2024 Underclassmen Wills Pt.1 – The Acronym (2024)

Welcome to the 2024 Underclassmen Wills!

After editing 103 pages and 62,126 words, The Acronym is beyond excited to finally give you all this year’s Underclassmen Wills!

All of the wills fromAahana Das to Ibrahim Bah are on this page, and all of the wills fromJake Belonio to Zhuoer Caican be foundhere.

Aahana Das
Aarna Patel
Aarushi Das
Aashi Dharia
Abbi Kinsland
Alvena Bhutiani
Amada Garcia
Anjali Ali
Anjali Samal
Anna Yang
Anya Parikh
Aria Barve
Asad Sheikh
Ayan Trivedi
Blake Hennings
Brian Leong
Brooke Hobbs
Caden Tam
Carissa Chen
Carolyn Zhang
Claire Wen
Dael Garzon Torres
Ellen Hsuan
EmmaLi Isham
Eric Lee
Evan Lee
Gabi Boscarino
Georgi Panchev
Greenley Ziemer
Haley Shah
Hamsika Thumu
Haoran Shi
Himani Musku
Ibrahim Bah

Aahana Das

To Annabelle Zhang, I will you oranges (LOTS and LOTS of them) and the first interbred hamniea (gunster?). Thank you for being my safe harbor for my learning about biology and answering the 10^1000000000 questions that I had. Whether it be grinding for note sheets for scioly or randomly chatting about oranges and Taylor Swift (you REALLY need to try out the new album!), I have enjoyed every moment of your insane thoughts. Hopefully, you will live it up in Boston (and NOT ID trees in the middle of the road and forget your phone for more boba tea).

To 02 A-wing hex, I will you guys so much more time and laughter together. To JoJo, I will you a Grammy. You are such a sunshine in my life and I am so thankful for all the hugs and advice you gave me. Trust when you become famous and/or rich as a neuro-person or a singer, I will come visit you fr. To Ellen Nguyen, I will you more Duo Lingo songs. Your cackling laughter in the SIR bus always made my day and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future! To Anisha Kohl, I will you all the Boba Tea in the world and Ravenclaw as your house. You are the most hardworking person I ever met, and you deserve everything and more. Thank you for lending me your head to sleep upon during those tiring scioly rides and hopefully, you own the cutest cottage-core house (with SHEEP!). I am going to miss all of the A&P talks and the cute pats on my head when I meet you. To Amanda Barajas, I will you a very expensive art set. You are SO incredible AND fascinating, it hurts (in a good way). You are such a queen and a girl boss (especially when you do the power walk in those formals). Good luck and I am going to miss seeing your smile every day! To Laasya, I will you bunnies! I loved being an RSL with you! I love the passion that you have for the things you love and the mini-lesson on the history of bunnies that you gave! Best of luck! To Ellen Guan, I will you more free time for drawing and loving physics! I love to see you light up whenever you wave at me in the hallways (also you are such a real one for always waving at me fr fr). I hope you keep loving physics, even though you CLAIM you are not good at it. I am going to miss all of the (ermmm) fun (?) last-minute build sessions before comps.

To Nathaniel Huang, I will you fun and happy times in college and a crazy cool haircut! Whether it was struggling with BC-3 (those LaGrange errors go crazy) or having tea sessions, I am so glad for all of those times that we spent together. You are a bestie fr fr, and I am going to miss all the spike-y head pats I give you. I am going to miss the tiny spot in the old cafe where you are always grinding for one thing or another and hopefully, you never get a class like OOP again. I am so excited for all of the awesome stuff that you will do and I am so sad that I never had you as a LEAD facilitator.

To Komal C, I will you a T-shirt that says “The Grind Never Stops.” Thank you for all those “it’s joever” head shakes and the reassuring “Senior year is going to be better, TRUST.” All the after-10 check nights that we spent last year and the Enola Holmes movie sesh that we had were some of my favorite moments from my experience at IMSA. I am going to miss seeing your confused “What-is-Monsieur-even saying” and “I-am-dropping-this-class” face whenever there is a French presentation in class. Best of luck and I can’t wait to see the wonderful things you are going to do!

To Vignesh T and Meera, I will you more lunches in better places than Lexington. Thank you for brainstorming ways to make me feel better whenever I would give up during my junior year. You guys are the most genuinely caring people that I have met and I hope we can continue having weekend brunches and breakfasts together ( I swear I won’t kill any baby seals by wasting food Vignesh). Please keep in touch and have the most wonderful time in college!

To Kavya R, I will you movie nights in 02. Thank you for the smiles and comforting hugs when I needed them the most and when you become a billionaire fr fr, with all the Pchem worksheets behind you, I hope you remember the poor soul (i.e. me) and offer me some financial assistance thank yew.

To Manasa B, I will you temple trips and being roommates with Annabelle forever and ever. Thank you for being so nice to me and the discussions we had during scioly were so fun! ALSO, YOU are such a slay in WIDI and I couldn’t imagine having any other better partner (it is their fault for not understanding our build, trust). Have the best experience in college and keep having a positive way of looking at everything!

To the Scioly seniors — Wyatt, Annabelle, Ellen, Anisha, Manasa, Diya, and Sindhu — I will you more scioly practices and note sheet grinding (yeah the grind never ends).

To 02 senior RSLs 2023-24, I will you guys an awesome community (like 02) in the future! Thank you for helping me, and I had so much fun being part of the group this year :))) Best of luck for the future!

To Dash, Anisha, and Aashima, I will you guys more group dances and practice sesh in the future. Whether you were coerced to join (hehehe) or joined by your own will, I am so glad that you guys were part of the dance despite your busy schedules. Remember to ALWAYS flash those pearls (aka teeth) just like how you (hopefully) did during the JALSA show.

To Diya, I will you to find your true passion. Whether it be the hushed talks in the library or cackling about the fine Kdrama men, your jollyness (for lack of a better word) never fails to brighten my day. PLEASE the TikTok that we made for scioly regionals from last year was so crazy. Your advice on BC and French is literally the best and I hope you keep giving your infinite wisdom to me forever and ever and ever. Best of luck!

To Sriya, I will you Lays (the simple, NO flavored one). Your comfy hugs and that sassy attitude are such a slay. Thank you for giving me a live show of Billie Eillish’s songs so I could make my friends jealous. I am going to miss not seeing you in the RC office during check and your random outbursts of “Baby” by Justin Beiber (and those vocals be vocalizing). Best of luck and remember Cheetos are always better.

To David B, Stephan W, Aaliyah M, Sar’aiyah M, Kate D, Nikki F, and Iris A, I will you infinite smiles and happiness for your future.

To these seniors, when the last whiff of your scent leaves campus, remember that you have helped me be me every day, and I am grateful for you forever. I will miss you guys so much and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future!

Aarna Patel

To 06B up quad (Sufiya Hussaini, Nashra Younus, Einsey Socrates, Dani Sun): I will you peace, happiness, and most importantly, a bond that grows even closer with distance. I always look up to your quad (quite literally) because you’re always laughing and having the best time together, and I admire your extraordinary friendship. Thank you for all the memories together this year, from eating snacks in our room to trying on dresses for Jalsa together. You guys were seriously the best senior quad we could have ever asked for and I’ll miss you all so much. I know you’ll all be successful wherever you go and pls come back to visit us next year, our door is always open for you guys. To Sufiya, thank you for being my SIR bus grind buddy and for actually making me get work done (and occasionally take a 2 hour “power nap”) on the bus with you. You’re actually HILARIOUS and I loved laughing with you on the bus. I’ll never forget that time we took pics of Jack while he was asleep on the last day of SIR. I also hope you find someone at Loyola to do that straight-faced TikTok challenge on who laugh-cries as hard as I did. To Nashu, I will you another hug buddy at college. I’m so glad we got closer this year, and seeing your smiley face and getting hugs on hard days at IMSA always brightened my day. To Einsey, I will you the ability to keep smiling and laughing no matter what. Every time I see you in the hallway or talk with you in the wing, you’re always laughing, and your positivity is truly contagious. I’ll never forget that one Sunday when Riya and I had actually given up on life and played cards with you and Sufiya. Also, you need to practice your straight face a lil more LMAO. I can’t get your face out of my head from that one day when you and Sufiya and Nashra came down to our room and did the tiktok challenge on me– I think I acc peed my pants watching you struggle lol. To Dani, I will you an unlimited amount of pani puris at Stanford (you’ll def find someone there with a random plate of them in their dorm). If you’re ever back in Aurora, just shoot us a text and we’ll have pani puris waiting for you in B16. You’re so sweet and ambitious, and I know you’ll go far in life.

To Blessita Charly (the O.G. Blessy Boi), I will you unlimited juice, snacks, and an amazing sleepover buddy who has a spare contact lens case for you (and not a cup). I remember the first day I met you at IMSA when we realized that you live really close to my grandparents lol. I think my first real convo with you was when I had a really bad day and went to sit in C wing when you were making your tuna sandwich. I don’t often have a lot of deep convos like that, and I will always appreciate how you always really listened. After that, we only got closer, from your weekly stops in B16, to the paneer sandwich legacy you have left for us, to the Crash Landing on You movie nights with our projector, to the crazy sleepover we had that one night (sorry for knocking out). Thanks for letting me crash in C wing with you when I lose my mind, I genuinely don’t know what I’ll do without you in that wing next year. I will miss you so so so much, and you’d better come back to visit or I’m gonna have to take matters into my own hands and drive myself to UIUC (and we both know about my pro driving abilities ;).

To Sindhu Chalasani, I will you the life of your dreams at Columbia where you can finally ease up on the grind and go to all the concerts in the world. Since I came to IMSA and found out you were my big sib, I always looked up to you. You’re genuinely one of the smartest people I know and I’m so lucky to have had you as my SIR buddy this year. I’ll miss our weekly SIR lunches and wandering the city shopping with you (esp that one day we got stuck in the city the night before your college apps were due). I don’t know what I’ll do without you next year, but pls stay in touch and keep me updated on all your Columbia adventures! I couldn’t think of anyone more deserving and amazing as you, and I’ll miss you so so much.

To Shivani Chirumamilla, I will you unlimited success for the rest of your life no matter where you go. You’re such an amazing club leader and friend, and I always look up to your grind (esp when you kept TEDx in check all summer and had an amazingly successful event in December). I’ll always remember that one randomly deep convo we had on my birthday in the IRC during 7th mod or when you were twerking behind me during Girls Dance practice haha. Good luck in your future endeavors, and pls stay in touch! I’ll miss you so much :)

To Sabriya Attiya, I will you the opportunity to never have to take creative writing ever again LOL. I hope you find the plump cherries and crisp apples in your life and never have another moldy peach or soggy raspberries day ever again. Although the hard mango days may come and go, I know that you’ll get through them because that’s the amazingly resilient person you are. I’ll miss our gossip walks during CWW that end up going slightly longer than Diaz said they were supposed to be and our daily connections and wordle games. I don’t think I’ll ever beat you in chess, but that’s okay, I know you’ll find someone else who can beat you at UIUC. I hope you know you made me cry when I read your story of the epiphytic cacti, I think that’s the sweetest thing anyone has ever written for me. One day, I will find it, the one exotic species in the middle of the desert, and when I do, I’ll call you first. Thank you for being the most amazing neighbor in B16 and I know you’ll do such amazing things and become crazily successful in life. Pls stay in touch, I’ll miss you more than Diaz’s words can say :)

To Sukanya Ghosh, I will you deep convos and the most amazing college experience of your life. I’m so lucky to have gotten close with you through ISP, TEDx, and HOSA SLC. You’re genuinely such an amazing speaker, and hearing your talk was acc mesmerizing! Thank you for the deep convo we had during the mosh at SLC on the last day and for truly listening and empathizing. You’re such a gorgeous person both inside and out who has an amazing heart and unbeatable ambition, and I will miss you so so much next year. I promise to stay in touch and keep the “om” energy going next year :)

To Arjun Cherukuri, I will you the promise to keep HOSA and TEDx going. I know it’s a huge responsibility to give not just one but TWO of your clubs to me next year, and I promise you that I will constantly continue to improve and innovate for both no matter what. I appreciated your grind this year in both HOSA and TEDx. A special thank you for being there through my run for HOSA state board (the end of an era) and CPR/first aid competition season and being our practice dummy. Our first priority for next year is to get an ACTUAL practice dummy so no more Arjuns will be harmed in the process :)

To Vignesh Tiruvannamalai, I will you some well-deserved peace from the HOSA grind. I know that a lot of things happened this year that were out of your control, but I know that all of board really appreciated your constant communication and ability to problem-solve throughout. We’re so lucky to have had a HOSA co-pres as committed as you, and I promise to keep improving our chapter and send even more ppl to ILC next year!

To Aldo Magaña, I will you more tolerable classes than CWW at UIC and for your SSS to be the greatest anyone at IMSA has ever had. Thank you for making me almost pee my pants that one time you told me the story about the 06B wing stairwell railing.

To the SocEnt co-chairs (Dash & Nathaniel) and the SocEnt seniors (Ryan, Ellen, Srihari, Jerrick), I will you all a break from the grind. Thank you for making my junior year on SocEnt the most amazing one I could have ever asked for. I’ll miss our laughs during BOATS when our facilitator boat sank or when we all packed ourselves into it for a pic. SocEnt IS and always WILL BE the best elective, and we promise to keep it going :)

To Ellen Guan, I will you peace and freedom from away from my Kotlarczyk essays and an amazing college experience wherever you choose to go :))

Aarushi Das

To Maitreyi, I will you lots of Gordon-Ramsey quality vegetarian food at college. Your little hand pats which were not really head pats were very much appreciated. You are as sweet as the cookies we decorated during Halloween. Your amazingness never fails to amaze me and I am so grateful for having you as my big sib! Two years went by too fast.

To Annabelle, I will you the first Gunster free of cost. Imagine: if you buy another one and let them breed, you can earn a living out of that. I’m so thankful to you for keeping my biology interest strong despite the times I have wanted to give up. I never understood how you just sprout answers to questions like a popcorn machine popping popcorn (okay I really had no other simile). I hope you keep the same vibes going and I will miss you so much.

To Nathaniel, I will you a perm. Okay, I’m going to go over a few things which are not necessarily connected. Bestie, your hair is like a porcupine but I loved giving you head pats. Remember, if you have to pick an option, choose the option whose starting letter/words are similar to the other ones or you can just say damn it and choose c. Also, this year might not have been the year gratifying all your wishes but I have seen you come stronger out of it. Best of luck and trust it is going to be amazing.

To Amanda, I will you lots of spacey classical music to vibe to. You have been such an amazing friend, an artist, and a true role model in pursuing what you dream of. Your artistic abilities are beyond this world. But what makes you an even better friend is your soft demeanor and your ability to always motivate me and my work. I will miss you so much but I hope you enjoy college!!

To Jojo, I will you lots of boba. You are so energetic and it truly amazes me how you handle so much work. Working with you during SNE and your pep talks were so real. You are the sweetest person and I will forever enjoy our memories together.

To Ellen, I will you a successful year at college. I am so glad we got close over dance and your laughs as we got the cuddle in merengue right will forever be a memory I will cherish. Best of luck!

To Anisha, I will you a shoulder to sleep on after a tiring day. You are the most energetic and sweet person I know. From the hard work you put in during group to learn and memorize each step to watching you come late to the SIR bus because you “lost track of time”, your place in my life has been the most wondrous. Your head pats are so cute. Never stop believing in yourself and I hope you also make some time for yourself. Trust the A and P knowledge will not go to waste when I come to see you as a patient.

To Sriya, I will you the first copy of The Crooked Kingdom 2.0. You have the most infectious energy and next year whenever I go to the RC office, I will miss your presence. Your wise words have always helped me and I can never stop relating all Indian mom nautankis with you. Trust my story will give you the complete Inej and Kaz story and I will realive Matthias so that he and Nina can make a cameo.

To Diya, I will you more “That is actually so real”s and “Trust, it will be fine”s. I have never met another person who I can relate to more. Your vibes are kinda fire fr fr. Stop thinking about all your tuition money and start thinking about all the money you will make when you become a doctor. At times like those, remember that your friend, i.e. me, forecasted this to happen. Hopefully, then, you might want to gift a yacht while you are thankful too.

To Sophia, I will you endless yarn to make a lot of blankets. I still remember how you made the cute artsy craft for us in our sophom*ore year. Best of luck!

To Sindhu, I will you more Conan Gray concerts. I loved talking to you in the SIR bus and I’m glad we got close by whining over adpro. I can’t wait to see what you achieve!

To Kate, I will you more pickles! I’m so forever grateful for your dance presentation. Best of luck at college!!

To Aaliyah and Sa’aiyah, I will you plentiful of useful kitchen utensils so you can make more of those beautiful pastas. You guys are the best and I’m so glad I got to know you guys over these two years.

To Manasa, I will you a temple trip together with Vignesh and Meera. You are so nice and bubbly and never let anyone take that from you. I wish you the best of luck for college and I know you are going to slay!

To Kavya, I will you a college life as chill as your second semester. I have no idea why you took pchem but I respect you for it. Your hugs have been a source of energy to me and I love talking to you. Trust, we are going on that walking trip with Meera to get the boba we deserve. Have a fabulous year at college!

To Meera and Viggy T.(what an interesting name… I love Maya for telling me this), I will you guys countless other temple trips. Lexington was the place where we all met for the first time and I am so thankful for all the morning breakfasts and weekend brunches we have had together.

To Ellen Guan, I will you a complete flight built before the night of the competition. Your first “That’s so real” scared the living lights of me. I hope you are not bullied by Annabelle with a soda on top of your head again. Have fun at college!!

