Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas (2024)


tort SALE -Garland addition; block 12, between 4th and 5th. lots. EBEN W. MM BALI- fcl fOR SALE Foot of Main street; front 4-story building. Call on JOHN toerd seven consecuttve times.

AV oi counted less than orif time costs 25c, Arff? fimt? costs 50c, ae fiwiri (costs $1.00. TY? Gazette publishes more classified ads than all other K'A rkansas neves pa pern. 25 words: thus, a 25-xcord or SZLt 7 ANTET WANWn.n,, ZuTow i BOR- iEARN 115 per week; position. Write. (iNO colored).

Al TO SCHOOL OF" 8T. LOl'IH, llii Pine, Loula, Mo. 1016 WaNTKD-a bright boy, about 15 yaa.a old, who tin. it-islands itenography and I. pewrlHrii, tu In office.

Apply CMiEllWuoh TTPEWIUTER II. l.ou'iana. 1078 t' A NTK I ge of 14 an( IV td) f. to tirk iri sash god door factory He My Inquire for SETH MAilNtK, Superlntandent, Cha. T.

Ai i Co Ka.se End mill. 1101 NVa.NTEI)-Iry good clerk, 10 per n.onth. clerk genu' furnishing, li per wvi-k. watchmaker, salary ti)en. BT'SINESS BUREAU, 215 W.

id. iU WANT about 16 yer of age; to per week, good opportunity If you arc wide awake and can best of refeie.nce.8; must be of good address an'd pergonal appearance. ClvM. Gasette. l'11 'WAN'TKrYoung-Ttian, office assistant and stenographer; prefer one owntni; vehicle; tniiM be competent and a nus-iler, Salary to be rulaed to rs.

if service Is satisfactory. DIXIE COTTON OIL CO. 1001 WANTEli Hank" cashier, jlij, three stenographers, automobile m-chtnlst, 1100 to $lfl; shingle mill filer and foreman; multigraph operator, boy, li Oil; collectors and solicitors, clly Ark Business Bureau, 215 West St. Little Hock, Aik. 993 WANTED-A go.nl canvasser in every town in Arkansas; male or female; pay salary or commission.

For further information enclose 'M cents to ahow good faith, which will b- returned when first sale Is made. Address ROBERT THOMPSON, Litlle Rock. Ark, Bug 843 S3 AXTEl)- Fiir IJujleiLfiaiUVlrrnfFi'Dfr- bodied unmarried men betw-en ages of IK and 3.7, of United Slates of good chatactcr and If migrate habits, wh can read and write the Kngl'sti language For in 'riratloii apply to HKt'Ftl lTlN'i, OFFICER. Main and Markhani streets. Mule Ro-k.

Ark. HKLP WAKTEiTEMAXa 'Pi" ANTKD Bookkeeper; lady assistant to bookkeeper. JACOB KI.ASS. WANTED-Olrls, to niake" papTbo'xe(i; experience unnecessarv. Apply A Hi 'H KR CANDY CO.

WANTED A' rrtiahle" girrFor general housework, while oi colored. SL1 W. or phone 17s WANTED-Oood olored cook for-short orders. MOORE 8 BUSY BEE, 115 Main. 1,137 WANTED -A white girl for general hoiiar work In small family.

Apply 6t0 ROCK. i4 WANTEU-A "good white woman7orVn' eral liousework, wages JV, per week. I'i'i BATTERY. WANTED-Colored woman to "help do general IiouauAorg. Family of three, aw K.

lfith. WANTED-Experlenced cook. Prospect and le avenues, Pulaski Heights MRS. C. P.

PKURIE, phone Vm. 602 WANTED-toung" lady to assist In clr leal work; salary to start 16 per week address application in own handwrltl.ig I'3672, llasette. WANTEtV-A to learn fancy pressing, one who has had laundry ex perlence preferred. to. the JAR1K nil E.

4th. WANTED -An experienced white girl to do housework for family of three; good pay aqd good home for right party. Phone 2709. 1 CENTER ST. WANTED Middle-aged or old lady to keep house and care for 5-year-old child; good home for right party.

PHONE 4712. ANTE D-0 i rl, who can operate type writer, to answer telephone and as sist In pathological laboratory. Apply today, SU7 STATE HANK BLDO, 1(C6 WANTED-QIrls. to learn tialr dressing, manicuring, facial beauty culture; lead Ing profession for ladlea: graduates de mand at top wagea; tools; diplomat given. Special scholarship first 10 stu denti.

Write PALMER SYSTEM, 221H Main. 22671 Sheet metal work. FOR aTL KINDS OF SHEET METAL work, ace CHAS. F. WUNDERXICH, 922 W.

7th; phone 2708. 711 fcti Ti 151 1 -A span or good sound working mares, aeirhir.ei ten to twelve hundred pounds each. Stale aae weight and PHONE 123; H. F. Auten.

