Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 4, 1854, p. 4 (2024)

i s-tl- jj o -j- 4 ffifp p towxop chatham 1ifuudihnul1139 6 7 i n i nmcvxi isatiynjj thkinietyshalu ihttoli meetings when sha may think if expedient iorat thruuuiistuflive tnembers of the society fuiif perform all oilier duties np- jwrtnliring-ber-offlde-aspredentii- sec 2 til ffctftcadifft shall exer- xiseihepoiweis i and ditties of the 1ridjiw in liar abaience i- mmmm rtfrhm mlaxtiteu4t a 4 witvartfkai itsjttna mvtii im articie vt sisv trpfftanc section 1 the secretaries shall receive all dues and feus paid in at the regular and txtraitftiiiiguftliesocietyattdderjosilr v ji aonamt of thk- lk vtrmsurtrtms taking yorajpofctfathai u re she shjiu kmp j u hooks vu first- aboukcuotaininffthekyer jijm at811 ume i laws of the society written iu a plain hand bylyop i sitctiosii7chrntobsrwlipikinfk ndv sou eitdrmt jplanflipftie imersban in- shall nd- tiou address the chair and cil shall i ste inoie thtrrthree timca on any subjeevttqiau csjmop bythf president or aajorjjotliejneinkawreaent f any member shall be so itnpnid- the npdtfalrfcj h be fonlmuiej oa manual hour schopl appointed by ihttnational cuun- 6f fcecctpftrfpeopksln offering a plan for ontaiio yrrangfasdunng the time of meeting theylifctne dismissed mid at arid as ac progressive inprovementmfcecofenred population h gradually nndsyflrfoingmaijaitroy- mi this feelingthelr iaproveinsntilbd a prac- tiealdeia bfthc t wham theorganjiiiclicjtljtlskrstatl- 1st thmtho ucatiti- of the school which is tobewilhinonebutfdredmiesof the town of eric pebtojrlwtifrf wlhbv elected as soon as m111j three thousand dollars are paid ill the school hnn nnthnn building ana work shop willbe commenced a- f soon as tea thousand dolbyr are paid sift nutted to nieot again until proper satisfaction t a bogiyentoiiebiiin of directors atw the school eoniatenced as soon atrnlteen thousand jtsns ocletf ailj person air- per- which each member on beinsj admitted u8jsajrgtkjffl ofn- in jill rt jit kiinu lnefinnrle skc 3 should any member refuse to servo in flny office of the society after ehe has jiveu h cnnicii nndislcun pirn id h hall forfeit and pay the sum oljsn skiiling no ineiibef of this society ioiiiytteomiiyjittilhaliaftocewiilj contract m raadebevond the sdm of money ac pltujijjtjarq livinb linsfunds taininy an account with each member libowttedaiinoritatiulmiporfntotdaiesawt diitu of each pnytiiefit annexed thereto thirdi toji bodkwitha list ofthemerobers euliirjaaliimnj in which credit shall be sgiven for payments made fourth amiuute fair and correc account fceinber of jins ietyj who shall be under fifipmxuxajtli or ove forty- bvp jorjjckncbsyi ieiif4 piriarge to that f pewoc niakmgamibeariori i an count with the treasurer charging her t of 86atelx7l f tai i oraujfjeii we trjasunen cpihtkhin- jltheamijmbrof ii3 i authorized herbooksshnll determine all frrf adl- wei oiffi boarl dptes jhat mayri rwpecttngthe pro- t khlll5- rvgql notuwtrarvj any bfm ol ilp0 lh8oc f subinwiittces ardprfftwo special no- i fees to each member whose arrears shall be ovjrd fnfa*grfitto v s b d cte over mx morr tfif ssspjr person w approved olshall -sj- the awjtant secretary shall not bvaibaiderjitmembertift come fowml within three moiiflisfrbm the ciety and call over the rollhl each regular date of her election sili the coustitutior- bvird d and pay in the initiation fee but previous m down llc proceedings thereof and to such candidate signing the constitution rfomi the duties of the feeretary in the if any member shall state to the society ngsof the society durinj what a majorutof the meniben present j article yir deem tufficuiiit-objectioni-shershall-not-be- y tmawffr admitted sec 6 whenever the btiard of direc tot shall repprt unfavorably on the cse of r her absence seotjon i the treasurer shall pre- vidua to enterhg on the dutiesif lieiof- jhce ivea mod and sufficient security for a ciftdidate for membershilv it sha beflfeir p f s i i r i i i the latfhtul perfiirmance of her trust in a dutytostate theirroasons thereof provided nr i t i r n a j 5- j bfjioltojnwnitstamtana niiarajiuircei a toouon to ihleftel isotleredrandcarried such e j of b a majority of the members then present be fecv each candidate for membership pi w the presideiiu she g are- shall before shcsgns the uonstituuon as j theuoard of directors for the same st to the followipg questions i n treasurer sniill recerve a monies eo quest 1 will ynu ilrs j a q prorj lected for the society for which she rjjjsjp jemearj yourself as afaitjifuland shall give lirr rirfints tathf si orderly member of this society ishe shall pay h1 draughts made up- qtesls viu yoa keepits secretsin- on her on jbehalf of the societyr viblably endeavor to increase its members which draughts must be signed by and ehehtf1tsthflaericciy all just andhpri- j tbs presiden rqf7tho board pfiirectonr orakia ini skc 4 no mtitaber of this society sliujj be entitled to any relief on account of any disediothnt ahehos imprudently brought upiui herself skc 5rany who shall be auiiryhircallfng any uiber member of the bociety by any improper name or rmme9 or whoshollrefuse toiayorusmndjawlfol-debtrror-wliiiiliull- ey