8 Reasons Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix Them - Guides (2024)

8 Reasons Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix Them - Guides (1)
  • Placing your router in an open, central area allows the Wi-Fi signals to freely connect to devices. When you place your router in an enclosed space, the walls block those signals.
  • Not every device needs to be connected to your home internet at all times, so be sure to disconnect unused devices for better connection.
  • Upgrading your router and its software will show a noticeable improvement in how fast and reliable your internet connection can be.

Dealing with home internet that keeps disconnecting and disrupting your work, entertainment, and communication is frustrating. We’re here to help you alleviate this frustration by pointing out common reasons for disconnected Wi-Fi. We’ve also paired each reason with a practical solution so you can resolve connectivity problems and ensure a stable and reliable internet connection.

Your Network Is Congested

8 Reasons Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix Them - Guides (2)

Network congestion can lead to frequent Wi-Fi disconnections due to the overwhelming volume of data traffic coming through the network. When multiple devices simultaneously access the internet or stream content, the available bandwidth gets divided among them. As a result, the Wi-Fi network becomes congested, causing the connections to drop intermittently.

Congestion can strain the router’s processing capacity, exacerbating the problem. This issue is particularly common in densely populated areas or households with numerous connected devices competing for bandwidth.

How to Fix Network Congestion

For a quick fix, disconnecting devices that aren’t in use can help clear congestion to make room for in-use devices. However, this won’t address continual problems if you’re living in a house with many connected devices. I know this because I used to disconnect my kids’ iPads whenever they weren’t using them and our internet still didn’t improve. Whether your household has multiple people who use smartphones, streaming devices, and laptops, or if it has several smart home devices connected to Wi-Fi at one time, a consistently congested network needs a long-term solution.

You can either upgrade your internet plan or invest in additional routers, such as a mesh Wi-Fi network. Our household went the latter route and it’s been a huge improvement (plus, everyone wins). Either solution will provide more bandwidth for devices to connect and reduce congestion.

Shop Now: Considering a Wi-Fi mesh system to mitigate the constant network congestion in your household? Check out the Best Mesh Wi-Fi Systems of 2024 to learn more about our hands-on experience with the top-of-the-line products.

Your Router’s Location Is Blocking Signal

8 Reasons Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix Them - Guides (3)

Improper router placement can significantly contribute to Wi-Fi disconnections due to interference and poor signal coverage. When the router is placed in a location with obstacles such as walls, furniture, or electronic devices, the Wi-Fi signal strength weakens, leading to frequent dropouts. Placing the router too far away from the areas where Wi-Fi connectivity is needed can exacerbate the problem, as the signal may only effectively reach some corners of the home.

How to Find Optimal Router Placement

Position the router in a central location within the home to boost Wi-Fi signal coverage and minimize interference. Place the router at a higher elevation, such as on a shelf, to reduce obstructions. You may need to test different locations within your home to find the optimal spot. I’ve had to test this out in many rooms in my house until I was satisfied with leaving it in one corner of our living room on top of our bookshelf.

If Wi-Fi dead zones persist, implementing Wi-Fi range extenders or mesh networking systems can help extend coverage to hard-to-reach areas. These types of systems are especially advantageous for homes with multiple floors or with more intricate floor plans.

You Have an Unsecured Network

An unsecured Wi-Fi network can be a significant reason for frequent disconnections due to external factors exploiting the vulnerability. Without proper security measures such as encryption and authentication, unauthorized users can gain access to the network, causing congestion, bandwidth theft, or even malicious activities. Intruders accessing the network may inadvertently or intentionally interfere with network settings, leading to disruptions in connectivity for legitimate users.

How to Secure Your Home Network

Securing a network is crucial for avoiding Wi-Fi disruptions as well as protecting against unauthorized access and malicious activities. Enabling Wi-Fi encryption protocols such as WPA2 or WPA3 ensures that data transmitted over the network is encrypted, preventing unauthorized access. Configuring strong and unique passwords for both the Wi-Fi network and the router’s administrative interface helps prevent unauthorized users from gaining access. Regularly updating router firmware and enabling firewall settings can also protect against known vulnerabilities and external threats.

Your Internet Is Being Throttled

8 Reasons Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix Them - Guides (4)

If your internet keeps going out, it could be due to throttling imposed by your internet service provider (ISP). Throttling occurs when ISPs intentionally reduce the speed or bandwidth of your internet connection, typically in response to exceeding data usage limits or during peak hours of network congestion. This can result in frequent disconnections as the connection struggles to maintain stability under reduced speeds. Throttling can impact activities that require consistent bandwidth, such as streaming videos or online gaming.

