Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), May 27, 1854, p. 4 (2024)

set iamwssm sire replied brahe jim irtl-jfrf- re ii wc are in the habit of laughing iricrudu- kuslytstonesof visiorivand supernstural apparitions yet some are so well autheoli- catedulat if we refuse lo believe them we- should in m rejectall historical evidence- the ftct iam about to relates is gu b a dedaialiuu by four credible witnesses i would only add that the prediction contained m this declaration was well known and generally spoken of long before the o of the events which hare apparently fulfilled it v charles xl father of the celebrated n xilwas one of the most despotic dotratthesaine timeyw monarchs who aver reigned in sweden let your majesty command me to merch to the mouth of the danish and -german- cannon will obey unhesitatingly but i cannot defy hell itself well said the king in a tone of con- temptreattdoitmyself he tookrl ke u fe o door and entered the hall pronouncing with the help of god his two attend ants whose cnriity overcame their fears or who perhaps were ashamed to desert their sovereign followed him the hall was lighted njrbjnht innumerable number of torches a black hanging had replaced the old tapeatrythebenohesi rou the hall irereoceu by mniutnderall dressed m black ther faces weate so da- xingly brighrrtiatt41ouypet8tttore of this scene were unable to diatinguiih one of them on an elevated throne fr whi the kmg- was acou8wniedtoaddres3 the assembly- lata bloody corpse aa if wound- iedin parts and covered with the ensignsvp royalty on his right stood a child a crown on hishefkl and a scetpre in wsianarat his jwftaiy oh ioan leant on thethrone he was dressed in a mantle for- merly worn by the adtainistratprs of sweden before it became a kingdom under guitavus mai keri of whom eightysix employ more than ten workwomen 1239 from two to ten 3203woikaloueotonlyjmployaslnice at certain periods the number of work women in this category may be then reck weary and full of care for your family and oned at 1000- and are perfectly distinct fromtlweewehave raentiouedaloehey -murnft-baya- you sick and ral grave austere looking personages intong black robes between the throne and the benchevbrthe oasembly wnsablock cor crcftifihdfctefcprape no one in the vast assembly appeared con- sjsojiaio theijnc8 of charles and his conpnnions on their entrance they heard nothing bnt a confused rxurmer in which they could distinguish no words then the inbtilirrablenhefudge8 in black robes hewhoseegcdto bethar president rose and struck hishand five times on a large fijio vol w open before 14n are employe i ma dresses cloaks and suchlike articles the ladies of paris at tach niore importance to fine linen than even to the richest silks and velvets the pro duction of this trade amounts to twentyse ven millions of francs a year it is carried on by 2023 persons of both sexes and em ploys 10190 workwomen since the large ambr gleavw woin by the ladies has exported more than 30000 of them to ahteriei the lay of the lowly j bt bobebt nicoll we are lowly very lowly misroitunt is our crime we re been trodderi under foot from all recorded lirae a yoke upon cur nocks is laid a bnrden to endure to miner li our legae the portion- wc are lowly very lowly word never thought of such a thing and cuimlejourjiejju jflown toyou ruffled pil low and cry because you ore weak and burgh otid hint they arej dont want toseeanybodybutclwrleyl tails your husband hed better go down and let- you go to sleep off he goev wondering what on earth aifayoutocryj ikjshing ho had nothing to do but to lio suf and be waited upon i afterdinner he comes to bid you good bye before he goes to the office whistles nelly bhgh loud enough to wake up the bab whom hft mills n comi little co nave come- into 0d justaeiiland qui me n mn in wi umini lua kaua aoan til ira tna iaaiin n head down to your pillow nt a signal from you to hear what you havo to say well theres no help for it youcry agiun and only say dear charley and tie laughs satiips im dtrlr says nervous litt gives yon a kiss lights gi his cigar nt the tire half strangles the new yctwc imvi sorarthlaar of otfr own power caubot take away by lyranteiorerare toiledtqtleath flvcalilantlhnnger killed but peaefcb inour heart it speaks of duties all mimied i we are lowly very lowly nor house nor landshare we but ihejea a heritage for us while we have eyes to id their cannot hldethe lovely stars woi he curtailed the enormous privileges of the nobility abolisb- mthe powelofthe senate made laws on bis own authority in a word he changed t oomlitntion of ihe7on11nri herto an vahgarchy and forced the states to invest him with absolute power he was shun f enlighumtl and atrorjgjaind firmly at- u to the lntheran religion his dispo- 7woowaacddrinleeanffndnhlewns utterly destitute of imaginauont he had jkwfa*g queen ujneajpra and he uemledriri reef her death mbre uiah could vjbeemjected from a maijof his char acter he became even more silent and gloomy tuor tjefore and hin incessant appli cation to business proved his anxiety to hankh painful reflections towards the close of an autumn evening iller daainggciiju aidilip- pers defore a large fire in his private apart- 2 coaai brahe and bjaicao baumgaiten wire with him the evening wore away and his majesty did not dismiss them s usual with his h rlc he maintained a profound silence wearv of his- harp string gives in breading all agi goestidittuhwumobseiouslyto aibcjdunilnof the apariuqn they halfunconseiouslyto e tlcnaaakaev the count and his compan ion