de sirable 250 to 350 pmind butchers largely 11 1130 best 140 to 150 pound kind mostly 10 1050 hulk packing sows 985 1020 ma jority desirable strongweighi slaughter pigs ft95O estimated holdover 9000 Receipts 20000 fat lambs strong to 25c higher most advance on sorting light bulk desirable native 132 Ludlow Oct 7 The Cdte i club will meet tomorrow night in the au ditorium of Hubbard Memorial libra ry The discussion at thiB meeting will be on and alV1ar" drew will be made by Weidler president of the University of Life Science at St The subject of hlb talk will be Ap plied The annual Columbus day ban of the Indian Orchard council Knights of Columbus will be hedd in Memorial hall riday night The ball will be preceded by a concert Mrs Horace Paradis of Park place has returned from Lowell where she was called by the illness of her mother Wedding intentions have been filed by Mabel Templeman of Sewall street to James Macintosh of OaK street Indian Orchard and Mane Oulllette of 14 Elm street to Joseph Labossler $86 Worcester street Incflan Orchard 121212 4e Public UtUltiex Conn Lt A Pow Co pfd Ct Power Co 8 Htfd City Gas Lt Co com 8 do pref 8 Htfd Elco Lt Co com 10 do pref Holyoke Water Pow Co t2 Nor Ct Lt A row Co com 8 1 go prer do pref Tel Thomp Water Co com do pref Conn Lt A Manufacturing Acme Wire com do pref American Hosiery Co American Hardware Co American bilver uo American Thread Co Automatic Refrig Co The Edward Balf Co Big Htfd Carpet Co do pref Billings Spencer Co do pref Bristol Brass Corp Case Lock A Collins Co Colt's Arms Co Eagle Lock Co TTofnlr Hparlne Co uller Brush Co Class do AA do 1st pref Hart Cooley Co Inter Silver com do pref Jacobs Mfg Co Jewell Belting Co do pref rary Montgomery nrnf National Marine Lamp Co New Brit Machine com do pref New Depart Mfg Co pf 7 wn do pref North Judd Mfg Co Omo Mfg Co com do pref Peek Stow Wilcox Plimpton Mfg Co Pratt Whit Co pref Russell Mfg Co Seth Thomas Clock com do pref Smyth Mfg Co Stand Screw Co com do pref (A) Stanley Securities Stanley Works com do pref Taylor A enn Terry St Turb Co com Torrington Co com 4 A tllno Union Mfg Co New Brit 16 8 Envelope Co com 8 dopref 7 Whitlock Coil Pipe Wiley Bickford Sweet pf 8Winsted Hosiery 6 Benton Cadwell Reported by the Massachusetts De partment of Agriculture Hampden County Improvement League co op erating There are probably many people who have sotne question in thei? minds as regards the more desirable varieties of apples to buy at certain seasons of the year At the present time the supply of apples offered for sale is very large and the varieties Ttumerous but there is a vast differ ence in the maturity and desirability of these varieties McIntosh apples have been loaded on to the market during the last few days in exceptionally large quantities The season Of full maturity varies somewhat from year to year but it is very evident that although the color is high these apples are not mature and mellow as yet and probably will not be for a couple of weeks The season for Wealthy apples is about passed so that Gravensteins re main the principal pie and eating ap ples which are indeed ripe and or de sirable quality Retail Price Report Native celery sold between 125 200 according to quality and a very few rv ar sales were recuiueu cn eggs showed some advance Trading was moderate to llght 96 102 105 I 8674 103 102 1 08 102 99 105 100 107 98 102 100 106 100 99 100 National DI st Co 96 Dec May Corn Oct Dec May Pec May Le rd Oct Dec May Ribs: Oct Bid London Wool Auctions London Oct A varied selection 24 104 Companies 8 8 Stand Oil Kansaa 32 Stand un Stand Oil Stand Oil Ohio do pfd Vacuum Oil Miscellaneous Oils Allen Oil porih Wvndlcate Cities Service do cci do pfd do pfd do scrip Creole Syndicate Euclid Oil ederal Oil Gulf 01 Hudson Oil Lago Bet Mexico Oil MtxIcBn Mountain Brod Mutuual Oil ctfs iinrtfnrd New England uel 18 New Mex A A Co 6 ISODie vu A Oklahoman Nat Tenn Beaver Bennok Oil Red Banks OH Royal Canadian Ryan Consolidated Salt Creek Brod Sapulpa Ref Sunstar Oil Union Cal rets Venezuelan Pet wiicox on Woodley Petrol Mining Arizona Globe Canarlo Copper Uahis Cop Min 2 Cresson