To Science Olympiad seniors, I will you a good bus to travel to any STEM competition you might have. You guys have been my family for the past two years and I will forever be grateful to you.

To Dash, I will you a dance team at college! Your energy is beautiful and I am so glad I got to know you through all our dances. Have the most amazing experience at college!

To Maddie, I will you every movie adaptation of Jane Austen novels. I am so grateful for having you in my wing last year and your fits are always on the dot. Have fun at college!

To Iris, I will you an amazing college experience. Your help in BC has been so useful and I hope you never have to take a combination of pchem and bc again.

To AJ, Komal, Malcolm, and Ben, I will you guys an amazing French teacher at college (if you are taking it at all). You guys are the best and your wise knowledge has helped me survive through both these years. Je vais beaucoup vous manquer.

To David and Stephen, I will you both a successful college career. I loved waving at you in the hallways and talking to you during lunch/dinner and SNE. Please stay in touch!

To all these seniors and everyone who I might have missed, you guys are amazing and I hope you know how eternally grateful I am for having you in my life.

Aashi Dharia

To Shivani, I will you lots of tea and so many more late night talks. Some of my favorite times at IMSA have been staying up late in our room talking about college and people and everything else. You’re such a sweet, hard working person and you deserve so much. I’m going to miss you in the wing next year so much and I can’t wait to talk about how awesome you are to all the new sophs. You’ve made this wing so much fun to live in for the past two years. Please come visit (even if it’s not here) and tell us all about how incredible college is.

To Ava, I will you a ton of milk and calc free nights. I love having you in my wing and talking to you always brightens my day. I couldn’t be more grateful for all your math help and our quick conversations at check. Since meeting you sophom*ore year, you have genuinely made my IMSA experience so much better. I’ll miss knocking on your door whenever and sitting on the floor of our rooms working through all the math and key club. Thank you so much for all the memories and the advice. I’ll miss you so much, but I can’t wait to see where you go next!

To Ani, I will you so many more dancing sessions (even if they’re not in the wing commons anymore). You’re so fun to talk to and I’ve loved hearing about all your stories from Spain. I’ve looked up to you since the very first day of welcome week when you introduced yourself as my rsl. Your contact is still saved as ani- rsl (oopsies). You’re one of the reasons I’ve loved my time at IMSA and in A-wing. I’ll miss you so much next year!

To Karla, I will you so many smiles and the best time in the next few years. You’re one of the funniest people I know and I love running into you in the halls. You’re the best big sib I could have ever asked for (teasing me included). I’ll miss all our laughs and oh! I knew all along that I was your favorite lil sib. Good luck with everything!

To Myra, I will you a much less chaotic summer than our week at Summer at IMSA. I couldn’t have asked for a better co group leader and I loved getting to know you. Seeing you in the halls always brightens my day and you genuinely have such a positive attitude. You’ve definitely become an honorary big sib and I’ll miss seeing you in the halls so much.

To Manya, I will you the best time in college. Your dancing skills are actually incredible and you were such a fun drill choreo. You’re so sweet and funny and I wish I had the time to get to know you better. I hope you have an amazing next few years!

To the Seniors on the Cross Country team (Anisha, Vignesh, and everyone else I’ve run with) I will you many more breakfast runs where no one throws up. I’ve loved getting to know everyone on this team and I’ll miss all the long runs, workouts, and races together. Good luck with everything!

Abbi Kinsland

To the seniors from soccer, I will you a thanks for making this season so fun. You will be missed a lot and hopefully, we wont be buns next year.

To the seniors from basketball, I will you a thank you even though our record wasn’t good, but thats not really imsa’s thing. Thanks for being baller ballers.

To Aru Ulanbek, I will you that you will still be the Blue Tie Kid at BU. I hope you keep on shake-ing.

To Zuyu Liu, I will you to finally be able to touch Kate’s head. Thats it.

To the 05 wall, I will you shenanigans for all the semesters to come.

Alvena Bhutiani

To Dash, I honestly don’t know what to will you because I don’t think that there is anything that has greater value than what you have given me. Your infectious energy brought out a side that I didn’t know I had in me, as I tried to match even half of the light and positivity that you brought to every LEAD meeting and class. I wouldn’t be the person or the leader that I am today without the pleasure of co-facilitating with you, and I wish you success and happiness in anything that you choose to do!!

To Laasya, I will you math classmates half as cool as me in college and anything you could ever wish for. The decision I made to sit at your math table that first day of MI-4 was the best one I have ever made, and the friendship that our shared struggle has fostered is something that I will forever cherish. You put your best effort into everything you do, from school to clubs to clowning math teachers, and I am unimaginably proud of you for everything you have accomplished and for just being you. I am so grateful to have been a witness to your journey and I cannot wait to see how far you will go <3

To Anisha, I will you the rest you deserve. From (failing to) keep each other awake in OOP to our pre- and post-SIR naps on the bus, I am so glad that this year has granted me the opportunity to grow close to you! You are one of the smartest, kindest people I know and I wish you stress-free success in college and beyond! Stay in touch ;))

To Maitreyi, I will you a proper break. I don’t know how you do all that you do, and bring your full passion and energy into everything that you pursue (while maintaining a half-decent sleep schedule). You are so deserving of all the success you have achieved and I am so grateful to have had the pleasure of working with you and learning from you. I wish you a college and career journey that brings you all the success and happiness you could ever ask for!!

To all the CCE seniors (Aldo, Maitreyi, Yanel, Ishan) I will you a restful and successful college experience. This year has definitely had its successes and challenges, but your work and the effort you bring to CCE got us through it all. Aldo and Maitreyi, we couldn’t have done everything that we do without your dedicated leadership and the energy that you both bring to every one of our meetings. Yanel and Ishan, I am grateful to have worked alongside you all and have borne witness to the wonderful people that you are and the work that you do. I hope that we can continue the legacy you all have left behind, and I wish you success in everything that you pursue. I hope that college is everything you’ve ever dreamed of, because you all definitely deserve it!

Amada Garcia

To Aru Ulanbeck, I will you your very own Freddy Five-Bear’s Pizzeria. In it, you are able to roam the grounds endlessly with your bare, long af (f stands for frick) grippers, have endless soda refills, free WiFi to play Roblox, and the entirety of my little pony. Although I know no one could ever dare replace me in your ice-cold alpha wolf heart made of stone, I do hope you have a good roommate and neighbors or wtv… I don’t think that’s how it works in college but regardless, I hope you find good people to heightmog and whatnot. Thank you for all the nights in d wing spent gaming, eating, watching tv, and grinding. Ty for making the d fire!! I will do my best in drill for you next year (insert nodding emoji bc im writing this on g docs during csi) and finally, you’re welcome for the energy drinks, tamales, rice, beans, squirt, dr pepper, canned lattes, pizza rolls, etc…

To Giada Avina, I will you normal underclassmen in college. Oh how the tables have turned…Gyatta, you are my sunshine. I will always love you Mr. beast, forever and ever, however, I suppose you were taken away from me… (insert introspective wolf image) On an as-serious-as-I-can-be note, I hope you to continue to bring as much fun into other people’s lives in college as much as you have here. From making a bomb movie lit first Casa for me and an incredible last Casa to all the seniors here to turning D-Wing into a listening party in the middle of the night, I’m gonna miss having your presence junior year. You’ll always be the blue tie leader of my heart!

To Ashley Hernandez, I will you the most awesome fire supportive upperclassman you can think of. I actually can’t put into words how much I appreciate you. Thank you for always being there for when I need to borrow clothes or rant about all the people I have strong feelings and opinions on (to say the least) or to feed me like a starving child or be my dance partner. I’m gonna miss hearing your voice and cat noises and even you and your roommates…passionate discussions… from across my room. I’m gonna miss you so so much so visit me in Cali xoxo

To Marguerite DiMarco, I will you freedom from StudCo. On skibidi, you’ve earned it. I honestly have no idea how you’ve managed to put up with you know who x3 for 3 entire years, you’re actually a soldier for that. Apart from being my esteemed madame president slash supreme ruler (all hail), you put so much work and passion into everything you do and I’m so proud and happy for you that it’s paying off. You bring so much joy and laughter to the people around you and Nerd School Pt. 2 is incredibly lucky to have THE Marguerite. At the risk of sounding corny, you inspire me to reach for things that I never thought I would do here. Thank you for serving your time here and I hope to be as inspiring as you my senior year.

To Manya Davis, I will you dancers that adhere to your every word and show up to every practice!! Ty for making 06 drill FIRE. You’re actually one of the best dancers I’ve ever got to witness so thank you for making the rest of us look good <33

To the Seniors of Alma (Angel Lopez, Abigail Botello, Marcus Kubon, Giada Avina, Yanel Gonzalez) I will you all hella Latina/o baddies. Thank you for making Alma my favorite club and working hard to keep things running. As the gauntlet or torch or goatee of Rodrigo or whateva passes down the line, we’ll do our best to not accidentally get Alma dechartered ^_^ Angel, I will you robux to get royale high clout. Abi, I will you the most amazing, mouth-watering, back-biggening, Latin meal on the planet to make up for the past 3 years. I didn’t get to know you that well, but I do wish you the best on being freed from IMSA (yippee!!) Marcus, I will you furry paws to complete your fursona + furry behaviors. Keep throwing it in a circle king, college ain’t ready for you. You liven up every room you’re in and I hope you’re able to remember all our silly little Alma meetings, laugh or cackle or whatever you feel like, and think, “Damn I miss Amada she was so cool and funny and awesome.” :)))) Giada, I will you another will. This is it. Yw. Yanel, I will you more insane soccer play to carry you through the epic highs and lows of college life. I also didn’t get to know you that well, but your smile and your attitude was always uplifting. You made folklorico absolutely stunning and I hope you bring your abundance of talent and charming demeanor everywhere you go :3

Anjali Ali

To David Dickson, I will you an Airtag so you’ll never lose your phone again! I am so lucky that we ended up being in the same creative writing class and I genuinely look forward to those workshops every week solely to hear your comments. I will cherish all the giggles we had when realizing we didn’t get the iceberg twist, running back to the bus after finding your phone at Northwestern, coming up with the most elite drama plots (Taylor Swift parachute game on top), and preparing ourselves for the great war (getting a seat on the sir bus). You are one of my favorite people at IMSA and I know wherever you go, you’ll do such amazing things. You genuinely deserve every good thing that happens to you!

To Nour Husseini, I will you the ability to reply to people within 2 business days. I’ll miss doing your movement and relaxation homework and talking to you about literally anything. Thank you for listening to my unfiltered thoughts and always being there for me. You inspire me so much and I am especially amazed by your running and igame skills!! I’m looking forward to hearing about the amazing accomplishments that you will undoubtedly achieve next year. Please come visit and I’ll promise to actually make you brownies if you do!

To Nitya Jakka, I will you the luck to find Kimbap every time you go to Trader Joe’s and sour dough bread starter. Looking back, I honestly have absolutely no idea how we became friends but I am so glad that we did. I never thought I would meet anyone else whose favorite combo was oranges with cheese and crackers or someone who loved Trader Joe’s as much as me, but I was wrong because apparently, someone else copied me. I will especially miss hearing your constant giggles in the IRC and outside the German classroom. I know you’ll find someone else to torment at CMU, but please keep in touch!

To Giada Avina, I will you an extra year of age and an infinite amount of Bad Bunny posters. As much as I complained about D-wing last year, I would go back to it in a heartbeat so I could spend more time complaining about the diabolical sink, gossiping about literally everyone and everything, and debriefing after Tuesday night programming with my absolute favorite schmen. I remember after helping you decorate the D-wing door, I really wanted to be your friend because of how much of a genuine and kind-hearted person you are. I am so thankful you were there to support me through living in d11 and I’m so beyond proud of everything you have accomplished. I will always be rooting for you and please stay in touch because I will miss you and your stink eyes so much!

To Kosi Okeke, I will you a club member that you can walk back to your dorm with and who packs up faster than me! I am so glad I met you last year and that we ended up in enact together this year. There is no one I’d rather spend the hour prep sessions chatting with and I cherish every single conversation we’ve had together. My Monday always gets a thousand times better when we get to walk back from LEAD together and thank you for waiting for me to finish teaching every Wednesday. I don’t even know how I am going to get through LEAD without you next year and I’ll miss you so much. You’ve grown so much from junior year and your work ethic is genuinely so inspiring. You put an insane amount of thought into everything you do and I wish you nothing but the best. I hope you have an amazing time at college!!

To Chiamaka Okoli, I wish you an amazing freshman year of college. Chia, I am so proud of every accomplishment you have had and you’re one of the funniest people I’ve met at IMSA. I have had an endless amount of giggles in your presence and I will never forget the time we tried to ‘unlock our true laughs’ on the crusty D-wing floor. You are so real and somehow always know the right thing to say. I love getting to talk to you after check and I’ll always remember the talks we’ve had in your room. You are so hardworking and I am amazed by how much you can juggle. I’ll miss seeing you around campus next year, but I am so excited to see everything you’re going to accomplish!!

To Ashely Hernandez, I will you as much ice cream as your heart desires and all the Ariana Grande perfumes. I solely believe that there is absolutely no one on this campus who gives better advice than you. I will always remember all the kind and reassuring things you’ve told me and will keep all our conversations close to my heart. You are genuinely one of the most positive people I have ever met and a ray of sunshine. I know you’ll do great things in the future and I look forward to seeing it all through your finsta stories. I’ll miss you!!

Anjali Samal

To Manya Davis, I will you a chance to choreo with the one and only Bada Lee in the future. I saved your will for last because I did not even know how I was going to start it. Manya, thank you for being the big sister that I never had. Thank you for always standing by my side, supporting me, being there for me through my hardships, being there for me when I was being a silly goose, and just always being a senior I always look forward to talking to. From dance team last year, to every modern this year. The time that I spent with you, I never took for granted because I knew it’s very limited. I’m genuinely going to cry when you leave because I don’t know what I would do without you. Please actually visit me when I go to UChicago for my SIR. I want to be able to tell you all the crazy things that happened to me and see how parallel they are with all the crazy things that will happen to you. I do not know how we’re so alike but so different, but I’m glad that out of everyone I could’ve been so coincidentally similar to, it was you. If I had a sister, it would be you. I’m going to miss you, miss our late night conversations with Eve in your room with the pretty pink lights, miss our choreoing and dancing moments, miss our crazy moments, miss our sad moments, and miss hearing you screaming from the wing commons. I can’t believe you’re leaving so soon. You are one of the most hard-working, diligent, talented, smart, goofiest, kindest people I know. You’re such a talented dancer, I just know I’m going to see on TV some famous dancer because your skills and brains are unmatched. You’re gorgeous, beautiful, kind, and amazing at giving advice. Please keep your private acc updated cuz I always wanna know whats going on with you and keep up with your new dances. Never stop doing what you love, and please. Get some sleep and don’t kill your health and sleep like you did with lights this year. I love you so much, and I’m going to miss you a lot.

To Aru Ulanbek, I will you a portable sickness prevention kit because I swear you turn into a sickly Victorian child every week I see you and, my child, I am CONCERNED FOR YOU. If I could burn that stupid blue mask to see your beautiful face I would. Alpha Aru, words cannot describe how much I will miss your hugs during modern times, how much I will miss just being intertwined in the most ridiculous positions with you and Elaine in the middle of the stunion floor, and our every so often talk sessions about just random things. I will truly miss lying against you in your adorable comfy and talking about anything to everything in Manya and Eve’s room. I feel like I can always rely on you for support, advice, and just someone to genuinely vibe with. You are one of the most loving, easy-to-get-along-with, heartwarming, most generous people I know. Not to mention Aru, you are such a talented dancer and I truly think I’m inspired by you because you improved from last year to this year and you always give your 100% in all your dances. I’m SO jealous of your footwork skills – how you look so cool doing the footwork in Bad Man is beyond me. I love you Star.uu and I hope you have the most fulfilling college experience you could wish for. Wherever you go, you’ll spread happiness and love without a doubt. Be my hamster food <3

To Eve Cunneen, I will you a rocket. Yes, a rocket. Specifically one that has a Star-themed room with a billion cameras and telescopes so you can peer out the window everyday and take pictures. Eve, I am so glad that we got to be more than just coworkers for TAS. You literally saved what is left of my horrid grades in OOP. You’re actually a genius — like hello, doing problem sets through java codes? That is so insane to me. You and Manya are like my two big sisters who I can always count on. You’re so sweet, caring, and talented, and I hate the people who even thought of making you upset because they do not understand how horrible they are for trying to hurt a fun, kind, loving, beautiful person in and out (I’m talking about a certain someone, oops) like you. Our late night study sessions, gossip sessions, and photoshop sessions for clash were one of a kind, and I’m so glad we got closer through that. I’m so lucky to have you and Manya, two of my literal soul sisters, in the same wing as me. You’re not just a great person, but one of the most diligent, hard working people I know. Hell (can I say that? Can I swear?), TAS would be a mess without you. You pulled our club together, and I love that like the queen you are you take no bullcrap (I am trying so hard to not say something illegal). I love you and I’ll miss you so much – Colorado is gonna be lucky to have someone like you!!!

To Giada Avina, I will you a meet-and-greet ticket with all the Stray Kids & Enhypen members AND your own shrine made by me in your basem*nt. I know Casa modern was a HECTIC time for you so I never got to actually talk to you, but I am so glad that the one day when we held a clash practice in 06B Wing and you came into my room, and we just RANTED. Since then, the first thing I always did when I saw you in practice during Asante was waddle over to receive a GIANT hug from you. Your hugs are so comforting, no joke. I love how I could always joke around with you and goof off in practice. You were one of the few people who noticed I was off during that one tech week day, and it truly touched me when you got my phone # and reached out to me, starting the text with “to one of my favorite juniors.” I think I actually cried a little bit. You’ve shown me nothing but love and I am so grateful that I got to know you better. How did you actually become a sister figure to me in less than a semester? You’re beautiful, in AND out. Please don’t ever stop spreading your contagious love and uplifting personality beyond IMSA. I will genuinely miss you so much queen.

