The Daily Commonwealth from Topeka, Kansas (2024)

STATE tfillP. seed 11 soon, IS minutes and 31 tec arLWJ MEITIM OF THE HApPT Mf large brick raaideaee oa the east side sail, trsieaiog 9 tsoondi 1 ounce, and BBS WBBW eWWWBWSW I Uaprnkniioa af the 7 Setae, pleasant Paragraphs, I of nonroe street, between Foarth ana ove. dapooent further that he 1 Illamal Item mm HiietU- Fifth streets. Will wall all nr mnoh ni This dab, composed of On most farts- Ms intends to enter the boy aforesaid Am. vS I 111 Si ei a 1 1 a a 1 W.

W. 6AYITT. Betary Public. EDWIN SCOTT. tan smssds mssriaine lata oa tl advertising I nate, weaitoj aaa-oappjo: at inert i mm irj to "gat away with the premium correipooueni The corn teaseling out beeutifoiiv ia Moaroa street and clsvee lota an adiaon and the new-comera, met at their utual in Doagiaa' wtBefow offered for the best gent lb the Slates of Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Missouri.

place of meeting last svenisjfeJpBs per- I looking baby at the coming state fair to Reno county. By and by the teasel will as mar bo deaired. with the house, be traaferred to the olfactory orga a of The grounds are surrounded with good those who consume the corn in a liquid ndewalks, fine hedges, sad shade trees, pose of coosnltisg with each other in re-1 be held tA Topeka, Kansas, in September. SSU1 i iitvm ia awr amir aathor ww I gard to their past good lack, and more fa traytlins; agent for Kansas.

He T7 a.umill, aino thair aninl ia tkia ail. state. fmm isnsil in 900 4ua fait tMM 190 SUNDAY SERVICES. Ottawa haa a lot of fellows who call I grape vines and a variety of email fruits. colleet and receipt for aabscrlp.

Md tfae propar B8hc44 fjreoo. Various to sad advertisem*nts in me tinning sack. themselves "pie eaters they are all good I Call and examine the premises end ascer-at it, bat die champion pie eater of the tain terms of sale. Church To-day. After the meeting tot kes called to Daily or Weekly Commonwealth, and aeathwest, end the one altogether lovely, I 43dlm J.

H. Cass a. little incidents in nairns- cwtjsch. attend to any matters pertaining to this order, several related REAL ESTATE AGENTS, And Goal Dealers, 11 KANSAS AYKNI7E, OPPOSITE POST OFFICB, resides at Wichita, where he takes thirty. their sofosrs in I Semesp to-day at 10J a.

m. and 8 p. sk their good-fortunes tfcia fitT. hiah tlm thoockt lock v. and condnotss BF the pastor, rtev.

u. lav- a ooaramg nouse soie-ieatner dtm- This greet dveoaneia panacea has the mounted pies at a single I hsrgsot sale of any other preparation ia Atchison, Topeka SanU Fe RalireaU. I aU WM quiet ana orderly aau Mr. 8 1 lor. Bible society at 12 sc.

Mission school hit upon his best points of fertane, when I is the near building on Madison street be borne days ago the Leavenworth Argus I the world. Way 7 beoanae we esy to every htd a dream about a delinquent subseri- I one that ia afflicted with dyspepsia, liter an uproar and confusion immediately took twees Second and Third, at 3 r. sr 2:10 a. MS 1:15 r. si her and now we notice the Ottawa Jour 1 complaint, ocsliunaes, headache, heart- possession of the audience, and the hall CHRISTIAN CHURCH.

ooias ust. Throagh expirees arrives an! leaves. Mixed tram Freight train esnn watr. Through express arrives and nal has had the aame dream. Singular I barn, waterbraah.

soar etomach, to call at I rang with shouts frees every month, You Serviese to-day at Elliott's Hall, by the Wo collect rents, pay taxes, are titles, redeem lands, nnd furnish sbMr ts for nen-resident i T. S. Stringham's drag store, in Topeka, visionary coincidence. have hit oar most lucky points," "That .10:00 4. at WXi r.

m. pastor, J. W. Monser, at. 11 A.

M. Sub SaTRBAD THE LIST BELOW. Mixed train CORRKSPONDKNCE SOLICITED. Kansas, and get one of our sample bot is the cause of all my prosperity," "I .10.36 a. at.

wSeh ttrain With the laatiasoe the Hutchinson Newt ject: "Conform or Transform, The difference la time of trains at Topeka and tles free of charge. Regular sise 75 cents. vise everybody to do the same," "That commences its second year. In comment Evening services at 8 o'clock. Theme NOTICE.

Two or three doses will relieve any case. shows that your bead is level, "I will al ing upon the subject the editor takes occa Melebesedec, the Kingly Priest." San- Lots on Kansas avenae. A'l panose baring Try it, Louis A. Sobobb, sion to say that in the future, aa in the Worth Topeka i ten minntee. The express and mixed train i both make close connection, at Atchison with the Hannibal St.

Joe, Chicago, Bock bland Pacific, and Kaasas City, BL Joe Council Blaff. Connect ione at Kmporia with the iatoarl Banes a Texaa railroad lor Deniaon and all point, in Texas, ate. Obo. B. NsmSTOs, Bnpt.

A. B. Toditix. Q. T.

Agent. UTS Lots and with hoase $1 600 67 85 wcrt aide detween 3d and 4ia 1 000 ISO) 334 between 7th aad 8th 3 SOO of the ing a full aims at oar atswa. We CHANGE OF OFFICF. Until the completion of C. W.

Jewell's building, northeast corner of Sixth aad Kansas Avenues, oar office will be day school at 9 a. m. Bible class lesson The Confusion oj Tongues." M. E. CHURCH.

Wholesale Agent, Kansas City, Mo. are he ing past, Mwe will take (he liberty of modestly expressing onr own views" on all public questions. 473 S54 between 8th and tth 1 200 1862 tn between Oth aal 10th SOS S8 316 between Oth end 10th 1 300 1x60 458 wtthhwaee too 6th A venne West. raw ways continue to do so," eT will advise all my friends to do it," "They never get de ceived if they do," and like expressions from the fullness of their hearts were continued until it became the moat joyoos meeting ever held ia teas easy Presently aa officer of the peace appeared to learn the cause of the noise and Quincy street, between Fifth and Sixth. My residence oa Quincy street, between Several newspspers in Kansas have par lass at 9 a.

m. Preaching by the pastor tially adopted the Joah BilUngs style of Eighth sad Ninth streets lot 76 by 150; AND STILL THET COME. There are a groat maay vicaat bowses in the city. There ia no need of thie. Leave a list of your bowse, at our office.