7174 -m- i si IbjrM spring wairotr: nn.t be e.iod and -fte-ip: state piVe and where me liorse Kl4, (iagette. ANTE'' To Small Ira. of land ponitrv purpose; tfacelly sul fcrrf ist te wiiii p. yiic rroc of luni's. and will lav i ash Applv Omette TOH RENT HOUSES" -T--4.

room No 9X, (cor. Ai w)e (iaines. I 7N -Ni ne-routn boarding an lease for one ea: r.feren.es exchanged. Jd. Ark.

J9 'V I' er les rable 1 'rtlce cr icarai-e arvl Mi PHONE 35. Hit'- i.e.Tj 'il1'1 loll 1 en lot Ileal' f'M. Kl.n -if vou wan; to rent a hou 'ill ai our otfi. an'i get a list of what we have Nnv I sin re-aly for delive each al noon. ENGLAND REALTY 'Vi Vf Jd 5in3S Ftfl! RENT Ar.

-Ireet eight iuomt, house. will pipe same nat t-o desired KIRKWoOD A Tl'NNAH, phone J1W) FX RENT- Furnished I of looms: electric lights, large bathroom, natural gas, furnace heal, privilege of tenting out part. 3M17 (ail OLD PHONF. 614 Full RENT -Modern Lie room nicely furnished cottage, arranged two families'; price $45: near i'nion depot and new Call PHoNE 3a31 8XS FoR RENT-A kooM 6-room mode' i house on 1'uHski Heights; half Mock of ground, barn. hicken iiouse.

well, cistern, clly water and orchard. $26 month K. BAG LEY. Gazette. l'" For" RENT-Five-room modern eotta iinlshcd complete; one-half block from South Mam car line.

In high class neighbot hood; only a month MEX-Tt'N HEAL ESTATE 212 W. 2d-phone 127S 1012 FOR ENT- -A Uracil ve four-and apartments, with private bath and all modern conveniences; In the 8L Clair, 500 E. 6t street. Now la the time to make your arrangements, aa tall and winter will soon be here and it will then be too late. Apply CITIZENS' COMPANY, Agents, 210 W.

Jd. FOR RENT Menton apartments; two of Hie most desirable four-room apartments. and State streets. Beautiful interior with tinted walls and hard-woo1 finish floors. Heat, water and lanilor sere lee free.

Rent reasonable, EN TON HEAL ESTATE COMPANY. 212 W. 2.1, phone 1278. 706 BOARDING. Foil IlENT-Nicely furnished, pleasant rooms, centrally located; downtown; nil modern conveniences, with best of board, BROADWAY: phone 4902.

1013 For" RENT To couple or two young men, nice, large, ell-f urnlshed "downstairs roo with Ixiard; all conveniences. PHONE 1698. 1045 WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT- Boom by gehtfe-nian: must be cloae In, rios to bath; reasonable: slate price and conveniences. AoMress RSkS, Gazette.

1P52 WANTED" TO 'HENT-Two orlhree" unfurnished looms, must be wllhlng walking distance of 2d and Main: by couple without children. PHONE 4731 after 1 o'clock. 1S2 WANtibr-TO RBNT'Twa furmihTd rooms for light housekeeping; rn prlva'e home; rooms close in not wanted: none hut refined Christian people need re ply. References exchanged. Onto, Gazette.

1034 FOR RENT. FOR RKNT-Stahle at 518 IuT7aVa. Phone 21H0. Apply MAIN. 754 FOR RENT Several choice ofiices single oi en suite, in Kahn building, corner Markhani and Louisiana streets; building has been completely renovated the past summer; convenient to post-office, federal and municipal building.

Steam heat. See S. H. KAHN, 11:1 Main. WANTED INFORMATION.

WANTED Information. Whereabouts of Steve John, a Braziliai Olysp, fortune teller; supposed to be going from Memphis to Little Hock. Liescrlptlon Sixty-five years old; six feet two Inches high, gray side burn whiskers, very long; drives two iron gray horses to covered wagon and has probably two families with him. If located, wire W. A.

BOYD. 105 Spring, Little Rock, and receive reward 1079 EWTNO MACHINES. SEWING MACIHNES-3J years the" "sewing machine repairer in Little Roik. Aug Tagels, expert $1 repairing at your Iiouse. OLD PHONE 1620, at O.

Stanley Hdw. store. 7'115I SEWING MACHINES RENTED" week or month; terms reasonable; beat makes of new machines sold on easy payments. Needles, oil, etc. W.

('. STOCKTON, Tenth and Main; call old PHONE 33 or 1727. 30151 syjjjseawj jbb aj Mab street $tore for rent. Only vacancy on west side of street. 620 Main street.

