Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 27:- On Human Money (2024)

After my successful investigation into the Federal Reserve, I found myself on a plane bound for Winnipeg, Canada using the form, passport and money of Canadian businesswoman,, Mackenzie Ashwell. It wasn't until much later that I learned at their was not one Royal Canadian Mint but another site in the Canadian capital of Ottawa. But this only produced non circulation commemorative coinage, that wasn't any interest to me. Throughout my travels on Earth blending into human society, I have used paper currency and coinage to purchase whatever I needed without ever really fully understanding the concept. As every Zenobian knows, our people made first coinage obsolete followed by paper money then digital transfer. Today we use Quantum Currency Transfer, which as revolutionised commerce on our world and made us the envy of the galaxy. Although human currency is primitive by comparison, it nevertheless was still intriguing for me. And for any XS personnel who are willing to venture to earth, it's important knowledge. But as always the MiB were forever on my heels...

Dr Ellana Xenoanthropological Society

Wednesday 3rd September 2024 The Apartment of Mackenzie Ashwell, Winnipeg, Province of Manitoba Canada 21:00pm

Wearing only a white bathrobe, Ellana sat on the bed in the studio apartment of Mackenzie Ashwell using the woman's laptop she had took with her on the connecting flight from JFK International. After a 5 hour flight then drive from the airport to Mackenzie's apartment Ellana was exhausted. The first thing she did was to fix herself a quick dinner of Lasagne with red wine, noticing that Mackenzie's fiancée had left a note saying she was a business trip to Vancouver for the next few days and that she won't be back till Friday. That suits my needs. I will be long gone by the time she gets back. Now she found herself researching her next destination, the Royal Canadian Mint which luckily was only a block away from her current position. Hmm? According to the website they usually do tours but they are having a new annex constructed, to expand operations. Access is restricted to either staff or construction workers. That will be my ticket in. I will find a construction worker and assume her identity. It's curious that humans allow their females to do what is a purely male trade. Still I shouldn't complain, not when it will provide me with a disguise. After memorising the internal layout, Ellana identified the main target, the printing presses themselves. Observing the working practices would be all the data she needed. Closing the laptop, she finished the glass of red wine finding the alcohol fruity and fragrant before taking off the bathrobe. Pulling on Mackenzie's white silk pyjamas Ellana switched off the lights then got her head down. Best I turned in. I need all my strength for tomorrow. It's going to be a very busy but fun day. Closing her eyes, Ellana dreamt of 500000 gold bars glittering in the vault of the Federal Reserve.

Task Force Ellana Support Truck Federal Reserve Parking Lot Same Moment

Agents L & M now redressed in their MiB suits walked into Ps truck. L clapped her hands causing the entire task force of 5 agents to turn from their stations. "Everyone! It seems we have lost track of Ellana. This is not acceptable. Our only lead we have is that she replaced a Mrs Sarah Arasaka, US Treasury Auditor and infiltrated the vault. We mistakenly apprehended the wrong woman and got caught out. That's on me and me alone, I will make sure none of you will be held responsible by my actions. That being said, I want leads now. I want to know where she has gone next and who she's replaced since. Search every outhouse, doghouse and henhouse from here to LA if you have too." P looked around at his team. "Alright, TFE. You heard the woman. Everyone's on extra caffeine. Let's find this changeling. Asses and elbows, people." Agent K raised her hand from her station at drone control. L gestured at her to continue. "Well, boss that dossier we found that Ellana was looking at wasn't just about Canada but a general overview of all nations." L shook her head. "Where are you going with this K? So far I'am not hearing any fresh leads." K glanced at a nervous N who nodded in her direction. "Well N and I have a hunch. That's she gone to Winnipeg. Where the main distribution centre is. With your permission I wanted to access all the CCTV in every parking lot in a 2 block radius and track anyone matching the description of the last victim." L rested her hands on the table as M got to work assisting Agent D and J with database searches. "Well get on it K. Anything that gets us on the right path." She sighed before walking over to the coffee pot. It's going to be a long night. She thought as the pot began to boil the water.

"Hey, L. K has something. Come and have a look." The sound of P's voice 10 minutes later interrupted her musings, snatching up her steaming coffee she walked over shoulder to shoulder with K and P. She saw a video of a young redheaded female being attacked by a woman matching the description of Ellana's last victim, followed by her exact clone getting into the drivers seat pulling away. "That's the Zenobian pinch alright. Girl didn't know what hit her. The timestamp says "13:10pm". Damn we were still in the Fed. Well done K. N..." She turned to the bespectacled young agent next to her. "...Could you track that car on the traffic cameras. Find out where it's going?" N grinned widely. "You got it boss." L then turned back to K. "Take a still of that woman..." she pointed at the redheaded clone getting into the driver's seat. "....and send it to D & J. I want to know everything about that woman. Who she's votes for? What side of the bed she sleeps on? Let's hustle people! We are getting closer." After 5 minutes N whooped excitedly. "Jumping jesus on a pogo stick. I have got it." The three agents looked over N's shoulder at the traffic cameras footage. "Yep, she's heading to JFK. P..." P picked up his communicator. "Already ahead of you, L. Support team 03, this is Agent P team 05. We have a possible location of Ellana's latest victim..." Behind him come another excited whoop as agents D, a pretty dark skinned woman with angular features and cropped black hair, high fives her partner Agent J a young blonde male, M turned around smiling. "She's one Mackenzie Ashwell, 24, from Winnipeg. Runs a tool company. She matches Ellana's preferred victim; 18-45 attractive and slim." P rattled off the name to the support team, as L patted N on the back. "Can you access the airport security cams? Check departures and purchases?" N nodded. "Might take a bit longer but anythings possible."