ac tually- paid in the site of the school will be at least 1 b hundred acrw of land one hundred artdj eayotukicbariblf lor- evertic used ava farm for agricultural imirucrion nd -iritecordancewiihatotc-oftbrroches- ler coyiycntlbn the teaclicrsare to be selected lor and pupils idmjttcd into the school without ref- erenceto sei orlmplxlon srilrpecial provicinwtlrirmadribtnalrc- tbis fpom tha beginning an iivdiihtriil sclioid lor females aswell as males a pfomineiit principle g3ji3yiwfll v tp i piji inr-lh- icinalo sex jnethods and means of enjoying linrsmttl botini cgaoi-penav- alttlclb il sgcrtdx jaumptioni for rgjaiftneir repeal or amendment shall be presented to theocietyrandhaiidedovertothe boardof directors in writing who shall report- their opinion thereon to the society as sooo as opportunity serves not tu go ovor one month sgr h nn b shall ba passed re- indcpendeaf and honorable livelihood fikdchicic bncuuss joum b peck commiltte ojt manuel go fo law withariyofllie members of this society without first complaiuinir to the so- cietyftor iiikjh rvipjatjo jjjiefiljallttrjoit for the useotthfs society the siini w dae pound jive shil or forle her stan in -tniiitkoctuty- m rf i7 -i- skc 6ipljepontirfleroqai shall bo permitted to teavo the house in time of nieet- ing on business without permissiorrfrorn the fesioviildirratrarearflff halfpenny f sand dollars r skc 7 if any member by nonattandance at any of the stated meetings shall cause the hook to be opened again to recoiye her dues j dtbonnhh j mccuns smith 1 the fille shall be tnc aaiaicn indcs- trul scnoor 3 ttvbaryithousapd dollars shall be io stock ofiooo shares at ten dollars per share 4 ten thoivand dollars shall be in donations jorbermtlwitedffq ih f ih efiiril o ame except threefourths of the members present shallvdte lofhtesarnej and that a special meeting called expressly lorlhe some and that at least one months previous notice of the same sluill be given skc 3 it shall bedawful for the society to pass any motion contrary to these bylaws not repngnaiu to the plain letter of this con- titution lo keep order at any meeting for thetitciiitig whuvthey are togethenr jsi fc y y w honesty and dnitiglitsshall not exceed the sum of fifteen impartiality inwhateveroffice or6ttion tomlollars unlesrit faexpressly auihorircd by whichyoumaybeectedn t s v aruemijli skctio 1 in case of complaint being alafathojcjtid o th of amy hueinbor she shall appoint a cotimtiae of- five persons tolry the accused person and thacciif4ud accuser hilt behroujrbt xacjlface-auasin-case-of- herbei ng fou mf he pwalrthndhmnnwillfulj b rc ylniajoqojthxociety at oniextr jmecliivg tailed roi ibtit ptirfibsc she shall nr aii a wli n kte exauaccouutwittrthe ociotygiv jst isj- ling credit for all monies received and charg- section 1 each member on her ad- ujg all draughts paid by her which book mission shall pay to the society as an inti- shall be opened to the inspection of the fibtr fetvwh aum as they shall from time 13oard of directors or any committee that to time thfrik proper to-fix-upon- the fur- may be appointed for that purpose she mtepexjialfpciinjt rnonthiy siiall report every three months the amount sac 2 afnemter may pavup ber dues j of money in the treasury beaball collect btaniwtlplingvbuhre to dltothe spacep jjf proc arising from the disposition ofthe or thttibinje rfceivei two special no- tundspf ihasbciety j all hillsbouds and pa wfea the gecremry her name shall bjjjjiersjhat niay in any way appertain to the iakjen from the books omse societyt deartraem-bfhhvtreasurar- shahremaitriar herciiatodyj i spiejui sectiok 1 each member shall at the time of signing the constimtiotvor as soon articlji viu of tkc beard of dirtpors section i the board of directors of after as is convenient receive a certificate whom seven members present shall constitute dflfer membership signed hy the president j a ouorum for the transaction of ordinary jaqdjscere tary bfllssu shall j tieec ar oeenffenj jtsuw sct 2 xo nierabet shall be entitled t9 lne3 ey l twok proper o their ipvt relief fmm thwsnc j fibfl business shall reuuirvwhjcuj shall be at least provetniyura- r i uijcrrr nrifovwr uucti she shall pay a flae ofi tlti and iottlke third qfleuce alie shall be expelled fiuui the floejetyr l sectbitllnordetlo secure tbecphtinut ane of this societywe are determined t support it while twelve persona remain m inemberstwho will pay in their regular duo and conform to the rules and regulations of the society v skc 2 members of the society moving from chatharn shall be entitled to half theirfunda remaining pra vided always that there are no outstanding dues fth ti ttv 7tsft sect 3 to further promote the object of httmy kinff nrfala hl h f njnnp intonriectiopthewith h cordelia tlandsbadwr2st3er mjtj baily vtcrpjtsidatt sirs charlotte huston treasurer secretary rilrs jlarvlitxion marshal s t stores tallje i pmjeni ai tbe time of subcihinirand ten per cent every first day ojuly qciober jauuary aod april ihereaitermtliheh6testiilil c the school shall be orsanizcdand con ducted entirely by a board of filieen trustees 1 six of ibese trustees shall bo tbe omiiht- tee on manuel labour