Sam Blum. Phone 2962. RENT New unfurniahe 6..,. kouee. rwcxms 5 TiH RENT Three fgnilahed isooml fo.

gentleman or iple. th. i t.j i 'j iu aawsiuuri, iw rent, also dy board 221 19 eh. PHONf 1150 tfk 1 111 rumnnea roeen; a inouern. cue tLI PHOM JBV 1 Itt.NT-Furnished room in iTei S'd misiern bnme.

close in. on East I 'hom*o I.KN1 -Two laut'ful "furnisheS rooms, everytiiing new and clean-, hoJ and coio baths, men preferred. SU Si xL5f KKNT" Ijirge. well-furnished roonf ir-n-lenien only; strictly modern. Stf atid -3 Outer St.

First-class board hair Mock away Jgj FOR RENT one large, airy room; ail modern i on leniences, in private fanqj-li) Call PHONE 41S; 215 W. lith. For RENT -Nicely furnished "rooms' ose ip ard reasonable. With every mo rn convenience. 317 --ARCH.

Foil RENT- Weil furnished rooms in modern home, permanent people desired. References required and given. AS-dress 413 Sett Old phone 59. FOR RENT Tw orlliree" nicely furnished rooms for light Housekeeping; lights and watei furnish ed; on ear line. PHONE J9.

Foil furnished bedrooms ia heart of city; J3 and $3 50 per week; car fare saved nearly pays renL X.1 MAIN; old phone lo. FoR rent-Nice clean rooms; good beds. $2.80 per week and up. for gantle-inan or couple All modern couven-ienc. 204 CENTER.

154) For RENT-Twofurntshed Udrooms) une-haif block from excellent board and close to 6th and Mala PHONI or apply at 209 8th. 1 )R RENT Nicely furnished rooms wHa boartl; all modern conveniences; la walking distance. Apply 219 fe. sth. W4J FOR RENT One sultei of rooms upstair far light housekeeping; all modern con venlenoes.

PHONE 6114; 1013 W. Mark-ham. $63 FOR RENT A suite of rooms furnished complete for light all modern com enlences; close in. $4 6th; PHONE $066. $71 FOrt RENT Nicely furnished room fa private home, with sll modern conveniences, gentlemen only.

W. CAPITOL phone M. rooms ror llghl housekeeping or without light housekeeping; modern conveniences. Apply M3 W. 6th, Argents, FOR ItENT-BeautlTul roomsrupstalrs or down, at 9T7 CENTER.

Hot affiiTcolJ" bath; new furniture. Telephone service and all modern convenlencer lM FOJrTll EN t-Nlnely 'urnlshed room to one or two gentlemen; bath, gas and electric lights; walking distance of business district and Rock Island depot. Sit EA8T FOlRTH STV FtiR RENT Three rooms furnished com plete for housekeeping; modern; natural gas; iiuui. one Mock from car; walking distance of Kwk Island depot. PHONE 4126.

$SS FORRENtTwcTcholce front rooms upstairs, singly or en suite; every convenience; near business district, ear and board; no children; reference. PHONE 2640 516 E. Jth. FOR RENT Nlceiy furnished rooms for housekeeping In family of two; to couple without children; object company for wife: rent very reasonable. Address B873, Gazette.

1087 i1PlineS uoimuy nicw (uiuibiiibm i uunn, steam hast in winter; strictly morleraf rlote In; beautiful loostlon; references, 808 W. PHONE 2631. 18608 FOR "RENT-Sanitary furnished room for light housekeeping; gas and Ml modern conveniences; best location city. 1202V, MAIN; phone a4. Wood flats.

tXA FOR RENT-Nicely furnished rooms' roi light housekeeping; modern conveniences; private family; no children; references exchanged. 1320 BATTERY. Isil FOR RENT Nicely furnished room In good neighborhood, on 15th street enr line, with privilege of kitchen, dln'ng room and parlor, reasonable; references, Address H8T, Gazette. FOR RENT -Three A nicely furnished rooms for light housekeeping In house with all modern conveniences; to a couple without children: references required. 32! E.

6th; OLD PHONE 888 eOR RENT two liirge connecting unfurnished rooms; beautifully located; In private family; on ear line and walking distance of business part of, town. PHONE 3020. Call 140 Rock. SPECIAL. For Sate or Trade 803 etta street, modern cottage; large rooms, good yard, pirden, poultry yard, servant's house and shsde.

Will take good lot as part pay. Price right, $2,750. Holm 3 Real Estate Co. Phone 1207. 215 West Second Street.

0 WANTED 3 heading bolt cutters; virgin for, umber; none better. ELYHARDT WANTKD-Two messenger boy. with Harkhem and Cross. nuuiv DLiLiO fitters, cone but experienced men need apply. K.

D. BRACV HL)W. W8 Main. 1 A TKI) t'ofured "peop le to learn" "the barber trade: ti from tb start LITTLE ROCK BARBER COLLEGE. iot N.

Main. WaNTeIS Men and women solToitors. blf paying business; only thoi-e if desiring work need it'ly. SW4 UtL 624 'AlTlVantoukiinteiet paring business, mus: ave Jo-'i tu invest. This is a straight and bonesi, big paying business, imi, Gumtte.

