A 0.026 M Tank Contains 0.083 Kg Of Nitrogen Gas (N) At A Pressure Of 2.87 Atm. Find The Temperature (2024)

Chemistry High School


Answer 1

The temperature (in °C ) of the gas in the 0.026 m³ tank that contains 0.083 kg of Nitrogen gas is 34.06 °C

How do i determine the temperature?

The temperature of the gas can be obtained as follow:

Mass of gas, N₂ (m) = 0.083 Kg = 0.083 × 1000 = 83 gMolar mass of gas, N₂ (M) = 28 g/molMole of gas (n) = m / M = 83 / 28 = 2.96 molesPressure (P) = 2.87 atmVolume of gas (V) = 0.026 m³ = 0.026 × 1000 = 26 LGas constant (R) = 0.0821 atm.L/mol KTemperature (T) =?

PV = nRT

Inputting the given parameters, we have

2.87 × 26 = 2.96 × 0.0821 × T

Divide both sides by (2.96 × 0.0821)

T = (2.87 × 26) / (2.96 × 0.0821)

= 307.06 K

Subtract 273 to obtain answer in °C

= 307.06 - 273 K

= 34.06 °C

Thus, the temperature of the gas, N₂ is 34.06 °C

Learn more about temperature:



Complete question:

A 0.026 m³ tank contains 0.083 kg of Nitrogen gas (N₂) at a pressure of 2.87 atm. Find the temperature of the gas in °C.

Take the atomic weight of nitrogen to be N₂ = 28 g/mol

Number = _°C

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CO₂ + H₂O → H₂CO3 → H* + HCO3 Review this formula and discuss the mechanisms involved in the forward and reverse components of the reaction by answering the following: 1. When CO₂ + H₂O


Forward component of the reaction When CO₂ is added to water, it dissolves and reacts to form carbonic acid (H₂CO3) in the forward reaction.

The formula CO₂ + H₂O → H₂CO3 → H* + HCO3 represents the carbon dioxide equilibrium. The forward and reverse components of the reaction can be explained as follows: H₂CO3 has two possible reactions: It either releases a hydrogen ion (H+) and forms bicarbonate (HCO3-) or it releases two hydrogen ions (2H+) to form carbonate (CO32-) and water (H₂O).

CO₂ + H₂O → H₂CO3 → H+ + HCO3Reverse component of the reactionWhen hydrogen ions (H+) are added to bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) or carbonate ions (CO32-), the reverse reaction takes place and carbonic acid (H₂CO3) is formed. Carbonic acid (H₂CO3) can also be decomposed into carbon dioxide (CO₂) and water (H₂O).

To know more about component visit:



Identify the major and minor products for the E2
reaction that occurs when each of the following substrates is
treated with a strong base:
aix xe xar fio to aix ito
18) Identify the major and minor products for the E2 reaction that occurs when each of the following substrates is treated with a strong base:


The major and minor products for the E2 reaction with each substrate depend on the specific conditions and the nature of the substituents.

In an E2 reaction, the major and minor products are determined by the regioselectivity and stereochemistry of the reaction. The key factors influencing the product distribution are the nature of the leaving group, the strength of the base, and the steric hindrance around the reacting carbons.

In general, the major product of an E2 reaction is the more substituted alkene. This is due to the preference for the transition state with more alkyl groups around the carbon-carbon double bond, which stabilizes the developing negative charge during the reaction. The minor product is the less substituted alkene, formed through a transition state with less alkyl substitution.

However, there are exceptions to this rule. For example, if a bulky base such as tert-butoxide (t-BuO-) is used, steric hindrance can favor the formation of the less substituted alkene as the major product. Additionally, if there is a chiral center adjacent to the reacting carbons, the reaction can lead to stereoisomeric products.

The answer figure is given below.

Learn more about E2 reaction here:



Final answer:

In an E2 reaction, a strong base provokes the elimination of a leaving group from the substrate, forming an alkene. The major product is typically the most stable, while the minor product is typically the least stable. The specifics depend on each individual substrate structure.


In an E2 elimination reaction, a strong base extracts a proton from the beta carbon of the substrate, leading to the creation of an alkene bond and the elimination of a leaving group. It essentially results in the formation of a pi bond.

The major product will be the most stable alkene, which typically has the most substituted alkene structure according to Zaitsev's rule. On the contrary, the minor product is usually the least substituted alkene, referred to as the Hofmann product.

Without specific substrate structures provided, it's difficult to precisely identify what the major and minor products would be for each case. However, generally in the presence of a strong base, you can expect them to follow the rules noted above.

Learn more about E2 elimination reaction here:



(a) Calculate the energy of a single photon of light with a frequency of 6.38×108 s-1. Energy = J (b) Calculate the energy of a single photon of red light with a wavelength of 664 nm. Energy = J


(a) To calculate the energy of a single photon of light with a frequency of 6.38×10^8 s^-1, we can use the formula:

Energy = Planck's constant (h) * frequency (ν)


Frequency (ν) = 6.38×10^8 s^-1

Using the value of Planck's constant (h) = 6.62607015 × 10^-34 J·s, we can calculate the energy:

Energy = (6.62607015 × 10^-34 J·s) * (6.38×10^8 s^-1)

Energy ≈ 4.22256 × 10^-25 J

Therefore, the energy of a single photon of light with a frequency of 6.38×10^8 s^-1 is approximately 4.22256 × 10^-25 J.