Gold Diamondfield Dolores Espcranx Engineers Gold irst Thought Goldfield Deep Gold Zone Div Hard Shell Min Harmin Div Hilltop Min Hollinger Gold jib Cons Kay Copper Lone Star i Armin Silver McNftni Crescent Nipissing Nixon Nevada North Butte Ohio Copper Plymouth Lead tllllA ntu Reorgan Div An Reor Ke wan Gold 04 Silver South Amer PAG Spearhead Success Mining Temiskaming Tonopah Exten Tonopah Min 1 Tribullion Trinity Cop Co US Contln Mines United Verde Ext Wenden Cop Min West ro i on West End Ext West Utah Cop Domestic 1 Allied Backer 7 new 121 44 161 75 94 18 2535 43 14 96 22 71 22 84 32 44 18040 33 89 56 to 1 17 1 40 104 22l 285 91 19 79 2 46 57 1 130 191 15 1 106 27 39 39 26 Special Dispatch to The Republican' Hartford Ct Oct Another week of quiet market is the report of the Hartford Stock Exchange In the in dustrials Colts showed some activity with sales around 24 Bigelow Hart ford Carpet common sold at 113 ana 114 Sales of Collins company have between 175 and 180 and the buying keeps good in Landers rary Clark around 66 Public utility Stocks are showing a fair demand Southern New England Telephone is quoted ex div 135 149 and is 460 for Holyoke Water Power Bank stocks show scarcely any change in quotations life Insurance shares show abetter demand and a bit stronger pricB ire insurance stocks have changed but little although there was some demand for National ire and sales at about 590 The quotations altnocks Dlr Rate Bld Asked Railroads Hart Ct WRR guar 15 Banks and Trust Companies City Bank A Tr div 16 310 123 200 223 300 435 60 115 200 280 4lK) 420 420 Companies 2410 20 0 24 Now Vnrk Oct Butter steady re ceipts 13551 Creamery higher than extras 38'd'39 creamery extras (2 score 38 cream ery firsts (88 to 91 score) 343 Egea Irregular receipts 4337 Pacific coast whites extras unquoted do firsts to extra firsts refrigerator firsts 6'potatoes dull Long Island per 150 pounds 225 New York per 180 pounds 22 Cabbages weak Long Island per head 4 (B 8o New York per ton 13016 Spot steady No 1 dark northern snrins 1 New York lake and rail lT No 2 hard winter lake and rail i64: No 2 mixed durum do 168 No 1 Manitoba do in bond 181 Spot firm No 2 yellow track New York lake and rail 136 No 2 mixed do 134 jj Oats Spot steady No white 64 Other articles unchanged Cottonseed oil steady prime crude 9 nominal prime summer xeBow spot It1140 October closed 1 Dnlber 1076 March 1098 May b'd Raw sugar was unchanged again today at 6 03 for Cuban duty paid f' no sales ere reported After opening irregular raw sucar futures firmed up on covering and buying by trade and CuBan Interests Acme positions sold one to tune oints previous dose but met renewed liquidation and eased off closing unchanged to 1 points net higher December 386 March 319 May "Trading in refined sugar was steady to day at former prices winch from 715 to 750 for fine granulated Refined iu turts were nominal A further advance occurred In the coffee market today owing to the strength of Bra zilian esfliange reports of a higher spot market and a firm cost and iltua tion The opening was five points higher to 17 points lower A few realizing sales were soon absorbed by covering and trade buying December sold up to 18 hisb for the season The market closed 0 to 46 points net higher Trading was nore active with sales estimated at 110000 Clos ing quotations: October 1910 December 18 72 March 1814 May 176 July 1718 September 1685 Spot coffee firm Rios 7 1974 to 20 Illinois Central to Pay State Big Sum for Taxes Earn ings Wrongly Credited Ottawa ill Oct 7 In a decision in circuit court today Judge Stough decided that the Illinois Cen tral railroad should pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in state taxes in controversy for 16 years He held that in accounting many millions of dollars were credited to lines of the company south of the Ohio river and west of the Mississippi river instead of to the charter lines of the company which under state law were to pay 7 per cent taxes on earnings in Illinois in perpetuity for early giants Of riglit of way The revenue and accounting of the railroad company for 1905 and 1906 was the direct