To Donovan Morrow, I will you the trophies to every New York dance team competition and an endless supply of free food for the days you had nothing to eat for dinner cuz of practices. Why are you so photogenic? That face card never declines. Donovan, I genuinely think you’re such a comedic person. I honestly am glad to see that side of you, and I really appreciate that you stood up for me during *ahem* and stuck on my side throughout Asante. I know I got on your nerves for Casa, but we both got to see a better side of each other during Asante and I’m so appreciative of that. I will never forget when we dipped Microcontrollers for like 1o minutes to go search for “paint” or when we danced to Candyman and got that down in literally an hour. You’re not only a talented dancer, singer, and choreographer, but just a fun and hilarious person to be around. Your outfits are fire, your hair is fire, your dancing style is fire, like what can you not achieve… I really hope you don’t lower your standards in New York cuz please whoever is your future hub should be blessed they’re even in your PRESENCE. Please make me more tiramisu or else — anyway, love you!!

To Emi Karbowniczek, I think I’d be hospitalized without you for Clash, jeez. Emi, has anyone told you how sweet and beautiful you are? Because if not let me tell you right now, I always thought you were so gorgeous, and when I got to know you even better through Clash and graphic novels, I genuinely loved you (still do). You’re actually the sweetest person, and I don’t know but I feel so touched when you give me hugs, especially that one day when I almost fell to my death and you got so concerned and lifted me up like a baby and asked me if I was alright. I hope you never wake up from the wrong side of the bed for the rest of your life!!

To Ashwin Nair, David Dickson, Maddie McTaggart. Ashwin, WOW, I know I’ve been a PAIN to work with, but trust me this is because it’s Junior year. I’ll forever be grateful to you for how lenient you’ve been with me this year. Thank you for getting our graphic design team on top of their work. I think you’re a cool person, and I’m not just saying this cuz you gave me like 1000 extensions but I genuinely mean it. Live it up Ashwin!! David Dickson, I did not know you very well, but seeing you in GFriend and combined really opened my eyes to your other side. David you’re actually hilarious and a talented dancer and geez I remember when I was directly behind you for a dance AND YOU DID THAT I WAS LIKE ACTUALLY SHOCKED CUZ WHAT THE HECK. You ate up that solo thing with Jake and Ryan, I was actually very very shocked at that. I don’t know if you remember us being partners for intercession to prove the pythagorean theorem, but I do :D. Live it up, Stanford baddie!!! To Maddie McTaggart, my very original big sib and probably one of the first upperclassmen I talked to at IMSA. I always see your senior photos on Instagram and smile a little bit cuz you’re so pretty. I know we did not talk much this year but I always remember how sweet you were to me. You would always have a big smile on your face wherever you go. Live it up in Alabama, cuz I know you’ll bring sunshine wherever you go!!

To Ryan Li, I will you free tickets to every kpop girl group concert and a one-on-one dance-with-your-idol admission because you sold every gg dance for Lunar. Ryan, I don’t know when we got closer, but I think it was this year when that one day we danced in stunion to multiple girl groups. I am so so so proud of you for getting into Stanford, like genuinely you deserve it. Thank you for inspiring me to take calc based e&m next year. I better see you debut into Hybe or something a few years from now, I am keeping my eyes wide open!!!

To Faizaan Shaikh, I will you 100k followers on Faizaan.shakes. Even though I didn’t know you quite well for Lunar modern, it was fun making fun of you in Asante!!! Thank you for collabing with me and giving me clout on my insta, please do that again before you graduate. I hope you spread the joy of dancing beyond IMSA :D!!!

To Ashley Hernandez, Chiamaka Okoli, Chinara Caldwell, Aishat Balogun , and Nikki Freund, I will you all a free spa night at a quality spa place because yall deserve it after carrying during 06 Clash. Ashley, I always thought you were so cool but never had the chance to actually say it, so I will here. Genuinely, you’re one of the most laid-back people I know and it’s so easy to talk to you for some reason???? Pls keep me updated on your spam girl. Chiamaka, thank you for being patient with me during Clash talent show I know it was really hard working with me cuz I kept pushing PAST THE DATE oops. You’re actually really funny, you fr make me laugh and I’m sorry for not letting you sit next to me on the SIR bus that one day (i swear i was actually cramped up). Chinara, I honestly did not know you until Clash but girl let me tell you that you have such a fun personality and I wish I talked to you more this year im ngl you seem like a fun person and you’re also a great advice giver. I’m embarrassed to have given you my whole entire life story that one day in Ayesha and Netra’s room, but you gave good advice, and I really appreciated it!! Aishat, it was also really fun knowing you for Clash and Asante. Thank you for keeping Junior in check and keeping the show going the way it was. I feel like I noticed you last year because you have such a strong energy that you can convey to huge crowds (during slab parties). Live it up in college!! Nikki, I’m writing this as I inhale the cupcakes that your mom got for B wing but I genuinely thank you for being one of my bases for Clash because I would’ve cracked my spine if not for you and Emi and Eve!! You’re really sweet and real, and honestly seem like you’re very open and relatable!

To Einsey Socrates, Sukanya Ghosh, Blessita Charly, Emma Rodriguez, I will you all a stress-free college experience. Einsey, you seem like the definition of a party girl and the few times that I talked to you, I never felt awkward cuz you’re so easy at keeping convos going. I remember the day you danced with Aarna in the wing commons because I was upset, it made me feel better for sure. Hope you find your real ones in college next year!!! Sukanya, couldn’t have asked for a better person on board for Acronym graphics! I can’t believe I can basically understand someone who speaks my language, like I have never met another Bengali or Odia person at IMSA until you. You’re also just so easy to get along with. We always have convos like we’ve known each other for years. Blessita, your makeup always eats, thank you for always sneaking me into C wing for some ice, you’re so real for that. Also, I love your style. Thank you for making me that microwaved egg sandwich – i will never forget! Also, never told you this, but you are such a good dancer and you actually eat so hard. You’re so quick to memorize all the dances you learn too. Emma, my OOP and Graphic Novels sister. I will never forget when Eve was helping all of us out for our Q3 projects and me and you just bonded over how hard this class was. Thank you for lending me your book the day I was not there for graphic novels. I just wanna say that not only are you the most genuine, sweet person ever but also really pretty too. I love your style. I hope you never have to take another traumatizingly hard compsci course in the future!!

To Joey Paras, Clarissa Gonzalez, Komal Chivukula, Marcus Kubon, I will you all a giant poster that takes up the width of your entire room’s wall of ME so you can be reminded of me every single day >:))). Just kidding! I will you guys a ticket to travel to Las Vegas. I don’t know why, it just seems to suit all of your energies? Joey, I just barely got to know you these last two weeks but I wish it was longer. You seem like such a fun person to hang out with, and you see so easy to get along with too. I’m actually so sad I didn’t meet you earlier :((. I wish you the best in life. Clarissa, another case of “someone I met the last few weeks of school” I always found it surprising you came to Microcontrollers all the time, cussed a few words, and left like after a few minutes. It wasn’t till after the TMI in Titan Thrift that I actually got your number and kept bumping into you everywhere I go? I wanna say, you’re so fine and I love your makeup and your outfits. I’m surprised I never met you earlier, because you’re just one of a kind. I don’t know what it is, but you’re so laid back, and also loud at the same time. I’ll miss you Clarissa :(. KOMAL, WHAT WOULD I DO WITHOUT YOU IN MICROCONTROLLERS IDEK. Girl you’re so real and I actually love that you’re in my microcontrollers table. I think together, me, you, Shruthi, and Tommy make such a great team. I remember you from Calc Based Mech but we were not so close. But i loved seeing this side of you in our class. I love our random gossip sessions about last year’s seniors, or the weird look we give each other when those certain people always goof around in class. You’re so real and so smart, you’ve certainly got places to go in the future!! And finally, Marcus, I also was not close to you but tell me why after that one day we played volleyball over the weekend it was like we were on bestie terms or something. I don’t know, I always hear about you from Manya, Eve, and Aru, and I always knew you got a unique personality from your messages and posts on Isma barstool, so I’m glad I got to talk to you this year. You’re actually a baddie, and I GUESS you served during volleyball, ugh.

To Myra, I will every ounce of love and support from my soul as well as good luck and fortune. You are genuinely one of the sweetest people I know. I can’t stress this enough, because you are. Thank you for being such a great 02 B Wing upperclassmen. I love it when we had our nightly tiktok dance collabs or when your roommate almost burned down B wing because she did not know how to use a microwave and we laughed over it. I’ll actually miss you so much Myra. And btw you’re so gorgeous, I had to say it.

To Dash Leigh, I will you a cute little nail polish collection. Honestly, we did not talk much this year compared to last year, but thank you for being one of the coolest Lead facilitators I have ever had. You made every session so fun on wednesdays. I really loved getting to know you and see a bit of your craziness everyday :)).

To Jesrein Ayeyi, Ellen Nguyen, Gwen Olney, Justina Kostiv, and Steven Espinoza (i mean alfonso), my GFriend (and combined) besties, I will you all $100 coupons to use at your favorite stores. Jes, you’re actually the definition of an It girl and I stand by this. Your hair, your style, your skin, your makeup, your knees bending beyond the human capacity, everything is always on point and jeez you’re just a really cool person. Ellen, honestly I’ve never really talked to you that much but you have such a cute personality and you were genuinely so good at all the dances for GFriend too, I loved connecting with you over certain steps of Fact Check. Gwen, seeing you eat it up during Clash made me so happy cuz it reminded me of how you ate it up during BSS for GFriend and you have such a cute style too. You seem like the sweetest soul, and I’m glad I got to dance with you this year. Justina, I felt like I got to know you better after Lunar, but you’re so easy to talk to and your SIR presentation was fire even though I did not understand a single thing. I genuinely tried being helpful by asking what a Peglryation was but I completely butchered it um oops. You and Steven are actually a great duo, and are individually humorous. And Steven, I’m so sorry for calling you Alfonso but for a good while I forgot your real name until I had to search it up to write my will. You’re actually very funny. I remember that one day when me you Justina Emmali and Tristen were all just talking in 04 hall commons and you were inhaling noodles. It was a fun day. I’m grateful I got to know you both this year.

To Ishaan Shanker and Brandon Rogers, I will you guys a collection of Space themed projectors. Working with you guys for TAS has been a pleasure this year. Ishaan, I love bullying you whenever you came to meetings. I don’t know why but it is really funny, and even last year it was fun. Thank you for being a funny person on board, even though you never showed up, I’m glad you enjoyed SSSing this semester and got the break you needed. Thank you for your AP tips as well. I think you were one of the first seniors I reached out to before IMSA, funnily. Brandon, your talking skills are top tier, and you have the ability to pull of great thinks. It was great having to know you this year. I genuinely wish for the best for you wherever you go :).

Anna Yang

Aashima Sisodia, I will you smiley originals (inspo from my t-shirt!). Obviously, my tee is just Zara seeking attention but what I’m saying is that I NEED you to keep true and meaningful joy both deep inside and outside of you, ALL THE DAM TIME! I’m writing this even before the form to submit is out (possibly also instead of lockin in for my sat that’s tom!) which says a lot about how much you mean to me. Thank you for all the help you have given me both physically and mentally. Although the last couple of years have been rough and a total rollercoaster ride, I knew that you were always there for me and that I could spill everything. I really mean this!! I’d literally be sobbing in front of my RC stressed the heck out bc nothing is helping, yet, what’s invading my mind is “I just wanna talk to Aashima”. Honestly, sophom*ore year is legit a blur but I know for certain that you gave me the advice and comfort I needed multiple times. Please please 제발 take a COMPLETE break as soon as you’re outta here and before you make EVEN GREATER accomplishments in college and beyond. You’re work ethic and skills are crazy— no one can deny! HoWeVeR. I just see it. I clearly see how much of a stress-free, fun-filled time you need. Aashima, travel. Travel to India like you mentioned and explore your heart out. Just promise me one thing: always smile at the end of every experience. Eat the best food that’s not overpriced like the U.S. (MM mouth-full smile), try a new hair color that highlights your wonderful complexion (smile at the salon mirror), pet the cute lil puppy taking a nap under the hot Indian sun (smile, cute overload!), try on the perfect traditional dress and show it off (smile and do that 360 turn!), and capture all that you have missed on camera (smile through the honest camera lens :) ). Never lose the happiness inside you. Sometimes you miss someone even if you’re with them at the moment (this def wonttttt be me ). Anyways, I may end the SHS → IMSA legacy or whatever you willed me but I have no regrets about the move. Please keep in touch <3 화이팅!!!

Aishat Balogun, I will you ALL THE POSITIVE THINGS in the world!!! Aishat.. You’re just beyond human. You’re energy and spirit is unmatched. Every moment in Italy was a blast with you and I’m blessed that Italy connected us! I can tell how dedicated and smart person you are— you are such an inspiration! Thank you for greeting me every time in the halls, it literally means so much and makes my day! Super sad we weren’t able to interact more but I know you’re ready to have a BLAST in college and your future. LYY <3

Danica Sun, I will you success that I’m sure you don’t even need a will for! I remember the first time we met during the regional picnic in the 90 degree weather haha. I was so glad to meet you through Grace and have someone to look up to as I began IMSA. We gotta match one last time in our brown New York tees before you start your new journey in Cali! Your achievements are so impressive and I can’t imagine what it took to pursue the things you did. You’re definitely going to make a huge impact on the world and I hope every step of the way is followed by joy :)) Have fun at Stanford !!!

George Lu, I will you eyeliner! Like you said as well, Italy was unforgettable and the memories our group made will be everlasting. TYSM for being Josie, Kaylee, and I’s literal personal assistant HAHA. I appreciate all the bag and coat carrying for the million photos we took every min!! Life saver frfr OH YEA and thank you for being such a Google Maps god. You saved us with the directions as well hahaha. I hope these skills carry on with you forever along with your ultimate life goals !! Good luck outside of IMSA George! Try putting on eyeliner by yourself next time :0!

Ryan Li, I will you.. Ddu du ddu du.. never-ending k-pop dancing. I think we really only spoke this year but I’m so glad that you’re such an easy-going, easy-to-approach person!! Thank you for all the non-hesitant help and moral support ..! I really appreciate it. Never stop being you; you’re a very cool person and a big inspiration . EXPERIENCE what you deserve at a home of trees hehe. Byee.

Shivani Chirumamilla, I will you a sheep keychain for yourself as well! (I still want one) Hi Shivani! I’m so glad to have gotten to know you through TedX and just randomly talk on snap and get sm closer !! It’s so fun talking to you and I love how much of an open-hearted person you are! Props to you for listening to my rants about events that shouldn’t even of happened . Don’t stop snapping me bc I need daily pretty person content ‍♀️I wish you the best in college :)) LYYY

Anya Parikh

To Einsey Socrates, I will you an upperclassman as amazing as you. Thank you for being my doubles partner this year! I loved playing with you and our team bus convos where you would always ask for the soph drama lol! I’m gonna miss you on the team next year!! You deserve so much and I can’t wait to see what you do next!!

To Ellen Guan, I will you a never-ending supply of flaming hot Cheetos. I’m going to miss you so much next year!! I love your violent solutions to problems and can’t wait to see you fighting on in the future!!

To Ex-Table Tennis Prez (Faizaan), I will you an Olympic Gold medal in ping pong. I better see you on TV for Paris 2024!!

To Alyssa, I will you the the best lasso there is. I loved the time we spent together during bball and soccer!! One day you will teach me how to catch a live animal!! Have fun in the army!!

Aria Barve

To Ryan Li, I will you a remote controlled couch to ride around on Stanford’s campus and just a little more confidence. Ryan, I’m so so so glad I got to know you this year through BC2 even though we sat at different tables. You’re so funny, smart, cracked (even though you think you’re not), but most of all kind. Thanks for giving me the inside scoop on the inner workings of Lincoln Lab and the people who work there (Nour & Rohan)! I’m gonna miss you sooo much next year and I hope we can keep up our snap streak (yes, I’ll snap more interesting things than the ceiling just for you) :) Have the bestest time at Stanford <3

To Nethra Shanbhag, I will you infinite admin cookies and the ability to finally beat me in key game! I’m so glad we were in the same stats class and had that one skip the assembly adventure… you’re so funny, sweet, and smart and I will definitely miss seeing you around campus. Have the best time ever at college, and don’t forget me when you’re famous! P.S. hopefully your college dining hall has some pickles for your pizza (this is weird btw)

Asad Sheikh

To Jerrick Li, I will you a new ID, so you don’t have to keep using someone else’s. Maybe actually start the cut as well, you have been saying it for the entire year and yet haven’t done anything. All jokes aside, you are genuinely the most influential person I have ever met at IMSA. During my sophom*ore year we didn’t talk much if at all, but getting to know you this year has been amazing. You have helped me with my classes (slide oop pls), and also just getting to be a better person in general. I never thought you of all people would be the person I get closest to this year. From the mosque trips to hanging out in your room with Srihari, to eating together, it has been the best year at IMSA so far for me with you here. Helping me understand and get closer with my religion has also been an interesting experience, through the highs and lows. You are probably the only person I could have a genuine conversation with, and I thank you for that. I seriously wish I had met you earlier, because a year definitely isn’t enough time. It’s going to be sad to see you go, and I’m not sure how next year will be without your support, but I know you will find success wherever you end up, and I hope we can actually hang out this summer.

