Lost and Found - Chapter 7 - LostInSeas (2024)

Chapter Text

Millie didn’t feel like getting up today.

She couldn’t do it.

It was a hard day today.

She flipped over to see the right of the bed.

Empty.. as it’s been for a year.

It had been a year since Moxxie disappeared.

It still wasn’t getting easier.

At this point, she didn’t know if it could ever get easier.

How could it?

After laying in bed for Satan knows how long, it was the sound of crying that got Millie out of bed. She looked at the baby monitor sitting on the nightstand before sighing and leaving the room. She walked into another room and went over to the crib. She picked up the crying toddler. She held her close as she rubbed her back.

“It’s ok..” Millie said, “Mama’s here..”

Bailey kept crying for a solid minute until she began to slowly calm down. Millie continued holding her for a long time, even after Bailey went quiet.

“It’s all ok..” Millie said as tears began running down her face, “Everything’s gonna be fine..”

Soon enough, Millie began to hear Bailey snore. However, the tears continued to run down her face.

She placed Bailey back in her crib before turning to leave. She walked out of the room and shut the door. When she did, she slid down against the door and buried her face into her knees, sobbing quietly. She remained in that position for a long time until she heard a knock at the door. Wiping away the tears, she stood up and walked over to the front door. She opened it to find Blitzo standing there holding a bouquet of flowers.

“Hey,” Blitzo said.

Millie tried to smile, but she couldn’t as she motioned for Blitzo to come in. He did so, and Millie shut the door. Blitzo looked at her.

“Um.. I didn’t really know what to give you, so I got you these,” Blitzo said as he handed Millie the flowers, “Give me a break. At least tried.”

Millie let out a small chuckle, “Thanks.”

She walked over to the kitchen, placing the flowers in a small vase for the time being. She and Blitzo then sat down on the couch.

“So.. you doing ok?” Blitzo asked.

Millie didn’t respond.

Blitzo nodded, “Yeah.. I thought so.. Bailey ok?”

Millie nodded slightly, “She’s fine..”

Blitzo nodded again. Millie sighed.

“Does it ever get easy?” Millie asked, “You know.. losing someone?”

Blitzo looked at her for a bit before sighing.

“Me personally.. no,” Blitzo said, “I still think about my mama often.. it still sucks.. but.. that doesn’t mean you can’t accept it, you know..?”

Millie looked at him, “Accept it?”

“Yeah, like.. it doesn’t get easy, but I think it’s a good thing to accept what happened. After my mama passed, it took a while for me to accept it, but eventually I was ‘It happened. Now, you gotta move forward.’ You can still think about Moxxie, but.. I know that you’ll accept it one day. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but you will.”

Millie looked away from Blitzo. Before long, the tears started to erupt again. She felt Blitzo pull her into a hug. She cried into his shoulder.

Moxxie let out a loud yawn

He didn’t understand why, but he felt the makeshift bed was a lot more comfortable than it usually was. He sat up and took a long stretch. Now, he just had to wait for someone to come into the shed and drag him to do his daily task of counting money.

Moxxie waited..

...until he looked around the room..

...and realized he wasn’t in the shed. He was in a motel room.

Moxxie immediately sprang out of bed. What was he doing in a motel room? Maybe his father had a trip and brought him to keep a close eye on him? Moxxie looked around the room again. He quickly realized he was alone. Seriously? They kept Moxxie locked in a shed for who knows how long, and they left him in a motel room where he could escape from?

How inept are his father’s goons?

Moxxie wasted no time in grabbing his clothes and preparing to make his escape. He struggled to put on his clothes. During the struggle to put his pants on, Moxxie ended up falling to the ground. Moxxie groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head as he did so. He looked around the room again.

Thankfully, it was the impact that brought Moxxie back to reality.

There was no trip. He wasn’t left alone by guards. He already escaped.

Moxxie sighed as he stood up. He sat down on the bed again for a while before finally putting the rest of his clothes on.

After doing so, he left the motel room, making sure that he wasn’t spotted in any way.

No doubt his father’s goons were in the city looking for him.

Moxxie walked over to a nearby gas station. Blitzo gave him a few bucks the previous night just in case he got hungry. Moxxie bought a hot dog and a soda before heading back to his motel room to eat. After returning, he switched on the TV as he started eating.