Thete are hundreds of strangers lix k-ing for boose, aad mora Oar city never was as fall, aad hat prospects never brighter. BARGAINS. It is not onr intention to sdvartsse property that at 191 Kansas avenue, ap stairs, opposite the post office. KANSAS PACIFIC RAILWAY yreatfflhort Bone between the Atlantic at 10 A. M.

and 8 r. m. Sunday school 675 450 at 2 if 4 eata tree, and eyerybody ore through necessity, however, well improved with small fruits, shrubbery, OAvrrr scott. etc Trees of four years' growth around 1047 Lots 85, S7. 89 with sidewalk 1067 81,03,06 do do UHO 00,82 do do 1050 04, 06 do do 6ttt Asenne East.

Lots 142, 144 a cor Monroe and 6th. 2237 183, 106 cor Jefferson aad 6th made welcome confusion, and after some time the press- It is stated that a pity marshal in Chase Mail training FIRST PltESHTTEaiAH CHURCH. 1405. Vi nceeeded in restoring order, when 1 400 soo TT Bargain to aay pel wishing tbat class of property Sat we have i r. at.

r. at. Mail train going Wait 1:46 A.N. kS0a.ll ervices will be held to-day at 10 a. u.

the officer was informed that it was only i train going several good now, was located, that a on strictly private terms, ae theyarec county resigned his position because the council refused to allow him to pnt "Hon." before his name. i tr la roinc Weet 230 A. at. 236 a. a the entire lot.

Cistern, well aad coal and wood honse. Will sell at cost for terms, etc, call at my office, jyll-lm Jon M. McDonald. LOCAL NOTICES the outpourings of their hearts to thick and 8 p. by the pastor, Rev.

F. S. IANSAS AVENUE. ZJFfc ad Kansas Aveawa, now occupied hv B. D.

Ooldren'i umber oOce. Pres. tS.SOO cash. SMALL omnm i nil pn ar the -u hi lew oaya at boobi Bau sasar real tbat ate paying high rents come a TOPIXA iU KABSAB CITY. er going a.

M. McCabe, D.D. Sunday school at 9:45 a. Topeka Asenne. 1170 Lots 66, 67, 60 with brick house.

3 600 1811 181, 283, 1S6 with stows hoase 4 600 138, HI, 143 cor ath. large hoase 8 WW 1311 146,148 160 a cor 6th 2 1 23 OjT 181, 183 cor 6th. stone house 2 600 IKS ISO, 187, 188 with house 2 000 selves. Yoa will got a free if aaa doa't haw. law going Weet tOO u.

Spring chickens in Coffee coanty this that they had been lucky enough to bny their real estate of and tasure their property with Orris T. Welch. UKITED PBESBYTEBIAM CHURCH. good land. liTing water by Shangaounga creek, fire year are not much larger than mosquitoes, Services to-day at the United Presbyte 1307 230.

232,244 between Tth Sth 1 000 umoer. xne lana is ail Uiabla wail reaced and 15 acrei under cultivation. Sice young ore hard but then the mosquitoes are said to aver- I Ts Kissers, TAILOR SIMM. tUlUSX lor street, near Sixth aveaae; hoase 18x90, oaa aad a half story frame, 4 rood rooms aad cellar, honse veil finished and in good order, good wall with eofl water; nioe loratloa, with east frost. Price tl.S'io, half cash.

rian church at 11 a. m. Sabbath school the growing, news stories. 18x28, 4 rooou aad wardrobes. Home aew and to good repair.

If job fave well I Aivoeagn eat uuie understood, are 1303 330 336 SSt 331 300 Tyler Street. Mail trains ran dally, except Bandar. Express tains ran daily and connect at Kansas City sad Leavenworth for all potato Bask, North and Booth Throagh tickets to all points la Iha United States and Canada on this great short rente, for eels at the Onion Depot, corner Times avenue and Bollroad street, Teaoha, Baasaa fc mmMt SUNDAY, JULY 13, 1873 DENVER. waat a mall place near the city, this ia jatt the Iuiu, wprivna iMiHaBva an uieaiee pertaining to than er to the-organs the, supply with 12J P. M.J CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.

1224 Lota 38,40, 42 cor Tjler and 2d 378 Letter from sus KnlawaslasSST Advocate wing, rmnnw. win trsoe ror good residence property in Topeka. 1409. health aad rigor, ia either sex, are eared by Hela-bold'i Extract Buchn. Br Helmbold's process Beehn Services at the Congregational church Ttwa Flaunting.

The following letter from resident of A new and beautiful potm, "Lorena," I hirsnis a saaclftc Ho other cheatist has so kill- USa IMPROVED FARM wtstw station, 10 lea eouth iron Topaka. mostly all bottom land, well watered, aad 88 acres of Mm bar 100 acres of it fsacsd, 88 aora. aadar calOwsttoa: hoaas. 18x18, IU stories, with kltcaaa sSStilV, CHEAP RESIDENCE. to-day at 11 a.

m. and 8 p. conducted by the pastor. Owing to the communion has jhst found its way into the Mound I "Uy txtrf Sufferers wUl awld di. Topaka, now at Denver, contains some FOB SALE-Very loir for a few days, A large time was had at the city park dance last evening.

valuable hinU on a subject in which we are service the Sunday school will meet at 1276 80, 82, 84 bet Sd aad 4th, with 460 1064 103 and half cf 104 with honse 1260 1063 107 and half of 106 do do ..1500 134 133, 136. 137 with sidewalk 1 ISJO 224 201, SOS between Oth aad 10th 090 tOS 418,416 980 Harrison Street. 1313 Lots 138, 140, 142, 144 with stone hoase a ear 6th and Harrison. 4 lots S3 000 1313 171, 174, 176 between 6th aad 6th 1 lOu 1166 166, 167. 168, nice dwelling Louse.