WANTED First -clsss" burban" "heading sawyer, good wages to right man ELKHARDT LENON, Oneida, Ark. 71 WANTEDhcTrt "order man for kitchen work. Apply BU8Y BEE RESTAURANT. 115 Ji' A BDFif melT for making tics'; liioiinialn timber, good wage; steady work. II.

D. WILLIAMS COOPERAGE Leslie, Ark hci v-ANTEr- -Five good carpenters and II tinfbn bricklayers, unices first and a hustler do not ansner. Addrns P. O.BOX Vn, Prescott. Aik kVJ WATfTETV-eparator man.

Address V. H. LAKIN BON. Haiien, Ark. ltoute 8.

Pbona Haxen or Stuttgart line. learn barber trade, a fcholarslilp guaranlees wages from start, plenty of practice; everything furnished, palmer system of colleges. W. AIAHKHAM. WaNTICD Colored men prepare aa sleeping car porters and train porters; If you wish position near Columbus write Immediately; no experience necessary.

O3410, Gazette. 071 WANTED inborera at mill' of tin Xatttnret CtTripeTage anT 'Wobdenwaie Company, Clarendon, Ark. Can have teady employment, weekly pay roll WANTED A good, live salesman to work In city; also to travel througti state; can make attractive offer to right pi. ties Call on W. PONDER, ttate Bank BldK- 7 WANTEIf oung men and ladlea to learn telegraphy.

We guarantee portions. Call or write for terms. BOUTJ1 WESTERN RAILROAD AM TELEUHAPH BCHOOL, 16 W. 2d. Llttle Rock.

WlLL sell a limited amount ot stock in a new established business on Mam lret; Investment will pay not than 15 to 30 per cenl f)o n'i answer unless you mean business. L2H32, Curette. 10T4 ti7lerirn "the barter trad: thousands have become successful abop owners by our system and aend to aa for barbora; learn now and 'accept lob that pays well. MOLER 5 SARBEU COLLEGE, Memphis, Tenn. wXWaS5Tt railway mall clerks; pbt.

"'pttlW; "eustoms cierks, mail rarrlers, Vxa'M'natlons send postal for showing dale and free sam-plg questions from previoue FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Dept. tJ, Rochester, N. Y. 6.C WXfJl'ED Capable young man for bookkeeping and general office work; must not be afraid of work, reply In own handwriting, stating age, experience, references, and how soon could eo mm Mice, work.

Address "CAPHIBIR." a Bog Die WANTEDA young man for collector. Biuet be of neat appearance, affaljle arid polite and must know the city; answer In own handwriting, giving age and references. For the right kind of man this will he a good position with future. P3596, fiajette. WW wXNTED- By" Soothe rn manufacture competent stenographer; preferahlv with railroad experience.

In commercial or general freight office; having some I knowledge of tariffs, to work into po Itton of rate clerk on small tariff file. Btate vry fully past experience, present occupation, salary expected and references. CILW, Gazette. RANTED An educated man of ability sua ku. irons iu irn me international Encyclopedia; revised edition; 23 volumes; business well established: extensive advertising; a good opening for the right man; state age, educational and other Qualifications: nd five references.

Address DODD, MEAD Shukert Building, Kansas City, Mo. 636 FOR SALE Household furniture ft 4-room PKM. GAZETTE gtxxlt kinds. Nearly new. Apply lil Roi rr 'rf j.

rt1. cates. PARK IN-LONG LET Lou.siana. FK SALE Fifty alee horses nd mare- drivers and saddlers. and Izar WAGON YARD.

SALE-slpace cS "Akansa- on Write at once. BTO, oasett- 'R SALE Fine ptano-; a fine oeiga if vou want something nice for a price. PHONE b3. V- jl'tiR SALE One "lady's writing desk an! I o-e small table, white enameled. RoESCH 8TORAGK CO v.e Pol! SA LE horst i id.

and dilvee; city broke. JwO. 7U CoPELAND A KENNO.V' 1M'- SAI.K--Dry kindling-wood and blocks; delivered promptly. LITTLE KoCK FURNITURE MFG. KB roll SALE-Iron bed.

springs and ma tr.ss, one range. $: Mooies Ac Tujtit Heater, $10, natural gas range, new. c-ost j'W Izard. f7 SALE Verv cheap; a profit. In little store in the edge of city, pjoi health leason for selling.

A1S. tiasc-fte Fop. SALE -Each nronthc loo chickens r-, am tn V.tt Tiul.1 hv IHIFl hS- er Address MISS L. TAYLOR, Floyd, La. 73 ili.i.

V-i mill, of One unit ue, in mlsnion and leather. Kaii Englisli finish. Applv 15H HO' K. -Registered "Poland China piiis, fcatlsfactlon guaranteed with cry sale, references, Bienville Lumber Co Alberta, i. I.a La.