issue the years since being subject to the finding applic able to those years Earnings Improperly Spread or many years past the court held the railroad so apportioned the joint edrnings from interchanged traffic that the non charted lines received from two of 10 times more than the charter lines did for hauling the same traffic a mile and thus greatly reduced the amount on which the 7 per cent was computed The case wes brought against the company in 1908 In 1910 an effort was made to have the state supreme court take jurisdiction but that court refused and it was referred to Judge Stough He has been actively in charge more than 16 years Evidence before a master in chancery took six years Six Months of Arguments Attorneys tor the state and com pany took six months before Judge Stough to make the arguments in continuous daily sessioii from care fully prepared written briefs The company employed 150 account ants and it took them a year to obtain the information required to answer the interrogatories of the state in its bill of complaint General reight Agent Becker of the company spent 10 years in connection with the case Judge Stough worked continuously on the case the last 15 months going through the volume of evidence and accounts to reacn sion announced today Somers Oct The ragulat ing of the Somers elKb be held Thursday afternoon with JI A Pease Mrs Leigh Herr Mrs Pease as hostesara Walter Bliss will give Rammy and JU2 on New Xr The Somers Visiting Nurraf elation ha elected the foHowjMfl fleers: President Mr Ralph ney vice president James i RvW secretary Miss Elsie Ruasellt 14U urer Edward uller auditor A Hurd director of finance est uller: director ot huMg service Mr Keeney of nursing Stippiles Mrs D4JwJK director of promotion Rer O'Brien 1 1 1680 01 recommksds Washington Oct 7 An Interstate Commerce commission examiner has recommended dismissal of the com plaint of the California and Protective league against present freight rates on fresh decid uous fruits other than apples from California to eastern transcontinental The association had asked that the rates of $152 and $173 be reduced to $144 the basis in effect prior to the general increases of August 6 19 TbA commission itself has not yet New York Except for spurts of liquidation at the opening and covering toward the close trading in the cotton market today was very quiet and fluctuations Irregular After selling off early at 2505 December advanced to 2531 in the late after noon or 29 points net higher and closed at 2528 The general market closed very steady at net advances of 15 to 24 points Exports 44222 mak ing 1122792 so far this season Port receipts 77529 United States port stocks 614817 Cotton futures closed steady: Octo ber 2612 December 2528 to 2532 January 2540 to 2543 March 2569 to 2571 May 2590 Cotton: Spot quiet middling 2635 GOULD INTERESTS KEEP COTTON BELT CONTROL St Louis Oct The Gould inter ests retained control of the St Louis Southwestern Railway company (Cotton Belt) through the re election of all officers and directors at the an nual meeting today Edwin Gould of New York Is chairman of the board In a statement Daniel Upthegrove of St Louis president of the road said: re election of the entire board of directors should set at rest the rumors that other interests have pur chased the Rhmors were current recently that the Rock Island line would buy the Cotton Belt 585 510 610 587 505 94 Life and Indemnity Companies 600 725 990 475 915 moderate to light VrrrtabTfe Beans shell bushel box $250 $3 lima 14 quarts $l5 $2 Beans wax bushel hamper $2 9 50 Beets native dozen bunches 3( cents 14Cabbage bushel box 50 cents tar rCarrots dozen bunches 40 cents: 14 Cauliflower dozen $2 $250 few T5 Celery 12 stalks 18 bunches $125 $175 fancy $2 Cranberries 50 pound crate Cucumberfl native 14 quart hamper 12a cozen fi wa Egg Plant 14 quarts Bfi 75 cents Horse Radish dozen $150 Lettuce native box 18 head 75c Onidns? Jap sets 100 pounds $250 small crate half crate $3 $35O Parsnips 14 quarts 90c Parsley pound 35 cents rentiers red 14 quarts $1 5 few $150 green 14 quarts 50 60 cents barrel Potatoes Cobblers Jersey 15(Npound