To Srihari Gurugubelli, I will you a win in fortnite. “off day” “very poor” “slightly tilted” “stupid game”, all things you know too well. You definitely have to work on your aim. For real though, thanks for just being a great person to hang out with, eat food, and talk to. You always sound so wise on the outside in professional environments and yet are the complete opposite in any other situation, I genuinely don’t know how your brain works. Have fun at UIUC, and lock in.

To Faizaan Shaikh, I will you another Sheikh at WashU (ik ur gonna have ur king vikram karra there but still). From my first week at IMSA, you have been there to help. I remember people constantly asking if we were related at the start of my sophom*ore year, and I hope you can find a different sheikh in your future endeavors. We didn’t hang out or talk as much as I would have liked, but for the conversations we did have they were always really fun and I learned a lot as well. Keep dancing and try not taking as many board positions this time, save some for everyone else.

To the rest of the 05C Wing Seniors (Arjun, Adi, Anirudh, Divya, Rithik, Michael, Nathaniel) I will you a great year outside of C Wing. Although I didn’t spend much time with some of you, for the others, you all made the C wing experience and environment better. Thanks for always being funny and making late nights exciting, and good luck in the future.

To Victoria Nalepka, I will you a good internship. You were a great internship partner and definitely the hardest worker out of all of us. Thank you for pulling us all together near the end, as without your guidance I don’t think we would have had as good of a project as it turned out to be. Also thanks a bunch for the food, it was amazing.

To Raphael Talusan, I will you a dance-free college freshman year, and another win for 05. I could tell from the start that drill was going to be a grind, and you were basically the only other choreo I could reliably count on to finalize everything. Although we were down in the dirt and wanted to give up, Ashwin managed to pull us together, and you hauled us to the 1st place finish. Without you we wouldn’t have had those really fun dances, and you were overall the winning factor that we had. I will carry it on next year and try my best, but without you I don’t think it’s going to be possible to clutch up another win.

To Ashwin Nair, I will you the title of 05’s savior that you gave me. You were easily the only reason us choreos kept going, as I was definitely going to throw all of drill out if you didn’t convince me to keep going. You were already under so much pressure with the rest of clash, and knowing that drill was possibly not going to happen along with talent show was heartbreaking even for me, so I can’t imagine how it was for you. You pulled everyone through to the end though, especially with getting talent show to actually try and drill to keep going. You are the only reason we were able to win this year, and I will try my hardest to hold that title for next year, and I’ll definitely call you if I’m struggling. Also, thanks for the gift.

To Zuyu Liu, I will you a new, bigger coat, because that was way too hard to put on during drill. From meeting in boys, to bfriend, to drill, we have done so much together, and I’m sad we didn’t get to meet last year. You are always such a positive person with such a good vibe, and talking to you is always refreshing and brings my mood up. Wish you luck in your future, but please bring back the perm before you do anything else.

Ayan Trivedi

To Rohan Patkar A.K.A. Bokuto, I will you 10 more inches to your vertical so you can destroy those UIUC kids. Man, I don’t even know where to start with this one, you’re a huge inspiration to me, and I hope you never stop playing volleyball. From helping me with plyo when we managed for girls’ season to always being a funny and kind-hearted person during our season, all I can say is that I’m glad I met you during this past year at IMSA. You’re genuinely such a goofy guy, your smile is contagious, and I always know that after a bad game, we’ll laugh everything off at practice the next day. I’m sad IMSA will lose its best volleyball player by a long shot (#1 in the state is crazy), but I hope you can find the time to come back and watch us play next year. I wish you the best of luck at UIUC, and hopefully, one day, I can jump as high as you. (Also I beat The Spike again).

To Zuyu Liu, I will you a lot of boba and more medicine trivia. I’ll start by saying thank you, thank you for all the memories on the Med Society board. From organizing our first meeting of this year to closing out the mentorship program (even with the tornado), I’m glad I got the opportunity to hang out with you so much this year. You’re a funny person and I know that you’ll be quick to make friends in college, and they’ll be lucky to know you. Keep dancing and doing whatever it is that makes you happy because you deserve it, man!

To Deondre O’Bannon, I will you no more injuries so that you can keep playing basketball. We may not be super close, but I’m glad that you were the 04 HCL this year, and that you lived in C-wing. I’ve seen how amazing of a person you are firsthand with how included you made everyone feel in the wing, especially the sophom*ores. You’re a genuine person, and I know you’ll have a great time in college.

To Raghav Sinha, I will you a lot more WeChat girls who actually like you. 07 B Wing my sophom*ore year with you was crazy. Arizona intersession was super fun with you there, and the amount of hours we spent watching family guy definitely gave me brain damage.

To Sree Atyam, I will you a girlfriend and a shower (hint: they’re related). Maybe if you stopped saying you’ll do “stuff” to Yash Yardi, women might find you more attractive. But seriously, UIUC should be grateful to have as funny of a person as you on their campus, and I hope you have more fun there than you do at IMSA. While you may like the worst IPL team I’ve ever seen (171/8 against RCB is astounding), you’re still a good person and an even better friend. I’m glad I got to know you, even if the only time you talk is in the IRC.

Blake Hennings

To Maitreyi Pandey, I will you peace of mind. You have got to be one of the hardest workers at this school and one of the most productive. I hope that you get to enjoy college and that all of those nights that you have had to work ungodly hours for payed off. You are one of the best presidents I could ask for in IYNA and I thank you so much for all for the advice you have given me this year. Have the best time at UIC, you deserve it!!

To Luke Mauk and Nikola Freund, I will you both an even longer lasting relationship. Luke, you have helped me get used to IMSA so well and I took all of the advice you gave me at the start of the year and I fully believe that you helped me make it through the year. I hope both of you have the best time in college and enjoy it while you can!

To Alexian Heynez, I will you the ability to make change. You have got to be one of the most based people on this campus and I always listen whenever you give me advice or have to tell me something important about someone. You always try to find ways to make this campus better for everyone and I hope that wherever you go, you can make people as comfortable as you have made people here feel.

To Dashiell Leigh, I will you an easy time at college. Sometimes I see you talking to Jacob in the wing commons and I have absolutely NO idea what you guys are talking about but I am still intrigued. Being a math major sounds awful but I want to do it too one day so let me know how it goes. Try to enjoy it too, and have fun rooming with Luke!!

To Malcolm Wison-Ahlstrom, I will you Dr. Dong’s brain. Mechanical Engineering sounds impossible and I wish you the best for choosing to major in it. I WISH I would be able to work on something as interesting as that. Best of luck dealing with that and have the BEST time in college!

To my IYNA seniors, I will you many more brainy adventures in college and beyond. I hope you all have a blast. Jojo, I hope that you continue to bring energy and effort to everything you work on in college. Annabelle, I hope you bring the same ideas and innovations to the college campus. David, I hope that you are just as hype as you were this year. Maitreyi, I hope that you lead just as well as you did for our club in everything you work on in college. Thank you all and have the best time!!

Brian Leong

To Daniel Shafiabady, I will you an apology. I’ve still never repaid your kindness during welcome week, when you graciously supported my not-so-gracious accident.. God forbid you have to do anything else like that, I don’t wish that upon my worst enemy. I hope to see you succeed at Big Mac University!

To Michael Dorries, I will you a snack, because the amount of times I asked you for some last year has probably been the amount of days of Mandarin we’ve spent together. Even though I’m sad you left me behind this semester, I’m happy seeing you cook the other volleyball players in Varsity. Help with ABS.

To Brandon Rogers, I will you a chair. Thanks for holding onto mine by keeping it in your room, which I remember very fondly of (the decorations were sick). It was super cool seeing SBSSE chartered, and the snacks I stole from the events. I only hope you guys use that logo more, because I’m definitely putting that in my portfolio (might be my magnum opus ngl). Maybe I’ll see you around in Chicago sometime, we could smell the pleasant natural breeze of Grant Park.

To Nate Landig, I will you a piece of paper, because you’ll probably ask me soon, and I’m doing this in advance. You and the whole C-Wing Up Quad have helped me so much during sophom*ore year, and you were always so welcoming whenever I needed something to eat. I hope you’ve found another sophom*ore to trade vacuum time with, I would still give you mine if I could.

To Ellen Guan, I will you one of my fanfictions. You’re getting this after graduating, cause I’m not trying to go to school with someone who will mercilessly clown on my work (I’ve seen the way you treat Nathan, I’m not next in line). It’s going to be tough at IMSA without you, but not because I still don’t know how to use WordPress, but because you’ve helped introduce me to so many other people. Honestly, it’s probably one of the biggest reasons I’m less socially anxious. Granted, I still am, but you’re still here standing your ground. Working such late hours, keeping up with your clubs, cleaning up after my Hadron mistakes, and I’m probably just seeing a glimpse of your hard work. Even though you’re open to me about your questionable actions, I’m sure there’s a lot more that meets the eye under the self-deprecating jokes you pull off. Although the banter with you will surely be missed, all good stories must come to an end.

To Anisha Kolambe, I will you my support for Hadron. I don’t really look that dedicated, but trust, I’ll actually put in work. But I really want to thank you for telling me about the Mandarin Independent Study Program, I didn’t think it existed until I found out you were doing one. I only wish I had the chance to talk to you more, but ever since-

To Amanda Barajas, I will you my portfolio. I hope I have the link ready in time, do you think you can help give me some advice on it? Please DM me if yw cause I’m kinda worried this isn’t going to get to you in time lmao.

To Ellen Nguyen, I will you a cảm ơn. I know the Viet solidarity thing might be a bit cliche, but V-Trad was really fun, and I hope I can bring it to justice like you’ve done. If I’m even allowed to work on it next year, you should watch it (who knows, maybe I’ll actually dance my own choreo). Thanks for calling out to me during Friday Fest volunteering, it’s crazy to think I probably would never have met you if that didn’t happen.

To Laasya Nagumalli, I will you a 兔子. You’ve probably gotten so many by now that I had to make this one different. I can’t wait to see the things you’ll achieve with your computer science major, I’m sure you know many others with that same degree. You’ll always be my favorite toilet vegan.

To Colin Ward and Eduardo Gutierrez, I will you both a ChatGPT-4 subscription. Since you guys might not be sharing one after leaving IMSA, this might come in handy. But besides Mandarin, you both are super funny, and always make me laugh whenever I come across either of you. I don’t know where the nickname came from, but almost every senior I know keeps calling me Liang Ming Sus, and I’m worried they don’t even know my real name.

To Avi Duggirala, I will you some alcohol (this is a Kenith reference). You might already have some, I genuinely don’t know, but we should play Cards Against Humanity sometime. Also, clean up that room right now.

To Kohl Vonder Haar, I will you a Mandarin name, 白猴子 (bai hou zi). You always call me by mine, so it’s only fair if you get one. I should probably apologize for all that I’ve done to you though. Calling you up late to come to a meeting, exposing your rizz, even giving you that Mandarin name. Please don’t hurt me.

To Charles Conner, I will you my figurines. It’s mostly because I have no one else to give them to, and I’ll most likely be disowned if I’m caught having them. You’ve enhanced my IMSA life so much over these past years, and I don’t think I’d have much fun in Mandarin if it weren’t for you. Sometimes I feel like I wouldn’t be able to get through the challenges of junior year, but if there’s anything you and the quad have taught me, it’s that I can get through anything, shafted or not. There’s not enough I can say about you in a will, but I’m sure I can convey them sometime later. If you ever need help in Mandarin at Rutgers, just give me a call (I’ll refer you back to Baidu Translate).

To Pedro Castrejon, I will you a proper goodbye. You’re probably one of, if not the funniest senior I know, and I think I’ve inherited some of that mischievousness that you possess. Though maybe I should stop getting into so much heat, if I hang around you too much, I’ll probably end up failing the Rice Purity test. Never forget the impact that you’ve made on your relationships at IMSA, I should be living proof of that.

Brooke Hobbs

To all of my 03 seniors, I will you a thanks for making 03 my home. When I first came to IMSA I was told many bad things about 03. People told me it stinks, the people were weird, co*cky, and all other kinds of stuff. I was so upset about being placed into what I thought was gonna be a sucky hall. Throughout this year you all have changed my perspective of 03 and IMSA. Whether I needed help on a math problem, wanted to vent about my sophom*ore drama, or just wanted a good time, you all gave me that. I love 03 and this wouldn’t have happened without you all. I’m not the greatest at expressing my gratitude, but I just want to say thank you for giving me a home at IMSA.

To Tate Schneider, Tate, I will you more funny times. Sometimes, I feel like your little goblin. This year you’ve told me so many stories that gave me a laugh, taught me a lesson, or changed my perspective. There was never a boring conversation with you. I will forever miss going down to the hall commons after ten check and talking until 12. You’re my sweaty feet twin. Never will I be able to find someone who tells me as juicy of tea as you do. I wanted to thank you for giving me so much encouragement and advice throughout this year. I am not the best at writing these kinds of messages, but you truly made me love 03. I hope you party hard in college. Please please please don’t leave me in the dark about your college adventures. I will try my best to follow in your footsteps and have as much fun as I can at IMSA. My hope is that I can return you and my future underclassmen with as exciting stories as you gave me. Hopefully, I can achieve the crazy things you told me I need to do at IMSA. Thank you for adopting me in 03, I won’t let you down.

To Luke Mauk, Luke, I will you the title of Best Barker. You were one of the first upperclassmen I met at IMSA. You have made such a significant difference in my IMSA experience. I will never be able to express to you how much you have done for me. Without you, I would not be the person I am today. You’ve helped me find my place at IMSA. No matter what, you were always there for me and stood by my side (especially when I was crying because I couldn’t organize my binder right). You’ve brought me on so many fun little adventures. I am still traumatized by the time you made me hold that frog, or the time you got poop stuck to the ceiling. You have given me so much guidance. Also, I want to thank you for all the laughter. You are one of the bubbliest and funniest people I know. I think the biggest compliment I ever received was when a senior told me I reminded her of you, that we have the same energy. You showed me it’s okay to be myself, and it doesn’t matter what other people think of you. Every time I have needed a helping hand or someone to talk to, you were always there for me. I hope college goes amazing for you, and that you and Nicki invite me to your wedding pleaseeee:))). Thank you for everything!!

To Raven McKelvin, Raven, I will you a warm welcome to college. The first day of excel you came up to me, and made me feel welcome. I know I came off as a very outgoing person, but that is only because of you. If you never came up to me and treated me like a friend, I don’t think I would be where I am today. You made me feel comfortable and open to meeting new people. I have never met anyone with energy like you have, and I hope you never loose it. You have the ability to make such a difference, and I hope for nothing but the best for you.

To Marguerite DiMarco, Maggie, I wll you a thanks for all the fun times in the wing. I appreciate you coming out to play when you could, I know you’re a busy woman. You gave me so many fun experiences, especially watching movies in your room;). I love our talks. I am so glad me and you could bond over the caramel drizzle. I will miss you so much when you’re gone. D-Wing will not be the same without you. Don’t forget you still owe us a waffle night missy. Please never loose your spirit. You are one of the most talented and gifted people I have met. You have so much going for yourself, and I know you will accomplish great things in the future.

To Victoria Nalepka, Victoria, I will you your beautiful spirit. I appreciate you always coming up to me and Molly at ten check, and asking us about our lives. You’re such a positive person. Every time you come around you put a smile on my face. Believe in yourself, you’re an amazing and strong woman. You’re gonna kick college in the butt too. I will miss you so much in D-Wing. There can never be a down quad as good as yours.

Caden Tam

To Nathaniel Huang, I will you relief. You were one of the seniors I ended up getting really close to. Although we met in the very beginning of second semester, you have made a big impact on the way that I live my life. Starting from the random 30 minute conversation we had in old cafe when I barely knew you, to the several hour long late night talk, we’ve become grandpa and grandson. I am just you but younger. To answer your will, yes we have had that talk, but I’m looking for more of those in the future. I will take your advice and hopefully build off your experiences. That being said. You have stressed yourself out too much with all your classes (ahem ahem OOP and BC3) and extracurriculars. I hope in college you are able to finally have time to enjoy life and not be so stressed about school. You have been such a great role model to both me and many of the other sophs, so be patient in yourself because you’ll do great. Anyways here’s one last .

To Anisha Kol, I will you a video camera. Like I said while we were making our trip back from Peoria, you should vlog your college experience. In all seriousness though, having you as a section leader and an OPShead has been amazing. You are always incredibly patient and kind. I hope in the future you still continue that screechy tooty instrument because you have so much potential. I will miss your positive energy. Have an amazing college experience you’ve earned it and keep me updated with those vlogs and videos!

Carissa Chen

To Danica Sun, I will you funnier instagram reels, many more dad best friends, unlimited griddabbies, griskydivies, grihoppies, griorangejustices, gristankylegs, lollapalooza tickets, a prom dress, healthy red hair, a worlds best farter shirt, unlimited TikTok dance knowledge, a fyeee bob, a louder alarm clock, and a healthy gut microbiome! You are genuinely one of the most hardworking, inspiring, and kind upperclassmen I’ve met and I’m so glad Jarod Tobler gave us mercy. It was so much fun getting to know you throughout my sophom*ore and junior year, and I’m so happy we are so close now! I know you will live it up at Stanford and stop leaving me on delivered!

To Ryan Li, I will you a gaussian surface, a parallel circuit, a Chat-GPT API Key, the cast of Liv and Maddie, unlimited vintage Stanford merch, naps, 5’s on the AP Physics Tests, an unlimited supply of lactaid, and more Minecraft lets plays. Although sometimes you give no flux, you pour so much passion and hard work into everything you do. From tackling more SIRs this year than I can count to always being behind in BC3, I hope you continue to stay on that grind after a restful summer. At Stanford!! Make sure to hangout with me this summer, it gets lonely in Naperville.