(b) To calculate the energy of a single photon of red light with a wavelength of 664 nm (nanometers), we can use the formula:

Energy = Planck's constant (h) * speed of light (c) / wavelength (λ)


Wavelength (λ) = 664 nm

First, we need to convert the wavelength to meters:

Wavelength (λ) = 664 nm × (1 m / 10^9 nm)

Wavelength (λ) = 6.64 × 10^-7 m

Using the value of the speed of light (c) = 2.998 × 10^8 m/s, and Planck's constant (h) = 6.62607015 × 10^-34 J·s, we can calculate the energy:

Energy = (6.62607015 × 10^-34 J·s) * (2.998 × 10^8 m/s) / (6.64 × 10^-7 m)

Energy ≈ 2.99063 × 10^-19 J

Therefore, the energy of a single photon of red light with a wavelength of 664 nm is approximately 2.99063 × 10^-19 J.

(a) The energy of a single photon of light with a frequency of 6.38×10^8 s^-1 is approximately 4.22256 × 10^-25 J.

(b) The energy of a single photon of red light with a wavelength of 664 nm is approximately 2.99063 × 10^-19 J.

To know more about photon visit:



hand written solution pls..
Question 4 Incomplete answer Marked out of 15.00 Flag question Consider the following reaction: A(g) + B(g) C(g) + D(s) In a sealed container of 1 L, at equilibrium, [A] was 0.78 mol/L, [B] was 0.49 m


The balanced chemical equation for the given reaction is as follows:A(g) + B(g) → C(g) + D(s)At equilibrium, the concentration of A is 0.78 mol/L and the concentration of B is 0.49 mol/L. The volume of the container is 1 L.

To find out the equilibrium constant, we need to find the concentration of C and D at equilibrium.The stoichiometry of the reaction states that 1 mol of A reacts with 1 mol of B to form 1 mol of C and 1 mol of D.The given reaction is in the gas phase, so we use the partial pressures of A, B, C, and the equilibrium constant, Kp, instead of concentrations. The value of Kp can be calculated using the formula:Kp = P(C) (P(D)) / P(A) (P(B))where P(C), P(D), P(A), and P(B) are the partial pressures of C, D, A, and B, respectively.Let the equilibrium partial pressure of C be P(C), and the equilibrium molar concentration of D be [D].

We can use the ideal gas law to relate P(C) and [D]:P(C) = [D]RTwhere R is the gas constant and T is the temperature in kelvins.Substituting this expression into the formula for Kp and rearranging, we obtain:Kp = [D]RT (P(D)) / ([A]RT) (P(B))Kp = ([D] (P(D)) / ([A] (P(B)))The value of Kp is calculated by substituting the given values into the above equation.Kp = ([C] [D]) / ([A] [B])= ([D]) / ([A] [B])= (0.78) / (0.49)= 1.59So, the equilibrium constant for the given reaction is 1.59.

To know more about chemical equation visit:



You have been performing a PCR reaction but your results aren't the greatest. Your Supervisor has told you that you should increase the concentration of Magnesium. What affect will this have on the reaction?
The annealing temperature will decrease.
The annealing temperature will not be affected but the enzyme activity will be affected.
The Annealing temperature will increase.
The denaturation temparture will have to be decreased in the PCR protocol.
The denaturation temparture will have to be increased in the PCR protocol.


The answer is b. The annealing temperature will not be affected, but the enzyme activity will be affected.

What is the reason?Magnesium ions (Mg²⁺) are essential cofactors for the activity of DNA polymerase, which is the enzyme used in PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction). Increasing the concentration of magnesium in the reaction mixture can enhance the enzymatic activity of DNA polymerase.The annealing temperature in PCR is determined by the primer design and the specific target sequence. It is not directly influenced by the concentration of magnesium. The annealing temperature remains constant to ensure specific binding of the primers to the target DNA during the annealing step.

Therefore, increasing the concentration of magnesium in the PCR reaction will mainly affect the enzyme activity, allowing for more efficient DNA amplification.

Hence, option b. is correct.

To know more on Temperature visit:



Question 12 of 24 Submit What is the correct common name for the compound shown here? methyl iso propyl ether ether


The correct common name for the compound shown below is Methyl isopropyl ether. So, the option "methyl iso propyl ether" is correct.

Common names are not standardized names, and they may differ from one place to another. The IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) system is the standard way of naming chemical compounds. UPAC is best known for its works standardizing nomenclature in chemistry, but IUPAC has publications in many science fields including chemistry, biology and physics. Some important work IUPAC has done in these fields includes standardizing nucleotide base sequence code names; publishing books for environmental scientists, chemists, and physicists; and improving education in science The names can be long, but they are precise and identify the chemical compound exactly. The IUPAC name for the compound shown below is 1-methoxy-2-methylpropane or alternatively methyl 2-methoxypropane.

To know more about IUPAC, visit:



A 24.0 mL sample of 0.348 M dimethylamine, (CH3)2NH, is titrated
with 0.378 M perchloric acid. After adding 8.09 mL of perchloric
acid, the pH is


The pH of the solution after adding 8.09 mL of perchloric acid is approximately 13.415.

To determine the pH after adding 8.09 mL of perchloric acid, we need to calculate the moles of dimethylamine and perchloric acid involved in the reaction.

Moles of dimethylamine:

moles = concentration × volume

moles = 0.348 M × 24.0 mL

moles = 8.352 mmol

Moles of perchloric acid:

moles = concentration × volume

moles = 0.378 M × 8.09 mL

moles = 3.066 mmol

Since dimethylamine and perchloric acid react in a 1:1 ratio, the moles of acid neutralized by the base are equal to the moles of dimethylamine.

The total volume of the solution after adding 8.09 mL of perchloric acid is 24.0 mL + 8.09 mL = 32.09 mL.