4 080 tOS 349 and 31 1, eery cheap, 600 We have 100,000 acres of The state peoitentisry low contains 316 1 Bsw Tart, sole agwas. jjSdw T' wtol of 100 trosa, bea ded fruit bearing; 50 apple trees, youag; good well at the house, oa aabHe read; good aelgh bos lined. all interested. The letter is a private one, a house and 6 fine lots, at the south 12:30 p. m.

second conqeeoatioval church. Sand- papered heads and broad-rimmed I bnt the recipient has kindly consented to scuooi aonee Bear: gooa stocx ran re lor 1.000 cattle: prisoners. The Ataiospher of Lore west corner of Clay aad Fourth streets, ket for all products at WaAaraea, i miles dav straw hats are numerous among the yonng allow ns to make a few extracts Mr. A. S.

Diggs has withdrawn from the T'Lll DO I of Us. rennltn at nal oar AnwnsVant sshirh sot on In. Bios high ground, racing cast lots fenced and cultivated plenty of fruit and hade trees house Preaching to-day 11 o'clock. In the The climate ia delightful pretty hot in of the capital city. editorial Staflf Of the Lawrence Tribune, I rlaaralea and ureserree the faeth.

bnt randan the evening at 8 o'clock, lecture by Mr. Wad the middle of the daw. bnt cool mornings name, one story, aad addition of 3 good rooms, bouse nicely painted inside and outside, veuitlan blinds, verandah in front, a gcoi cellar, well and cistern. Price $1,900 half cash, balance on time. month as fragrant aa a rose.

JjMw his term of office having expired. He is a die on the asbjeet of Belgian." 1. T. 8, Fe B. R.

lands for Yesterday was so distressingly hot that Qi eTenings. The shady walks of Den- ready writer, and has given his cofcempo Bowsrd at a book agent could have talked a man to and two years, 10 per coat. ISM NEOSHO COUNTY miles aorth of Thayer, St sens under fence and col-Mratlon, I ring the a a qr act IS, 1 29, IT. Price 810 per acre. im 7 acns one and a half miles weet from Topeka, on 11 Tenth avenue road; a beautiful location for a suburban rrstdeoce, all nnder fence; good view of the city; price sale on ten years' time.

ver are her great eharm. If Topeka had half the spirit of Use planting property death in twenty minutes. raries some very hard digs during his connection with the Tribune. LOTH ERAS CHURCH. Sunday at 9 o'clock a.

m. 1JNITARIAN SOCIETY. 1407. 156 and 138, Western avanse, between SI aad 4th streets, (150 i ach. Lots Great Stock Farm! The C.

government has girea not aaly to Or Price's Crease Baking Powder, hat to his Special Flavoriagl tfae preference, and large quantities are shipped to its military posts. No mora we say thaa it deoerrtd, for It truly has provsd itself in our fam Ice cream saloons and soda fountains owners nave nere, in a lew years iwemy 1 At M0 avenue, northeast corner of 11th treet, Services of the first Unitarian society at IsVUBEBX LUMBER! snfiabout the only things that don't wilt in cent would be added to the value of this weather. WT foot ground in her borders. Her, Nine Miles from Topeka. ill I 800 acres ot the aame is choice bot-aSV torn land.

nice rolling nrairic 1408. ily all that we desire, making bread, biscuit and tflSJ the Lutheran charch, Topeka avenue, be 640 acres in Riley At 10W prices, OD the Atchison, Topeka cakes bettor than aay other we have used, and jast watered by Biz Soluler creek: 100 acres of timber WILD LAND. RILEY COUNTY water, well located, aad y. good load with II lie along the stream; 100 acres under cultivation price and Santa Fa Tt R. tiaar.

ar Flo-ttih I bnai Peeml ftovorinas of lemon, almond Col. J. B. Stewart, of New York, has tween Sixth and Seventh, at 11 olclock a. m.

Preaching by the pastor, Rev. G. W. will lUMU. Ilrill.

will they not only have to plant bnt irrigate, and this means labor, while there Providence favors them with flu wrwam value; can bo bocght Tory 1 jw If eold aooo; price I 4c' Pure aatoral and strong as oaa be made. Try Street. Hannibal White lime delivered I those trttcles, Udiee, and see if you do not find them 1315 returned to this city, from Davenport, and is at the Tefft House. Patton. from the text Ye call me maa- 1134 THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST.

abundant showers. If Topeka remains Uf Lordf you du well; for so 1 1 at any part of the city at $1.60 per wdlntt seres oa Back IMPROVED FARM 160 acres good prairie land, 8 miles southeast Topeka, for to per acre. It Is the ae of 29, IS, IT jse4 THE BEST BARGAIN. COAL LANDA fine improved farm of 84 acres, 18 miles south of Topeka, 4wwswe-w. The best piece of land in Shawnee coanty; 160 Ose of onr Kansas exchanges claims to mT hoBie ao ''orously I shall advocate am.

Sunday sctojl meets at iu a. m. barrel. Plaster, $1.00. Building and coanty, 12 miles of Topeka, well watered.

40 ACRES, mostly ALL ALLEY living water the Ball way. This popular Ua tree planting. Don't know bnt I should have the champion local of the state. We CONSTITUTION BALL. had always thought that Tom Stivers, of Children's progressive lyceum at Consti be willing to run for councilman, to carry the point Just here a word for the unpretending 1 mile from Carbondale station, on the year round from a spring brook water enough for 10,000 cattle; TIMBER enough for shelter.

The SOIL on the most of it is from 6 to 8 feet deep a beautiful BUILDING SITE a fine STONE QUARRY of half aa aero, 3 miles from TOPAKA, oa a atate roofilng paper at wholesale rates. 5t S.H. DOWN'S. a ass FURBISHING GOODS! FURNISHING at aow tanning Palhwana Palace Hooplas oars throats to Cincinnati, Loawrille, Baltimore and Washington, with oat change- Three throagh pas-enger trains ecalpped with Miller's Safety Flat-brmi aad good ale A Westinghoose patent steam aad air brakes, mare St. team for the east daily acre, or timber, 90 scree aadar fence 50 acree cultivated, two log cabins aa the place, good earl as near the house; good neighborhood: one and a half toll, from railroad station; echool hoaas aad post once near, price $12-50 par aero.

11S8 Shawnee Co, 'uT, water, 15 milee southwest from Topeka, being the southwest of section prios onlj TV 00 A. T. S. Fe R. K.

It Is No. 1 prairie tution Hall to-day at 10 a. u. Exercises as usual. Warren Chase will be Atchison, was the Champion local.