To Einsey Socrates, I will you a new badminton doubles partner, a new middle name, the ability to do the correct footwork when receiving a doubles short serve (its left foot first), a crush, a better TikTok for you page, for our TikTok to go viral (one day), a griddabby sesh, a custom Lululemon pace rival skirt, Chicken Teriyaki Fried Rice, and the best time at college! You are seriously so funny and I love our bus ride chats. I hope you never stop being such a sweet and kind soul, Einsteinia.

To David Dickson, I will you an infinite supply of hair combs and milk cartons and for DDD to not get scammed (again?). I’ve only met you recently, but you never fail to make me laugh in E&M or CWW. You will have such a blast at college, and I hope you never stop using the right hand rule!

To Annika Johnson, I will you perfect griddy form. You have been practicing for so long, and I know you’re almost ready to shine. In all seriousness, you have been the best math table buddy I’ve wished for, as well as one of the most hardworking. Thank you for being goofy with me whenever I see you in the hallways, and may the best griddy-er win…

To Emi Karbowniczek, I will you a handball sus trophy. Since I met you in Outdoor Indoor, we have made so many memories together. From try-harding in every possible game in every possible way to creating the best create-a-game (Handball Sus) known to amongus sus imposters, just know that I will never forget our griddy warmup sessions and your talent to tell who’s sus. Stay in touch!

To Dash Leigh and Nathaniel Huang, I will you the biggest hug. You two have worked so tirelessly for SocEnt, and it’s really paid off. I cannot imagine what SocEnt will be like without you two. Thank you both so much for being an amazing role model for the rest of SocEnt, and I cannot wait to stay in contact with you two! Dash, you are genuinely so funny and I love having random conversations with you during our prep meetings. Nathaniel, thank you for your patience with me when writing your fire Acronym articles; I am truly grateful you took the time to interview me and ask me questions!

To LEAD Seniors, I will you a seamless speed check at our prep meetings (too late?). All the seniors on LEAD have truly been some of the best role models and most hardworking seniors I know. Thank you all for being so supportive and welcoming to all the Junior Facilitators.

To Club Terra Seniors (Danica, Aishat, Ryan, George), I will you TREES, Vegan Cookies, and a proper guffaw session! Thank you all for all of your hard work this year and I’m so glad I get to be able to continue on the legacy of Club Terra with my amazing board!

To Avi, Sabriya, & Sukanya, I will you all some chocolate covered espresso beans. Getting to know all of you these last two years from debate has been one of the highlights of my IMSA career. Avi, thank you for being honest during mocks. Sabriya, thank you for imparting your foreign affairs wisdom onto me. Sukanya, thank you for providing a fresh perspective when doing research. I hope you all have an amazing time in college and continue to use your debate knowledge for the better!

To Badminton Seniors (Danica, Einsey, Ellen), I will you all a brand new badminton racket. All of you guys were quintessential to the first IMSA badminton team here, and I hope you don’t stop playing after season is over! I promise that we’ll have senior night soon…

To 02B (and 02D wing from last year), I will you all a proper sleep schedule. For those who have made me laugh, made me scream, and even made me cry, I hope you all know that you hold a special place in my heart, whether it be 02D wing juniors from my sophom*ore year to the 02B wing seniors this year. Thank you all for contributing to my IMSA experience, and I am grateful for you all!

Carolyn Zhang

To Ryan Li, the best compliment-giver I know, I will you 1500000000000 riot points >:D. Thank you for being probably the first junior I met at IMSA. I still remember the first time we met during welcome week of sophom*ore year, and I’m so glad to have survived LEAD, BCI, debate, and the unreal dumpster fire that can only be labeled ‘the IMSA experience’ with you. Lowkey, talking to you at the end of sophom*ore year second semester was a big factor in what made me decide to come back this year lol. Thanks for always responding to my sporadic rants and just being such an authentic human who can instantly light up a room. I wish you the best of luck in your CS Silicon Valley billionaire training arc and hope you know California (ew)’s one redeeming attribute is you going to Stanford!!! Please stay in touch :)

To Sukanya Ghosh, I will you infinite Laufey tickets to her future concerts. Thank you for being a familiar face from the very start and always being down to talk about anything – our carpool conversations make the drive to IMSA feel a lot shorter haha. You’re honestly someone I look up to a lot and I wish you nothing but success as you venture off to college!!

To Ashley Hernandez, I will you a lifetime supply of mint gum. Thanks for being so sweet and also helping me not miss the bus on multiple occasions You’re a really cool person and I wish you nothing but the very best in college :))

To Ellen Guan, I will you a carbon plated ping pong paddle. I’m so glad I talked to you more this year – you’re so kind and a cracked ping-pong extraordinare/physicist/codebuster/artist!! Have fun being a tiger (rawr xd)

To Diya Kamath, I will you a vacation with all the members of BTS. You’re honestly so dedicated to the things you do and deserve it… I’m so glad to have grown a lot closer to you this year and love your presence in stats and orchestra everyday :) Please stay in touch these next 4 years!

To Anisha Kolambe, I will you a robot that can do anything you want. I have love love loved being in cross country and scioly with you and hope you know how lucky Harvard is to have such an intelligent, caring, and hardworking human being!! Please keep in touch in the next four years. Our codebusters team will need it…

To Luke Mauk, I will you fresh Expo markers in every color imaginable. Thanks for always waving to me and doing math together in 01!

To Iris Amit, I will you a swing set. You’re such an amazing individual and I’m so glad I sat down next to you that first day of BC1. Thanks for all the words of wisdom, conversations at strolling strings, and PChem help. I know you’ll do unimaginably spectacular things, please please please stay in touch!

To Zuyu Liu, I will you a lifelong egret membership. Thanks for taking care of Med Society this past year and sometimes giving well-timed life advice. You’re a really eloquent and insightful speaker, (didn’t place at state for nothing) and it’ll definitely take you far. I wish you all the best in your future badminton, lithium battery, and life endeavors!

To the SciOly captains (Annabelle and Wyatt), I will you DVDs of Shrek 1, 2, 3, and apparently 4?? Thanks for all the effort you’ve put into the club this year – I’ve always left scioly practices and hangouts with a smile on my face and I wish both of you the very best in college!

To the Congress seniors (Sabriya, Avi, Charles), I will you all wrinkle-free blazers. Thanks for being super cool upperclassmen and extremely talented debaters, I’ve loved being in debate with you all this year! I wish you all the best in college and promise to rack up those ICDA trophies in your honor

Claire Wen

To Aishat Balogun, I will you amazing friends in college that are just as cool and kind as you. Asante was very stressful but with your amazing guidance everything went smoothly! You were one of the best upperclassmen I remember meeting during welcome week! Continue being a girlboss and a trendsetter!

To Aaliyah Murphy, I will you an upperclassman in college who will help you get ready for the future years in college. AALLLIYAAHHHHH!!!!! I already miss you even though I am writing this 6 feet away from you. You are one of the kindest, prettiest, most talented, and best seniors I have ever met. It might not seem like it, but you have played a huge role in guiding me through my first year at IMSA, I look forward to hearing from your college experience!

To Saraiyah Murphy, I will you an endless supply of food so that you will never run out and will always have something to munch on after 10! SARAIIIIIIYAHHHHHH!!! Your personality shines even in the dark! I will miss and cherish all the moments we have had together! Thank you so much for being one of my senior friends! I can’t wait to hear about your love life in college!

To David the Dancer, I will you a group of friends in college who are just as perfect and bubbly as your current friend groups! That way you will never be sad and remain cheerful! I remember the first time I met you, I walked up to you near 06, and said “WOW you are so good at dancing!” and from then on, my admiration for your dancing has only grown stronger over time. I remember witnessing your dedicated practice sessions for b-friend in stunion, tirelessly rehearsing over and over again! THEY PAID OFF! YOUR ENERGY IS UNMATCHED AND UNPARALLELED DAVID! You are the most memorable, perfect, and energetic person I have and will ever meet. Thank you for being everyone’s sunshine ☀️☀️☀️ You always see the positive side and never the negative. Your unwavering positivity is truly infectious. I wish you the best in college and I wish to stay in touch with you!

To Danica Sun, Einsey Socrates, Nashra Younus, Sufiya Hussaini (THE BEST 06 GIRL QUAD), I will you happy experiences and studious lock-ins at your colleges. You guys are huge inspirations for my quad next year. I’m so glad to have such a positive quad of friends like you guys. May you thoroughly enjoy your college journey, and hopefully, we can plan a quad trip together soon!

To my Diya Kamath, I will you an amazing underclassman (like me) who you can tease and talk about your favorite kpop idols to. DIYA……….What can I say except thank you for letting me slide into your DM’s girli. ALSO CAUTION WARNING: DIYA. FOCUS ON YOUR MAJOR AND NOT YOUR MINOR (me) in college okay? (I HOPE YOU FIND ur husband at uiuc) You are so perfect, drop-dead gorgeous, smart, energetic, and you bring the most joy to me. Thank you for being an amazing friend to be around. Between me and you, you’re my favorite and I wish you the best in your future. PROMISE TO STAY IN CONTACT OKAY????

To Ellen Nguyen, I will you experiences where you will always keep smiling! Your smile is simply stunning and I’m so glad I met you even though we don’t interact much. Thank you for being so cool to me and I wish you the best!

To Iris Amit, I wish you an incredible four years at UIUC! Meeting you was one of the highlights of this year for me. May you continue to dream big ✨ and elevate your inspirations to new heights!

To the one and only Joey Paras, I will you the ability to travel around the entire world! Thank you for shaping my LEAD experience as my LEAD co-coordinator both semesters. LEAD was only fun because of you. UR SASS IS AMAZING AND I HOPE YOU CONTINUE TO BE AMAZINNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG! ✨✨✨

To lil Joshua LEE, I will you a pill that allows you to stop teasing sophom*ores! Thankfully, when you are in college, you will be a freshman and others can tease you! (JK JK JK) DONT COME RUNNING FOR ME WITH A WATER GUN PLEASE. Besides that, Clash was soooooo fun because of your competitiveness! Thank you for all memories and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors and hazing. HAVE AN AMAZING TIME IN COLLEGE! This emoji reminds me of you:

Justina Kostiv, I WILL YOU TO BE HAPPY EVERY DAY! Justina, you are so positive and I love it! Thank you for making my sophom*ore year special. ❤️

To Laasya Nagumalli, I WILL YOU TO CONTINUE LOVING BUNNIES FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE! Ur amazing laasya and lowkey it’s like 11:58 so i’m gonna turn this in, your amazingness surpasses any words I could possibly use to express it. HAVE A GOOD TIME IN COLLEGE!

To Miracle, I will you to continue empowering people with your extraordinary vocals . Your voice is flawless and so gorgeous, and you inspire me every single day. Just as your name implies, you are truly a miracle in this world. Thank you for everything you do. I will miss your fun and mischievous moments together with Raven. I hope you carry on taking the stage in college and reveal the authentic and remarkable person that you are.

To Sriya, I will you to find the perfect person who will share your passion for audiobooks and spend hours enjoying them with you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the wonderful memories we made together in D wing, all the deep conversations about books and indulging in Indian food. You are undeniably one of the most iconic people I’ve had the pleasure to know at IMSA. I will miss you so much. As you go on your college journey, I sincerely hope that your musical pursuits continue to blossom and bring you joy. ‍‍‍

To Sophia Ait Boucherbil, I will you the ability to grow taller and i will you a infinite supply of buldak noodles. (IM JOKING) ♥️You have been my senior to go to since DAY 1. My most fondest memory of us together, is staying up till 2 am getting service hours for decorating d-wing that day is still one of my favorites day of the year. I love spending time with you especially at 1 am doing our homework together and sharing ramen. All your hard work doing college apps is finally finished and with around 23 days left of school I wish to spend everyday talking with you. Sophia, you are the kindest, sweetest, most considerate person I know. Genuinely, I wish all the best for you. You’ve been my biggest role model and friend here. I will miss you very much. (tears dripping rn) Wherever life takes you, I know you will continue to inspire countless people and brighten their days. Sadly, I wish you would stay at IMSA, but letting you go makes me happy because you can finally spread your wings and fly.

To Raven, I will you to achieve all your dreams throughout your lifetime.I know this year was very hard for you but never give up (you told me that once). Having you as a neighbor and wingmate has been an absolute blast. Your infectious laughter and boundless energy always bring joy to those around you including me. You are truly one of a kind—different from anyone I’ve ever met. Thank you for leaving such a lasting and positive impression on me. Wishing you all the success and happiness in the world.

To Mesoma, Kate, and Dhaatri, I will you all stay best friends for ever. Y’ALL ARE AMAZING and I love having you guys as fake neighbors and staying up late listening to all the drama. You guys have the best friend dynamic that is so special. PLEASE stay friends forever with Raven and Miracle and everyone else! ♥️

Dael Garzon Torres

To Alma Latina Seniors, Angel, Abby, Giada, Marcus, and Yanel, I will you all freedom!! I hope wherever yall go after IMSA isn’t as stressful and that you don’t have to deal with as much stuff, especially if you plan to continue representing your Latinidad through clubs and such. I also hope you guys watch/come to next year’s show:)

To B-Wing Downquad, Alexian, Dash, Luke, and Malcolm, I honestly will you all good lives!! You guys were really amazing seniors and y’alls energy was really great and fun all throughout the year. Thank you for being the best senior downquad for us in up quad to look up to.

To FOCUS Seniors, Aldo, Alexian, Anahi, Chiamaka, Chinara, Jaz, Marcus, Mira, Raven, Tia, and Yanel; I will you all rest. I hope you guys continue the passion you have for change and that you continue to stand up for what y’all believe in. But first, I will you all rest and tranquility because all of yall deserve it. I hope you know that you all have been a blessing to this campus but also an inspiration. You all have inspired change and have refused to stay quiet when things get hard and when things aren’t right. Thank you for being the trailblazers that you are and I hope that post-IMSA life treats you all with care. Also, make sure to not forget our chant guys… S. T. O-P. Stop, Stop, Racism! S. T. O-P. Stop, Stop, Sexism! S. T. O-P. Stop, Stop, hom*ophobia! Anyways yall stay strong, and (one, two, three) FOCUS!!!

To Aldo, I will you great things. You’re such a smart, fun, and genuine person, so I really hope you find great things in college (which ik you’ll be eating up). You were the best excel tutor fr and just a great role model for me all the way from excel to right now. I also just wanna make sure you know that your SIR was FIREE and it was very interesting to learn about!! I appreciate that there are people like you doing research on such a topic and that are maintaining their cultural identity and discovering/ raising awareness about our culture through a STEM lens. Not only in academics, but I also hope you know that your work in CCE, FOCUS, and your leadership in general are very inspiring and impactful. If no one has said this already, thank you Aldo<33. Meeting after meeting, document writing after document writing, you inspire me to be better and to continue on, especially when it comes to leadership and DEI work. I would also like to will you no college debt because you made the best choice of going for the ultra mega medicine program (forever proud of you for that), and also all the rich chicago men in college, go find that bag Aldo!!! Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Ladyfingers” by Herb Alpert and The Tijuana Brass because it’s a very beautiful instrumental imo, and I’m pretty sure you like classical music? Which is instrumental so!! Its very very peaceful so i hope u like it and listen to it while cramming for ur finals at uic I will you “Besame Mucho” by Los Panchos because if you liked the mariachi version of My Love Mine all Mine, i feel like you’ll def like this one if you don’t already (one of my fav classics). Finally, I will you “Jupiter Rainstorm” by Liana Flores because of how gentle it is. I feel like you and this song have similar vibes in the sense that its gentle and comforting. Thank you for being such an amazing person to be around aldo, I’ll miss you sm !!!!

To Alexian, I will you time management skills. I will you this because if you had good time management, Jose and I might’ve been able to chismear with Giada that one time. I also will you the ability to escape your valorant phase:( touch grass pls!! You’re addicted at this point!! I also will you the ability to not be compared to mineta from mha, hopefully that day comes soon</3 On the real tho, you’ve been such a good vibe and fun person to be around, so thanks for having that laid back energy wherever you go(much needed on this stressful ahh campus). You’re truly a joy to be around and I hope that us as future downquad can make the wing half as fun as you did this year. Thanks for being a bigback too, that one pozole was fire (and I hope u enjoy those sabritones too btw ) Finally, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Gimme Tha Power” by Molotov because I think you’d definitely fw the energy of this song(on the off chance that you don’t know it already). I will you “Electric Relaxation” by A Tribe Called Quest because you definitely would like 90’s hip hop i hope. Finally, I will you “Tomorrow” by Kali Uchis because I remember you said you love Kali once so, to the big Kuchi you are, here’s kali!! I hope you enjoy these songs if you don’t already. I’ll miss you alexian, have a great time in college!! And don’t die with those no AC dorms

To Anahi, I will you an infinite supply of items. Have fun and relax gyal!!! I also will you common sense because how are u gonna say that history is red…its literally orange/yellow be for realll. Anyways, I hope you know how much your drive and passion for the work you do in FOCUS helped me realize my place in IMSA and what I wanna accomplish here. You’ve shared your perspective and story throughout all of this and it made me realize how much is wrong with this place and how much I hope for it to change. I also really admire the strength you had during the actual walkout and the events afterwards. I hope you find a more peaceful environment after graduation because you deserve it and so much more. Enough about the serious tho bc you’re also just sm fun to be around!! I’m really glad all of this stuff didn’t dim that. Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/ remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Killing Me Softly With His Song” by The Fugees because the laid back vibes are very much you, I think. I will you “Pelicula” by Perras on the Beach because I think it has a very big beachy, relaxed. sunset type vibe to it and idk what music you fw but my guess is something relatively close to this !! Finally, I will you “Nobody’s Listening” by Agnoia because oh my goddd bro this is such a bop. I remember on a walking trip last year, Jose told me about his friend who made music and played this song and I’m like “oh that sounds pretty good tbh!” but for some reason I recently remembered about it, listened to it again without the cars, birds, and people in the background and it’s so FIREEE. I literally streamed it on repeat the other day like?… So as a last part, I will you time and motivation to work on more music to release if you can help it because you’re truly a talented and emotionally connected, amazing artist. If you continue you best believe imma be in your top 0.05% of listeners !!