How to Prevent Throttling

Consider upgrading to a higher-tier internet plan with more generous data allowances or unlimited data to avoid triggering throttling thresholds. Also, using a virtual private network (VPN) can help mask your internet activity from your ISP, making it more difficult for them to detect and throttle specific types of traffic. Monitoring your data usage and being mindful of bandwidth-intensive activities during peak hours can help prevent triggering throttling measures.

Contact your ISP about their throttling policies and negotiate for more consistent speeds or alternative plans with fewer restrictions as these things are beneficial in maintaining a stable Wi-Fi connection.

Your Equipments Needs to Reboot

Over time, your router and modem can accumulate temporary glitches or memory leaks, leading to degraded performance and intermittent connectivity problems. Rebooting your equipment can help clear away common network issues. Prolonged periods of uptime without a reboot can cause the router and modem to become overwhelmed or overloaded, resulting in malfunctions that manifest as frequent disconnections. Software updates or configuration changes may require a reboot to apply properly, and neglecting to do so can lead to instability in the network connection.

How to Reboot Your Router and Modem

Rebooting clears the router or modem’s memory and resets its internal state, effectively eliminating any temporary glitches or software conflicts that may be causing connectivity problems.

If you need to reboot the router and modem, power off the devices. Wait for a few minutes to ensure all power is drained and then power them back on. Start with powering on the modem first and allowing it to establish a connection with your ISP. Then, power on the router, allow it to load up, and create a connection. Rebooting your router and modem is a regular maintenance practice you should complete monthly to prevent Wi-Fi disruptions.

Reboot vs Reset. Rebooting or restarting your router or modem is different from resetting it. Most routers and modems have reset buttons that restore factory settings, such as Wi-Fi passwords. Avoid resetting devices so you don’t have to spend time reconfiguring your personal settings.

Your Equipment Is Old

Outdated routers and modems can be a significant reason for Wi-Fi disconnections as they may lack the necessary features, performance capabilities, or security enhancements found in newer models. Technological advancements and updates in networking standards may render older devices incompatible with modern Wi-Fi networks, leading to connectivity issues such as dropped connections, slow speeds, or signal interference. Older hardware components may also degrade over time, resulting in decreased reliability and performance that further exacerbates Wi-Fi connectivity problems.

How to Upgrade Your Router and Modem

On average, routers and modems last for five years and will likely need to be upgraded if they’re older than that. In many cases, your router and modem were supplied to you by your ISP. If you’re concerned about the age, you can reach out to your ISP to have these devices replaced.

You can also purchase your own equipment to ensure you’re getting the most updated equipment. Before purchasing a new router or modem, research and consider factors such as Wi-Fi standards, dual-band support, and security features. Select a router or modem from reputable manufacturers known for reliable products and good customer support to ensure a better overall experience.

You’re Using Outdated Software

Using outdated software and firmware on routers can lead to Wi-Fi disconnections. Outdated software may contain bugs, glitches, or compatibility issues that interfere with the proper functioning of network components. These issues can manifest as intermittent disconnections, slow speeds, or other connectivity problems. Additionally, security vulnerabilities present in outdated software can be exploited by attackers to compromise network security, leading to disruptions or unauthorized access to the Wi-Fi network. Outdated software may lack support for newer Wi-Fi standards or features, limiting the performance and reliability of the network connection.

How to Update Your Software

To resolve Wi-Fi disconnections caused by outdated software, keep all relevant software up to date. This includes updating the firmware on the router and drivers on devices such as computers, smartphones, and network adapters. Many routers have a built-in mechanism for automatically checking and installing firmware updates, which can be enabled in the router’s settings. Alternatively, you can manually download the latest firmware from the manufacturer’s website and install it following the provided instructions. For devices such as computers and smartphones, software updates can typically be installed through the settings menu, where you can check for available updates and apply them as needed.

Your ISP Has an Outage

8 Reasons Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix Them - Guides (5)

If your Wi-Fi keeps disconnecting, it could be due to your ISP experiencing an outage. ISPs may encounter technical issues or maintenance activities that disrupt the availability of their services, resulting in widespread connectivity problems for their customers. During an outage, your equipment may lose connection to the ISP’s network, leading to frequent disconnections and an inability to access the internet. Factors such as severe weather, equipment failures, or infrastructure issues can all contribute to ISP outages.

How to Check for an ISP Outage

Checking for an ISP outage will vary based on your provider, but most companies use the same methods for their customers. Consider visiting your ISP’s website or social media channels, where they often provide updates about service status and ongoing issues. Many ISPs also offer customer support hotlines or online chat services where you can inquire about any reported outages in your area. You can also use online outage detection tools or community forums to see if other users are experiencing similar connectivity problems.