tried rarions subjects of conversation leonid interest- hnn in nothing at gtusrahe who supposed that sorrow far tbeirjueen was the cause of his depres sion said with a deep sigh and pointing to rrnortranvwmehhinigtntlietoomr what a likeness that is 1 how jruly it ogives the expression at once so gentle and j w6nsense said the king angrily the purtnut is far too flattering the queen was dhedhr thin vexed at his unkind words he rose aad walked up and down the room to hide aa emotion at which he blushed after a jmioujbejrtoprbeforethewindow jwlriag int the cour the ni was black skd the moon was in her first quarter the palace where the longs of sweden now reside was not completed and charles tteiold p s on t bjti facin lake modu6 it is a large building in the form of a horaehoe the kings private apartments were in one of the extremities opposite was the gr hall where the 8tato assembled to teciexe ebmmunicatioqs from the crown the windows of thnt hall suddenly appeared supposed that a servant with a light w paaimg througb but then that hall was never opened except on state occasions and th light was too brilliant to be caused bya single lamp- it then occurred to him that it must bea conflagration but there was mrsjomriand ihegiass was not broken it had rather the appearance of an illumination jbrahes attention having been called to it he j pmppsed sending one of the pages toasoertain the pmfsegitbe light bat the king stopped nun saying he would go himself to the hall h rototfouowed by the cquot and rvjfjk hgsfsd forekst baunigarlen i tbo ajan rniao had charge of the keys aaasverdered ttn to open the sttiva great hsfl- sfeai was his at t piselpected command he tbesied hiif as nnicklr as possible and e the drstdoor which served as an antechamber to the hall t immediately there was a profound silence and sriwffyotnig menriclilyoessetdthar hands tied behind their backs ent the hall by a door opposite to that whiclf charles had opened he who walked first and who appeared the most important of the prisoners 6topped in the middle of the hall before the- blook-whioh-he-looked-at- witli supreme contempt at the same time the corps on the throne trembled convul- slvjyuvnlajarinisot streaajt flowed jfrom its wounds theyounemanknelt down laid his headonthe block theiutp guttered in the air for a moment and descended on the titocfc the bead rojtedswjr ftsajarbkrpave- mentjond reacb feet of t king and stained his slipper with blood until this moment surprise had kept charles silent but this horn we spectacle roused him and advancing two or three steps towards the throne -be-boldly- addressed t on its leu inine wehknown iorraiiatitl if thou art of god peak if of the other leave us in peact the phantom answered slowly and solemnly king charles this blood will not flow in thy time but five reigns after here the voice became less distinct woe woe irordsin creations book although they huld their fields and lanes corrupted by our look 1 we arejowlytverylowly aodyet the fairest flowers that by-the-wayside- raise thelreyes thank godlhey still are ours ours is tiro slreajnleij mellow ruiee and ours the common dew we still dare gaze on hill and plain and field and meadow too i we are lowly very lowly bulwhen the cheerful spring comes forth with flowers upon her feet to bear the throstle sing although we dare not seek the shado where haunt the forest deer the waving leaveswe still cameer- tbebymnuig birds carrhear we are lowly very lowly our hedgerowpaihs are gone where woodbines lay their fairy hands the hawthorns breast upon baby with the first whiff and takes your heart off with him down the street and you lie there and eat that gruel and pick the fui off the blankets and make faces at the nurse under tho sheet and wish eve had never ate the apple gen iii 1 6 or thatyouwere able to- gain her for idc it lifk lrrrjssia7rrmyin qasks a- peasant here is a wrutfhwl innlinp iwinrf dirty illclad and hungrylooking his tliebameass is evenmoreasilyoontentcd tjie tub residences to which i referred are among the features of the monster market licre andthey are inhabitcdbywomen jilevation ground plan and lather arcbk leckuralcontrivanccs are alleomprehendedlbers of the national council inach state yetlendr mercies still are left an4fie4veh doih eutftfre and heirs ihejptayers thai upward rise from the itoretea poor r w t v woe to the blood of vasa- the form of the assembly now became less clear and seemed but colored shades soon they entirely disappeared aid the lights were extinguished still they heard a melodious noise which one of the witnesses compared to the murmuring of the wind amorrjr the trees anothertothe sound a- all agreed say it lasted ten minutes the hangings the head the waves of blood and all disap- paaud with tlis phamay butghajps slippers sdh retained a crimson stiun which alone would have served to remind him of the scenes of that night if indeed thejfhbd not- been but- top wellengraven on his memory when the king returned to his apart ments he wrote an account of what he had seen and he and his companions signed it in spite of all the precautions taken to keep these circ*mstaftces private they were wejl known even during the lifetime of charles and no one hitherto has thought fit to raise doubts as to their authenticity rxtrritynv pcrn every was antcc a g s lote lo btjin with dont ahe you are upon a sick bed a little feewthig ties on your arm that you mightcruah with one hand you take those jitle ejvetngersinjoup slose your eyeasitararfcguwiyininepillow little brothers and sisters carry