Not 10 minutes later, P got off the communicator turning to the time. "Support team 03 found the naked body of Mackenzie Ashwell stuffed into her trunk. She's unconscious but alive and a little dehydrated. They are taking her to MiB headquarters before NYFD get on the scene." L nodded as she looked at Ellana disguised as Mackenzie Ashwell, flashing a ticket at the departures desk. "And I bet my MiB pension that she's heading to Winnipeg." K seated next to her hooded as she ran a search. "Yep. All departures from that desk match Air Canada flight AC884578. She even got onto the connecting flight from Ontario." She turned flashing a smile at N who returned it, blushing ever so slightly." L laughing in joy clapped her hands together. "Well done, everyone! We have her! We done have the MiB proud." The team cheered high fiving each other as M fell into step beside her. "So Canada, eh? Wonderful. I hate Canadians." She said sardonically as they and P left the truck. As soon as they reached their sedan, P turned to face them. "This isn't ideal, guys. It's a 25 hour trip by road to Winnipeg from here and that's not counting the border. The MiB being what it is cannot afford to give me one of those new flying trucks all the other teams have, due to budget cuts. You will need to be careful when you get there. If you get into difficulty, then it may be a while until I can mount a rescue. You will be on your own." As M got into the car L placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Paddy. It's us. We have this covered trust me." P chuckled as she held her hand briefly. "I will hold you to that. Good hunting and stay safe, both of you. We will join as soon as we can." Flashing him a warm smile, L turned getting into the sedan behind the wheel activating the flight mode. Watching their sedan, now the shape of a dart hover into the air then shoot up into the night sky, P sighed. "Love you, Linda." He said before walking back to the truck.

6km outside Winnipeg, Manitoba Province Canada. 23:30pm

As soon as the sedan cleared the border checkpoint, several red warning lights started to flair up on the dashboard. "sh*t! We got an engine warning light? When was the last time this thing was serviced?! God damn budget cuts!" Next to her M was beginning to hyperventilate as she saw the ground rushing up as they neared the horizon. "Boss! W-we're falling make it stop! I can feel my stomach coming up!" L knowing full well about her partners fear of falling from her training accident, put a hand on her shoulder. "Martha. Stay with me, just close your eyes and trust me. I have got this." Doing as she was told, M felt the craft beginning to sleep as L switched off the engine letting the craft glide to the ground. "Hang on we could be in for a rough landing." She said has the horizon got closer and closer.

RCMP officers Shannon Hartwell and Roberta Harrison sat in their land rover, manning a speed trap 3km outside Letelilier. Shannon was an attractive woman with gentle rounded features, blue eyes and light brown hair tied into a knot under her blue peaked cap, with a yellow strip running through it. Next to her was the more experienced but no less pretty Roberta Harrison, a striking redhead with slightly squared freckled features and piercing green eyes. Her long flame coloured hair tied in a ponytail under her more traditional mounties stetson. They were both dressed in the duty uniforms of the mounted police; blue short sleeve shirts with their nameplates, and shoulder flashes with the RCMP logo and Canadian maple leaf, black trousers help up by their equipment belts armed with Glock 17 handguns and matching sensible shoes. Over their shirts were Kevlar vests with "POLICE" stencilled on the front at back. The uniforms were snug but a major disappointment for the American tourists who expected the more traditional red shirts and jodhpurs.

Shannon yawned widely in the passenger seat of their land rover. "I'am bored, Roberta. I wish something exciting would happen." Shannon said as she reached into her pocket to take out her phone but finding nothing. "God damn hole in my pocket! Where's my phone?!" Next to her Roberta chuckled as she unscrewed her thermos flask, taking a long gulp of coffee her boyfriend made her before her shift. "Forget it, newbie. We will look for it later. Besides you should be thankful that we have had a quiet night so far." She offered the flask to Shannon who took it. "It's just I signed up for action. Not sitting at a speed trap in the middle of nowhere." She took a sip of the warm liquid before handing it back to her partner, who screwed the cap back on. "You have a long career ahead you of rookie. Sometimes it's the little- What the hell?!" Looking up in the sky she saw an object in the sky coming down fast. Shannon saw it too. "Hey! Is that a UFO?! Awesome, just the kind of excitement I was talking about!" Rolling her eyes, Roberta switched on the sirens putting the landie into gear. "Whatever it is, we need to get over there!" With their blue lights flashing the two mounties raced to the scene.

As the two women exited the land rover, they found a peculiar sight as Roberta's flashlight hit the unmistakable profile of a black sedan half buried in the dirt. "What the hell?! This couldn't have been what we seen falling out the sky surely? And it's got New York plates?! Rookie..." She turned her partner who was just as bemused as she. "...call this in. We have a weird one." Turning away from her partner, Roberta surveyed the wreckage. Behind her Shannon took out her radio from her belt. "Dispatch this is unit-mmmph!" Shannon felt a hand clamp around her mouth dragging her around the land rover onto the ground, then an arm snaked around her slender neck. She struggled reaching for her gun but panic overtook her as she felt her attacker squeezed tighter and tighter, cutting the blood supply to her brain. "Shh! Don't fight it honey. It's easier if you don't fight it, just let go." Whispered a southern US accent in her ear as her whimpers subsided into a low muffled rattle as she slumped unconscious into her attacker. "Good girl. You're partner will be joining us soon. And for the record, I'am sorry about this. " Said Agent M as she rolled Shannon's body off her own.