school appuinted by the naiional couicil of the people ot color and nine ot the irntcesbail otelcctcd-bjrthe-tlmclc- huhlars wlicu iluee thotisand dollars shall h been paid in ty uiein stockholders and an- uuallyiliereaficr eachlshareulslocklsliali count as one vote at all such elections and siockholders miy vote by proxy on alliiavit made and acknowledged bcfoie a couiinissiuner of deeds m scferery branch of literature i shall be one braiicbrotlnadlcrafralso taught-in- theschool 4 kach pupil shall occupy one half hisjime when at school in work ai some handicraft or oh the farm c the handicrafts shall be such that their pro- iiueis will be anicles saleable for cash or moneys worth at a market vilhin easy access from the schiol 8- in organiznghe school the following regulatiuus ball be stilciiyenfgrcei tiie agent appointed by the committee fred erick douglass esq ihall beempowered 10- receivediuialiuns and lake subscriptions fur stock giving a irecipi ii mt muci rinrr uj uuiria aadjtey am g beinau th is ullthe- commiuce as soon as and as often as the airgni alinesaid shall receive two hundrid ami fifty dollars either in subscriptions or doliatiuns hartal priyih prdper ableness of the preinttlcf jganst him lastly hi swhalelrvatibo by bis own industry andtnter- priac is cfennoa iriuiiiphantly proving the illness oftaeslatta lbc- freedom the righteous ness and the pfacticabflily of iihmediateeraatici- piitldn in so far as the slaves themselves are coneerned and uioperf*ckapabilliyotthe negro to live and in advnnce timler ihrrsame govern inenr and upon lertns of political and social equality with the anglosaxon raise or any other of the one grcarktjnrriritnriily at a large aud respectable mceiinghew in free- masons uaftlho llighi hon ihe earl pf shat- iesbunrntbrghrttratiijran from rev- 3 uwakii showing the condition of the fugi tive slaves in catiada and staling iheit need o uliipurary uidimnicdiaidy upon their arrival in lint cohinv it was proposed by the hev c b giiibdik of si paul hast smithsetd and jotonded bv t r thomas james secretaryu the coldnmnvlissiorinrv society uitadopted that haviiii beard ihe statement of the key stmukutingotn wahv respeciing the destitu- tluu of itutvoxilive slaythtmtrrterartval in- canada afteiatfeelinfr their escape from the united slates and iteliog that under such circ*mstances thuynaveaclaimon our sympathy and need temporary assistance this meeting cordlatlyap- nroves ol the object of the mission and pledges li promote it aod ibat for carrying out of iheaiiieinfrolloagenueiliffilftlhvolfiaw and comutiueu with power tq add to their number prksidknt the kiqeit hof the earl of 2j shaftesbptty trrttrcrkr geonge william alexander esa hon secrktartks rev james sherman and samuel horman fisher eaa committee apsley pellatt esq m p g f ihiieeestl- rjivr tu jamesr evji cr cralttanvytarmt j ames spicer7 esattliv george smith rev th03 blnnky rolleitt forster esa e js ed wleliesa joseph soul esq l a chamerovzow esq w jomis esu j talbot tyler esq it was moved by ihe rev j wembcrlcy rec tor tif dorrfngton seconded by the rev george whinns anijadopled thai ihe bei thanks of this-meeling-be-pre- sented to the earl olsliafieslniryi fpr his kinrness in presidini on the present occasion the following cuuirihuiions have been already received estbertsa 6 s smige 25 0fl samuel siurgcjesq and friends 25 0 i miss portal 20 0 0 misssopmaporial t t 0- his grace the duke of sutherland 10 0 0 tier grace the duch*ess of sutherland 10 0 0 his grace the duke of argvle 10 mr thorrrav alexander ml- jack 1 knmr johasenj mrstorossr field mewrs fletcher and tuhbs mr b wilson mra delwyoi mrasbiltae ea 0 to 0 bollfctiotr aclsrlribtdn lit collection ai freorpasana hall collection at brlghton collection at cavendish chapel rams- gate colltbtlonat lewes sandwich scaford kimbolton manchester pendleton hutlr bitmiogham ashionunderlyne birkenhead liverpool glasgow ditlo diuo is o 0 10 u ij 13 11 5 t 10 0 6 0 0 h 0- 0 3 3 41 14 18 41 19 6 0 0 r 14 3 4 4 7-70- toronto june1 18h- 86 13 110 13 0 316 tslrouil free church rolhergltn 14 12 10 upper claplo 81 5 0 dalkeith ryile hitt r edinburgh duofrrlimft dundee f montrose kendal stowraarket drrriixburghschurcb glasgow great western railway from windsor 10 jfllolri fius altgratiow of t 5n and ntvrmowdav vtrains will rutt aslbljowst goinge ast mall tnlu leaves london at i0kmobii joe i begs to return his best to hw customers for the liberal p trwagelie has rec fbr th last nine rears l dd 1 lojinaeabseiuiat be has enlarged- and added totha number jif hla lea houses having now four which are filld with pure and wholesome bprmgwaterlce from york vi11e7taprepared 10 supply the same 0 cbnsu me rs- by cbniraet or otherwise during the season commencing from the istof june in cqnsoquence of ihe increased cost of labor and materials the price will ibis year be raised ia the same proportion the ice will be conveyed by waggon dally to places within six miles of toronto illeirfejtiaenuo- t7frcrrycrrringauwrvvestwill bepuac tually attended to r b richards 7 notice a good lot of antlslavery books kept on harjq almr ji8depp jsiles- michigan jg imp to housekeepe i offer for sale 3stjmetrrfwtpes