and henry aad fanny and frank aoi willie arid vary andkitly haff aswrcioine tiptoeing intothe room r to see the baby it is qute an old story to nurse who isits like an automaton while they giveventto the enthustie admiraticmof its wm toes and fingers arid make profound inquiries which nobody ijbings best to hear jtoti look on wfth a 4angldsmife7 ancflhey passouf atilrtn u url44hiyaff atirv th apttt mum in a- single effort a large black cask someyhat resembling a sugar hogshead is laid on its side and the house is built a quantity of hay is laid inside and the house is furnished the lady gets in upon the hay and the house is inhabited before the entrance of her mansion- shesecures tho ontonstomatoes orwhatever elseshe mayzvend and dujirig thehours ofbusi ness she sits in the tub smokes her pipe ohattcrswith her customers and says her prayers after business is over sh ascer- sia for tliedestruatioaiif plauvoa neci m thttbsllic by means of taylorssubmarine aunorauionlts submariuojjattory jthy are to receive 100000 sterling for the clean job or a proportionable sum for sll services short ofthat r 11- tm fhniisn qpiitib nr ftaiiwrthcre li follnwlng rmimnn having vtlmr e mliapprehcnsion existing says an exchange- he quantity of grain contained in an eng- irtcr it is eight bushels but not eight tryaafstttt-nil-iisurc- ube quarter contains eight imperial bushels about eight and a quarter of our busher the win chester bushel was the standard iu england un til lkmijsiucejiich jme the jinpmafjjushd has been the standard nkw itcclfe rott uikino icc cllkam the fnllnwlng rrclnels from a innniyiiriii laily cream we have seen take one teacup ol cream one tea cup of sugar one sggjbeat the ogg and sugar well together flavor as you please and then stir in light snow until it is frozen as stiff as you wish it is quickly made and firstrate constitbtionoftbe natioial coaocu for the purpose of improving the char acter developing the intelligence maintain ing the rights and organising a union of the colored people of the free states the na tional convention does hereby ordain and instittlte the council or pioplt tux c0lobkd art 1 this council ahall consist of two members from each state represented ill this convention to be ele by thin con- voiiuqniaadtwoslfier members from each state to bo elected aa follows on the loth day of- november uext and hivnnisily there after there shall be held in each state a bmiiux upon th plan of organization were adopted by the convention and are therefore appended to the gwuncits constitution resofved thai the councttthairbtlllp gated to select its various committees iesolved that the council shall have power to offer a premium for prize essays on different subjects agreed on by council rauolved that tho said council shall hear and prantpetulons an hgjoverncd bj thf heir deoiaioob rules ot legislative bodies shall be final resolved that any state applying for ad mission into this union shall be admitted on such mrrnsy as may hereafter be ajfreed upon resolved that in establishing a national council for our own special improvement and manual labor bchoul fo the education ol our children in science literature and me chanical arurth3iouvoiittoti dirtltlaj-iiorto- build ourselves up as a distinct and soparate class in this country but ia a means to a great end viz the equality in political rights and in civilanasoefitprivilegeswithrthe est of the american people plan of the american indcslalitr school the urjdexsigned the committee on man ual labour school appointed by the national council of the colored people in offering a plan for the organization of the- school beg leave to state j j progressto obuln from indred miles of the town g m sfltiatttartjane is to be within one hundred of eriepenrisylvajrinpwiir tedas soonaslhreeousanddoilars are patdmrr shaggybeard huge boots outside his trow- crs dingy blue frock and rough cap speak of hardships of all kinds fiut give him his short black pipe and spirits enough to madde u at w ecormlinhabitaatmay notcomplatnofldesuny faiis tb site of the k sat delegates to state lisgislatuns twenty in number from each state at large the election to be held at suoh places and under such conditious as uie public meetiojs- iu such localities may determine the mem the king en- nnd and what jas amazement at finding what jsttmmealimgof this exclaimed l1 f the jndn repued tbaidie did not know ttvbake of it adding- when the there was ecrtainl lpanneffing to the door of the rjaeiurther for heavens sake ex- avtbnuu surely there is sorcery i onihswb the sabbath bebl f sr kuxx coxk- peal on peal on i love to hear the oldchurcb dingdong soft and clear j the welcome sounds are doobly bleat with future hopes and earthly rest vet ihmghtioxauidjcbiojejtxiiund to spread the cheering echoes round theres not a place where nan may dwell iftutae can hear asabbalh bell 3ot6uwo howmftaatablyriwoliialms or where the south wlhds scarcely turn the light leavesof the trembling fera altbough no cloister chimes riog there the tidings of the sabbaih bell r go to the billows let them pour in gentle calm nnd headlong roar let the vast ocean be thy home thoult find a god upon the foam in rippling swell or stormy roll the cryntafwaves shall wake ihy seal and thou shall feel ihe hjllowed spell of the wide waters sabbath bell ajak npoo bis skyward way a robin on the hedgerow spray a bee vcilhm ihe wild thymes bloom an ow sjam he cypress gloom all sing evtryrvhed torfe a respsr to the great unknown abobeow one chorus swells ecboing sounds of sabbath beus pjrimsiiflerr