"Rookie! Have you called this in?" Roberta turned to see that Shannon wasn't behind her. "Damn it where have you gone...?" Her voice died away as she walked around the Land Rover, to see a young blonde woman in a suit removing an unconscious Shannon's belt. She made to drew her sidearm. "You stop right th-argh!" Roberta felt two fists encircle her throat, applying pressure on her adams apple. She let out a small rattle of birth as she was drawn to the grass, slumping unconscious. "Shh! Hush officer. That's it. We need a couple things from you and your partner." Agent L whispered into the unconscious Roberta's ears as she stood over the mounted officers body. "Holy hell boss. You're going have to teach me that move. It's much quicker then a chokehold." M said as she stripped off her suit. L smiled as she copied her young partner. "Funny thing is, I never had much call to use it before I joined the MiB. Come on let's take their uniforms and truck. We should be able to infiltrate the mint dressed like mounties." M smirked as she removed Shannon's Kevlar vest. "I just need to keep my mouth shut. My accents a dead give away."

The two agents quickly stripped the unconscious mounties out of their uniforms, standing over the scantily clad officers Roberta as they dressed, wearing only her solid black bra and matching hipster shorts, while Shannon lay in her white sports bra and matching thong. "I have to say you look ridiculous in that hat boss. Doesn't suit you at all, big city girl." M teased as she bound Shannon with cable ties gagging her with duct tape before hauling on her shoulder in a fireman's carry. L rolled her eyes as threw a bound and gagged Roberta into their sedan's trunk. As M approached her she took off the stetson swapping it for M's stolen peaked hat. "There you are. Happy now?" M grinned as she stuffed Shannon in with her friend before slamming the door on them. "You have no idea. So what now boss? We drive into town and wait for Ellana to show herself?" She as they got into the mounties land rover. "Not yet rookie. First things first we need to rest and get some sleep. We cannot go after her half co*cked like before." Starting the engine, L put it into first gear driving onto the main road. "And the mounties? We aren't just going to leave them there. Even if they are Canadians?" L nodded. " I have already informed P with a text on the whereabouts of our sedan. He will flash them when he gets here." Leaning back into her seat, M grinned as she lent back into her seat. "I just had a thought boss. Mounties always get their man or girl in our case." Despite herself L laughed at her partner's humour as they followed the signs to Winnipeg.

Thursday 4th September 2024 520 Lagimodière Boulevard The Royal Canadian Mint 09:00am

After a hearty breakfast, shower and dressing in something more appropriate, a blue turtleneck sweater, blue jeans and black zipped boots with lingerie underneath, Ellana had jumped into Mackenzie's car taking a short drive to the Royal Canadian Mint. When she arrived parking the car in a lot next door to the Mint, Ellana noted that roughly half of the exterior was crisscrossed with scaffolding, with humans of both genders wearing high visibility jackets and helmets scurrying around the surface like Zenobian bark ants. I see a number of female workers but to track them I need to get closer. Crouching low into the bushes beside the construction site, Ellana espied one young female worker walk over from the safety of her team, towards the bushes where she was hidden a packet of cigarettes clutched in her hands. Ah, humans and their smoke breaks predictable as always. A perfect opportunity. As the female got nearer, Ellana appraised her. She was a pretty little thing with heart shaped features, gentle features and big blue eyes. Her short blonde hair tied into a curled ponytail under her orange hard hat. Her clothing, despite the garish matching high visibility jacket she wore was quite petite. Under her jacket she wore a blue and white short sleeve checkered shirt, with black denim shorts held up by a tool belt and matching black laced steel toe cap boots. Ugh! I hate orange, I wore more times then I cared to count in the MiBs taskforce. But I mustn't complain. I need this woman's face and clothes to get into the mint. As the worker turned her back to Ellana's hiding place, the Zenobian readied herself to pounce.

Olivia Masterson took a deep sigh as she took out a cigarette. Damn that no good supervisor Bruce! It's a free country and if I want to smoke then I will. If I wanted bullsh*t from a man then I would have stayed at the bar and help out my dear Martin instead. Hopefully, Bruce won't discover this particular smoking spot that I found yesterday. Besides, it's going to be a long shift and I need my first dose of nicotine. Popping her cigarette into her mouth, Olivia raised her lighter but before she had a chance to light it, she felt a hand clamp over mouth to stifle her cries, knocking the white stick from her mouth, followed by another grasping around her throat. She dropped her lighter as a female voice hissed in her ear. "That's quite bad for your health you know." Olivia's whimpering become a squeak of aroused pain as she felt her throat being pinched on either side. Eyes rolling into the back of her head, Olivia slumped unconscious as her attacker pulled her into the bushes.

After stripping off Mackenzie's clothes, Ellana planted a kiss on the blondes lips assuming her form as she took off the helmet followed by the toolbelt and high visibility jacket. "O!ivia Masteron, 31, Construction Worker. She plays darts and is on her all female pub team. They recently played in the amateur Manitoba pub league and won. She is also dating the bars owner and for the moment has no children." Ellana said as adopted Olivia's ponytail before unlacing her work boots, removing them along with the blue ankle socks. After unbuttoning the workers shirt she slipped it from Olivia's shoulders revealing B-cup breasts covered by a blue low cut lace trimmed camisole. Holding up the woman's arms Ellana pulled the camisole up over Olivia's head, getting a good luck at her small but firm B-cup breasts with rose petal pink areolas. Letting the half naked blonde flop back down onto the grass, Ellana pulled on the camisole then unfastened her black jeans peeling them from her hips down her long legs, followed by her matching scanty panties from between her thighs exposing a small cl*tor*s crowned with a trimmed strip of golden hair and pert peach shaped butttocks. Once she had slipped on the underwear, Ellana quickly dressed in the rest of Olivia's clothes lacing up the boots, setting the helmet on her head. Tearing up Mackenzie's sweater she bound the workers limbs and gagged her then with the woman secured, Ellana stepped over her pleasing naked form leaving Olivia in the bushes as she made her way across the construction site.


