Explore New Heroes In Twist! - June and July Twist Rules & Plans for the Rest of the Year (2024)

Explore New Heroes In Twist! - June and July Twist Rules & Plans for the Rest of the Year

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Blizzard reveals the details of the new Twist season, as well as plans for the rest of the year for the game mode.

Quote from Blizzard

Twist returns soon for a massive new season: Whizbang’s Heroes! Jump right into the fun with one of 19 new Heroes, each with a pre-made deck and a unique Hero Power and Passive effect. It all starts when the next season begins on June 1!

What Makes a Hero?

In Whizbang’s Heroes, simply pick your Hero and play! Each Hero has three main characteristics: a pre-built deck, a unique Hero Power, and a corresponding Passive effect. Heroes can also have different life totals. The pre-built Hero decks don’t have to follow the normal deck construction rules of Hearthstone: some decks are different sizes, most decks feature a mix of cards across different classes, and many decks have no duplicates, for more varied play. Each Hero’s Hero Power and Passive effect are designed to match that character’s flavor and deck mechanics. Our goal is for each Hero to feel like a new class.

Explore New Heroes In Twist! - June and July Twist Rules & Plans for the Rest of the Year (1)

Unlocking Heroes

The June Twist season will kick off with 19 available Heroes:

  • Illidan Stormrage*
  • Al’Akir the Windlord*
  • Arch-Villain Rafaam*
  • Leeroy Jenkins*
  • Kael’Thas Sunstrider**
  • C’Thun**
  • Nozdormu
  • The Lich King
  • Xyrella
  • Patches the Pirate
  • Sir Finley Mrrgglton
  • King Krush
  • Forest Warden Omu
  • Dr. Boom
  • Zul’jin
  • N’Zoth, the Corruptor
  • Brann Bronzebeard
  • Guff Runetotem
  • Arfus

Each Hero is unlocked while you have their corresponding Legendary in your collection. The specific card that unlocks each Hero is the card that matches the name of that Hero (with the exception of Illidan Stormrage, unlocked by Metamorphosis in Core).

If you already have the card in your collection when the season starts, the Hero will automatically be unlocked when the season begins. If you want to unlock a particular Hero you haven’t unlocked yet, you can go directly to that card in the collection from the Twist Hero selection screen to craft it. Getting the relevant cards through other means, like packs, will also unlock those Heroes.

*These heroes are unlocked by cards in Core, so they will be automatically unlocked for all players at the start of the season.

**These two cards were free login rewards for older expansions. If not already unlocked, C’Thun is automatically unlocked by having a Whispers of the Old Gods pack and going to the pack opening screen and Kael’thas is automatically unlocked by having an Ashes of Outland pack and going to the pack opening screen.

Checking the Details

Since each Hero’s deck is pre-built, you can access all the fun straight from the play screen! Swap over to Twist Mode from the Hearthstone screen to bring up all the Hero selections—whether or not they're unlocked yet. From there, you can mouse over a Hero to see their unlock criteria. You can also select the Hero to see their Hero Power, Passive effect, life total, and decklist.

Explore New Heroes In Twist! - June and July Twist Rules & Plans for the Rest of the Year (2)

Click here to see a list of what each Hero's Health, Hero Power, Passive Effect, and decklist will look at to start the June Twist Season.

Heroic Style

The baseline quality of the cards in your Hero’s deck will match the quality of that unlock card in your Collection (Normal, Golden, Diamond, or Signature). So, if you have a Golden version of an unlock card, your entire deck will be Golden. If you have a higher quality (Diamond or Signature), any cards that can match that quality will match it and the rest will default to Golden. Individual cards in those decks can go above that baseline Quality of your deck if you have a higher Quality version of those particular cards in your Collection. For purposes of this deck construction rule, Signature is considered a higher Quality than Diamond.

Twist Plans Through the End of the Year

One of our main goals with Twist is to provide a space to try new things that we wouldn’t necessarily try in Ranked Standard. We try things, we break things, we learn lessons, and then we do it all again.