A few minutes into doing so, his mind began to focus on Millie.

It had been so long since he had seen her. There was a time when he thought he was never gonna see her again.

However, the fact that it was so close to happening soon made him do backflips in his head.

He had missed her so much.

He always thought about her. He wondered if she did the same.

He wondered how she was. Blitzo made it clear that she was doing ok. No doubt she probably moved on from what happened. Moxxie couldn’t blame her, though. He had been gone for five years. By that time, it would be appropriate to move on by that point.

He wondered what would happen when she saw him. He was nervous about seeing her again. He wondered what she might do.

Would she cry or just scream?

He didn’t know. He was going to see her again, so he would find out what she would do.

It’s just a matter of time now.

Millie woke up like anybody else.

Not wanting to get up. She was way too comfortable.

However, she knew it would eventually come to an end. So, she reluctantly got up. She got dressed and walked out of the room. She passed by Bailey’s room, Bailey having stayed at Blitzo’s place for the night. The plan was for her to come back in another day or two.

Enough time for Millie to relax for a bit.

Millie walked into the kitchen, made herself some coffee, took her leftover bagel from yesterday, went over to the couch, and started watching TV.

As soon as she did, her phone started ringing.

Millie pulled out her phone, looked at it, and sighed.

It was her mama.

For a brief moment, Millie considered just letting it go to voicemail, but in the end, she, albeit a bit reluctantly, answered it.

“Hello?” Millie asked.

Hey, Millie,” Lin replied, “How’s your morning?

“Good.. real good.”

...That’s.. that’s good..

It was a phone call, but Lin could tell that Millie didn’t want to hear from her today.

Um.. am I bothering ya..?” Lin asked.

“Well.. I was watching TV..” Millie replied.

Oh.. my bad.. I’ll just.. bye..

Lin hung up. Millie sighed as she set her phone down. She couldn’t help but feel a bit bad. She could hear the pain in her mama’s voice. However, she was still on the fact that her family didn’t feel one ounce of pity when Moxxie disappeared. No matter how much time had passed, she still couldn’t let it go.

She didn’t know if she could ever let it go.

Millie continued watching TV in silence.

And then her phone rang again.

Millie picked it up, expecting it to be either her mama again or one of her other relatives, but instead, it was Blitzo. Unlike the previous call, she quickly answered.

“Hey, Blitzo,” Millie said, “What’s up?”

Uh, not much, just checking in on you,” Blitzo said.

“Well, I’m fine. Just taking the time to chill a bit. Thanks again for offering to watch over Bailey.”

Not a problem.

“Well, is she doing ok?” Millie asked.

Oh, yeah,” Blitzo replied, “I think she got over it cuz she’s running around playing with Octavia as we speak.

“Well, that’s good. Better than how she was before.”

Yeah, cuz I won’t lie, she seemed a bit depressed when she first got here.

“Yeah, I figured,” Millie said, “At least she’s cheered up.”

That’s right,” Blitzo said, “I think we cheered her up too much, though, cuz ever since she woke up, she’s been acting like she downed an entire pack of sugar.

Millie laughed.

“Is she causing you trouble?” Millie asked.

No, not at all,” Blitzo replied, “But you need to teach her to calm down every once in a while.

“I’ll make note of it.”

Well, alright. I’m gonna get going cuz I got some things to do.

“Alright, I’ll talk to you later,” Millie said, “Tell Bailey I said I love her.”

Will do,” Blitzo said before hanging up the phone, leaving Millie to continue watching her show.

”Ey, chill out with the sugar.”

“Yeah, or else Blitzo is gonna notice.”

“But it’s good!”

Loona and Octavia were making sandwiches while Bailey was sitting on top of the table, eating a pack of sugar with a spoon. As they did so, Blitzo walked into the kitchen. The hellhound, owl, and imp looked at Blitzo, who stared at them before staring at Bailey and shaking her head.

Bailey pointed at Loona and Octavia, “They gave it to me.”

Loona and Octavia were shocked.

“That’s a lie!” Loona said.

“Yeah! She grabbed herself!” Octavia said.