As she strode purposefully towards the mint, Ellana heard an angry male human voice from behind her. "Masterson! I caught you red handed again!" Ellana turned to see a well built middle aged human, wearing a blue hard hat over his balding black hair. According to Olivia's memories, this was Bruce her foreman. I must maintain my cover. Ellana turned to face him as he approached her. "This is the second time this week you've snuck off for an unscheduled cigarette break. One more and you're off my crew. What do you have to say for yourself, huh?" Ellana shrugged as she searched for an answer. "I'am sorry sir. I promise not to do it again." Bruce shook his head. "That's no good enough, Masterson! Go and work on the renovations outside the administration wing. They are short handed as it is. Let's see if some fresh air will clear your smoke addled head." Letting out a frustrated sigh Ellana turned on her heel, using Olivia's memories to guide her. What?! He expects me! The Crown Princess of Zenobia to sully myself with manual labour and outside to boot?! Scandalous! It's male work. Besides, it's barbaric of the humans to make their women work like this. First chance I get, I'am getting into the mint. She thought acidly as she climbed a ladder onto the scaffolding.

The Office of the Print master General 9:25am

After 10 minutes of searching for a suitable entry point, Ellana found an open window quickly hopping inside it to find a young female working at her desk. She was an attractive girl with freckled diamond shaped features, slender cheekbones, piercing emerald eyes and short auburn hair cut in a tousled comb over. She was wearing a pink pantsuit with a white halter top and matching heels. A small hoop necklace graced her throat with matching looped earrings.Her photo ID hanging around her neck . She rose from her chair startled, Ellana quickly advanced on her right hand raised. "What are you doing he-agh!" She let out a cute squeak of pain as Ellana's neckchop sent the secretary slumping instantly unconscious back into her chair. Smiling Ellana picked up the woman's ID. "Reilly Buchanan. This is a mid level pass. That should come in handy." Caressing the girls suit jacket collar she smiled. "What a lovely colour, much better than orange." Grinning she closed the window before stripping out of Olivia's clothing.

Now naked, Ellana straddled the unconscious Reilly kissing her soft lips feeling her breasts shrink as she removed Reilly's jewellery putting them on. "Reilly Buchanan, 23, Secretary to the Print master, who's in a meeting right now. Well thank the universe for small mercies." Ellana said as she unfolded her suit jacket pulling it off her shoulders, laying it on the desk before slipping off the heels. " She's also a crazy fan of the X-Files, a classic American sci-fi series. She has two parakeets at home called Mulder and Scilly. She has even taught them to whistle the theme tune. Something that drives her girlfriend mad." Unclipping her halter top from the rear Ellana slipped it free from her body, revealing a white lace strapless backless front fastening bra covering small A-cup breasts. Unfastening the undergarment, Ellana folded it out admiring Reilly's cute freckled A-cups with pink puffy slightly pointed pink areolas. Clipping on the bra she unzipped the secretaries pink trousers working them loose from her slender hips, pulling down her toned legs before whipping off her matching g-string thong, exposing a full vulva topped with a small trimmed triangle of auburn haired fuzz. Taking in the comely naked form of the unconscious Reilly, Ellana pulled on the rest of her suit. Once she had fastened the girls jacket over her halter top, Ellana bound and gagged the petite naked secretary with torn strips from Olivia's shirt then picking her up under the shoulders dragged her over into a nearby cabinet. After stashing the girl inside along with Olivia's clothes, Ellana closed the door on her leaving her in darkness. Glancing down at her stolen ID a thought came to her. I have a pass now. Might as well put it to use, I will head down to that coin museum I saw online and get a little insight on human or well Canadian coinage. Smiling she swept from the office using Reilly's memories to guide her.

The Coinage Museum 09:35am

Having parked their stolen land rover in a side alley, the agents got through a locked side door thanks to L's bobby pins. "Where did you learn that boss? The marines?" M asked as they heard the lock click into place, L opening the door wide. "Let's just say it's the remains of a misspent youth and leave it at that. It's served me well a few times, rookie." Smiling in surprise M followed her boss through the door. As they entered what appeared to be a museum about coinage. " A museum? Well if Ellana would be anywhere it would be here. Okay rookie. Keep an eye out for anyone that screws up. That's our girl." As they began to search the museum they spotted two attractive female mint guards approach them from the security office on the far side. "Oh great. The local rentacops, boss. What do we do now? Once they hear our accents we're in trouble." Holding up her hand to silence her partner, L appraised them. The one on the left was a young attractive woman, half her age with shoulder length strawberry hair under her black Canadian Mint baseball cap, the name on her nameplate read "Elaine Capshaw". While the other was a pretty petite girl of Chinese descent with heart shaped features, high cheekbones and brown slanted eyes. Her dark brown pixie cut hair hidden by her baseball cap. The name on her uniform read "Quinn Bronson". Their uniforms consisted of white long sleeve shirts, with badges, nameplates and clip on black tie, the shoulder flashes of the Royal Canadian Mint and maple leaf flags on their shoulders. Black slacks with yellow striped piping, held up by their equipment belts with Glock 17 handguns holstered and black laced sensible shoes. L straightened out as the nearest, the blonde woman addressed her.

"Good morning officers. May I ask how you got in here? The mint and this museum is closed for renovation and we weren't expecting a police inspection." Elaine said as she placed her hand near her sidearm. There is something off about these mounties. They just appeared out of nowhere. She glanced at Quinn who looked equally suspicious as the younger platinum blonde officer to the right wearing a Stetson reached for her pocket, only to curse in a very pronounced southern US accent as she pulled out nothing but air. The older brunette rolled her eyes but regained her composure. "We are part of an anti robbery task force from the RCMP. This is an unscheduled inspection of your security arrangements and we require your full cooperation." Next to Elaine, Quinn scoffed. "No way your Canadians. That's an American accent if I ever heard one. Let's see your identification, now." The two "officers" looked at each other nervously. "We...er...left it in our truck." Said the blonde unconvincingly. Elaine shook her head letting out a sardonic grunt. " Riight. You're coming with us to straighten this out and explain to us what two Americans are doing in those uniforms in our mint." Quinn drew her sidearm covering Elaine as she led them to the security office.