there are in paris eight hujadred and asking why they stay with dear mam ma and why they musnt play puss in the corner as usual you wonder if your lit tle croupy boy tied his tippet on when he went to school and whether betty will see that yout husband flapoel is aired and jf peggy hits cleaned the silver arid washed off the front door steps and what your blessed eushanotis about and thnt he dont come home to dinner there sits old nnrsejteepingup that dread ful treadmill trotting to quiet the baby till you could fly through the keyhole in desperation the odor of dinner beginsto tains in which quarter tho wind stirs turns the close end of her tub towards that quarter and creeps lo rest in peace and tranquillity but some of these women are ambitious and take to building theydo iittsetd nvarbi tsssrceesot mahogany doors but they take two tubs whieh nre laidfhcc to face but at a distance of three or four feet and over the inter stice tubs and all is placed a watertight canvas the fair occupant and two or three whom i saw though not literally fair were extremely preltyj-has- then-two- rooms besides a hall but this luxury js not adopted by the older class who think that we ought to adhere to the customs of our ancestors russians in tht souli- shall receive canvass and declare the result of such vote the state council thuse elect ed- shall meet on the first monday iu janu ary 1854 aud elect additional members to the nattionar council in proportion of one us fivethousand of the colored population of such state and the members of council thus elected to take office on the sixth day of july next and all to hold office during two years from that date at the end of which time another general election by slate council- shall take place of members lo cpn- the school building and workshop rtfll be commenced as soon as ten thousand dollars are paid in and the school comruerteed as soon as fifteen thousand dollars are paid in and that in no case will a contract be made attwi least two hnndredacrestfandfonehnndredtind fifty and here it i recorded with ibe encouragements origin jho this movement has long for twenty years the distinctive object of the cial the denominational aspect ties iheir reciprocal relatlons erlyhl predion as mnualhn probably alble facilities for personally his positions and for ihe iinpormni information but previously been able lo sured however that no ever be taken nfthe fran which christians orevery tics or every class hava convictions in the presence porteur ihe capacity in hill extending his and the neighboring states of distinguished worth literary ability are already sections of canada and- in npoi ti mcntoflhetnisunbs of which ahairfor ever be used as a farm for agricultural instru -indln- aooofdanoe with avote of the slilute their successors in office ihtho simo numbersas above the state council tf each htsto ahall have full power over the internal concerns of said state art 2 the members of tho first council shall be elected by this convention which shall designate out of the number a presi- tftraitja yl fiter t rochester convention the teachers are to be selected fbrfandpbpjhtadnrittedjnto the school without reference to sex or complexion 3d special provision will be made to make this fromtlie beginning ari industrial school for females as well as males a prom- ihent principle of conduct will be to aid in providing for the female sex methods and means of enjoying an independent and-hon- orabjelivlibood frederick douglass joirrr b peck altos 6 beman bers and one of either of the leather binding or the paper oneg marked mono it creep j itajsjander ttyaut htis- o p wiltbe made nght arid if betty witcrepethbei if iu ytne in the sauce a ltkes it ana hen die perspiration seventy nine millinery establishments ofi which eight imndret and aixlyseven are managed by females these nouses em ploy z7lf workwomen and the buisness for paris alonejjanwjtanefcrly thirteen millions of francs a year dnder the head ofmittinery is included the making ol be nets of different kinds eaps headdresses tor evening parties and fahcy articles for loset tovyf broidery and ovesavmabng eome under pfher categories the articles of miliiuerr above jnenlioned acquire almost all thetr aiue thebdofiilieworkwomen7 troriuinaliuuotlhacutithe gcace of a wilcreme sauce a ltkes it starts on your forehead as you hear a thump ing on ihe stairs and a childs suppressed kreanxrjbidjthen the aurasrsuio the ba by up mnannel to the tip of its nose dumps it down on an easy chair arid tells you to as incident the new york evening pou relatesjhal the present emperor ni- cholasjsom time si drivingalongin his droshke observed an jlrigliah gentleman move down another street apparently jut he thought to avoidtiirrlhelienf affofficer to ask why he had done so when tho em peror was coming tho answer was that he did not see his imperial majesty then desire him to wear spectacles in fu ture was the immediate co mand with whiche jeunquent was l forced to complj during die remainder of his residence in st petcrihrlrg much to his own annoyance and the amusem*nt of his friends for he was a remarkably welllooking man and piqued himself on bis clear sight death- raoar rnrs jompiko a bright and interesting utile girl about eight years of age died on monday last in the village of newark from convulsions brought on by ex- cesaive exertions i jumping the ro she was competing with several of her school com er corresponding secretary and committee of five on manual labor s committee of five ori protective unions of live on