To calculate the new concentration of dimethylamine:

concentration = moles / volume

concentration = 8.352 mmol / 32.09 mL

concentration = 0.260 M

Next, we need to calculate the pOH of the solution:

pOH = -log10(concentration of OH-)

Since dimethylamine is a weak base, it partially ionizes to produce OH- ions. We can assume the dissociation is negligible compared to the concentration of dimethylamine, so the OH- concentration can be approximated as the concentration of dimethylamine.

pOH = -log10(0.260) = 0.585

Finally, we can calculate the pH using the equation:

pH = 14 - pOH

pH = 14 - 0.585

pH ≈ 13.415

Therefore, the pH of the solution after adding 8.09 mL of perchloric acid is approximately 13.415.

Learn more about pH from the link given below.



QUESTION 7 What is the pH of water? O pH12 O pH9 O pH7 O pH5 QUESTION 8 What is the pH when fish die from pollution? O pH12 O pH9 O pH7 O pH4 QUESTION 9 A solution with a pH less than 7 is basic. O True O False


7. The pH of water is pH7.

The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. It ranges from 0 to 14, with pH7 considered neutral. Water has a pH of 7, indicating that it is neither acidic nor basic. It is important to note that the pH of pure water can vary slightly due to the presence of dissolved gases and minerals, but it generally remains close to pH7.

8. When fish die from pollution, the pH is typically around pH4.

Pollution can introduce harmful substances into water bodies, leading to a decrease in pH. Acidic pollutants, such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, can cause the pH of water to drop significantly. When fish are exposed to highly acidic water, their physiological processes are disrupted, and they may die as a result. A pH of around pH4 is considered highly acidic and can be detrimental to aquatic life.

9. A solution with a pH less than 7 is acidic.

This statement is false. A solution with a pH less than 7 is actually considered acidic, not basic. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with pH7 being neutral. Solutions with a pH below 7 are acidic, indicating a higher concentration of hydrogen ions (H+) in the solution. On the other hand, solutions with a pH above 7 are basic or alkaline, indicating a higher concentration of hydroxide ions (OH-) in the solution.

To know more about Pollutants visit-



A. Polarity of Solutes and Solvents Solute KMnO4 Sucrose Vegetable oil Substance 0.1 M NaCl B. Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes 0.1 M Sucrose 0.1 MHCI 1. Soluble/Not Soluble in 0.1 M NH₂OH Water 0.1 MC₂H,OH, Ethanol 0.1 MHC₂H₂02, Pim/ Acetic acid 0.1 M NaOH 1. Observations 2. Type of (Intensity of Lightbulb) Bright NONe Bright Cyclohexane weak Bright Dim/ weak NoNe Electrolyte (Strong, Weak, or Nonelectrolyte) 2. Identify the Solute as Polar or Nonpolar 3. Type of Particles (Ions, Molecules, or Both)


Polarity of solutes and solvents refers to the distribution of electric charge within the molecules. This is well expressed below.

How do you demonstrate the polarity of solutes and solvents?

The polarity of solvent and solutes can be seen in the table below;

A. Polarity of Solutes and Solvents

Solute soluble/ not soluble in Identify the Solute as Polar or water | Cyclohexane Nonpolar

KMnO₄ soluble not soluble polar

l₂ InsolubleSoluble Nonpolar

Sucrose Soluble Insoluble Polar

Vegetable oil Insoluble Soluble Nonpolar

B. Electrolytes and Nonelectrolytes

substance Observations (Intensity of Lightbulb)

0.1 M NaCl Bright light

0.1 M Sucrose No reaction, no light

0.1 MHCI Bright light, vigorous reaction

0.1 M HC₂H₃O₂ Acetic acid Dim light, slow reaction

0.1 M NaOH Bright light, vigorous reaction

0.1 M C₂H₅OH, Ethanol No reaction, no light

Substance Type of Electrolyte (Strong, Weak, Nonelectrolyte)

0.1 M NaCl Strong electrolyte

0.1 M Sucrose Nonelectrolyte

0.1 MHCI Strong electrolyte

0.1 M HC₂H₃O₂ Acetic acid Weak Electrolyte

0.1 M NaOH Strong electrolyte

0.1 M C₂H₅OH, Ethanol Nonelectrolyte

Substance Type of Particles (Ions, Molecules, or Both)

0.1 M NaCl Ions

0.1 M Sucrose Molecules

0.1 M HCl Ions

0.1 M HC₂H₃O₂ Both (Molecules and Ions)

0.1 M NaOH Ions

0.1 M C₂H₅OH Molecules

Find more exercises on Polarity of solutes;



Choose the statement that best describes the DNA structure two antiparallel DNA strands held by hydrogen bonds O two antiparallel DNA strands held by covalent bonds O helix of nucleotides O two parall


The statement that best describes the DNA structure is "C) helix of nucleotides." DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a double helix structure composed of nucleotides.

The statement that best describes the DNA structure is "C) helix of nucleotides."

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is a double helix structure composed of nucleotides. Each nucleotide consists of a sugar molecule (deoxyribose), a phosphate group, and a nitrogenous base (adenine, thymine, cytosine, or guanine). The nucleotides in DNA are connected by covalent bonds between the sugar and phosphate groups, forming the backbone of the DNA strands.

The two DNA strands in the double helix are antiparallel, meaning they run in opposite directions. The nitrogenous bases from each strand pair up and are held together by hydrogen bonds. Adenine pairs with thymine (A-T), and cytosine pairs with guanine (C-G). This complementary base pairing allows the DNA strands to maintain their antiparallel arrangement and ensures the accurate replication and transmission of genetic information.