The Museum Entrance the same moment

Ellana sighed with disappointment as she stood at the entrance to the museum, its shutters down with the sign "Closed for Maintenance" hanging in black stark letters. Well that's a shame. There's still always the presses. I just need a way to get there, a new form perhaps... "Ms Buchanan! There you are!" Shouted a female voice from behind her, Ellana turned to see a pretty middle aged woman with brown shoulder length curly hair, standing in front of her with her hands on her hips her diamond shaped features flushed with anger. According to Reilly's memories this is her boss the Lady Printmaster herself Mrs Lucille Cole. How fortuitous... The woman was wearing a grey pinstriped jacket with matching skirt and black pumps, underneath was a frilly white lace blouse that hugged her shapely features. "Yes, ma'am?" Lucille narrowed her blue eyes. "That's all you have to say for yourself! I come back from my meeting and find that you are away from the office! Gone wandering off!" She shouted with a french accent. Ellana decided to let this play out. "Please forgive me, Mrs Cole. I only went for a quick toilet break and I must have lost track of time." Lucille relaxed slightly shaking her head. "Be that as it may. You still need to file that report about the effect of trading in Canadian coinage on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Let's head back to the office. What on Zenobia is she talking about? Either way, I need to get her alone so I can take her form so it's best to comply. Smiling Ellana fell into step behind her boss, as they made their way back upstairs.

The Office of the Printmaster 9:45am

As soon as they had reached the woman's office Lucille turned to face her. "Look, Reilly this is important. I expect that report on my desk by the time I get back from observing the printing presses and franking machines." Ellana's ears pricked up grinning she raised her right hand. "I'am afraid I won't be able to do that Mrs Cole." Lucille leaned against her desk, face full of confusion. "Reilly? What are you-ugh!!" The Printmaster let out a cute pained squeak as Ellana'a chop connected with her throat, knocking her out cold in an instant. "Because I will be too busy doing your job." Ellana quipped as she took Lucille's weight lowering her into her office chair before stripping off Reilly's outfit.

Straddling the unconscious Lucille, Ellana removed her jewellery including a wedding ring as she assumed her form with a kiss. " Lucille Cole, 39, Printmaster General. She is the youngest Printmaster in the history of the mint. Her parents in Québec are disappointed that she didn't pursue the family business as a baker, but they remain supportive. They regularly visit their granddaughter 7 year old Rebecca and get on amicably with her husband of 10 years." Ellana put on Lucille's jewellery then unlaced the pumps before unfastening her jacket slipping it from her shoulders. Unbuttoning the woman's blouse she glimpsed a pair of large D-cup breasts enveloped by a cream satin slip, with a hint of a matching bra. Ellana then unclipped Lucille's trousers peeling them off her shapely hips down her long legs then rolling up the slip, whipped off the matching briefs revealing a small womanhood crowned with a trimmed strip of brown pubic hair. Pulling up the stolen underwear she stripped the remainder of the blouse from Lucille's body before holding up her arms to slide the slip up over head, then reaching around the woman's back unhooked her bra admiring her firm large breasts with puffy pink roundel shaped areolas. After getting dressed in Lucille's clothes Ellana tore up Reilly's blouse, binding and gagging the naked voluptuous Printmaster then taking the woman under her shoulders she dragged her to a cabinet behind her desk, stashing her inside along with Reilly's discarded outfit.

Turning away from the cabinet, Ellana noticed a thick dossier resting on Lucille's desk. Intrigued she picked it up flicking through it. "Ugh! More dry boring stuff on the state of earth's economy. It says here that the world is in the grip of another global recession. Whatever that is and why there has been more than one is anyone's guess. Wait what's this now? "The Tokyo Stock Exchange appears to be more resilient then the world's other stock markets because of its full electronic nature. Indeed, the west could learn a lot from the Japanese in this regard". Hmm? This Tokyo, the capital of Japan as a purely E-economy like Zenobia? Well I must investigate this. I think this will be my next destination." Putting down the dossier, Ellana swept from the office ignoring the feeble thumps and moans from Reilly's cabinet. Right now, I have observations to make and a government job to abuse.

The Coinage Museum Security Office Same Moment

" Who are you ? You come into our mint with your stolen uniforms and now say your tracking thieves? Well it seems clear that you are the only thieves here." Guard Elaine Capshaw said as Agents L & M found themselves standing handcuffed in the small security office inside the museum, the only things present in the confined space was a desk with a rank of monitors and a single large locker. L rolled her eyes as she looked the blonde guard square in the eyes, fishing out a bobby pin from her cuff. Just keep them talking and focused on me, Linda. I can pop the lock on these cuffs. I just hope the rookie is observant. Next to her, M glanced behind her quickly recognition in her eyes. "Look, Elaine. Can I call you Elaine? We are not thieves. We are US Treasury agents. Tracking a thief who stole from our mint, like we just said." Next to M, guard Quinn Bronson snorted. "I thought you sounded like Americans. Where is your ID, huh?" Feeling the tumblers in her cuffs fall one by one, L pressed for more time. Elaine shook her head. "Forget it, Quinn. They don't have any that's why they can't present it. They are thieves who stole those uniforms from real mounties." Behind her L heard a brief click as her cuffs were unlocked. Now all that was needed was to get the guards closer, M who had also heard the click pressed their advantage. "You stupid canucts! For the last god damn time! We are not thieves! We are tracking one!" Quinn got into M's face as did Elaine with L. "Likely story. Well we will call the police then your embassy. Maybe they can get to the bottom off this-" "Now!" L cried as the agents pounced on the clueless guards.