for si many of which have been sold ihe past year tor s5 a pl dlo bpbselwper iguqge f ibrw orthose rccipeslope after ijyimj 41 once addrsjfmjatimaic pulnl p and the whole number ot recipes will be forward ed by mall prospectus the first number ot a monthly paper id bt known as above indicated is proposed to be publ in toronto wiihirl a few months and tihaiehba w mmi imbmi 1 l 1 p g 700ara ft30 1020 hamilton at 1050 arrivesitsuspetisioobtidgernf 100pm ly fixprss leaves windsor at 7745 atm london at 1150 hamiltun at 3 00 pm arrives at suspension bridge n f 445 p night fcaprestf leaves windsor at -s- 630 pmr london 01 11 ik haiuilion at 205 am arrives a stipe brid n f 3 ma m the most noble the marchioness of itildare 5 the rihl hon the earl dfshaftcsbnry 10 thvrightnon the earl drilarrowby 10 the right hon the earl wamcgrave 2 the hon arthur kjnnaird mp- 10 sir edward nrjnrrbrmrmbrrrt 10 tlitvshthirr pjirlnelmi mtv the lord r grosvenor m j tliirtotdimaor ot london jrt the lordcalthorpc downger- g ladyacland 0 0 jonwresq ot-cjiicago- whoshallderssit the same forth vviib io the bank of america chicago illinois the treasurer aforesaid as soon as he shall- receive one thousand dollars and tor every thousairl dollars thereafter shall give bunds with two sureties to ihe president and secretary of the natidhul council of colored people fbr iloubte the amotinu albresaid for bis services the aeni shall receive fiveper ceul on allstock instalments paid in by him and ten percemon alidonalions ahive-tw6-iurklteti-doars-paid-in- by or through biiu lortlie members of ihecorhmiteon manual laltor school shall also be empouered lb receive donations lir the same and tbevshall transmit mjllooatdnsohrrtsrlrcrtrriraftr nihii teii days after receiving tlie same tfpey nrz shalj ie that at riembers enj t are pbmpjy epwetiiedwbiietyy has been a member one year and has paid p a month j they shall repeat at each iip all her dues then if sickness should meeting of the sociefj their minutes and prevent ber from following her profession 1 decision on the case of candidates for tnem- trade or usual employment and sha shall 1 ww laliey bha hirrebeen sick ne veekjhe shall receive t0 1 kreaffiiiifj per week for ibe space of three months provided hat her sickness j theyjshh reconmendtoirhe society jthabest s8ltcotitmno long after theexplrttjbtf md3e tb flivest the sdrjmis fuhrjsof thetioei- ofsaid three moritiwsbeiball receive tiro et alldraftsfor benefits shall emanate skiujitgsaul six peace perweek for the fur- 1 ft thel3oafd of directdrs io which tlfejr ther space of three monthstand if her sick- j president sliaill signher name it shqll be nwrthodstitlconoiraethesdettniita7 grahj bfit stlch a sntnweekly as they may iterests of the society and its money con- tjstnk proper the state of the ftinds be- m to tecomincnd suchregulation as to iogi cousidereti counteract all attempte to impose on the skc 3 if any person having been r iawmta of ttii soeidfj for two years and i sec 2 the board of directors shall irjbnsitfjtlon paidup nil her dues for that time should be remocfed by death it shall be the duty of this society to inter her decently in tbeburial grouadof hex professioa and for this pur- ne n f s fifteen shutigt bhau be coratitu- liunajjy drawn frpm the funds uf the society 4a be appropriated to that purpose aettcieiv sec y 1 toeofficers of trrrs society fhnltaihsist qf president a vice-presi- dentttisecrewryand assistant secretary- wtreasarer a rioard of directors consisting wtfiirteen members and a clergyman 8icn2itie election of officers sluill be hrmiithtiallytintha first jfoadny in feb- xwirijriii andjijalei mjabeperinahent residents of be xddof ctathjini 82o h ftriere ahull be a committee of nomination consisting of five persons iip- pofiie3 at leiutt six weeks preyicras to the election ilsvalrifettitrdifiy of said com- mttiaojjrt a jbiifrltieljtfeljtlitg that of their appointment two several lists mfy fcrffieernbing ttiij comrbiv tee shrskoe selected from among the mem- fvohtarilocittyi 1 y 1 p occur an equality ofrwtesfor ttvo candidttea ibr the same president shall in such case desig- aleeersoriclijcletr- ftro 5in cae of a vacancy in ny of thcjoibes of the society occasioned by dejhrjegniition or othefvfiseislilill be tfc4utybbepreidedtxthe fact being made jtpwnto- ber to cdl a meeting of tbessdciely as soon as it iscwivbniedt for thepaxpose of filling the vacancy liy an lotbagotidiictbd fintho samfl man- ertawtaat ofthjreuliirelecuon i rv 1 1tii v juij thtpfrjifeiaflattef- int ilnn pftndent m slittrjs ffiwtsthrnrtkttlj raprve order and decorjaijnr ibj jbjflefiiigs offrw qwmfiitcant thna4itntktialb of aheshfllmiate power oat the number efits yipltlx of the meetings cicty shall be held hi the afternoon ofthe first- mokttsyiri tajgimatbp 3 1 14 sec 2 twenty members shall be ner cessary toprni a quorum for the purpose of taking a voteori ordinary business hut tiif members dcujg ipfvsearj ibajhlje a nuinbersuakicnttdcouunence tbe business abticlsx t i affi flffs mshmayeiniirslkriy relief totals 3sihf flidrl rieelvebenefits when she was able to follow her profeasion trade or occupation or did actnally follow the same opon