For more question on DNA



GENERAL CHEMISTRY 12. A proposed mechanism for the production of Ais Step 1: 2 AA (Slow) Step 2: A8 A8 (Fast) (a) What is the molecularity of Step 1 (b) What is the elementary rate low for Step 17 (e)


(a) The molecularity of Step 1 is unimolecular.

(b) The elementary rate law for Step 17 is rate = k[A]^1[B]^8.

(c) The molecularity of Step 22 is bimolecular.

(d) The elementary rate law for Step 27 is rate = k[A]^1[A8B]^1.

(e) The rate-determining step is Step 1, as it is the slowest step in the mechanism.

(f) The predicted rate law is rate = k[A]^2[B]^8.

(g) The overall reaction is 2A + B8 → A8B + A.

(h) The intermediate in the mechanism is A.

(a) The molecularity of Step 1 is unimolecular because it involves the decomposition of a single molecule of A.

(b) The elementary rate law for Step 17 is rate = k[A]^1[B]^8, where [A] represents the concentration of A and [B] represents the concentration of B.

(c) The molecularity of Step 22 is bimolecular because it involves the collision between two species, A8 and B8.

(d) The elementary rate law for Step 27 is rate = k[A]^1[A8B]^1, where [A] represents the concentration of A and [A8B] represents the concentration of A8B.

(e) The rate determining step is Step 1 because it is the slowest step in the mechanism, and the overall rate of the reaction cannot exceed the rate of the slowest step.

(f) The predicted rate law is rate = k[A]^2[B]^8 since the slowest step, Step 1, involves the decomposition of two molecules of A.

(g) The overall reaction is 2A + B8 → A8B + A, representing the conversion of two molecules of A and one molecule of B8 into one molecule of A8B and one molecule of A.

(h) The intermediate in this mechanism is A, as it is formed in Step 1 and consumed in Step 2 without appearing in the overall reaction equation.

The complete question is:

GENERAL CHEMISTRY 12. A proposed mechanism for the production of Ais Step 1: 2 AA (Slow) Step 2: A8 A8 (Fast) (a) What is the molecularity of Step 1 (b) What is the elementary rate low for Step 17 (e) What is the molecularity of Step 22 (d) What is the elementary rate law for Step 27 (e) What is the rate determining step? (f) What is the predicted rate law? (g) What is the overall reaction? (h) What is the intermediate?

Learn more about molecularity here:



Titrate 25.00 mL of 0.40M HNO2 with 0.15M KOH, the pH of the
solution after adding 15.00 mL of the titrant is: Ka of HNO2 = 4.5
x 10-4
a. 1.87
b. 2.81
c. 3.89
d. 10.11
e. 11.19 4.


The pH of the solution after adding 15.00 mL of the titrant (0.15M KOH) to 25.00 mL of 0.40M HNO2 is 3.89. Therefore the correct option is C. 3.89

To determine the pH of the solution after the titration, we need to consider the reaction between the HNO2 (nitrous acid) and the KOH (potassium hydroxide). Nitrous acid is a weak acid, and potassium hydroxide is a strong base.

In the initial solution, we have 25.00 mL of 0.40M HNO2. The HNO2 will react with the KOH in a 1:1 ratio according to the balanced equation:

HNO2 + KOH → KNO2 + H2O

Since the volume of the titrant (KOH) added is 15.00 mL and its concentration is 0.15M, we can calculate the amount of KOH reacted. This is equal to (15.00 mL)(0.15 mol/L) = 2.25 mmol.

Considering that the reaction occurs in a 1:1 ratio, the amount of HNO2 consumed is also 2.25 mmol. Initially, we had 25.00 mL of 0.40M HNO2, which corresponds to (25.00 mL)(0.40 mol/L) = 10.00 mmol.

Now, we can calculate the concentration of HNO2 remaining after the reaction:

(10.00 mmol - 2.25 mmol) / (25.00 mL + 15.00 mL) = 7.75 mmol / 40.00 mL = 0.19375 M

To determine the pH, we need to consider the dissociation of HNO2, which is a weak acid. The dissociation of HNO2 can be represented by the equilibrium:

HNO2 ⇌ H+ + NO2-

The Ka of HNO2 is given as 4.5x10^-4. Since the concentration of HNO2 remaining is 0.19375 M, we can use the Ka expression to calculate the concentration of H+ ions:

Ka = [H+][NO2-] / [HNO2]

4.5x10^-4 = [H+]^2 / 0.19375

[H+]^2 = (4.5x10^-4)(0.19375)

[H+]^2 = 8.71875x10^-5

[H+] = √(8.71875x10^-5)

[H+] = 2.953x10^-3 M

Finally, we can calculate the pH using the equation:

pH = -log[H+]

pH = -log(2.953x10^-3)

pH ≈ 3.89

Therefore, the pH of the solution after adding 15.00 mL of the titrant is 3.89, which corresponds to option c.

To know more about titrant click here:



Which of the following statements about the Hedonic Scale is
Participants vote on all nine codes which are totalled and then
averaged by the number of participants.
Participants vote fo


The correct statement regarding the Hedonic Scale is option b: Participants vote for one of nine codes, which are subsequently totaled and then averaged based on the number of participants.

The Hedonic Scale is a well-established method utilized for the measurement of subjective experiences, encompassing emotions, preferences, or related constructs. It plays a pivotal role in numerous fields, including psychology, market research, and consumer studies.

This approach enables the quantification of subjective experiences or preferences by assigning ratings to specific codes or categories, thus facilitating analysis and providing valuable insights in fields such as psychology, market research, and consumer studies.

In the context of the Hedonic Scale, participants are presented with a set of codes or categories that represent distinct options or aspects. In this case, the scale comprises nine codes. Participants are then requested to select and cast a vote for the code that best reflects their experience or preference.