At the same time L punched Elaine in the gut causing the woman to double up in pain as she followed through with a neck chop that knocked the guard unconscious on her side. While M cut off Quinn mid sentence with an headbutt that stunned the woman before the agent flipped her around, looping her cuffed hands around her neck. Kicking the guards right knee from under her, M pulled tightly choking Quinn out with her handcuffs. The brunette choked for air as she tried in vain to pull M off of her but to no avail. Then letting out a slow choked rattle of breath, Quinn's arms fell limply to her sides her eyes rolling back into her head as she slumped unconscious. Unlooping her cuffs from around her neck, M let the girls body hit the carpeted floor with a thud.

"Quick and easy, eh Rookie. All in the wrist. Nice headbutt by the way." L snatched the keys from Elaine's belt tossing them to M before turning her body over, unclipping her belt before stripping out of her mounties uniform. Behind her M smiled unlocking her cuffs. "Snooty bitch deserved it. Besides that move as saved my skin in a couple of fights." She replied massaging her wrists as she knelt by Quinn's body stripping out of her own uniform, reluctantly parting with the stetson then loosening the guards belt. Putting on Elaine's baseball cap, L unclipped the tie then unbuttoned the blonde guards shirt. "I don't remember seeing that in the US Army handbook." Looking up from unbuttoning Quinn's shirt, M winked. "I'am a paratrooper, we always fight dirty. It's you leathernecks that have a death wish, Gunny." Laughing the two agents stripped the unconscious guards out of their uniforms, soon they stood over the scantily glad guards getting dressed. Elaine was clad only in her navy coloured bra and matching hipster shorts, her athletic trim body on full display while Quinn lay in her pink frilled lace bra and matching thong, her body more lithe and petite when compared to the blonde. After cuffing the women and binding them with cable ties, gagging them with towels the agents stuffed them inside the locker shoulder to shoulder. "Come on, rookie. Ellana has enough of a headstart on us." L said as she slammed the door on the underwear clad unconscious guards. M nodded wincing slightly. "You got it boss. But this uniform is way too short on me. I can barely breathe. Ow!!" L cuffed her on the back of her head. "Come on M! Enough bellyaching. We are out of time!" With that the two agents hurriedly left the office in search of their quarry.

Observation Gallery, Printing Presses, 10:20am

As she stood in the observation gallery overlooking the four printing presses process thousands of Canadian dollars a minute, Ellana grew bored. Ugh! I'am not learning anything by merely watching them. I need to be down there taking a closer look, observing their primitive mechanics and the human working practices. Who knew that being a high ranking official would be so boring? I need a new form, perhaps a lower ranking technician. I have seen a few females among them. I just need to find one on her own or call one up here... Just as she was planning an effective strategy, the sound of the door to the observation room opening drew her attention. Turning she appraised the new arrival, grinning when it was a young pretty female.

Technician Laetitia White gulped nervously as she felt herself being appraised by Mrs Cole, herself an inspiration to many of the female staff in the printing floor. I wonder if I will ever make Printmaster General. I doubt it what with being black and a woman. But still I'am in awe of her. Laetitia was a strikingly attractive ebony skinned girl of 22. With angular features sloping cheekbones and big brown almond shaped eyes. Her short raven hair styled into cornrows under her blue hard hat, mint symbol stenciled in white at the centre. She was dressed in a black jumpsuit the RCM logo on her left breast, and her name stitched in white on the right that hugged her petite slim frame. With black laced steel toe cap boots. Smiling she handed Mrs Cole the hourly report. "Here is the hourly printing rate, ma'am. We are actually running to a surplus." Mrs Cole nodded smiling. "Thank you...Laetitia, a very pretty name. Dismissed." Blushing the young technician turned from Mrs Cole, but before she could leave Laetitia felt the woman's hand clamp around her mouth muffling her cry of betrayal. "Actually you could use a break, dear." Mrs Cole hissed in the technicians ear as she grasped her throat, pinching the vulnerable sides of her slender throat curtailing Laetitia's confused mewlings with a muffled aroused squeak as she slumped unconscious into the Printmasters arms. Her final sensation was the sound of her jumpsuit being unzipped as she was lowered to the floor.

Shredding Lucille's clothes Ellana took the unconscious Laetitia into her arms planting a kiss on her warm inviting lips, assuming her form as she took off the girls hard hat, feeling her breasts shrink. "Laetitia White, 22, Mint Technician." She said putting on the girls hard hart before unlacing her boots pulling them off, along with her black cotton ankle socks. " She's into hip hop music and is the lead artist in her group The Mint Queens, all made up of fellow female workers. They perform in all the bars in Winnipeg but haven't been scouted yet but Laetitia remains optimistic." Taking the jumpsuit by the shoulders, Ellana peeled the garment down Laetitia's trim lean body leaving her dressed in only her matching cropped black vest, nipples peaking through the thin fabric and bikini hipster shorts. Not stopping there, Ellana whipped off the girls bikini shorts exposing her full clean shaven cl*tor*s and pert peach shaped buttocks before flicking up her arms pulling her vest off over her head revealing her small but firm B-cup breasts with dark black perky areolas. After getting dressed in the technicians uniform, zipping up the jumpsuit then lacing up the boots Ellana tore up Lucille's slip binding and gagging the petite naked technician. Taking the girl by her ankles she dragged her over to a nearby locker stashing her inside standing up. Dumping the rest of Lucille's clothes in with the girl Ellana slammed the locker door then turning on her heels, left the observation room clambering down the metal staircase to the printing floor.