J. COOKE. Albe- FoR new 1911 Flat ders "20" runabout and extra lircs cheap for cash or part cash, baian. easy payments. Ho A.k FOR SALE Combination horse, years old; dark bay, stands 15H hands, weight pounds; will sell cr.eap; -an lie seen at 23 '1 Hingo street.

Tartv leaving city; absolutely sound. 91 FOR SALE New $70 Stuyvesant Player Piano; won In Arkansas Democrat contest by Mrs. J. W. Rhea.

Cheap, if sold at once. PHONE 119; 909 E. 14th Foti SALE One of the oldest established cafes in the cltyr-rooius in connection, will sell cheap if taken at once; good reasons for selling; no agents need v. D1324. Gasetle, 22723 FOR SALE-A rkansas and Ariiona.

MIs-slppl Valley Life Ozark Diamond Mines. Arkansas Diamond Mines. Great weTWtrn cm or -wm buy. f. o.

box 437. Lhtle Rock. Ark. 21326 F()H SALE-Rest paying lunch wagon business In town for quick Hindus; must come quick; $35 takes complete outfit. Applv coiner 6th and Centei, J.

C. LAUM1KE. F'Ui Fo't SALE--A paying business, horse, wagon and harness and household Hoods, rent cheap, atoreroom. 7 llvinu mi ins, leaving i lly. Answer by Mon'day.

Address HSH2. Gazette. FOR SALE in notes, bearing 8 per pent Interest. Will discount 3 per cent for cash; secured by mortgage; also gilt-edge indorsem*nts. Address P.

O. BOX 429. Little Rock, Ark. 22415 FOR SALE Controlling Interest in driu store In a hustling town of two thousand liihahl'antfc. does practically all of prescription work.

Address care Gazette. Wu FOR SALE-Best paying busfness town for quick lunches: must tome quick; $0.1 takes complete outfit. Apolv corner 6th. and Center, J. LAUMIRE.

lii32 i rOU SA 1 7 "stock "shd tools "of an exclusive manufacturing and Jobbing business, established four years; with fine prospects, satisfactory reason given for selling. Address F1187, Gazette. 4I0 FOR SALE OR "WILL ElTcTiANGE For Improved farm near Little Hock, new Herschell-Splllman been used three months, AddreBS FRANK L. ROOT, Benton, Ark. 404 FOR SAi.E In one of best soda water towns In state, confectionery, soda water and cigar business.

do not reply-to this unless you mean business; most sell at once; good reasons. Address K3898, Gasette. 600 FORSALK- Pianos, sewing machines, barber chair, showcases, counters, shelving, furniture, diamonds and watches. Cash or credit. J.

BAKER, 119 Main, Argenta; phone 1529. 706 FOR- 'BALE-Slwkof groceries; some' implements and some good fixtures; all new goods; well-established trudc; will Invoice about $4,000. best location In town; very cheap rent; a bargain If sold at once; no trade. E. O.

REINSCH. owner. Stuttgart, Ark. 7C9 FOR SALE-Four Edison Model mov-jn'g" picture machines, four Powers No. all now in use In our operati ig rooms, Fnxn 3 to 12 months' in service, i Fine condition.

MAJESTIC AMUsem*nT Memphis, Tenn. FOR 8 ALE-One" nice match team; perfectly gentle; single or double; one nice Cunningham carriage; one sliver plated coach harness; one nice slgle bay horse, perfectly gentle for any one to drive; one double-seated surrey; one runabout. For further information, call at 18P: BPIUNQ, Omerlngs stables, or phone 66. low OFFICE OUTFITTERS. We equip complete.

OfOce desks, office chairs. Office tables, vertical letter files. Csrd Index cabinets. Macey bookcases. C.

Smith and other typewriters. Uammeter multigraphs. Loose-leaf ledgers from to $20. Ink, blank books, etc. Two old phones, 1035 or 1048.

206 Louisiana STtreet. PARKIN-LONGLEY CO. We want your business 'A SNAP" (Twenty two hundred and four) ttcres, situated on the II. 4 h. It.

between' Holena and' Mcdeliee, Ark. (Desha county); 400 acres opened and well Iniproviwl 10 tenant houses; 1 two-story resideuce; 2 large barns; 1.S00 acres in titiiLrr, 10 to 12 million foot of all kinds on laid tract, about one half of which is oak and ash. Railroad runs thrnufch this land. Price, $50,000, which is less than $23 per, acre. Cosh payment, balance terms.

S. Sampson Carson, Owner. Ripley, Tennessee. Wanted Laborers. .100 laborers at foot of Arch street at once.

Meers Dayton, contractors. I I i I WANTED-Agents, te tuuidle remarka-tle TOooey-gMtter; quick alei Wg profits. Writ oday. WISSTEAD 8Vf-1LT CO. Dept A.

Ten. 1 WANTED Good hustling on aal- n.t h.v. J. S. PHILLIPS.

13M CumberbinM, Little Rack. WANTEI-Agents; hutHn men In every town, to act ae agent for our ha: cleaning department. We clean hau aa good aa new; good thing; write today. LITTLE ROCK HAT CO IKi W. Markbam.