What to Do if Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting

If your internet continues to disconnect despite troubleshooting common internet issues as outlined above, there are a few additional solutions you can try:

  • Switch Wi-Fi Bands: Switching between 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi bands can help prevent disconnections by allowing devices to operate on less congested bands. 5GHz bands generally offer faster speeds and are less susceptible to interference, while 2.4GHz bands have better range and penetration through walls.
  • Consider Wired Connection: If your Wi-Fi continues to be unreliable, consider using a wired Ethernet connection instead. This can provide a more stable and consistent internet connection, especially for devices that require high bandwidth or low latency.
  • Disable Power-Saving Mode: Some devices may disconnect from Wi-Fi networks to conserve power when in power-saving mode. Disable the power-saving mode on your device to prevent it from disconnecting unnecessarily.

Contact Your Internet Service Provider: If the issue persists, contact your ISP’s customer support for further assistance. They may be able to diagnose and resolve underlying network issues or schedule a technician to investigate the problem.

Frequently Asked Questions About Internet Disconnection

How long do routers last?

On average, routers typically last anywhere from three to five years before they start to exhibit signs of wear and tear or become outdated in terms of technology and performance. However, with proper maintenance and occasional firmware updates, some routers can continue to function reliably beyond this time frame.

How do I fix the issue of too many devices on my Wi-Fi?

Prioritize essential devices and limit the number of devices connected simultaneously by disconnecting inactive devices or disabling Wi-Fi on devices not in use. Schedule bandwidth-intensive tasks during off-peak hours to ensure a smoother experience. Another option is to upgrade to a router with better performance and capacity to handle a larger number of devices simultaneously.

What blocks Wi-Fi signals the most?

Materials such as drywall, flooring, furniture, concrete, brick, water, and mirrors are among the main obstructions that block or interfere with Wi-Fi signals. Drywall, flooring, and furniture serve as physical barriers, while materials like concrete and brick absorb Wi-Fi signals, limiting their reach. Additionally, water and reflective surfaces like mirrors can deflect Wi-Fi signals and reduce their strength and coverage.

Can someone control your router?

It’s possible for someone to gain control of your router remotely if they exploit vulnerabilities in its firmware or security settings. This allows them to access and modify your router’s settings, monitor your internet traffic, or even install malicious software. Common methods used to gain control of routers include brute-force attacks to guess passwords, capitalizing on default credentials, or exploiting unpatched vulnerabilities in the router’s firmware.

8 Reasons Your Internet Keeps Disconnecting and How to Fix Them - Guides (2024)


Why does my internet keep disconnecting for no reason? ›

Connectivity issues can often stem from outdated or corrupted drivers, which are crucial for maintaining stable internet access. This problem is further compounded when the software or firmware on your devices, including your modem and router, is not kept up-to-date, leading to an unstable internet connection.

How do I find out why my internet keeps dropping? ›

Here are some of the top reasons why your internet connection could be unreliable—plus what to do next.
  • Old Router. ...
  • Your Internet Speed Can't Keep Up. ...
  • Your Internet Service Provider Is Down. ...
  • Your Software Is Outdated. ...
  • You Need to Clean Your Cables or Router. ...
  • Your Network Isn't Secure.

Why does my internet keep cutting out and coming back on? ›

First, and most likely, is problems with your equipment. Restarting your modem/router will often resolve the issue. Other reasons why your internet may keep going out include inadequate speeds, network congestion and inclement weather.

Why is my Wi-Fi getting disconnected frequently? ›

A weak Wi-Fi signal can result from obstructions, a lack of range, or even interference from other Wi-Fi networks and electronic devices. A congested network usually means you're trying to do too much with too little. To fix it, you need to either decrease your internet usage or upgrade your internet plan.

How to restore internet connection? ›

Top 5 quick fixes for internet issues
  1. Restart your modem and router or internet gateway (modem/router combo) An equipment restart is the golden rule of internet troubleshooting. ...
  2. Check your wires and cables. ...
  3. Move your router to a better spot. ...
  4. Test a different website or online activity. ...
  5. Check for an outage.
Jan 4, 2024

How do I know if my modem or router is bad? ›

Reduced Speeds and Reduced Connection Quality

If you feel that your internet speeds have decreased or you are seeing issues with increased buffering and lagging or breaking in the connection, it could be time for a new modem. You can easily test your internet speed with online tools like Speedtest.net.

How do I stop my internet from disconnecting and reconnecting? ›

  1. Restart Your Modem/Router. ...
  2. Move the Router to a Different Location. ...
  3. Reset the Router/Modem to Factory Settings. ...
  4. Check for Internet Outages. ...
  5. Make Sure You're Not Experiencing ISP Throttling. ...
  6. Update Your Internet Plan to Fiber. ...
  7. Change Your ISP. ...
  8. Disable Multiple Network Connections.

Why do I keep getting no internet connection? ›

Common causes of no internet connection include problems with the router or modem, incorrect DNS settings, IP address conflicts, or issues with your internet provider.

