Codie Sanchez RuleZ (s) (2024)

all around you in the world you are only going to get hate from two types of people people who have done less than

you and people who are scared you're about to do more than them you have to be so good they become irrelevant how to

be so good you ruin your competition how do we just step on their necks I am so

tired of hearing all the reasons why we can't all the reasons why you can't win

why they can't win how do you do it all as a woman blah blah blah the second

that you start looking at your competitors and asking what they're doing and how can we iterate on that is

the second you've lost I thought we'd talk about how you make so much money that when people talk you just go

scoreboard so I'm going to go through my nine rules to hit a nine figure business the

hard truth that I wish somebody would have told me when I was first starting out and they definitely didn't because

it's not PC now the first rule is don't be afraid of outgrowing everyone your

friends yep your family likely the people that you hire today who you think

Dont Apologize

are great probably every single person and the only way you're going to get

through this is by not apologizing for a second for outgrowing people who cannot keep up with you hard to do really hard

to do nobody wants to be the person to tell another one that they are not enough but the truth of the matter is is

that if you do not push people on to their next level where they're supposed to be you instead are kind of saying

this you're like you're not good enough for me you're not right for the company you're still here and I don't think that

your talents are good enough for you to go somewhere else and be great that's what you're saying when you keep mid

performers you're saying I feel sorry for you you're my charity case you have to stay here but in actuality what are

you holding them back from probably a place where they could be great and I tell you this because I had a story

where I was I was with the CEO of one of my financial firms so I was at a company called First Trust and at this company I

built out their Latin America business right and so we went from zero dollars in assets under management to over a

billion in assets under management and I was really proud of that and then one day the the CEO of the company took me

on a walk at the Montage in California and uh he said something I'll never forget I wanted us to do 21st century

Acquisitions I wanted us to do what we're doing now use a big platform acquire a ton of attention and through

that be able to do smarter Acquisitions at lower cost at scale and I thought we should get rich together as opposed to

get rich quietly and as we're walking along the beach Jim looks over to me and I'm I'm still good friends with Jim to

this day and he says to me around here we don't do it that way and if you want

to row to the left while we are rowing right you have to find a new boat at the

time I was pissed right I'm like I just brought in a billion this place I have

the future of how we're going to grow this company look how successful I am today at it and yet you're telling me

that this is not the right place for me I was really mad and yet he did me the biggest favor ever imaginable he kind of

gave me an ultimatum so I left the company and I started my own and I'm

billions and billions bigger in fact we're 4X billion in assets under management for our portfolio companies

now as opposed to the 1 billion with him but I never could have done it if he didn't push me out and in a way he was

kind of saying you aren't growing as fast as I am so get out of here and that is okay and I want to give you guys permission to do that how many of you in

your minds right now have one person in your company that is like the Splinter underneath your

fingernail you everybody usually you know you need to fire them how long how

long have you known that you need to fire this person I saw a hand up over here somebody want yep do you guys want to say it to her you want me to say it

to her the second that you know you need to let somebody go what do you need to do now

maybe not the exact second it's okay to say I need to have a plan but the biggest reason why your company isn't

growing is one person there is one person have you guys ever tried to do

something with your fingers when you have a splinter underneath the fingernail can you do very much else are you distracted the entire time of course

you are because you've allowed one person to slow down your business never apologize for outgrowing somebody let

him go now to show that I'm not only just talking to you about this I wrote

this part because I had a Splinter and I was doing the opposite of everything that I tell people to do and

this guy had been in my company for like six months and I saw him in the office and was like hey Bob how's the kids in

the meantime I'm so mad I'm mad that he's slowing us down I'm mad that we're not fast enough and so I called up a

friend of mine really good friend who also has a portfolio and I was like yeah I got this guy got let him go she's like yeah I got a guy too I got to let him go

and I'm like okay cool you know let's touch base on it what are you going to do well I follow up this was on Friday I

follow up on Tuesday with her and I'm like yeah so when are you letting that guy go she are you kidding me I already did she goes rip off theing bandage she

goes what are you here are you an employee or are you the CEO I was like well that's rude but yes I'm the CEO

that's me and so every time you think you have that splinter think about the Band-Aid that you have to rip because I

can almost promise you one thing how many of you here have fired somebody who you thought was an underperformer and

regretted it look around this room I have been in thousands of rooms

like this with tens of thousands of people you know how many people raised their hand that they regretted a fire in

not one and yet why do we wait we're allowing them to go on to something else and yet we're not I have another thought

who here wants to be a billionaire I also like when when I do this in women's room when I do this in Men's Rooms they go yeah what I do in women's room they