We are glad to notice the late improvements in the business college. It is now cottonwood: Easy of culture, and of land, all tillable, with living water; all fenced; 35 eerai oalti rated; a largo young orchard of choice raoid erowtb. and when orooerly trained da" children. Mr. GOODS.

road. Improved farms on 3 side aad a range for 1,000 CATTLE oa the other aide. If yoa are ooking for a STOCK, GRAIN or FRUIT FARM, read this ttsrt tats raato aaoawalt! i i i prepared to accommodate a larger number beautiful shade tree. Far ahead of the I jBaB Wl at me cuy para at Best collars, 25c per box; finest mus trees; mate house, 1J4 story, 14x16; also stablo for 5 horses. Ihis farm is underlaid with a choice quality of coal, and the aame ia leased to one of the best companies now operating in the state.

Coal in largo quantities is now being mined then from. m. aad at 8 p. v. in Constitutional Hall, of students than ever before, with supe over again and go and see it.

Yon can bny all the rough land yoa want FOR GRAZING Joining the white shirts ia the market, on the religious condition of the world in Royalty guaranteed. WUl amount to oyer $1,000 finest linen handkerchiefs, 40c; best OBDUV Turns Boovawsst Bnaaotnu. The Atlantic PactSc railway company offers 1.200 t0 acres of land In central aad sonthwee Uwsoan, at froaa aS to $12 par aero, or asren years' time, with free ran back of this piece. Price fjr this iece, with all these advantages, enly S30 per acre. in fire years the coal royalty will casn per British aad Lisle thread hose, 40c onr country in particular.

MADISON STREET MISSION. MM Lnt8 I.f5.- Adaa Mag SiUtS fall lots aad tract. aal lots. Bear beak of river. Prios $tTA SUBURBAN irJLtsrz mile west of the city llmlta.

Smoota aad raUiac prairie, overlookiag the whole ctty. AU under cultivation and well ieaoed. 400 apple trees, 4 year, old, cheice varieties. Two rows of maple trees, aad fifty peach trees bearing. Pries $15 par acre, on terms to suit purchaser.

pap lor the farm and $1,000 besides. No mistake about it. This ia the beat bargain In the atate. Price of the farm, $.2,000 cash, balance in six months and oaa year at 10 par cent. We have 50,000 acres Pot rem St.

Lonls t. all purchasers. Climate, The best bargains in furnishing goods wormy, filthy soft maple. raj! Let the classic elm not be neglected, but her interlacing branches if we now plant, will gladden and cool the brows of onr children, on the sultry hot days that are to be when we are gone. The cottonwood can be planted almost a fall grown tree, aa large as eight inches in diameter.

The second lineral wealth, echocls. church e. aad For further information call at onr office, or upon rior advantages in telegraphing or the business branches. The bridge across the Arkansas at Great Bend was completed yesterday. The reader will notice that the information is obtained in advance of our Great Bend correspondent.

We like to take advantage of him occasionally. ever offered at society meats aawevsais from aU points aeepn nwrau, varoonuaie, aansis 1408. tawatomie reserve railroad lands for sale on five years' tothiaUadorrraitaaad Sowers. For oarticolars Opening Service To-Day. The Mission Sabbath School, which was opened for the benefit of the white popula A.

Tuck, land oommiationer. St. Lous. Mo. S.

BARSUX Cd 5Stt 197 Kansas Avenue. TOPEKA AVENUE. time. House Two Lots one. between 12th and 18th.

Price, on! 8650 B200 aown naiance in one una two years interest, six Iffy1 room 1 cellar, good 100-faarraf up tion in the northeast part of the city last fall, has been so far prosperous, and has per cenr. wita Biterer, good stable for hot see, hay aad earrlss-e lots filled with fruit aad shade tre7 iny amor! ,0 1 year they give fins ahade. Yon will do a good work to advocate MADISON STREET S. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. M.

8. ADAMS, TTOBNST aad Counsellor at Law, Office No. 86 Main street, Wichita, Beasts. Jul 15 ily mM 1400 developsd such a want aa to require for its SEIsIs YOUR OLD I BOX. Mlgbest cosh price paid at va ws sa wa liSDDtTllfrn FA BBS On Linn creek, nine If sgricultural dealers would arrange their reapers, mowers, patent corn plows, Kinpen ana rraan rruil.

1-Ttoee, balance oattaa. This a Ten go and eeott. east side, beteeeu 2d and 3d; house frame, 14 storias, rooms, good well; lot fenced; hoase is nicely paint rflltm miles southeast of tree planting in the columns of the Com- permanent ase a house of its own. Ac- oy ana is in perfect order, uo aud see It before you i aaa ior oki fast iron, tieii vereu I w. Mcdonald, garden rakes, on the aid a-walks, so ost wealth, oa the street corners, in your cordingly an effort was made to put up and saws eisewuere.

rnce. at.xuv VCDV PUCADSOaci Topeka; 100 acres or splendid land well Improved; far $3,00. It Is mostly bottom land, all tillable; watered bp Lisa creek; SO acres of timber, 80 acres under good fence; 69 acres under cultivation; good frame honse, four rooms, nicely finished: is insured Will vvtlsl 1 H55 a. aa.ra they wouldn't scrape the shins of every omce, everywhere, until i open a snail ne enclose a building which would answer for at the works of the Kiag sss ne, ot 7 vuiurauoa; ou acres Only 14 mile from raflrosd station. AH nice smooth woodland; a good vela of coal under the whole, which Is easily worked This is a Mo.

1 stock or srraia Bridge Company. pedestrian, there wouldn't be near as much noted not only tor ber superior natural aa- immediate nse, depending upon the pros-swearing to answer for in the future world. nutages, but as well for her beautiful I of the school for its final completion. for fine well with pump at the door, fr me stabls for four horses; orchard of 125 good yonng pratrie lanl. No timber.

A good well no other Improvements. Price $800 ia cash. If yon waat any land, this is e. bargain for yon. farm, watered by a never-faillrg stream Pries $IT W.

WEGDD ALE. CIVIL BSOlBaSB, AEOHITBOT AMD astral contractor. Offlce orer Topeka bank and savings instl tion. ens 3d 3m shady streets, along wmcn lovers win ae- Xhe effort has resulted in the erection of a iruit trees; a sueoie tot wun living water raaaiog taroosh it; only half a mile from charch and school; on public road, state road. If yoa waat a avail.

per acre nan SOWS, "T'lnTfk OB city property ia Topaka. Mb BBSS I site 29 nd 81 Tenth avenue weal, facing the IsVtO seminary souare: Dries A young gentleman of our acquaintance iht to walk, listening to the unwritten hoaie 24X40 feet in size, located on Mad good stock farm, this is Jatt the place. Price, $3,000, HhITKR oa Je casu, wance one year, iu per ceui. DBS. PATH a UOSAB, iHTSICIANS AND 8UROB0N8.