The Printing Floor 10:30am

As she came to the printer floor, the sound of the large printers was deafining. The sight of the four printers was despite the primitive nature of the technology, impressive. I'am surprised that with all the digital technology creeping into human culture, that they still insist on using printing presses to mass produce currency. An important innovation but now obsolete. On Zenobia we did away with our printing presses around the same time as paper money. Especially during the digital age. "Laetitia!" Ellana turned as a middle aged human male wearing the uniform of a technician approached her, the name stitched into his jumpsuit read "Randy Newman". According to Laetitia's memories he was her foreman. "I'am heading out on my break. I want to supervise and watch the machines. Whatever you do don't touch the controls." He gestured to a small control booth set on the far side of the room. Ellana nodding, flashing him a smile before he turned on his heel. Glancing at the control station Ellana grinned. I think I will have a look at these controls. After all what's the worse that could happen? This won't turn into another Santa Monica. Putting one foot in front of the other, Ellana entered the deserted control room.

Looking at the progress of the printers on the digital readouts, Ellana noticed that they were weren't running as efficiently as Laetitia's report first suggested. I don't know if it's me but these presses are not running as fast as they should be. They have much greater potential then the output they are currently producing. So I will do these humans a favour. They can thank me later. She quickly pressed a few buttons increasing the speed of the printing presses. For a while nothing seemed to happen but suddenly a klaxon sounded as red warning lights begin to flash, along with a large red "WARNING" appeared on the monitors in front of her. Looking up through the window, Ellana saw the extent of what she had done. Increasing the speed of the printers had caused the machines to emit loud screeching noises, like the sound of fingernails dragging across a blackboard, as the paper began to jam then the sound of metal jamming as the presses spluttered to a halt. Thick black smoke emitting from them. Chaos erupted across the floor as technicians scurried around trying to contain the blaze or evacuate others. Oh Skut! This is even worse then Santa Monica. Well it looks like I need to embrace that age old Zenobian tradition; the tactical retreat. Running from the control room, Ellana pulled down the fire alarm.


Walking out of the museum into the connecting corridor, the two agents heard the fire alarms then saw a few technicians run past them. "Come on rookie! That as to be our girl!" Following the alarms and the screams, they entered the printing floor coming out to a seen of utter pandemonium with technicians either running away or trying to combat the fires coming front the four printing presses. L let out a dry sardonic sigh shaking her head. "Yep our girl has definitely been here. You just have to follow the sirens and the screams." M herself looked around. "But where did she go boss? Is she still here or fled?" L glanced over to a group of female technicians who were running towards the fire, extinguishers in hand. "No, remember Santa Monica? That time she stuck around. She's still here! Search those women." She said gesturing to the group of bemused technicians who started to swear profusely at them as they started to frisk them. It was then the sound of running feet from behind them heralded the appearance of a team Mint security, lead by two very bruised and angry women dressed in their underwear. Elaine pointed an angry finger at them as Quinn held a tissue to her nose, tears streaming down her face. "It's them! Those crazy Americans! They attacked us and stole our uniforms!" Suddenly sound of six guns leaving holsters made the agencies raise their hands. L sighed turning to her partner. "This wouldn't have happened if you didn't lose the neuralyser, rookie!" M shot her an angry look as she was restrained with handcuffs. "How was I supposed to know that the woman had a hole in her pocket?! Hmph. Looks like we can't call P." She added petulantly as L's hands were also cuffed. "Shut up, rookie!" She has as the two were led away.

Corridor near the Central Lobby 10:55am

Seeking refuge in a broom cupboard, Ellana caught her breath as she waited for a suitable female to run past her hide. I need to grab a female, assume her identity and make for the airport fast. I have overstayed my welcome here and I need to get to Tokyo. Damn it, I wish I could just call the Zephyr. I should've took a holoset from the ship. Still you live amd learn. Peeking out from the ajar door, Ellana saw a pretty human female approach her position, she was quite alone. A comely girl with gentle features, sloping cheekbones and big pale blue doe shaped eyes. Her long silken chestnut hair tied into a ponytail. She was dressed in a black and white polka dot blouse, black pencil skirt and matching strappy heels. With dangling earrings. Smiling at her luck Ellana shot out her hand, grabbing the bemused girl by her blouse pulling her inside. Throwing the girl against the wall who let out a terrified squeak, Ellana gently caressed her sweet face releasing her pheromones. The girl let stared at Ellana with dreamy eyes as the Zenobian gently grasped her throat, squeezing at her pressure points. The human let out an aroused squeak as she slid unconscious down the wall to Ellana's feet. "To sleep, pretty little thing." Ellana smiled as she shed the technicians outfit.

Kneeling by the unconscious girl slumped against the wall, Ellana assumed her form with a kiss loosening her scrunchie that held her ponytail. "Nina Gregory, 20, Inten at the Canadian Royal Mint. She's hooked on Canadian pop star Justin Bieber. She's written him loads of fan mail but he never replied and attends all his concerts. Nina doesn't stop believing." After adopting the girls ponytail, Ellana took out her earrings putting them in before slipping off her heels. Unbuttoning Nina's blouse revealed C-cup breasts covered by a purple lace tube bra, then rolling Nina onto her side Ellana unzipped the skirt from the rear whipping the garment off her slender hips down her long legs, along with her matching lace thong that had been protecting a small trimmed cl*tor*s decorated with a small tuft of light brown hair and small pert plum shaped buttocks. Slipping on the stolen panties, Ellana removed the blouse then flicking up Nina's arms pulled her tube bra up over head admiring her buoyant breasts with puffy dark pink areolas. Quickly dressing in the girl's clothes, Ellana taped up the girls limbs with duct tape gagging her before dragging her petite naked form deeper into the cupboard. After straightening out her pencil skirt, she swept from the cupboard leaving Nina naked in the darkness.