One of the things we’re trying with this Twist season is messing with balance cadence for the mode. Whizbang’s Heroes have variable Healths that we can quickly adjust, so we plan to make weekly Hero Health adjustments to respond to meta developments. The hope is that these weekly updates will help address the issue we’ve seen in the past where Twist seasons didn’t line up well with our patch schedule. We’ll still be taking a look at adjusting all other things (like Hero Powers, Passive Effects, and decklists) in our normal scheduled balance patches.

After the June season, we’ll be bringing Whizbang’s Heroes back for the July season—with nine additional new Heroes to try!

After the July season, Twist will be dark again for a while. We sometimes see players asking why there are seasons when Twist isn’t available. By design, Twist isn’t an “always on” Mode like most of the other Modes in Hearthstone; it’s more like an extended event. We want Twist to feel fun and fresh, rather something that quickly fades to background noise. We’ll do repeats or updates when we think they fit into that overall goal, but not as the default.

For instance, later in the year, we’ll be revisiting Wonders and the Caverns of Time set for two seasons. We’re hoping that bringing back Wonders and Caverns of Time will give players another chance to try out the cards from that set, or to enjoy them for the first time if they missed out on last year’s fun.

Once those two seasons have wrapped, Twist will be dark again through the end of the year. We’ll give you more updates on upcoming Twist seasons closer to when they go live. For now, we hope you enjoy Whizbang’s Heroes. The fun starts on June 1—we'll see you there!

Explore New Heroes In Twist! - June and July Twist Rules & Plans for the Rest of the Year (3)

Explore New Heroes In Twist! - June and July Twist Rules & Plans for the Rest of the Year (4)


  • Holzi85

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    Posted Jun 2, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Bring back Classic mode!

  • Codl

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    Posted Jun 2, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Tried 5 games with different heroes. Zero fun😐

  • Zakading

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    Posted Jun 1, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Anyone else's game became borderline unplayable with this season start? I'm having CONSTANT freezes, lag and stutter.

  • MintMurderMedia

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    Posted May 31, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    I am extremely enjoying Battlegrounds/Duos, That mode was done right. I personally don't enjoy Arena, Mercs, or Duels. Because of Duos I didnt even try to rank this season in Standard. I would personally put more effort into card design and balancing versus these avenues. I don't believe I will be trying Twist at this time. I would prefer custom game options and tournaments that we can set up within the game itself. That would be much better.

  • tomastefan

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    Posted May 30, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Idea: for the length of the event offer discounts for the legendary cards that unlock the decks. 1000 for normal, 2000 for Golen. Let us have them a little cheaper so we can enjoy the event. I don't want this to be a "blizz please give us free stuff post", but I think it would be beneficial for everyone (including blizz sales) if players have the opportunity to craft more legendary and getting to play more packs for this twist seasons.

    Last edited by tomastefan on May 30, 2024

  • DrJonesfromHA

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    Posted May 30, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Okay cool, so Twist is going to go the same way as Tavern Brawl. The same events repeated over and over and over forever.

  • Jazzfan1971

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Bring back Duals.

    Last edited by Jazzfan1971 on May 29, 2024

  • Cold_Snap

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    Posted May 31, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Or at least bring back PvE content like duels.

  • Master_Roxas

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    This will be a Tavern Brawl over a longer period.

    People are gonna figure what hero has best deck and everyone will spam play that hero until it becomes boring.

  • Gancis

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Well, they are saying that they will adjust heroes weekly to avoid this.

  • b1ak1ce

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    I can trust that statement as much as I can throw it, and my dad never played catch with me

  • grokl77

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Extended brawl.. my thoughts exactly. I prefer twist when it gives the opportunity to play with older cards, without facing the craziness that wild is (and supposed to be).

  • Kinsim11

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Did duels die for this??

  • Master_Roxas

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Duels died cuz of Blizzard greez, and it shows with this mode.

  • SaintofQuartz

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    Unrelated. Duels was removed because a) it lacked a monetization method and b) it was a nightmare to balance.

  • user-14560584

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    i wonder why they created duels then

  • Legend_Entomber

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    Posted May 29, 2024(Showdown and Molten Giant Nerfs)

    The original team who designed/initiated Duels mode is probably no longer there..

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Explore New Heroes In Twist! - June and July Twist Rules & Plans for the Rest of the Year (2024)
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