Office at the ia abont to challenge Mr. Olson, the tailor, maiic among branches; and In whose iBOn Btreet between Second and Third. a war i 11 St- msn.3 I 1S0S BUSINESS BREVITIES. At auction Tuesday, July 29th. 10 A.

13W 2llktfi soothwest corner Fourth and Jefferson I OlS streets: pries aToO. i hoase, Manhattaa, Kansas. 20dtf The best Iota in Tonaka are now offered mrsale to mortal comoat. nr. uison, is aiiegeu, shadows many older ones wtll rest ana mich wiu be openefl for U10 juiy aa aad 4th, sat la.

east, aae etorr -'iijnlrwiuto iw. squares of A. T. A depot. Piles, $700.

MM neglected to put blue buttons on our feel young again. Give the overworked nil. nf it. Aninl fmrmm In 9h.a.. I DAVID BBIBB, vary cheap, and they are oa UatTieoa street, between Fourth and Fifth, west side, between A.

D. 13th, at 3 o'clock, p. m. The inhabitants of that part of the city 2 lots 1803 southwest corner Tenth aiid Mi.nrue str; price $550. IM Wilder' aice realdencee.

Craig's aad Edward Go I A TTORNKY AT LAW Topeka, Kansas, has 2 miles west of Topeka, on Sixth street I A sumed practice. OSSce over the Topaka Kal: a 111 I flSal Baak, with Joha O. Searte, Baa. friend's new white vest, which is agaist the peace and dignity of the state. laboring man a pleasant shade to walk home in from his daily-toil, the children a aad see them.

Price only $1,500. 14 aniisf 1th others are cordially invited to be pres- Uoodl np 1 lata No- 321 TPk avenue $825; Noe. 02. 64, CS, liVIS Van Duren SSMh Nos. 79.

Si. 83. First ave- land. Price, $ASO per acre. TEST CHOICE.

We save several Use residences for sale at a low figure A noted physician say. that to prevent t0 participate in the exercises. them have. It is fresh air that buo east, $640. a uuu veivugiu ww M-.

Aa. VVTOII A VV acres to soli the wholi or 80 each; no re serve; terms', one-quarter cash, balance 1, PHYSICIAN AND SOROSON, Topaka, Kansas, office east side Kansas avenue, hat. tth and to air, air, The erce win confiat odious exer- list MM WiLD LAND on Topeka avenue and In the vicinity of tela boner's clothing store is the life giving touie to the hundreds of by ckjldren, followed by short F. DeObert, denttst sunstroke it is necessary that one be temperate in eating and drinking, and not take much violent exercise. Almost the State honse not advertised.

Call at 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. For particulars seel i a fiT vvw, un ireas rauroaa mallow, good borhood; charch oa oaa oaraer, school hoaas invalids now in Denver. DB. P. MCLVASK, addresses from' some of the city pastors, oar office for fall Information and Silver Lake Town, r'iti tows; all the finest Raw bottom land, and the Kaw bottom beats the world for com; only 18 miles weet from Topeka, well watered: 80 acres ef timber and 40 acres of good timber; no Improvements, and all for par acre; time given on pvt.

and others. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, office ap stairs, 168 Ksaaao arenas. ap2S4Aw8m prices. AVITT A SCOTT. Real everybody in Topeka seems to be observing the last named precaution admirably.

USB nanaouis. Also 100 head of cows and steers on 4 months' time without interest. Goslin dc Auctioneers, 60-41 td 190 Kan. avenue. THE aUBSAB LOAS AND TBI1 ST COBPAHT, 1000 all the sh ajtBa.

attorneys at Law. John Guthrie of the Topeka bar, and IMPROVED FARM 11 r.i mvtw. iu. very cneap. plendid Residenee lotef OAVITT A SCOTT.

nts Cheapest In the State. Stiifk Fnrm V4 saast aorth CORNER Sixth and Kansas avenue, Topeka, loan money throaghoot the state of Kan nest bottom land in Improved Farm. under a high state ot cultivation, only 111 miles for long or short time, on real Grant pootosnoo; stone house oae and a half stories; tv. T. B.

SWKSf. President. Geo. 8. Brown, late of the tudiana bar, from the city; nice largo dwelling hoase, with good barn, granary, cribs, etc; largo orchard of choice For Sale at a Bargain.

A 45- hors two rwasa. saeeuy emoosa prairie; ISO acres tillable lanJ; watered by a living spriuc.ln a good neighborhood, school bouse, postofflce and blacksmith shop andy This is the cheapest farm in America; price $1,000 payments easy. Would trade for nrouertv in TJaoaSl M. Noata. Socretary.

apriTdtr JOSEPH BICKNELL, BALES IN FORT SCOTT RED A CHEROKEE Coal, Toaska. aSatas. P.qBox.No.TT. fruit good cellar aad good well; school hoaas near. It is a very deiirable neighborhood, all wealthy farmers, and they made their money rat.

log corn, wheat sud vegetables for the market. It is consid have formed a copartnrship for the general practice of the law at Topeka. They will practice in any of the courts of the power entice, is perfect running order, at Below will be foand aa abstract of the real estate transfers in Shawnee county, as filed ia the office of the register of deeds, for the week ending July 12, 1873. Furnished by J. P.

Essia tt Co general brokers and dealers in real estate, 143 Kansas avenue. John Brier to Joseph L. Haideman, sw sec. 9 township IS, range 14, aoasaaera- tloa A- 1,280 Alfowe Graph to Joha Mataeamaaa, tea A acres out of Kaw reserve. No.

eonsid erattea (00 Frank A. Aliea to Twa'ag Case, V) acres or near Topeka. Shawnee Mills, Topeka, Kansas. Wish ered a poor piece of corn oa this farm that will not average 10O bushels per acre. This land would sell DB.