bag $250 sweet barrel $42u Potatoes Maine 2 bushels $165 10 pecks $2 native bushel $1 Spinach native bushel 50 75 "hj8 Sweet Corn native 100 ears yellow $1 1 5 fnv 1 56 few $175: evergreen $1j 4 Tamatoefl native 14 quarts 50 75 centfl mostly 60 cents Tomatoes 100 pounds $2 5 Turnips native 14 quart basket 00 cn Canadian 100 pounds $175 Winter Squflshl barrel Summer Squash bushel box 50 i5 cents rnlt Apples Congress barrel $350 Apples McIntosh Apples Wolf River bushel $1 50 ungrad Gravenstein bushel ungradedi 2" box $1 5 Annies Wealthy 14 quarts fancy 75 85 cents A2 barrel $350 bushel un graded $160 Bananas pound 5 6 cent Cantaloupes native bushel $1 LZ igs layer 4 CTOwn 50 7 crowm $3 Grapes Malaga erate $2 Jokay 10Grapes' Zinfandel lug $2 10 Thomp son Seedless $125 $15O Grapes Concord 12 Grapes Cornlchon lug $2 Grapefruit Hie of Pines crate $650 crate $6 $8 1(M $N5 A Cataba Hdneyd4w $2 Catana Cal crate $55O $8 Pears Bartlett native 14 quarta $160 bushel $250 $3 kaJ SO Pears Clairgeau bushel box gfl ffl ov $45O $45 1111 25 Plums German Prune bushel $1 fizo native 14 quarts $1 75C 1 Mark 65e dozen (Job lots) 68 70 fancy selected dozen 72 75 cents higher quotations than on previous report Denote lexer quotation than on previous High Am Sug Ret 45 Am A 127 Am Wool pr 97 Arizona Com 10 Baid Loco Beth Steel Bos Alb Boston El do 2d pf Bos Me do pf A do pf do pf Cal HeclA Chi June pf Connor Consol NYUop Range Com pf Mass adj Eastern SS Edl Elec ranklin dd 8's jun A 6 do Am Ice Co Am Tow A Lt do old A QiTitqf Tnn A 1 1 VUU1 Asso Sim Hdw 614 At Gulf 15s Beaver Board 8 Beth Steel 1935 Cities Service do do Con Gas Balt 5 do Con Textile 8 Cudahy Pack Deere Co 7 a Detroit City Gas 6 i 4 uernin Punlap Tire 96 1 BK Gair Robert General Asphalt 8 General Bet 6 Grand Trunk 6 Gulf Oil Hood Rubber Intern Match 614 Kennecott Copper i Tehigh Vai Harb 5 Lehigh Vai RR 5 Manitoba National Leather 8 a 101 New OH Bub Ser 5 a Si Northern Cen8t 101 Nor States Pow 6 ihh do pr evt 2 Tenn Ry i Pub Ser Phila El 194 Pub Ser of NJ 7 do 6's 1 Pure Oil 6 's Sloss Sheffield 6 South Cal Edl 5's Stand Elec St of NY 1926 do 1929 do 1931 Swift Co 5's Tidal Osage Un El ft United Drug 6's 1 Vacuum Oil 7's Vyebster Mills 6's Chicago Oct With corn prices shooting upward and rye don the grain markets went through more va ried changes today than have been witnessed here in a long While Wet weather and sudden dearth of offer ings scared recent sellers of Corn ana that cereal jumped wildly closingnervous 2 44 to 2T4 net higher De cember 11346 to 113 Rye at one time was six cents off as a result or lessened European demand In wheat the finish was unsettled at lower to an equal advance December 149 to 149 and May 154 to 154 with oats varying from decline to gain and provisions ail the way from 15c lower to a rise of 17c Leading utures at Chicago Wheat amounting to 11839 bales was offered today at the wool auction Good wools zwere steady while inferior grades were irregular requent with drawals took place ALLSTEEL SAES ton Highest ratings assures maximum safety to vital business records Springfield Office Supply Co Everything for the Office 71 73 WORTHINGTON ST 113 125 98 102 104 80 86 103 102 108 96 102 99 105 100 107 9774 102 100 106 100X1 99 99 JOO 100 96 101 14 7 101 97 102 98 96 103 107 95 95 101 93 102 i 105 105 94 1044 98 100 106 103 of Matthew Hale once chairman of the Progressive state committee of Massachusetts and now of South Carolina and President of the South Atlantic States association He com plained that with reporter present the Southerners would not "be able to speak as freely as they wished La Roe Davis and Assistant Corpo ration Counsel Silverman of Boston were the New England speakers They won over the representatives of the Middle West and Southern and Guif port states by their arguments that equilization of rates was really guar anteed by the federal constitution and that the only obstnaces in the way were two one made' up of Baltimore and Philadelphia and the other the in ability to date of the shipping board and interstate commerce commission to co operate in consideration of the question involved They