Following the collection of participant votes, the subsequent step involves the calculation of an overall score or rating. Option b accurately asserts that the scores assigned to each code are aggregated and subsequently averaged based on the total number of participants.

This calculation is performed by summing up the scores for each code and dividing the sum by the total number of participants.

This methodological approach serves to provide researchers with a quantitative understanding of the collective subjective experiences or preferences expressed by the participants.

By analyzing the results, researchers gain valuable insights into the impact and perception of various codes or categories, thereby informing research studies and decision-making processes.

The Hedonic Scale serves as a valuable tool for capturing and assessing subjective experiences within a structured framework, facilitating rigorous analysis and enhancing the depth of understanding in relevant domains.

Learn more about analysis here:



The complete question is:

Which of the following statements about the Hedonic Scale is correct?

Select one: a. Participants vote on all nine codes which are totalled and then averaged by the number of participants.

b. Participants vote for one of nine codes which are totalled and then averaged by the number of participants.

c. Participants vote for one of nine codes which are totalled and compared to a standard scoring reference.

d. Participants vote on up to three codes which are totalled and then averaged by the number of participants.

6. One of the roles of the kidneys is to help buffer body fluids so that they are not too acidic or too basic. The cells of the renal tubule secrete H+ into the tubule lumen and absorb bicarbonate (HC


One of the roles of the kidneys is to help buffer body fluids and maintain their pH within a narrow range. The cells of the renal tubule secrete hydrogen ions (H+) into the tubule lumen and absorb bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) from the tubular fluid.

The kidneys play a vital role in maintaining the acid-base balance of the body. One way they achieve this is through the regulation of hydrogen ions (H+) and bicarbonate ions (HCO3-).

In the renal tubule, specialized cells actively secrete hydrogen ions into the tubule lumen. This process is known as tubular secretion. By secreting hydrogen ions, the kidneys can help eliminate excess acids from the body and regulate the pH of the urine.

Simultaneously, the renal tubule cells reabsorb bicarbonate ions from the tubular fluid. Bicarbonate ions are important buffers that can neutralize excess acids in the body. By reabsorbing bicarbonate, the kidneys can maintain the balance of these ions and prevent excessive acidification of body fluids.

This coordinated secretion of hydrogen ions and absorption of bicarbonate ions by the cells of the renal tubule contribute to the kidneys' role in buffering body fluids and preventing excessive acidity or alkalinity.

Learn more about renal physiology here: brainly.com/question/30762244


The PK, value of crotonic acid is 4.7. If the H₂O* and crotonate ion concentrations are each 0.0040 M, what is the concentration of the undissociated crotonic acid? Concentration = M


The concentration of undissociated crotonic acid is approximately 0.0036 M, determined using the given pKa value and concentrations of H₂O* and crotonate ion.

The pKa value represents the negative logarithm of the acid dissociation constant (Ka) and indicates the tendency of an acid to donate a proton. The pKa value of crotonic acid is given as 4.7.

Crotonic acid (CH₃CH=CHCOOH) can dissociate into crotonate ion (CH₃CH=CHCOO-) and a proton (H⁺):


The equilibrium constant (K) for this dissociation can be expressed as:


Since the concentrations of H₂O* and crotonate ion are both given as 0.0040 M, we can assume that the concentration of H⁺ is also 0.0040 M (due to water dissociation). Let's denote the concentration of undissociated crotonic acid as x M.

Using the equilibrium constant expression, we can write the equation:

10^(-pKa) = [CH₃CH=CHCOO⁻][H⁺] / [CH₃CH=CHCOOH]

Substituting the given values:

10^(-4.7) = (0.0040)(0.0040) / x

Rearranging the equation to solve for x:

x = (0.0040)(0.0040) / 10^(-4.7)

Calculating the value:

x ≈ 0.0036 M

Therefore, the concentration of the undissociated crotonic acid is approximately 0.0036 M.

To learn more about crotonic acid click here: brainly.com/question/32894267


pls answer both! i ran out
of questions! thank you!
Use the References to access important values if needed for this question. The mole fraction of calcium bromide, CaBr2, in an aqueous solution is 5.75×10-2 . The percent by mass of calcium bromide in


The mole fraction of a solution is defined as the number of moles of solute per mole of solute and solvent combined. It is usually expressed as a decimal value or a percentage. In this question, the mole fraction of calcium bromide, CaBr2, in an aqueous solution is given as 5.75×10-2.

We know that mole fraction is defined as the ratio of the number of moles of solute to the total number of moles of solute and solvent in a solution. Therefore,
Mole fraction of CaBr2 = Number of moles of CaBr2 / Total number of moles in solution
Let's assume that we have 100 moles of the solution. Then the number of moles of CaBr2 will be 5.75×10-2 × 100 = 5.75 moles.
Now, let's calculate the mass of calcium bromide in the solution. We can use the following formula:
Mass percent = (Mass of solute / Mass of solution) × 100%
Let's assume that the mass of the solution is 100 g. Then the mass of CaBr2 in the solution will be:
Mass of CaBr2 = Mass percent × Mass of solution / 100
We are given the mole fraction of CaBr2, but we need to calculate its molar mass first. The molar mass of CaBr2 is:
Molar mass of CaBr2 = 40.078 + 2 × 79.904 = 200.886 g/mol
Now, we can use the following formula to calculate the mass of CaBr2:
Mass percent = (Moles of CaBr2 × Molar mass of CaBr2 / Mass of solution) × 100%
Substituting the values, we get:
Mass percent = (5.75 × 200.886 / 100) × 100% = 115.5%
This is a bit strange because the percent by mass of CaBr2 in the solution should be less than 100%. It is possible that we made a mistake in our calculations, or there is an error in the question.