To Chiamaka, I will you an endless supply of wingstop bc at this point I don’t think i’ll be able to give u those wings i owed u by the year’s end… anyways thanks for always having a strong aura chia!! You literally always light up the room with your energy and are always making the best jokes, it’s crazy to me how I actually got to know you bc(and I just had this recognition) idk if you remember but YOU GOT BANNED from the co25 discord server and I allowed it which is actually sooo funny to me how that happened looking back at it, sorry gyalon the real though I love the work you do for FOCUS and hope we can continue all the stuff you’ve been working to change. Finally, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/remind me of you or your vibe. I will you “Sundress” by A$AP Rocky because I think this gives you, it’s very much a summary!! I will you “Summer Nights” by Lil Rob because once again, it’s very summery(duhrr) and I feel like you’d like it!! Consider listening to more chicano rap if you like this one. Finally, I will you “HISS” by Megan Thee Stallion because you’re on the right side of the beef tbhscare the haters away with this song Chia!!! Anyways, I hope all goes amazingly in college, goodluck and I’ll miss you Chiamaka!!!

To Dash, I will you time to keep EATING UP music because how is it possible that the only times i’ve heard you is through 1 instagram post and through 1 act in Asante? That’s a total of 2 times and that is NOT okay!! I hope you have infinitely more time to play piano and sing in washu bc u sound incredible !! Thank you for always being such a good person to be around, whether it be your sarcasm, dry humor, or horrendous puns, your smile and energy never fail to light up the room. You’re one of the most academically+emotionally intelligent, talented, and brightest-aura-having person I know, and I wanted to say thank you for all the safe spaces you help create wherever you go, as I trust you’ll keep doing that after you leave this place. I really wish we could’ve talked more, but in the times we did interact you were a lot of fun and a huge joy to be around. Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/ remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Congratulations” by Mac Miller ft. Bilal because you devoured it on the piano. Thank you for unintentionally putting me on with this song its soso good and honestly just fits you as well. I will you “Futile Devices” by Sufjan Stevens because I feel like you’d like the vibe of this song ngl!! Finally, I will you “Igual Que Un Angel” by Kali Uchis because I feel like you need to practice your spanish, so you might as well practice it with an amazing Kali song. Your presence will be deeply missed, especially in B wing, but I’m excited to see what you do with the things that wait for you beyond these walls!! Have fun Dash, I’ll miss you!!

To Giada, I will you a non toxic and non helicopter relationship because how are u gonna go against feminism and let a man control you and your decisions??? This isn’t what women fought for girly :( next time, choose the chisme sess! I also will you a president position for a club in college bc lets be honest you have one coming!! represent the gente girlOn the real though Giada thank you for being such a breath of fresh air whenever I talk to you, especially for sharing the same thoughts on certain topics iykwim!! I know we didn’t talk much at the beginning of the year but as it went on, I got more comfortable with Alma and everything and I’m so happy that because of that I got to be more comfortable with you. You are such a funny person bro there’s no having a conversation with you without a smile or a giggle here and there. On the other hand, you can be serious and talk about life and stuff like an intellectual and also just ramble about things going on in life, which I more than appreciate. You’re one of the big reasons i’m gonna be sad when seniors graduate, so instead of being sad I wanna say thank you for all the advice you’ve given me, all the relief I’ve gotten from being able to get things off my chest with you, and all the jokes we’ve shared when we’ve talked bc they’re TOO good. I’m so happy we got to form a bond this year and I hope u come back from uni with a ton of chisme bc trust me when i tell you i feel like imma have a lot for you… I also hope you’ve had fun with mary jane myers this second half of semester two without me</3 hope we can go to I-day yoga or swim with her one day!! Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/ remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Muñekita” by Kali Uchis because if anyone can capture your BADDIEEEE energy it would be kali. Also, I will FOREVER fangirl over you and your dances because omggg bro. I will you “Linda Mujer” by Lil Rob because if you’re not into chicano/mexican rap life isn’t real. Only reason I didn’t will Summer Nights is because you probably(?) already know it. Finally, I will you “Fuera” by RBD just because it’s kind of like strong independent y2k mexican baddie vibes? Idk bro I love RBD and Fuera is kinda a different vibe than most of their other pop songs, but in a really good way. Tu ya vas a estar Fuera(get it?) de este lugar, so thank you for being one of the best seniors ever, I’ll miss you so much Giada!! Love you girl!!

To Jaz, I will you a squirt gun to get back at anahiI also just wanna say sorry for getting you while you were running away from anahi, it was too tempting!! Anyways, Jaz you are possibly the chillest most easy-going and understanding person on this campus. I hope you keep being that after IMSA. You are also incredibly well spoken and whenever you’re about to say anything in a meeting or something I know ur gonna cook. You have a spark that makes anyone in the room laugh with you and you have the ability to be incredibly relatable, and I hope you never lose that! Lastly. Like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/ remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Tu Corazon Es Mio…” by Kali Uchis because I think its smooth sound fits you very very well. Hopefully u like this one if you don’t already !!(and also dedicate it to someone bc yall so cute) I will you “Broken Clocks” by SZA because shanya was playing this song when I was writing wills and I interrupted writing the FOCUS will to be like “ykw I feel like jaz would fw this” so now we’re here !! Finally, I will you “Can’t Wait” by Doja Cat because I’ve recently become obsessedddd with this song and I think you might like the beat and lyrics. I hope college treats you well!!! I’ll miss you !!

To Luke, I will you the willpower to stay silly. Please never change the way you are and act because its truly wonderful to have someone as fun as you around in a world where a lot of things are very negative. I also will you the time to keep your scheduled bowel movements throughout the day, hopefully college doesn’t disturb that too greatlyI can only hope we can maintain even half the fun and playful energy you brought to the wing and hall this year for years to come. Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/ remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Puppy Princess” by Hot Freaks because the high-spirited way of the song being sung reminds me of you from its general vibes. I will you “Nuestra Cancion” by Monsieur Perine and Vicente Garcia once again just because I think you’d like the vibes. Although there are plenty of joyful energy-esque songs, have this one in spanish so you don’t go rusty!! Finally, I will you “Around Me” by Metro Boomin ft. Don Toliver because for some reason apart from these light and sunshine vibes songs, I feel like you’d like rap too. We’ll miss you Luke!!

To Malcolm, I will you, like wills to you before me as you said, better bone mobility and a better sleep schedule in college. Please watch out for those ankles and knees!! And sleep in college because I guess it didn’t happen enough your senior year the last time we talked. I just wanna say that even though we didn’t talk as much as I wish we would’ve, you’re literally one of the coolest seniors I know and every time we did talk it was a fun conversation !! Seriously though ur so cool. I also will you ear piercings in the near future, as you will soon know you’ll be needing them ;) Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Get It Sexyy” by Sexyy Red because you gotta learn how to throw it back for those slab parties–I mean raves– in college !! I will you “Scott Street” Phoebe Bridgers because I feel like this is your vibe??idk i feel like you’d listen to this at some point. Finally, I will you “Loving Is Easy” by Rex Orange County because it’s sort of like similar vibes to the phoebe bridgers hozier type aesthetic but a bit brighter and more upbeat. I hope you enjoy these songs if you don’t already! Enjoy life at college, Malcolm, you will be missed!!!

To Marcus, I will you infinite full moons for you to always be able to let your alpha out. I hope Alma next year can somehow conjure up your true alpha leadership and energy!! On the real though, talking to you is always soso much fun and I’m glad we got to meet through alma and work together even more on FOCUS. I really admire how bold and fearless you are when you want to speak your mind and get your points across. Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/ remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Animals” by Maroon 5. You’re a true alpha king, you know why. I will you “Black Beatles” by Rae Sremmurd and Gucci Mane because you ATEE up your dances this year absolutely served. Finally, I will you “Big Foot” by Nicki Minaj because I don’t think anyone is ready for the next installment of that songI’ll miss you Marcus!! Have fun living it up in uni !!!

To Miracle, I will you peace. The things that this institution and the people in it have put you through is outrageous and I hope college treats you infinitely better. Having said this, the strength you’ve had to not only push through it all but do so while advocating for yourself and others is something I’ll forever admire you for. You were such an inspiration to me this year, and although we didn’t talk much, the work we did on FOCUS made an impact on me and others far from what you can imagine, and when we were not working on projects you were a straight up joy to talk to. You’re one of the funniest people here and I’ll seriously miss how you tell and react to stories. I will also miss hearing you EATTT UPP every song you sing in all the culture shows for whichever language it is like that’s still unbelievable how you do that omgg. Lastly, like all my seniors, I will you 3 songs that I think you’d like/ remind me of you or your vibes. I will you “Salvame” by RBD because I feel like you’d like this song for some reason !! Unfortunately as I write this, I’m nearing the deadline for wills so I can only really quickly will you “Duvet” by boa and “Snooze” by SZA. You ate up each and every one of your performances this year, I’ll miss you Miracle!!!!

To Raven, I will you a break. You’re one of the most hardworking people I know at this school and the work that you do is incredible and hugely inspiring and motivating to me. I hope we can keep advancing the initiatives you’ve taken on as well as inspire future generations as well as you have, even though that sounds ridiculous from how hard it would be to fill your shoes. I also just want to let you know that cotillion and the Asante song were absolutely so beautiful oh my GODDDDD. omg. They genuinely brought tears to my eyes Raven im not kidding they were absolutely amazing and I hope to hear your voice in the future :) Unfortunately, im nearing the deadline for wills so I can only will you one song, that being “Anxiety” by Megan Thee Stallion. The reason is because this song imo is a song that means that baddies can have bad days too, so with that being said I hope you keep working hard, but also stop and take care of yourself. Thank you for everything you’ve done, ill miss you:))!!!

To Sarah, I will you a party life in college. You party animal you!! Every time there’s a slab party I see you getting into it and throwing it back and everything, so I hope uiuc can live up to these standards. On the real though, you’re one of the sweetest people i’ve ever met and you have such a big heart, so i hope it doesn’t shrink as you experience the world(wow i sound like a tia rn ngl). Never change Sarah!! You are truly inspiring and I enjoyed every second of working together with you in FOCUS as well as just hanging out with you, even though I wish we would’ve done so more !!! You are so well spoken and know exactly what you want to say, which is something I look up to and want to achieve myself. Thank you for doing all the work you’ve done in FOCUS and for inspiring the next generation of FOCUS at IMSA. this wasn’t as long as i wanted it to be but im nearing the end of the deadline for wills so unfortunately this all i got!! I also can’t will you three songs with all explanations so just know that I think you’d love “Azul Profundo” by SVPER, “Cancion de Amor” by Las Piñas, and “Mother Tongue” by Liana Flores. I also will you infinite Laufey concerts!!! Love you Sarah, I’ll miss you!!!

To Yanel, I will you peace because oh my god has this place put you through a plethora of hardships. As I am nearing the deadline and I can’t go into much detail for this will, just know I hope it gets infinitely better in college because you more than deserve it. I also want you to know that you were such an inspiration to me early on as I learned you were involved with Alma, SACNAS, and CCE, which is exactly what motivated me to work on equity work; to represent my culture and advocate for myself and others like me. Again, I can’t write too much because of the time crunch so the song I will you is “Flores, Labios, Dedos” by Los Niños del Cerro because I feel like you’d enjoy that vibe. Enjoy college Yanel, you deserve it!!

TO ALL MY SENIORS, i am too near the deadline so if i missed you or anything, im sorry!!! I hope we keep in touch, I’ll definitely try to reach out after a few months so be ready for that !! Also, make sure to come to casa next year y’all!! Trust it’s gonna be so fire. ILY ALL SM<333

Ellen Hsuan

To Sindhu, I will you enthusiastic college professors who will let you out of class early. It’s kind of crazy that we never talked to each other in French until this year, but I’m so glad that we became friends! I love our walks back to 02 and entertaining interactions with Madame, and we should definitely go on more Orchard walking trips before you graduate. Your scary work ethic and math/cs skills never cease to amaze me, but I know that you’re set up for success. I’ll be waiting for those aesthetic finsta updates :)

To Diya, I will you a limitless supply of get-out-of-math free cards. I do have to say, it’s a bit ironic that your diffeq notes are unfathomably neat even though you complain about the class daily. Don’t you worry, I’ll continue your legacy of pestering Mr. Brummet, especially about matrices (and Euler, God forbid it shows up again). Jokes aside, you’re one of the funniest seniors I know and hanging out with you is always so much fun. Good luck in college, and don’t forget to invite me to your white-coat ceremony!

To Nathaniel, I will you a BLESSED experience with any math you take in the future. The BC journey hasn’t exactly treated us well, but I’m glad that we traversed it together. Problems of the Week? More like Prisoners of War! Well, now that liberation is near, I am confident that you shall have the time of your life in college. Thank you for lending me your eraser whenever I made an absurd algebra mistake, and while we’ve only just started working on the Fourier Series project together at this time that I’m writing this, I’m confident that we’ll emerge unscathed. Hopefully. May you always have strength to leap over the Lagrange Error Bounds in your way!

To Iain, I will you a card (I forgot which one) to replace the one that Dara chucked onto the 03 windowsill. I’m so glad that I met you through eating at Lexington together and those iconic slapjack games. Have a blast at college, you absolute card game/poker odds connoisseur! I’ll let you know when I win next year — it WILL happen.

To Iris, I will you an enjoyable orchestra experience should you continue with the violin in college. It’s been fun participating in Strolling Strings and orchestra together (minus those insane rehearsal times) and spending late nights in the RC Office talking about everything and anything. Please take care of yourself, and if I’m ever at UIUC in the winter, let’s build another terribly cursed snowman.

To Clarissa, I will you angel food cake that doesn’t smell like perfume. You’re right — we really did meet by chance and instantly vibed. I loved every time you came into diffeq/BC 3 to bother Dara and the times we chilled in the math office together. Keep being the hilarious fashion icon that you are!

To Ryan Li, I will you a good night’s sleep and no 8 am classes for the rest of eternity. Your hardworking spirit is admirable but pls take a break. I really enjoyed having French and graphic novels with you this semester, and I’ll miss waving hi to each other in the halls. Take care and have fun at the croc (not the sock‼️)

To Amanda, I will you a lifetime supply of paintbrushes and canvases and alcohol markers and sketchbooks and every art supply that has ever existed under the sun. Wait, I also will you some piece of biotechnology that restores 20/20 visions to badly nearsighted eyes. Can’t lie, half of that is for me too. Can you believe we first bonded over our terrible eyesight? It was around midnight, big fluffy snowflakes were falling outside the wing common windows, and we talked for thirty minutes as you held your magical microwavable beanbag eye patch. Amanda, you sweet soul and godlike artist/photographer/flautist. IMSA’s fine arts department will grieve after you leave (that rhymes!), but Pittsburgh’s getting the best. Please keep in touch, I can’t wait to see what you accomplish!

To Anisha, I will you SLEEEEEEPPPP and a conversation buddy who’s just as passionate about Mandarin as you. I couldn’t have asked for a better vtrad partner whom I can always count on for a greeting in Mandarin and a hug. 我的朋友, 恭喜你! Cheers to all the head pats we shared this year and many more in the future <3

To Jojo, I will you a gargantuan microphone so the world can be touched by your angelic voice. Holy vocal cord goddess you can SING!! I can’t describe to you how much I’m going to miss hearing you and your keyboard after school. Your warm personality also never failed to put a smile on my face. Please remember me when you’re famous /j I will always be your biggest fan!

To the Ellens, I will you a fourth name twin (triplet? quadruplet?) even though the OG Ellen^3 is obviously irreplaceable. I remember the moment we first met during last year’s Convocation, when we all turned around to the sound of our name. It’s been an honor to be a part of the “”three Ellens in one wing”” association this year. To Ellen N, I will you a hefty haul of cute plushies and keychains and pens and knick-knacks because that’s what your presence feels like. Your infectious laughter really does make the room shine brighter, whether it be during graphic novels (goated table dare I say) or when you’re air frying scrumptious food after 10 check. To Ellen G, I will you indestructible toilet paper rolls for your bedtime routine. Don’t be shy, we all know that you can’t sleep without cuddling them. Not that you sleep much anyway, you absolute physics god. On a more serious note, I know that your indomitable spirit will carry you far. Both of you, don’t forget to work hard AND play hard :)

To the 02A hex, I will you eternal friendship. Being placed in this wing with you guys was one of the best things to have happened to me this year. You have brought so much joy here — check every night is so much fun with you there. Thank you for being such genuine, kind-hearted, talented, beautiful, sweet people, you deserve everything. Here’s to one more huddle, one more soul-touching midnight conversation accompanied by the aroma of air-fried nuggets.