busi- nespitelations of five on publications art 3 the committee on manual labor school shall procure funds and organize said school in accordance with the plans adopted by this national- convention with such- modifications aaexporionco or necessity may dictate to them the committee shall immediately incorporate itself ns an academy under the general committee of the state of and shall constitute the board ol trustees of the manual labor bcbool with full power to select a location in the state designated jy the national council to erect rbuildingspfmuitjirdiamiuansuucterslnhthe literar oi i branches there shall be a farm attac lo th school if ilf svmily tojberand go to sleep byandby she cornea jn alter staying lng enough to get a refreshing cup of coffee andwalkato the bedadejwjthbbow of gruel tasting it and then putting the spoon mfo theloiatntkej5rsl place ypuhatej gruel and in the next you couldnt cat it if ahe had a pistol to your head after that spoon had been in her mouth so you meekly suggest that it be set on the table lo cool- hoping by some providential in terposition h may get tipped over well she moves round your room with a pair of creaking shoes and a bran new gingham gown that rattles like a paper windowcur tain at every step and smoothes her hair with your nice little brush and opens a drawer by mistake 1 thinking it was the bay a drawer then yosi bear little nails sxatching on the door and charley whis pers through the keyhole mamma charleys tired please let charley come in- j norse scowls and says no butycranraer- cede dr charley hes only a baby nim- aelf v11 he leans his head against the pillow an looks panions in this exercise who were endeavour ing to outdo each other iu endurance she jumped four jtundred times in succession and until entirely overcome by the long continued exertions the child was taken home insen sible butthe movement of the muscles of the limbs as in jqmping continued for about forty- eight hours until the sufferer was released tsrathemfuleoercissbydeatfc soek democrat tsaiainc-rioilusmcb-atacountryde- bating l ool where tho question was- movug bum its clear he tears and mi that you ha finger are a take him and bow or the skilful adjujftirient rifa the millinery business reckons six months lsf three in he winter it is during this time llfl auevents auwme to ihatesefun export doors tation which are soon afterwards distributed over every pari the world dress- maldng includes almost exclusively the making oraafesuthe nufcrisljbr which is furnished by hfl customer the dress- naker tofajahing only the lining trjinoting etc thesw btmniiiiga and the making of the dresses apelimesissmeh jprices almost fabulous there are in paris 61 81 dress-ma- little nurses lap of it with shining curls led over your and you long to comfortable and cosset him a jiftlew and then bahyxries againiaad you ryour head tefthw pil low with pgifrujgs hearr itdchvkasaarfbtrugglingromthe rtioniftdinmg wat tnmi ii tho pillow to see if husband wont be home rtdlmm jrtrt- pinchfunetejgruel7widsiurdowrr noddingawsiwii in nn suarnungproxiiitolhefltctr3wgwypb hear a dear step on the stairs its your charieylllow bright be looks arid what nice fresh air be jrriiigs with- himtmrbf iiwjiichexertktnosrlnfluencerloveofeountryi or lpve prancej the leader on the coun try side arose and delivered himself as fol lows wheuwflshisglon with his invio ciblo urchins was preparing to cross the del aware to attack the preposterous uossians wssit not he with one hand on hisheart and pointing his flashing blade at the malignant enemy arid reining in his fiery steed and blowing his fingerno keep them from freez ing for it was cold that cried but e pluri- bua unum forevor t lie hail demolished his opponents in one sentence the audience waa convinced and country declared victori- rious by a unanimous vote tho independence of dutch emigrants struck us vary forcibly today aa we marked a party of those worthy individuals men wo men and children on exchange street the women stood in the street without any cover ing to their heads duriug the prevalence of a sharp rain sleet and enowstormrrtwo of the men were quarrelling in low dutch ova a trunk omi dancing a hornpipo on the allc twp ot the childl idea ilreh were fighting he parts the bed curtains and looks in and pats you on the cheek you just want to lay your head on his shoulder and have such a splendid cry but therasits-tkatold- fiorgon ot a nurse ahe dont believe in husbands she dont you rrw charley a freeawsxm sign to send her down stairs for mtnatning h s joud fid youi menarestnpml what fid youaaydear wp of the c for a stick of candy and another was mak lug bubbles by jumping in a mud puddle up to his knees each was apparently intent upon his own business and heedless of the jemployment of thereat of the company jyeie york paper tbb bblirorrktt foscbs according tojhemdst reliablae occountstherussians have5 no w4ipon the danube 114000 men ssyko000 to 90000 infantry 0000 cavalry 8000to 10000 cossackrsndtheproportion ate amount or artfllery this allows 3o0t0 for killed wounded arid sick since the rus- sisafbrces first entered- thoprincipalitios thtre sre it it said 30000 more between the pruth and djiiestern bcssarabi aj ready forimmediite relriforcemenfthefieuv strength of the turkiaharmy is calculated at 11 7 000 men as to amnbsrsy therefore jherr iso disparity the proportion of cavalry however is in favor of the russians the english forces under lord raglan amount to about 20000 aud the french toaboot 60000 or more both will soon be increased and