To know more about mole fraction visit:



Nitrogen and hydrogen combine at a high temperature, in the
presence of a catalyst, to produce ammonia.
Assume 0.260 mol N20.260 mol N2 and


Using the balanced chemical equation N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⟶ 2NH3(g), we can determine the moles of ammonia produced when 0.260 mol of nitrogen gas (N2) reacts. when 0.260 mol of nitrogen gas reacts, 0.520 mol of ammonia is produced.

According to the balanced chemical equation N2(g) + 3H2(g) ⟶ 2NH3(g), the stoichiometric ratio is 1:2:2 for nitrogen gas, hydrogen gas, and ammonia, respectively.

Given that we have 0.260 mol of nitrogen gas (N2), we can use the stoichiometry to determine the amount of ammonia produced. Since the ratio of N2 to NH3 is 1:2, we multiply the moles of N2 by the conversion factor (2 moles NH3/1 mole N2) to find the moles of NH3 produced.

0.260 mol N2 × (2 moles NH3/1 mole N2) = 0.520 mol NH3

Learn more about chemical equation here:



According to the following reaction, how many moles of ammonia
will be formed upon the complete reaction of 0.899 moles nitrogen
gas with excess hydrogen gas?
N2 (g) +3H2 (g) -> 2NH3 (g)
_____mol a



1.798 mol of ammonia gas

Select the following terms to describe the relative concentrations of the molecules listed below if TAC cycle is completely inactive: assuming there is no electron shuttle and no other metabolic ways involved. 00 [mitochondrial FADH2] [cytosolic NADH] [pyruvate] [mitochondrial ATP] Acetyl-CoA [mitochondrial ADP] 1. Normal 2. Higher than normal 3. Lower than normal 4. None


For the given relative concentrations of the molecule we have: option 1, Normal, option 2, Higher than normal, option 3, Lower than normal and option 4, None, is the correct answer.

Given terms are: [mitochondrial FADH2] [cytosolic NADH] [pyruvate] [mitochondrial ATP] Acetyl-CoA [mitochondrial ADP].

The relative concentrations of the molecules listed below if TAC cycle is completely inactive are:

None [mitochondrial FADH2][cytosolic NADH][pyruvate]Higher than normal [mitochondrial ATP]

Lower than normal Acetyl-CoA[mitochondrial ADP]

The TAC cycle is responsible for the production of high energy ATP molecules.

If the TAC cycle is inactive, then there will be no energy generated. Therefore, the concentration of mitochondrial ATP will be None, and the concentration of mitochondrial FADH2 and cytosolic NADH will be higher than normal.

However, without the TAC cycle, the concentration of Acetyl-CoA will be lower than normal and the concentration of mitochondrial ADP will also be lower than normal.

Thus, the relative concentrations of the molecules listed below if the TAC cycle is completely inactive will be: None [mitochondrial FADH2] [cytosolic NADH] [pyruvate]Higher than normal [mitochondrial ATP]

Lower than normal Acetyl-CoA[mitochondrial ADP].

Therefore, option 1, Normal, option 2, Higher than normal, option 3, Lower than normal and option 4, None, is the correct answer.

Learn more about molecule here:



consider the unbalanced redox reaction occuring in acidic solution:
Part A Balance the equation. Express your answer as a chemical equation. Identify all of the phases in your answer. ΑΣΦ O X 2-ª Xx₂ Cr₂O2 (aq) + 3Cu(s) + 14H* (aq)→2Cr³+ (aq) + 3Cu² (aq) +


The balanced redox equation in an acidic solution is:

Cr₂O₇²⁻(aq) + 3Cu(s) + 14H⁺(aq) → 2Cr³⁺(aq) + 3Cu²⁺(aq) + 7H₂O(l)

The given redox reaction involves the dichromate ion (Cr₂O₇²⁻) and copper (Cu) in an acidic solution. The goal is to balance the equation by ensuring that the number of atoms and charges are equal on both sides of the equation.

To balance the equation, we start by assigning oxidation states to each element in the reaction:

Cr₂O₇²⁻: The oxidation state of Cr in Cr₂O₇²⁻ is +6, and each oxygen atom has an oxidation state of -2. By assigning x to the oxidation state of Cr, we can determine that x + 7(-2) = -2. Solving this equation gives x = +6, so the oxidation state of Cr in Cr₂O₇²⁻ is +6.

Cu: The oxidation state of Cu in its elemental form is 0.

Cr³⁺: The oxidation state of Cr in Cr³⁺ is +3.

Cu²⁺: The oxidation state of Cu in Cu²⁺ is +2.

Now, we can see that Cr is reduced from +6 to +3 (gaining 3 electrons), and Cu is oxidized from 0 to +2 (losing 2 electrons).

To balance the charges, we need 3 Cu atoms on the left side to account for the 3 electrons lost during oxidation. This is why we have 3Cu(s) on the left side of the equation.

To balance the number of Cr atoms, we need 2 Cr³⁺ ions on the right side, which is why we have 2Cr³⁺(aq) on the right side of the equation.

Finally, to balance the number of oxygen atoms, we add 7 water molecules (H₂O) to the right side, as each water molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

Adding 14H+ ions on the left side balances the hydrogen atoms and provides the acidic conditions necessary for the reaction to occur.

The resulting balanced equation is:

Cr₂O₇²⁻(aq) + 3Cu(s) + 14H⁺(aq) → 2Cr³⁺(aq) + 3Cu²⁺(aq) + 7H₂O(l)

In this equation, (aq) represents aqueous (dissolved) species, (s) represents solid species, and (l) represents liquid species.