To Ava, I will you freedom from reading quizzes, quizzes in general, indecipherable comics, and opps. I’m lowkey so sad that we didn’t grow closer until second semester this year, but I’m grateful to have gotten closer through Morning Club sessions with Laasya and Mr. Brummet as well as through the grind of Graphic Novels. Also that one extended weekend LOLLL Anyways, I thoroughly enjoy every conversation that we have, whether it be in a math office cubicle or in Dr. Eysturlid’s office (actually those interactions are literally SO entertaining). You have elite humor and we click so well because we’re pretty much the exact same person. I hope that we go on many more lore-spilling access walks before you graduate! Please stay in touch, and have the best time at UIUC!!

To Dara, I will you boisterous upperclassmen with whom you can participate in both exciting mathematical adventures and ruthless slapjack/ERS rounds. That’s right, I’m willing you a bunch of Dara’s (Daras? Dara’s? Darae?) because that is all anyone could ever need in the world. Dara, you are without a doubt one of the best people I’ve ever met. You bring such a vibrant aura of light to every room — that was the first thing that caught my attention when we initially met through playing sand volleyball last spring. Getting to know you this year, however, was a real blessing. From cackling at a great plethora of math jokes (especially LinAlg puns, but that’s just so characteristic of us) to the post-TEDx walk and the card game initiation during Intersession, I can confidently say that I don’t remember a single dull moment. Well, except the dull throbbing of my hand after its evisceration from slapjack! In the end, though, I know that you’ve got the biggest heart, don’t you dare let anybody say otherwise. Even though delving deep into physics (yuck) will keep you booked and busy, I hope that our messages remain fresh in the coming years. Math office besties 4Life, right?

To Laasya, I will you every pink, positive, leporine substance, earthly or intangible, that the world has to offer. This might sound a bit plagiaristic, but our friendship is one that makes me truly trust the butterfly effect. I really do think that we were destined to cross paths again and again in such a way that we’d grow close inevitably, you know, like that “”everything happens for a reason”” ideology. I find it hard to put into words everything that you are to me. Us sitting at Mr. Brummet’s desk together that one afternoon, the breaking-down-barriers kick, the equation that required a big girl calculator, the Linalg problems that irked you… That culmination of interactions turned my junior year around into one of the best experiences of my life, and you played such an instrumental role in shaping it. For lack of more literal words, you are a bundle of indescribable joy. Your encyclopedia of bunny knowledge and your everlasting eagerness to share positive facets of the world are truly admirable, as are your empathy and the pure goodness of your heart. Thank you for that first invitation to the Morning Club, to the last night talks, access walks, comforting shoulder, introduction to Penny/Nickel/Gambol, every meal, insightful wisdom, not-funny joke attempts, macarons, giggles, bonding moments… You have a way of making everyone know that they are loved. You did that. Never forget that you are the sunshine in the lives of those around you, and also that I will always, always be here to shuffle down the stairs side-by-side. Right now, though, it’s getting late. Tomorrow morning at 7:30?

EmmaLi Isham

To Maitreyi Pandey, I will you a break for being an absolute girlboss. I cannot tell you how many times it took me to figure out how to spell your name when searching it up in Messenger. You have been my literal muse since I’ve gone here. Ever since I met you as a little sophom*ore I admired you so so much. You have always been so headstrong, smart, and cool! Serving on IYNA and StudCo with you has been so inspiring. I have looked up to you my entire IMSA journey and I am so sad to see you go. I hope you have an amazing time at a university that you are so so happy there and it’s not crusty like IMSA! I will miss you so much and I wish you all the best in the whole wild world.

To Marguerite DiMarco, I will you all the happiness in the world. I also had a stroke trying to spell your name in Messenger. Maybe names aren’t my thing. But, I have to say what an honor it has been to serve on your Student Council. I am really hoping to make you proud this coming year. Through this school year though, I have seen you lead us through literally everything. From club chartering to meeting on the B-wing floor as the janitors stare at us! You have been an amazing leader and you are honestly such a queen! I will miss going “Hey lemme ask Maggie!!”. I wish you the absolute best in university. You are a fun, beautiful and talented person. I know you will do so amazing!!

To David Dickson, I will you a break for your big brain. HI DAVID! My Stanford KING! Although I was not surprised. Having StudCo and IYNA with you was always so fun because you always just have this big brain happy energy! I truly aspire to be as hardworking as you one day. I’m gonna miss seeing you in the halls, and turning around in Cancer Bio to be like “yo David do you know this?!” I hope you have an awesome sauce time away from this musty place! I will miss you!!

To Manya Davis, I will you healthy knees because I KNOW you are tired from eating up all them dances. I know we didn’t really talk this year but you truly are an amazing inspiring girl boss. I will have to take your offer on those $1 milkshakes because I am broke but I love food! I hope to see you every Wednesday in the fall hehe!!

To Ryan Li, I will you to touch grass. I just realized your name rhymes with Tree!! I always thought you were so cool and fun and big brain. I will really miss seeing you in the halls and saying hi. That video of you and Aru will stay on my camera roll forever. You are just this like ball of idk good feelings and positive energy. I also thought our SCRJ gossiping days were peak. I will miss you!! Come back to the freezing cold to visit me!

To Zuyu Liu, I will you success as the future super senior at large. Just kidding. I hope you liked the pink ramen. I’m sorry it wasn’t actually pink. Anyways, yeah your mentoring for StudCo was kinda lacking but either way, you were always there to keep me on my toes. Even though you would counter my ideas sometimes which made me kinda upsetti spaghetti, it was okay!! I hope you have a good time deep in the cornfields. I know that you’re gonna go on to do great big-brain things in your life. You’ll always be my favorite super senior at large.

To Jaden Willis, I will you an awesome sauce college experience. I know I didn’t talk to you a lot, but I always thought you were cool. After I did start talking to you, I found out I was right! I hope college and life after it treat you well and you become really happy outside of this crusty ahh institution. You’re gonna do great things!

To Johanna Germo, I will you all the happiness in the world. You have always been my 1502 queen and I am really sad to see you go. You’re so talented and musical. I can’t wait to see what amazing things you do in life and I wish you the best!!

To Justina Kostiv, I will you an amazing time after leaving this really special school. I didn’t really talk to you much I guess, but I remember that one time when we were filling up homecoming balloons, and I was roasting Zuyu, and you called me funny. That moment I will treasure until I hit the grave. I will miss you gang, and good luck! Say hi to Alfonso for me!

Eric Lee

To my amazing speech captains Ellen and David, I will you eloquent speaking skills and success in college! This year’s speech season has been fantastic, and it’s largely due to you guys and the amazing speech team. You guys have made me love speech even more and inspired me to help incoming speechers find the same passion. Ellen, thank you for expressing so much leadership! Thank you for being sweet to me and guiding me and the team through this speech season. In college, I hope you continue spreading positivity and flourishing. David, you are one of the coolest seniors I know! Thank you for always saying hi to me and being an amazing limited-prep captain. Your advice has helped me grow so much as a speaker and I will continue to pass down the IMSA limited-prep legacy. Ellen and David, enjoy college and maybe come back to judge speech!

To 01 B-Wing Down Quad Malcolm, Luke, Dash, and Alexian, I will you clean roommates in college. Although 01 B-Wing is not not nasty (I might’ve caught a disease), it has been my favorite place on campus, thanks to the supportive and incredible environment you guys have brought to our wing. Thank you for guiding sophom*ores around and making 01 B-Wing the best wing on campus!

To my lovely lovely SciOly seniors, Anisha, Ellen, Wyatt, Annabelle, Manasa, and Diya, I will you all incredible futures and success. You guys are the backbone of IMSA SciOly, and are some of the most hardworking, earnest, and grounded people I’ve ever met, and know that you have inspired me hugely. Thank you guys for your incredible leadership and for waving to me at school :) Anisha, I will miss your WIDI/Codebuster abilities next year as well as your head pats. You have been so sweet to me and I just know you will do great things. Continue to play flute in college and I hope that we can play a flute cello ensemble sometime soon. Ellen! You are the GOAT at Codebusters and I hope that you will continue being the amazing person that you are at college. Thank you for tolerating me and I hope one day you will meet Eren Yæger for real. Wyatt (or Cornelius?), thanks for being an amazing 01 senior and SciOly captain! Your deadpan-ness always makes me smile and you bring so much joy to our community. Keep spreading your wit and knowledge :D Annabelle, thanks for your leadership in SciOly this year! You have been very sweet to me this year and I hope you continue to be cello master extraordinaire in college. (P.S. Your BLÅHAJ is very cute). Manasa, thank you for being a French icon! French is so much fun with you, and being in SciOly with you has been even more fun. Enjoy your time in college and maybe let me know if you ever use French 3 in France! Diya my French Club icon, I will you all the K-Pop you want in college! Being in Strolling Strings and SciOly has been some of my favorite moments, and they won’t be the same without you. Keep enjoying K-Pop and bringing your amazing energy to college.

To my fellow ASIA seniors Jerrick, Raph, and Zuyu, I will you more culture shows and festivals in college. Working on ASIA this year has been a blast, and despite my stumbling around, I appreciate the leadership you guys have taught me. ASIA made me fall in love with the IMSA community, and I hope you guys will continue to build the community just like you have at IMSA at college. Enjoy college and come back for Lunar!

To my talented debate seniors, I will you guys better debate bills. Thank you for putting up with an annoying sophom*ore-heavy team! You guys have been fantastic leaders, and I’m very glad that I was part of this amazing team. Despite often-horrendous debate bills, I have improved so much due to you guys and no matter how tiring debate is, you guys are always there to bring a positive attitude. Thanks for leading this debate season and I wish you guys success!

To Ryan, I will you an unlimited amount of K-Pop. Ryan, you are one of the most inspiring seniors I know! Thank you for being nice to me during the first few weeks of school, it helped me get settled at IMSA. You were one of the best LEAD facilitators ever and I’m glad that you were mine. Although our class was tricky, I still learned a lot from you. Enjoy college and I hope you’ll watch B-Friend perform next year!

To Danica, I will you a bright future. Thank you for being the first upperclassmen I ever interacted with at IMSA! Even though we don’t talk much, thank you for leading me around IMSA during orientation and being my first interaction with IMSA. I hope you will succeed in all your future endeavors and have the best time in college!

To Nathaniel, I will you another Katherine. Although we didn’t talk much, you are one of the coolest seniors I know. From the get-go, I was really excited to see another Taiwanese American at IMSA, and I’m so excited to continue the Taiwanese legacy at IMSA. Enjoy college and no more “OH MY GOD!”s!

Evan Lee

To 1505 D-Wing Senior Quad (Raph, Angel, Sree, Hagen), I will you guys a good prom, especially since I donated $40 on Senior Auction for your wing dinner but never received it. The bananas were appreciated, and thanks for listening to whatever dumb stuff me and Ari had to say every night.

To Andre Mendez, I will you a new loofah. You don’t wanna know what I did with that thing, nor do I want to know what was on the “Evil Rag.” Thanks for letting me chill in your room, and even more thanks for letting me use your shower. Have a good time in Florida, big bro. Also, I’m never buying you that chicken sandwich.

To Ethan Remedios, I will you Diamond 1 in Val. Sorry for ranking you down from Plat 3 to Gold 3, but I high-key made your stats better and just got unlucky. Have fun “locking in” for CompSci in college.

To Aadi Desai & Matthew Zhang, I will you every “baddy” that you find while scrolling through college admissions accounts on Instagram. Though I wish you didn’t tell me that Engineering would be a free class (it’s not and I should’ve dropped it), you guys are still chill.

To Rohan Patkar, I will you better stats in volleyball. I don’t know how you manage to sneak out of Engineering everyday, even more how you manage to get away with it, but when you’re there you are a fun guy.

To Jaejun Park, I will you permission to follow my sister on Instagram, meaning that I’ll stop specifically asking her to keep rejecting your follow requests. It’s still up to her whether she accepts it or not, though. Maybe try changing that goofy pfp?

To Josh Solone, I will you a new brain since I don’t think your current one can recover from the amount of brainrot its experienced. Your tiktok rizz party dances are admittedly pretty good though.

To Raghav Sinha, I will you a better haircut. I don’t know you too well compared to everyone else, but you are chill and get a lot of game so I respect that.

To Matthew Salinas, I will you an unlimited supply of milk. Sorry for stealing your milk, but the rest of the wing stole my milk first. By the way, I’m gonna keep randomly initiating eye contact with you (I am normal).

I honestly couldn’t have asked for better seniors coming in as a new kid here. Wish all of you the very best of luck wherever you go.

Gabi Boscarino

To Melinda Yuan, I will you lots of delectable snacks! I am so happy that we have become closer friends this year because I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t have borrowed your fake eyelashes for dance team. I loved seeing you eat it up in those cute neon blue shorts! Thank you for your birthday, (I still can’t decide if it was fun or not) but I’m glad I went. I promise I will make you proud in my prestigious role as an NHS board member next year and carry on your legacy. I’ll miss you so much but I hope you have an amazing time! Don’t forget to come back and watch the scientist-themed routine!

To Yoanna Georgieva, I will you all the Bulgarian feta your heart desires. Thank you for making my time at dance practice worthwhile and always giggling with me. Also, thank you for letting me sleep on your floor that one time my quad was all gone for the weekend. I’ll miss getting ready with you before competitions and I’ll miss gossiping with you in the mental health lounge. I hope you have an amazing time in Paris and I swear I’ll come visit you so we can party party. Bye Yoanna!

To Aleks Duda, I will you infinite secrets to know. I will miss seeing your smiling face in the hallways and listening to your stories during dance team. I honestly don’t know what we will have to talk about without you there. I promise I will keep you updated on coach and all her little adventures. I’ll miss you, don’t party too much in college!

To Blessita Charly, I will you the ability to take off your makeup before you fall asleep and the ability to wake up on time. And the ability to come to class on a regular basis. Even though you might not be the best person to ask for help, I really enjoyed having math with you this semester and watching your makeup routine in the bathroom afterwards. Thank you for always coming to my room and eating my food and drinking the juice I specifically got for you. I love listening to you yap about whatever was on your mind. Make sure you put these discrete skills to use in college ;) I’ll miss you next year, but have the best time ever!

To Faizaan Shaikh, I will you lots more dancing in college. If I have another 7/8 science mod, I think I might drop out, but if I do, I hope my table is at least as good as it is now. That one time we played tic tac toe was really fun! Watching you and Arjun do random things during class always made me laugh too. Anyways, I hope you have a great time in college!

To Einsey, Danica, Sufiya, and Nashra, I will you the best times of your lives in college. I’m glad that I got to be in the wing with you these last two years. I’ll definitely miss your energy next year! Have fun in college!

Georgi Panchev

To FRC for being the most interesting extracurricular with the most awesome people on campus, I will you all a bright future in whatever field you’re going to because y’all have shown just how skillful you are!! I will forever be grateful for the fun we had inside the lab until 10 check, during Midwest and Central Illinois, as well as the trips to Chicago and Peoria. Thank you Nate Landig for being the best and multi talented (academically and musically) team captain I could ever ask for and a genuinely fun wingmate!! Thank you Nishna Aerabati for being the greatest electrical head I was always glad to share our lab’s tiny corner and talk with (While I feel sorry for all your stress, your ability to get the bot working in no time was always admirable)!! Thank you Aditya Prashanth for being the most cracked (and comedic) DI head whose delicate designs deserve to be printed out and hung in a gallery!! Thank you Laura Cervantes for being the most inspiring relations head who always pushed for change and brought a shine of fun in our lab. And thank you Noah Walker for being the most entertaining and dedicated mechanical head who will never stop working in and outside the lab.

To Ivan Chen, I will you more recognition for your interesting and comedic stories. You are the smartest programmer, mathematician, and physicist I have been glad to work with throughout my time at FRC programming subteam. I think your interesting personality has great potential and I wish you were more open outside the lab. I won’t forget all the time we’ve spent debugging the robot because talking with you made it a lot more fun. I will you great friends in college who can celebrate your company and accomplishments!!

To Aldo Magaña, I will you an eternal supply of every kind of tea imaginable. Thank you for being consistently real throughout the years. Unfortunately we didn’t talk as much as I wished but every conversation we had was memorable, very profound and passionate — I will never forget that one time we stayed up talking about history and IMSA experiences until 2 in the morning. I will always admire your dedication to both sciences and humanities, from your SIR project to nightly CompuSci grinds. Can’t wait to see what you will be doing in ten years!!!

And to the entirety of 03, I will you success in your social life beyond IMSA for being the most welcoming hall for my past two years here!!! I will never forget how close we all were during Clash weeks doing movie and riddle, and especially the celebration of our first place in drill during Downtown 03. Thanks to Winston, Daniel, and Ryan Mojzis for being the best ever movie crew! Thank you Brandon for being my favorite LEAD facilitator. Thank you to the rest of C-wing seniors (George, David, Joey, Tate, Marcus, and Mike) who made my Junior year a lot more interesting. And of course thank you to all the graduating A-wingers from my sophom*ore year, thank you for introducing me to IMSA the best way imaginable!

Greenley Ziemer

To Dani Cano, I will you a strand of your mom’s hair whenever you have something spicy. I remember the first encounter we had of late night Roblox. Dani, thank you so much for being an amazing big sib to me last year. Thank you for putting up with my shenanigans. I’m gonna miss you so please keep in touch with me. I hope you have an amazing time at college and good luck.

To Will Hellrung, I will you as much food from Lexington as you can fit in your pockets. Thank you for including me in two of the senior wills you wrote. It was nice working with you on the RSL team until you left. I hope you have an amazing time in college and any future drama club plays you do. Make sure to not overwork yourself. – “Green”

To Jojo Germo, I will you good grades in any chem/bio classes you take in college. Thank you for helping me with biochem, and good luck with your endeavors in college.