pointed out i that It would be of national bCnetit could these rate quarrels be settled without further litigation Julius Henry Cohen representing the port authorities of New York and New Jersey pledged the backing of these states Holyoke Men in Contingent More than 50 were at the confer ence The New England contingent was headed by rank Davis mana ger of the Marital association of the Boston chamber of commerce who arranged the meeting With Mrs Da vis were Kinney general traffic agent of the New Haven road LaMoure freight traffic manager of the Boston and Maine Mark Sulli van and Samuel Silverman corpora tion counsel and assistant corporation counsel of the dity of Boston Elmer Chase city solicitor of Provideree: Dowd of Holyoke chairman the transportation committee of the Associated Industries of Massachu setts and incidentally national treas urer of the Ancient Order of Hiber nians of the United States George eeney traffic manager for the port directors of Portland Me Charles Gerney chairman of the Maine public utilities commission rancis Dowd assistant traffic manager of the Asso ciated Industries Wallace Dempsey president of the Atlantic Coast Long shoremen's union Clark and Wilbur LaRoe Jr general counsel of the Maritime association BUSINESS REPORTS ROM WALL STREET New Oct 7 or the third successive year directors of the Inter type corporation today declared a dividend of 10 per cent on the com mon stock payable in common stock November 17 to shareholders of record November 1 The regular quarterly dividend of 25 cents also was declared The financial district is expecting September untflled orders of the United States Steel corporation to be announced riday will show an in crease of 200000 tons or more which is largely in excess of recent esti mates A gain of 102505 tons was re ported in August The estimate was based on large orders the corporation received month An extra dividend of $250 was de clared today by directors of the ajar do Sugar company of Porto IMco in addition to the regular dividend of $250 payable November 1 to stock of record October 18 An extra of was declared in July September sales of Kress Co Increased 28 per cent over the ssme month last year to The total of $25850388 for the nine months of 1924 was a gain of 16 per cent There is no likelihood that the di rectors of the American Ice company either will reduce or omit the dividend on the common stock Wesley Oler president said today Present sales show a substantial increase over a year ago there are no bills payable and the company has $2250000 cash In bank he asserted Directors of the Pullman company will not declare an extra dividend or stock distribution at their meeting the 15th according to Edward Carry president who also denied rumors that the company planned to acquire con trci of General American Tank Car company Loans to Wall street now estimated at about $l47oOOOOOO the highest since July vvhen the total approximated $1500000000 The peak was reached In ebruary 1923 about $200000000 0 Common stock of Prophylactic Brush was placed on a $2 annual divi dend basis today when directors de clared a month's dividend of 16 2 3 cents payable the 15th to stock of record the 10th James Alelander chairman of the National Bank of Commerce was re elected president of the New York Clearing House association at the an nual meeting today Albert W' gin president of the Chase National bank was elected chairman of the clearing house committee The New York stock exchange will be closed on Monday the 13th in ob servance of Columbus day which rails on Sunday Cotton at New York inance Commissar Suggests Cotton Prices Depend Upon Russian Demand Moscow Oct While attacking the official American policy toward Rus sia Commissar of inance Sokolnik off writing in Pravda makes striking overtures for United State trade as serting the price of American cotton depends largely upon Russian demand recognition of this fact Sckolnikoff writes can be een that only one step is needed to stabilize and clarify Russo American trade The commissar referred to alleged activities against trade resumption with Russia by the United States