pro- bmy doubled art 4 the committee oil protective unions shall institute a protective union for the purchase and sale of articles of domestic consumption and shall unite and aid in the formation of brancheaanxiliary to their own art b the committee on business rela tions shall esublisn an office in which they shall keep a registry of colored mechanicsarti- zansand business men throughout the union they shall keep a registry of all persons will ing lo employ colored men in business to teach colored boys mechanical trades liberal and scientific professions and farming and also a registry of colored men and boys aeekiug employment or instruction they shall also report upon any avenues of business or trade which they deem inviting to colored capital skill or labor their reports apd ad- -vertisem*nts- to beinpa persolthett ideal- circulation they shall receive for sale or exhibition products of the skill and labor of colored people art 6 the committee on publication shall collect all facts statistics and statements all laws and historical records and biographies of the colored people and all bookb by colored authors they shall have for ihe safe keep ing of these documents a library with it reading room and musenm thccommittce shall also publish replies to any assaults wor thy of note mado upon the character or con- diuonomhe-coloretl-peoptoi- art7each-cnnimilteeahallhbytibjc- lute control over its special department ahall make its own bylaws and in case of any va cancy occurring shall fill up tho same forth committee oh mdhual labour- school joh j j jd bonner j mcctwe smith 1 the title shall be the americam iwdustrmtschoot 2 the fonndatin fund shall be thirty thousand dollars 3 twenty thousand dollars shall be in stock of 2000 shares at ten dollars per eltare i teh thousand dollars shall be in dbna- tions to be solicited from the friends of the cause 5 the shares shall be payable feper cent at the time of subscribing and fen per cent every first dayof 7uly oritober janu ary and april thereafter until tbr whole is paid in 6 the school shall be organised and conducted entirely by a board of fifteen trus tees 7 six of these trustees shall he ihe com mittee on manuallabour schoolappbinted by the national council of the people of colony andnineiotibe t be elected by the stockholders when three tarn ihd thtwrnw are one dollar vance otherwise two lhal one half of the vance are worse than lost will render assistance by all parlies willing lo aid the scripture and laconic and the p one year will periuin who first schatihe postpaid marked mmcy if dressed robebt dick sermonsavid lectures bunks object will be throughout the province as found compatible with his signed toronto march 25th 1834 call national or colored scuitim ixcurrland oaio andvmof mck inu bacriieiim the come wheu we as an do somelhiog effectively and adequate to the attainment desjiwi idtodo some deinandsol bra presentand ties of ihe rising geueratiua country to do ibis we must oi entire ctiuulity in fact an acknowledged ruling clcvitnl of society in policy necessary lohe must be in- our favor if with subject to the confirmation of the coun cil- each committee ahall meet at least once a month or as often as possible shall keep a minute of all its proceedings executive and financial and ahall submit a full statement of the same with the accounts audited at every regular meeting of the national council art 8 the national council shall meet at least once iu six months to recoive the reports of tho committees and to consider any new filan for tho general good for which it shall jejweratit*opiiontoappoiut auew committee and shall be empowered to receive and appropriate donations for the carrying out of the objects of the same at all such meet ings eleven members ahall constitute a quo rum in case any committee neglect or refuse to send in its report according lo article 8th then the council shall have power to enter the bureau examine the booka and papers of such thousand dollars shall have been paid in by them the stoekholdersand anhiratytlief e after each share of stock shall count as one vote at all such elections and stock holders may vote by proxy on affidavit made andackiiowledgedbeforea commissioner of deeds 8 in organizing theschool theibhowing regulations shall be strictly enforced a for every branch of literature taught there shall be one branch of handicraft also taught in lie school b each pupil shall occupy qne half hjs time when at school in work at some handicraft or on the farm e thejhandfcrafls shallbe eueh that thetf pro ducts will be articles saleable for cash br moneys iwonh at a matketwithmeasjaccesonrthe scbool the agent appointed by the committee frederick douglass esq shall be empow ered to receive donations and take inscrip tions for stock giving a receipt for the latter signed by himself andber amos gjbeman the secretary of the committee as soon as and as often as the agent aforesaid shall receive two bunired and fifty dollars either in subscriptions or donations beshall pay ihe jiame orcr jto tkejeashkr johnjones es of who shall deposit the menl frecdum sovereignly anywhere for this purpose ihenall colored- meninfavor of the united states aud colonization sbeuwuf hemisphere are requested to land ohio on of august 184 in- a convention then and decide upon ihe great and emigration from the no person will be convention who would emigratio to the eastern thk aluhb fmuits to k blown ur the new york herald states that ex-alder- man- wsslay smith together with severs other asjerlcans went out in the