To the 07 C wing upquad (Dominika, Karla, Myra, and Abby), I will you plenty of sleep after those late nights y’all had in the wing commons. Dominika thank you for attempting to help Karla and I with MI4. Karla thank you for doing my hair for HOCOand Prom. Abby and Myra, I didn’t have many chats with either of you, but you both have really nice style.

To the 07 RSL upperclassmen (Aleks, Byrd, Jaz, and Maitreyi), I will you good communication and good experiences for any leadership positions you have. Thank you for all the work you’ve done this year, I have had a nice time working with all of you on the RSL team. I hope you all will enjoy the 07 palooza as we have all worked very hard on the party. Safe travels to wherever you decide to go for college.

Haley Shah

To Sukanya, I will you a lab partner almost as great as me. I hope you have a great time at UIC and many safe drives to UChicago ;) Thank you for listening to my midnight rants and putting up with the late-night study sessions because of our procrastination. I hope you find someone to eat and yap with. I am so grateful I met you at the regional picnic, and immediately connected with your helpful and energetic personality. You work so hard and I can’t wait to see where you end up! Be ready for my random texts to make sure you stay alive and to save me next year! P.S. I am proudly a Shah NOT a Patel.

To Sabriya, I will you an upperclassman to jumpscare everytime they walk out the door. Sorry not sorry for knocking on your door relentlessly and scaring you witless on random days. I hope you spend more time studying for math in college compared to IMSA! Please don’t ditch studying for classes and keep in touch! I know you are going to be a master debater and talk your way to reach all your goals. Can’t wait to see you visiting as an alum!

To upquad (Einsey, Danica, Sufiya, and Nashra) I will you an amazing time in college and to continue to hangout for yummy lunch dates. I will miss hearing you screaming and jumping upstairs next year! Einsey, I’m glad we studied for math together in the study room at night for last minute cram sessions. You are also a fantastic dancer, so keep being energetic! Dani, I still remember meeting you first as my student leader for orientation sophom*ore year. You were a great TALENT co-prez and role-model. I can’t believe I won’t be able to wave to you all in the hallways, but I know you will all do amazing things! Please come back to visit next year; B-wing will be empty and quiet without you. I wish you amazing success in the future!

To Blessita, I will you the motivation to start and keep the aesthetic study era going. I hope you stop SSS’ing and finally get enough food to eat to stop stealing the spicy chips. Please don’t drop any classes next year, but I know you will show up to the library with your coffee to grind (at least for the first week). Thanks for all your entertaining antics in creative writing and watching cooking shows during workshop. I will miss your daily night trips to the quad and having to kick you out for yapping too much. Keep smiling and don’t lose your spontaneous energy! Good luck being a CS girly, I know you will do great!

To Ryan, I will you peace from IMSA math stress. I hope you have so much fun being a tree and don’t have to work as hard to keep up those grades. I will miss laughing with you over math worksheets and hope you find another awesome math study group (almost as great as ours). I wish you the best of luck, and I know you are going to do fantastic at Stanford!

To Faizaan, I will you a successful faizaan.shakes instagram account. I hope you continue dancing after being freed from carrying so many IMSA clubs. You were a great TALENT co-prez and I hope you are able to keep grinding. Waving at you in the hallways was always a highlight of my day. Good luck with everything, I know you are going to do fantastic in all your future endeavors!

To Shivani, I will you someone to stop and gossip with in the hallways. I always love seeing and waving to you, your bright smile and personality always makes my day. I hope you have a blast away from IMSA and I know you will do well in whatever you wish to do!

Hamsika Thumu

To Laasya Nagumalli, I will you bunnies. For all of the times that you have asked if I like bunnies, which I in fact do, I hope you carry that energy into college. You are so kind and funny, and your relationship with the teachers is actually kind of crazy to me, I was roaming the hallway and I hear you say “Do you want to see this really cool caterpillar that I just saw!”

To Dashiell Leigh, I will you the will to party. You are such a fun and lovely person and I thoroughly enjoyed being able to get to know you as a spectrum senior this year! You bright rainbow colors radiate and I have been grateful of your incredibly wisdom and positivity.

To Sabriya and Sukanya, I will you winning all of the arguments that come your way. Having the two of you being the most amazing debate seniors really made my debate experience more special and I’m forever grateful for the memories we made at state and on the bus coming back from tournaments and glenbrooks.

To Eve Cunneen, I will you creativity. Lord knows you already have enough of it, but I hope you get to be able to express it at college while you are doing something cool with space. I had so much fun working on movie and propics during clash and I will forever cherish the memories and things I’ve learned.

Shivani Chirumamilla, I will you a Trader Joe’s. I don’t know if there will be Trader Joe’s, so I hope you can continue to get your deliciously smelling kimbap. I enjoyed gossiping in your room in the start of the year, it’ll be a core memory that I will always remember.

Haoran Shi

To Jerrick Li, I will you a spray tan and 5 plates of biryani (its bulking season). I genuinely don’t know where to start. You’ve had a huge influence on my life, whether it being you leadership, kindness, or sometimes goofiness. I’m currently writing this half awake (I missed the deadline), but know that I wouldn’t be the person I am without you. I think with the skills you have, you are able to do anything, and I’m glad to have also learned some of that from you. I promise the bulk is coming.

To Srihari, I will you a revenge win against Real Madrid (we were robbed). To be honest, I thought no one here watched the Premier League until I saw a Man City flag in the background on a call with Jerrick. I remember being tooo intimidated to ask you which team you supported, but a lot has changed since then. You are one of the most passionate and hardworking people I know, and I’ve enjoyed all the shenanigans we pulled off (especially pirating City games during spanish). Good luck in college and the life beyond, and make sure to hit me up when we win the treble again.

To Raphael Talusan aka my pinoy boy, I will you another game of escape the toilet obby, a better laptop hinge, and a minimax function that actually works. Sitting through that intersession was one of the most boring things I’ve done, but luckily you were there to make it at least bearable. It’s honestly been so long that I don’t even know when I started talking to you, but I know that it was a good choice. Thanks for convincing me to download Roblox (I had a phase) and being a great ASIA co-pres. Keep on doing what you do, and most importantly, have fun.

To Adi P, I will you someone with a voice as beautiful as yours. You’re one of the most talented people I know, and being in Orgo with you honestly got me through that class (thanks for all the post-lab questions). Thanks for helping me with you senior wisdom. Go spread your kindness and serenade everyone wherever you go, whoever it may be.

To Rithik aka Theksy, I will you unlimited amounts of those cashmere long-sleeve shirts that you wear. It’s kinda sad I don’t see you, or 05 people in general, that often anymore, but you’ve always been a great friend and kept it real for me. From maths to singing, you are actually just cracked at everything, and I know you’ll excel in whatever you do.

To Arjun, I will you another Dhinka Chika and the ability to hop of the bulk (seriously, you’re running lexington out of business). All jokes aside, you’re one of the hardest workers I know of, which is paradoxical because I always see you goofing off. It’s kinda sad that we never had any classes together, but whenever I see you in the hallways or at IRC, you always manage to brighten my day. Good luck at Northwestern (help me write my app next year please) and remember: keep your bulking low and RPS high (it’s lost).

To Divya, I will you a hopefully not-so-last minute prom video and an uncrashable drone. Your record here at IMSA is like 2, so try to keep that down in the future. Your bhakwas this year and last year has always kept me entertained, and you are genuinely one of the best video editors I know (if you could spend more than 5 minutes on a video). I wish you the best of luck at GPPA (get that MD) and whatever future you might have.
To Joey, I will you a canon EOS5D so you never have to use Nikons again. Your energy is infectious and always cheers me up, and your photography always EATS. I’m gonna miss your presence at IMSA (it is so lost next year). Good luck at UMich (jk) and mahal kita!

To Anirudh, I will you the ability to not scare away everyone at first site. Like, chill bro. I remember being intimidated by you the first time I saw you, but after getting to know you for a bit I realized how hardworking of a person you are. From seeing you everyday in Old Caf at 7 AM to one of the tables in the IRC, you always seem to be locking in. So I guess in that vein, I will you the ability to relax a bit. Thanks for helping me with all my applications, and don’t go too crazy in college…

To Aadi Desai, I will you the ability to stop scamming poor chinese children in sweatshops just so you can get discounted roman numeral rings. I honestly didn’t know someone could wear this much fake jewelry, but hey, I respect a good deal when I see one. Keep on adding to your Jay Chou playlist (hmu for some recs) and please, for the love of god, no more Temu. Signing out, Shanghai vich munda rehnda.

To Avi Dugg, I will you a lifetime supply of strokes tickets and all the food I ate from your room. Boy oh boy, where do I even begin… Avi, my debate goat, biochem savior, thanks for everything man. Whether it is rushing out of 4th mod early, not locking in for MVC (12.5/24), 5 Rio de Janeiro filters on brainrot memes from the congress instagram, or that dew incident, I don’t think there has ever been a bad moment with you. Keep on explaining niche economic stuff that nobody gets and jamming out to the strokes in college!

To Charles, I will you a reality where the Lions can win the superbowl and a Zimbabwe dollar. I know you probably have a diglit reading or blog post to do when you’re reading this, but hey who needs to know what digients are right? Anyway, you’re one of the funniest people I know, even if that may entail gooning from time to time. Make sure to keep on rocking those drums at Rutgers, and tone back on the gooning.

To Kohl aka [redacted], I will you a 12 pack of Baja Blast and a John Hopkins cap. From the first time talking to you during Orgo last semester (I knew you were gonna carry my through that class), I didn’t know how much we had in common. However, after watching Superbad and 22nd Jump Street, making nicknames that shouldn’t have ever been made (I need to stop saying some of them), laughing at a cardboard cutout of Sheldon, stealing your dew, you stealing my dew, and figuring out that you actually have impeccable music taste, you’ve become one of the coolest seniors I know. Keep on dewing what you dew, and respect the Johns (I’ll join you one day, trust).

To Tate, I will you Fortnite Battle Pass. All I gotta say is, you are an icon. From being good at maths to volleyball to dancing, you’re talent and positive energy just radiates wherever you go. Thanks for treading through Spanish 8th mod with me last semester (even though you ditched me…), and espero que you never have another CYODOM to do in your lifetime.

To Ashwin, I will you just a little bit of height. Actually, probably more than a little. You’re one of the most witty and sharp minded people I know, and your ability to write so eloquently amazes me and my subpar grasp on the English language. I would say good luck in your future, but knowing you, you don’t need it. However, you do need to sleep a little bit more. After all, I heard it helps you grow taller :)

To Zuyu, I will you a 1st place win in a debate chamber and unlimited Uniqlo gift cards (bros whole wardrobe is from that one shop). I first remember you from cooking everyone in middle school quizbowl, and from then on you’ve been a great friend. Thank you for influencing me to come to IMSA, and always be there to talk about niche chinese culture and songs that no one else gets. So for the following two contentions that one, roses are red, and two, violets are blue, I wish you a happy and prosperous future, Zuyu Liu.

Himani Musku

To Ryan Li, I will you your own Stanford role model. You have been a huge inspiration and role model for me this past year. As you will be a freshman next year, I hope that you find someone you can look upto as well. You are one of the funniest and sweetest people at IMSA. You bring the light into whatever room you walk into and it is always so easy (and very fun) to talk to you. I am extremely proud of all of the work that you put in to get into your dream schools! I will miss talking with you in calc-based or during off mods in the IRC next year. Regardless, I truly cannot wait to see the wonders that you will do at Stanford and in the future. Just don’t forget me when you become a billionaire :)) — I will get you the signed picture you’ve been wanting in return.

To my MVC table (Nitya, Cara, Tia, and Tate), I will you all stress-free math classes in the future. I loved getting to know all of you guys this year. You always gave me good advice for my classes, teachers, and for college applications that I will always appreciate. I will miss seeing you next year, but good luck at college (although I’m sure none of you will need it!).

To my ultimate microcontrollers group (Tate and Lisa), I will you your own personal Automated Axolotl. You guys are truly incredible and I always love seeing what new ideas you have to bring for our project every class. Both of you make this class extremely fun and enjoyable. I wish you the best for college!

To Sukanya Ghosh, I will you a music band in college! You are truly a talented musician and I hope you will continue playing at college. You are also extremely sweet, and I always enjoy talking to you in Spanish or 06. I know wherever you go, you will succeed. Keep in touch!

Ibrahim Bah

To Rohan Patkar, I will you my caution in hopes you use it everyday. I have been blessed to know you for two years and I got to play with you for your last season. You sparked my passion for volleyball and everyday, when I remember I get to play volleyball with you, my day gets better. Whether I am keeping a ball in play or I’m telling a teacher I will miss class due to volleyball, I use caution. When you use caution, you are not only one of the best players of all time, but you are also one of the greatest people I’ve ever met. Stay bouncy Ace!

To Brandon Rogers, I will you sunglasses so you can see how bright your future is. One of my first experiences as an honorary C winger was when you were going to cook lobster for the iron chef competition. You have always been ambitious when it comes to everything you do from SBSSE to cooking to your work with astronomy.

To Sree Atyam — my little big bro — I will you a sink without rice in it. You were one of the first people I met on campus and I have had the pleasure of living with you. Despite being kicked off of the RSL program you have acted like a student leader and a good example everyday. You have worked very hard the entire time you have been at this school and still made time to build relationships with the people in your wing. Whether you are writing code or playing cricket, remember that just like a meal starts with one grain of rice, the outcome of everything you do starts from the work you put in.

To Raph, I will you a comfy pillow so you can keep sleeping. Despite being a little lazy that hasn’t stopped you from impacting the people around you. I will never forget when you said “isn’t this fun” at CLASH Drill practice. You remind me to never stop having fun and to keep doing the things I love.

To Ashwin, I will you the money to get your own spikeball net. I really got to know you during Intersession and I found out you were actually really cool. Of all the senior RSLs you are the one who stuck around the longest. Your work for the 1505 community has not gone unnoticed and you are one of the people who keeps clash special. Wash U won’t be ready for you once you become 5’9.

To Winston Mattson and Eve Cunneen, I will you two an amazing summer vacation and a nice long break. For over a year, people have come to you for event coverage before, during, and after any event. I know not everything runs smoothly but you guys make it feel that way. I can’t wait for you two to have empty messengers when someone isn’t calling you for a last second camera. You two have set the perfect example for how to deal with everyone relying on you and what it looks like to be the backbone of IMSA, and you are some of the most caring people I have met on this whole campus. I can not thank you enough for everything you have done.

To Faizaan Shaikh, I will you the time to do everything you put your mind to. You’re one of my biggest inspirations at IMSA because you are proof that if I put my mind to it I can do everything and anything. I’m going to miss the way to shake at Jalsa with Einsey and I’m very disappointed I didn’t get to play soccer with you for a year but it’s fine because I still got to be an RSL with you and make the 1505 community what it is. Also, what you did with MSA this year was amazing from the banquet to the UIC iftar — I could not be more proud to know the one who shakes.

To Michael Zyskowski, I will you ten more inches so you can tower over everyone. You are one of the most chill people in a hall filled with chaos. You always manage to get the difficult jobs done, from potlucks to hall decs — you were always there. Let it be known that your hard work is always appreciated, even if it goes unnoticed.

To Jerrick Li, I will you a tasty iftar every night of ramadan. There will be nights where all you eat is a date and water and you have to do mountains of work but I know you can overcome any mountain. Whether it’s a good or bad day you have always been a caring, thoughtful and hardworking person that I am proud to know. I will keep you in my prayers and no matter where you go I know you will do great.

To the ISP seniors (Eve, Winston, Amanda, Malcolm, Shawn, Ryan, Joey, Byrd, Sabriya, and Sukanya) I will you the resources to stay creative. Whether it’s Malcolm’s extravagant outfits or Joey’s amazing pictures to Shawn’s sense of humor, you all brought something to the club that keeps IMSA running. I could not thank you enough for your time commitment to the club (even you Divya).

To Arjun Cherukuri, I will you an endless amount of food so you will stop being hungry during practice. When I saw a picture of you from sophom*ore year for the first time my jaw was on the floor. To get to where you are now must’ve taken immeasurable work and an unbreakable resolve. You use your strength not only to better yourself everyday but also to help those around you. I want to live up to the person you believe I can be and eventually be as big as you. Thank you for all the times you stood next to me and Jerrick as we prayed. Whenever I’m around you I feel safe and I would like to make others feel that way when they are around me.

To Raven McKelvin, Aishat Balogun and Mira Clemmons, I will you a megaphone so everyone can hear you. When you leave, IMSA will not be the same whether it’s Mira’s amazing singing, Raven’s contagious positivity, or Aishat’s energy. Honestly when I was coming to IMSA I was worried about the small black community but you guys showed me that something small can still be mighty. Wherever you guys end up I hope you keep making positive impacts on the community just by your presence.

To Modern dancers, I will you new shoes to crease. Last year I didn’t understand why people were so mad about the shared culture shows but you made me understand. What we have at IMSA is special and you are all a reason why, you put it hard work to choreo some of the best dances I have ever seen and it shows. Whether it’s Donovan’s part in lunar or Manya cooking on lights in asante, it’s always a treat to watch.

To the 1505 seniors, I will you common sense. Whether you just moved to 05 like Zuyu or you’ve been in the same wing for 3 years like Sree, you make this community. Thank you to the amazing CLASH choreos for making such fun dances, thank you to brown.mundes for being such a joy to be around and putting me on naf naf, and thank you everyone for making being at IMSA worth it. D-wing seniors, when you aren’t messing up the wing you are all really cool even if I don’t understand the method to your madness cough raghav *cough*.

2024 Underclassmen Wills Pt.1 – The Acronym (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

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Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.