Learn more about redox reaction at https://brainly.com/question/27907895


In an atom that has not undergone any type of chemical reaction, the number of electron
Group of answer choices
- is always an odd number
- is always an even number
- always equal to the number of neutrons
- the number of electrons in the outermost shell


The number of electrons in an atom is determined by the atomic number and can vary, but it is not always odd or even, equal to the number of neutrons, or solely determined by the outermost shell.

The number of electrons in an atom is determined by the atomic number, which is specific to each element and corresponds to the number of protons in the nucleus. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons is also equal to the number of protons. For example, a neutral oxygen atom has 8 electrons because oxygen has an atomic number of 8.

The atomic number and the arrangement of electrons in an atom determine the electron configuration. Electrons occupy different energy levels or shells around the nucleus, and each shell can hold a specific number of electrons. The outermost shell, known as the valence shell, is particularly important for chemical reactions as it determines the atom's reactivity.

The number of electrons in the outermost shell is related to the atom's position in the periodic table. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of electrons in their outermost shell. However, this number is not the sole factor in determining the total number of electrons in an atom.

In summary, the number of electrons in an atom that has not undergone a chemical reaction depends on the element's atomic number and electron configuration, but it is not always odd or even, equal to the number of neutrons, or solely determined by the number of electrons in the outermost shell.

To learn more about atomic number click here:



Identify both functional groups in the following molecule: 0 || CH3-CH2-C-CH2-CH2-CH2-C-NH2 The functional groups present are 11 and


The functional groups present in this molecule are -NH2 and a carbonyl group.

The given molecule is 0 || CH3-CH2-C-CH2-CH2-CH2-C-NH2. The functional groups present in this molecule are -NH2 and a carbonyl group. The -NH2 group is an amine functional group that comprises a nitrogen atom attached to two hydrogen atoms. Amino groups are electron-donating groups that increase the reactivity of the molecule they are present in. The carbonyl group is a functional group that comprises a carbon atom linked by a double bond to an oxygen atom.

The carbonyl group is found in aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids. They tend to undergo nucleophilic addition reactions. It has two types, one is aldehyde functional group which is present at the end of the carbon chain and the other is the ketone functional group that is present in the middle of the carbon chain. So, in the given molecule, the carbonyl group is present in the center of the carbon chain while the -NH2 group is attached to one end of the carbon chain. Therefore, the functional groups present are -NH2 and a carbonyl group.

To know more about functional groups visit



The absorbance of a 15% green food colouring solution compare to
10% of the same solution, what the calibration curve would be?


The calibration curve for comparing the absorbance of a 15% green food coloring solution to that of a 10% solution can be generated by plotting the absorbance values against the concentration of the solutions. The resulting curve will help establish a relationship between absorbance and concentration, allowing for the determination of the concentration of unknown samples based on their absorbance values.

To create the calibration curve, several solutions with known concentrations of the green food coloring (including 10% and 15% solutions) are prepared. The absorbance of each solution is measured using a spectrophotometer at a specific wavelength, typically associated with the absorption peak of the coloring compound.

The absorbance values are then plotted on the y-axis, while the corresponding concentrations are plotted on the x-axis. By fitting a curve or line to the data points, the calibration curve is obtained. This curve can be used to determine the concentration of unknown samples by measuring their absorbance and extrapolating from the calibration curve.

It is important to note that the calibration curve should be generated using a range of known concentrations that cover the expected concentration range of the samples to ensure accurate and reliable measurements.

Learn more about the calibration curve here:



Which of the following aqueous solutions would have the highest
boiling point?
1.0 mole of Na2S in 1.0 kg of water
1.0 mole of NaCl in 1.0 kg of water
1.0 moles of KBr in 1.0 kg of wate


Based on the information given, it is not possible to determine which of the aqueous solutions would have the highest boiling point.

To determine which of the given aqueous solutions would have the highest boiling point, we need to compare the boiling point elevation caused by each solute. The boiling point elevation is directly proportional to the molality (moles of solute per kilogram of solvent) of the solute.

Step 1: Calculate the molality (m) of each solute in the respective solutions.

Molality (m) = moles of solute/mass of solvent (in kg)


1.0 mole of Na2S in 1.0 kg of water

1.0 mole of NaCl in 1.0 kg of water

1.0 mole of KBr in 1.0 kg of water

In all three cases, the moles of solute and the mass of solvent are the same, resulting in the same molality for each solution, which is 1.0 mol/kg.

Step 2: Compare the boiling point elevations caused by each solute.

The boiling point elevation (∆Tb) is given by the equation:

∆Tb = Kb * m

where Kb is the molal boiling point elevation constant, which is specific to the solvent.

Since the molality (m) is the same for all three solutions, the solute with the highest molal boiling point elevation constant (Kb) will result in the highest boiling point elevation.

Step 3: Compare the molal boiling point elevation constants (Kb) for the solutes.

The molal boiling point elevation constants for Na2S, NaCl, and KBr are specific to water. Without knowing these values, we cannot determine which solute has the highest Kb and thus the highest boiling point elevation.

learn more about boiling point from this link:



Which of the following example is decomposition reaction? (a) Evaporation of water (b) Exposure of photographic film in the presence of light (c) Heating sulphur in the presence of oxygen (d) Dissolving salt in water



The correct example of a decomposition reaction is (c) Heating sulphur in the presence of oxygen.

Balance the combustion reaction in order to answer the question. Use lowest whole-number coefficients. combustion reaction: C₂H₂ + O₂ - CO,+H,O A conbustion reaction occurs between 5.5 mol O₂


The balanced combustion reaction is 2C₂H₂ + 5O₂ → 4CO + 2H₂O.