dnrproof thereof to flic uoard of directors and their rcporfmade thereoa to the society she ihall be expelled utet 2 1 any jueoibtr shall boeoovieted in o court-of- justice of any crime or mis demeanor tending to injure the character 6f lie society dpondue proof thereof to the board of jirectirs and their report made thereon to the society sjiehajlhe expelled sec 31f any member shall refuse to cdrni to order in thejneetings of the hoaetf when so ordercdlircerjies6y president or chair she shall ic d yule passes to ibis effect be fined a sum not less than fifteen- lfwiknva rsvnatrwttae ae vhrjlpbe exltillpraiiaedtfwait1iavhomehiber shall be expelled in any other manner than by aote taken atari ottrameetftigvatifid especiajlyto consider her ease exdcptrng tieufcvhemijberteraralif bee twjib specially notified by the secretary 4o fntj up her arreart o er feii months and rt- ftisrtiraosr r iva h wt the unoersigoetj aisocraie for the purpose of carrying nut htmbllowlrig pledge bklibvino in tlit necrtwity of mfafitna 10 flirtlitr pro mote ltltwtfioiftmyi intlliikc folyt dfnttoiriicr trie prlncprtnlwtltwlrtnm ftrlrith imoii oottmotqai mmplcxioqiilcouiilerktiouii nd idlhrtia- parelive lucy oow rrnunif updo ot io tuwm rht plaiih how hiaf iirjnx i o arrk on plan of ttet ma1ftiy afiiiiniif fiooflier aiftl incriln tttaij on ihfr gmmas ol dm pleilftr ounwlvs la do nu in ourpowr 11 uur tuxclartl capicliy uniniberb of hit piilon and in our prlrale capaeliy nfc rlltzytib iirt topromoret limllhiy hurmnnj stm tii ffltiie loyal stpwi ttnoom ihd of titr mijebtyi- aumevliwith wlyun ir mijr awkinto oreprae io cwiiacl 2ux jo jujcotinufo uxd nupport a prow or tlirnw prttvs ia cojiovm ivaich will kfadl0hih wnlch-fowfj- to nmify tirtifizrnvof titistmintryngqinn ilia nut lmpttiioiin tgttrct ttiifinwy wlto wtiuld cwvcoui policy for ruilgraniis foitnerly bottl and frdlrrrfiit from whlre emigrnnte vrrto may ami dovtlle brfeip bycrarilllnj thu former to be a good peatamttf for tha icier na ihetr hitrat arabl- tao aro ajtgttiwp lienilyrioia ecduaii9 otynmunlie r to look upca the wert intliea as the hom*o or the roaas itiprefrrencttoihefneoll ofcatuda ihefeby promtil- jattlwgjhjvjirinf t thai ood cblldrmt ofdiffe- rrnt complfiiona catinnnivriojhrramternwri1rt1r sht r jo tie enlitlect to five pcf cent on all such donations paid in by him u the tttastirer alpuiilisljat least once a furtnigliia ifetof ailihtf dftualiofistint subirip- linn of slock rccciwd by him and shall trann- init to each donor or stockholder a copy of the paper fudritk itouslatf paper nr atttrtcd anwriran which shall contain acknowledgment onit5iralftdf fugitiyeslaves in canada a dece of aderitiun has of late been directed lottlecoiidijojlpf the fugitive slaves esidnt in canada but comparatively 1luc tnfiniatiof concerningjheni hasjeaches the pnwic the presence jn leis country orihekev seyriud rinjjnw waid who has bien delegated by the antislavery society of canada to make thecase of these refugees more generally known has cnud ivhtfmber 8f gfnlwrfeirwform k com mittee for lte purpose uf raising a fund to afford tli em temporary relief on their arrival in canada from the scene of their bondage mfecjjffl z james spici r s ewint eq james ctinlitre rq jfmea cuiiiilflv eq james spfcerevq samuel morley eiq samuel mor- hyk esq j t barry esq joseph sliiree fq rc l llfvnn q jig ftarclav eq w bauer r jihn croppi f esq edw cfop- pcreaq geofiuciicuck eq joseph brtirge eq each 10 ladles emancipation sucy edinburgh 5 ditto ditlo dundee 10 ctfrtnnietesmltnrmitv iliaxlcijiajjjinemr 51 0 0 0 t 0 o thi may he edtiioittelrltaeiflvea in canada y b estimiteif at from thirty ihuusnndto thai w ol thel toronto anifatticr places a6ng 3 fll j aijtjn n ceji j jjas i 11 slave uaw unthe7f arrival at me canai jtrieabytf e rmtir gcnrrulloii in i any poidt if overfakenr discovered r even suipecie they may be driggedbefore the courts jh a f r6n a m wmtpty process sent back to t driiaiichmiffhp endure boptjayi of mfhe ojrd nary rigours liiu r witoen- are always increased in the caseof tugitivea to lloq inr hrltlih america tpof tbomof darken hue bebme bewfra of wood dnddrtwen orwater lo tiosre nywtrhn comptniott 3nt to fo all in oor power to re- move ihe jtiauiskiy ivom itie acejltwearlh and pirik ri pkae rwntr gcnrruuod in jhvaljmmmb- ai d tiiporttibiwv fojonk u jtl pdnclplct 10 im caaawwyomot9li mteatttxioa jkrtah m to fiithitfliiimniiiiriiiiilii tliiudirattfbtp artllgtorjiiebetter success othe abo measures the parent society shrtkconssi of ff presidenu a yitapriikniv uecosdijur and corret4ifclbretarifl treasueff lnd a coinmiiiearmtiihotiive as uw qatabeopf iirna- tures to tlltplet- 1 3fr nireonua4 tie of cackonala mi- ber hall be 1 m cury treasurer am tbe annual contribution for each ineniberhaljmli ivjr article xl v ghafiain r members and give suclradmoniuopp5 cop solai3hif ussrfl think necessary and at- sivwtsj f of ihe ladies ppnjmitree shal be to nrepan- articles lor an annual fair io be- helrl in toronro hamilton london crmihari and oiher laraje cities and towns in which aiixilnri- maybe form err also to devie otlet measures for promoting ihe specfic object namely ihe supiorlof lbc peoples