Blitzo simply rolled his eyes as he went over and grabbed the pack of sugar from Bailey.

“No more sugar. You’re gonna hurt your stomach,” Blitzo said, “Bailey, go some TV or something.”

“Ok,” Bailey said as she got off the table and ran off somewhere else.

“Well, I’m gonna get going as well,” Octavia said as she grabbed her finished sandwich and exited the kitchen, as well, leaving just Blitzo and Loona.

Blitzo stared at Loona.

“I swear,” Loona said, “She grabbed the pack herself.”

Blitzo sighed as he walked over to the cabinet to put the pack of sugar back, “Doesn’t matter anymore. She’s already eaten some of it. At least it’ll cause her to pass out for a bit.”

“Yeah, that’s true.”

“So, what have you been up to today?”

“Not much,” Loona said, “Me and Octavia are going to the mall in a bit with Tex. We’re just waiting for him to get here. He should be here soon, though.”

”So, you and Tex.. you know?” Blitzo asked.

Loona rolled her eyes, “It’s just been a few dates. We’re not boyfriend and girlfriend yet, though, so you’re welcome.”

Blitzo smiled a bit.

“You know, it’s fine with me, right? I told you it was,” Blitzo said.

“Yeah, I know, it’s just..” Loona said before sighing, “I don’t know. We’re thinking things over right now, but.. I think it’s looking good.”

Blitzo nodded.

“That’s good,” Blitzo said.

Loona nodded, “So, how long is the kid staying?”

“What? You don’t like her?”

“It’s not that I don’t like her. I just wanna know how she’ll be here.”

“Probably for another day or two,” Blitzo said, “Not too sure.”

“Hmm.. alright,” Loona said as she heard her phone ding. She pulled it out and looked at her, “Oh, Tex is here. I’m gonna get going. We should be back after dinner.”

“Alright, see you later.”

Loona then left the kitchen with her sandwich in hand to go get Octavia, leaving Blitzo by himself.

Blitzo sighed as he went and grabbed his keys, which were sitting on the counter. He left the penthouse and before long, he was in his car heading to the motel Moxxie was staying at.

It had been a few hours, but Moxxie was still watching TV. He wasn’t bored in the slightest, considering the fact that this was his first real piece of entertainment since his abduction five years prior.

As he sat on the bed watching TV. He heard a knock at the motel door. He immediately sprung out of bed and grabbed his pistol. He slowly walked over to the door and looked through the peephole, seeing Blitzo on the other side. Moxxie sighed as he opened the door. Blitzo looked at him before presenting him with a bag and a cup holder with sodas in them.

“I got WackDonald’s,” Blitzo said.

Moxxie moved out of the way to let Blitzo in. After Blitzo closed the door, the two walked over to a table and sat down. The two pulled the contents out of the bag and pulled the sodas out of the holder before starting to eat.

“You doing ok?” Blitzo asked.

“Yeah,” Moxxie said, “I kinda freaked out this morning, but no, I don’t wanna talk about it.”

Blitzo nodded.

“It’s alright,” Blitzo said.

“So.. what now?” Moxxie asked, “I mean, my dad is still looking for me. I know he is.”

“Yeah, no doubt he is. But right now, I’m sure what we can do. I mean, we got some people, but he’s got more, I’m pretty sure.”

“Yeah, you got that right. But, we gotta do something.”

“I know,” Blitzo said, “And we will. Hopefully, before he does something bad.”

Moxxie nodded, “So.. any other big stuff going on with everyone?”

“Um.. well, other than what I told you yesterday.. um, Loona’s dating that bodyguard my ex has.”

“Oh, really? How were you like when you found out.”

“I just said ok,” Blitzo said.

Moxxie was surprised, “Wait, really? I thought you’d be angry.”

“I mean, she’s 27 now. She’s got her own life. Thought it was time for me to scale back a bit. Plus, she does seem happy, and that’s what matters most to me.”

Moxxie smiled.

“That’s good,” Moxxie said, “And Stolas?”

“Well.. he finally got rid of that bitch he called a wife. She tried to take all of his sh*t, but he wasn’t having any of that, and after that, let’s just say I don’t think he’s hearing from her again,” Blitzo replied.

“What about his daughter? Does she still talk to her mother?”