B. D.MeD05ALl, YJHY8ICIAN and Surgeon, office over Kellam's -m aaa east from Topeka, oae mil. only from a station on the A T. A t. railnad 1...

acres fenced and under cnlUvation SO aeraa iTxl. land aU tillable; Ho. 1 soil; It is tint aadecondbot: torn, never overflows, arras of timber, llvin, water, big springs aad streams, splendid stock Mtkco at the noth and weet; low hoasa. frame addtttoaTs roornj amaU pem orchJd, etailnrroWT peka to Graathopper Falls; wtll be sold vary tow aad 00 easy terms; price $28 per acre, half cash, bsdaars wail aow la ana tv acre lots. Fries lor the whole state; and also in the federal courts, Reference given in all the principal cities.

N. L. Prentis, of the Lawrence Journal, was at the Tefft House yestetday morning. Where he went from there we are not prepared to sav, but in all probability he has gone down to confer with "old man Smith," with whom he is now engaged in writing a biography of Methuselah. They have been at it some time and have only reached the boyhood days of the old patriarch.

Their description of the athletic sports of the young lad at the of 129. is said to be very entertaining. ing to increase oar milling capacity, ws offer onr engine now in use for sals cheap. I 1025 Indian l.nml 80 crM of i IHUlall liUHU bottom lsnd; soil from six to ten feet deep; eeven miles west from Topeka, three miles east of Silver Lake, being 14 of 24, 11, avsnae. mchtSdt drag store.

No. 161 A farm, $8,000. 13S2 Persons desirous of purchasing can sc. if desired. Office, 159 Kansas avenue BSOX a MBOTHKB, ROC SRI 1 IBS.

frovwSoa, Seed, rlagas aad (y NOW 18 THB TIME .11 half Its value, on Sixth avenue wast splendid location; house a aow oaa, six good rooms, besides closets, a good barn, cellar, weU with pump; 2 lots eouih Tront. Very dot rable. For sale for a fcw the engine in motion by calling at the mills. AH letters of inquiry will receive avenue. Topeaa, aaa.

Has a. le Ut, a. 1140 Improred Farm rS1 yto gaod Ikaee, half aaaer cultivation Moo The Kansas Maple Warm. 1 hs "Danbnry Kews man" recently took in nwsfc sec. 33, township 11, range 10, oonaidei atton LLr Joseph L.

Haideman to John Briar, loti 134, 126, 118, Trier street, Topeka, coaaidere- days for $1,700. CaU at oar office for farther infor of the StTMl. prompt attention. SBKLLABASasa, Gbiswold Co. aprl5d3lw sasoad or eouth of Sis tl.

St. tsoo I trip through Kansas, and upon his re nation. 1380 ttory, wita addition. iniims. good cellar aad sood III ITT CP and two lots on Jefferson turn to his native heath he discourses ea US SWAT a THOHAh, So far we have ave ASA I an tween Fourth and Fifth streets, onlv Mary Btoekaer to Hardin Payne, part of received copies of thirty- block in North Topaka: consideration of July oration, for publics 'Jil UNDSBY.J.B.

follows upon the present plague of Kaunas, Billiards Tht St. Charles is now the seven Fourth fifth street, Topeka. LA. aad three blocks from the A. T.

a R. depot, for sale Tory cheap. Houee has Sea wood rooms aad a pantry, cellar, fine well; lots fenced end well filled the maple worm; well; large number of yonng fruit aad shade tree. roa oa waat lino of tarns, oaa sails from school aa church. Price 8X500, half cask.

MM Cheap InproTed Farat tLl'SZ southwe.t of Topeaa oa the Aabwra road, all wood thSwhoto MTi SJSl eidaratioa. only billiard hall in the city, and is locat rfK. per acre. IBM For Sale or Trade, farming land; living well, good neighborhood, school bouse near one corner- adjoins the corporation limits of Jake Town, WaUaaaeo county, Sd miles weet of Topeka, being the of 29, 12, 12; price S8 per acre. $21 RpIyDP oa the K.

BltvlfSSf P. rati read, SS m'lea vest of Topeka, aid we have SO acres or nice bottom land adjoinlnc the town at $10 cash. It is the east oae half of qr of section 34, township 8, range 11. 1114: 9i 1 rrPa oa SlJesion creek, at Great peot-sVlV ACACa oBos. WaUuoseo coanty.

Kan-a. A beantiful piece of prairie land, So 1 soil and well watered; on public road, 20 mi lee wast from Topaka, to a good neighborhood; a large stono school house oa obo corner, also ased tor charch divine service aad sabbath school every Sabbath; rjostoffice awS blacksmith shop sear. This is offered very cheap Prios $6 98 par acre aa payments. Call at oar office and see plats. tion, but owing to press of matter we shall sco 400 l.aoo 150 lots 17, ISO C.

B. Hotlidar to M. K. and arena with trait trass aad shrubbery; small stable. It a nice location.

Price 12.000. After passing through Kansas in the ed in the new brick block on Fifth avenue east, Topaka; coa- night, and consulting my cyclopedia on between Kansas avenue and Quincy street. em.OBO.BICK. UoaSOP ATHIO, SBoeeseor to Sr. Bolton.

Once Ne. 233 Kausas A venne. Residence No. IS Kaa as sveaaa. Will promptly attend to all profeealona alls, nomeopathic miiBalass snafally oompoanded J.

J. Kions to Kate K. Smith, email tract of my return home, I find that the maple llflin I main 180 acres la Shawnee county land north of Bnaeoe: consideration three rwama It is one of the most elegant halls in the be compelled to omit them. Ho w. ver, the sentiment of the batch i so goad that we feel loth to refuse publicity, and after an immense amount of labor we have succeeded in boiling down the whole mass to Sims A Steinanr to A.

C. Sherman, iw er cf Ml. saml ia Annrluitjl he Rill PI.r I ad for sale. decOdlv ffllleU LMnU aad only miles from Tope-ka, being the southeast of sec. 20, township 13, range IT; good level upland, a largo living spring; lsspiovsd terms oa Una, eiaee.

Price $8 per acre 4 years old, ae aw sec SO, towashkp 10, raaaS 13; con- wo gooa luu good fruit trass grapes aad sasaD trait good corral "twrm; oa etasa read aad wlthia also tor stock oa worm is peculiarly a Kansas institution, sod oae not found upon any other hemisphere. I very much doubt whether even old Noah's menagerie contained a sample of tkia modern plagne. My treatise on HUOO KCLLAB. is always pleased to welcome not only his fourth wnle of echool H. M.Knapp to J.