As soon as Ellana left the broom cupboard she was face to face with a firefighter in full kit. "Ma'am? Please follow me. Where evacuating everyone from the building to bring the fire under control." The man said his voice muffled by his oxygen mask, as he put hid arms around her. "Thank you! The fire it's awful! Please take me away from here!" Ellana allowed herself to be steered to the exit, feeling the warm morning air as well as the heat from the fire on her face. The firefighter turned to her. "Alright this is where I leave you. Go get yourself checked out by the EMTs then report to the assembly area. Good luck." With that the man disappeared back into the building. That's really good advice but I'am going to Tokyo. Using the woman's memories Ellana made her way to the carpark finding Nina's car. Getting in she took out the girl's phone bringing up the airport and looking up the departure times. Excellent a flight leaves in an hour, a Japan Airlines Flight. Perfect for my needs. Memorising the route to Winnipeg International Airport, Ellana replaced the phone in her pocket then started the engine. As she drove away from the Mint, she was relieved to see the firefighters bring the blaze under control. That's good I'am glad. I wouldn't have lived with myself had i destroyed a cultural landmark and the caused the humans great distress.

Winnipeg International Airport 11:30am

Entering the airport terminal, Ellana searched for a suitable female form. Nina didn't have any money on her so I may need to assume a stewardesses identity. As she walked through the busy terminal, she noticed two far eastern females standing near an advertisem*nt board chatting. Getting closer Ellana appraised their uniforms. One on the left was dressed in a black buttoned waistcoat with matching trousers and sensible shoes, underwhich was a blue long sleeve blouse with a red and blue scarf tied around their necks. This girl had short black pixie cut hair with heart shaped features and slanted big brown eyes. While the other wore a black blazer with knee length skirt. The girl on the left, a handbag over her shoulder leaned on her hand luggage. "I'am so looking forward to returning home to Tokyo, Aiko. It's been too long since I last since my Hayato." Her friend wearing the skirt nodded. "Tell me about it, Naomi. Don't get me wrong I love the west but nothing compares to Tokyo." Naomi smiled. "Well I have got to make a quick stop to the bathroom. I have to make myself decent for my handsome hunk." Aiko laughed as she watched Naomi had towards the women's bathroom. "He won't no what hit him. But do be quick. We don't to miss boarding." Watching Naomi wave back, Ellana grinned as she followed the girl into the bathroom. Assuming the form of a local would come in handy and blend in easily. Plus I like her outfit, very fetching indeed.

Naomi Endo took out her lipstick gently applying the rouge to her lips. Everyone doubted me for dating a sumo wrestler. They all told me that I should get someone more handsome or thinner. But my Hayato is a champion. A man's man, and I wouldn't replace him not for a second. The sound of the door opening behind her snapped her thoughts back to the present. She glanced in the mirror to see a pretty western girl in a polka dot blouse walk in behind her. "Hello there. I must say I really like your outfit." Naomi blushed slightly at the odd remark. "Um thank you, miss." Naomi continued to apply her makeup, getting the distinct impression the woman was sizing her up. "I would like to borrow it along with your pretty face." Naomi blinked in shocked as she saw the girl raising her right hand. "What are you-ugh!!" Naomi let out a squeak of pain as the girls hand thin like a blade strike her on the right side of her neck. Naomi was render instantly unconscious. Catching Naomi's weight as she fell to the the side Ellana dragged her into the cubicle behind them.

Putting the unconscious stewardess in the toilet bowl, Ellana stripped off the outfit she had taken from Nina Gregory before straddling the girl kissing her softly on her ruby lips, loosening her tie. "Naomi Endo, 24, Japan Airlines Stewardess. She's dating a sumo wrestler back home and his looking forward to spending time with him. She tried to she his bouts whenever she can but it's difficult with her lifestyle." After unlacing Naomi's shoes removing them along with her red socks, Ellana unfastened Naomi's waistcoat slipping it loose from her shoulders before unbuttoning her blouse revealing a hint of A-cup breasts covered by a red lace bralette. Unzipping her uniform trousers Ellana worked them off the stewardesses slender hips, peeling them down her long tanned legs along with her matching red lace bikini shorts exposing a small tidy cl*tor*s crowned with a thick trimmed strip of raven haired fuzz. Whipping up the lingerie, Ellana pulled off the stewardesses blouse one arm at a time before reaching around her back unclipping the bralette and admiring the small cute A-cups with circular perky light brown areolas. Once she had gotten dressed in Naomi's uniform, cinching the scarf to her throat Ellana tore up Nina's blouse binding and gagging the petite naked young woman. Locking the cubicle door, Ellana climbed up over the stall landing over on the other side then searching the attendants cupboard found an "out of order" sign looping it over the handle of Naomi's cubicle.

Using the stewardesses makeup, Ellana made herself look the part then replacing the make up bag she grabbed Naomi's hand luggage dragging it behind her as she left the bathroom. "There you are, Naomi. You sure took your time. I was ready to call in a search party." Aiko said as Ellana approached her, falling in step beside her as they walked towards gate 3. "Well I have to look my best for my lover. I may never know when I might see him again." Aiko smiled as they walked through the boarding tube. "Well isn't that the truth. Ready to see home again, Naomi?" Ellana looked to her a small smile on her face. "Looking forward to it." As they walked onto the aircraft Ellana was full of anticipation. If this Japan is technologically ahead in finance compared to the rest of the Earth, then it's going to be a fascinating trip. I can't wait.

Last edited by Stormtrooper1990 on Sat May 18, 2024 8:53 pm, edited 8 times in total.

Ellana's Cultural Studies on Humanity Chapter 27:- On Human Money (2024)
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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Author information

Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.