organ the pfpcbtaal freeman i airjrvjaixliarv societies tniv lie fornrett in each town eliy of village in which parlies may be fmml in lakb their basis ihe constitu tion or this boeieiy rirovwed that fhey at ibeir pnon make such loeal arrahsem*nts as the lieeulwrihwotlheense require aittvil the officers nflhdsoclety shall be elected annually aid a each annual meeting in tdrniiilkauxhiaiicstindirl whatever way we interests of ihe tjocieiy may demand mt villfhe ladies corqmiltee shall meef every mortdsy evening for ihe porpflseyof rriakjiik ufariicles ireful and elegant riiiii ttiim shall beentrusled thetjetails of their plabif aat 1 a mqnlhly meetipj of members bojkmale atid fpniale shall be assembled for the eurose of prpmqtinjfuii lilejrary objects apecced yreeliatlirur if ori piec reading dehaics ar iwicejip tbe year at ire semvaonuat and aapualmeetingipaitica ahallhe solicited tp- ad dress ththfldely an x ktiopysituaiorxan be ahered at the annual ivrwrmffv oyartoteofa majority of imrkbilfipvesunrjaheaddiltoncifftewolesfrarn scs amxiliarynsoekty jirrooghdsltijalei lran ifl ssrwavttatssf whatlvss tteec the lre hundreil miles they are usually destiiuie of every tliiog havingeneraliy lied sualthilv and with out tnalio much preparation for flight tliey undergo riurnerous- privariorrs on their painful ami wearisome journey being in conslani peril bv the- way not only through lhe slave stales vuuhrougfijhemouheriorjqniillyfieeai are always r operate as a warningto others hence dnrirrg their ilighl theyareina cuusiant stale of sus- pensefear andexcltcmeiit andfthen they reach the canadiarr frontier usually fnll inio arondt linn of bodily nnd prostration which renders ihemincapable of immediate ejforts and mdkes them objects of compassionate interest 01 being- strarigis destitute- of the commones necessaries anii in some instances snlfering from temporary illness andbvter frftigue they require ahetpinvhand the ani81avery soiieiy o canada and a ladles society at toronto pre vide these refugees im food clothing hols or whaievelthevreqbire until ihey procure em ployment and can support theiuselves this necessarily entails averv considerable expendi ture which these societies are not in a position iolatet 10 th extent n which their aid in denied it is not only an interesting fact but one which should be cmrlhatlcaliy dwelt upon hint the ke- fogee fugitives require on lylemporary assistance labourtf every rind isin great demandand the fcdelely being kept duly infmmed of the parties who are in wdnt of labourers they sel dom fail tu procure srflifmoyuictiloii advanuigeuus terms inoo instance wlhio die laiyear und half has ihe suciely been called upon loextead re lief lor aaore than six dayscxcept in cases of sick ness the 1tind souahl to be raised is therefore not intended lo be set asiueto maintain able- bsdicduwu inidleness for anjndeunilcpcriod but to enable ihe canadian society lo respond to the larije claims made upon it to supply the more immediate and piessiog acinandsoriheftigiiives on their arrival atldahliltbev have sufficiently recovcredlrnm fatigue to avail thcrrlmlvekoflhe artraniages of abundant employment anil food good wages cheap land equal liberty and im partial laws and the prlvlletr and rights which are common lo other classen of canadians cariadabelnmhcrierircstbflhe briilshcdlonles totheunlled statesvftbesironjfhotirof slavery it is orno small rniporanee to encourage ihe im- prbverhrnt and elevatloii of these negro refugees beeanseorihe inbueocetlirect- and reflex whioh wouldtfiereby be brodghvio bear 4ion amerlcaa slavery the lvl settlers jfcinatta are nearly alp tbcra fggitive jrdn slavery iiieirni- provemcnl would be triumphani rehnkc to those who once held heumisgbiitles anil lo those who hold thai the slave requires tobe prcnareafcr iracjom lbririrauexhljilhespclaclftdra peorilpjlisi esajd envibe nailing mke ct wtm tfiti canada suraeoi7ii uyelttulcetaj messrs j d campbell- e vinev esq s m pelo esq mpv each rev jamesshermnd ii spircr esq w r spicer esq s ilorroan- fisher esq ernest llunseu esq 11 fotsfer esq mr j fitzge rald messrs clarke beeion a 1 co j chccihain esq mp mrs casierton c nishet esq t waterman esq dbeeman esq jasenh trillon eq ed- want elwards esq- jacob post efl w flanders esq wil- llam edwardsesq miss jane grant j brown esq r jf fowler esq p v colihesq joseph cooper esq w janson esq sir e atmitage j t barry esq provost beverage clarice beeion co the misses baxter john fitzgerald esi s iicicher esq j t fos- ut esq james dunn esqj j 1 climham harmnru- 5 5 0 a passenger car will be attached tn freight rains leaving windsor at 230 p m london for hamilton at- 400 p m and hamilton for suspension bridje at 410 pm go i no we st dfcjr kxpress 1030 am ijlw pm -330- rwrtt leaves suspension bridge n f haiuilion at luinlon at atrtvejtflrw mtlsra- z mm twl leaves suspensl n bridge n fy 200 al- arrival hamlitun at arrives at lonium 6s0 415 t35 lisher esq miss hulme j ifism eq c makins esq philipsewellliq messrs geo smith and sons mrs wright liverpool herlmlv scholars james 3ldebottomesq each 5 0 0 mr mollison j fttmltrp eq e liaxnr e6tj miss copleyeach 3 0 0 william crussiield esq 3 10 