Earasworth, lot SOB very low for a fw Laaaaa ar.noa: days; 1 rice $2,000, $1,000 at awe year the following ''Our glorious fathers friends bnt all strangers who may be so If. MeParlaa i to Wm. B. lot A ECH1TBOT aad Builder. Plans and spectSoetJon A.

furnished to order. Jackson street, aaar corns Sth Avenue. Topeka, Kansas. 1077 1,000 aOO too two GAVITT SCOTT, journing in the city sad are is need of a fought that we might be free-eagle flag aJrfZllSvStL Three Cheap Uk1 west between Topeka even we aad TvwkrrtrwatTswSO each, or ISJO cash for the three. or Biology assures me that they are unlike any other worm 5 and yet I cannot help oath half of ae or sec.

16, little pleasant recreatioo. Jul.y9dli IABCT WELLES, fl. D. ranee is: cuneiaeraiiorr. Mission Creek.

REAL ESTATE AGENTS And Dealers la a nice improviil farm 1 240 ansae SDbiIm Mik thinking they resemble the periodical ar- universal freedom declaration of rights Valley Forgo Lundy's Lane forever float that standard sheet" dinner. tat John O. Otie to Frank Babco*ck, oa FFICB oa Quincy street between Fifth and Sixth Methodist ettarca. eia-saeo of aw arses. 5, township 12, range 16; St.

CUarlca Livery, Bale my worm, there being whole armies of S3S them. The average maple worm is cot WT.MAH. Martin Towneend to John Howell, lots S7 very swepoaessing iu his personal aopear i Bo. I Wymanht the Oapitol Baak. ance, bat upon a close aeanatntance too iMWamw street, Topeka; oonslOere- 8.

Thompson "Le'wie" H. Abbott, lots ISO aad 1(3 Buchanan street, Topeka; consideration so M. HdaLs. Oaj Jast A. Oast NOBLE ttkUI.

ATTOBBBTS Af LAW, Notaries Public, Loan and Collecting Agents, Dealers la Ma icipel J. O. J. WeUfelt 10 0. D.

Ward, wort half watt from Topaka, bottom aloce aad prairie land, watered by Mission creek, 20 acres of timber, 180 acres aadar fence aad caltivattoe, good frame houee tf Ave rooms, cellar, well, nice yonng orchard, in one or the beet neighborhoods In ths state; price SIS per acre, one-half dowa, balance ta two annual payments. Suburban Residence mile east 01 the dtr, nice high ground affording a splendid view ot Topeka; house, stone, 1 story, 4 rooms besides basem*nt and cellar, boom new and in 800 JT. aad well reaced aad tiled with all kinds cf fruit and shrubbery. This Is "oo. PU n4 bmfbt chi- Price 6S0 300 soo 460 will be greatly impressed with him.

He Ian ahay head, with two chestnut-colored horns protruding treretrona, after the fashion of the wallapui. I have never seen a wall anus but I have heard ot the animai. HOUSe 3 lOtS rooms aad good cellar, hoaas heated by fwraaee two iare cisterns aad geed ovteweldrBga. Tats te a very do treble locatsaa, aad etftred wf eheoo for days. Go and see it.

pries only sXsm),) cash. Suburban Residenee. Cn Sixth avsnae weet. Adjoining the city limits, BeeatifBl hsyoad swawriptW Ro city tax to par. Sear acree ot alga dry seed, Oaeer a Sao stale of caittvstisa; Large aew frame boose, Fiaished la the best of etyie; 01 qi sea.

W. 8. Thompson to lota Sonde. OtaeeUS Topeka, ansae, dtr. In yesterday's issue we "referred to the fact that proceedings had been commenced to enjoin the payment of the interest, now collected and in the hands of the county treasurer, upon the bridge shop that an injunction had actually been granted, etc.

We are informed that the injunction, which ia merely a temporary restraining order, was granted upon the application of the plaintiff, without notice IIS, 14S aad 150 Barhsaaa street, Tope- Toaska Iowa LAW, The maple worm is well built, and has more pedal extremities than a fire-legged calf. Its body is constructed like a joint-snake, a concertina, a dilapidated plug COAL sww COAL COAL COAL COAL Bswawsml COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL COAL gssaw COAL COAL COAL COAL asBBssw COAL COAL mwsjaJ COAL nhlT-dt ad 81 SS, 89, St, Topaka. (town 00 aad 101 Tyler JOBS 6GTHBIB 10 aera) Static. Kansas Avenue, bet, 4th and 5th Sis. The undersigned bavins; st great expense fitted np the above stables, solicits a share of the public patronage.

His horses are of superior stock, fleet and fresh, and ass buggies are all new sad of superior finish, aad ha feea confident that he can give complete satisfaction to all who favor him with thtir patronage. jsly9dlmo Willi as Haco. The Capital Steam Bakery is in fall blast, and is making the best crackers in the market. Ask your grocer tor Topeka hotter crackers. They sell at the same price as other crackers.

If yon try theaa cocj yoa won't boy any other, mayo-dtf. a r. Vaa Horn to J. J. Sioae, TTOBHSrf ASD OOOB8BLOB AT LAW.

TOfa- TTO hat, or something ot the kind, and folds a A ka. 100 north of Bareaa: 2W, Kaoas Tais tot Has np or expands at the option of the motive T. H. White to Mai aV lots fSS 50 apple I asva H5 iret toath of the ALI a. r.

aaawr. power of the worm. These worms grow ad tth street There is aa other lot eu Miv bum ivuocuircuww I 100 peach trees bearing, wgaear :11 nt iV. ArAnt j. T.

maOoew to 2.1. a ISO tssrae, aponiaoeouaiy, anu wun a nu that can be bought for lees than 81,500. This lot be for sate at this price only a tow daya. I 1 S.ooe mereasness which sarpnsed me. Their HAXBI A BICBOLS, LAW ABB SEAL aT ATS Office Avwaas aaS Tth St.

opweeito TwSI 4JOBBOB BOC8B. to resist the sane. Hence it is no indica tion of what the decision of the court may Ml House 3 lots utsrhor social qualities are first-class, and as yoa peas under the tree with Quests: awed cellar, well Shade trees, etc; Price calylasos. 0. SOBDOB, Proprietor, they will manifest their appreciation ot the be upon the hearing of the case.