de partment of commerce remarking ironically: department ha suddenly re vealed that "Bolsheviks do not need cotton only Perhaps President Coolidge will ask the de partment what is the present market price for recognition He will dis cover that the Soviet union will not pay a single kopek for recognition Sokolnikoff argues that the produc tion of cotton in Russia is as yet 50 per cent under that tf prewar days and that Importation will be neces sary for years He concedes the Ruhr sian textile industry while consistent ly growing! is not yet able to atify the domestic market the campaign Of the de partment of commerce the Soviet union will organize trade with Amerl con Tnhn i SIrnnnwski in olowing Raid TOnS Charges Made 7 Suffield Oct The liquor 1W forcemeat campaign was reopenalM night and John SkonowakV the West Suflfield road waa khNnH after Deputy Sheriff Greer and dM of Police Cooney had found ov ghilon of moonshine on hia prenNMa A sale was also charged against tt offender inasmuch as one paTMtt coming out of the house with a bMN of liquor a the officers war KntKHH In town court this morning bCM Judge Sikes th compMM against Skonowskl were three in nra ber keeping with intent to sell aBW and having reputation of hfidj place where liquor 1 olV On sdl of these counts he was fined gapuMM given a jail sentence ox on eacn maKing uie uwu costs amounting to $675 and in JAIL Benjamin Budnik Who arrestwt in tne piace was also nned'b ana cosm a eei 1 I jk wxo Cfl At IU WUJVI4 SIP yeanw The speaker next Sunday at the Second Baptist church yrtKJ Dr Chester McGown prariMtki the American International ooQMMjii Springfield Mass The oreign Missionary aedewij the irst Congregational Church hold its regular monthly meeung riday afternoon at KM at tne of Mrs Pomeroy on Mai MRg PRICE To ship tfcm mllls ttortM common rate points In 198 lh sacks spring patent special roft winter pat ents $760850 soft winter straights $725 750: soft winter clears 7 rye flour white patents $740773 In transit all rail shipment No yellow $134135 a bushel No 3 yellow 134 Lake and rail shipment No yellow $132133: No 3 yellow $131 132 Oats In transit dll rail shipment fancy 40 lbs 7172c a bushel fancy 38 lbs 70c regular 38 lbs 69c regular 36 lbs regular 34 lbs 6667c Millfeed Spring bran fcO ton winter bran $31503225 middlings $33 4050 mixed feed $450: stock feed $45 oat hulls $18 cottonseed $465054 lin seed meal $525250 Canadian pure bran 3225 Canadian mid Hings $3333e0 Cornmeal and oatmeal Cornmeal ratut latcrt $335 per 100 lbs boltd $330: feeding meal and cracked corn $255: oatmeal rollcu cut and ground $38 Hav No 1 timothy ton No timothy $2527 No 3 timothy $1719: eas srn Iie24 shipping $13916 Clovsr nisga Woronoco Oct The meeting of the Men Social clubM place in the club room lat MM Preeident Johnaon preelding IM was a good attendance It UM cided to have an entertainment 21st 1 The quarterly busing meetin the Union church we held hMM in the Memorial hall Rev OenJ Douglass presiding The mettMra of the church now stand at ltt4 ports were read from pastor au other officials including those Md Sunday schooL The WORTHY INN OPEN until Qet 14 Manehester in the Mountain VERMONT glorious autumn foliage painting the majestic Green Mountain peaks! saddle riding! GOL! beautiful motor trips! dancing! mountain climbing! Or enjoy a complete REST amid Ideal nJIHnn hASIltlflll SCsnCCV InvlS orating air comfortable modern rooms with or without bath excel lent food Reached from Springfield via 3 motor routes or by train Reserve direct or thru Hotel Worthy Springfield Mass James Brown Manager rank Webber Resident Mgr Under same management as HOTEL WORTHY Springfield Maas SOUTHERN RAILWAY Richmond Va Oct A suit to en force payment by the Southern Rail way company of $22900000 tri divi dends tn preferred stockholders has been filed here by the Norwich Water Power company the trustees of tne estate of Langhorne and other unnamed stockholders The preferred stockholders it is claimed ate entitled to payment of dividends heretofore earned hut not declared in tholf favor of about $38 a share before holders of the company's common stock