list out ward trip m the baltic in company with m organ- waw a kuastan otticer hound to bu peters cil ahall declare their offices vacant and ap point others in their stead 0 art 9 in all cases of tho meetings of tho national council or the committees the tra veling expenses if any oi the members ahall lie paid out of the respective funds art ipthecouncil shall immediatolyca aablishajiureauin4haplce ofits meeting and the same rooms ahallrss far as possible used by tho sever co for tin ous purposes the council shall have at a moderate salary who will keep of the transactions and prepare jrcondeil report of ihe committees forpublicatiohyi also a rsgiaujwf the friends of the cause same forthwith in the bank oftsmerlca chicago iii the treasurer aforesaid as soon as he shall receivejone thousand dollars and for every thousand dollars thereafter shall give bonds with two sureties to the president and secretary of the national council of colored people for double the amounts aforesaid for his services the agent shall receive five percent on all stock instalments paid in by him and ten per cent on all donations above two hundred dollars paid in bv or tbropgh him 10 the members of the committee on manual labor school shairalsp be empoiv- ered to receive donations for the same and they shall transmit all said duopitions to the treasurer by draft with jn ten days after receiving the same they shall also be entitled to hve per cent on all such donations paid in by him 11 the treasurer shall publish at least cnmiuit andinjai th cn acafohhistofnilledonationsiretnles 6f our face and subscriprjonsf stock received by him tf pirtthajunalll tbtprrpjrlor toeimerioatylenaxeootisn be defrayed by the feea of memberahip of sub- jj nubscripticn list will warrant societies or councils to be organised through- out the states the membership fee ahall be ontvsent per week art 12 a member of the council shall be member of only one- of the committees there of art 13 all officers holding furidv shall give security in double the amount likely to be in their hands this security to be giveir to the three first officers of tho council art14r thteouncil shall have power to matetnch bylaws m are necessary for their proper government and shall transmit to each douor or stock holder a dpy of the paper frtderick doug lass paper or aliened american which shall contain the acknowledgment of their gift or subscription asiaitatfica or europe as termination is to consider our lndirarceniraland soutlr- canada this restriction personal preference or to the great question of before the convention all persons coming lo verbal assurance lo the tials appointed for the to the measures and objects set as the convention is friends of emigration and and no opposition to tbein will the question is not whether bcbettered by emigration but made worse ii nut then widespread universe where tical condition are not live country and nowhere in proscribcdorraccountofocolor we are friends too and shoulder lo shoulder by our friends in all good measures ihe bettering of our condition in surrender no rights but with as the subject of emigration is and has ever been shunned by semblages of oofpeople as cannot longer delay and baffled and deny ihe right of enqnlry to and he carrying out when this can be done o onr as- we propose toshpw west indies centr and lnljontydf whtch those identified with us in race destiny on this continent all arms and yearning hearts name of suffering humanity lo common caus aud share one the coutinenl the convention will meet lime fixed for assembling as voiable to emigration no other gathering may prevent ofddegnles will not he town where the convention there the number will be tion when assembled lhal they ceed the other delegations the liineuudpiace fixed ventlon are airijile jaffordihg a leisure season generally and now ihe centre of all vorable opportunity lo all who therefore it may reasonably gathering of the colored people bled in a convention inlhe colonizaiionlsu arc advised will be shown to them or scheme as we have no tb3 gospel tkibuhe lekofjbeoins the first number of a monthly paper to he koownas above iodkated is proposed to bs pub lished in tororilo within a few months and nut later than the first day of july 1854 the work in size and appearance lo be at least equal to ihe missionary recur d or christian observer i and as all colored men east west favorable to ihe measures set ill rend in ibclr names delany or ilev win webb ihere may be arranged nnd yi names from each stale we must make an issue establish a position jonmrsehes lo think of but far mote glurluus rw wro webb mrltrdelany- hflwrbb thosrarbrown john jones l l hawkins samuel venerable john williams a f hawkins 8vi8anders5i distikirnvx obiect to enlarge ihe limits of communion and churchmembership among christians to the greatesli possible exlenlf and to clrcutriscrllie hose bounds lolhe exclusion if possible of all oilier characters without oiherwlsa disturbing ihe mfsrabersbhv of exlsllag churches till tctiwa- milcanswuurkrrshueonatllulelre imly passport atanv time and the perfect mwpor at all times 10 vry communion and church worthy of ihe christian name thai ibe world rrwy6elievsnlu he jiraved t qchrral objects the proinotlonjof religiouii moral intcluci- jefferson miller j revarn green 1 p l jackson j j h maloney 1 gharper jonathan green ii a jackson i er parker samuel bruce i 7tjj goufilblasrih 1 rev m m clark a m summer f johnson wnodlln james mi whitfield john n 8tlll f stanley matthews 1 vm7 m mkjkmmkmmmkmm rmjmmmmwimt mmmfm