Little Rx WANTEtJAgents to sell our Guara--teeJ 8Uk Hoelery, the only guaranteed thread silk stocking on the market today. Get in touch at once with tins live wire proposition. Sold only through agents. The Perfection Silk Hosleiy Manufacturing Company, 11 Allegheny avenue. Philadelphia, Pa.

Ku WAitDWTCXTION. A NTEDPosl lorT by an expert Several years' exirtenc bet of references. Phone 4465 3j. WA o'TE t-I'osit Ion Call aS-V. when need of help; nurses, cooks, housegii't and girls to sew.

vVAKTED "By young mar, of good lia'iits and fair education, a position of 'inv kind. ARTHUR WHISENHUNT, City. Ajk. WANTED Young man wnnts position as bookkeeper or assistant by reliable firm, can furnish best of references. Aildrc BS86.

Casette 745 WANTED Young man with good references, dclriK I'OMtion as collector or any clerical w.ck. Oazctte. W6 ANTED- 1 u'sl ion by "man" wl'ttrSunl'ly Just returnei to city; expTicm ef? offl( man. assistant bookkeeper, timekeeper collector, any kind office work. FM, Oasctte.

S.76 WANTED-Pofltloii. Just recently located here, can 'lo bookkeeping and stenographic ork. Have hail experience; good references. I 1070, Gazette. WANTED-Situation, by young man.

2. bookkeeper, salesrtian or any kili'l of clerical work; had li months' experieive in railway clerical work. PHONE sift, I. H. Morgan, 1218 High.

l' ARE you in need of the services of a GOOD. STENOGRAPHER? If so. call on us now, as we have several expert stenographers lo place. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITER CO, FREE EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT, 225 Louisiana ofd phone 5896. 137 FOR HALE REAL ESTATE.

fr-ROOM, bungalow In one blue of car line and only I2.SO0, on tlie liest oi lerms See CARTER JOHNSON, -W Ixiulslana. FOR" HA l.E-f cn'erV'Tholce lofsln Missouri Pacific addition, Argenta; bi 4 down and a mentn-, I rioxK FOif SALE' OI! TRADE-two lots in Fast Pulaski Heights; two blocks of ctir line. C. o. BRADSHAW, with People's Savings Hank.

l''W FAC'I'liRY 81TI' imi "two railroads and river; edge of city; large buildings, boilet and engine. liargain, E. Welgei. Uaaette llldg Ff)R SALE-4V acres west of city, on pike; ten acres cleat ed: room bouse, good spring; C. O.

HHADS11 A with People's Savings Bank. FOR HALE--Corner lot on Highland Paik car line; one block of R. E. Lee school, price U1. L.

P. COLEMAN, 109 Louisiana; phone. 55S1 1(J7 FOR fine bottom at Fourche dam; only 2 miles from city, has good fl-room cottage; located in white neighborhood; offered at bargain. Apply at 3U9 W. FOR SALE A fine cotton" plantation of 632 acres, known as the Galloway place," near Fcolt, Ark.

Want to sell by the lith November. "Sttt IL A. LIT- TLK. 042 FOR 8ALE-i0 acres timber Imd; 1 miles from Beebe, Will make good farm. Price $10 per acre.

FREX) VAN WAGENER. Kerr, Lonoke Ark 11741 FOR SAI.E-An eight room modern home; room on lot to build an additional house, facing the newTy paved 14th street and other residences. 1401 AKCH. ,0 FOR SALE Sacrifice of close in property; 10 full lots, 15 blocks from Main street and north of 6th, for short time only. PHONE 3-Vt, address Clmifi, C.aaette.

lOflo FOR SALE Two south and east front lota In Newton's addition; one block of car; city water and lights. f. BRADSHAW, with People's Savings Bank. FOR SALE 3810 W. 14th street; 4 rooms, hall, ba'hrootn, city water, elect: io lights, large front porch, $1,850: part rash, balance easy payments.

C. O. BRADSHAW, with People's Savlngi Bank. 100 FOR SALE Beautiful 6-rooni modern cot tage; close to StllTt's station, on Pulaski Heights; price small cash payment, balance to suit purchaser. L.

P. COLEMAN, 109 Ixiulslana. Old phone 56W 828 FOR SALE H-acre tracts of fine sandy loam garden land In 2lt miles of Little Rock. This land Is In a fine state of cultivation and will produce a hale of cotton per acre. L.

COLEMAN, 109 Louisiana. Old phone658 FOR SALE-For Investment, buy lots an1 blocks In Park View addition; north of Forest park; city water and fine shade; a pleasant location for a home. C. O. BRADSHAW, with People's Saving Bank.