are entitled to receive any dividend 12 8 pref 5 com 6 6 com 101 102 98 96 103 I 107 95 95 101 93 102 105 105 105 94 104 98 100 106 103 oreign Bonds Great Cons Elec Indus Bk of inl 7's Indus Bk of Japan 6's Italian Power 6's King Neth 1972 Low Aus Hyd Paris Orleans Ry 7's Rep Peru 8's Rep Poland 6's Russian do ctfs do pr Swiss I zft ra vx Total sales of stocks 339900 sales of bonds $747000 Close ch'e 44 97 9 121 44 160 '75 94 18 25 35 43 86 22 71 22 1 84 3 180 40 New YoACwb Market (Continued Kromourteenth Page) 1000 1000 2000 1000 4000 500 18000 5500 5000 Dividends Declared Stock of Recora Oct 7 Nov 1 Oct 31 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 4 Oct 7 Oct 15 Oct 7 Oct 18 Oct 8Oct 17 toctlfl Bep 30 Nov 1 Oct $4 Sep 30 Oct 20 Oct 15 Nov 15 Bep 30 Oct 15 Oct 24 Oct IT Oct 20 Oct 24 Nov 10 Oct 10 NEW ENGLAND IN NEW IGHT OR RATEEQUAUn Joins in Coalition With New Yorjc New Jersey South Atlantic and Gulf Ports Before Shipping Washington Oct A powerful and giuldenly formed combination of the Northeast South and Middle 'Westppcared before the shipping board today and demanded equalization ofnt a front Atlantic uort and announced Intention of seeking equal ization of domestic import and export rates from the same ports The effect was to Isolate Baltimore and Philadelphia rontinuition port freight el iminate In 1 1 I 4 bouth Atlantic and Gulf ports Representatives of the new combin ation which overnight ha completely gltered tho situation caused by the long fight between Atlantic coast ports fcr advantage in rates later today Balled upon president Coolidge and ex vUtva tn him The coan lion was conceived by rank Davis manager of the Maritime association pf the Boston Chamber of Uommerce nd put through yesterday and last night at conferences between repre nentativea of New England New York New Jersey South Atlantic Gulf I states and pviddle western commercial rrganizatione and railroads Davis and Wilbur LaRoe Jr of CltirK ind LaRoe Washington counsel for he Maritime association directing tne activities To Test Rate Advantages The city of Boston which is co Operating with the Maritime asso ciation in the new campaign was re presented by Mark Sullivan Cor Boration counsel and Samuel Silver man assistant corporation counsel The city is prepared to test in the federal courts the right of Baltimore end Philadelphia to enjoy any rate advantage over Boston or any other port and the threat of this action is to be hiefly responsible for the long delay of the Interstate Commerce commission in arriving at a decision cn the petition of the Maritime asso ciation and other New England com i vnercial organizations for relief for New England from the rate advan tages now held by Baltimore and Phil adelphia This case was first heard before an examiner wnose report vio against New England His decision xvas to the full commission which has been considering the case for more than a year The significance of the develop ments within the past 24 hours from a XewEngland viewpoint could scarce ly be exaggerated Rate controver sies Involving the Atlantic ports have been fought before the Interstate Commerce commission for years New England has been isolated fighting aJcne battle most of the time New Coalition But today however there was pro jected into the situation the new coalition of New England New York New Jersey and the South Atlantic and Gulf ports against Philadelphiamd Baltimore The coalition demands from the shipping board equalization of ocean rates and from the Inter state Commerce commission equaliza tion of domestic export and import rates By equalization it means equalization of rates from competitive territory for example that the rateso Europe from Boston and New York houlrl be the same on the ocean as from Baltimore and Philadelphia or that domestic rates export and Im port between Boston and New York and Pittsburg or Cincinnati should be the same as between Baltimore and and these points the idea being that the competitive ports should fight fo business on their own merits or on the basis of superior ra cilities Instead of artificial rate ad vantage Taken By Surprise The