Who Wants to Be a Billionaire

go h I

do uh so I want you to maybe embody that a little bit more CU let me tell you what to be a billionaire it takes a lot

of zeros I'm not there yet I'm not there yet but if you want to be a billionaire

you have to shed some skin I always think about the snake metaphor right so have you ever seen those ridiculous

looking B constrictors that are so big it almost seems unreasonable if they were to hold on to

the person that they were before they would never get to that size they'd be a cute little garden snake run around and

instead are eating alligators or something in Florida I don't know you people live different down in Florida

now the reason that I bring a billionaire and I'm going to get into math I promise I won't do too much of it here this is what's called a triple

triple double double double a triple triple double double double is SAS speak

for how to get to a billion dollars inside of five years after you find product Market fit so at the bottom what

you can see is these are a bunch of big companies that basically hit this escape velocity that led to them having a

billion doll valuation what's interesting about it is if you break down the numbers you can basically see

how this happens now we're talking billion dollar valuation not billion dollars in sales two different things so we hit product Market fit now typically

I say companies have product Market fit after you have at least seven figures in revenue and you typically want recurring

Revenue with a high degree so I want 50% of my Revenue at least recurring if it's

not you have AOW lovely transactional business you do not have yet product Market fit to have billion dollar scale

so we get to 2 million then we hit 6 18 36 72 144 in order to do this you have

to be unreasonable because of how rare this is you can't get bigger if you don't shed your skin so I want to talk

We Hate You Incorporated

about something really quickly when you start getting to triple triple double double double round you're going to have

to get to this step which is so many haters they form a support group it's

like we hate you Incorporated they got T-shirts they got hats they got merch drops because the problem with scale the

average person do you know what the average person makes as an increase in their salary each year average person in

the US you want to guess 3 to 4% you're exactly right so what does that mean

well these numbers here don't know a 4% in order to do this you have to hit

numbers so big at average is in your rearview mirror and so of course you're going to have haters why because those

who only hit 4% do not understand 400% and when we don't understand something and we can't see ourselves in it we hate

upon it and so I thought about this in my life so when I started contr caring

thinking and I came from traditional private Equity you know working at Big firms you guys could imagine what guys

in finance look like right this is I mean this is nicer they don't look this

nice this guy looks kind of lovely but if you can imagine I come into this crowd that looks like this and we got

this chick you know she's in her bikini on the internet she's talking about she's on Tik Tock and I start building

what is now one of the biggest mergers and acquisition education Platforms in

the world we've taught 5,000 students how to buy small businesses we're giving all the playbooks that private Equity

guys hold close like this we're sharing How We Do billion doll deals and our

people have done2 $62 million in transactions just last year and that's not my company those are students where

I take no percentage of their of their businesses that they bought you could imagine how they felt about this chick

coming in here and doing that there were support groups and they were not for me and I

think you guys are going to realize this same thing the second you start hitting velocity speed you're going to have

haters come at you because the truth about Americans is that we love the underdog until we're not one anymore