To balance the combustion reaction C₂H₂ + O₂ → CO + H₂O, we need to ensure that the number of atoms of each element is the same on both sides of the equation. Let's start by balancing the carbon atoms. There are two carbon atoms on the left side (2C₂H₂) and one carbon atom on the right side (CO). To balance the carbon atoms, we need a coefficient of 2 in front of CO.

Next, let's balance the hydrogen atoms. There are four hydrogen atoms on the left side (2C₂H₂) and two hydrogen atoms on the right side (H₂O). To balance the hydrogen atoms, we need a coefficient of 2 in front of H₂O.

Now, let's balance the oxygen atoms. There are four oxygen atoms on the right side (2CO + H₂O) and only two oxygen atoms on the left side (O₂). To balance the oxygen atoms, we need a coefficient of 5 in front of O₂.

The balanced combustion reaction is:

2C₂H₂ + 5O₂ → 4CO + 2H₂O.

In this balanced equation, there are two molecules of C₂H₂ reacting with five molecules of O₂ to produce four molecules of CO and two molecules of H₂O.

In conclusion, to balance the combustion reaction C₂H₂ + O₂ → CO + H₂O, we need the coefficients 2, 5, 4, and 2, respectively, resulting in the balanced equation 2C₂H₂ + 5O₂ → 4CO + 2H₂O.

Learn more about balancing chemical reactions.



What is the standard cell potential for an electrochemical cell set up with bismuth as the cathode and chromium as the anode? Your Answer: Answer units Question 11 (1 point) What is the standard cell


The standard cell potential for the electrochemical cell with bismuth as the cathode and chromium as the anode is 0.44 V.

To determine the standard cell potential for an electrochemical cell with bismuth (Bi) as the cathode and chromium (Cr) as the anode, we need to find the reduction potentials for each half-reaction and then calculate the overall cell potential.

Step 1: Find the reduction potentials.

The reduction potential for the reduction half-reaction of bismuth (Bi) is given by the standard reduction potential (E°) value. The reduction potential for chromium (Cr) can be determined using the Nernst equation or by referring to a standard reduction potential table.

Let's assume the standard reduction potential for bismuth (Bi) is -0.30 V, and the standard reduction potential for chromium (Cr) is -0.74 V.

Step 2: Write the balanced equation.

The balanced equation for the overall cell reaction can be obtained by subtracting the reduction half-reaction of the anode from the reduction half-reaction of the cathode:

Bi^3+ + 3e- → Bi (reduction half-reaction at the cathode)

Cr → Cr^3+ + 3e- (reduction half-reaction at the anode)

Overall balanced equation: Bi^3+ + Cr → Bi + Cr^3+

Step 3: Calculate the standard cell potential.

The standard cell potential (E°cell) can be calculated by subtracting the reduction potential of the anode from the reduction potential of the cathode:

E°cell = E°cathode - E°anode

= (-0.30 V) - (-0.74 V)

= 0.44 V

the standard cell potential for the electrochemical cell with bismuth as the cathode and chromium as the anode is 0.44 V.

learn more about it on


What kiciu us intermolecular forces act between an argon atom and a carbon dioxide molecule? Note: If there is miere than one type of intermolecular force that acts, be sure to list them all, with a c


The main intermolecular forces that act between an argon atom and a carbon dioxide molecule are dispersion forces or London forces.

Dispersion forces are the result of temporary fluctuations in electron distribution within molecules or atoms. In the case of argon, which is a noble gas, it is a monatomic atom and only experiences dispersion forces with other atoms or molecules. Carbon dioxide, on the other hand, is a linear molecule with a central carbon atom bonded to two oxygen atoms. The oxygen atoms in carbon dioxide have a greater electron density than the carbon atom, resulting in temporary dipoles. These temporary dipoles induce fluctuations in the electron distribution of neighboring argon atoms, leading to attractive forces between them. Therefore, dispersion forces are the primary intermolecular forces acting between argon and carbon dioxide.

Dispersion forces, also known as Van der Waals forces, are the weakest intermolecular forces. They exist in all molecules and atoms, although their strength varies depending on the size and shape of the molecules involved. In the case of argon and carbon dioxide, the relatively larger size of the carbon dioxide molecule compared to the argon atom leads to stronger dispersion forces between them.

Learn more about dispersion forces here: brainly.com/question/31326261


Draw a table of the three main different types of radiation describing their properties of mass, charge and speed


Radiation is classified into three types which are alpha radiation, beta radiation, and gamma radiation. The properties of mass, charge, and speed of these three types of radiation are explained below:

Alpha RadiationBeta RadiationGamma RadiationMassThis type of radiation consists of heavy particles that have a mass number of 4.This type of radiation consists of fast-moving electrons. This type of radiation has a negligible mass chargeThis type of radiation has a charge of +2.

The charge of alpha radiation is positive since it is composed of alpha particles that contain two protons and two neutrons. This type of radiation has a charge of -1 since it is composed of fast-moving electrons. This type of radiation is electrically neutral.

To know more about Radiation visit:



The majority of charge carriers in p-type semiconductors are O electrons ions O holes O protons impurities


Answer: In p-type semiconductors, an excess of holes are the majority charge carriers.


The majority of charge carriers in p-type semiconductors are holes because In p-type semiconductors, impurities are intentionally added to the material to create a deficiency of electrons, creating holes as the dominant charge carriers.

Hence, p-type semiconductors have an excess of holes as the majority charge carriers, resulting from the intentional introduction of impurities that create acceptor levels in the material's energy band structure.

A 0.026 M Tank Contains 0.083 Kg Of Nitrogen Gas (N) At A Pressure Of 2.87 Atm. Find The Temperature (2024)
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