0 j kershawesq m p 2 2 0 j young eni 26 6 rev thomas itnney apellait esq mp j gray esq rice h night kxpreis leaves suspension bridge n f at 1100 pm s hamilton at 100 pm london at 42u arrives at windsor a15 a passenger car will be nliached to the freight trnin leaviht the suspcnsinn bridge n falls for hamilton at 700 am hamilton im london at 800 am andixmdou for windsor at705 arm- passcngerstp and from j5altwillchangtcan at fairchilds creek the aboye trains run in direct conneciinn- wiibtrainon ih new york central n falls canandaignapelmihttncwynrlctinderleanir michigan centra railroad through tickets imyylkrobrafnedat hamilton windsor or de troit for new york passenger cars will be auachedto these freighl trains as above snipping at the inter inedidle stations for the convenience of the pnbliennd every endeavonrwill be used to run them to the times above slated but it is impossible iq insure the time being always accurately ad hered id c j brydges managing director great western railwav otbcc hamilton sept ti loot 21 in size and aipelll tobe at leasl equal lo the afmimaryrjiecerd or cariatwii oajerwr r and as much iupedolueiltieruisljle and ejeculiun as the subscriptjen list will varrasl- dist1nctivc objecr- to enlarge the limits of communion and chordimembership aauing christians to the greatest possible extent and lo clrcnmscribe hose bounds lolheiexclosion if posshleof all other characters without otherwise disturbing tfie membership of existing churches till aunon- leitged christian chnrader shall corislitnte the only passport at any limeandthe perfitl ntsaoor- at alt times to every communion and church worthy of tbe chrisiiaa name that ihe world may believe in chrlsleven as he prayed j obnebauomkcts fiie prom of religious mor in ual and social improvement under ihe guidance of divine revelation submitting every move and measure to ihe lest of gospel principles aupponters the distinctive and general objects of the work are such as lo claim lor ii the patronage of all clawciof men exeepiingjbosewedded-ln-olher- nrerequlsites of communion and churchmem berahip than acknowledged christian ckaticier andheie it is recorded with greal pleasure ibat the encourag tendered thus lar are in strict accordance wltitthe above general claims aauitnaspebdojuaa this-morement-hashona- beenennnnitiimrf fur twenty year the su has made ih distinctive objeci ol ihe uosrix taiaunj hiiisp- cial siady examining carefully and personally ihe denominational a lics their reciprocal bearings ihelr mutoal jelauons and the- natur irifihie m 1854 spring arrangement 1854 quickest and cheapest route fob new york boston and other atlantic cities buffalo koch esteb albany and the western states liuence on tbtcevangelizatlun or the wcirld lat- erly his rjrsitia as publisher of tie scairrusc mancai has probably affiprded him ihe best pos sible facilities or personally lesllng ihe strength his positions and for ihe allaiuraeot of certain important infennation but liide of which he had previously been able lo oblnin all may rest as sured however that no undue advantage will ever be taken of the frankness and candor with which christians of every name as weinerskep- licszof cvrrrcjas5thatcfreely- expresse43he4tl yfcmn5irnhrreetcetm podeur ihe capacity in which ihe publlsherrs slill exlending bis observations through canada and the neighboring stales 1 combohers of distinguished worth and of wellkhown literary ability are already secured in the several sections of canada and in the stales of ihe a- raerican union and arrangements are now in progress to obtain from livjng responsible wrilere in briiain important assistance in the dev ment of the tribunes mission dcvclupe- lyq ties oi irins esqjarnes dawson esq w chiirchill esq itev tho mas james messrs mcintosh ft gordon sir james anderson usanrlersonlisq j l brvce esq wbickhnrn esq john casseltesq alexandcrhastie esq ml p g hall esq two friend- permr t tyle vf r palonesq f rnvner esq alisleypelfalt eq mp messrs mclniosh and gonon messrs a and jmcfuand johnmc- duall esq mrs thunifison messrs j and s bheldbn w wihslarnrd eqi messrs s and j walls each sundry small sums- cl braillmalle esq q pulley eq j b lillmgton esq g t dr proudaiotj t g w c shaws jnnesq mr w purvis t g stapleon hsurpwilco*cks esq ench i j- j t tyler esq flrswry mrs wcook mr sinitliers rev j hainiriun d df sir george goodninn a1p sic james k shuulemirihe balesq mp c hiuriley esq mpjtalbot rev w brock mr hunter mr e hnll w cook esq m d itev george smith a living- stun esq itev george clnylou mrrqeldart z ariilage esq wilsrai armisiead esq hugh lliovta esq e lewis esq g beaunioni esri aiiunytnous ij bain eq mrs faulkener mr thomas burloyij wighara esqriir bignole e ball eq m p sr crcitton a friend w duncan esq ii christian esq saujiud brooks esq the misses bxitlge sturge esq francis fynlayson esq isaac hudspn jnii i4su c llindley esq m p j goodwin esq johnson esq a friend ber mr sawyvs tar inglis h ijr rolicrion mr russell mr smiihers j playfair esq w rovicksenesn a macho esq rev rr mccnllen j b to 1 1 0 the steamer peerless cbrarnenclng on ihe 23th inst leaves ai7j anyfrom ynnge street wharf for niagara qu1ieinston and