We Love The Underdog

love the underdog until we're not one anymore we love the scrappy person until that person gets a jet then that

guy that's okay in some ways we don't want to lose our relatability but it's

important to know as you go forward that if you think that you have to be liked or that you want to be liked as opposed

to when you're going to spend a lifetime of suffering and I like to think about it like this this is very technical

scientific I call it they hate you because they ain't you curve and this is what it looks like at the beginning they

go lame then they go she's kind of crazy then they go one hit wonder then they go oh yeah she F that guy didn't she then

they go what the her then they go yeah I know her then they go hey long time no

talk text message then they finally go love to meet up and finally after that how'd they do it and once you understand

this curve if we know where we're going on the road if we have a GPS that's getting us to a destination do we get

upset when we know that there going to be a traffic jam or that it's going to take 3 hours no we don't cuz we kind of know where we're going but nobody tells

us that this is actually what success looks like that the second you start to hit velocity is when people start to act

a little different to you but on the climb on the way up all the rest of this is totally normal and that is okay

because the best revenge is spelled Revenue baby and I think a lot of people

The Truth About Money

don't realize this but the truth about money that we don't like to say in today's society is that money solves a

lot of issues and in fact think about this for a second for 20 years they told us that

there was no material happiness increase past $775,000 in income I'm not a

scientist but I was happier after I went past 7 75k anybody else here yeah of

course 20 years they go no trust the science we go I don't know I feel happier now finally they say you're no

happier past 500k okay I don't know 500k sounds pretty good but I still think

there is a material difference in happiness with each level of dollar you put in your pocket let me tell you why

because all money is it is a ticket into the bank of I do whatever the I

want and you can't really tell me what to do and they try to tell us that money is evil that in order to chase it you're

bad you're selfish why would you focus on that rub your crystals while you

rent I like crystals just to be just to be uh Fair here I'm a crystal girly but

you can't manifest your way to money you just can't now manifestation with a

little bit of action plus a quartz crystal awesome but any one of those by

themselves not going to do it and so the point of this story is it is okay to chase Revenue relentlessly and in fact I

think you guys have a moral obligation to do it to a certain point think about what you can do once you don't have to

worry about money and you can exert your influence on the world we've seen

especially over these last couple years what happens when we do not have Financial Freedom can we push back on

government overreach not really do we get to push back on medical overreach

when we don't have cash not really do we get to push back on how they educate our kids no private school is pretty

expensive so freedom is spilled Revenue too and I think that's okay for all of

us to realize it and women we have to realize that too they actually tried to pit men against women ridiculous

ridiculous we're both born from a man and a woman as far as the science checks out there the real push is against those

who want the money for them and not for you and that should be our biggest argument who cares what's down here

don't care okay now Rule Number Four The Truth May set you free but first it'll make you miserable this is my pep talk

The Truth About Leads

for you guys how am I doing is everybody like yeah okay so can I go on a little bit of

rant here you're like what has the last 20 minutes been if not a rant all right

here's the rant I was talking to one of our portfolio companies so we have all these CEOs right they report up to me and the CEOs always say there is one

reason why their company isn't growing what do you guys think it is leads somebody said it right here well if we

only had more attention leads money we'd be growing if we had more sales we'd be

growing let me tell you why this is such an amateur reaction Pros realize one thing

that amateurs don't you never have a lead problem you have a product problem

this part is where I'm going to go a little hard at you guys and I had to go hard at me I have many companies that have a product problem and not a lead

problem here's the difference most businesses today do not

actually bring in water into a boat with a bucket they try to do it with the Civ

and they're like nope no not enough leads not enough leads not enough leads what do they actually have they have a

sh*tty product that they don't want to look in the face so if right now in your business today you think your problem is

leads I want you to seriously question that for me and I want you to ask yourself if instead it might be the

three Rs renewals referrals reviews if you don't have at least 20 to

You Do Not Have A Lead Problem

30% of your customers coming from referrals other clients saying nice

things about you you're trying to bring water into a boat with a siiv you got a leaky bucket problem you do not have a

lead problem I realized this at multiple of our companies one of our CEOs came to me and they said we don't have enough

leads like I just want you to think about how ridiculous this is for a second this is a company that I pushed

through contrarian thinking contrarian thinking gets a 100 million views a month does that seem like a lot of

views this company that we pushed uh leads to got anywhere from 10 to 30,000

emails for their particular product a month does that seem like a lot of leads yeah

and yet they didn't have enough sales so what does an amateur say give me more leads for me to eat and do nothing with