combination is a complete sur prise to Baltimoie and Philadelphia which with their railroad allies will fight against it bitterly and strenu cuslv but which for the first time will be fighting at a disadvantage Inas much as tlie Northeast the South and fh Middle West have smoothed over their prior differences in these con tests and are now aligned togetner Baltimore and Philadelphia appear on tho losing end Another significant demand made by representatives of the coalition be fore the shipping board today was that the shipping board and the In terstate Commerce commission get to gether in their consideration of these Important questions of ocean nnd do mestic rates which are related yet jiandled independently by the board end commission It is well known here that the board and commission have difficulty in working together whether the reason be jealousy or some other and that New England has been getting the short end of the stick from both federal agencies Now comes this new combination and de mands tliat they get together and give mutual consideration to related rate questions The new combination was born late yesterday afternoon at a conference the Hotel Powhatan It was called together by Mr LaRoe who after re citing the reasons for teamwork hadMr Davis appointed chairman of the meeting Reporters were first ad mitted but then excluded at request mufti uerjtceui owwwm fork and Mleblgan pe PW T23 I rtHow kidney $10 whit Clifornta green pea 0T5O Canadian peat $7 apUt $7 dried U1BM 614 ftdanchurla peft lean crea ner in tuba 9 41 a pound in boxer In prime weitetn creamery tuba good to cbolo K4p38c lair io fancy twin a Poundver can llwrts wr Nearby hennery dozen mined color foe reh gatheied eastern 60610 weteru Uenaety tra M6t5c extra first first 46c refrigerator extra dnst 414Jc Back and hort cuts heavy36 a barrel medium ati $3750 bean pork $650 oose salt pork 17c amoked choked regular 28c 21UtiB28ftc bacon briiikeM MiSc franktert bologna fresh uraie bag 26c sauzage pats iic pork trimmings 21c taw leaf lard ZZc rendered leaf lard 21c pure lard 16c Dressed Overweights 13lo a pound 150 to 25C I lbs lb TO to 100 lb 18c 40 to inresed Beef fancy bide 16c pounds vHntera Uc lambs springers winter 20c vearllngs Apples 4 50 box rapetruit PojelMeo 7 isle of Pine jemoni 350 carrier northern crt box cantaloup pink melons 11 crt casna $150350 box Damson plums cut box and 60c box cut 50073c oox cauliflower asnj iB bWj ID oa Ke The commission itself has not acted UR WORKERS RESUME Boston Oct Several hundred fir workers who declared a strike In 28 Boston shops riday to enforce a demand for recognition of their union returned to work today under an agreement reached last night The agreement which is to run two years provides for recognition of the union minimilnl WHETC 1 1 4 v4 1 dlllxd in for the various crafts and does away with I Metals Vnrk Oct 7 Copper ay: electro 32 89 56 3 20 1 2 17 40 104 105 August in the latter part of the 26 2 1 16 20 14 15 16 I 37 39 6230 Kfinn A 4 97 55 EM4'sseA GO Hood 7's 102 MG 31 95 Miss RP 5's 96 100 Swift 5'S B's 99 ft TRADE! lom InHew white mt Keiftrlrg Been 1 nm aMhrTs! with il W5 HMpitality rad ii liiul' ana ChanlMrc jl Coaunen 4 See Cay ortnightly SaUhifeJ Route 1 7 New Ywfc HmeeabCJ Panwn La San franriMXS 3 MMR I I Hi Line of protect 4 A1UCKICHA wait tocany yea I doarnlaatralitarreaa' JT in Jpn to day ahopn where eilka and cnxira add er total th I ikN finot Klh I traMT annC uW naranw rnra pj aflMggb Tira HatdraM 4Z4i Canadian PatUin rt 3 1 i 25 25 25 19 19 37 17 17 39 39 39 53 53 53 I 3 3 Ji 26 26 1 1 I 15 13 15 "2 132 132 2 2 2 4 4 47 11 10 11 04 04 01 3 3 15 16 2 15 16 2 15 il 2 2 2 15 14 32 32 32 12 12 45 44 12 02 02 03 03 03 ot oi 5 General Elec 255 255 255 382 Gil Raz 1 58 57ft 103 Gray A Dav 3 3 3 150 Hardy Coal 22 22 22 1 5 Hood Rubber 50 50 50 194 Island Creek 127 125 2 150 Kehnecott 45 44 45 5 Keweenaw 65 65 65 10 Lake Copper 1 1 1 50 La Salle 2 2 2 57 Lib McN 5 5 5 10 Theat 9 9 9 220 Mass Con Min 1 1 1 125 Mass Gas pf 64 64 64 30 166 166.

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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.