lewiston connecting wiih the under- meoloned lines as noted ai magara falls shspension tsridge with the new kbrkcentral kailrdad passing throngh rochester and albany and arriving at new york at 3 oclocu next morning o at the falls with thq buftajur r ariving ih butthfd at 3 oclock at buffalo will the steamers gltig west also with the railroads tonnjagwen terms anb notices the trnas are one dollar per annum fn ad vance otherwise two dollars it being found ihat one half ofihe subscriptions nolpaid in ad vance are worse than lost editors friendly- will render assistance by noticing this prospectus all parlies willing to aid may at once commence soliciting tbe names of subscribers two books die scripture and laconic manuals fully gilt and the paperone year ui he forwarded lo the person who first sendsthc names of len subserl bers and one of either of the books in substantial leather binding or the paper one year to etxry ne who sends ten names subscriptions and all wher communications for ihe paper 10 be sent posljiaid marked mmey if incfnsedj and ad dressed robebt dick box 411 toronto serrnons and lectures promotive of the tai btjnh-tjrelrwlll-eimjelivered-by-the-pnbllsherr- throughout ihe province as frequently as shall be found compatible with his other duties tbrriugb tictets 10 die aboveplaces can he procured at the office of the new york central it r itarold agent afesr uodri eailof the ameticadhol or i thepotner onboard the boat 1 i j b gordon aosnt tirinto f- niagara steamers torontojmsitciljssi zi signed robert dick toronto march 25lh 1854 job printing pfie proprietors of ihe provjn- x c1ai freeman would inform ihejr irledds sad rw piitue inu ihelr ones is sspptlnlwllb in lh rtnoisllrs fir ihs exccuunn ot eunr ilcicripllod cf jotlprintina in ihebekml imndmrntirirttitwrrri- ueurser tnd tapsteb tarjr woulil sun flirncfullx solicit acoptlouoaceorihai patroosac hereiofurs exlhljed 16 mi snrsns as rbmer ewnsr full nrsctlihtt ihe oraqs f ih oenlluifi to maintain te hlsh chanidtr u ims dtosrtedly sct updsr lb t nfflclept nnh mrjl dl uuravsltmnrn csidfjlslkls hndbllu show b11u oumkrs bui iimiu chfck ooolii bsnk book and every other des cription ot letret prei prlnllon l ihe ollloe of the pro vifcul i unrukle terms theroanada- ljfe assurance incorporatiip jbtrjajit or paaliament hugh c baker esq pnsidmt john youing esq vicepresident assurancesmay lie efllcied in this company onjrlngfeir joinl lives or on ihe contingency of one life surviving another for the whole term of lite or fur a limited poriod by a siiiglepayraent ora limited number of pay ments j or annodl payments otlly ceasing at deaih v to secure a sum at any given age or at death should dcalh uwur before the attainment uf that age endowments lor children imme diate or deferred annuities and generally any trahssctfon cndiingenl on ihetiloe and duration of life raaybe ellected ra this company among iheadvantagfjiofferedibyiljis the only life assurance company ecr established in british north araerl6a may be enumerated tnvt- derate ratessnd smatt eifpenilitum r heat vunaft- mini and tpady settlement of claitnt 1 liberal condi titoa ckpeclally iarereopetoaipjedirie prospeijtuscs forms of proposal and full in formation as o the rlr6spereusebnditl6riof the ciltananylrhav bejhatjfrnin bamuelfi macdonell i t 1 agent d chasles a cosorain for sandwich arid windsor weufca referee xofontuttlonwaiitedi she subscriber wiili-hiwifears-erna3lde- hall desires to bear from hrr brother xlambtlck from near clarktllle tennessee- rilsknowa that ba was mentis in lhebtabiofniana qn this najitocanai thorovincial freeman la rubtisucd -every- saturday morntng at tub orrica or xnc papeh no 5 city buildings king street eatt toronto c w terms si 50 7s 6d perannum invariably in advance rates prnvtrtisiito one square 16 line or less one insertion 059 each subsequent insertion 025 three months 200 six months 300 oneyear two squares uree tnoaihi 300 six monlhs 500 half column one year 1600 one column one year 1 2500 card ft ihe business directory 300 law respecting i newspapers subscribers who do not give exrrres notice tc the contrary are considered as wishing to conti- nne tlvur subscriptions j 1 if subscribers order the discontinuance of their papers the publishers maycooiinue to send them till all arrears are bald up if subscribers neglect of remse lb taketbrlr papers fronflheorllee to which they are directed they- are held responsible till they have settled their hills and ordered thclrpaperafo bediacon- ttinjed 77- if subsoritssrs if rnove jo othey places without informing the publishers and the paper is seht t6 ihe rorrn arelrehfreapbnslwd ill nil in 11 faxnttr mil thbropittetojisi rjifacni iirict 1

Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), November 4, 1854, p. 4 (2024)
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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

Birthday: 1992-09-29

Address: Apt. 994 8891 Orval Hill, Brittnyburgh, AZ 41023-0398

Phone: +26417467956738

Job: District Marketing Strategist

Hobby: Embroidery, Bodybuilding, Motor sports, Amateur radio, Wood carving, Whittling, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.