“No, no, she doesn’t. Stolas did tell that if she wants to find her, he’s not gonna stop her, but right now, I don’t think the kid’s in the mood to talk to her for a while.”

Moxxie nodded, “You know.. would Stolas be willing to help us with our situation?”

“No, duh,” Blitzo said, “Why?”

“You think we should tell him that I’m alive?”

“Hmm.. maybe.. I mean, it wouldn’t hurt. We could tell him later. It’ll just be him at our place so we could tell them where.”

“Sounds good,” Moxxie said as he continued eating.

Blitzo also continued eating. He was right. It wouldn’t hurt to let Stolas know about Moxxie. After all, Blitzo felt it was time to let someone else know. He just needed to make sure it was in private first. After all, Satan knows what would happen if Bailey saw her father.

He felt that was for Millie to deal with.

He felt it was right for her to tell him.

After a few hours of talking, Blitzo and Moxxie were heading back to the penthouse. Blitzo had tried to call Stolas to tell him that he had something to tell him, but Stolas didn’t pick up.

Whatever. He was about to get there anyway.

The two reached the building where the penthouse was. The two stepped out of the car, and before long, they were in an elevator. The elevator arrived at the floor the penthouse was on, and the two walked down the hall. They eventually reached the door.

“Alright, let’s do this,” Blitzo said as he unlocked the door and opened it..

...and much to his horror, he found almost everyone in the kitchen sitting down to eat dinner.

And it was almost everyone. It was Stolas, Loona, Octavia, and most importantly, Millie. The only saving grace was that Bailey wasn’t there.

Stolas looked at Blitzo, “Oh, Blitzo, you’re here!”

Everyone else looked at Blitzo. Moxxie, on the other hand, was still outside the penthouse.

“Uh, yeah, I’m here..” Blitzo said, making sure to not sound nervous as he looked at Loona, “I thought you and Via were coming back after dinner.”

“Well, we had to come back early,” Loona said, “Tex got a call from his landlord. He said his apartment got flooded because of something.”

“Well.. Millie, what are you doing here?” Blitzo asked.

“Stolas invited me. I figured I’d come,” Millie replied.

“Alright.. um.. Stolas, come here for a sec,” Blitzo said.

Stolas got up from the table and walked over to Blitzo, leaving the ladies to talk among themselves.

“What is it?” Stolas asked.

“I need to talk to you,” Blitzo replied.

“About what?”

“About something I can’t bring up here in front of the girls, at least not right now.”

“Is there a problem?” Stolas asked.

“Well, yeah,” Blitzo replied, “I thought you were here with just Bailey-“

“Holy sh*t!”

Stolas and Octavia looked at Loona and then looked at what she was looking at, only to be stunned themselves.

Standing in front of the door was Moxxie.

Oblivious to what was happening around her, Millie turned around as well.

She let out a small gasp, and her eyes went wide as she and Moxxie locked eyes.

Blitzo looked at the others and shifted his eyes to the living room. Loona and Octavia got up from the table, and they, along with Blitzo and Stolas, walked out of the dining room.

Moxxie and Millie were now alone.

They stared at each other.

Millie slowly got up. Moxxie didn’t make any movement.

Millie began to slowly walk to him, the stunned expression on her face remaining.

As soon as she was about five feet away, she completely froze, unable to continue walking.

So, Moxxie slowly began walking up to her, eventually closing the distance between them.

The two stared at each other for the longest time, the expression on Millie’s face remaining.

Moxxie, very nervously, placed his hand on Millie’s cheek.

He gave her a small smile, “...h.. hey..”

Millie slowly grabbed Moxxie’s hand.

“M.. M-Moxxie..?”

“Yeah.. I’m right here..”

Millie continued to stare at Moxxie for a long time..

...and eventually, the tears began to drip down her face.

Moxxie began to slowly pull her into a hug, eventually wrapping his arms around her.

Not long after that, loud cries began erupting from Millie as she wrapped her arms around him, causing Moxxie to hug her tighter.

He didn’t wanna let her go.

She didn’t want to let him go.

They couldn’t.

Not now.

Just not now.

Lost and Found - Chapter 7 - LostInSeas (2024)
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Author: Dan Stracke

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Author information

Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.