W-o FOR HALE Five rooms, bathroom, front and back porch, lights, city water, sewer In-alley; near ear; would take auto or horse and buggy as first payment. C. O. BRADSHAW, with Peopled Savings Bank. 1060 FOR SALE Modern six-room cottage, with hall, bathroom and screened lattice, electric lights and gas; large screened sleeping porch; lot 90x149 feet; east front; lawn front and back.

See Owner, 1S14 ROCK. t71 FOR BALE OR TRADE Five-room house; front and bark 'porch: city water an'd lights; on W. 12th street; will take horse and buggy as first payment. Balance monthly. C.

BRADSHAW, with PeoDlc's Savings Bank. 1060 Voit SALE No. 3108 W. 14th street; five rooms and hall; on paved street; one block from car line and near Robt. E.

Lea school, Neighborhood excellent; lot faces south and east. See SIDNEY H. KAHN, 113 Main. 102 FOR SALE 86-acre farm, miles from the city on W. 12th BL pike, acres cleared and In cultivation, 6-room house and good outbuildings; woven wire fence; a bargain at our prlc of $2,600.

L. P. COLEMAN, 109 Louisiana. Old phone eMS. $28 FOR SALE 120-arre valley farm, 11 miles from Little Rock, on good pike; 75 acres cleared; all fenced with woven wire; 4-room house, and orchard; will a nice "country home.

COLEMAN, OS Louisiana. 013pB6ne $28 FOR SALE 6 -room modern ottage and good barn, In one block of Pulaski Heights-car line, this property Is new and will make a beautiful home. Price, terms, cash, balance small monthly Installments. L. P.

COLEMAN, 10 Louisiana. Old phone 65SS. 8.3 A ten-room modern, comfortable home, located In the) best portion of the South End; too large for present owner; will sell for cash- at reasonable or will take snaller house or unimproved property In part -payment. F1S32, Oaaette, FO hTs At Any man can own Ma horns In Little Rock, have new 4-room house and eholos lot, for only $100 cash, balance $10 per nionUu. CA K-TER JOHNSON, 2uS Louisiana.

13S4 CCSEA 1 X. Main. casb. belani-e $15 per month. CAItTFl: Johnson, uuistana.

FOR iSALE-beautiful place" Apply Ml PlhTE AVE. Argent. Call ou ownr in bouse for price, fl FOfT SALE" acre'srrnlleanriortrrof Little Rixk. wM trade for city prop-Ty. Apply jS W.

Ft iR SA LE'jVsi I i k7 A lie S-r. i collage for only $:50: tTi cash. Iwian Pi Per month. CARTER JOHNSON', -'-i Louisiana Kerr station, land that produces a of cotton to the acre, will sell or tin, for city piuperty. Apply 318 For SAI.F.Miavethe cottaae ror an, I I tie price, too.

a new ti-room block of car line an I for It. CARTER JoHNSo.V, Louisiana. Foit SALE- I can make you gol n.n ev, ry tins block for $1 X. 1 an double your money If you will put it lots CARTER JOHNSON, jn lana. lOvt FOR OP." EX''H NO a.

tract In the onion belt of souCm-sI Texas: for household goiwls or U-t suburbs of Little Hock. SS W. f.tii, A II ANNA 1 1 FOR "SALE Three-aTre chicken "fa rm for the Improvements cost tics amount Part cash, balance C. BRADSHAW, with People's Suv-ings Hank. FOR SALE -Two goodlots.

fac I r. west, on Cedar street, between Kth an1! ImIi streets. Price UV1 each. HEAL ESTATE 215 W. 2d.

phone 1207. 11I FOR SALE 400acres In Chh-ot county, one-half mile from railroad, all good land; will trade for property in I. I'll. Rock, rrlee 126 per a' re. land Ing selling for per acre.

Apply ut W. Hi23 FOR Oakstreet'r good 4- triom cottage, with goinl easi riont shade and citv water, prii-e i'i) cash. $12 per month. HOI. MAN REAL ESTATE 215 W.

2d; phone 12o7. Til'1 FOR SALE-In East End; the residence property on the soutliwest corner of l.ith anl Barber avenue, all modern. sell; please call at once. OLD PHONE 4)14, or apply to I50o Barber avenue Price 1H9C FOR SALE West 12th street, a neat and well-located 5-room cottage: half Mock of car line; one block of school, will give besi price and terms. HOL-MAN HEAL ESTATE Co, 215 W.

2d, pliotie 1207, UK acres In fine state of cultivation; good hor.so, barn and outbuildings, fem-ed with woven wire. Rents for 40 cash per acre. Prb $1,700. $1,000 cash, Inlance to suit purchaser, L. Coleman.

109 Ixoiislana St. Phone 5MS f2r, Full SAI.E--p:o acres good land, 4i acn-s In al lor house, iraru and outbuildinus only half mile ft urn rail road town; a bona fi'de barguln, price ll.tm F. J. RAY, Iron Mountain Railway Land Office. Litlle Roi Ark.