because of my inadequacy because I have chosen the wrong tool look yourself hard

in the face and ask yourself do I have a lead problem or do I have a product problem here's the beautiful part about

this if you have a product problem that is about 10x easier to

solve than a lead problem everybody wants more sales so it's expensive

everybody wants more leads so you got to pay a lot for them on Amazon or on Google or with PPC but only you are

uniquely your product set with your particular unfair advantage and your

particular Persona and so if most Founders spent on10th the amount of time

perfecting their product as they did perfecting their funnel they would never have to sell again one of my mentors

said something to me that I've never forgotten which was when I went out on my own for the first time and I was

running a private Equity company so in that case my in my client at the time was investors you know I wanted them to

give me money and me to take action with them and he said I want you to do something for me he's like I'll invest in you I'll invest in you if you treat

your first client like it is the only client that you will ever get and you

try to get five more clients from your first client and I was like that's hard I ask them

for their money and their grandmas and their moms and their dad that's that seems tough and he said well then I'm not going to give you money okay fine

you don't do that you don't get my cash so I said all right fine I'll try and I did and because of that you have never

seen me once fund raise on the internet anywhere because I ended up having five Partners I don't raise any more capital

and they told a few other people about me and so the problem in most of life is

a pound of pre-production is worth 10 pounds of post-production and what does

that mean when we do videos like Tanner and I are doing here most of the time we

kind of go and film right it's like we're going to do a couple hours of thinking about stuff beforehand but then let's go out and do it but you want to

know why the big guys win because they spend all the time up front and you

can't edit a bad ingredient and so I want you guys to think about your

product aggressively anybody know who this is chamath poaba billionaire you

Seven Friends in 10 Days

want to know why he came up with one idea at Facebook one idea that led to Facebook being one of the most powerful

companies in the world and it's called seven friends in SE in 10 days what he basically found was that if you came to

Facebook and in your first 10 days at Facebook you had seven friends either

come with you or you brought seven friends you stayed for life so what did they have to do did they have to go out

and get a bunch of new users or do they have to obsess on making their first users bring

buddies this is what made Facebook a billion dooll company now the interesting part about chth is now chth

is a billionaire many times over and he has had fail after fail after fail just for sh*ts and gigs Google chamath poopa

and then Google spack and then have some fun reading about the haters this guy gets online but it actually doesn't

matter why because all you need is one win so big it erases all of your fails

and that is what this guy has and so spend the time that ounce of pre-production to find your seven

friends in 10 days what is the one secret to your business that you don't actually even realize is there

Archimedes says give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it and I can move the world most

business owners have no leverage but brute force in their business what is yours now this is what this actually

looked like this is what seven friends in 10 days looked like so basically what

you can see is that that number over the far right positive predictive value

which means with 99% certainty chamath could tell you that if x action happened

y client stayed inside of almost every business is a 99% predictor and yet most

of us don't even know where to drive the 30 or 40% in our business so my plea to

you is if people can't shut up saying nice things about your business your problem isn't leads your problem is your

Your Problem isnt Leads

product spend an inordinate amount of time on your product and your leads will

never be an issue again this is why Apple's advertising can suck ever since

Steve Jobs died I mean do you guys ever see an apple advertisem*nt now and you're like that guy

yep no you don't they used to be masterful and now they aren't does that

matter of course not why because their product is so good that you tell all

your friends when you get the new component of it all right rule number five your bank account is a reflection of how good you are o that one

Your Bank Account is a Reflection

hurts especially because I think all of us realize that we want more in the bank account but the second that I realized

this is the second my bank account started to grow and let me tell you why I had this uh CEO at one of my companies

and um he had the ultimate flaw that is the cancer of our society today which is

is that he doesn't think that he has to earn he thinks he deserves the right to

earn and so we had a goal and I said hey I don't know Bob Bob if you hit this

goal you're going to get a $100,000 bonus cool quarterly goal hit the 100K hit the bonus get 100K awesome well

comes around Bob's excited we sit down for the meeting he goes hey here's the

goal we're only off by about 5% how awesome is that

and I was like did I say a hope or a goal I know they're both four letters

I'm pretty sure that they're spelled differently and he expected to get the 100K without missing the