Provincial Freeman (Toronto and Chatham, ON: Mary Ann Shadd Cary (October 9, 1823 – June 5, 1893)), May 27, 1854, p. 4 (2024)


What was the purpose of The Provincial Freeman? ›

The Provincial Freeman was published from 1853 to 1857, first in Windsor, then in Toronto and Chatham. Published weekly, it advocated equality, integration and self-education for black people in Canada and the United States.

What did Mary Ann Shadd write about in her newspaper? ›

Mary Shadd established the newspaper Provincial Freeman in 1853, which was published weekly in southern Ontario. it advocated equality, integration, and self-education for black people in Canada and the United States.

When did Mary Ann Shadd found The Provincial Freeman? ›

On March 24, 1853, Mary Ann Shadd Cary published the first edition of The Provincial Freeman, Canada's first anti-slavery newspaper, making her the first Black woman in North America to edit and publish a newspaper.

How did Mary Ann Shadd impact Canada? ›

Shadd moved to Canada in 1851 and opened a racially integrated school in Windsor, Ontario. In 1853, she began publishing The Provincial Freeman, which gave a voice to Black Canadians and called for an end to slavery.

What did John Freeman do? ›

In 1844, John Freeman, a free black, purchased land in Indianapolis. By 1853, he owned land in this area worth $6, 000. In June 1853, a slaveholder claimed Freeman was his runaway slave. Freeman spent nine weeks in jail; he hired lawyers; claim was dismissed.

When did Mary Ann Shadd open her school? ›

Believing that she could help these black emigrants, in the fall of 1851 Shadd moved to Windsor, where she opened a school with the support of the American Missionary Association. Although her relations with other black leaders in Canada were initially friendly, she was soon embroiled in a feud with Henry Walton Bibb*.

What can we learn from Mary Ann Shadd Cary? ›

Shadd dedicated her life to the people in her community. She fought for freedom, equality, women's rights and fair treatment for people of all races. She was truly an advocate for the people and for her activism, she was designated a Personal of National Historic Significance in Canada.

How did Mary Ann Shadd Cary fight for freedom? ›

In 1853, Shadd founded Canada's first-antislavery newspaper, The Provincial Freeman. She was the first Black woman in North American to run a newspaper. The weekly publication encouraged blacks to flee America for their freedom.

What are three important facts about Mary Ann Shadd? ›

Mary Ann Shadd (born October 9, 1823, Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.—died June 5, 1893, Washington, D.C.) was an American educator, publisher, and abolitionist who was the first Black female newspaper publisher in North America. She founded The Provincial Freeman in Canada in 1853.

How did Mary Ann Shadd Cary change the world? ›

Shadd Cary was the first woman to publish and circulate a newspaper in Canada, The Provincial Freeman — which was also the first Black woman-owned paper to circulate in the United States. An activist, publisher, lawyer, teacher, and journalist, Shadd Cary fought actively for freedom as a material and political reality.

Why is Mary Ann Shadd a hero? ›

Mary Ann Shadd Cary was a long-time advocate for African American civil rights, women's suffrage, and temperance. Mary Ann worked as a teacher and journalist throughout her life. While living in Ontario during the 1850s, she co-founded Canada's first anti-slavery newspaper, the Provincial Freeman.

What is Mary Ann Shadd Cary's legacy? ›

Mary Ann Shad Cary's newspaper, The Provincial Freeman, fought for the abolition of slavery and the rights of women and helped people escaping enslavement adjust to life in Ontario. In Mary Ann's words, she had “broken the editorial ice.” She hoped her example would inspire more Black women to write and publish.

What did The Provincial Freeman talk about? ›

The primary motive of the Provincial Freeman, Ward noted, was to endorse African-American emigration to Canada. The promotion of Canada as a refuge for Black Americans was a dominant theme of the paper over the course of its existence.

Who are some important black Canadians? ›

These are just some of many important Black Canadians.
  • Lincoln Alexander (First Black Lieutenant Governor of Ontario) ...
  • Willie O'Ree (First Black Hockey Player in the National Hockey League) ...
  • Viola Desmond (First Black Woman to appear on Canadian Currency) ...
  • Isaac Phills (First Black man to receive the Order of Canada)
Feb 22, 2021

Why do you think Mary chose not to publish her name as editor or author of The Provincial Freeman? ›

Shadd Cary became the first African Canadian female newspaper publisher in Canada when she founded and edited “The Provincial Freeman” in 1853. Her name did not appear as the editor of the newspaper because of the accepted sexism of the time in which she lived.

Why establish this paper by Mary Ann Shadd Cary? ›

Cary writes to the fugitive slaves of Canada with a didactic yet inspiring tone to establish the necessity of her newspaper, which would give the slaves a new freedom they deserve. Cary declares that free slaves need a voice in order to magnify the significance of her newspaper.

What did Mary Ann Shadd advocate for? ›

Mary Ann Shadd Cary was a long-time advocate for African American civil rights, women's suffrage, and temperance. Mary Ann worked as a teacher and journalist throughout her life.

What famous newspaper did Frederick Douglass write? ›

The North Star (Rochester, N.Y.), 1847-1851

Douglass founded and edited his first antislavery newspaper, The North Star, beginning December 3, 1847. The title referred to the bright star, Polaris, that helped guide those escaping slavery to the North.

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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