489 For SALE- Arkansas river bottom farm. acres In line state of cul-tl atlun and now producing a Imle of cotton and from OO to 75 luishcls corn per acre; good farmhouse and tenant houses; no better land in the state. COLEMAN. 109 lyoulsiana. Old phone 55-S8.

R28 Ft)R SALE A beauty; a new 5-room cottage, hath, water, lights, gas and sewer; In 3 Wot rY of par line; this is th? cheapest and uV8t cittage for sale for this money; only JI00 cash, balance to suit the buyer. CARTER JOHNSON, Louisiana. 10S4 A 1 1 1 I J8 For od er 8-room coltage. Has hSll. tip-to-dale plumbing and wiring- two blocks from car line and Oak street station; on Olive street; was built by owner for a home; on 50-foot lot: servants' quarters and storeroom; party leaving city; will take $2,950.

Call owner PHONE 1900. 6.H FOR SALE Tim her; We of fer for sale all the timber on about 1.5O0 acres of cut-over land, situated at Mlnturn, Aik. Timber mostly oak. gum and hickory; will ofrer, or make reasonable arrangement with mill owner to nit and market. Address s.

O. lORtj FOR SALK--63 acres, miles -from Jacksonville, Ark 22 acres In cultivation: 8-room frame house; small barn and chicken house; fine well or water; one spring; I offer this property' at a bargain for a few days onlv. Pri-e $500. F. J.

RAY, care Iron Mountain Railway Land Office, Little Roots, lOfil PUT YOUR MONEY IN ARKANSAS LAND If yen had had your money invested In lands that are being sold by O. C. Ludwlg Instead of in the late lamented Night and Day Bank, you would still have the value of your money with a good chance for profit as the Isnd Increases In value, you would have that much paid on a home; buy land; ten acres for 15 rents a day. 110 CENTER, Little Rock, Ark. 877 FOR SALE Six-room modern cottage; east front, with south exposure; hardwood finish Interior with decorated walls; beautiful lerrareVi lot: this property Is the setl lenient of an estate and cost nothing.

Must be sold, title perfect. Only first-class material used in the building. Rullders would ask twice the price for the same property bunt with first-class material. For particulars. PHONE 127S.

lulS FOR SALE-Improved 300 acres, 8 miles of Arksdelphla; fine well-kept road; 100, acres In cultivation, fine com and cotton; three-quarters of a bale to the acre and 40 or 50 bushels of corn; 45 seres in pasture; two good houses; two barns; fine clear, coot water; place clean and well kept: fine farm; prloe $3,863 cash! The timber land la chocolate sandy loam; lies level with good drainage. ARKANSAS LAND COMPANT. Arkadelphia, Ark. $1411 FOR" SALE OH EXCH A NO For property within or near Little Rock: C40 acres timber and ranch land. 8 miles of railroad; 3,000,000 feet pine anil oak; $5 per acre.

240 acres In Mayes part In cultivation; 3 miles from town; one mile from Grand river; one new modern 8-rooin house In Hugo, Okla Hugo Is a county seat town on two railroads; another building, 8,000 peopln; good public buildings. For particulars and terms see FRANK H. CHEW, Phil Waters, 115 Louisiana. 873 FOR SALE -100 acres of fine Valley land on public highway; a daily mall; three-fourths mile from school and church house; only 6 miles northwest of station on the Iron Mountain railroad; acres under fence and balance In timber; two sets of buildings with outbuildings; a good well of water at each place; healthy locality-and good neighborhood; the own.tr.. anxious to sell tX a great bargain, as he is too old 16 work the place.

Call on him at the farm or write. Address 8. P. O. Bog Austin, Ark.

R. F. V. No. 1 4H PERSONAM.

ANY GIRL Tn'troubie needing friends can flntf them at the Salvation- Emergency cases address ADJUTANT AND MRS. A. 8. JOHNSON, phone $134. CANCERS, tumors, wens, ulcers, piles, fistula; special treatment without knife, without pain; will bear Investigation.

Bog Troup, Texas. 17191 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES IF you aralooklng for a safe plaoe to make an Investment In one. of the fast- i est growing businesses on Main gtreet. 1 auttkV C1049. -tiazete, JUTl Arkansas Guaranty Title Trust Co.

ABSTRACTS AND TITLE INSURANCE. 220 West Second Street. Little Rock, Ark. Be Sure You Get an Abstract When vou are offered a Chain Sheet in the place of an ABSTRACT, simply say: "No, thank you, I want what I ordered," and then come to us and we will prepare you a GENUINE ABSTRACT. After all, what possible use could a Chain Sheet be to any one? Has their worthlessntias ever occurred to you? Moving, Packing, Storage SEPARATE ROOMS.

NEW WAREHOUSE. ROESCH STORAGE CO. PHONE 1493. 917-19 EAST SIXTH This jpage is read diligently by thousands of people daily, sworn circulation of the Gazette exceeds 20,000 copies daily and 30,000 copies Sunday..

Daily Arkansas Gazette from Little Rock, Arkansas (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.