5% this is the world we live in today where we think that we are playing a game of Horseshoes and Hand Grenades

which means the close is good enough and it doesn't now what's fascinating is one of my chief executive officers who

oversees all of our portfolio companies heard this from Bob and said well you know he did get almost a goal like 5%

off of goal we should probably give him like the bonus right here's the

thing people will hold you to your highest level and they will sink to your

lowest standard and what I realized in business is my chief Executives actually thought

that they deserved payouts they didn't understand that there's this Ripple down effect inside of a business that means

that if I pay people for not achieving the things that they said they were going to do in a short short amount of time will be out of business right do

you guys know the average profit margin for Walmart one of the biggest companies in the world how much do you think they

make per dollar that you give them six

cents think about that for a second you have a disconnect between your top

leaders their communication with your employees and the standards that you've

set and that is a different kind of grenade rule number five again

apparently but it's actually assume your best competition Works harder and is smarter than you it's an

Assume Your Competition is Better

interesting thing I've realized most people when they get competitors what do they do they go yeah but they're sh*tty yeah but they're not good enough yeah

but you know that's kind of cringe yeah but their product isn't as good I actually want you to flip something for me assume that your competitor is better

smarter richer and better funded than you and then take action and let me tell you why this is billionaire Joe craft

he's become a friend of mine Joe owns the biggest uh mining operation in the

World in Coal also one of the largest producers of energy in the world at a company called Alliance Joe is from as

he would say it the sticks of Kentucky right he's from the middle of nowhere and when I was talking with Joe a couple

weeks ago about why he's so successful what are some of the reasons why as kuckian do which is probably similar to

people from St Louis he's like oh man I don't know luck you know Shucks and uh

as I'm sitting on his fourth plane and uh and then I asked I du a little deeper Joe is up at 5:30 in the morning Joe is

74 years old 75 years old Joe doesn't go to work until uh doesn't go to sleep until 11:30 at night Joe has been doing

that for 48 years as the CEO of Alliance that's your competition if you

want to be a billionaire and I thought maybe that's just Joe he's kind of a psychopath well then I met another

billionaire who's become a friend of mine this is Jeffrey Kent he runs a company called abomi and Kent one of the biggest luxury travel companies in the

world and I sat next him on a plane got to know him and as I'm talking to him I said what do you think your secret is

man you know you've been a billionaire plus a polo player plus your friends with King Charles that's kind of cool

and he looks at me kind of perplexed almost like what a stupid question and is like Cody I've been doing this for 61

years at the same company what if time and consistency is the only ingredient

you need the average employee in the US stays with a job now for three years

3 years the average business in the US lasts less than five what if all you

need is time plus consistency plus irrational work

ethic that's sort of an interesting idea I have this on the wall in my house

a reminder almost daily that I read to myself it is very simple you do not have what you want because you have not done

what is necessary to get it another way I think about this is do you just do what you want as opposed

Do What You Want

to what is needed and I realized very often I did what I want instead of what

was needed I waited two years to fire the person because I didn't want to fire them I went on the vacation even when I

felt like the company was going sideways I obsessed on leads even though though I knew we had a leaky bucket in product

because I did what I wanted not was necessary the next one culture doesn't start from the top it slides downhill

Culture Doesnt Start From The Top

from the middle this one was fascinating all our life we've been told culture start starts at the top right culture

starts at the top the truth of the matter is you have to employ people who are as good at as or better than you

because the problem is your lower level employees are actually looking at them not you you're like too far out of their

mind as a CEO they don't they don't look at you and think they should act like you they look at you and go yeah of

course you work hard it's your business yeah so it's not my business I'm not going to have to work as hard as you

what a reframe is that the second that you realize that actually you know who you have to look at real hard who's your

second level of leader who's your right hand your Chief of Staff your SE Suite

your main leaders of your business their work ethic is the best you will get from

the people underneath them so hold them accountable I had an employee the it's

just just happened the other week an employee for one of my sub companies came into my main