How to stop internet dropping out? ›

Fix Wi-Fi Dropping In and Out Due to Router
  1. Step 1: Reboot Your Router. ...
  2. Step 2: Update or Reset Router Firmware. ...
  3. Step 3: You're Getting Radio Interference. ...
  4. Step 4: The Router Is in a Bad Spot. ...
  5. Step 5: Check if Unwanted Devices Are Hogging Your Bandwidth. ...
  6. Step 6: You Need New Equipment.

Why does my Wi-Fi connected but my internet keeps dropping? ›

Reasons Why Internet Keeps Dropping

You are connected to a bad Wi-Fi hotspot. Defective cable from your modem / router to your computer. Wi-Fi hotspot strength is insufficient – you may be near the edge of the WiFi network. Wi-Fi network is overloaded – happens in crowded areas – on the street, stadiums, concerts, etc.

How to reset a router? ›

Here's what you'll do on most routers:
  1. Keep your router plugged into the power source.
  2. Insert a paper clip into the Reset opening on your router. Some routers will also have a button you can press with your finger.
  3. Hold this button down for about 30 seconds.
  4. Wait for the router's lights to come back on.
6 days ago

How to fix an unstable internet connection? ›

Based on the above potential causes, we would like to provide you with the following solutions.
  1. Solution 1: Restart the Modem. ...
  2. Solution 2: Update Network Card Drivers. ...
  3. Solution 3: Reinstall Network Card Drivers. ...
  4. Method 1: Test the Network Connection. ...
  5. Method 2: Restart or Reset the Router. ...
  6. Method 3: Run Network Troubleshooter.
Jul 19, 2023

Why do I lose internet at 3am? ›

Slower internet speeds at night are often the due to network congestion. Just like rush hour traffic, when everyone uses the internet at the same time, the network's limited bandwidth struggles to keep up.

How to reset network settings? ›

Network reset removes any network adapters you have installed and the settings for them. After your PC restarts, any network adapters are reinstalled, and the settings for them are set to the defaults. Select Start > Settings > Network & internet > Advanced network settings > Network reset.

How to fix Wi-Fi issues? ›

Internet & network
  1. Unplug the router and modem's power cords from the power outlet for 15 seconds.
  2. Plug the power cords back in.
  3. Check that all cords and cables are secure at both ends.
  4. Wait a few minutes, until the lights on the modem and router are working right. (See the device manual or manufacturer's support site.)

How to check if the internet is dropping out? ›

Open Command Prompt by pressing the Windows + R keys, typing cmd, and hitting Enter (or click OK). Type the command ping -n 100 1.1. 1.1, then hit Enter. This command creates a ping, sets the number of tests, and specifies the IP address you're connecting to for the packet loss test.

How to troubleshoot internet issues? ›

  1. Check Service Isn't Being Blocked. ...
  2. Open Windows Network Diagnostics and Check Your DNS settings. ...
  3. Check the Wi-Fi Adapter. ...
  4. Reset Internet Explorer Settings. ...
  5. Reset Network Settings. ...
  6. Restart File/Windows Explorer. ...
  7. Check Windows Services. ...
  8. Forget Wi-Fi Network.
May 23, 2024

What is the lifespan of a router? ›

A good rule of thumb is to replace your router every five years, but there are several reasons to upgrade more often.

What is the lifespan of a modem? ›

On average, a modem can last between 2 to 5 years. However, the actual lifespan can vary depending on several factors, including the quality of the modem, usage patterns, and technological advancements. Remember, some of the best modems come with a warranty, which you might want to consider.

How can I test my router for problems? ›

Try this: Plug an ethernet cable directly into your router and test your internet speeds using our speed test tool. Next, test your speeds on the Wi-Fi connection. If they're both slow, the issue is likely with your service provider and not your equipment.

Why does my Wi-Fi keep disconnecting connected without internet? ›

You may have an old router or modem. Also, if Wi-Fi is connected and no Internet on your PC or phone, it can be the settings like a changed password and Key type. Your carrier may have something to do with this, too. They may slow down or stop your Internet connection for some reason.

Why do I have to keep resetting my modem? ›

Below are some of the more common issues that lead to frequent resets: There's a technical glitch on your device. The cable connections have become loose. The modem lost power during a software upgrade (incomplete/interrupted firmware).

Why is my Wi-Fi signal weak all of a sudden? ›

Your router is too far away from devices. Physical interferences like thick walls, floors, or other appliances. Too many people or devices connected to one network. Weak signal being transmitted by an outdated router.

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Name: Fredrick Kertzmann

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Introduction: My name is Fredrick Kertzmann, I am a gleaming, encouraging, inexpensive, thankful, tender, quaint, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.