An ap- The amusem*nt season is nearly at 271 aonor yea have conferred upon them by CABBOSDALS HABD plication will be made at once for a dissc I end in Topeka, and onr people wflF soon itEll sasagsai ai. tbss a eaaaa oaaa I eeasP'F sisanain, saaatiwS.sadBaaalj ftoamhil cistern; hoaas Snashsd ta awed style, nicely tan red sad ward SI led with frail trees and thrabbery-weeJdmaSea Srst-elars boardiag hoase, beiar enly oio sqaare from the foaaSry aad Uuas squafws frcsa the briasjs shea. Pries terms easy. dropping down into your coat pocket, whets FOB SALE OB have to while away the dull, hot evenings lntlen of the injunction. B1LO lOBTOS.

yon are in the habit of carrying your custard pie for the nose-bleed. If one fails to IBSBBASOB AOBST are IBSOBABCS AOBST are I BBBBAL and in drinking sods water, sating ios IBM Junelloti City, lrpmZ ZLTL $10 war acre. Wowid trade for ss.nssls to From a visit to the medical rooms of I aad complaining of the th of the I lead in your pocket, he will insinuate him- I aaI nf fkir. Improved tsrmaf 12C acres. HABD, OSAGE CUT SHAFT, Ft.

SCOTT BLACK, Great closing Oat Sale est -IHiows do, UUUiX at tlllOv It miles south af T.sih 1 sslf op year trouser-legs, throw a double our young and popular physician, Dr. A. We are triad it is not to Topeka. somersault down into your boots, take out T. P.

railroad. Bos worth Bobbins will sell for the t-llabie sawA M. Eidsoo, to-day, we find him in however, wither a vint fro-the famous Ju? ston of one of the moat commodious and vr.Mrh. tr. it.

k- I JwTI. Sl caitlvsrleB, smear good tsssee, aw. SwedswsvBsm oa She Ft. SCOTT BED, ISktS on Sixth arena, wesa, oa. St, 8S, Bl, S3, oy OH next thirty daya all of their summer drees goods, consisting of linens, lines lawns.

Aboat 'the middle of July, when the creek; 12 acres good liswhssL brick Iseaae. lUwtov 'rh aa addirtoe, cine roomr, largsT celiac and woodshed, etc Well wt the door; good bWKraiiarr the opera hosss oa Monday ing, in a piques, striped sad barred Swisses, pie trees begin to look like the Danbarv hi ilium AJfD HTJT ai COAXss grand personation The princi- richly furnished offices we have teen wast of the Mississippi and truly the Dr. deserves much credit for the selection of such a choice medical library and so com- Mouse 2 tola, do in December, the worms fall down ft! ria lawns, plain and dotted swkal wMssf lawns nnd India book and malls at reduced pal attraction ia Harry Mssaithy, a noted apOB the sidewalk, covering it with frame, 20x34; 2 stories, roosas w.Il givs Cl.i.r; I M. singer, assisted by 1 green, slimy carpet, which is as velvet te eompoaer tW fnKI -ar froetf Oo BVM iwBt 12.000; urmi prices. Also grenadines at prices a set of medical and surgical instru- bat leave yoar orders Mrs.

Lottie Ettelle Louisiana's 1 ff feet. Here they expire, and their car- J. a Pratt 00 the farm, or at at Oavitt A offend in this market. Mowi -WBB SSISSH WW aa yon may see at his office, select. ftod T0CaJ ud 0KtaMoa7tU U1I eeasea are rathered by the ear-load and shipped east to enrich the soil, the aame aa buffalo bones.

I have seen the Small Fruit turn iassr way gee la cheap as they must he ed daring his visit to Chicago fsw weeks inventor of the Tnmbierooieeu. cheap frame hecas 16x580. lar a rat. SiTSL: Sf "eS- Che X. P.

noiread, nnTTZZ out to make room tor mo an tire afw stock -eaaaaS) 1 WAD limb. Improved Fara TtmJL half Bdl. aorth of Wakarasa station oa the A. T. A UfJL'rt rtowef a strong-combination, nnd ve I worms in all their glorv, sad as stood of fail and winter goads.

fall houses oa Monday aad Tuesday ei togs. Tickets for sals at Wilmarth's. don't sclt prints at eleven cents. akto grape rises. and gazed upon their mouldering anatomy, as it lay breaching in the sultry son, I thought of home, and wondered if my sgo.

We understand he has a lease of six years on his present rooms, 153 Kansas avenae. above Craigoe's grocery store, where he may be consulted at any time, nnlana visiting patients, or at his private BwarrwBa. nsaiaiini mi mi strawberries, etc can hate all you want at ten. The public svwnee read, price $1,800, $LS90 wawa, balaace is one eer at 10 per cent. And now cornea Jab a P.

Wstann: inaa-1 usBOsrt was meeting wun me are invited to examine tkia stock Linn CrecIL Vrzt J. Q-wa, I ww awas wnscn i vey mucn aesire ana tat ua. purchasing elsewhere. Bos wo srrn 4 Bossies. rwurwao, mmrry all eecoad bottom sod So.

1 ap-laad, watered by Colby sraak; IS acres tiatbar, 100 scree aader fence aad ca ttivatioB oae saUaMsswa reo-5 besides ha-, paatry, eta. aaa e.liar; two good welts aad Urge cistern; several hondred peach aad apple Wwmbeariaa, also a Isrrswater ef ycsag treat, pnssnsats that aro aaafal aad valaahle ta Lt, it a asoaatStrm aad can be boagtow; price SjS par Btolpr. muv7 wim sessnw ww mue street, snot of Kansas avenue, who de llSa i rico $100; east tesaei i -neons hea, Isesal Yttoe. J) ESOLTED, That ia the opiaion of the AV sad eeaaeS tt hi aeoomary that the vi WWAW SVSJ BJBJJ Usjll taWawn nsSBSWtn- SABTLDffl, Ms Aopeka, ftMlSttins: Sodoa it is, is 4 poses and says that be verily believes I Pare ice cream delivered in say part of office at the residsnce of Mrs. Fielding Johnson, on Monroe street, between Seventh and Fighth streets, where ks stay be found by those needing his professional services daring night time.

goad wetLamaa of too apple trees, peer himself to be the natural and legitimate I the city at 40 cents per quart or $1.25 per ass Masses as Topeka, July ih, 1873. 58dtf. tO Acres ZuulflSS? SLOSS; hautg the half of efKTlx, father of tfae boy Henry Edmund Watson, I gallon. L. M.

Cbawtobb. 5w meTeaweel baZwy irt5 iCSwi 15..

The Daily Commonwealth from Topeka, Kansas (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.