uh office and studio in Austin and it was a Friday and uh it was 2:30 and he

came into my office and he said hey um I'm going to head out you know beat traffic anything else you need from me

the CEO of one of my companies two of his employees were still in my office I sort of looked at him and said okay

you're leaving now he said yeah I'm going to you know I'll do some work later at night today I said okay and I

thought about it and I realized that especially in this day and age where we're zooming and we're not in

front of people all the time most of your company is like an iceberg you see the best that they do but underneath

there is a world of non-performance happening if you're super honest with

yourself as a leader you know that in your gut right so what did I have to do

I had to have a tough conversation with this guy and say you are my representative the second you leave at

2:30 what do you tell your employees you're not obsessed you're curious do we hire curious people around here

absolutely not we hire obsessed otherwise go do something else plenty of other companies for the Curious in a

simple 9 to-5 not at my company rule number seven if you can't find top talent that means you are not top talent

You Are Not Top Talent

ooh tough one let's think about this for a second does a lion want to work for a

gazelle no want eat that the problem with most leaders

is that we go what there's no good people anywhere right where are all the hard workers can I get a better

recruiter but the first thing we should actually be doing is look in the mirror and we should be asking ourselves this one question am I good enough to attract

Look In The Mirror

and lead the Lions and if not beautiful opportunity because what's easier to

control other people or you I thought about this in a few specific ways for instance for a while I really didn't get

ready uh in the office I was in finance I like didn't think appearances mattered really that much when we were internal

into the company then I started to look around and I was like people look kind of sh like you're

in your workout gear in the office today we're not a workout company we're a finance company like what what's going

on here and then I had another employee that came into the office and they actually came in after a workout and they didn't shower and I was like one

gross dude only a dude would do that sorry guys in the back chicks wouldn't do that uh and but as opposed to going

after those employees I thought about it for a second I was like this is a Mei problem this is actually a Mei problem

so I started like doing my makeup wearing clothes that are nice putting outfits together do I like it not really

but there is scientific data that proves one first impression equals almost the

hardest thing you'll ever have to get to overcome if the first time somebody engages with you they think you're unprofessional they have a split-second

reaction to you you have to do a ton of work to overcome that second is people

pay Pros because they look like pros so you got to ask yourself are you looking like a pro so very easy first thing to

do when you're in the office do you look like a pro because Pros pay Pros well second is are you the level of talent

that you would respect if you were a top performer do you show up to meetings late sometimes maybe are you out at 2:30

on a Friday are you responding to stuff over the weekend we have this crazy world we have clown world right now and

CL World they go oh don't reach out to your employees over the weekend right you guys have heard that like literally

in France I saw a lot I don't know if this is true that if you email your employees on the weekend you you violate

a law so we've had this this this work life Balan nonsense plugged into our

brain the problem is you don't require your level of dedication for your employees you can't nobody will ever

work as hard in your business as you do you own the thing but if you are not obsessed how can you expect the top

performers to be obsessed you know what I think about hiring top talent like I think about it like this the only reason

a top performer would come to you is because your dream is so big it creates

this umbrella at which they cannot imagine whether in the storm better than

they could with you you create a vision so big that the outcome that that they

see for themselves with you is bigger than the outcome they see by themselves that is the only way so this guy this

big monster his name's Bobby look at that poor he just can't you tell he's like not even trying and he kind of

accidentally kicks the guy and and puts him to the ground Bobby is an animal Bobby was at a company called SeatGeek

he grew the marketplace from 5% to 40% market share multi-billion dollar company and when I met Bobby to hire him

over to my company Bobby was making a mill plus a year he was a stud and when I went to sit with him something weird

happened to me he was like uh how big do you think this company's going to get what's your vision for it what are your

plans for the summer what what's the worst partner that's ever partnered with you think about you when was the last

time you fired somebody for underperformance what do you think you will do when the company runs out of

cash at some point and you have to put more money into the company this is an interview for me to interview the guy to

come be at my company and me to pay him almost a million dollars a year this is what top performers sound like they

interview you and if you are not not bringing people in with that level of intensity I mean he's nice he smiles he

picks the guy back up but he beats the out of them and that is what you want for your top performers especially

ladies us it is literally in our nature to be more nurturing it's very hard to

like I'm sure you guys have felt this have you ever come home from work you're in like your work mode you like get in the door like yeah honey anyway so what

I want to do for dinner is this and then I'm thinking that your husband's like Jesus do that ever happen anybody hard

to flip right helpful if you have a bunch of lions surrounding you and they

respect you enough to help you be the bad guy two I got two more friends from

business not business from friends this is really important and a little bit of

Business Not Friends

a tweak when you start winning you become a Target Donald figured that out

this weekend and I think all of us will figure it out in one way or another the

bigger the win the bigger the target and let me tell you what I mean by that

there was a guy who stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from me that is actually the priced entry to winning but


this guy in particular stole hundreds of thousands from me okay not exact but he is what I think he looks like in my head

whenever I think of this guy I picture this I actually hysterically Googled the guy's name and

this picture came up which I think is karma could also be unrelated now this guy stole from me but what did I learn

from that I actually learned something really important let's say that I met

somebody like Emily for the first time and the first time I met her I was like let's do a deal together let's let's

partner on this can you invest in this thing for me that is called business from

friends not friends from business if your first engagement or action with

somebody is an Ask as opposed to a give red flag it is okay to do deals and

business with friends long term when you're at equal level of success that is the biggest thing that I've realized you

don't want to actually partner with people below the position that you're at you want to employ those people and then

allow them into the profits this is a nine fig lesson that I wish I would have learned earlier and then rule number

nine to get a little touch you feel in here I think Mar and well is the biggest life hack of all and the truth of the

matter is is that if you don't find somebody who has a growth mindset as opposed to a fixed mindset who wants to

grow alongside your life will be misery and I should know I was married previously to a guy who's awesome in his

own realm but wanted a a fixed mindset life which I didn't and if you guys

promise to not tell anybody including everybody on YouTube eventually watching this I'll tell you guys a secret and the

secret is before Chris I mean I was worth like I don't know you know healthy eight finger figures Higher Side assets

Why is that interesting

post Chris nine figures plus why is that interesting well it's not because he had

m he didn't come for money at a military salary he didn't have experience none of the money actually came directly from

The goal is to stay happily married

him I have the bigger businesses he now works in them but it came from the fact that I truly believe that having a

partner that you can rely on whether that partner is a man or a woman is a

life hack and so the goal isn't to get happily married it's to stay happily

married and I I kind of stopped talking about this for a while because I have a lot of

single girlfriends and I think it's really hard being single for men and women and yet I think it's for

us to tell people that like it's fine and it's easy to be single and out there I don't think it is and so I think no

matter what you do pouring into your partner and realizing that they will be the biggest reason that you will get

from one level to the next is a truth because whoever you choose will also

choose your bank account for you and I think men have known this for some time

Hire people so hungry

but as women we haven't and it's important thing that we start to tell each other all right last rule hire

people so hungry they look like they're going to bite you my dad said a line I loved which is I was struggling in

You cant teach hunger

business and uh I didn't I had this person who wasn't performing and I said to him dad you know this person and I can't get him to do this and I can't get

him to do this and he said this line that stuck with me forever which is you can't teach hunger think about that for

a second I can't make you hungry I can't make you want it it is the single most

important thing you need in your hiring process process Relentless almost

uncomfortable hunger if they don't have that who cares how good they are totally

irrelevant if you can get a team so hungry you're afraid they're going to nibble you you're probably on your way

to nine figures all right with that let me say the last thing here which is this I think in this world today you all are

incredibly rare only 3% of the US owns a small business 3% only 10% of small

businesses will ever reach a million doll in sales 4% of businesses will ever hit $10 million in sales most people

want to be led they don't want to lead because there is a certain misery to

making millions it's just true and so no matter what you go through for the rest of the

day I hope you know this I respect the out of you it is hard and I promise

only one thing a lot of misery and if you continue for a long time it ends up becoming worth it thank thank you guys

so much for having me today

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.